Health Education 10 Instructor: Tony Thompson Email: Office: Administration/Student Services Bldg. Phone: 661-763-7740 TEXT: Access to Health, Donatelle, 10th Edition Dates You should be covering: Jan. 28-Feb. 1 Promoting Healthy Behavior Change, Psychosocial Health: Being Mentally, Emotionally, Socially, and Spiritually Well Managing Stress: Coping with Life’s Challenges, Violence and Abuse: Creating Healthy Environments Healthy Relationships: Communicating Effectively with Friends, Family, and Significant Others EXAM 1 on Tuesday. Ch. 1-5, 2 Projects due: Assess Yourself Questionnaire and Behavior Change Contract Sexuality: Choices in Sexual Behavior Reproductive Choices: Making Responsible Decisions, Nutrition: Eating for Optimum Health Start your 7 day Food Journal Project – it is due Mar. 12th. Managing Your Weight: Finding a Healthy Balance, Personal Fitness: Improving Health through Exercise EXAM 2, Ch. 6-10 Food Journal Project is due! Addictions and Addictive Behavior: Threats to Wellness SPRING BREAK!!!!! Drinking Responsibly: A Lifestyle Challenge on Campus Tobacco and Caffeine: Daily Pleasures, Daily Challenges Illicit Drugs: Use, Misuse, and Abuse Cardiovascular Disease: Reducing Your Risk EXAM 3, Ch. 11-15, Family Health Tree is due! Cancer: Reducing Your Risk Infectious Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Risks and Responsibilities Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Process Dying and Death: The Final Transition FINAL EXAM ON MONDAY, Chapters 16,17,19,20 Feb. 4-8 Feb. 11-14 Feb. 19 Feb. 19-22 Feb. 25-29 Feb. 29 Mar. 3-7 Mar. 10 Mar. 12 Mar. 10-14 Mar. 17-21 Mar. 24-28 Mar. 31-Apr. 4 Apr. 7-11 Apr. 14-18 Apr. 21 Apr. 21-25 Apr. 28-May 2 May 5-9 May 12-16 May 19 Chapter 1,2 3,4 5 6 7,8 9,10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 Exams Grading Scale Feb. 19 Mar. 10 Apr. 21 May 19 585-650 = A 520-584 = B 455-519 = C 390-454 = D 0-389 = F Projects Assess Yourself Questionnaire 50pts Behavior Change Contract 50pts Food Journal 50pts Family Health Tree 100pts Due February 19th Due February 19th Due March 12th Due on April 21st