MONITORING INVASIVE SPECIES IN A SEMI-DESERT SAGEBRUSH SHRUBLAND POST-WILDFIRE REHABILITATION SEEDING Megan M. Taylor1, Ann L. Hild2, Nancy L. Shaw3, Erin K. Denney4, and Matthew R. Fisk4 1M.S. Student and 2Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science & Management, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 3Research Botanist and 4Biological Science Technicians, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID OVERVIEW AND PROJECT JUSTIFICATION • Fire is a significant agent of disturbance in the semi-arid shrublands of the Great Basin (Bainbridge 2007) • Long recovery periods of sagebrush communities can allow non-native species to invade (Ziegenhagen & Miller 2009) • Post-fire reseeding is intended to reduce weed reentry and return ecosystem function • Little detailed information on mechanisms of exotic return in wildfire rehabilitation projects OBJECTIVES • Compare Rangeland Drill and Minimum-Till Drill seeded treatments for exotic presence • Document the temporal presence of exotic annuals following rehabilitation seeding • Assess the relative biomass of native seeded species versus exotic annuals SCOOBY FIRE SITE LOCATION • Wildcat Hills, 20 miles southwest of Snowville, UT • August 2008 wildfire burned 380 acres of native sagebrush Adapted from U.S. Department of the Interior (2008) Map: Amarina Wuenschel Great Salt Lake Area (MLRA 028A) 028AY215UT, Semi-desert gravelly loam, Wyoming big sagebrush • Elevation of 1440 m (4725 ft) • Mean annual precipitation 20 – 30 cm (8 – 12 in) • Mean annual air temperature 7 – 10 C (45 – 50 F) • Frost-free period ranges from 116 to 151 days • Soils • Xeric Haplocalcids (cobbly loam) • Xeric Torriorthents (gravelly coarse sand) • Sandy loams and loamy sands • Native plant community • Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis (Wyoming big sagebrush) • Achnatherum hymenoides • (Indian ricegrass) • Pseudoroegneria spicata (Bluebunch wheatgrass) NRCS (2011) and Soil Survey Staff (2011) Photo: Johnson T, Corbeil M, Tews A (2009) SCOOBY FIRE PRECIPITATION * 140 120 11 Year Average 80 Drill seeding 60 Biomass and soil collection Biomass collection 40 20 2008 2009 2010 2011 JUL JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY APR MAR FEB JAN DEC NOV OCT 0 SEP Precipitation (mm) 100 Photos: N. Shaw, E. Denney, & M. Fisk, USFS-RMRS Standard Rangeland Drill Drill seeded November 2008 Minimum-Till Drill SCOOBY FIRE TREATMENT APPLICATION 5 blocks → 13 treatments → 5 transects per plot We sampled 4 blocks → 13 treatments → 2 transects per plot SCOOBY FIRE TREATMENT APPLICATION Drill No Drill Drill Seed Broadcast Seed (Sagebrush Rate) Code No Seed No Seed C No Seed No Seed M (0) Drill Drill (std)* M (std) Minimum-Till Drill Drill (5x) M (5x) (Broadcast seed covered with impactor unit) Drill Drill (10x) M (10x) Drill Hand broadcast, fall (5x) Drill Hand broadcast, winter (5x) No Seed No Seed R (0) Drill Drill (std) R (std) Rangeland Drill Drill (5x) R (5x) (Broadcast seed covered with chain) Drill Drill (10x) R (10x) Drill Hand broadcast, fall (5x) Drill Hand broadcast, winter (5x) * Standard, 5x and 10x refer to A. tridentata ssp. wyomingensis seeding rate M+BC (5x) M+wBC (5x) R+BC (5x) R+wBC (5x) Seeding Rate (PLS m-2) Scooby Seed Mix Species Standard 5x 10x Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis (Wyoming big sagebrush) 52 234 495 Ericameria nauseosa (rubber rabbitbrush) 86 86 86 100 100 100 Poa secunda Mt. Home Germplasm (Sandberg bluegrass) 91 91 91 Penstemon cyaneus (blue penstemon) 76 76 76 405 587 848 ‘Rimrock’ Achnatherum hymenoides (Indian ricegrass) 51 51 51 Sphaeralcea munroana (Munro’s globemallow) 93 93 93 Pseudoroegneria spicata Anatone Germplasm (bluebunch wheatgrass) 67 67 67 Elymus elymoides Toe Jam Creek Germplasm (squirreltail) 47 47 47 Eriogonum umbellatum (sulphur-flower buckwheat) 11 11 11 269 269 269 674 856 1117 Broadcast mix Achillea millefolium Eagle Germplasm (common yarrow) Total Broadcast Drill mix Total Drill Total Drill + Broadcast MATERIALS AND METHODS Biomass Collection • Randomly placed four 0.25 m2 quadrats in each • • • treatment Native grass (volunteer and seeded) clipped as a group Volunteer forbs clipped as a group Seeded forbs and exotic annuals clipped separately by species 0.25m2 quadrat MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil Sampling for Microbial Community Analysis • Native grass (Poa secunda) • • • • • microsites Exotic grass (Bromus tectorum) microsites C, R(0), M(0), R(5x), and M(5x) treatments 5 replicates from each treatment Soil texture, pH, and EC samples adjacent to PLFA samples 0-5 cm sampling depth Poa secunda microsite R(std) Control 2011 M(std) TOTAL BIOMASS 2010 2011 BIOMASS BY PLANT GROUP 2010 2011 BIOMASS BY PLANT GROUP SEEDED FORBS Biomass (% of total) 14 A 12 AB 10 Broadcast Forbs AB 8 6 Drill Seeded Forbs AB B 4 B 2 B B B 0 Rangeland R+wBC (5x) Drill R+BC (5x) R (0) Control M (0) M+BC (5x) M+wBC (5x) Minimum-Till Drill Biomass (% of total) A. millefolium 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 A AB AB AB B B B Rangeland R+wBC (5x) Drill R+BC (5x) R (0) B Control Treatment B M (0) M+BC (5x) M+wBC (5x) Minimum-Till Drill BIOMASS BY PLANT GROUP Exotic Annuals 90 A Biomass (% of total) 80 A A 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 B B 0 Rangeland Drill R (0) Control Treatment M (0) Minimum-Till Drill EXOTIC ANNUALS 2010 2011 BIOMASS RESULTS • Total biomass • Exotic annuals and volunteer forbs greatest in unseeded controls • Broadcast forbs greatest in Minimum-Till seeded treatments • Exotic annuals S. kali and H. glomeratus greater in 2010, B. tectorum dominated in 2011 SOIL MICROBES 6 µg Fatty Acid/g soil 5 4 Gram + Bacteria Gram - Bacteria 3 AM Fungi General Fungi 2 Protozoans 1 0 Brte Pose Brte Pose R(5x) R(5x) R(0) R(0) Brte Pose Brte Pose Brte Pose C C M(0) Microsite by Treatment M(0) M(5x) M(5x) SOIL MICROBIAL COMMUNITY RESULTS • • • • Preliminary results 100 samples analyzed 190 more to extract No obvious trends yet… CONCLUSIONS • Few drill differences three years after seeding • More broadcast forbs with the Minimum-Till Drill • Tradeoff between seeding and recruitment of volunteer forbs • Native seeding does minimize relative biomass of annual exotics FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS • PLFA analysis may reveal differences in soil microbial communities beneath broadcast, drilled, and exotic grass • Soil microbial communities may differ between drills • Impacts of drill differences and seeding rate may become more apparent as size and density of seeded species increases QUESTIONS? Plant Biomass (g/m2) Year 2010 2011 Treatment Native Grass Seeded Forbs Volunteer Forbs Exotic Annuals S. kali H. glomeratus B. tectorum Total Biomass Rangeland Drill 153.56 14.18 5.55 8.53 3.21 3.95 1.37 181.82 R (0) 0.39 0.00 52.90 98.29 63.23 23.79 11.27 151.57 Control 0.00 0.00 25.64 96.28 29.30 28.37 38.61 121.92 M (0) 0.00 0.00 47.61 110.51 60.41 22.93 27.17 158.11 MinimumTill Drill 172.48 19.01 5.33 11.95 2.13 9.44 0.38 208.76 Rangeland Drill 212.99 9.46 16.01 11.13 0.002 0.00 11.12 249.59 R (0) 1.78 0.00 42.07 76.15 0.46 0.003 75.69 119.99 Control 5.96 0.00 28.74 97.78 0.01 0.00 97.77 132.48 M (0) 1.94 0.00 20.43 72.21 0.10 0.00 72.11 94.58 193.52 15.26 8.71 8.96 0.00 0.05 8.91 226.45 MinimumTill Drill Plant Biomass (lb/acre) Year 2010 2011 Treatment Native Grass Seeded Forbs Volunteer Forbs Exotic Annuals S. kali Rangeland Drill 1369.74 126.52 49.52 76.09 28.66 35.19 12.23 1621.83 R (0) 3.43 0.00 471.82 876.70 563.97 212.21 100.53 1352.00 Control 0.00 0.00 228.71 858.84 261.38 253.04 344.42 1087.53 M (0) 0.00 0.00 424.64 985.75 538.86 204.51 242.38 1410.34 MinimumTill Drill 1538.49 169.53 47.57 106.57 19.01 84.16 3.39 1862.14 Rangeland Drill 1899.90 84.39 142.83 99.25 0.02 0.00 99.23 2226.34 R (0) 15.90 0.00 375.22 679.21 4.06 0.02 675.13 1070.31 Control 53.19 0.00 256.38 872.18 0.07 0.00 872.11 1181.72 M (0) 17.33 0.00 182.25 644.08 0.88 0.00 643.20 843.65 1726.16 136.13 77.73 79.93 0.00 0.47 79.46 2019.93 MinimumTill Drill H. glomeratus B. tectorum Total Biomass ANOVA Total Biomass Native Grass Seeded Forbs Volunteer Forbs Exotic Annuals S. kali H. glomeratus B. tectorum % g/m2 Treatment 0.0057 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001 Year 0.0663 0.4181 0.5346 0.4188 0.1642 <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001 Year*Treatment 0.2779 0.9503 0.9355 0.8646 0.7638 <0.0001 0.0445 <0.0001 SEEDED FORBS BIOMASS BY PLANT GROUP