Woody biomass production in different forest types of Alabama by Xavier Ndona-Makusa A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science in the School of Graduate Studies Alabama A&M University Normal, Alabama 35762 November 2009 Submitted by Xavier Ndona-Makusa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE specializing in PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE. Accepted on behalf of the Faculty of the Graduate School by the Thesis committee: Major Advisor Dean of the Graduate School Date ii Copyright © XAVIER NDONA-MAKUSA 2009 iii This thesis is dedicated to my beloved father and mother for giving me values that no one can steal and fire cannot burn. May their souls rest in peace! iv WOODY BIOMASS PRODUCTION IN DIFFERENT FOREST TYPES OF ALABAMA. Ndona-Makusa, Xavier, M.S., Alabama A&M University, 2009. 68 pp. Thesis Advisor: Kozma Naka The quest for renewable sources of energy has opened new opportunities in the forest industry. What was considered non-merchantable trees for traditional use can now be marketed as feedstock for energy production. This study was set to evaluate protocols for producing woody biomass as an added-value production for renewable cleaner energy. Two forest types (hardwood and pine) were considered as treatments with three replications. Different aspects of woody biomass production were evaluated including cost of production, yield per acre, and efficiency to produce electricity. Data were collected from six in-wood chipping operations in four different counties in Alabama. The chipping operations were integrated within traditional logging operations. The specifics of woody biomass production were collecting, loading and chipping logging residues. A significant difference in cost was found between producing hardwood-chips ($9.68/ton) and producing pine-chips ($7.26/ton). The difference is explained by temporal factors in chipping hardwood. However, hardwood forests were equally productive to pine forests in terms of biomass yield per acre per year. KEY WORDS: Biomass, renewable energy, forest operations. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT.......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix LIST ABREVIATIONS...................................................................................................... x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.2. Significance of study................................................................................................ 4 1.3. Objectives of study .................................................................................................. 5 Chapter II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................ 6 Chapter III MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................... 13 3.1. Description study sites ........................................................................................... 13 3.2. Harvesting system .................................................................................................. 16 3.3. Economic analysis ................................................................................................. 17 3.3.1. Equipment productivity ...................................................................................... 18 3.3.2. Cost of harvesting operation ............................................................................... 19 3.3.3. Yield of forest biomass ....................................................................................... 26 3.3.4. Efficiency of wood-based energy. ...................................................................... 26 Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................... 28 4.1. Productivity analysis .............................................................................................. 28 4.2. Cost analysis .......................................................................................................... 29 4.3. Sensitivity analysis................................................................................................. 36 4.4. Biomass transportation........................................................................................... 38 4.5. Forest biomass yield .............................................................................................. 39 4.5. Efficiency of wood energy ..................................................................................... 42 vi Chapter V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ............................................................... 46 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 49 APPENDIX 1 .................................................................................................................... 50 DAILY WOODCHIP PRODUCTION FROM HARDWOOD AND PINE STANDS.... 50 APPENDIX 2 .................................................................................................................... 53 EQUIPMENT USED DURING BIOMASS PRODUCTION OPERATIONS ................ 53 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 54 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1. Page Description of clear-cutting treatments of the different stands used in the study 16 3.2 Annual depreciation of each machine in $US 23 4.1 System equipment productivity 29 4.2 Forest biomass harvesting machine rate 31 4.3 System operating costs 34 4.4 Statistical values of cost/ton in hardwood and pine forest operations 4.5 35 Independent t-test on the cost of operations in hardwood and pine forests 4.6 35 Effect of 10% increase of skidder price on SMH and PMH 36 4.7 Effect of renting skidder on cost per SMH and PMH 38 4.8 Woodchip yield per age and acre 40 4.9 Statistical values of yield of hardwood and pine stands 41 4.10 Independent t-test on the yield of hardwood and pine stands 41 4.11 Electricity generation by species 42 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 3.1 Counties in Alabama indicating the study area 14 4.1 Combustion process 44 4.2 Gasification process 45 ix LIST ABREVIATIONS BTU : British Thermal Unit CH : Chipper DME : Distance Measuring Equipments DOE : US Department Of Energy EEA : European Environmental Agency FB : Feller Buncher FC : Fair compaction IEA : International Energy Agency HC : High compaction HP : Horse Power KWH : Kilowatt Hour LD : Loader MWH : Megawatt Hour NC : No compaction PMH : Production Machine Hour PMM : Production Machine Minute SK : Skidder SMH : Scheduled Machine Hour x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the advisory committee members Dr. James Bukenya, Dr. Luben Dimov and to extend special thanks to Dr. Kozma Naka for serving as the chairperson. I would also like to thank my family, my wife Sylvie Munzinga and my son Francis Ndona supporting me during this research. My appreciations go also to many individuals who helped in conducting this research, Jasper Lamber. Co. Greg Holmes, Joe King and Tankersley Brothers. Funding for this research was provided by National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant HRD-042054 through the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Alabama A&M University. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The choices for renewable sources of energy include wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass. Biomass is the most important source of renewable energy; as it corresponds to 10.6% of the world’s total energy supply and 79.4% of the total renewable energy supply (IEA, 2006). In the United States only 7% of domestic energy production is in the form of renewable energy; and 53% of this renewable energy comes from biomass. In all, energy from woody biomass represent only 3% (EIA, 2009). In 2005, the production of biomass reached 69.1 quadrillion British Thermal Unit (Btu) of energy produced in the United States or about 4% of total energy production. Wood, wood waste and black liquor from pulp mills were the largest biomass sources providing more than two-thirds of the total biomass energy (DOE, 2006). Over 100MWh ha-1 of potential bioenergy remains each on-site year as tree tops and slashes after harvesting operations in pine forests of southeastern United States (Scott and Dean, 2006). In Alabama forest biomass is the primarily source of renewable energy (AFC, 2002). Biomass is a general term, and has different meanings in different contexts. The Energy Information Agency defines biomass as: organic non-fossil material of biological origin constituting a renewable energy source; this includes forest, agricultural residues 1 and urban wastes (EIA, 2009). Frank and Smith (1998) defined biomass as contemporary plant matter formed by photosynthetic capture of solar energy and stored as chemical energy.This definition gives biomass a recyclable characteristic similar to the one provided by the European Environmental Agency (EED, 2009) stating that biomass is “all organic matter that derives from the photosynthetic conversion of solar energy.” In this research the term “forest biomass” is used to describe the current nonmerchantable trees and trees parts such as snags (dead trees), down logs (coarse woody debris), brush, stumps, small-diameter trees, tops and tree limbs left over after traditional logging operation. Thus, forest biomass production is the process of collecting and chipping non-merchantable trees parts, as defined above, during or after traditional logging operations. Balancing between crops and energy production in agriculture has been a controversial debate for scientists, economists, politicians and consumers. The challenge is how to produce biofuels without creating a negative impact on food production. Dedicating all US corn and soybean productions to biofuels would meet only 12% of gasoline demand and 6% of diesel demand (Jason Hill et al., 2006). The production of biofuel in large scale could have a significant impact on agriculture and patterns of land use. There are projections indicating that food crops may be partially displaced by the production of biofuel feedstocks (Thomas et al., 2009). In contrast to agriculture-based biomass production (plant materials, vegetation or agricultural waste), forest-based biomass production is not directly related to food production. The forest can provide renewable natural energy while continuing to provide traditional wood products (Hubbard et al., 2007). What was once considered “waste” or 2 “non-merchantable product” in the timber industry is now opening new horizons. AngusHankin et al.,(1995) described woody biomass destined for fuelwood as the lowest valued material left at the recovery site. Currently, tree tops and limbs left over after logging operations, dead trees, cull trees and trees damaged by wildfire, insects or disease represent important economic assets. The need for alternative sources of energy is transforming non-merchantable trees to significant economic values as feedstock for energy production. 1.1. Problem statement The opportunity to utilize forest biomass as bioenergy feedstock comes with many challenges, both economical and environmental. Hall (1997) statedthat the cost of producing woody biomass fuel typically is two to three times as much as producing coal in Europe or in the United States. The question therefore is to discern the least expensive and economically feasible approach to produce woody biomass. Bolding and Lanford (2001) addressed the issue in terms of what equipment to use to reduce cost under a stand conversion scenario. Some studies have explained the relationship between the cost of production and the size and spatial density of biomass to be removed (Hartsough and Stokes 1995; Kluender et al.1998; Holtzscher and Lanford 1997). Other studies have linked the cost of production to the high price of machinery and labor costs (Bolding et al., 2009; Schroeder R. and Jackson B. 2009). This research compares the costs of production from different forest types with different species and stand ages. It includes examining equipment productivity, and labor cost. Sensitivity analysis was performed to indentify the entity that influences the most the cost of production. 3 1.2. Significance of study The demand for renewable energy to displace fossil fuels has increased due to changing price of gasoline and the fear of global climate change. Forest biomass is a significant feedstock for bioenergy industry. However, the cost of biomass production is one of the biggest challenges faced by loggers and landowners. As loggers have started to introduce biomass as part of their products, there is a need to understand what drives the cost of woody biomass production. To be appealing in the energy market and be considered viable alternative to fossil fuels, it is important to find the most cost effective system to produce biomass. This research is important to state of Alabama, which has 22.9 million acres of forestland. These forests were evaluated by US Forest service as 45% hardwood (oaks, hickories, sweetgum, and yellow poplar), 36% pine (longleaf pine, slash pine, loblolly pine, and shortleaf pine), and 18% mixed oak-pine (Boyce T. et al., 2002). Tree species in hardwood and pine forests have different characteristics, which can influence biomass cost and productivity. According to Alabama Forest Commission, Alabama is one of the thirteen southern states that provide 60% of the US wood supply and a higherpercentage of wood waste from timber harvesting and processing. Alabama is home to over 1,100 forest manufacturing operations. Timber is the dominant crop harvested in 34 Alabama counties. The forest industry directly employs approximately 70,000 Alabamians with an annual payroll of $ 2.2 billion (AFC, 2007). 4 1.3. Objectives of study This study was undertaken to identify the most cost effective method to produce forest-based biomass. The specific objectives were: (1) to compare the costs of operation to produce biomass from hardwood stands versus pine stands; (2) to compare the biomass yield from both forest types stands. The following hypotheses were tested: H0 1 : There is no difference in cost of production between hardwood chips and softwood chips. H0 2 : There is no significant difference in the biomass yield in softwood forests and hardwood forests. 5 Chapter II LITERATURE REVIEW Numerous studies have been conducted about forest biomass production. Some studies focused on the harvesting systems, the productivity of harvesting equipment and the cost of production, and biomass transportation and utilization. Whereas, others analyzed the environmental benefits of woody biomass used as feedstock for renewable energy, and the environment impacts of removing logging residues. Forest biomass harvesting can be done by using two different methods: one-pass or two-pass harvesting (Hubbard et al., 2007). In the one-pass method, loggers harvest roundwood and biomass simultaneously by using conventional timber harvesting equipment such as feller-bunchers, harvesters, skidders, and forwarders. While, in the two-pass method, roundwood and biomass are removed separately; starting with round wood and then biomass (Stokes et al., 1984). Research conducted in Alabama and Mississippi (Watson et al., 1986; Stokes et al., 1984) found that the one-pass method was the most cost effective. Most loggers prefer this method because it needs fewer modifications of the traditional harvesting system. However, Hubbard et al., (2007) suggested that one benefit of two-pass systems is that it offers the opportunity for smaller, specialized biomass harvesting contractors to operate if conventional timber harvesting contractors do not wish to process the biomass. They also found that chipping 6 tops, limbs, and understory vegetation increased the whole operation costs by about $1/ton; and as chip volume increases, these production costs per ton are expected to decrease. Looking at different methods of reducing production cost, Bolding and Lanford (2001) determined that using a small chipper to harvest energy wood in cut-to-length system was cost-effective under a stand conversion scenario. Hartsough and Stokes (1990) suggested that the cost of operation was inversely related to the size of the trees and the amount of biomass removed in green tons/acre basis. They found that the removal cost increased as the biomass size was reduced and cost decreased as the total volume removed per acre was increased. However, the cost is relatively flat when trees above 12 inches diameter breast height (dbh) were removed (Kluender et al., 1998). Holtzscher and Lanford (1997) found that the cost per unit for harvesting 4inch-dbh material in thinning was 1.8 to 2.4 times as much as harvesting 6inch-dbh material, and over three times the cost of harvesting 10inch-dbh material. Biomass harvesting systems are usually highly mechanized operations, which justify the high cost of production, unless trees are manually felled and removed to reduce cost to the expense of workers safety (Bolding et al., 2003; Schroeder R. and Jackson B. 2009). In a study by on productivity and cost of manual felling and skidding in central Appalachian hardwood forests, Wang et al., (2004) reported that the system could produce 44.63 thousand board feet (MBF)/week at $60.00/MBF. Whereas Hartsough et al., (1995) found that the capital cost of mechanized biomass harvesting operations was estimated between 1.2 to 2 million dollars. Nowadays this cost would be higher due to higher equipment price, labor wage and fuel price. 7 There is limited information or studies comparing biomass cost or yield in hardwood and pine stands. Bentley and Tony (2008) reported that in the state of Alabama hardwood trees provide more logging residues than pine trees. Most studies on cost and productivity analyze specific operations without comparing different forest types. Bolding et al., (2009) studied productivity and costs of an integrated mechanical forest fuel reduction in a commercial thinning operation in southwest Oregon. The study found that on a 20 acre mixed conifer stand, the net cost of removing logging residues was $968.96 per acre. This operation was a two-pass biomass harvesting, and the cost of biomass removal was calculated jointly with the cost of conventional logging operation. Felling and bunching costs were included in biomass harvesting cost. This approach is known as joint cost approach, which consists of sharing the cost of conventional logging operation with biomass harvesting operation. Another study by Puttock (2004) conducted in Ontario, Canada, to determine the cost of biomass removal in integrated operation revealed that the joint cost approach used in Bolding et al., (2009) tends to increase the cost of woody biomass production while reducing cost of conventional logging operation. Instead the marginal approach to estimate the cost of woody biomass harvesting was advocated. This approach considers logging residues as by product of the primary product (roundwood) and assumes that logging residues are available at zero cost. Therefore, the cost of felling and bunching of the trees are not included. The estimation of forest operation cost can be difficult and complex. The methods used depend on system objectives and management goals. However, there are two principle factors that must to be known: the cost of running equipment and the productivity of the equipment (Visser, 2009). There are multiple methods to estimate the 8 cost of forest operation. Rummer (2008) reviewed four common methods used: (1) expert opinion method, (2) transaction evidence, (3) accounting method, and (4) engineering cost analysis and identified critical gaps in calculating and the understanding of operation cost. The author warned future analyses to be cautious in utilizing cost estimation approaches from existing literature because each study has its specifics. In most research the tools used to estimate the cost combine accounting methods and engineering cost analysis methods. Bolding et al., (2009) used Auburn Harvesting Analyzer spreadsheet to estimate the cost of an integrated operation while Brinker et al., 2002 used the cost analysis method, known as machine rate, to estimate the cost of forest operations in terms of scheduled machine hour (SMH) and productive machine hour (PMH). The notions of SMH and PMH were extensively explained by Miyata (1980). He combined financial data (cost of equipment, economic life, labor cost, maintenance cost) and engine data (horsepower, fuel consumption rate, utilization rate) of a specific equipment to estimate the cost of using equipment per hour. This information can be replicated and applied in any harvesting system. The harvesting system adopted in forest biomass production has economic and environmental implications. When clearcutting is used, all trees are removed in one operation and high yields per unit of area and eventually a lower cost of production is achieved (Kennard, 2009; Nyland, 1996). However, this method increases chances for erosion and disturbance of the surface litter (Nyland, 1996). Thinnings are intermediate cuttings to control stand density and enhance the growth of residual trees with enough resources (Beck, 1986). This method is not as cost effective but has a lower impact on the environment (Nyland, 1996). 9 The exploitation of forest biomass is driven by the search for renewable sources of energy. Though we are dependent upon them now, fossil fuels were not humanity’s first source of energy. In fact, fuelwood, charcoal, and plant residues have been used since the discovery of fire. During World War I, woody gasifiers were used to run vehicles for transportation (Rosillo-Calle et al., 2007). Today, Hall et al., (1998) noted that the fear surrounding global the warming phenomenon resonates with a growing consensus that renewable energy must progressively displace the use of fossil fuels. The benefits of using woody biomass as feedstock for energy production were evaluated by Gan and Smith (2007) in Eastern Texas. Their analysis revealed that using logging residues instead of coal in power generation would displace about 2.44 metric ton of CO 2 , create jobs for local communities and reduce the cost of the site preparation by saving $200–250 ha-1. Kumara et al (2008) suggested that processing fuelwood fosters “the development of engineering and operating expertise in biomass power plants” that bioenergy needs to compete with other sources of energy. However, biomass has the ability to provide storable and transportable solid, liquid and gaseous fuels (Hall et al., 1998). In particular, using woody biomass as feedstock has greater environmental and net energy benefits than other form of biomass, such as annual arable crops, which are short-term alternative feedstock for fuels (Hall, 1997). The utilization of forest biomass as a feedstock for energy production can yield environmental benefits related to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Hall and House (1995) suggest that the use of biomass for energy is one of the means of offset the emissions of CO 2 from the fossil fuels. Comparing CO 2 emissions from forest biomass 10 short-rotation to the CO 2 emissions from coal in Sweden, Börjesson (1996) found that net emissions of CO 2 from short-rotation forest production, including transporting 50 km by truck, are 35 to 40 times lower than when fossil-fuel inputs are used. Clearly from public perception biofuel is an environmentally friendly energy; as mitigation of global warming becomes the largest single incentive to use biofuels (Groscurth et al., 2000). Manley and Richardson (1995) noticed an increase of forest biomass consumption for energy in Europe and America, and recommended the development of a "comprehensive sustainable strategies" to capitalize on potential numerous environmental and economic benefits. The current technology of biomass production and the market conditions dominated by fossil fuels industry make bioenergy industry less competitive (Hall 1997). Nevertheless, bioenergy has many social benefits such as jobs creation that provides a strong incentive to justify government support for forest bioenergy development. Government regulations have a big impact in the development of renewable energy. Earl (1975) suggested that, as energy production is a big factor of economic growth, the government should have invested interest in energy laws. However, it appears that the development of such a market depends on the existence of others energy markets and the cost of biomass production. A study conducted by Mitchell et al., (1995) suggested that the “electricity production is only possible where feed costs are minimal or electricity purchase prices are high.”. Compared to other energy markets, Hall (1997) found that the price of wood fuel would be competitive with fossil fuels if taxes regimes are favorable to woody biomass production. 11 The development of a wood-based energy industry yields also enormous social benefits for local communities. The additional activities related to biomass harvesting, fuel processing and market expansion will create employment and enhance the development of local economy. A study conducted by Gan and Smith (2007) in East Texas suggests all activities related to biomass power plant would generate about 1,340 new jobs and $215 million in value-added annually. The quest for renewable source of energy is a good opportunity for foresters. Despite the impact forest biomass production may have on forest ecosystem, it has been demonstrated that forest bioenergy industry has significant environmental, social and economic benefits. However, the cost of forest biomass production is the biggest barrier. Bolding and Lanford (2001) addressed the issue in term what equipment to use to reduce cost under a stand conversion scenario. Some studies have explained the relationship between the cost of production and the size and spatial density of biomass to be removed (Hartsough and Stokes 1995; Kluender et al.1998; Holtzscher and Lanford 1997). Other studies have linked the cost of production to the high price of machinery and labor costs (Bolding et al., 2009; Schroeder R. and Jackson B. 2009). This research was conducted in two different forest types (hardwood and pine) to analyze the cost of woody biomass production, the biomass yield per acre, the efficiency for different biomass types to generate energy. The analysis also includes the indirect cost related to the environmental impact of forest biomass harvesting. 12 Chapter III MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Description of study sites This study was conducted in four different locations throughout the state of Alabama: Winston County, Jefferson County, Blount County and Cullman County (Figure 3.1). The stands were named by the logger after the landowners (Soterra, Burson, Burton, Ellison). Description of each stand is summarized in table 3.1. Jasper Lumber Co. who purchases timbers throughout the state of Alabama for wood production. Tankersley Brothers (a logging company) based Hanceville, Alabama, won the bid to integrate biomass harvesting into their traditional logging operations and did the work in all locations with the same equipment and the same crew. Tankersley Brothers was assigned to produce timber as primary product and chip the logging residues for biomass fuel. All the chips’ loads were delivered to International Paper, in Courtland, Alabama. In Winston County, the land belongs to Soterra LLC, which is a sister company of Greif, leader of the wood packing industry since the 1940’s. Greif purchased nearly 300,000 acres of timberland to provide raw materials to make wooden barrels, casks and kegs. Although currently packaging industry does not use wooden materials anymore, Greif still owns and manages forests located in the southeastern United States and in Canada. The Soterra stand has 126 acres of 30 year old hardwood (red oak, white oak and 13 yellow poplar), with 115 trees per acre and an average basal area of 100 square feet per acre. The Soterra track was divided into 2 stands, Soterra1 (70 acres) and Soterra2 (56 acres). Soil in this area were formed mainly in residuum weathered from limestones. As part of the Tennessee this soil was weathered from pure limestones and are mainly red clayey soils with silt loam surface textures (NRCS, 2009). The average slope for both stands was evaluated at 15%. Figure 3.1. Counties in Alabama indicating the study area. 14 In Jefferson County, the name of the landowner is Burson. The stand is located in Parlmedale, Alabama at the intersection of US Highway 75 and Palmerdale Road. This property is located at the trace where the government is about to start a new highway construction. The landowner was forced to sell the forest land to timber companies as the area was declared being in eminent domain. Jasper Lumber purchased 30 acres of 25 year old hardwood, mostly populated with oak trees with 152 trees per acre and an average basal area of 110 square feet per acre. Soil in this area were derived from alkaline, Selma chalk, or acid marine clays. Sumter soils, which are typical of the alkaline soils, are clayey throughout and have a dark- colored surface layer and a yellowish colored subsoil (NRCS, 2009). The terrain was mostly flat with 9% slope. In Blount County, Burton stand has 35 acres of mostly loblolly and long leaf pines. This was a 20 year old plantation with an average basal are of 100 square feet per acre. The slope was evaluated at 6%. The area is surrounded by private residences and small farms near Snead, Alabama. Elison was located about half mile from Burton, and had 25 acres loblolly and Virginia pines plantation of 23 year old with an average basal area of 120 square foot per acre. The slope was evaluated at 5%. In Blount county soils are derived from alluvium deposited by the streams. The Cahaba, Annemaine, and Urbo series represent major soils of this area (NRCS, 2009). In Cullman County, Felthan stand had 19 acres of 20 year old plantations of mix longleaf and loblolly pines. The average basal area was evaluated at 110 square feet per acre. The stand was clearcut to convert the land to agricultural land and pasture. The area was almost flat with a slope of 5%. Most of the soils in Cullman County are derived from granite, hornblende, and mica schists. Madison, Pacolet, and Cecil soils, which have a 15 red, clayey subsoil and a sandy loam or clay loam surface layer, are prominent in this area (NRCS, 2009). Table 3.1. Description of clear-cutting treatments of the different stands used in the study Basal area St Stand ID name Area in Age in Species acres years Location/ in square feet County per acre Distance to the mill in miles 1 Soterra1 70 30 Hardwood 110 Winston 55 2 Soterra 2 56 30 Hardwood 110 Winston 55 3 Burson 30 25 Hardwood 110 Jefferson 107 4 Ellison 25 23 Pine 100 Blount 88 5 Burton 35 20 Pine 120 Blount 87 6 Feltham 19 20 Pine 110 Cullman 58 3.2. Harvesting system Harvesting operations were carried out by Thankersley Brothers based in Hanceville, Alabama with more than 30 years of logging experience. With a crew of five people, forest biomass harvesting was integrated in the traditional round wood logging operation. The equipment used included: one John Deree 843J feller buncher wheeled 225 HP; two John Deere Grapple Skidders 748GII 169 HP; two Prentice 384 Loaders with 160 HP equipped with delimbers, and one Morbark chipper 30/36 model 500 HP (Appendix 2). 16 The first skidder (SK1) was assigned to drag whole trees, from cutting area to the landing area. Trees were delimbed and topped, and logs were loaded in a truck stationed a couple yards from the first loader (LD1). Then, tree limbs and tops were dragged and piled up by the second skidder (SK2) about 20 m away where the second loader (LD2) grabbed and pushed them into the chipper. The chipper was equipped with knives that crush logging residues into chips of about three inches or less. The chipper had the capacity to blow chips directly into a truck trailer. In this system only FB, SK1 and SK2 were in motion. To increase the productivity and reduce moving time, the FB and SK1 were moving in a 0.5 mile radius from the landing area where LD1, LD2 and chipper were positioned. The SK2 was assigned to move logging residues from LD1 to LD2. The distance between LD1 and LD2 was about 30 m. Forest biomass harvesting operation consisted of moving logging residues from LD1 to LD2, and chipping them. Activities from FB to LD1 were considered traditional logging operations, which include felling and bunching trees, skidding trees and loading logs into truck. 3.3. Economic analysis Forest biomass can be produced as primary product by whole tree chipping or as secondary product from logging residues chipping. In the system described above, forest biomass is produced from logging residues. However, there is a debate regarding the approach to use when it comes to estimate the productivity and cost of the biomass harvesting operation. The first approach, known as marginal costing, treats wood biomass 17 as a by-product of the production of the primary products (roundwood) and assumes that the logging residues are available at zero cost. The second approach, known as joint product cost, advocates share of costs of operation between the conventional forest products and forest biomass (Puttock, 1994). According to Puttock, the second approach has received little attention in integrated harvesting studies. 3.3.1. Equipment productivity In this study, the marginal cost method was used because logging residues were considered to be collected at no cost. Thus, only equipments involved in biomass harvesting operation were studied. This includes skidding logging residues from LD1 to LD2, loading trees limbs and tops, and chipping trees limbs and tops. To evaluate the overall productivity of the operation, the productivity of each individual machine was studied. The ratio between the time and the output of each individual operation was used to calculate individual machine productivity. The operations were videotaped. The videotape method has been used in different studies (see Lanford and Strokes (1996) and Bolding et al., (2009)). From the videotapes timing, we calculated the delay-free time required for skidder (SK2) to move logging residues from LD1 to LD2, the time required for LD2 to feed the chipper with residues, and the time required for the chipper to chip and load a trailer truck. The value of the output was estimated based on the weight of one load of truck trailer. Thus, the productivity of the skidder is expressed as time required to SK2 to move enough logging residues to load one trailer truck with chips. Productivity of LD2 equals to the time required to LD2 to feed chipper enough logging residues to load one truck 18 trailer with chips. Productivity of the chipper equals to time required for the chipper to chip enough logging residues to for one track trailer load. The truck load weight was obtained from the average of weight of all observations (78 loads of hardwood chips and 31 loads of softwood chips). SK Skidding time per ton (min/ton) = = Average weight one load of chips (41’ trailer truck) Loading time per ton (min/ton) = LD2 Truck load (3.2) = Delay-free time to feed chipper with logging residues Truck load CH (3.1) = Delay-free time dragging tops and limbs to LD2 Truck load LD2 SK Truck load = Average Weight one load of chips (41’ trailer truck) Chipping time per ton (min/ton) = CH Truck load (3.3) : Delay free-time to chip and load into truck Truck load : Average Weight one load of chips (41’ trailer truck) In this study 6 operations were studied (3 on softwood stands and 3 on hardwood stands). Equipment productivity in each operation was calculated to evaluate the performance of each piece of equipment in different forest types. 3.3.2. Cost of harvesting operation To estimate the cost of the operation, the cost analysis method, known as “machine rate” was used in this study. This method combines fixed and variable costs 19 with a machine’s lifetime average hourly cost (Brinker et al.2002). It gives details about each component of the system of production, and allows to calculate the Scheduled Machine Hour (SMH) and Productive Machine Hour (PMH). SMH is the time during which the equipment is supposed to work. PMH is the time during which the equipment is doing productive work. To calculate machine rate, the following information was collected from loggers and estimated based the model formulas: 1. Input data: Combination of financial and engine data. - Net purchase price (P): includes equipment costs, initial investment, sales taxes and freight. - Machine horsepower rating (hp): the power of the engine, to estimate fuel consumption. - Machine life (N): the economic life of equipment measured in terms of years. It is defined, as the period over which the equipment can operate at an acceptable cost and productivity (Miyata, 1980). The calculations were done based on 5 years of machine life. - Salvage value rate: the amount that equipment can be sold for at the time of its disposal. It is expressed as a percentage of the initial investment. In this study we estimated salvage value rate at 20% of equipment price as rule of thumb (Miyata, 1980). - Utilization rate: the percentage of time a piece of equipment spends doing assigned work. The following rates were used: 75% for chipper, 65% for skidder, and 65% for hydraulic loader (Brinker et al., 2002). 20 - Repair and maintenance: all charges from scheduled maintenance (as indicated in user’s manual) and periodic engine breakdowns, transmission, brake or other equipment repairs (90% of depreciation, as suggested by Brinker et al., 2002) - Interest rate, insurance and tax rate: since this information was lacking, we applied 12% for interest and 3% for insurance and tax as rule of thumb (Miyata 1980). Brinker et al., (2002) applied 10% for equipment loan and 4% for the insurance. The interest rate of business equipment loan depends on many elements including the term length, business balance sheet, credit history, and equipment type (personnel communication, Wells Fargo and Regions representatives, 11/23/2009). Currently Wells Fargo applies between 8 to 15% APR (personnel communication with Brian Wells Fargo representative, 11/23/2009). - Fuel consumption rate per hour (fcr) was obtained by the following formula (Miyata 1980): 𝐹𝑐𝑟 = 0.40 x 0.65 7.08 x hp (3.4) = 0.037 x hp Where: Frc: Machine fuel consumption rate per hour. 0.40 = Pounds of diesel fuel consumed per hp/ hour. 0.65 = The ratio of average net horsepower used to net hp available 7.08 = Weight (in pound) of diesel fuel per gallon. hp = Net horsepower at rated maximum condition engine speed - Fuel cost: The cost of diesel was estimated at $2.5/gallon, average local price. 21 - Lubricant and oil (% of fuel cost): was set to 36.77% of fuel cost (Brinker et al., 2002). - Operator wage and benefit (WB): This wage depends on operator experience. Operators were reluctant to tell say how much they were paid. Tankersly Brothers is a family company run by siblings and cousins, all crew members. We estimated WB at $19.00/ hour based on the wages of similar operations in the region. - Schedule Machine Hours (SMH): is the time during which equipment is scheduled to do the productive work. This includes productive and nonproductive delay time (Brinker et al., 2002). To determine SMH we considered that equipment is scheduled to be used 8 hours a day. Possible working days in a year are evaluated at 250 days, then SMH = 8 hours x 250 days = 2,000 hours/ year (Miyata 1980) 2. Calculations: Computation of financial and engine data. - Salvage value (S) was obtained by multiplying equipment cost by salvage value rate. - Annual depreciation of each machine was calculated using the straight-line method (Table 3.2). This method assumes that the value of equipment decreases at a constant rate for each year of its economic life (Miyata 1980). The following formula was used to calculate the depreciation charges per year in US$: 𝐷= 𝑃−𝑆 D = yearly depreciation charge Where: 𝑁 (3.5) 22 The P = cost of equipment S = salvage value N = economic life years purchase price (P) of equipments collected from loggers and www.machenerytrader.com were: - John Deere Grapple Skidders 748G at $124,000,00 (2005); - Prentice 384 Loader at $161,500,00 (2006) - Morbark chipper 30/36 model $245,000,00 (2009). Table 3.2: Annual depreciation of each machine in US$ : Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Skidder Depr. charge 19,840 19,840 19,840 19,840 19,840 Grapple Undepr. value 124,000 104,160 84,320 64,480 44,640 24,800 Depr. charge 25,840 25,840 25,840 25,840 25,840 Loader Undepr. value 161,500 135,660 109,820 83,980 58,140 32,300 Chipper Depr. Undepr. charge value 245,000 39,200 205,800 39,200 166600 39,200 127400 39,200 88200 39,200 49,000 Average yearly investment was obtained from the following formula (Miyata 1980): Where : 𝐴𝑌𝐼 = (𝑃 − 𝑆)(𝑁 + 1) + 𝑆 2𝑁 (3.6) AYI = Average value of yearly investment over economic life. P = Equipment purchase price S = Salvage value 23 from N = Economic life in years Productive Machine Hours (PMH): The actual time machine was working. It was obtained by multiplying the schedule machine hours (SMH) by the utilization rate. This is to correct any delay time (breaks, repairs, weathers, etc) that occurs during the operation. 3. Ownership costs: Ownership cost also known as fixed costs are those accumulated from the length of equipment ownership. They do not depend on operations costs but occur constantly even when the machines are not working. They are generally due to depreciation, interest, insurance and taxes. Interest, insurance and taxes: were obtained by multiplying the sum of interest, insurance and tax rate (12% +3%) by the Average Yearly Investment (AYI). Yearly ownership cost (YF$): was obtained by the sum of annual depreciation, interest, insurance, and taxes. Ownership cost per SMH (F$SMH): Yearly ownership cost (YF$) divided by Scheduled Machine Hours (SMH). Ownership cost per PMH (F$PMH) : Yearly ownership cost (YF$) divided by Production Machine Hours (PMH) 4. Operating costs Operation costs are all charges related to the productive work of equipment. Fuel cost (F) was obtained by multiplying fuel consumption rate by fuel price. Lubricant cost (L): was obtained from cost multiplied by 36.77% (Brinker et al., 2002). Repair and 24 maintenance cost (RM): (AD*rm%/ PMH), Annual depreciation (AD) multiplied by Repair and maintenance rate (rm%), and all divided by Production Machine Hours(PMH). Operator labor and benefits costs : (WB/ut%), Operator labor and benefice rate (WB) divided by divided by Utilization rate (ut%). Operating cost per PMH (V$PMH): The sum of Fuel cost (F), Lube cost (L), Repair and maintenance (RM) and Operator labor and benefits cost (WB/ut%). Operating cost per SMH (V$SMH): Operating cost per PMH (V$PMH) multiplied by Utilization rate (ut%). 5. Total Machine Costs The total machine costs is the sum of all charges above including variable and fixes charges expressed per SMH and PMH: Total cost per SMH (T$SMH): The sum of ownership cost per SMH (F$SMH) and operating cost per SMH (V$SMH). Total cost per PMH (TSPMH): The sum of ownership cost per PMH (F$PMH) and operating cost per PMH (V$PMH). The application of machine rate requires caution on the part of the users. Since the result of the machine rate calculation is an average cost, actual cash expenditures of ownership costs will be different than estimated costs early in the machine’s life, and will be greater or lesser than estimated in later years (Brinker et al., 2002). It is also important to state that productivity not only varies greatly with the logging machine or system chosen, but also with stand and site characteristics of the harvest area (Visser, 2009). The cost analysis method expressed the results as cost per SMH and PMH. The cost per SMH is the cost of equipment per hour for the time equipment is supposed to work. It does not include operating charges. The cost per PMH is the cost of equipment 25 per hour for the time equipment is working. The cost per PMH includes all costs involved in the operation, raison why it was used to estimate the total cost of the operation. 3.3.3. Yield of forest biomass To calculate biomass yield, the weight of every single load of chip delivered to power plant was collected from load ticket report. The productivity of each stand was evaluated per acre basis and then standardize per age. Statistical analysis t- test was used to evaluate the difference between wood chip yields in pine stands and hardwood stands. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 11.0.1) software was used to compute the results. 3.3.4. Efficiency of wood-based energy. Chips produced in these operations were delivered to International Paper in Courtland, Alabama. This plant produces paper from clear chips and uses fuel wood chips (dirty chips) to produce electricity. We visited the power plant and were briefed but not allow the see the actual process of transforming wood chips to electricity. The density is the most important parameter to evaluate the energy efficiency of wood, considering the structure materials; for instance chips, sawdust and logs do not have the same density (Cassidy, 2008). As different tree species have different density, the wood density was considered as a factor to differentiate the energy efficiency of hardwood and pine. The amount of energy generated by logging residues was estimated using the following formula (Gan and Smith, 2007): 26 E= 1 ηϕ D B 3.6 (3.7) Where: E = Amount of electricity generated in Megawatt hour (MWh); D = Density of dry woody biomass (t m-3) B = Volume of logging residues (m3); ϕ = Energy content of dry woody biomass in Gigajoules per ton (GJ t-1); η = Efficiency of power conversion from biomass to electricity; 3.6 = Unit conversion from GJ to MWh (1 MWh = 3.6 GJ). 27 Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Productivity analysis In this analysis, we calculated the delay-free time required for skidder (SK2) to move logging residues from LD1 to LD2, the time required for LD2 to feed the chipper with residues, and the time required for the chipper to chip and load a truck trailer of 52 feet 6 inches. The productivity is expressed as ratio between the time required to produce one truck load of chips and the weight of the load. In hardwood stands, 78 loads of chips were produced with an average of 27.29 tons a load, whereas in pine stands 31 loads of chips were produced with an average of 28.24 tons a load (Table 4.1). The skidder’s productivity in average was evaluated at 29.60 minutes (30 minutes were considered; 15 trips of 2 minutes), which is the average time required to move enough logging residues from LD1 to LD2. The same skidding time was observed in pine and hardwood operations; however the average loads were different: 27.29 tons of hardwood-chips and 28.24 tons of pine-chips. The skidder was the only equipment in motion, and for that fact, it was assigned others duties including cleaning up the ways around landing area. This added additional time, which was difficult to estimate. However, as part of the system, the skidder’s speed was dependent of other equipment’s speed in the system. 28 Table 4.1: System equipment productivity Skidder Loader Chipper Time in min. 30 + 45 45 Pine-chips Load in tons 28.24 28.24 28.24 Harwood-chips Minute per Time in Load in Minute per ton min. tons ton 1.06 30+ 27.29 1.09 1.59 60 27.29 2.19 1.59 60 27.29 2.19 The loader was assigned to feed the chipper with logging residues. The time required to perform this task was evaluated at 44.55 minutes or 45 minutes for 28.24 tons of pine-chips and 60 minutes for 27.29 tons of hardwood-chips. The productivity in minutes was evaluated at 1.59 minutes per ton of pine-chips and 2.19 minutes per ton of hardwood-chips. The chipper’s work was to chip residues and load them directly into the trailer truck. The time observed in chipping process was the same as in loading since the same operator controlled both equipments. The loader and the chipper highly depend on each other. The loader’s operator is required keeping a reasonable pace in feeding the shipper to prevent residues to clog into the chipper’s blades. This depends on the operator experience, which is critical in this task. 4.2. Cost analysis The machine rate of each piece of equipment involved in the operation is shown in Table 4.2. It combines fixed and variables costs of each machine. The current prices for equipments are evaluated at $124,000 for John Deere Skidder Grapple model 848H; $161,500 for Prentice Model 384 loader, and $245,000 for Morbark chipper 30/36. The prices of the skidder and the loader were obtained from dealers of used equipment (see www.machinetrader.com). The price of the chipper was given by the manufacturer. Five years were assigned for economic life on all equipments. The salvage values for the 29 skidder, the loader and the chipper were evaluated respectively at $24,800, $32,300 and $49,000. The annual depreciation was evaluated at $19,840 for the skidder, $25,840 for the loader and $39,200 for the chipper. The yearly ownership costs do not depend on operations cost but occur constantly even if the machines are not working. These costs were evaluated at $32,488 for skidder, $42,313 for loader and $61,340 for chipper. The ownership costs were then estimated based on scheduled machine hours (SMH) and production machine hours (PMH). The following values were obtained: $16.24/SMH and $24.99/PMH for the skidder; $21.15/SMH and $32.54/PMH for the loader; and $24.74/SMH and $32.99/PMH for the chipper. Interest, taxes and insurance rate were evaluated at 15%, for a value of $12,648 for the skidder, $16,473 for loader and $22,140 for the chipper. The operating costs are those resulting from the actual utilization of the equipment during the operation. They include all charges related to fuel and lubricant consumption, repair and maintenance cost; and charges related to personnel wage and benefits. The fuel consumption of a machine per hour depends on the engine’s power known as horsepower (HP), while the fuel cost depends on the fuel consumption rate and the fuel price in the market. The fuel consumption rates for equipment were evaluated as 6.25 gallon of diesel per hour for the 169 HP skidder engine (John Deere), 5.92 gallon of diesel per hour for the 160 HP loader engine (Prentice 348) and 18.3 gallon of diesel per hour for the 500 HP chipper (Morbark 30/36). The average price of a gallon of diesel was $2.5 in the local market. The fuel cost of the operation was evaluated as $15.63 per hour to skid logging residues, $14.8 per hour for the loader to feed the chipper with residues, and $18.5 per hour for the chipper to chip them and load them in a truck trailer. The 30 lubricant cost was considered to be 36.77% of fuel cost (Brinker et al., 2002). Thus the cost for lubricant was calculated at $5.75 for the skidder, $5.44 for the loader and $6.8 for the chipper. Table 4.2. Forest biomass harvesting machine rate 1. Input data Purchase price (P in $) Machine horsepower rate (hp) Machine life (yrs) Salvage value (%) Utilization rate (%) Repair and maintenance Interest, insurance and tax rate (%) Fuel consumption rate (gallon/hr) Fuel cost ($/gal) Lube and oil (%) Operator wage and benefit rate ($/hr) Schedule machine (hrs/year) 2. Calculations Salvage value ($) Annual depreciation ($) Average Yearly Investment (AYI, $) Productive machine hours (hrs/ year) 3. Ownership costs Interest, Insurance and tax cost /year Yearly ownership cost ($) Ownership cost per SMH ($/hrs) Ownership cost per PMH ($/hrs) 4. Operating costs Fuel costs ($/hr) Lube cost ($/hr) Repair and maintenance cost ($/hr) Operator labor and benefit cost ($hr) Operating cost per PMH ($/hr) Operating cost per SMH ($/hr) 5. Total machine costs Total cost per SMH ($/hr) Total cost per PMH ($/hr) Skidder (2005) 124,000 169 5 20 65 0.90 15 6.25 2.5 36.8 19.00 2,000 Loader (2006) 161,500 160 5 20 65 0.90 15 5.92 2.5 36.8 19.00 2,000 Chipper (2009) 245,000 500 5 20 75 0.90 15 18.3 2.5 36.8 0.00 2,000 24,800 19,840 84,320 1,300 32,300 25,840 109,820 1,300 49,000 39,200 68,600 1,500 12,648 32,488 16.24 24.99 16,473 42,313 21.15 32.54 10,290 49,490 24.74 32.99 15.63 5.75 13.73 29.23 64.34 41.82 14.8 5.44 17.88 29.23 67.35 43.77 18.5 6.8 23.52 0.00 48.82 65.10 58.06 89.33 64.92 99.89 89.83 81.81 31 The charges per hour related to repair and maintenance of equipment were evaluated at $13.73 for the skidder, $17.88 for the loader and $23.52 for the chipper. These values were obtained by multiplying the annual depreciation of equipment by the repair and maintenance rate, and all divided by PMH. The annual depreciation (20% of the equipment cost) was calculated at $19,840 for the skidder, $25,840 for the loader, and $39,200 for the chipper. PMH excludes repair and maintenance (tire change, engine repair, etc) and breaks time. PMH is related to the utilization rate of equipment which was evaluated at 65% for the skidder, 65% of the loader and 75% of the chipper. Dividing the SMH of each equipment by the utilization rate provided the PMH of equipment per year: the skidder and the loader had 1,300 PMH/year and chipper had 1,500 PMH/year. The operator labor and benefit cost were evaluated at $29 per hour for skidder and loader, and labor cost for the chipper was considered null since it did not need an operator except to turn it off or on. These values were obtained by dividing the operator wage ($19/hour) by utilization rate of each machine. The operating cost per PMH was obtained by adding up fuel costs, lube costs, repair and maintenance costs, and operator labor costs. The following values were found: $64.34 for the skidder, $67.35 for the loader and $48.82 for the chipper. Multiplying the operating cost per PMH by the utilization rate provided the operating cost per SMH. The total machine cost was expressed in terms of SMH and PMH. The total cost per SMH is the sum of ownership cost per SMH and operating cost per SMH, evaluated at $58.06 for the skidder, $64.92 for the loader and $89.83 for the chipper. The total cost per PMH is the sum of ownership cost per PMH and the operating cost per PMH, 32 evaluated at $89.33 per hour for the skidder, $99.89 per hour for the loader and $81.81 per hour for the chipper. To evaluate the total amount of money spent for this operation, in this study, we considered only the cost per PMH because the cost per SMH does not involve variable costs. The cost per PMH expresses the cost of the actual delay-free time equipment was doing productive work. The sum of cost per PMH of all three activities: skidding ($89.33), loading ($99.89), and chipping ($81.81) gives the total cost of the whole operation ($271.03 per hour). Since the same crew used the same equipments in hardwood stand and pine stand as well, the cost per PMH remained the same $271.03 per hour. However, from the productivity analysis the system worked faster producing pine-chips than hardwood-chips. It took 45 minutes for the system to produce 28.24 tons of pine chips, while it took 60 minutes to produce 27.29 tons of hardwood chips. In the cost analysis average weights of pine-chips loads and hardwood-chips loads were considered equal since the difference of 0.95 ton was not significant. Therefore, the evaluation of cost differences on both stands was focused on the 15 minutes time difference to load a truck of the same weight. 33 Table 4.3. System operating costs Chip type Hardwood- Time per Load System cost Cost per Cost per load in weight in per min load green ton min ton (PMM) 60 28 $4.52 $271.03 $9.68 45 28 $4.52 $203.27 $7.26 chips Pine-chips The cost of skidding, loading and chipping logging residues in this system was calculated at $271.03 per hour, which equals to the time required to produce one load of hardwood-chip. Thus, the production of 28 tons of hardwood-chips in this system costs $271.03, or $9.68/ton. The production cost of one ton of pine-chips was calculated by converting the cost per PMH to the cost per Production Machine Minute (PMM) to the system’s cost per minute. The conversion gave $4.52 per minute, which equals to $203.27 for 45 minutes; cost and time required to produce 28 tons of pine-chips. Thus, the production of 28 tons of pine-chips in this system costs $203.27, or $7.26/ton (Table 4.3). 4.3. Statistical analysis of cost differences The cost analysis was based on the productivity of each stand. The averages of operations’ productivity in hardwood and pines forests were broken down to find the productivity of each operation. The following were found: 61 minutes/ton Soterra1 and Soterra2; 59 minutes/ton for Burson, 48 minutes/ton for Ellison, 43 minutes/ton for 34 Burton and 45 minutes/ton for Feltham. The cost of each operation by multiplying the system cost per minutes ($4.52) by the productivity. The following numbers were found: was evaluated as: $275.72/ton for Soterra1 and Soterra2, $266.68/ton for Burson, $216.96/ton for Ellison, $194.36/ton and $203.4/ton for Feltham. Table 4.4. Statistical values of cost/ton in hardwood and pine forest operations Cost/ton mean Forest type Hardwood N 3 Pine 3 272.7067 Std Deviation 5.21925 Std. Error Mean 3.01333 204.9067 11.37508 6.56741 Table 4.5. Independent t-test on the cost of operations in hardwood and pine forests Equality of variance Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed t – test for equality of means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) 1.362 0.308 9.383 4 0.001* 67.800 7.22572 95% confidence interval of difference Lower upper 47.738 87.86 - - 9.383 2.8 0.003 67.800 7.22572 43.880 Mean diff. Std. Err diff. 91.71 *P-value = 0.001 The results (Table 4.4 and Table 4.5) with P-value = 0.001 show that there is significant difference in cost of producing biomass in hardwood and pine forests. 35 4.3. Sensitivity analysis The objective in sensitivity analysis was to determine what factor influence the most the production cost, expressed in cost per SMH and cost per PMH. The assumptions were made on 10% increase and decrease in the cost of the skidder, operator wage and fuel. Keeping other prices unchanged, the increase of skidder’s price from $124,000 to $136,400 had changed the total cost per SMH from $58.06 to $60.57 and the total cost per PMH from $89.33 to $93.19. This change in skidder’s price represents 4.32% increase in total charge. Whereas if workers received wage increase from $19/hour to $20.9/hour, it will result in the increase of cost per SMH from $58.06 to $59.95 and cost per PMH from $89.33 to $92.25. This change in labor wage represents 3.2% increase of total cost. And if the fuel diesel increases from $2.5/gallon to $2.75/gallon, it will the total cost per SMH from $58.06 to $59.44 and cost per PMH from $89.33 to $91.46, which will be a 2.38% increase of total cost. Table 4.6. Effect of 10% increase of price on cost per SMH and cost per PMH of skidder. ? SMH Skidder price ($60.57) 4.32% Labor rate ($59.95) 3.26% Fuel price ($59.44) 2.38% ($58.06) ($58.06) PMH ($93.19) ($89.33) 4.32% ($92.25) ($89.33) 36 ($58.06) 3.26% ($91.46) ($89.33) 2.38% This results (Table 4.4) show equipment price is the most influential factor of operation cost with the high% increase rate of 4.32%, followed by change in labor cost 3.26% and fuel price 2.38%. The same% variations in were observed in decreasing these charges at 10%. This will certainly help managers to understand how the change in the price of equipment, labor cost or fuel cost will affect the production, in order to make strategic planning decisions. The equipment leasing over purchasing was considered to offset the cost of biomass production. This assumption was made to see how equipment rent can influence the total cost per SMH and PMH. According to a local equipment dealer, Warrior Tractor Inc, renting logging equipment is not a common practice. However, if a John Deere Skidder would have to be rented, it would be at about $5,000.00 per month. This price is subjective and depends on the relationship between the parties involved (Warrior Tractor representative, personnel communication, 11/17/2009). Using machine rate method, the monthly SMH was calculated at 240 hours: 8 hours of work/day multiplied by 30 days. The monthly PMH was calculated at 156 hours: SMH multiplied by utilization rate (65%). The ownership cost per SMH and PMH were substituted by rental cost. Thus, the rent per SMH and PMH were evaluated respectively at $20.83 and $32.05 per hour. The operating cost per PMH was calculated at $50.61 and $32.89 per SMH. The repair and maintenance costs covered by the lender were not included in the operating cost. The total cost per SMH and PMH were calculated at $53.72 and $82.66. 37 Table 4.7. Effect of renting skidder on cost per SMH and PMH. ? Skidder purchase Skidder leased at Decrease in cost at $124,000 $5000 /month SMH $58.06 $53.72 7.47% PMH $89.33 $82.66 7.47% Leasing of skidder at $5,000.00 a month instead of purchasing it at $124,000.00 would reduce the cost per SMH and PMH by 7.47%. This result (Table 4.5) was even better than reducing the price of skidder at 10%. Leasing is an alternative to purchasing and many companies have found leasing more attractive because the cost appears to be lower (Nevitt and Fabozzi, 2000). In addition to previous studies’ suggestions (Bolding et al., 2009; Schroeder R. and Jackson B. 2009) about using small equipment or cutting overstock forests to reduce the cost of biomass production, equipment leasing is one of the approaches loggers should consider. 4.4. Biomass transportation In this research transportation cost was not included in the production cost due to the fact this cost was the same ($0.12/mile/ton) for hardwood and pine chips. However transportation cost is one of the most important factors influencing the cost of biomass production and the cost of energy produced in the power plant (Angus-Hankin et al., 1995). Transportation of wood fiber accounts for about 25 to 50% of the total delivered costs and highly depends on fuel prices, distance to the power plan, and vehicle capacity 38 (Hubbard et al., 2007). To reduce the cost of transportation, Sandra et al., (2009) recommended biomass production field within 50 miles radius of power plant. The authors justified the concentration of ethanol produced in the Midwest of the USA by the proximity to the corn fields. In addition, a low bulk density increases the cost of transportation because air and water in the wood are major components of the transported volume (Hubbard et al., 2007). This is the main reason power plant facilities prefer a material of low moisture content to increase the heat value and reduce the cost of energy per MWh (Angus-Hankin et al., 1995). 4.5. Forest biomass yield The number of loads and their weight were recorded daily in every operation. The following data were registered: 802.63 tons of chips with 30 loads for Sotera1, 556.61 tons with 21 loads for Soterra2 of, 770.00 tons with 27 loads for Burson, 380.03 tons with 13 loads for Burton, 234.36 tons with 9 loads for Ellison and 261.30 tons with 9 loads for Feltham (Appendix 1). All the chips (hardwood and pine) were sold at the same price to the International Paper power plant in Courland, Alabama. 39 Table 4.8. Woodchip yield per age and acre Hardwood Stand Softwood Stand Tons/ Acres Age Yield in tons Soterra1 70 30 802.63 Ton/ Acres year/acre Age Yield year/acre in tons 0.382 Ellison 25 23 380.0 0.660 3 Soterra2 56 30 556.61 0.331 Burton 35 20 234.3 0.330 6 Borson 30 25 770.00 1.02 Feltham 19 20 261.3 0.687 0 Total 156 2,129.2 Total 1.733 4 79 875.6 1.677 9 Table 4.6 shows that biomass yield in hardwood stands was 0.382 ton/year/acre for Soterra1; 0.331 tone/year/acre for Soterra2; and 1.02 ton/year/acre for Borson. In pine stands, the biomass yield was 0.66 ton/year/acre for Ellison; 0.330 ton/year/acre for Burton and 0.687 ton/year/acre for Feltham. In average hardwood stands had 0.580 ton/year/acre and pine stands had 0.559 ton/year/acre. A statistical analysis t-test was performed with SPSS 11.0.1 to compare the yield per acres in the six stands above. The results (Table 4.7 and Table 4.8) showed that there was no significant difference in terms of yield of biomass/year/acre in the two forest types. The table 4.6 displays the treatment yield/year/acre means, standard deviations and standard errors. 40 Table 4.9. Statistical values of yield of hardwood and pine stands Hardwood-chip N 3 Mean/year /acre 0.5807 Pinewood-chip 3 0.5590 Std Deviation 0.39000 Std. Error Mean 0.22517 0.19878 0.11476 Table 4.10. Independent t-test on the yield of hardwood and pine stands Equality of variance Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed t – test for equality of means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) 2.935 0.162 0.086 4 0.936* 0.0217 0.25273 95% confidence interval of difference Lower upper -0.680 0.723 - - 0.086 2.9 0.937 0.0217 0.25273 -0.786 Mean diff. Std. Err diff. 0.830 *P-value = 0.936 The results (Table 4.9 and Table 4.10) show two group means of softwood-chip yield and hardwood-chip yield as independent samples. A low significance value for the P (typically less than 0.05) indicates that there is a significant difference between the two group means. In this case the value of P-value is 0.936 which, indicates there is no significant difference between the two groups of means. Regarding other energy crops, switchgrass has been reported to be one of the most productive energy crops. Oak Ridge National Laboratory has reported yield of switchgrass to reach a one-year record of 15 tons per acre (DOE, 2009). In another study Sharma et al., (2003) reported a yield of 10.27 tons/ha (4.58 ton/acre). Compared to forest biomass yield, switchgrass seems to have advantage as a short rotation crop for 41 bioenergy. The highest yield of forest biomass in this study was evaluated at 1.733 green ton/year/acre while lowest yield in switchgrass has reported above by Sharma et al., (2003) is 4.58 ton/year/acre. 4.5. Efficiency of wood energy The amount of electricity generated by the woodchips was calculated considering the wood density as an important factor. The formula (3.7) proposed by Gan and Smith (2007) was used and the results show (Table 4.11) that amount of electricity generated with a cubic meter of pine-chip was estimated at 0.95 MWh, while the same volume of hardwood-chip would provide 1.19 MWh. The energy content of logging residues is assumed to be 19.19 GJ t-1 (Graham et al., 1995) and the energy efficiency of the power plants has been evaluated to be about 35% by the US Department of energy (IEA, 2002). The difference in energy efficiency is due to different wood density in tree species. The density of pine wood and hardwood (in metric tons per m3) were respectively evaluated at 0.510 and 0.639 (Gan and Smith, 2007). Table 4.11. Electricity generation by species Feedstock Density Moisture Electricity in Electricity content MWh/cubic per ton meter Pine-chip 0.510 50% 0.95 1.862 MWh Hardwood-chip 0.639 40% 1.19 1.862 MWh 42 Other researches reveal that wood composition and moisture content are two of the more important properties of woody biomass in terms of utilization potential and energy yield. Moisture plays a significant role in the type of conversion process used and, at high levels, reduces energy yield (Hubbard et al., 2007; Gan and Smith, 2007). The amount of electricity per ton were obtained by dividing the electricity in MWh by the moisture content. Both type feedstook provided the same amount of electricity per ton (1.862): 0.95/0.516 for pine-chip and 1.19/0.639 for hardwood-chip. In this research we were interested in following the transformation of woody biomass to energy in a power plant. Unfortunately we were not allowed to see the actual energy production process but were briefed about the process. Woody biomass can be converted into useful forms of energy, solid, liquid or gaseous, through bio-chemical and thermochemical processes (Hubbard et al., 2007). The International Paper power plant in Courtland, Alabama generates electricity through combustion and gasification, which are parts of the thermochemical processes. This process depends on the relationship between heat and chemical reactions to produce energy from woodchip. The combustion (Figure 4.1) is the rapid oxidation of biomass in high temperature up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Woody biomass is burned in a boiler to produce highpressure steam that is then pumped into a turbine, over a series of blades that rotate, powering an electric generator (Hubbard et al., 2007). 43 Figure 4.1. Combustion process (from Hubbard et al., 2007). At the end of combustion process, the system produces ash, and releases Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Sulfur oxides (SOx), which are air pollutants. Ash from woody biomass comes from the minerals present in the tissues of woody plants and from possible soil contamination. The major emissions of air pollutants from biomass power plant concern particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). However, the emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) are typically low because of the low amount of sulfur usually found in biomass (Bain et al., 2003). Gasification (Figure 4.2) is a special combustion process, in which biomass solids are turned directly into biogas. Complex hydrocarbons of wood are decomposed into hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide at high temperature heat. 44 Figure 4.2 Gasification process (From Hubbard et al., 2007). At the end of gasification process, the system produces ash, char, tars, methane, and other hydrocarbons. The International paper power plant used both processes: combustion and gasification. However, gasification has been proven to be more efficient in power production than combustion. It provides as much as 20% more efficiency than combustion. (Bain and Amos, 2003). 45 Chapter V SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This study was set to evaluate efficient way to produce woody biomass as feedstock for electricity production. Two forest types (hardwood and pine forest) were considered as treatments with three replications. Different aspects in woody biomass production were evaluated including cost of production, yield per acre, and efficiency to produce electricity. Data were collected from six in-wood chipping operations in four different counties in Alabama. The chipping operations were integrated within traditional logging operations. The specifics of woody biomass production were, collecting, loading and chipping logging residues. All operations were conducted by the same crew using the same equipment and the same harvesting system. To answer this study’s questions and hypotheses, data were collected and analyzed using conventional scientific methods and techniques. The first objective was to evaluate and compare the cost of production of hardwood-chips and pine-chips. The results of productivity analysis indicate that it took 15 more minutes to produce one load of hardwood-chips than pine-chips. In terms of cost, it required $271.03 to produce 28 tons of hardwood-chips or $9.68 per ton. On the other hand, it costs $203.27 to produce the same amount of pine-chips or $7.26/ton. The $2.42 per ton difference in cost is certainly explained by the 15 minutes delay registered in chipping hardwood. This delay is due to the structure of the wood. Softwoods such as 46 pine trees have higher moisture content and less density which makes chipping pines faster than hardwood such red oak trees. Therefore, these findings allow the rejection of the null-hypothesis since the difference is significant. The study was also concerned with identifying the most influential factor in the cost of production. Among the three factors evaluated (price of equipment, labor cost and fuel cost), the price of equipment was identified as the most sensitive. The changes in equipment cost had greater impact on the total cost of SMH and PMH. An increase of 10% in equipment price, while other prices remained unchanged, resulted 4.32% increase of the total cost. Whereas the same increase in labor wage and fuel price changed the total cost to 3.26% and 2.38% respectively. In addition, leasing logging equipment was considered to be a good alternative to purchasing. The lease of a skidder reduced the total cost per SMH and PMH by 7.47% which is even better than reducing the price of skidder at 10%. The evaluation chip production, in tons per acre, from each operation was the second objective of this study. In hardwood forest, 78 loads hardwood-chips were produced on 156 acres, and in pine forests, 31 loads of pine-chips were produced on 79 acres. In statistical analysis the difference between 15.68 tons of hardwood-chip per acre and 11.08 tons of pine-chips per acre was found to be non-significant, therefore the nullhypothesis is accepted cannot be rejected. The difference of 4.6 tons per acre was found to be not significant in this case. Efficiency of wood chip to produce electricity was evaluated. We were not allowed to see the gasification and combustion processes at the power plant where the wood-chip was delivered. However, explanations received from engineers on the site 47 were helpful to understand the process of converting woody biomass to electricity, and to evaluate environmental benefits and potential concerns. Since no information about the specific of the power plant was given, we relied on formula found in Gan and Smith, (2007) to estimate the amount of electricity from the hardwood and pine chips. The result shows that hardwood-chip is more efficient to produce electricity than pine-chip. The amount of electricity generated with a cubic meter of pine-chip was estimated at 0.95 MWh, while the same volume of hardwood-chip would provide 1.19 MWh. The difference in energy efficiency is due to different physical propriety of wood such as bulk density. The density of pine wood and hardwood (in metric ton per m3) are respectively evaluated at 0.510 and 0.639 (Gan and Smith, 2007). In conclusion there is a significant difference between the cost of producing hardwood-chips and pine-chips, while there is no significant different in yield from both forest types. Despite the impact forest biomass production may have on forest ecosystem depletion of soil nutrients, destruction of wildlife habitat and soil disturbance- it has been demonstrated that the utilization for woody biomass for energy yields more environmental benefits compared to the use of fossil fuels. The reduction of greenhouse gases emission to mitigate global warming is the most important environmental benefits. However, the development of renewable energy industry is set back by multiples barriers. The market conditions (dominated by fossil fuels industry), the current technology (not yet developed for mass production of bioenergy), and the current laws and regulations give little incentives to help an embryonic bio-energy industry. 48 APPENDICES 49 APPENDIX 1 DAILY WOODCHIP PRODUCTION FROM HARDWOOD AND PINE STANDS Daily woodchips production Daily woodchips production Tract Name: Soterra 1 (Winston County) Tract Name: Soterra 2 (Winston County) Date 6/4/09 6/5/09 6/7/09 6/8/09 6/11/09 6/12/09 6/13/09 6/14/09 6/15/09 6/16/09 6/17/09 6/18/09 6/22/09 6/23/09 Total Ticket number 326544 326415 326810 326868 326999 327359 327504 327625 327780 328825 329229 323590 329486 329761 329916 330002 330104 330395 330465 330763 331006 331417 331529 330831 332708 332587 333277 333177 333328 333145 Tons 18.97 33.35 24.01 22.45 23.28 32.45 26.65 25.55 34.99 24.72 34.51 22.92 25.22 25.79 32.33 28.50 25.63 26.41 25.64 26.74 25.83 24.51 24.65 26.55 26.35 26.58 25.31 28.20 29.15 25.39 802.63 Date 6/24/09 6/25/09 6/29/09 6/30/09 7/1/09 Total 50 Ticket number 333598 333684 333827 333722 334154 334275 334380 334372 334249 334835 334840 335022 335058 335392 335431 335524 335570 335840 335877 335969 336015 Tons 27.42 28.49 28.89 27.05 26.22 25.10 24.60 28.89 27.89 24.03 26.56 26.50 28.33 16.82 24.24 29.27 31.07 24.26 28.02 25.73 27.23 566.61 Daily woodchips production Tract Name: Burson (Jefferson County) Date 7/15/09 7/16/09 7/17/09 7/18/09 7/20/09 7/21/09 7/22/09 7/23/09 7/24/09 7/27/09 Total Ticket number 340708 340545 8/10/2832 340804 341126 341383 341427 341555 341650 341725 341934 342166 341977 342199 342494 342381 342643 343150 342999 343499 343648 343816 344071 344512 344698 344921 344831 Tons 29.81 26.85 23.36 26.49 33.48 31.79 31.80 34.65 30.39 30.70 26.49 27.22 27.10 29.36 27.11 28.60 28.84 30.49 28.85 31.01 29.27 29.78 27.30 23.83 25.12 27.27 23.04 770 51 Daily woodchips production Tract Name: Burton (Blount County) Date 7/28/09 7/29/09 7/30/09 7/31/09 8/3/09 8/4/09 8/5/09 8/6/09 Total Ticket number 345361 345507 345694 345836 346131 346460 347167 347168 347672 347383 347871 348177 348362 Daily woodchips production Tract Name: Ellison Cross Roads (Blount co) Tons 28.22 32.11 30.57 31.42 31.62 33.32 31.04 30.73 27.35 26.67 25.89 27.17 23.92 380.03 Date 8/10/09 8/11/09 8/12/09 8/13/09 Total Daily woodchips production Tract Name: Feltham (Cullman County) Date 9/4/09 9/8/09 9/9/09 9/10/09 Total Ticket number 358336 358181 358301 359592 359733 359554 359952 360152 360272 Tons 29.66 29.31 29.22 28.35 27.47 31.71 26.92 30.31 28.35 261.3 52 Ticket number 349473 349590 349415 349497 349847 349728 349893 350182 350556 Tons 21.30 26.31 24.50 23.37 24.62 28.11 28.44 29.06 28.65 234.36 APPENDIX 2 EQUIPMENT USED DURING BIOMASS PRODUCTION OPERATIONS I Morbark chipper 30/36 model John Deere Skidder Prentice Loader 53 REFERENCES ??Andrew Scott, Thomas J. 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