Introduction to Important Academic Policies- Todd Huspeni

Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Todd Huspeni
Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for
Teaching, Learning, and Academic Programs
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a course
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a major/minor
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Resources and Locations:
• Course Catalog (see Academic Policies page)
• University Handbook
• Community Rights and Responsibilities
• Dean of Students
• Office of the Registrar
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Attendance- Enrollment and Grading
Enrollment policy (
(Also see Course Catalog Academic Policies)
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Attendance- Enrollment and Grading
Make-up work policy:
University Handbook, Chapter 5, Section 11, Faculty-Student Policies:
Instructors should furnish students a reasonable amount of help in making up work
missed, where the reason for absence concerns emergencies, off-campus trips, illness,
and the like.
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Attendance- Enrollment and Grading
Attendance policy:
University Handbook, Chapter 9, Section 1, General Academics:
Students can expect to receive a syllabus in the first class meeting of each course. The
syllabus should include a statement of course objectives and requirements, a
description of the grading system, tentative examination schedule, as appropriate to the
course, and a clear attendance policy. Faculty can expect students to keep up with
class assignments and requirements.
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Attendance- Enrollment and Grading
Attendance policy:
University Handbook, Chapter 9, Section 1, General Academics:
Students can expect to receive a syllabus in the first class meeting of each course. The
syllabus should include a statement of course objectives and requirements, a
description of the grading system, tentative examination schedule, as appropriate to the
course, and a clear attendance policy. Faculty can expect students to keep up with
class assignments and requirements.
See also Dean of Students “Guidelines for Missing Class”
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Attendance- Enrollment and Grading
Religious Beliefs Accommodation policy:
Course Catalog, Religious Beliefs Accommodation:
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Students With Disabilities:
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Student Misconduct:
Policies in Community Rights and Responsibilities
(Chapters UWSP 14 & 17)
Also see Dean of Students resources
Also see Academic Misconduct Report Form (on myPoint)
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Distance Education
University Handbook (Chap. 5, Sec. 15):
Policies Pertaining to the Provision of Distance Education:
Note Instructor Training Requirement
See: UWSP Online at:
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Meeting During Final Exam PeriodIt is required!  15-16.pdf
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to teaching a course:
Grade Review:
Policies in University Handbook (Chap. 7, Sec. 5)
Grounds for a grade appeal shall ordinarily be as follows:
The alleged failure of the instructor to provide to the students, not later than
the end of the second week of classes, a written statement of how grades will
be determined.
The alleged failure of the instructor to assign grades according to the manner
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a course
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to creating/revising a course:
Creating or revising a course requires approval of
the Curriculum Cmte. and/or Graduate Council
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Academic Policies:
• Resources and locations
• Policies related to teaching a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a course
• Policies related to creating/revising a major/minor
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to creating/revising a major/minor:
Creating or revising a minor requires approvals
of the Curriculum Cmte. and dean
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to creating/revising a major/minor:
Creating or revising a minor requires approvals
of the Curriculum Cmte. and dean
Revising a major or graduate program requires approvals
of the Curriculum Cmte. and/or Graduate Council and dean
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
Policies related to creating/revising a major/minor:
Creating or revising a minor requires approvals
of the Curriculum Cmte. and dean
Revising a major or graduate program requires approvals
of the Curriculum Cmte. and/or Graduate Council and dean
Creating a new major (or graduate program) requires
approvals of UW System, the Curriculum Cmte.
and/or Graduate Council, the dean, and the provost
Introduction to Important Academic PoliciesWhat are they and how do I find more information?
When a question comes up:
Talk to your chair and colleagues
Call or email me (or Katie Jore)