Mechanisms of accelerated germination of Astragalus utahensis with Alternaria and Aspergillus fungi. Brad Geary1, Ph.D.; Sean D. Eldredge1; Scott Jensen3, M.S. and John Gardner2 Ph.D. Plant and Animal Sciences1, Integrative Biology2 , Brigham Young University, Provo, UT; Shrub Sciences Laboratory3, USDA Forest Service, Provo, UT Funded by: US Forest Service Seed Germination { Definition: “…the metabolic awakening of the latent seed and resumption of developmental processes.” Vasquez-Ramos, 2003 { Primary Step z z Speed in germination allows establishment Germination in xeric environment Evenari, 1962 optimal moisture { fast germination { seed bank { habitat restriction { Astragalus utahensis Utah milkvetch { Family: z { Genus:Rios & Waterman, 1997 z z z { Fabaceae Wide Distribution Toxicity Great Basin & Diversity Species:Barneby, 1964 z z z z perennial non-toxic herbaceous taproot xerophyte Astragalus utahensis-by: Bob Skowron, The Fungi • Damage encouraging leaching. Fu Ge nga Un org l ph ive e B oto rsi ar s b ty ron y: of , Gu elp h • AlternariaRotem, 1994 – Ubiquitous – Parasitic or Saprophytic – Dematiaceous hyphomycete – Optimal growth: • AspergillusCotty et al., Aspergillus 1994 – Ubiquitous – Saprophytic – Aflatoxins – Wide range of plant diseases – Optimal growth: • Dry, droughty Findings in the Literature •25 studies with 35 references to seed/microbial interactions Seed-Microbe Study Synopsis •Fungi dominate these interactions; 68% (approx. 24 of the 35 references) •35 references with only 1 linked to beneficial interactions by the test fungi; 3%. Passive Undefined 60% P ercent Total References •Beneficial interactions are a total minority participant; 20% (only 5 Fungal references; 1 study linked to test fungi) Active 50% 31.43% 40% 30% 20% 14.29% 22.86% 25.71% 10% 5.71% 0% B eneficial - 20.00% Harmful - 54.29% Interactions No npro ductive 25.71% Materials and Methods { Confirm response z Direct Inoculation { Scarifiy- 98% H2SO4. Inoculate with spore solution. { Record germination. { 2 test confirmations st generic-spore {1 count { 2nd precise-spore count equal to 1.0x106 sprs/mL. In-Vitro Germination Response 'Fixed Spore Count' Direct Inoculation: Tests 1-3 100% 90% 80% % germination 70% 60% A** 50% ASP ALT H20 40% 30% B* 20% 10% C* 0% 1 ASP 0 ALT 0 2 3 0.0083 0.0125 0 4 0.025 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0.0417 0.0708 0.1125 0.1292 0.1583 0.1792 0.1958 0.025 0.0958 0.1333 0.2208 0.2958 0.4 0.4542 0.4875 0.5167 H20 0.0042 0.0083 0.0125 0.0208 0.0333 0.0333 0.0375 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 Time (days) Time Course Series Chem TC 1-3 p 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 % germ 0.6 ASP ALT 0.5 H20 PB 0.4 0.3 A* 0.2 B B B 0.1 0 1 2 3 ASP 0 0 0 ALT 0 0 0 H20 0 0 PB 0 0 4 5 6 0.00833 0.02083 0.0375 0 7 8 9 10 11 0.05 0.0875 0.1 0.12917 0.2 0.00833 0.02083 0.03333 0.04167 0.04583 0.09167 0.1125 0.00417 0.0125 0.02083 0.02917 0.0375 0.04583 0.04583 0.04583 0 0.05 0.00417 0.00833 0.02083 0.02917 0.02917 0.04167 0.06667 0.06667 Time (days) Materials and Methods -Scarify: 98% H2SO4, 20 min. -Flood Inoculate: with solution @ 1.0X106 spores/mL. -Plant: Randomized Complete Block Design. Greenhouse Trials Greenhouse Tests 1-3 Day 30 60.00% Alt 52.59% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% Asp 28.89% 20.00% Cntrl 4.44% 10.00% 0.00% Treatment Field Trials 47 BYU 1300 m 2 in 43 Nephi Fountain Green 1500 m 1800 m 1.5 in 1 in 40 Materials and Methods ALMACO equipment 2005 Fall Field Trials Field Trials @ Nephi F05 %Germination 40.00% Cntrl 36.13% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% Field Trials @ Fountain Green F05 % Germination 15.00% 40.00% 10.00% 5.00% Cntrl 2 4.27% 35.00% Alt 2.27% Alt 5 2.00% Asp 3.73% Asp 5 2.53% 30.00% 25.00% 0.00% Treatments 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% Cntrl 8.40% Cntrl 2 1.07% Alt 6.00% Alt 5 5.60% 0.00% Treatments Asp 9.73% Asp 5 8.00% 2006 Field Trials Field Trials @ Nephi F06 % Germination 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% Scar 14.80% Alt 17.33% Asp 20.67% Soak 12.13% Field Trials @ BYU F06 Asp %Germination 40.00% 10.00% Unscar 1.20% 0.00% 32.67% 30.00% Alt 21.07% Treatment 20.00% Scar 15.20% Soak 13.20% 10.00% Unscar 4.40% 0.00% Treatment 2007 Field Trials Field Trials @ Fountain Green S07 % Germination 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% check scar 25.00% check soak 20.00% Alt 15.00% Asp 10.00% 5.00% Scar 4.40% Soak 0.53% Alt 0.80% 0.00% Treatment Asp 1.07% Unscar 4.67% unscar Conclusions { { { { Greenhouse tests show a pattern of response nearly identical to the previously established in-vitro tests. Field trials showed variability between sites and inconsistency in treatment response as compared with the in-vitro and greenhouse trials. It is evident from the results that due to availability of moisture and other factors Fall plantings supply a greater benefit than Spring plantings. It should be noted that the greatest benefit comes as a result of the greenhouse plantings and practical application would serve to utilize treatment as a part of preparing seedlings for transplant rather than direct seeding in the field.