Genecology and Seed Zones for Bluebunch Wheatgrass and Prairie Junegrass Brad St.Clair Francis Kilkenny USDA FS Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR Photo: Berta Youtie 2012 Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project Annual Meeting Collaborators R.C. Johnson USDA ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Pullman, WA Nancy Shaw USDA FS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID Matt Horning USDA FS Region 6, Bend, OR Dale Darris USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR Many others who provided seed from many populations Photo: Berta Youtie Adaptation The evolutionary process whereby an population becomes better suited to its environment A feature which is especially important for an organism’s survival and reproduction; a product of natural selection in a given environment (adaptive trait) 1. 2. • • • Heritable Functional A result of natural selection Adaptedness = the state of being adapted; the degree to which an organism is able to survive, grow, and reproduce in a given environment (related to fitness) Evidence for adaptation comes from: 1. 2. 3. 4. Correlation between a character and environmental factors - the same form occurs in similar environments (genecology studies) Comparisons of naturally-occurring variants in environments where they are hypothesized to function as adaptations (reciprocal transplant studies) Direct evidence from altering a character to see how it affects function in a given environment In population genetics, deviation from what would be expected from neutrality (e.g., Fst outliers, Tajima’s D) Adapted from West-Eberhard 1992, Endler 1986 Common Garden Studies Common-garden experiments are used to separate genetic from environmental effects Environment is more uniform • “E” is smaller • Phenotype (P) more closely reflects the genotype (G) P=G+E Genecology Studies Genecology • The study of intraspecific genetic variation of plants in relation to source environments (Turresson 1923) • Seeks correlations between “plant type” and “habitat type” • Consistent correlations are taken to indicate adaptation as determined by natural selection Example: Douglas-fir Genecology Study Grow families in a common environment Measure many adaptive traits Collect seed from many trees GIS Combination of Variables, Primarily Growth Douglas-Fir of Western OR and WA 3 2 1 0 Traits vs source environment -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 December Minimum Temperature 4 6 Advantages/disadvantages of genecology studies • • • • May be done in a short timeframe Greatly minimizes environmental variation Can sample many source locations from a wide range of environments Can produce maps of adaptive traits/climates for easy visualization and manipulation But, • Assumes we have measured all the most important adaptive traits • May be difficult to synthesize results of many traits • Comparisons between sites or years assume local is best (risk of maladaptation, LSD) • Not a direct test of adaptation Reciprocal Transplant Studies Populations from a range of source environments are evaluated in the same or similar range of test environments Can generate models to predict adaptation as a function of: 1. 2. 3. 4. planting environments (response function) source environments (genecology functions) difference between a planting and source environments (transfer functions) both the planting environment and source environment together (universal response functions) Mather El. 1,400 m Potentilla glandulosa from three different elevations planted at three different elevations (Clausen, Keck & Hiesey 1940) Stanford El. 35 m Native to Timberline El. 3,030 m Classical studies of Clausen, Keck, & Hiesey Stanford El. 35 m Mather Timberline El. 1,400 m El. 3,030 m Grown at Pinus contorta provenance trial 140 provenances sampled 60 test sites Variation among four populations at one test site Manning 49 N Albreda 52 N Champion 49 N Takhini 60 N 11 Response functions derived from lodgepole pine provenance tests in British Columbia from Wang et al. 2006. Use of response functions in selecting lodgepole pine populations for future climate. Global Change Biology 12: 2404-2416. Transfer functions Fig. 7 Individual transfer functions (the trend curves) for six test sites from a range of mean annual temperatures (MATs). The vertical dashed line indicates the site MAT. Universal Response Function Response function: Yi = b0 + b1X1i + b2X21i + ei Genecology/transfer function: Yj= b0 + b1X2j + b2X22j + ej Combined: Yj= b0 + b1X1i + b2X21i + b3X2j + b4X22j + b5X1j X2j + eij Add geographic effects: Yj= b0 + b1X1i + b2X21i + b3X2j + b4X22j + b5X1j X2j + b6X3i + b7X23j + eij Wang, O’Neill and Aitken. 2010. Ecological Applications Advantages/disadvantages of reciprocal transplant studies • Direct test of adaptation • Can test hypothesis of local adaptation • Can better model variables of direct interest such as stand productivity But, • Takes a long time for results • Expensive to test over many planting sites and seed sources • Few samples makes it difficult to interpolate between locations to adequately model response or transfer functions, or draw maps • Does not provide information on components of adaptation and, thus, traits that might be useful for selection of populations or individuals Objectives 1. Explore genetic variation among populations from a wide range of source environments in the inland West 2. Relate genetic variation to environmental variation at source locations 3. Develop seed transfer guidelines 4. Compare native variation to common cultivars Goal: adapted, diverse plant populations for restoration Bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata): Population Sampling Collections from: 114 populations 2 families per population 5 cultivars Hanford Reserve, Central Washington Bluebunch wheatgrass:Test Sites Planted at three common garden test sites in 2006: Central Ferry, WA – warm, dry Lucky Peak Nursery, ID – cooler, dry Pullman, WA – cold, wet 6 replications, 1 plant per family per rep 4,752 total plants Transplanting Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Lucky Peak, Fall 2006 Bluebunch wheatgrass: Measurements Eighteen traits measured in 2007 & 2008: • Size – biomass, crown width, height, regrowth biomass • Fecundity – inflorescence number • Phenology – heading, anthesis, seed maturation, germination • Morphology – plant form, leaf width, leaf length, leaf color, leaf pubescence, culm length, spike length, spikelet number, awn length Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sample populations from many diverse environments Measure traits in a common environment ANOVA to explore sources of variation and interactions; particularly interested in traits with high population variation Principal component analysis to reduce number of traits Correlations and regressions to explore relation of traits to climate Use GIS and regressions to produce maps of genetic variation Overlap PC maps to delineate areas of similar populations = seed zones Bluebunch: ANOVA Trait Pop Site Year Pop*site Pop*year Site*year DRYWT 15.51** 80.7** 2690.48** 5.59** 9.51** 939.13** CW HT REGRWT REGRHT 15.05** 6.95** 11.58** 6.8** 89.62** 94.09** 39.72** 72.18** 8923.33** 1.98 2876.2** 0 2.75** 2.37** 2.35** 3.16** 5.34** 1.94** 9.72** 1.36** 1003.37** 71.47** 969.53** 105.64** INFLNO 8.73** 119.48** 4044.67** 3.45** 6.6** 2087.96** CULMLNG SPKLNG INFLLNG SPKNO LFLNG LFWD LFRATIO LFCOL 6.18** 0.82 1.89** 8.78** 6.05** 3.34** 12.22** 4.97** 1031.27** 27.05** 391.18** 266.57** 73.25** 0.56 14.16** 1.23 191.42** 10.92** 0.35 372.33** 338.85** 259.51** 1.27 64.8** 5.09** 0.91 1.19* 1.54** 1.86** 0.68 1.77** 1.21* 2.07** 1.06 1.17 1.96** 2.11** 0.67 1.55** 1.36** 135.35** 1.49 4.6* 70.81** 481.89** 126.41** 71.12** 13.11** LFPUB HABIT AWNS 10.29** 5.27** 18.05** 0.03 12.63** 0.21 1710.47** 1.27 17.69** 3.16** 2.39** 1.43** 1.78** 2.53** 1.21 293.52** 143.55** 1.05 HEAD 6.28** 784.14** 1805.41** 1.75** 2.05** 424.14** BLOOM MATURE GERM3 7.23** 2.66** 2.82** 1615.44** 3232** 376.15** 138.68** 34.6** - 1.3** 1.39** 1.41** 1.85** 1.98** - 780.82** 217.15** - Bluebunch: Percent trait variation due to population of origin SITE=CF year=2007 DRYWT CW HT REGRWT REGRHT INFLNO CULMLNG SPKNO LFLNG LFWD LFRATIO LFCOL LFPUB HABIT AWNS HEAD BLOOM MATURE SITE=CF year=2008 45.4 32.1 17.8 18.3 17.1 44.4 34.1 17.3 16.5 21.4 24.6 33.6 31.9 13.3 40.6 38.8 21.9 17.8 SITE=LP year=2007 46.9 43.4 8.2 31.5 25.6 35.1 20.8 24.1 25.6 13.1 38.4 7.5 23.3 25.5 26.5 14.2 1.1 0.0 SITE=LP year=2008 20.8 22.8 12.3 23.3 21.6 33.3 18.1 23.0 18.6 56.4 36.5 37.2 25.6 27.7 54.7 31.2 44.0 13.0 SITE=PU year=2007 36.5 33.0 28.5 36.5 34.5 18.5 8.8 22.9 14.0 32.5 37.4 29.9 11.9 28.1 54.9 34.7 47.1 28.9 SITE=PU year=2008 31.2 28.0 13.3 20.9 18.6 32.0 28.3 35.9 16.3 0.2 15.0 3.1 38.6 6.9 45.3 19.8 27.6 9.3 27.4 30.3 12.1 24.9 18.8 24.1 28.4 25.5 18.6 9.3 37.4 4.8 25.8 22.4 42.5 11.9 40.7 4.5 Bluebunch: dry weight Primarily affected by precipitation and extreme minimum temperature EMT 0.37 MSP 0.32 MAP 0.31 Regression: 1138.87 - 13.51*MWMT + 7.24*TD + 0.05*MAP - 0.16*SHM -3.2*bFFP - 1.91*FFP 0.2*PAS + 7.9*EMT Bluebunch: heading date Primarily affected by beginning of frost free days and precipitation as snow bFFP 0.47 PAS 0.21 Regression: 147.07 - 5.34*MAT + 2.6*MCMT + 1.48*TD + 0.53*EMT + 0.03*Eref Bluebunch: leaf width:length ratio Primarily affected by heat moisture index and mositure deficit AHM CMD SHM MWMT MAT Regression: 0.63 0.59 0.58 0.55 0.53 20.33 + 1.11*MAT + 0.2*AHM Bluebunch: PC 1 Primarily associated with plant size Dry weight 0.94 Crown width 0.93 Regression: 17.12 + 0.02*TD - 0.02*SHM + 0.47*EMT Bluebunch: PC 2 Primarily associated with phenology Bloom 0.87 Heading date 0.82 Regression: 3.37 + 0.02*TD - 0.007*SHM - 0.02*FFP Bluebunch: PC 3 Primarily associated with leaf ratio Leaf ratio Regression: 0.73 -2.07 - 0.004*PAS + 0.004*CMD Bluebunch: Comparisons of native collections with cultivars Noncultivars Anatone Goldar P-7 Whitmar Secar Dry wt 76 151 154 160 131 201 Crown width 8.4 9.2 9.0 9.8 9.4 9.7 Inflorescence no. 88 199 172 159 168 201 Leaf form 38 39 32 41 34 42 Leaf color 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.4 Leaf pubescence 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.0 4.2 2.9 Plant form 6.3 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.4 6.5 Awn length 4.6 1.9 3.9 1.7 1.1 6.2 Heading date 137 136 1.40 139 138 142 Bloom date 152 152 150 154 157 154 Maturity date 191 190 192 192 189 192 Trait Cultivars are more vigorous in test environments. Selection works. Cultivars are variables w.r.t. leaf width, phenology, and awn length. Secar is most different = Elymus wawawaiensis Bluebunch: climate change Current climate 2050 Bluebunch: recommended seed zones early early late late small Intermed. large 1 red brown 13.4% 3a yellow 24.7% 6 light blue 4.0% wide none 3b 7 light dark blue orange 2.6% 1.2% narrow 2a dark orange 4.4% 4 light green 17.6% 8a light purple 1.7% wide 2b orange 2.5% 5 dark green 17.1% 8b dark purple 11.0% narrow Conclusions • High levels of population variation in many traits • Correlations with climate are fairly strong • Relationships make sense from an adaptation perspective – Larger, more vigorous plants come from populations located in wetter, mountainous regions without large seasonal temperature differentials – Plants with later heading and anthesis dates come from populations located in colder, less arid climates – Plants with narrow leaves come from populations located in warmer, more arid climates, particularly in the summer – Plants with more leaf pubescence come from populations located in drier climates • Thus, strong evidence for adaptively significant genetic variation • Seed zones are proposed that follow these gradients in traits/climates, but be cautious about transfers between Level 3 ecoregions. Climate matters Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha) Field Sites: NRCS Plant Materials Center, Corvallis; Powell Butte 127 populations Katherine Bolin: Wikicommons: Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha): ANOVA F-value Trait Year Site pop Year*Site Site*pop Year*pop head 7058.15*** 3610.78*** 6.45*** 13722.3*** 3.63*** 3.4*** bloom 282.18*** 3351.85*** 4.76*** 1463.21*** 1.87*** 1.36** mature 163.4*** 2209.93*** 1.18 404.87*** 1.18 1.06 inflornum 1068.1*** 19.44*** 4.11*** 2074.04*** 2.63*** 2.13*** culm_cm 586.3*** 122.75*** 2.19*** 421.62*** 2.57*** 1.13 inflor_len_cm 500.83*** 9.64** 3.69*** 410.91*** 2.51*** 1.38** lfratio 2780.53*** 3.98 4.62*** 300.85*** 1.48* 1.29* max_wcm 245.86*** 53.71*** 1.63** 13.8*** 1.19 1.03 form 258.83*** 428.15*** 2.46*** 526.64*** 2.19*** 2.41*** biomass_g 2383.21*** 70.69*** 9.97*** 368.53*** 9.15*** 6.68*** * < 0.05 ** < 0.01 *** < 0.001 Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha): Percent trait variation due to population of origin CRV PB Trait 2009 2010 2009 2010 head 18.7% 32.0% 31.9% 32.8% bloom 1.4% 25.5% 35.4% 39.2% mature 0.9% 29.4% 2.3% 2.4% inflornum 22.2% 17.0% 7.2% 13.0% culm_cm 3.4% 22.6% 3.8% 7.8% inflor_len_cm 23.5% 11.3% 7.6% 13.3% lfratio 11.1% 5.3% 14.4% 10.1% max_wcm 26.9% 0.7% 7.4% 8.1% form 16.9% 15.9% 11.2% 7.3% biomass_g 38.0% 52.0% 15.0% 10.9% Prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha): Percent trait variation due to population of origin Trait MAT TD MAP Biomass_g_crv09 0.22 -0.40 0.28 Biomass_g_crv10 0.16 -0.32 0.33 Biomass_g_pb09 0.18 -0.43 0.11 Biomass_g_pb10 0.05 -0.11 -0.31 Head_crv09 0.27 -0.17 0.19 Head_crv10 0.22 -0.13 0.20 Head_pb09 0.22 -0.25 0.35 Head_pb10 0.27 -0.44 0.46 lfratio_crv09 0.37 0.20 -0.18 lfratio_crv10 0.24 0.33 -0.22 lfratio_pb09 0.40 0.26 -0.20 lfratio_pb10 0.35 0.29 -0.37 Bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) 114 populations, 7 variety/pre-variety, 3 field sites (Central Ferry, Powell Butte, Reno) Collaborators: Matt Horning, RC Johnson, Elizabeth Leger Thanks to many folks who contribute to seed collections