Name______ Student 1.11 Math 1210-1 Quiz 8 April, 2016 Directions: You may ask and answer each others questions on this quiz. The goal is to understand what you’re doing and express your thoughts clearly. Write your own solutions though, rather than just copying someone elses. Calculators are not allowed on this quiz. Show your work. 1.) Find the following antiderivatives. a1f3~ptth31s) 14 (S jx — 4-+2qTdx >C (‘I -SK t2~g ½. cl,ç S I’ca 4- CS p+s) k~.t t&t ‘Z t d £ k II ts 6t I 5) 34j& L~t 2 dt 4-c-- t3(tC~eL J 1 4 -3(tt5) C. t 2) j3p~iiii~3Solve the differential equation initial value problem fory(x) r1~ (.s~ 4LA1~J sin(x) y(O)=2. htu &f~t. ~ 7’l -L-v5A~6 ...3