Civil Engineering Student Handbook Civil Engineering Program SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY NORMAL, AL FALL 2012 1 Civil Engineering Student Handbook CONTENTS Code of Ethics of Engineers ......................................................................................................3 Civil Engineering Program Overview .................................................................................4 – 6 Civil Engineering Courses and Credit Hours Requirements .....................................................7 Academic Advising....................................................................................................................8 General Policies and Procedures................................................................................................9 Academic Services...................................................................................................................10 Faculty/Advisor and Staff List.................................................................................................11 Student Scholastic Record (SSR).....................................................................................12 – 13 Structure of Civil Engineering Curriculum Flowchart ............................................................14 2 Civil Engineering Student Handbook CODE OF ETHICS OF ENGINEERS Adopted from Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. The Fundamental Principles Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the engineering profession by the following: • Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare • Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers, and clients • Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession • Supporting the professional technical societies of their disciplines The Fundamental Canons 1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties. 2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence. 3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. 4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest. 5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. 6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity and dignity of the profession. 7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision. 3 Civil Engineering Student Handbook (EXCERPTS FROM 2011 -2012 UNDERGRADUATE BULLETIN) CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM Room 305 AJBH Phone: 256-372-5565 Introduction Civil Engineering is the oldest traditional engineering profession. Civil engineers play an essential role in helping humanity realize basic needs for shelter, mobility and productivity. Specifically, civil engineers design and construct public buildings, bridges, highways, water distribution systems, subways, dams, tunnels and almost every structure that needs to be designed for strength and durability. As civil engineers enhance our standard of living, they command the respect and appreciation of the community. Civil Engineers contribute to the improvement of human environment and help make our activities productive, safe, and enjoyable. Civil Engineering is a very broad field; and it draws from the basic sciences of mathematics, chemistry, and physics. The scope and complexity of civil engineering, as measured by the degree of involvement and interaction with other disciplines and professions, continues to grow with that of the nation's economy and population. This field has always contributed to, and benefited from the advancement of science and technology. The Department offers a major leading to the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and provides basic courses in all of the following areas: • • • • Structural Analysis and Design Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Transportation Engineering The first two years of studies are primarily concentrated on the scientific and mathematical principles that form the basis of engineering practice. The last two years focus on the applications of these principles to engineering design and practice. Computer applications are integrated throughout the curriculum. Mission Statement/Objectives The Department is committed to preparing its students for immediate entry into the engineering profession as well as into graduate programs of study. The Department is also committed to research in order to place its faculty and students at the forefront of development in the profession of civil engineering. This brings the latest advances into the classroom positioning students to lead the profession into the twenty-first century. The Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The program offers opportunities to students who previously had limited access to education and trains these students to contribute to the civil engineering profession. It thereby reflects the University’s scope and mission. The Program Educational Objectives of the Civil Engineering program (modified in October 2011) are to produce graduates who, after the first few years of their graduation, have: • Successfully practiced civil engineering in industry and/or government • Continued to pursue lifelong learning through professional development or completion of advanced studies (graduate degree, short courses etc.) • Recognized the need for scholarship, leadership, and services to society. Programs Offered Bachelor of Science Degrees MAJOR CONCENTRATION Civil Engineering 4 OPTION Civil Engineering Student Handbook Financial Assistance/Scholarships Financial assistance is available through the Office of Student Financial Aid in three major types of aid: Federal Aid, State Aid and Institutional Aid. The School of Engineering and Technology has offered the following scholarships to eligible engineering students in the recent past and anticipates continuation of the same in the future: • • • • • The Boeing Scholarship The American Society of Civil Engineers, Alabama Section. Awarded to a senior in Civil Engineering/AAMU The Birmingham Construction Industry Authority Scholarship. Awarded to an eligible Engineering major interested in construction Alabama Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Undergraduate/graduate research assistantships through various grants and research contracts Additional scholarships are available to Civil Engineering majors only, through an annual grant funded by the Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors. In addition, a variety of scholarships are offered through national competitions by organizations such as the American Institute of Steel Construction, American Concrete Institute, National Society of Professional Engineers, and American Society of Civil Engineers, etc. Announcements are posted on the department bulletin board as they are available. Cooperative Education/Internships All Civil Engineering majors are encouraged to obtain professional work experience prior to graduation through Cooperative Education programs administered by the Career Development Services. In the past Civil Engineering students have participated in Cooperative Education assignments at such locations as the US Corp of Engineers, Huntsville and Mobile, AL; Alabama Department of Transportation, Huntsville, Gadsden and Montgomery, AL; US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO; and many other Government and private organizations. Interested students should contact the Chairperson of Department of Civil Engineering and the Director of Cooperative Education. Student/Professional Organizations All civil engineering majors are strongly encouraged to join the Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This professional organization is concerned about the professional, social, and financial security of its members throughout their lives. The ASCE Student Chapter is the most important and active student organization in the Department. The Chapter members participate in the local branch meetings and other activities, such as Habitat for Humanity projects and tutoring underclassmen. The Chapter also attends the yearly Southeastern Regional ASCE Student Conference and competes with other civil engineering students around the region. Special Programs/Awards/Recognitions The Huntsville Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recognizes A&M Student Civil Engineer of the year at the annual Engineers Week Banquet. Only active members of the A&M ASCE Student Chapter are considered for nomination by the Civil Engineering Department. The ASCE Alabama Section awards a scholarship to a senior in Civil Engineering/AAMU. Admission Policy Students must meet all admission requirements established by the University and the School of Engineering and Technology and must satisfy the following requirements: • Adequate mathematics and sciences background, such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, and chemistry, preferably in high school • Meet requirements to exit University College • Complete EGC 101, Engineering Drawing and Graphics; MTH 125, Calculus I; PHY 105, General Physics I; and CHE 101/101L, General Chemistry I/Lab. Department Graduation Requirements Entering Civil Engineering majors are required to report to the department office and interview with the department chairperson as soon as possible. Each student admitted to the Department of Civil Engineering is assigned an advisor for the duration of the program. The advisor will advise the student with proper course sequencing, course planning, and other academic matters. Each student should have an active file in the department office, which includes the student's enrollment information and a copy of his or her Student Scholastic Record (SSR) Form. The SSR should be updated each semester either during the period of academic advisement or pre-registration by the advisor. The advisor works with the students to keep track of their progress toward the degree. Prerequisites are 5 Civil Engineering Student Handbook required for approval of any advanced courses. Students are advised to earn a grade of C or better in all prerequisites before proceeding to any advanced courses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Complete the University General Education Curriculum requirements. Complete the Department and Major Curriculum requirements. Complete the minimum number of semester credit hours required for graduation. Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above for all courses attempted at AAMU. Complete each course in major attempted at AAMU with a grade of “C” or better. Complete each EGC course attempted at AAMU with a grade of “C” or better. Take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination prior to graduation. Civil Engineering Student Handbook 6 Civil Engineering Student Handbook 7 Civil Engineering Student Handbook ACADEMIC ADVISING University College Advisor Students who have not declared majors and/or who must take development courses are assigned to University College (UC) advisors until they are ready to exit UC. The UC serves as the following: • • • • Portal of entry for all freshmen and transfer students Coordinates the general studies curriculum for undergraduate degree programs in collaboration with the undergraduate schools Provides academic and support services to help students succeed in their educational pursuits Certifies lower-division students' completion of requirements for entrance into their major program Co-Advisor in Civil Engineering The main purpose of the co-advisor is to assist CE majors and help overcome any problems they may encounter while still in the University College. This is to ensure the smooth transition of students when they exit from the UC and enter the civil engineering program. Major Advisor Students entering as Civil Engineering majors are required to report to the Program Office and interview with the Program Coordinator as soon as possible. Each student admitted to the Civil Engineering Program is assigned an advisor for the duration of the program. The advisor will help the student with proper course sequencing, course planning, and other academic matters. Student Scholastic Record (SSR) The Program office maintains an active file, which includes student enrollment information and a copy of the Student Scholastic Record (SSR) Form (see page 13). The advisor updates the SSR form each semester either during the period of academic advisement or pre-registration. The advisor also works with the student to keep track of his/her progress towards obtaining the degree. By using the SSR form, the advisor monitors the student’s progress and enforces course work pre-requisite requirements. Pre-Requisite Requirements Students are required to take the pre-requisite courses before approval to take the next course can be given. The prerequisite requirements of each course can be found in the Course Descriptions of the University Bulletin. For proper sequencing students are advised to use the summary of curriculum structure under Attachment 2 in this Handbook. Students must earn a grade of C or better in all prerequisite courses before proceeding to any advanced courses. 8 Civil Engineering Student Handbook GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Class Attendance Each student is expected to attend all class lectures. Any student who misses more than three hours of lecture during a semester may be asked to withdraw from the course by the instructor. Generally, engineering courses are terse and contain much material which the student is expected to understand. Without the assistance of the lecture and the instructor, it is nearly impossible for students to acquire the same amount of understanding about a subject. Courses and Course Work All students must acquire the textbooks for each engineering course they take. The textbook is the basic tool for getting through the course and being successful after graduation. It is recommended that students keep their textbooks after the course is over. Most courses are prerequisites to other courses, and materials, tables, and diagrams are generally needed in a later course. Students are responsible for taking and maintaining notes from course lectures and laboratory sessions, as well as, any paperwork (homework, tests, etc.) generated as a result of the course. It is advised that such paperwork be kept and maintained by the student for future review/study purposes, or in the event of a conflict over grades or course evaluation. Honesty and Ethics Each student must submit his/her own work for evaluation. While the Program encourages students to study together, it is expected that each will turn in their own work for evaluation unless specified by the instructor. Students who fail to meet this guideline may be expelled from the program. It is expected that students will follow the guideline given by the instructor on tests and other evaluation tools. If a student is caught cheating on a test, he/she may be given a score of zero by the instructor. A second incident may result in suspension from the program. Resolving Conflicts Conflicts between a student and the instructor are expected to be resolved during office hours with the instructor. If the student and the instructor cannot resolve the conflict, the matter should be brought to the attention of the Chairperson who will call a meeting between the student and the instructor. If the matter remains unresolved, the student may be referred to the Dean's Office for a resolution. Adding/Dropping Courses and Withdrawing from the University A student wishing to add/drop a course must see their advisor to obtain an Add/Drop form. Consent of the advisor is required to add or drop a course. When dropping a course(s), the student must also obtain approval from the instructor of that course. Reading the Bulletin Board and Program Web Site The Bulletin Board and Program Web site are the primary means of notifying students of events and opportunities. Each student is expected to survey the material on the board and the web site on a daily basis. In some situations, the advisors and instructors may also use E-mail to advise students of events and opportunities. 9 Civil Engineering Student Handbook Records Check and Application for Graduation University policy requires that students get their records checked and file an application for graduation with an advisor within a designated time-period prior to graduation. The advisor verifies that all program requirements have been met through review of the student’s records. It is the student's responsibility to obtain the specified signatures on the application and submit it to the Academic Advisor of the College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences. Students who transfer to the program are responsible for acquiring all transcripts from institutions previously attended. Failure to do this may result in a delay of graduation. Surveys It is very important to assess the needs and condition of the Program. The faculty and staff of the Program are very interested in the opinion of our students. All students are strongly encouraged to participate in periodical surveys for evaluating the quality of instruction and laboratories. ACADEMIC SERVICES The Program provides a number of services to assist students to get through the undergraduate program. It is important that students know about these services so they can get the maximum benefit from them. Libraries and Supplemental Materials The Program works with the staff of the University's main library to keep the collection up-to-date. Students will find books in the open shelves on many subjects taught. The Program also requests reference books for our students. These books are on reserve and can be found at the main desk of the J. F. Drake Memorial Learning Resources Center. We recommend that students survey this list regularly. The Collegeof Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences also maintains a small library located in AJBH 117. A number of videotapes on subjects taught in the civil engineering curriculum are maintained in the Program. Students interested in viewing this material should consult with the concerned instructors. Videotape equipment can be obtained from the instructor or the Program Coordinator. Also, the Program maintains a website ( to provide information to its constituents. Students will find useful links to external websites to obtain supplemental materials on the Internet. Laboratories The Program continues to develop and refine laboratories and experiment for our students. We strongly encourage students to make use of these facilities. If a student fails to complete a laboratory experiment, he/she will need to either attend another section of the lab or request the instructor for an opportunity to make it up. Like assignments, laboratory reports are due at the beginning of the class period. Students should arrive on time and turn in their assignment as they enter the facility. Student Employment Student employment in the Program depends on the availability of funds. Students wishing to work in the Program should contact all instructors well in advance. Students desiring summer jobs and co-op positions should consult the Office of Career Development, their advisors, and the Department Coordinator. Most of the time, these individuals can inform students of available opportunities. All civil engineering majors are advised to register with the Career Development Office at the beginning of their sophomore year. 10 Civil Engineering Student Handbook Civil Engineering Student Handbook FACULTY/ADVISOR AND STAFF LIST COORDINATOR Pabitra K. Saha, Ph.D., PE Room AJBH 305 (256) 372-4145 MAJOR ADVISOR Dr. Anil Acharya, Ph.D Room AJBH 330 (256) 372-4147 Assistant Professor (Hydraulics, Water Resources) MAJOR ADVISOR Nesar U. Ahmed, Ph.D., PE Room AJBH 329 (256) 372-4149 Professor (Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering) MAJOR ADVISOR Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ph.D. Room AJBH 328 (256) 372-4148 Associate Professor (Transportation Engineering) MAJOR ADVISOR Dr. Mahbub Hasan Room 332 (256) 372-8032 Assistant Professor (Surveying) MAJOR ADVISOR Goang S. Liaw, Ph.D. Room AJBH 326 (256) 372-5566 Professor (Environmental Engineering, Water Resources) SECRETARY Lisa Balay Room AJBH 304 (256) 372-5577 11 Professor (Structural Engineering, Foundation Design) Civil Engineering Student Handbook ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY’S 2012 – 2013 STUDENT SCHOLASTIC RECORD CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (Revised Fall 2012) Name Student: _________________________________ Date of Entry: _____________________________ I. D. Number: __________________________________ Advisor Name: ____________________________ Semester Freshman I Course Number & Title ORI 101 Survival Skills ENG 101 Composition I CHE 101 General Chemistry I CHE 101L General Chemistry I Lab Health Science/PE/MSC Elective EGC 101 Eng. Drawing & Graphics CE 101 Intro. to Civil Engineering MTH 125 Calculus I Freshman II ENG 102 Composition II MTH 126 Calculus II Category (Credit Hours)Term Math & Engineering General Other Basic Topics (X) if Education Sciences Contains Design 1 3 3 1 2 3 1 4 3 4 3 EGC 104 Computer Programming CHE 102 General Chemistry II CHE 102L General Chemistry II Lab PHY 105 Physics I Sophomore I 3 1 4 3 3 History Sequence I MTH 227 Calculus III PHY 106 Physics II 4 4 3 3 EGC 205 Statics CE 201 Surveying Sophomore II 3 3 History Sequence II MTH 238 Applied Diff. Equations 3 3 1 3 3 1 EE 201 Linear Circuit Analysis I EE 201L Linear Circuit Analysis I Lab EGC 206 Dynamics EGC 207 Strength of Materials EGC 207L Strength of Materials Junior I 3 3 ENG 205 General Speech ECO 231/232 EGC 204 Engineering Analysis 3 3 1 3 EGC 305 Fluid Mechanics EGC 305L Fluid Mechanics Lab CE 306 Structural Analysis 12 Term Grade Civil Engineering Student Handbook Semester Junior II Senior I Senior II CE Elective Course Number & Title CE 304 Environmental Engineering CE 305 Hydrogeology CE 308 Soil Mechanics CE 308L Soil Mechanics Lab CE 310 Transportation Systems CE 401 Structural Steel Design Category (Credit Hours)Term Math & Engineering General Other Basic Topics (X) if Education Sciences Contains Design 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 ENG 201 or 202 or 203or 204 CE 402 Reinforced Concrete Design CE 408 Foundation Design CE 410 Transportation Eng. & Des. CE 424 Civil Engineering Practice 3 3 3 3 (X) (X) (X) (X) 3 Art 101 or 220 or 221 or MUS 101 CE 404 Hydraulic Eng. & Design CE 470 Civil Eng. Design Project CE Elective-CE 4xx NRE 494 or 495 CE409 Public Health Engineering CE 411 Urban Transportation Planning CE 412 Pavement Systems CE 413 Construction Management 3 3 3 (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) 3 3 3 CE 414 Design of Timber Structures CE 415 Transp Mat’l Charact & Design CE 450 Hydraulics of Open Channel CE 455 Wastewater Treatment CE 460 CAD in Civil Engineering TOTAL ABET BASIC LEVEL REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL FOR DEGREE PERCENT OF TOTAL ABET Minimum semester credit hours Required Minimum percentage (X) (X) (X) 3 (X) 3 3 3 37 (X) (X) (X) 59 24 9 45.74% 18.60% 6.98% 129 28.68% 32 25% 13 48 37.50% Term Grade Structure of Civil Engineering Curriculum Fall 2011) Civil Engineering Student (Revised Handbook 14 Civil Engineering Student Handbook 15