Title III Dept. of Education Grant PART F: EVALUATION PLAN Evaluation of the UWSP Title III project will involve both external and internal assessments. The Executive Director for Academic Success will oversee an evaluation team including the Title III coordinator to assist with data management, institutional research staff who will compile student demographic and performance data as well as provide reports from ongoing campus-wide assessment activities, and the members of the T3 Advisory Council who will serve as liaisons to their respective areas for quantitative and qualitative data collection. The Executive Director will work with the external evaluator on interpreting assessment results, determining project objective attainment and strategies for necessary improvements. As part of project ‘start-up’ activities, the evaluator will assist in finalizing the project evaluation design and will conduct annual, summative, end-of-year program reviews. The T3 Advisory Council will conduct on-going, formative progress assessments each semester in order to provide the Executive Director with timely information in responding to necessary project implementation modifications. The following table outlines the evaluation plan including identification of data elements, plan for data collection, analysis and timeline, and identification of project staff and institutional partner responsibilities. Project Evaluation Plan Data Elements Data Collection and Analysis Procedures Persons Responsible Possible Results or Timeline Project Objective 1: Increase first to second year retention of first-time, full-time freshman 0.5% each year of the 5-year project period. Activity 1a: Conditional Admit Program: The first to second year retention rate of students participating in the conditional admit program will be 5% higher than previous cohorts of students who meet the same admission criteria. List of students that are wait In collaboration with Admissions identify students Title III Spring of 2015. listed due to lower academic that are wait-listed due to lower academic aptitude. Retention aptitude. Coordinator Administer MAPWorks surveys. MAPWorks surveys and program In collaboration with R&R get end of term grade participants. reports. End of term grade reports Provide exit interviews with program participants to Qualitative feedback (evaluation discuss efficacy. forms, focus groups, surveys) Analyze students individual strengths and weaknesses and develop an academic success plan. Analyze and respond to MAPWorks survey results. Make changes as deemed necessary. Activity 1b and 1c: Supplemental Instruction: By 6/1/2018, 75% of LI, URM, and ACT<20 freshmen will participate in Supplemental Instruction study groups, and those who attend 5 or more SI sessions will achieve grades higher than those who do not attend, improving persistence to a degree. By 10/9/18, 90% of “gatekeeping” courses in Mathematics and the sciences (STEM) will have Supplemental Instruction study groups to increase student retention and success during their first and second years on campus. Class lists of SI-attached courses, In collaboration with R&R, identify LI URM, and SI Year 4: Expand to 90% of DFW lists, number of LI, URM ACT<20 student enrolled in high DFW STEM Coordinator. DFW>20% in courses with and ACT<20 students, faculty, courses. enrollment >35 in. Records and staff, and student qualitative gatekeeping courses. Registration. Administer Select Survey feedback (evaluation forms, focus Year5: Maintain at goal and Conduct focus groups Faculty groups, surveys). expand where possible. teaching the SI Create a market plan to recruit more LI, URM, and courses. ACT<20 students in SI groups, creating promotional material with a retention focus. SI peer educators. Fall 2014 begin with incoming freshmen to aggressively promote SI. Analyze Select Survey results Review Spring 2014 focus group recommendations. Make program changes as needed. Activity 1d: Intrusive Advising Program: Decrease the gap in retention of undeclared students and their declared counterparts to less than 2%. Retention rates for undeclared In collaboration with Registration and Records, Academic Collect and analyze data freshmen cohort, as captured by obtain each semester and year reports about Advising annually the 10th day of the semester. undeclared students retention and Coordinator probation/suspension status. Academic probation rates Administer MAPWorks surveys; look for trends of MAPWorks data, including self-reported scores in conjunction with persistence student self-reported information rates. Focus attention on weak areas. on commitment to the institution and satisfaction with institution. Activity 1e: Intrusive Advising and Career Outreach Programs: Collaborate with the Director of General Education and FYS faculty and peer mentors to ensure the learning outcome related to academic and career planning is met in each section of FYS. Faculty-reported perception of Each faculty who requests a module activity or Intrusive Ongoing, as determined by student demonstrated learning. presentation will be asked to answer a short survey Advising Director of General Education about their experience. That data will be used to Coordinator modify and improve training materials and future presentations. Collect and analyze data on a regular basis. Activity 1f: Career Outreach Program Increase the number of first-year students who report participating in activities designed to facilitate career exploration and foster self-assessment of skills and interests. Project Evaluation Plan Data Elements Numbers of students who take career assessments. Students self-reported data on achievement of learning outcomes. Number of students meeting with peer mentors. Student satisfaction with peer mentoring experience. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures Track numbers of students who take assessments (via CareerPoint system). Distribute learning outcomes survey to students following the interpretation of assessments. Disaggregate by demographic variables (SES, race, first-generation). Track numbers of appointments. through CareerPoint system. Distribute satisfaction survey to students following their meeting with peer mentors. Analyze the data collected. Persons Responsible Career Outreach Specialist. Registration and Records. Possible Results or Timeline Reports run monthly Data disaggregated at the end of each semester. Distributed throughout the year and compiled annually. Reports run monthly. Distributed throughout the year and compiled annually. Project Objective 2: Increase the 4-year graduation rate by 3% by the conclusion of project year five. Activity 2a: Conditional Admit Program: The 4-year graduation rate of students participating in the conditional admit program will be 5% higher than previous cohorts of students who meet the same admission criteria. Graduation reports With assistance from Registration and Records, Title III Summer 2018 will be the first 4track cohorts of conditionally admitted students to Retention year graduation for the first Student feedback track 4 and 6 year graduation rates Coordinator official fall cohort of conditionally admitted students. Collect information from students who do not Records and graduate in 4 years about what they perceived cause Registration Data collected and analyzed their delays. Work to assist students with common annually after that. challenges related to on-time graduation Activity 2b: Supplemental Instruction Program: By 6/1/2018, 75% of LI, URM, and ACT <20 students who attend 5 or more SI sessions will achieve grades higher than those who do not attend, improving persistence to a degree. DFW lists, timetable, course Identify all courses with DFW >20% and review courses by SI Year 5: 75% of target catalog, attendance at SI sessions semester to offer SI for appropriate courses. Coordinator. population in SI by course, exam/course grades, groups who attend Frame and publicize SI as a retention tool to advisors and Records and number of faculty teaching high five or more sessions student support programs. Registration. DFW courses, turnover of will achieve a grade Track SI participants to begin collecting graduation rates faculty, retention rates for all better than the class Monitor targeted percentages of participating students to assure students average graduation rates. Adjust program as needed. Activity 2c: Intrusive Advising Program: Increase the number of students utilizing the Student Academic Advising Center to plan for alternative majors when they need or desire to change their selected academic program. Satisfaction from Brief surveys. Academic Beginning FY14, and students/faculty. Advising continuing for Tracking data. coordinator duration of the Time to new major. Analyze survey results. project. Graduation rates of transfer from UW-Marshfield/Marathon Cnty. Activity 2d: Intrusive Advising Program and Career Outreach Programs: Increase the amount of intentional advising and career counseling outreach and programming for at-risk students. Ongoing through entire Tracking data Utilization of MAPworks data and brief surveys after Academic presentations for students Adv Student surveys grant duration. Coordinator. Career Outreach Coordinator Activity 2e: Career Outreach Program: Expand students’ utilization of resources to obtain internships and effectively market their skills and experience to future employers. Number of students participating Track numbers of students who participate in for-credit Career Internships compiled in for-credit internships internships Outreach at the end of each Specialist semester. Needs of Departmental Intern Distribute Needs Assessment Survey to Departmental Intern Coordinators re: internship Coordinators Departmental Website and LinkedIn information and support Intern analyzed annually. Website and social media analytics “Hits” on website and online career resources Quantity and quality of student profiles on LinkedIn. Feedback on usefulness of online resources Students self-reported data on achievement of learning outcomes Employer perception of student preparedness Look at LinkedIn to determine UWSP students developing LinkedIn profiles and joining relevant LinkedIn groups Student focus group Distribute learning outcomes survey to students following the interpretation of assessments Administer survey to employers Coordinators Career Outreach Specialist. Web and Media Services. Career Outreach Specialist. Employers. Student learning outcomes survey distributed throughout the year and compiled annually. Employers surveyed in years 2 and 4.