Lab 7 – R Review and Debugging Date: October 4, 2011 Assignment Due Date: October 18, 2011 Goal: In this lab you will review the commands that we have used and learned up to now. You will be creating a command cheat sheet that will help you in further coding. You will use previous labs or the help menu to describe what each command does and write code to use it. You will also explore the concept of debugging code by identifying errors in faulty code. Finally, you will plot polynomials Review of R commands Below is a list of the R commands that we have used in the lab up to this point. Today during the lab, you will be filling out the table below to create a cheat sheet of commands. You can use the previous labs or the help command(?) in order to help you. First describe what the command does. Be specific and do not just type what the help menu gives you. Demonstrate that you understand. Next, describe what arguments this function needs to run. Finally, write an example line of code to illustrate how to use this command and what output your example code gives. Be sure to test each line of code in R!!! I have done the first two commands for you as an example. SAVE THIS TABLE TO TURN IN and to use for reference. Command(s) What does it do? Arguments? Example Code Output of code combines Elements to > X = c(1,3,5,7,9) >X arguments into a combine into a [1] 1 3 5 7 9 c() vector vector dev.copy() exp() for() Saves current figure to a jpeg in the current directory. (jpeg,”name.jpg”) No arguments for >dev.copy(jpeg,”test.jpg”) Current figure > saved as “test.jpg” in current directory function() getwd() lines() log() par() plot() points() print() rep() seq() title() Debugging Code Imagine you are trying to plot the cubic function, f(x)=x^3+7 from -10 to 10. Below I have written code to attempt to do this but each code below is incorrect in some way. Identify the errors and explain how to fix them. Before each section of code I will specify how many errors there are in the code. 2 ERRORS # Code to plot the specified function f(x) = x^3 + 7 from -10 to 10 f = x^3 + 7 plot(x,f(x)) 2 ERRORS # Code to plot the specified function f(x) = x^3 + 7 from -10 to 10 f =function(x){ x^3 + 7} plot(x,f) 1 ERROR # Code to plot the specified function f(x) = x^3 + 7 from -10 to 10 x = -10:10 f = x^3 + 7 plot((f,x) 1 ERROR # Code to plot the specified function f(x) = x^3 + 7 from -10 to 10 f = function(w){w^3 + 7} x=seq(from=-10,to=10,by=.1) plot(x,F(x)) 1 ERROR # Code to plot the specified function f(x) = x^3 + 7 from -10 to 10 x = -10:10 f =function(x){ x^3 + 7} plot(x,f) Now that you have identified the errors above write two different versions of code to make the desired plot, one defining f as a function in R and one that defines f as a vector in R. Polynomial Series Consider the polynomials given below where Plot the first 6 polynomials in this series on the same figure. Use an input vector that goes from -3 to 3 with step size of .1. Label this plot and save it to include in your report. HINT: you must use par() to get multiple plots of the same figure.