(661) 763-7889 PSYCHOLOGY 1500 Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2009: January 20th-May 21st
Instructor: Darcy Brown, M.A.
(661) 763-7889
Office Hours:
Class Hours:
Counseling Center
By arrangement
Scientific study of behavior and mental processes through the exploration of major
theories and concepts, methods, and research findings. Topics include the biological
basis of behavior; perception; cognition; learning; emotion and motivation; lifespan
development; personality; social psychology; psychological disorders; therapy; and
applied psychology.
By the end of the course, a successful student will be able to
identify purposes of studying psychology,
identify methods of psychological research,
identify characteristics of psychology as it exists today,
analyze the structure and functions of the nervous system,
analyze the influences of heredity and environment on human behavior,
compare and contrast sleep and dreaming as states of consciousness,
identify the uses and effects of psychoactive drugs,
explain basic theories of motivational psychology,
compare and contrast basic theories of emotion,
analyze the structure and functions of the human sense organs,
identify types of extrasensory perception and issues related to determining
whether or not extrasensory perception exists,
explain the basic principles and processes of classical conditioning,
explain the basic principles and processes of operant conditioning,
apply the techniques for improving memory,
compare and contrast the concepts of intelligence and creativity,
explain the basic characteristics, types, and uses of tests employed for
psychological assessment,
provide examples of social cues used to monitor and manage human
analyze the relationship between attitudes and behavior,
identify the processes of human development,
recognize the basic principles and purposes of personality theories,
distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior, and
identify theories and techniques of psychotherapies.
Morris, Charles G. and Albert A. Maisto. Understanding Psychology. 8th Ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2008.
Understanding Psychology, 8/E
Charles Morris
Albert Maisto
ISBN-10: 013233514X
ISBN-13: 9780132335140
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2008
Format: Paper; 672 pp
Published: 01/02/2007
The required textbook, Understanding Psychology, Eighth Edition, is divided into 14
chapters on topics ranging from brain physiology to social psychology. Key terms, along
with definitions, appear in the margins of the pages. Because this is an introductory
course, understanding key terms is extremely important. You can bet that the quizzes
and exams will cover these terms. Summary tables and review questions are provided
to help students organize and understand concepts. A chapter review can be found at
the end of each chapter.
VANGONOTES http://www.vangonotes.com
With VangoNotes students can study “in between” all the other things they need to get
done. Students download chapter reviews from their text and listen to them on any MP3
player. VangoNotes gives students the confidence needed to succeed. They’re flexible;
just download and go. And, they’re efficient. Use them in the car, at the gym, walking to
class, wherever; for more information or to download go to www.vangonotes.com
MYPSYCHLAB http://mypsychlab.com
Continual feedback is an important component to successful student progress.
MyPsycLab is an easy-to-use online resource that helps you assess how you are doing
in your class. The program contains multiple quizzes tied to your textbook. Based on the
results of a content pretest, you are provided with your own customized study plan. The
study plan contains a variety of activities such as e-book exercises, simulations, and
activities that help you master key content. You can continue to quiz yourself by taking
the posttest as many times as you want. Pre-and posttests are randomized, so if you
opt to take the posttest again, you have access to additional questions for the same
content areas. Find out more at http://www.mypsychlab.com
COMPANION WEB SITE http://www.prenhall.com/morris
Visit the Prentice Hall Introductory to Psychology Web site, your guide to exploring the
fascinating and diverse world of psychology. On this site you can find information on
psychology and gain an understanding of the history of the discipline. Here you can
view examples of the types of research done in the major fields of psychology; access
links to useful sites in the major areas of psychology; connect with news links to current
real-world issues in psychology; take online quizzes that provide immediate scores and
feedback. The Prentice Hall Introductory Psychology Web site for Morris is an openaccess site available to all.
For further resources, please refer to the Preface xiv in your book.
Distance Learning Off-line is a mode of delivery that does not require Internet access.
The class material is available through the Taft College Internet site or by mail if you
contact me. You do not have to come to campus. Instead, you will follow the directions
given in this syllabus, complete and submit your assignments by the deadlines given,
take your exams, and contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
All assignments must reach me by the deadlines given in the Class Calendar. You can
submit your assignments through postal mail or email, but you must make sure they get
to me by the deadline. Compensate for mailing time. Tests will be taken in the College
LRC unless other arrangements are made in advance. You can set up an approved
proctor by using the “Proctor Identification Procedures” found on the distance learning
web page, http://www.taftcollege.edu/dl/proctor_procedures.htm. I prefer the electronic
format. I will be contacting your proctor and must be able to talk to him or her at their
place of employment.
You will need to read this syllabus carefully. All assignments and exams are listed
separately. In addition, there is a Class Calendar attached at the end of this syllabus
that shows what you need to complete each week. If you are taking several courses,
this may be a bit challenging. Not meeting deadlines due to other courses is not
extenuating circumstances. Being on time with your assignments is vital to your grade.
If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact me immediately. Even though
this is a distance learning class, it does not mean you are completely on your own. You
can contact me by email, phone, or in person. You will receive a packet from me via
mail with additional information and chapter quizzes, etc. no later than the second week
of school. If you do not receive this packet, please let me know.
IMPORTANT: If you would like your assignments returned to you, you must supply a
self-addressed envelope with postage when you turn in your assignments. Otherwise,
your assignments will not be returned to you via mail. You can, however, make
arrangements to pick up your assignments from me in my office.
Because this is a distance-learning course, attendance is determined by the coursework
you submit. If you do not submit the first assignment by the submission deadline listed
on the Class Calendar, I will assume you do not wish to remain in attendance and will
drop you from the class. I will usually not drop you after that date. Students may choose
to drop the course unless the deadline for dropping with a “W” has passed. It is
ultimately your responsibility drop the course if you do not wish to continue.
Your final grade will be based upon 11 quizzes worth 5 points each; 2 written projects
worth 50 points each; and 4 exams worth 100 points each. The total number of points
for all quizzes, written projects, and exams will determine your final grade. If a letter
grade is not important to you, consider taking the course for credit/no credit grading.
Forms are available in the Counseling Center or through your counselor/advisor.
Plagiarism is not acceptable. Plagiarism refers to using other peoples’ words and ideas
as your own, either verbatim or by close paraphrasing without providing necessary
quotation marks and/or citations. If you quote or closely paraphrase material from the
textbook, CD, videos or other material, you must use quotation marks if appropriate and
cite the source. You may cite the source by embedding it in the text of the paper. Do
this by listing, in parentheses and immediately after the quoted or paraphrased material,
either the text and pertinent page number(s) or the video number. If you use a different
source, then it needs to be cited in the content of your paper, and you must include a
works cited page at the end of your paper. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE; PLAGIARISM
All assignments must be submitted and exams taken by the stated deadlines listed on
the Class Calendar at the end of the syllabus. Please contact me if extenuating
circumstances prevent you from meeting a deadline. Extenuating circumstances include
verified hospitalization, death in your family, or matters of a similar and serious nature—
things out of your control.
Grades will be calculated on the following percentages:
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
0 – 59%
(555-497 points)
(496-442 points)
(441-386 points)
(385-331 points)
(330 or below points or a student who withdraws after
the deadline to withdrawal.)
The last day to withdraw from class without a “W” being recorded on your transcript is
Monday, February 2nd; the last day to withdraw with a “W” is Monday, March 30th.
QUIZZES (5 pts/each):
Every week we will cover approximately one chapter unless there is a test during that
week. There will be a quiz for every chaptered covered. Quizzes are due either before
or at the time of each exam. For example, Exam 1 covers Chapters 1, 2, and 3, so
Quizzes 1, 2 and 3 will be due before or at the time you take Exam 1. Late quizzes will
not be accepted. The quizzes are designed to help you prepare for your exams, and
may be used to study with and while taking your exams. All quizzes for the semester will
be mailed to you. Please refer to the Class Calendar for the due dates for all quizzes.
EXAMS (100 pts/each):
Exams will cover all readings and lectures since the previous exam. All exams will be in
a multiple-choice format with 50 questions. A scantron will be provided for each exam.
You will be required to use a pencil to bubble in the correct answer, so make sure you
bring a pencil to take your exam. You may use your textbook, quizzes and notes when
you take the exam. Missed exams are failed exams, unless prior authorization from
the instructor was given to take the test at an alternative time; authorization is at the
instructor’s discretion and will be granted only under special circumstances.
The textbook provides all that is necessary to master the material of each chapter.
Remember, the exams are open book but not open neighbor. Anyone talking or sharing
answers will receive a 0 for his/her score. You will be allowed 90 minutes to take the
exams. This does not mean you should not be prepared. Open book exams are tough.
You should still prepare beforehand. Also remember, if you miss the deadline as stated
on the Class Calendar, you will not be allowed to make-up exam unless you have prior
authorization from me. If you have arranged for a proctor, make sure your proctor
knows your testing schedule and has ample postage to return your exam to me by the
stated deadline. Compensate for mailing time! If you will be taking your exams on
campus in the LRC, make sure you check the hours of operation so there are no
excuses! Please refer to the Class Calendar for the due dates for all exams.
ASSIGNMENTS (50 pts/each):
You will be expected to do two written projects using APA style. If you have never used
APA style, don’t worry, it is rather easy. Each project will be 2-3 pages long, typed and
double spaced. Specific project requirements can be found below. A PowerPoint
explaining APA style and an example of an “A” grade paper will also be mailed to you at
the same time as your quizzes so you will know my expectations.
The format for each paper is as follows:
• Cover page in APA style including a running head, page header, and title, your
name, date, and written project assignment number (1 or 2), your address, Psych
1A, and my name, Darcy Brown
Restate the title exactly as it appears on your cover page on the first content
page of your paper
Introduce your topic and clarify various points about your topic in a thoughtful
manner using material from the textbook (required for Written Project 1) and at
least two other sources (required for Written Project 2). Remember not to
plagiarize. It is required that you cite your source(s) in parentheses. To ensure
full credit, make sure you have cited from your source(s) somewhere in your
Feel free to include your own thoughts and feelings. Support your facts and give
lively examples whenever possible.
Works Cited page
Be respectful and take pride in your work. Proof read each paper carefully, and make
any necessary corrections. Do not rely upon the computer to identify every spelling or
grammatical mishap. It is helpful to read your paper out loud to yourself a day or two
after you have written it. This allows you to notice confusing or awkward phrasing and to
have ample time to make corrections and improvements yet still meet the due date.
Having someone else read your paper can be very beneficial.
All papers are to be submitted by the deadlines listed in the Class Calendar. Late
papers will not be accepted. Please refer to the Class Calendar for due dates for all
written project assignments.
Due: Friday, March 13th
You will turn in a 2-3 page typed and double-spaced application paper that is stapled.
Paper topic:
A topic of interest to you that is covered in your Psyc 1500 textbook, Chapters 1-6.
Ex: REM sleep or Drug Altered Consciousness
Paper content:
Introduce your topic and define it. Clarify various points about your topic. You may apply
your topic to your life or give your personal opinion. What does the information mean to
you? Do you agree or disagree? You may also use examples from your life or a family
member/friend’s life to support or contradict your topic or to give lively examples of
concepts. Support your facts or give examples whenever possible. Your textbook, or
source of information, needs to be cited throughout your paper. At the end, all citations
should be referenced.
Paper format:
Your paper should be formatted using APA style. All papers should include a title or
cover page, which will not be counted as one of the 2-3 pages. Title your paper with
your topic choice. Please center your title over the body of the text as well. Citations
within the paper and the reference section should be done in APA style. If you use the
class textbook as a reference, you must cite the source within the text and it must also
be placed on the reference page.
I will provide a handout on APA style, and the APA Manual can be found in the library. A
one-inch margin should be used on the top, bottom, and sides of your paper. Use Times
New Roman font size between 10-12 and double space your paper. Please make sure
you staple your paper.
Do NOT plagiarize from your text. I do NOT want papers over 3 pages. This should be a
broad and succinct paper.
You will be graded on content as well as spelling, grammar, punctuation, presentation,
proofing, citations, references, APA style, length, etc. (mechanics). The paper will be
worth 50 points toward your semester grade. All papers are due Friday, March 13th. You
may turn papers in earlier, but not later.
If you have any questions about the paper, please feel free to ask me ahead of time,
and I will be happy to help you! Good luck!
Due: Friday, May 15th
You will turn in a 2-3 page typed and double-spaced brief research review paper that is
stapled. You must have AT LEAST two reference articles. I do not want internet
sources, or textbooks, or popular magazines. Your sources must be scientific journals
published within the last five years. These can be found in the library, or online from the
library/LRC research room link.
Paper topic:
Topic of your choice from your Psyc 1500 textbook, chapters 7-14.
Ex: Emotional Intelligence or ADHD
Paper content:
Introduce your topic and define it. Summarize your journal articles. Each article should
show support for your topic in some way and should flow with the other articles. Clarify
various points about your topic. You may apply your topic to your life or give your
personal opinion. What does the information mean to you? Do you agree or disagree
with the content? You may also use examples from your life or a family member/friend’s
life to support or contradict the article or to give lively examples of concepts. Support
your facts or give examples whenever possible. At least two additional sources on the
topic should be used, not including the textbook. Sources should be taken from
professional journals published within the last five years. Sources need to be cited
throughout your paper. At the end, all citations should be referenced.
Paper format:
Your paper should be formatted using APA style. All papers should include a title or
cover page, which will not be counted as one of the 2-3 pages. Title your paper with
your topic choice. Please center your title over the body of the text as well. Citations
within the paper and the reference section should be done in APA style. If you use the
class textbook as a reference, you must cite the source within the text and it must also
be placed on the reference page.
The APA Manual can be found in the library. A one-inch margin should be used on the
top, bottom, and sides of your paper. Use Times New Roman font size between 10-12
and double space your paper. Please make sure you staple your paper.
DO NOT plagiarize your paper. I do not want papers over 3 pages. If you use the class
textbook as a reference, you must still have two other sources. Also, don’t forget to
place all sources on reference page.
You will be graded on content as well as spelling, grammar, punctuation, presentation,
proofing, citations, references, APA style, length, etc. (mechanics). The paper will be
worth 50 points toward your semester grade. All papers are due Friday, May 15th. You
may turn papers in earlier, but not later.
If you have any questions about the paper, please feel free to ask me ahead of time,
and I will be happy to help you! Good luck!
Instructions for finding journal articles from TC Library:
1. Go to TC Homepage: www.taftcollege.edu
2. Click on “Library/Learning Resource Center” link at bottom of homepage
3. From the LLRC menu, click on “Research Room”
4. Username: taftcollege Password: tcstudent
5. Under the “Periodicals/Articles” heading, click on “Expanded Academic ASAP
6. Click on “Proceed” to enter Infotrac
7. Click on “Expanded Academic ASAP”
8. Begin your journal article search
50 Points Total
APA Style
Ref & Cit
_______/ 5
_______ / 0 *
*Paper must be 2-3 pages. Points will be deducted for papers that are not
2-3 pages.
TOTAL POINTS _______/50
Extra credit opportunities will be available on most quizzes and added to your total
points earned for the class before calculating your final grade.
If you feel that you have a learning disability, please inform the instructor or contact the
Learning Disabilities Specialist at 661-763-7891. Disability assessment is available and
appropriate accommodations may be provided accordingly to maximize your success.
WEEK 1: January 20th
HOLIDAY: Monday, January 20th
Introduction: Read/Review Syllabus
Begin Reading Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology
WEEK 2: January 26th
Continue Reading/Reviewing Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology
Complete Chapter 1 Quiz
WEEK 3: February 2nd
Read/Review Chapter 2: The Biological Basis of Behavior
Complete Chapter 2 Quiz
WEEK 4: February 9th
HOLIDAY: Friday, February 13th
Read/Review Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception
Complete Chapter 3 Quiz
WEEK 5: February 16th
HOLIDAY: Monday, February 16th
Exam #1: Chapters 1, 2, 3 (Due by Friday, February 20th along with Ch. 1, 2, 3
Read/Review APA Style PowerPoint to prepare for Written Project 1 due Week 8.
WEEK 6: February 23rd
Read/Review Chapter 4: States of Consciousness
Complete Chapter 4 Quiz
WEEK 7: March 2nd
Read/Review Chapter 5: Learning
Complete Chapter 5 Quiz
WEEK 8: March 9th
Written Project 1 Due: Friday, March 13th
Read/Review Chapter 6: Memory
Complete Chapter 6 Quiz
WEEK 9: March 16th
Exam #2: Chapters 4, 5, 6 (Due by Friday, March 20th along with Ch. 4, 5, 6
WEEK 10: March 23rd
Read/Review Chapter 7: Cognition and Mental Abilities
Complete Chapter 7 Quiz
WEEK 11: March 30th
Read/Review Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion
Complete Chapter 8 Quiz
Monday, April 6th – Friday, April 10th
WEEK 12: April 13th
Read/Review Chapter 10: Personality
Complete Chapter 10 Quiz
WEEK 13: April 20th
Exam #3: Chapters 7, 8, 10 (Due by Friday, April 24th along with Ch. 7, 8, 10
WEEK 14: April 27th
Read/Review Chapter 12: Psychological Disorders
Complete Chapter 12 Quiz
WEEK 15: May 4th
Read/Review Chapter 13: Therapies
Complete Chapter 13 Quiz
WEEK 16: May 11th
Written Project 2 Due: Friday, May 15th
WEEK 17: May 18th
Final Exam: Chapters 12, 13 (Due by Monday, May 18th along with Ch. 12, 13
Friday, May 22nd