Supplemental Instruction Guide . 1.a

Supplemental Instruction Guide
Please utilize this reference to assist in completing the Request for Approval a New/Revised Credit Course form.
1.a. Please choose one of the following: New Course, Credit Course Revision (choose either Substantial or
Unsubstantial*), Change course status from INACTIVE to ACTIVE (to inactivate a course, please submit a memo stating
the reason and outlining the changes to programs*), Remove/Delete course from current college inventory.
1.b. If the change is substantial, a new Course ID will need to be assigned. Please mark if the new course will replace the
current, and if so, please list the replaced course in field 1.c. A change to any of the follow is a substantial change and will
result in the formation a new course: TOP Code, Credit Status, Units, Basic Skills Status, SAM Code, Prior to College
Level, Noncredit Category, or Funding Agency Category
1.d. Please choose the appropriate academic division: Applied Technologies, Learning Support, Liberal Arts, Science and
Mathematics, or Social Sciences.
1.e-h. Please list the current information for the course. If the course is new, please skip and move to 3.a. For the current
Taxonomy of Programs (T.O.P.) Code, please refer the Taft College Approved Current Course Outlines of Record (COR)
website at for a list
of all current courses and data information.
1.i-l. Please list the proposed change or new course information. To locate the appropriate T.O.P. Code for your course,
please refer to following PDF: .
1.m.. Enter the proposed change or new catalog description. If a course is being revised, please bold new additions and
strikethrough items to be deleted.
1.n. The SAM Priority Code indicates the degree to which a course is occupational. Please choose the appropriate code
from the following:
Apprenticeship (offered to apprentices only)
Advanced Occupational (not limited to apprentices): Courses are taken by students in advanced stages of occupational
Clearly Occupational (but not advanced): Courses taken in the middle stages of programs and should be of difficulty level
sufficient to detract “drop-ins”.
Possibly Occupational: Courses taken in the beginning stages of occupational programs
1.q. Program Status: A credit course is program-applicable if course is part of a Chancellor’s approved certificate or
degree. This includes required or restricted electives for an approved program, including general education requirements.
Use not-program applicable if the course is not tied to a Chancellor’s approved certificate or degree, otherwise known as
“stand alone”.
1.t. Prior to Transfer Level: This element indicates course level status for ESL, writing, reading and mathematics
courses. For further detailed information, please follow the provided link: Data Element Dictionary - CB21 Course-Priorto-Transfer-Level (opens Word document)
1.x. Classification Status: This element classifies a course in accordance with its primary objective. Please choose one of
the following:
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Developmental Preparatory
Adult and Secondary Basic Education
Personal Development and Survival—Student without a Disability
Courses for Students with Substantial Disabilities
Parenting and Family Support
Community and Civic Development
General and Cultural
Career-Technical Education