OR HEO / E ri 3 / AOOflO3Q4OS3I?L OREGON 'p 4C:49 1987 984-85 c. 3 STATI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Research Activities Annual Report 1984-1985 Oregon State University Circular No. 60 Engineering Experiment Station OR HEO/Er3/2.4C:49:9:34-35 (.3 C:cil 19e of Eri9irieerir,9 rsearch activities arir,'jal OR 7E_ .3 Cofle9e of Ensineerjr,e research activities annual Contents Presidential Young Investigator ............................ 2 preface ................................................. 2 Research Funding Trends .................................. 3 Research Involvement and Productivity ..................... 4 Transportation Research Institute ........................... 5 Oregon Productivity Center ............................... 6 New Research Grants and Contracts: 1984-85 ............... 7 Forest Engineering Research. 1984-85 (CoUege of Forestry) .................................... 9 Education Support' Grants: 1984-85 ......................... 10 Faculty PublicatIons: 1984-85 ............................. 11 Current Interest ................................. 19 Directory of Research Faculty ............................. 20 Areas of Presidential Young Investigator In the spring of 1985, Dr. Sandra L. Woods of the Civil Engineering Depart- graduate research dealt with developing Science Fowdatlon to receive a Presi- phenol, from industrial waste waters. Since coming to OSU in 1984, Dr. Woods has extended these studies, and Is presently developing biological processes to remove polychlorlriated blphenyls merit was selected by the National dential Yowtg Investigator Award. She is the first Oregon State University professor to be so recognized. The award provides $25,000 per year for fIve years for research and professional development work, plus an additional $37,500 each year If matching funds can be obtained from ZxLslness and Industry. These national awards were established to recognize arid help retain outstanding university faculty, and to help launch their research and teaching care ers. Dr. Woods the is a recent graduate of Environmental Engineering and Science Program at the University of Washington, where she completed both her MS. and Ph.D. degrees. She com- pleted a B.S. in Civil Engineering at Michigan State University in 1976. Her a treatment process to remove chlorinated compounds, such as pentachloro- (PCB5) and halogenated low molecular weight solvents from soils and wastewaters. Other research projects involve assessing environmental levels, transport and possible degradation of chlorinated dloxir&s In the environment. Her main Interest Is in hazardous wastes, bio- logical wastewater treatment and the fate of toxlcants in the environment. Dr. Woods teaches graduate courses in biological wastewater treatment and hazardous wastes as weU as undergraduate courses in Environmental Engineering. She is the faculty advisor for the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers at OSU. Preface Research contributes to the strength of Oregon State University's engineering programs by involving faculty in the advancement of knowledge, and supplementing resources for faculty and support personnel. Because of research, more than a third of the College's faculty is able to devote part of its time to investigations outside normal classroom teaching responsibilities. The result is a more diverse and highly qualified group of teaching and research engineers in the various engineering disciplines, and higher quality educational programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Inst ructional laboratories for students benefit from the research program when research equipment is used for teaching. Oregon State University has long been known as a quality institution. Continuing research involvemen' bv a strong nucleus of active research engineers is vital to maintenance and enhancement of this reputation. This report provides certain summary data concerning research in the College of Engineering. The level of involvement of the College's faculty and students in research is shown, along with research expenditures and new grant dollar volumes for the 1984-85 fiscal year. Feature sections on the College's Transportation Research Institute and Oregon cluded. Productivity Center are in- The College of Engineering section of the report concludes with a listing of the nearly 200 publications by A College faculty during 1984-85. summary of on-going engineering research in the College of Forestry is also provided. Several College of Engineering faculty are involved in these studies. Research Funding Trends Engineering research at Oregon State University is supported by grants and contracts obtained on a competitive basis from government agencies and business. No regularly budgeted State of Oregon funds are available for direct research support. Figure 1 summarizes research fwidlng trends over the years Couege for 1984-85 was $5.8 milllon. The research budget of $3.4 million, therefore, represents a very significant contribution to the overall effort of the College of Engineering. The Federal Government is the leading source of research support. contracts this pa3t year are about the In addition to funds for specific research grants, the graduate programs of the College of Engineering received tion for instructional programs in the supplemental funding of $1.1 million this past year In the form of fellowships and equipment grants for support of graduate education. since 19T0 and shows that new grants and same as last year and considerably above ftmding levels over the last several years. The State of Oregon appropria- RESEARCH SUPPORT SOURCESFY 1985 Federal Government: $2,717,736 Other Governments: $202,874 3 Business and Private: $509,659 TOTAL: $3,430,269 I CID C z2 C 1 0 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 FISCAL YEAR ENDING Figure 1. New Research FundingOSU College of Engineering -I 3 Research Involvement and Productivity Table I shows the numbers of tal faculty 60 were at least partially supported by research projects in 198485. Twelve other faculty and research personnel worked on the projects, along with 89 graduate research assistants. Sixty undergraduate students held parttime research-related jobs. professorial faculty in the College's departments, degrees granted and new research grant funding for 1984-1985. Table 2 provides the distribution of actual research expenditures for the same period. Of the College's professor- Table 1. Faculty, Degrees Granted, and Research Dollars Degrees Granted, 1984-85 New Research Doctorate Degree Program Faculty Undergraduate Master's Agricultural Engineering* 13 13 3 6 49 9 1 52,397 22 70 26 4 805,108 3 32 24 80 1 14 Industrial Engineering 11 Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil EngIneering Construction Engineering Management Electrical & Computer Engineering Engineering Physics* Nuclear Engineering TOTAL $ $ 368,820 - 36 5 931,851 38 7 1 203,057 18 63 25 5 947,493 8 12 3 1 121,543 106 371 109 17 $3,430,269 *Agrlculturcl Engineering is a department In the College of Agriculture, and offers ABET accredited undergraduate degrees. Engineering Physics is a department in the College of Science which offers only undergraduate degrees. engineering Table 2. Actual Research Expenditure DIstribution, Dollars, 1984-85. Industrial Mechanical Nuclear Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Total 30,208 81,118 364,495 57,411 1,453,686 58,978 22,622 71,831 7,225 314,647 124,073 22,058 14,942 201,286 5,076 3,239 336 30,833 338,862 517 .14,650 3,182 10,215 20,967 38,754 2,144 388,950 48,768 3,519 29,861 16,774 4,158 6,477 60,789 9,504 192,509 73,067 8,946 34,767 30,464 349,257 1,500 Agricultural Chemical Category Eng. Eng. 68,430 22,802 559,222 21,713 2,633 129,645 851 3,745 1,125 1,615 1,847 Personnel Payroll Assessment.s Supplies & ServIces Equipment Computer Graduate Tuition OSU Indirect Costs Consultants Subcontractors Travel TOTAL ri Electrical & Computer Expenditure Civil Eng. 1,500 105,061 105,061 2,062 1,973 24,684 18,886 5,079 13,482 3,021 69,187 94,181 47,638 1,236,142 829,350 141,022 516,780 128,045 2,993,131 Transportation Research Institute The Pacific Northwest has continfaced with a need to develop ually been more efficient transportation. This need includes not only the development and evaluation of transport systems, lxit also the development of better techniques to plan, design, construct and maintain these systems. To help meet these needs the Transportation Research Institute (TRI) was established in 1962 by Oregon State University. The Institute inchties highly qualified academic and professional staff from the Colleges of Agriculture, Business, Engineering, Forestry, Liberal Arts, Oceanography, and Science. Currently, the Institute provides a means of enhancing research and interaction within the University and serves as a link to other universities, industry and government on tro.risportation-related issues. Specific objectives of the Institute include the following: 1) Identifying and pursuing research on transportation issues and problems. 2) 3) Developing educational and technology transfer packages which bring together information related to transportation issues and needs into forms usable by practitioners. Encouraging interdisciplinary teams consisting of OSU faculty members and representatives from other universities and industry to undertake research range of issues. 4) on a broad continuing education Providing opportunities for professionals who need to keep current in transportation issues and techniques. policy advice and guidance. The advisory committee meets periodically with the TRI staff to offer feedback and suggestions for both research and technology transfer goals. Major activities over the past two years have been in the area of research During this and technology transfer. period over one million dollars has been expended on research by members of the TPJ staff. Research clients include the Oregon Department of Transportation, National Science Foundation, USDA Forest Service, Federal Highway Administration, Oregon Log Truckers Association, arid the Alaska Department of Transportation.. Efforts in technology transfer have been directed by Dr. Robert Layton who is coordinator for two major programs Traffic Safety Commission and the Federal Highway The Oregon Traffic Administration. Safety Commission sponsors six short courses in topics related to highway safety, while the Federal Highway Administration provides training in the sponsored by the Oregon form of seminars, workshops and "show- and-tell" programs on topics identified local agencies as important. A wide variety of facilities is available to support research and technology transfer efforts both on and off TRI has access to OSU the campus. laboratory facilities capable of complete geotechnical and materials testing, which includes static arid damtc evaluation of soils, asphalt, aggregates, asphaltic materials, portland cement, concrete and geotertues. Several electrical hydraulic, closed-loop test systems and a walk-in cold room are located in Apperson Hall. The cold room for test- frozen soils and materials also includes a frost heave and freeze-thaw ing To meet these objectives, TRI Is organized into seven major disciplines; chamber. Transportation microcomputer network In the Department of Civil Engineering. The network is used for both research and instruction and can be linked with other computers Systems Economics Regulation and Management, Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing, Transportation Systems Planning Operations and Safety, Facility Design, Construction and Maintenance, Trans portation for Resource Development, Social Impacts of Transportation, and Environmental and Energy Issues. An advisory committee of professionals who are familiar with the transportation issues and problems of the Northwest provides R. G. Hicks The laboratories are supported by a as needed. TRIS, a computer-based national information retrieval system is extensively used In TRI research activities. The present director of TRI is R. Gary Hicks, Professor of Civil Engineering. 5 Oregon Productivity Center The Oregon Productivity Center (0/P/C) is a nonprofit institute associated with the College of Engineering at Oregon State University. 0/P/C operates with a full-time staff, primarily engaged in service projects for businesses large and small, in both manufacturing and service sectors, and for nonprofit and government organizations. The Center has access to all resources of the University system which contribute to its research capabilities. The primary purpose of the Center to develop better tools to improve productivity and to prove the value of those tools through application in the is "real" world. 0/P/C is one of only a dozen or so productivity centers in the nation, and among those, it has a unique mission: to develop more effective means to im- worthy, and a true innovation in pro- ductivity evaluation. 0/P/C strongly recommends that every organization adopt its continuing use. Productivity Audit - PROD-5 This is a fifth-generation tool that is used to examine the potential for improvement within an organization from the point of view of the work force. Over a hundred organizations (and 10,000 employees) have tried PROD-5, and more are administered monthly. Now being tested is PROD-5m, a survey of managers designed to obtain their input to productivity evaluation. The Center has conducted research dealing with employee involvement in management, and has also undertaken extensive efforts in support of increasing productivity awareness. At least once order to test their value. In its brief five per week, the Center's staff describes "The Productivity Puzzle" to a civic or business group. This one-hour, slide- development focus has resulted in three principal developments. ly explores practical paths to improve- prove productivity, and to guide organi- zations in the use of such practices in years of existence, this research and enhanced presentation details the national productivity dilemma and briefm ent. 0/P/C staff publishes and distri- Productivity Inter firm Comparison The Center currently coordinates the exchange of productivity information between most of the major food processing companies in the Pacific Northwest. Comparing such measures as raw-product recovery, pounds per labor hour, energy efficiency, safety, and many others, the four-year-old comparison program has contributed to heightened awareness of productivity throughout the industry, and to impressive gains in performance. Objectives Matrix Literally hundreds of organizations have adopted this 0/P/C tool that combines all of a unit's important determinants of productivity into one easily communicated format. Within this framework quantitative objectives are established for each of the productivity criteria, and weighted in relation to each other in a way that clearly defines the mis&on of the unit. A single productivi- ty index that summarizes the net results of all actions contributed to productivity in the operation of interest is established for each rating period. The Objectives Matrix is simple to implement, trust- butes a monthly newsletter free of charge to 1,500 organizations, writes articles for journals and other periodicals regularly, and prepares how-to-do-it manuals and other boo on an annual basis. In accomplishing this, a respectable resource library has been developed that enables the Center to effectively fill requests f or informational assistance. Funding for 0/P/C comes from the Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce; from organizational grants and donations; and from fees for publications, seminars, and services. Oregon State University provides facilities, as well as technical and administrative support. 0/P/C presents seminars, short courses, and conferences throughout the year. These presentations have earned a reputation for conciseness arid practicality. Topics cover the broad spectri.zm of subjects associated with productivity, with special emphasis on measurement. For more information about these and other services, one should contact: Oregon Productivity Center, Oregon State University, 100 Merryfield Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, (503) 754-3249. Jim Riggs New Research Grants and Contracts: 1984-85 The following listing provides names of principal Investigators (faculty), research subjects, granting agency designations and project budgets for new grants and contracts. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Berlage, A.G. MIner, J.R. Seed Harvesting and Processing USDA-A P.S 28,630 Cuenca, R.H. Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate Fellowships USDA 56,190 Cuenca, R.H. Determination of Crop Water Requirements in the USDA 74,800 5,000 Ebro Valley Kolbe, E. Chilled Seawater (CSW) Systems UAK Miner, J.R. Research on Seed if arvesting and Processing USDA 88,200 Moore, J.A. Modelling Bacterial Pollution USDA-SOS 36,000 Moore, J.A. Runoff from Rangeland USDA-CSR.S 80,000 Knudsen, J.G. The Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors on the Fouling Characteristics of Cooling Tower Water HTRI 49,569 Levensplel, 0. Industry/UniversIty Cooperative Research: Problems In Gas/Solid Contacting In Fluldtzed Beds NSF 2,828 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (Supplement) CIVIL ENGINEERING Guenther, R. Htalspeth, R.T. Support for BWIP Large Scale Hyirau.11c Test Program UW 95,534 Hicks, R.G. Guldellnes for Spring Highway Use Restrictions UW 29,645 Hjcks R.G. Optimizing Mix Ingredients for Rubber ModIfied Asphalt Pavement Alasloi 24,545 Hudspeth, R.T. Assignment to Navel Civil Engineering Laboratory Navy 29,500 McDc,ugal, W. (IPA) Kllngeman, P.C. Water Resources Cooperative Program Grant USD1-USGS Nath, J.H. Hydrodynamlc Roughness of Marine Growth on Cylinders NSF 4,623 Nath J.H. Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Marine Roughened API 95,000 CyUnders -. 109,000 Nath, J.H. BreakIng Waves-Their Influence on Wave Spectra ONR 59,993 Nath, J.H. High Reynolds Number Wave Force Investigation in a Wave Flume (Maximum Force and Phase Coefficients) Navy 19,998 Schultz, R.J. Sediment Studies on the North Fork of the routte River Army 15,927 SoWtt, C.K. Study of Dredge Material Disposal Sites on the Oregon Coast Army 181,522 7 / CIVIL ENGINEERING (continued) Vinson,T.S. Determination of Fines Produced During Crushing, Handling, and Placement of Aggregates Employed in Roadway Construction Alaska 12,770 Vinson, T.S. Reliability of the DMSO (Dimethyl Suif oxide) OSDT 35,380 SOHIO 6,821 Method to Determine the Degradation Characteristics of Rock Used in Highway Constrcution Vinson, T.S. Physical Model Studies to Investigate the Effects of Arching and Lateral Load Transfer (Extended to 12-84) (Supplement) Williamson, K.J. Bioaccumulation of Sewage-Sorbed Taxi cants (Supplement) EPA 59,850 Woods, S.L. Presidential Young Investigator Award (Hazardous Waste Management and Control) NSF 25,000 Schaumburg, F.D. ELECTRICAL & COMP UTER ENGINEERING Arthur, J.R. High Speed Ill-V Microwave and Optoelectronic Devices on MBE Layers Army Engle, J.F. Detection of Faulty High Voltage Lightning Arrestor Components USDE-BPA Forbes, L. Low Frequency Noise in GAAS Transistors NSF 161,298 Forbes, L. Burke, P.M. Influence of Substrate and Epitaxial Materials on Dram Design and Yield Intel 90,000 Mohler, R.R. Nonlinear Statistical Surveillance ONR 70,959 Mohler, R.R. Assignment to Naval Postgraduate School Na-'.y 83,232 Powers, V.M. Automatic Data Processing Processes Nay 1,663 Wager, J.F. Annealing Studies NSF Wallace, A.K. A Study of the Performance of Adjustable Speed Drives with Emphasis on a Practical Application Analysis in Ocean of S102/InP MIS Devices 229,100 49,238 63,946 USDI-BPA 182,415 Tektronix 30,000 INDUSTRIAL & GENERAL ENGINEERING McDowell, E.D. Design of a Robotic Workstation for the of Currently Non-Machine Insertable Insertion Components Randhawa, S.U. Design of a Prototype Expert System for Machine Troubleshooting and Maintenance Text ronix 25,257 Riggs, J.L. Oregon Productivity Center USDC-EDA 85,000 Riggs, J.L. Oregon Productivity Center Private 63,000 SEH-America 20,000 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of Silicon Wafers Burke, P.M. Examination Halley, W.E. FLAP Code Refinement and Control Algorithm Addition SERI Holley, W.E. Implementation of Turbulence 'l4odeling-'FLAP" Dynamic Loads Analysis (Supplement) Rockwell ro Si 6,634 23,063 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (continued) Kanuiyj M.A. Scaling Correlations of Flashover Experiments Notre Dame Peterson, R.B. An Investigative Study of the Plasma Jet by Direct Sampling Electron Impact Fluorimetry NSF 70,000 Thresher, R. Wind Turbine Test and Evaluation (Supplement) EPRI 1 7,508 Welty, J.R. Combined Cycle Blomass Energy Research Project (Supplement) USDA-S&E Welty, J.R. Volumetric Air Heating Receiver Model (Supplement) Battefle Wilson, R.E. Darrleus Rotor Aerodysamics Sandia 26,944 Anghale, S. Robinson, A.H. The rmalhydra ulic Analysis of Power Plant Transients PGE 33,863 Dodd,B. University Reactor Use Sharing Program USDE 10,000 Dodd, B. Emergency Responders and Inspection Personnel Training DOE 28,345 Robinson, A.H. High Speed Neutron Radiography Army 39,335 Robinson, A.H. Gadolinium Burnout Rates In Light Water Reactors Exxon 10,000 5,000 771,344 7,000 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Forest Engineering Research: 1984-85 (College of Forestry) Faculty State* of Subject Area Beschta, R.L. Water Quality Brown, G.W. Research Grants Oregon 43,357 $ 50,726 AdmInistration 58,524 0 Froehlich, H.A. Stream ProtectIon 24,912 0 Froehlich, H.A. Soil ProtectIon 1,223 95,000 Kellogg, L.D. Small Log Harvesting 26,766 8,000 LeDoux, C.B. Harvest Unit Design 36,754 0 Sessions, J.J. Roads and Landslides 78,974 0 Olsen, E.D. Road Construction 45,181 0 Pyles, M.R. Slope StabilIty 33,163 21,386 TOTALS TOTAL *Forest Research Laboratory $ $ 348,854 $ $523,966 175,112 Education Support Grants: 1984-85 Various outside interests annually give financial and other resources which support College of Engineering programs. Those related principally to research and graduate education are listed here College of Engineering Burgess, F.J. Advanced Materials Research-Materials to OSU Fdn. 186,975 Support High Technology Agricultural Engineering National Needs Graduate Student Fellowship USDA 55,000 Layton, R.D. Highway Engineering and Safety: Short Courses and Technical Assistance OTSC 86,652 Layton, R.D. Short Courses in Traffic Engineering and Highway Safety Fundamentals OTSC 45,000 Schaumburg, F.D. Professional Training in Pollution Control/Water Supply EPA 7,407 Cuenca, R.H. Civil Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Forbes, L. Electronic Equipment Purchase ECC 49,000 Owen, S.J.T. Purchase of Equipment for Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECC 49,000 Philbrick, D.A. Oregon Energy Extension Service (EES) Program OSDE 577,714 Philbrick, D.A. Oregon Energy Extension Service (EES) Program (Supplement) DOE 35,196 Philbrick, D.A. Super Good Cents Technical Training NWPPA 52,346 Mechanical Engineering 10 Faculty Publication$: 1984-85 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Booster, D.E. with Kerry L. PetiTion end Harry J. Mack, "Effect of Tillag. on "Reducing Bacterial Nan-Point Pollution In Tlllamook Bay, TWamoolç OR," published In proceedlags of Non-Point Pollution Abatemait Symposium,. Marquette Urd- Sweet Corn Development ónd YIeld" October 1984, Oregon Agrl- verdty, Milwaukee, W4 April 1985. cultwul Experiment Station Tech- Parlors," Proceedings of the 1985 Lower Columbia Dairy Short Course, Sponsored by Washington and Oregon State University Extendon Services, January 1985. nical Paper 7309. Honsen. Hidi J. "Wind as en Energy Source," 80sUdif2l-mimiti, prepared for USDA Extension Service, Washington, D.C., November 1984. "Using a Heat Pwnp in MWdnp "Basic Ventilation Ccnaidsraticns," Special Report 731, 26th Aresal Swine Day, A(cuitwel Experiment Station, HeUickeon, Martin L. OigonState CMtver- slt CorveWa, February 1985. Broiler House Summer Ventilation," (with C.F. Chen), Oregon State University Agr(cultwat Experiment Station Teclmlcal of 'Paper No. 7370, MAE TecMloal Paper No. 84-4528, December 1984 "Research Priority of Issues of the 5530 Environment Group, Struc- my En*enment Oral report Division," pita abstract, pre- sented at the 1934 Winter Meeting of the American Society of Agricultwal Engineers, New Orleans, LA, December 1984. lcothe, Edward H. f ControUlng "U.vlerstaidttig Crevice Corrosion In Stainless SteQfi." Sea Grant Marine Advisory Progrim Bulletin SG 78, 1984. with LII. Hildsrtrand, A Swvey of Seafood Science and Engineering Problems mid Oppert&stltles at Oregon State University," OW Sea Grunt Publication ORES U-Q-85001, 1985. "Effective Uttzaticn of Natural VentIlatIon," Special Report 731, 26th Amwal Swine Day, Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, CorwWsj Fibruary 1985. "Remodeling Farrowlng end Nursery FacilIties," Special Report with C.B. Gflbertson, L.R. SI'miyler, orid J.A. Moore), "Livestock Real- Trimmer, Walter L. "Teclmical Options for Conserving Water," Conference Not, Agri- cultural Conference Dae, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1985, 4pp. Northwest Conference, Oregon Association of Nurserymen, PortLand OR, August 24, 1984, 6 pp. tha Mwiegern.nt mid PollUtion Contra" Aic,itwuI &neerina, 65(2k21-22, 1984. with E.S. "WInterIzIng Irrigation Systems and EquLpment, Oregon Farmer- Stoclanan, Vol. 104; No. 1, p. 15, Uoor, James A. January 13, )985. Baker, "Calculating Required Dairy Mmwre Storage Vol we," Transactions of the 28,(2):547-550, 1985. Editor: SectIon 10 P. cal a Chemi- - H raw- Company, 1984. Contributed Section on "Foaling of Heat Exchangers," Heat Exchanger Deslpt Handbook, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1984. "Fouling of Heat Exohangere Are the Pi'oM.mt" Chen,lcal Engineering Pmore, 90(2) 63 We Solving (1984). "The Effect of Corrosion Inhibitors on the Foulln Characteristics of Cooling Tower Water," AIChE Sym- posium Series, Vol. 88, No. 231, 1984. with A.O. Imdakm, "Fouling of Heat Transfer Surf.cà Under Forced Convection Boiling Conditionli" AICIIE SInipvaium Series, 731, 26th Arruml Swine Day, AgriVol. 80, No. 231, 1984. cultural Experlmint Station, Oregon State University, Coruailts, Levensplel, Octave Felsiiary 1985. with U. Colakyan, "Elutrtatlon from Fliddlzed Bode," Powder "Troubleshooting Mechanical TechaoZ 38 223 (iI8(' Also Ventilation Systems," Oregon exchange of tteru tO the editor: Farmer-Stoclanan, Pacific Edition, j, 71-74 (1985). April 18, 1985. "H)druulics for Irrigation," Proceedbtan of the Ornamet Miner, I. Rois_i4 Emidsen, JamesG. with S. Swito3o mid Xu Dw*-q4 with C.F. Own, "Microprocessor Central CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Winterizing Preserves Irrigatior Systems end Equipment," pgon Farrner-Stockman. Vol. 107, No. 2, p. 7, December 8, 1984. wIth 5. Jamlz-M., V. Wang, id G.T. Zhwtg, "Theory mid Opentional Characterlstlá of thi Magnetic Valve for Solids - Part h Grate Design," AIChI Journal, 30 951 (1984). with CS. ZlVing, 5. Jaraix-M,wd V. Wang, "Theory mid OperetiGflal Clvsracteristics of the Magnetic Valve for Solids - Part lb Collar Dulge," AICPIE (1984). JowncI 959 with R. Twton my CD. Ferguson, "Performance mid D.a1, Charts for Heat Exchangers," ASUç J. of Heat Transfer1 106 898 aRE). with M.B. Larson, G.T. ZIwag, aid F. Ouymg, "Preliminary StiØy of a Radiantly Heated Fbddled Bed for the Prathwtlon of 111 Parity SWoon," paper 125b, Mmial AICM meeting, San Franctsee, Nov 1984. Also in AIChI Symposium Series No. 241,8087(1914). 11 with 14. Colakyan, "Heat Transfer between Moving Beds of Solids and Immersed Cylinders," paper No. 125e, Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco, Nov. 1984. ALso in AIChE Symposium Series No. 241, 80156 (1984). with M. Colakyan and R. Turton, "Unsteady State Heat Transfer to Variously Shaped Objects," Heat Transfer Engineering, , Nos. 3-4, 82 (1984). J.G. July 1984. with R.G. Hicks, "Evaluation of Oregon State Highway Division Asphalt Mix Design Procedure," December 1984. Collocation," Chem. , No. 3, pp. 409-421, 1985. with J.E. M.D. Reaney, "Identification and Quantification of the Extent of Wilson, Huddleston, Asphalt Stripping in Flexible Pavements in Oregon - Phase II," FHWA-OR-85-3, Federal Highway Administration, February 1985. Bella, David A. "The Role of the University as an Independent Source of Critical Inquiry," (with R. Supalla), Educational Prerequisites for Water Resources Management, The Uni- with M. Takallou, R.D. Layton, D.K. Johansen, "Evaluation of Alternate Systems for Surfacing Roads," Final report prepared for USDA Forest Service, Trans porta- tion Research Report 85-6, June 1985. with C.A. Bell, R.L. Terrel, tion Research Report 85-12, April §, "Placement and Compaction with R.J. Supalla, "The Role of the University as an Independent Source of Critical Inquiry," Feature Article, Update, No. 67, October of 1984. C.A. with J.E. Wilson and R.G. Hicks, "Effect of Percent Compaction on Asphalt Mixture Life," ASTM STP Asphalt Mixtures," American Society for Testing Materials, 1984, pp. 107-130. with James E. Wilson, "Prolifera- tion of Asphalt Cement Specif Ications In the State of Oregon," Transportation January 1985. Research Board, with Logan Campbell, "Flexible Pavement Analysis and Evaluation with Microcomputers," Proceed- jig!, Second National Conference on Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Orlando, 1984, pp. 114-118. FL, October with Ok-Kee Kim and R.G. Hicks, "Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Pavement Life," ASTM Symposium on Water Damage of Asphalt Pavements: Its Effect and Prevention, Williamsburg, VA, December 1984. "A Comparison of Civil Engineering Education in the USA and Great Britain," Proceedings, Conference on ChaUenges to Civil Engineering Educators and Practitioners - Hicks, R. G. with Bruce N. Jorenby, "Base Course Contamination Limits," prepared for publication at the 1985 Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, September 1984. with Jose Montalvo, "Evaluation of Owens Coming Fiberglas Modified Asphalt Emulsion," Final Report to Owens with J.R. Bell), "Evaluation of Test Methods and Use Criteria for Geotechnical Fabrics in Highway Applications," Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-RD-84-102, '7.nformation Needs for New Design Methods," prepared for LTM Alter- with C. Thenoux and G. Lees, "Laboratory Investigation of the with C.A. Bell, "Evaluation of OSHD Mix Design Method," Report Columbus, OH, April 1985, pp. 337- Fraass Brittle Test," Proceedings, Association of Asphalt Pavmg Technologists, Vol. 54, February 1985. 1985. with J.G. Hu.ddleston, David Keough, "Summary of Mix Design Round Robin Test Program," presented at the Triaxial Institute, Klamath Falls, Oregon, April 1985. Hudspeth, Robert T. with Min-Chih Huang, "Stream Function Solutions for Steady Waves," Journal of Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1984, pp. 175-1 90. with Min-Chih Huang and J.W. Leonard, "Wave Interference Effects by Finite Element Method," ASCE, Journal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Div., Vol. III, No. 1, (ASCE, Proc. Paper 19450) January 1985, pp. 1-17. August 1984. 344. ican Society of Civil Engineers, H.I. Al-A bdulwahhab, "State-of-the-Art - Permanent Deformation of Bituminous Mixtures," Transporta- Corning Exploratory Re- search Center, Transportation Research Report 84-7, Oregon State University, July 1984. native Development Workshop, Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Research Report 84-14 Oregon State University, ctober 1984. Where Should We Be Going?, Amer- 12 Board, March 15, 1985. versities Council on Water Resources, Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, August 1984. CiVIL ENGINEERING !c OR-84-06, "AASHTO Transportation, Highway Division, with W.E. Stewart and M. Moran, "Simulation of Fractionation by Eng. Sd., Guide for Pavement Design and Rehabilitation," draft prepared for National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Report to Oregon Deportment of Levien, Keith L. Orthogonal Ok-Kee Kim, Jose Montalvo, and R.G. Hicks, "Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Pavement Life," Interim Report to Oregon Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, FHWA- with H. Tu.ah, "Finite Water Depth Effects on Nonlinear Waves," ASCE, Journal of the Waterways, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering Division, VoL. LII, No. 2, (ASCE, Proc. Paper 19617), March 1985, pp. 401-416. to Orgon Department of Trans par- with W.G. McDougat, "Longshore Sediment Transport on Dean Beach Profiles," Proceedin s 19th Coastal tation, Highway Division, Trans partation Research Report 85-1, December 1984 ber 1984, pp. 1488-1506. En neerin con erence, Vol. II, Ch. 101, ASCE, Houston, TX, Septem- with W.G. McDougal, "Comparison Turbulent Lateral Mixing 19th Coastal Models," P , erence milton, TX, 14, September 1984, pp. 3197-3210. of with J.H. Nath and J.M. Dwnmer, "Laboratory Wave Forces on Vertical Cylinders," Proceedings Ocean St?uct .1 Dnizn1ica Symposium , Oregan state University, SiTpt.mb,r11_13, 1984. with U. Takoflou and R.C. Hicke, "Field Guide for Alternate Sotems for Surfacing Forest Roads," March 1985, 9 ppe., Draft Report, TRR UnIts," Proceedb' ci the Cancrete Armor Unit Wo,-JaIisp,Vlcke- 85-7. bw Leonard, Joi, Wb with H. Kotoguchl and H. Shiomi, "Statistical Evaluation of Steel Beam Column Resistance," 7, Ió1 neerbvj Stnictw, Vol. AprIl 1985, pp. 143-149. with R. Vowig, "Cotid Response Kiinqeman, Peter C. of Compliant Offshore Platforms," with N. Talebbe)do1d%tl, "Incipient Vol. 7, No. Pwce.dings of the HdniuUcs DMelan. Specialty Conference, ASCE, with A. Lo and J.F. Lee, "Nonlinear H)drOd)nOmlc Response of Flexible Membranes," Cable-R.lnforcid. Reawperalcn of Silt-Clay Sethmont," itr for Resource DevelDL SoIfllbsr, Editor, Co.w d'Akne, Idaho, August 1417, 1984, pp. 72-76. (Published) Y.A. Owueu, "Flow and Scour Gabtcn StnicPatteffis Aroii Proceedtn, CANCAM 8$, Tenth Canadian Congress Meciis., Jane 1985. with torus," Water for Resource Develç, u.k. scnresoer,- raztor, of the Hy*uulics Divi- sion Specialty Conference, ASCE, Cost, d'Aiene, Idaho, August .14- "Ident(fication with. 1k Tush, "In-Line Hdrodmsmtc and Strumming Response Largó Bodies Interco.vsected by Nonlineer Cables," P CANCAM 85, Tenth Congress of Applied Mechs., Jane of 1985. Water for Raeource Development, DJ.5vWbor, Editor, Proceedings 4 the H)draullos Division Special- Confritce, ASCE, Coeur Mst1doho August 14-17, 1984, ty pp.291-300. (Published) Layton, Robert D. "Air PoUutlon," A chapter in the Fwidam.fltals of Traffic Engineerg, 8th, 9th, 10th Editions, lnstie of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1984. with William Wags.?, "Microcomputer Program to Analyze Unslgrvilized IntersectIons," Pro54th Arstual MeetM 1TESá1 Francisco, CA, September Kntchoskl, 1984. with R.G. HicI, J.W. Lw'4 M. TOJCAUOU, ation of Surfacing and IC. Johanseri, "Evalu- Alternate Systems for Forest Roads1" March 1985, 256 pp&, Draft Report, TRR85-6. "Pqrameter Identlflçatim at Ocean Structures in the Frequency and Time Domain," Proceedings, CANCAM 85, Tenth Canadian Congress of Applied Mecks., Jane 1985. with J.L. Washburn and C.K. SolUtt, "Carqtdnez Straits Current Studies," Report to the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, 261 pp., 1984. with C.P. Lee, "Wind Wave Sedi- ment Transport In Ls Lakes and ReservoIrs," Report to the U.S. Geological Survey, 23 pp., 1984. Nath, Jolvi H. "Manned RoughenOd Cylinder Wave Force Coefficient," $n& bir- Conference on Cosel Houston, TX, S.pClath4r 1984. with U.K. Hits, R.T. Hisispsth and J. Dummer,. "LaboratOry Wave Forces on Vertical Cylinders," OceanS D regon ptember 1984. with C.C. Tunqj "Wawan4 Current Forces t&wal Damlcs Stat Tlntvireljy, September.1 984. SvevaWi "SfmWtisis Lan. Considerattcnt for Semlsiiersibl. Buoy Platfornw,".A Bepditfcr the Naval ConstrUction BattaliOn Coastal EnatneerinQ Conference, ouston, TX, 14 with R.T. Hialspèth, "Comparison of Turbulent Lateral Mixing Models," Proceedings of the 19th Coastal Enqtneerinq Conference, Houston, TX, 3197-321 0, 1984. Tedesco, R.G. Dean, "Natural Hazards and Research Neiih Coastal or4 with Ocean Engfrerb"màry and Recoiflmerade*jens Science Faiaidatlon .'Jthe Office RUam-al,, November. 1984. with R.T. HwIap.th, "Longshore Sediment Transport on. Dean Beach Profiles" Proceedlnas of the 19th J.W. tember1984. of Naval McDctal, William C. with US, 1985. Center, Port Huineme, CA, Sep- with B. with S.M. Kehe, "WlUamette River Structural and University, September 1984, pp. with A.C. Fisher, "Local Scoir at 7131* Roche,' Watgr for Resource Rev&pownt, D.L. Schreiber, Sdltor, Proceedings of the Hyogiics Division Specialty Confer- Ad*utments to New Spur Dikes," Applied and Forced Vibration,' Proceed, Ocean Structwal D)riamlcs Sjthposlum '84, Oregon State 439-458. Aswt 14-17, 1984, pp. 286-290. of of H,dro&jnamic Parameters for Free 17, 1984, pp. 281-285. (Published) V%e, ASCE, Coew d'Alene, Idaho, with J.W. Ted esco, "D>namlc Stress ArsiIyets of Concrete Armor "Nonlinear Dmsmic Analysis of Concrete Armor Units," Proceedings of the 5th ADUD Conference, CamA, 189-201, 1985. with J.W. T.desco "Marfrae Pipeline Stability," Proceedings of the Fritz Engineering Laboratory Conference, Bethlehem, PA, 1985. "Force Transfer Coefflched. for 5- Inch DIameter, .2- sul 3-Year-Old. Marine Rm4wn.d Cylfndst. from Garden Bank., Gulf of Mexico," Final Report to Chewon Oil Field Research Company, Dept. of Civil EngIneering, December 1584. Force-Phase Method for Vertical Cylinders," Ibtel Report *ig to the Naval Civil Laboratory, Port Huenesne, CA "Wave Dept. of Civil Oregon State University, JiWawi1S$. "Hw1rodysamtc Coefficients for Marine Roughened Cylisrs," Final Report to the AtnIPtcan Petrotewn Institute far. API Proc Project. 84-31, Dept. of Civil or. 9t verelty, June 198.5. 13 Nelson, Peter 0. with E'.J. Davies-Colley and K.J. Williarison, "Copper and Cadmium Uptake by Model Estuarine Sethmentary Phases," Environmental Scienc and Technology, 491 (1984). with J.0. Wiley, "Cadmium Adsorption 1F9 Aerobic Lake Sediments," J. Engineering Environmental Division, ASCE, Q, 226 (1984). with G.S. Schuytema et at., "Toxicity of Cadmium in Water arid Sediment Slurries to Daphnia Magna," Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 293 (1984). with R.J. Davies-Colley and K.J. Williamson, "Sulfide Control of Cadmium and Copper Concentrations in Anaerobic Estuarine Sediments," Marine Chemistry, j, 173 (1985). with C.K. Sollitt and D.R. Hancock, "Coos Bay Offshore Disposal Site Investigation," Final Report. Phase IV, V. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland, OR, 1984. "Acid Rain Buffering Potential in Oregon Cascade Lakes: Secondary Mineral Solubility Control of Solution Ionic Composition," Report No. WRRI-100, Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1985. "Dual Nutrient-Temperature Limitation Effects on Aerobic Biostabilization of Municipal Landfill Leachate," Research Report, Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway, 1985. Pr'.tchett, Harold D. Industry (C.I.C.E.) of the Construction Industry A wareness Cost Effectiveness Project, (with Hancher, Purdue University), July 1985. D. fys,Marvin R. "Vane Shear Data on Undrained Residual Strength," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 4, 1984. the IUFRO Mountain Logging Section, and the Sixth Pacific Northwest Skyline Logging Symposium, pp. 161-1 64. with E.D. Olsen and B.L. Tuor, "Bailoon Logging with the PenduFactors lum-Swing System: Affecting Lift," OSU FRL Res. Bull. 47, 1984. Appropriate Waste Management for (One Countries, Developing Chapter) Plenum Press (1985). with D.N. Swanston, "Developing Geotechnical Data for Stability Management in Coastal Alaska," Abs. Transactions, Geological of America, May 1985. "Structural J.W. Mann, Analysis of Second "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy," ed. J.R. Arthur, Am. Inst. Physics, 1985. with S. Subramanian, U. Schuller, and L.C. Shannon, "Electron Traps in MBE A1, Gal..T.As and the FET's," J. Vac. Sci. TechnoL , 650, 1985. doped with with S. Jahn, "Latent Heat of a Saline Coarse-G rained Soil," J. of the Geotecriçal_Eng neering Division, AS CE, 107: GT5, May 1985. Tn pat hi, "A Simple 1985. with A.C. Palmer, A.N. Schofield, and P. Wadhams, "Centrifuge Modeling of Underwater Permafrost and Sea Ice," Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on offshore Mechanics and Arctic EngiFebruary 1985. the Arctic Offshore, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, March 1985. with P. Wurst, "Centrifugal Modeling of Ice Forces on Single Piles," Proceedings, ARCTIC '85: Civil Engineering in the Arctic Offshore, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, March 1985. Model with V.K. Tn pat hi, "A Network Analog Method for the Corn puta- tion of the VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Parameters," Proc. intl. VLSI Conf. Multilevel Interconnections Santa Clara, pp. 234-240, June 1985. with B. Stuckart, L. Mahar, and R. Wilson, "Time Dependent Properties Due to Solute Redistribution in Frozen Marine Soils," Proceedings, ARCTIC '85: Civil Engineering in "Centrifugal V.K. Network Analog Approach for the Quasi Static Characteristics of General Loss, Anisotropic Layered Structures," Intl. Microwave Symp. Digest, pp. 511-514, St. Louis, June Studies to Investigate the Effects of Arching and Lateral Load Transfer on Arctic Submarine Pipeline Settlements," Report No. 84-10, Transportation Research Institute, Oregon State University, October, 1984. Engelbrecht, Rudolf S. with R.R. Mohler, W.J. Kolodziej, and H.D. Brunk, "On Nonlinear Filtering and Tracking," in St at ist ical Signal Processing, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1984. Forbes, Leonard with P. Can field, R. Gleason, and A. McCarnant, "Low Frequency Noise on GaAs Fet's and Hemt's," Proceedings Semi-Ins. 1ff-V Materials Conf., Kah-Nee-Ta, Oregon, Shiva Publishing, pp. 392-396, 1984. "Ambient Effects on Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon," Recent News Abstract 697, Electrochemical Soc. Meeting, New Orleans, October 712, 1984. and Growth Trees as Tail Spars," in: Proceedings Improving Mountain Logging Planning, Techniques and Hardware, a Joint Symposium of 14 R. Bucolo, Richard Vinson, Ted S. Woods, Sandra L. with J. Sessionas Arthur, John Temperature Dependence of the Threshold Voltage of Modulation- Schroeder, W.L. Frozen COMPUTER ENGI- NEERING "Proceedings of the 5th Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop," J. Vac. Sd. Technol. B , 1984. Schaumirg, Frank D. neering, ELECTRICAL & with Mark M. Benjamin and John F. Ferguson, "Anaerobic Toxicity and Biodegradability of Pulp Mill Waste Constituents," Water Research, VoL 18, No. 5, pp. 601-607, 1984. with F.D. Whitwer and J.D. Peng, "Oxygen Precipitation in CMOS Wafers," Abstract C5. 7 Materials Research Soc. Annual Meeting, Boston, November 26-30, 1984. Goodnjck, Stephen U. "Nonlinear ObservebWty and Mixed with T. Ilwang and C.W. Wilmsen, "Now Model for Slow Cwrent Drift In InP M1SFETs," Appi. Phe. Lett. , 453, 1984 Gelb D.Y. Lln, R.G. Gann, C.W. Wllmsen, and J.F. Wager, "Influence of Interf aclal with K.M. Structure on the Electronic Properties of Sl01InP MISPETs," J. Vac. Sct. Tech. 52, 516 1984. with Z. LfltentaI, 0.1.. Kirwjnel4 and C.W. face versus Coordinate Bearing - Only Signal Proceaing" Poceed1ng. IEEE Con?. Decis. w Opis, I 1985. "Conditionally Bilinear Linear StOchas. Sys. Modeling and Control, Rome, 1984. "Stochastic Modeling and Control In Humoral Immwiolo" IFIP Stochastic Diff. Sys., Baker, 1984. "On presented at the 1984 MateriaLs Moth Dumwiotogy, Poland, 1985. Research Society Meetbig Boston, and Stochastic Systems," IFIP Conf. Wilmsen, "Surface Rogivtess of S1(100)/SlO Inter- Carrier Mobility," Control. Las Static CharacteristIcs of General Losay Anlsotroplc Layered Structure;" Intl. Microwave Symp. Digest, pp. 511-514, St. Louis, Jtsw Quasi Migratory Lymphoayte Models," L4SA Working Canf. on Mogliany, with J.B. Rettig, "A SPICE Model for Multipl Couplad Mlcroetripe and Other Transmission Lines," Intl. Microwave Symp. DIgest, pp. 703-706, Jwze 1985. with M. Sultan, "The mlciostrfp Open Ring Antema, Intl. Sympb Anteimas and PropagatiOn Digest, pp. 417-420, Vancouver, B.C., Jone 1985. MA, November 1984. Owen, S. Jolvi T. Kolodzlej, Wojclech Jan with with F.H. Yang and "A Two-Step Bilinear Filtering Approximation," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 32, No. 2, ApriL T.K. Plant, a Hale-like Capacltwice DL7S Peak In Ion-Implanted "The Origin of of a New Nonlinear Filter and TraOldng Methodolog)s" IEEE Transactions on information Theor)4 VoL. 32, No. 4, July 1984. 1984. with RI. Bucoio, "A Network Analog Method for the Computation of the VL. MvJtilewl Inter- Plant, Themes K. with P.11. Yang and S.J.T. Owen, "The Origin of a Hole-like Capacitance DLTS Peak In Ion-Implanted n-GaAs MWEre," Irc Semi-maul. "CondItionally Bilinear Filter with Tracldng Application," Journal of the Frunldjn Institute, Vol. 317, No. 4, April 1984. "OheerveMllty and Information In Nonlinear Signal Processing," Proc. IEEE hifo Th. Symp., Brighton, 1985 "On Nonlinear FiltO ring and Tracking," In Signal Processing In the Ocean En'Arvximent (Wegman, Ed.), Marcel Dal*er, New Yang 1984. "Hlerarchlal Command, Control and Coupled Bilinear Systems," Proceedlnas IX Trterudal World Congress, IFAC, Budapest, July 198t "On Model Reference Adaptive Control," Proceedlngn DIGITECH, Patras, Greece, JuLy 1984. "On Nee-Ta, OR, pp. 470-474 (D.C. Look and 1.5. Blakemore, eds.k Shtva Publishing, U.K., 1984. Conditionally Linear State Estimation," Con!. Decis. Vegas 1984. Proceedlnan Jwte 1985. Wager, Jolvi F. "SlO4nP Interfaces withRiduced Inteface State Dana1ty 1. Vac. "Techaology for Analysis Support," Sc. TeCLVIO1. B2j 584 (1984). Warfare with K.M. Geib, g.M. Gocbdck, D. Y Li, R.G. Gaimj mid C. W. Wllmserg, "Influence of bderfaclal Structure of the Eloàtrailc Proper. ties of SlO'btP," J. Vac. Sd. Final report for Naval Undersea Engineering Station, research contract No. N00406-82- RathJa Roy C. TecheoL. 92, 318 (1984). "MATIMS Accuracy Improvement Stisly" Progress Reports, NUWES Contract N00406-82-D-0675, April 6, 1984 and August 22, 1984. Trlpathl, VIJaI K. with IA. Van Vechten, "Consequences of Anion Vacancy Nqarest Neighbor Hopping In 111-V Cornpowid Semiconductors: Drift In InP MISFET5," 1. AppI. Phys. 57, 1956 (1985). with P.K. Bhattacharya, "Electron Energy States and Minibond Parameters In a Class of Non- istorm Quantum Well and Superlattice Structures," Superlattices and Mlcrosbtactures, Academic Press (London), January 1985. with H. Lee, "Spectral Analysis of Structures," . Domain Quasf-TEM Plwiar Microwave Systems with J.A. Van Vechten, "Identif Ication of M Centers InInP," Microscc1c Identification Of Detects In Samlamictcrs. ate Wallace, Azan K. "The Fwictlon of the Bucolo, A simple Network Analog Approach for the with RJ. Reaction Rail the Development of a LJM Propulsion System for Urisin Transit," Trans IEEE lAS, July/August In IEEE and Control, Las Multilevel InterconnectIons Conf., Santa Clara, pp. 234-240, VLSi with M.D. Clark and R.A. Jullens, D-0675, D.O. 0009, May 1984. "On Otaerw.ztion Model Analysis for Infcnnatlrsi," DARPA Undersea Surveillance Symp., Monterey 1985. connect Parameters," Proc. Intl. 111-V Materials Conference, Kah- Powers, V. Mtchadl Mohler, Ronald R. pp. 421-424, Juse 1985. n-GaAs MESFErs," Semi-Insulating 111-V Sltho Publlcations U.K., 1984. "Analysis M. Sultan, "Radiation Characterlsttcs of ArØular Microstrip Ant ereia," IntL Symp. Antennas mid Propagation Digest,. 1984, pp. 942-947. 15 "OMAX: A Method of Motivating and Monitoring Work PerformNational Proceedings, ance," Industrial Symposium, Prnetoria, INDUSTRIAL & GENERAL ENGINEERING Fichter, Euaert "Kinematics of a Parallel Con- nection Manipulator," ASME Mechanisms Conference, Cambridge, MA, October 1984. Randhawa, Sabah U. with D.D. Bedworth, "Factors Identified for Use in Comparing Convent tonal and Flexible Manufact uring Systems," Industrial Engineeriri, 17, 6, 40-44, June 1985. S.A., June, 1984. "A Versatile Method for Accountability and Motivation Through Productivity Measurement," Proceedings, 4th World Producttfl Congress, Oslo, Norway, May 1984. "White Collar Wasteland," Manufacturing Productivity Frontiers, May 1984. West, Thomas M. with D. Cho, "Development of a with E.D. McDowell and S. Faruqui, "An Integer Programming Application to Solve Sequencer Mix Problems in Printed Circuit Board Production," mt. J. Prod. Res., 23, Computer-Based Method for Containership Load Planning," Institute of Industrial Engineers Fall Conerence, Atlanta, GA 1984. with D.O. Knight, "A Decision Tool Meeting, 1984. 1985. ORSA/TIMS 1985. (with S. National Faruqui), Meeting, "A Simulation Model for Estimating Statistical Parameters for Normal to Reduced Sampling in Proceedings, 1985 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. MIL.STD.IOSD," "WAVESOLDER ASSISTANT: An Expert System to Aid Troubleshooting of the Wave Soldering Process," Report to Tektronix, Inc., June 1985. Riggs, James L. Heron Bones," Report submitted July 29, 1985 to Dr. Charles J. Henny, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Corvellls, OR 97331. Bushnell, Dwight J. Energy Extension Publication, PNW 262, April 1985. "Lateral with Mixing of Solids in a Partially N. Sitthiphong, Defluidized Bed with Immersed Heat Exchange Tubes," in ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 107, No.3, pp. 685-689, July 1. with T. Fitzgerald, S. Crane, Y. "Testing Cold Scaled Bed Modeling for Fluidized Bed Combustors," Powder Technology, Vol. Shieh, 38, No. 2, pp. 107-120, June 1984. wood CTiJfs, NJ, 1985, 506 pp. with G.M. Reis-tad, T. Bauer, S. Bryn jolfson, S. Fox, "System and Parameter Evaluation of Com- "The Objectives Matrix for Pro- ductivity Measurement," Operations Management Review, VoL. 2, No. 4, pp. 3-15, 1984. G.M. Reistad, pared for USDA, September 1985. Calder, Clarence A. Force Platform Based on Strain Gages," Proceedof 1985 SEM Conference on "Biomechanical Experimental Mechanics, 1985, pp. 823-826. June "Pronation and 120 Impact Testing of Athletic Shoes," Report, 1984. Balloon Swivel Test," Flying Scotsman, March 1985. "Logging "Shock Absorption Charocterisics of Athletic Shoes," Experimental Kanury, A. Murty with K.T. Yang, J.R. Lloyi, and K. "Modeling of Turbulent Buoysnt Flows in Aircraft Cabins," Satoh, Combustion Science and Techriology, Vol. 39, pp. 107, 118, 1984. Larson, Milton B. with Octave Levenspiel, G.T. Zhong, and F. Ouyang, "Preliminary Sttsiy of a Radiantly Heated Flui- with Greg Wheeler, "Heat Pumps for Homes, A Guide for Decision," The Supervisor, Productive Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1985, 432 pp. Productive Supervision, Prentice-Hall, Engle- Biomass-Fueled Powerplants," International Journal bined-Cycle of Energy Systems. with G.M. Reistad, T. Bauer, S. dized Bed for the Production of High Purity Silicon," paper 1056, Annual AIChE meeting, San FranAlso in cisco, November 1984. AICHE Symposium Series No. 241, Q, 87 (1984). "Methods of Dealing with Large Sections of Analysis Courses," Engineering, Computer Aided Proceedings 1985 Annual Conference, Georgia Institute of Technology, June 16-20, 1985. Olas, Andrzej "On Critical Case of Liapunov's Stability. In. Trends in Theory and Practice of Nonlinear Differential V. edited by Equations," Lakshmikant ham, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 1984. "Liapunov's Stability of Nonlinear Periodic Systems," Trans. CSME, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1984. with D.E. Bently and A. Muszynska, "Report on the 4th World Pro- "First and Second Law Evaluations of WoodFired Combined Cycle Power Plants," presented at the November "Identification of the Parameters of a Rotor with the Strong Gyro- Autumn 1984. 1985 ASME Winter Annual Meeting. 1984. ductivity Conference," National Productivity Review, pp. 446-449, 16 Burke, Peter M. Pacific Northwest Field Station, with S. Faruqui, "Application of Expert Systems in the Electronics Industry," MECHANICAL ENGINEERING "Testing of Black-Crowned Night- "A Decision Support System to Aid Multi-Attribute Decision Making," ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meet- Brawn, "Mechanical Systems Analysis for Combined Cycle Biomass Energy Project: Off-Design Analysis and Control of a Wood-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant," pre- Techniques, V. 9, No. 6, June 1985, pp. 21-24. 3, 543-552, May/June 1985. for Analytic Model Selection in an Engineering Work Station Environment," ORSA/TIMS Joint National with R. Bryn jolfsort, S. Fox, scopic Effect by Perturbation Testing," Technical Report, Bently, NV Rawers, James C. "Low-Cycle Fatigue of Type 316 Stainless Steel," accepted for "Res Mechanlc," publication, November 1984. with A.H. George, "Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Horizontal Tube In a Large Particle Fluldized Bed at Elevated Temperattire," AIChE 1984. Alavlzadeh, R.L. Adams and A. Goshayeshl, "An instrument with-- N. for Local Radiative Heat Transfer Measurement In a Gas Fluldized Reistad, Gordon M. with D. Elger and S. Lang, "Design and Awillable Energy Analysts of a Heating-Only Residential, Heat Pump for the Western Pacific Northwest," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 91, Pt. 2 1985. with S.K. Lee, "Thermod)namlc Analysis of Gothermal Energy Systems with Forced Recovery from Aquifers," ASME Transactions Josunal of iflergy Resources TechVoL lO?, nebca with W.R. McMahon, "Heat Pump De1* for Aquifer Seasonal' Heatlng..Only Thermal Energy Storage Syetems," ASHRAE Tranaaction, Vol. 90, 1984. with DJ. Buslmeli, T. Bauer, S. Brssjolfsson,"System Parameter Evahaitlon of Fes, and S. Blomasa-Fueléd Combined-Cycle L4STED Powsi"-plwits," inter- nattøi*l Ssnposiwn, Energy, Power and Em4rcnmental System; San FrancIsco, Jtnte 1984. wlth D.J. BuslmeU, T. Bauer, S. Br)e4Olffsort, and S. Fox),"Thermal Analysts, for Combined-Cycle Blomas. Energy Project. Evaluatimi of Parametric and Selected System Variations of CombinedCycle Btornass Systems," Prepared for USDA, JanwJry 1985. (with DJ. BusMeU, T. Bauer, S. Br-pjolffson, Heat Transfer Conference, August 1984, published ceedings Volume. In AIChE Pro- "Heat Transfer In Large Particle FluJdlzed Beds, presented at Joint US/China Worimhop on Heat Trans- fer, XIox., Chtna, October 1983. Published In Chinese Journal of Engineering Thermophyslcs, Special Issue 1984. and S. Fox),"ThermaL with A. Gcshayeshl, R.L. Adams, mid N. AZa'Azo4eh, "Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for Karlzcntal Tube Arrays In High Temp- erature Large Particle Fluldtzed Beds - An ExperImental' St&xiy," presented at the 23rd NatIonal Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, CO, August 1985, Published in CO, August 1985, PublIshed In AIChE Proceedings Volume. Wilson, Robert E. with S.N. Walker, "Performance Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines," prepared for NASA Lewis Reiearch Center, Cleveland, OH, wider Grant NAG-3 -2 78, September 1984. with J.4. Neff, "A First Order 1970, 3rd EdItion of the Effect of Pitching on the Drag Coefficient," prepared for Sandia National Laboratories, with J.R. Welty and C.E. Wicks, Fwidamentals of Momentum. Heat mia Mass Transf! Joist Wiley & Sons, 1969 (2nd EditIon, 1976; 3rd 1984. Book No. with K.D. Flrdon and A.M. Jacobs, "Optimizing the Compton Profile Approach to Two-Phase Distribution Measur.ments" In Mi4U-Phipe Flow mid Heat Transfer W iditsd by T.N. Vezlroglu 811-820, Elsevler Science Amsterdam, 1984. with M.H. Publisherè, Youssefnla end J.C. Rlngle, "A Remark on Near Critical Flow Computation by Thermal Hydraulic Codes," Trans. Am. Nucl. 1985. with C. Carey mid E.T. Dugan, "Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Arnular Fuel P9w me Lqw Power Density PWR," Trans. Am. Nuci. 482 (1984). Re flooding Phases af LOCA," 494 (1984). with S.K. Clayton midA.M. Jacobs, "Atomic Composition Measurement In Viva Using Compton Profile Methodsj" Trans. Ant. Nucl. Soc, November, 38(1914). with R.M. Klein, A.M. Jacobs mid E.A. Farber, "Monitoring of bneSttory In Enclosed Turbulent Liquid Twilm Using Floating Gamma-Ray Sources," Pioceedhion to 31st International. Instrwnentatlon O) a-u, R.G. Baker, AM. Jacobs, and Kcndlc, "Compton Profile Measurement of rwo-Phase Flow Distribution," Chem. Enln. with N.N. Comm, Vol. 27, pp. 47-57, 1914. EdItion, 1984). with R.W. Thresher, "Electrical Energy From the Wind," Mechanical Enqlneertrvj, Januery 1984. with CE. WlcIm mid R.E. Wilson, Fundamentals of Momentum Heat rrvns er .i. wuey ana ana M Sons, New Yorlç 9, 2nd Edition phase Fiq, ASME G00292, June 1985 Trans. Am. NucL SoC., Albuquerque, NM, September 1984. James R. lng-Survey of Past and PreSent Work," In Cavitation and Multi- Heat Transfer Conference, Denver, presented at the' 23rd National for USDA, June 1984. September, 1984. with N.N. Kcndic and A-.M. Jacobs, "Non-Intrusive Two-Phase Density Measurement by Compton Scatter- with M.K. Drost, "Volumetric Receiver Radiation Heat Transfer," Analysis with DJ. BuslVteU, T. Bauer, S. Brytjolffson, and S. Foz),"Thermal for Analysis Combined-Cycle Bloniass Energy Project: Development of Computer Simulation of Blomass Combined-Cycle Power prepared far USDA, Plants," Anghale, Samlm with J.E. Bwcbfteld end E.T. Dtn,. "ThermaUy lnthmsd Mechanical Behavior of LWR Fuel Cladding During Blondosat mid AIChE Proceedings Volwne. for Combined-Cycle' Blomase Energy Project: Thermal Analysis of Base Case," prepared Analysis' Welt presented at ASUE/AIChE National No. 1, March 1985. mid Bed at Elevated Ten1jratures," NUCLEAR ENGINEERING "Preliminary Analysts of Dynamic Stall Effects on a 91-meter Wind Turbine Rotor," DOE/NASA Horizontal-A its Wind Turbine Technology Workshop, Cleveland, OH, May 8-10, 1984. with Y.C. SW, "Dynamic Simvlatlan of a Westinghouse PWR 'Four-Loop Plant During Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event," prepared for PGE, 051)-NE 8502, Jw.e 1985. with T. YiImaz and A.H. Robinson, "Transient Response of the Trojan Nuclear Plant Pressurizer Relief System," prepared for PGE, 051)NE 8502, ApriL 1985. 17 with L.A. Farber, et at., "Flowmeter and Liquid Level Instru- with L. Hum phries and D. Markley, "Training Emergency Local Response Personnel to Handle KSA, Contract No. NAS 10-10932, Transportation Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials," 29th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, New Orleans, LA, mentation," Final Report NASAApr11 1985. Binney, Stephen E. with G.R. Davidson, G.P. Lahti, J.D. Ingle, Jr., J.C. Westcill, and M.D. "Postaccident Naught on, Systems for Monitoring Primary Coolant Radioactivity and Chemis- try," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 46, 329, 1984. with L.L. Hum phrles, "Hazard Assessment of Worst Case Transportation Accidents Involving Typical Radioactive Materials Shipments - Part 1," OSU-NE-8402, 1984. 1984. Johnson, Arthur C. with A.G. Johnson and T.V. Anderson, "Health Physics Aspects of the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor Fuel Shipment,t 9th TRIGA User's Anaheim, 1984. Conference, with B. Dodd and C.H. Wang, "The Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor (OSTR)," Atomkernenergie-Kemtechnik, supplement Volume 44, pp. 185-201, 1984. to Dodd, Brian "l-Iealth Physics Aspects of a Research Reactor Fuel Shipment," Health Physics, 48, 1, 114-116, 1985. with CM. Wang and A.G. Johnson, "The Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor (OSTR)," Atomkernergie, Kerntechnik, 44, Anderson and A.G. 9th TRIGA User's Anaheim, 1984. Conference, with A.G. Johnson, T.V. Anderson with C.H. Wang and T.V. Anderson, tection Training Program Designed to Reduce Occupational Radiation Dose to Individuals Using Pneumatic-Transfer Systems at the Oregon State Reactor," 9th TRIGA User's Conference, Anaheim, 1984. and D.S. Pratt, "A Radiation Pro- 1984. with L.L. II.] T.B. SuppL 195-201, 1984. "The Use of Fault Tree Analysis to Minimize Research Reactor Downtime," Atomkemergie, Kerntechnik, 44, Suppl, 494-500, rroi with Johnson, 'Preparation and Planning for the Replacement of the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor Rotary Specimen Rack Assembly," Hwnphries, "Hazards with B. Dodd and T.V. Anderson, "Health Physics Aspects of a Research Reactor Fuel Shipment," TRIGA Owner's Conference IX, Anaheim, CA 1984. with B. Dodd, T.V. Anderson, and W.T. Carpenter, "Preparation and Planning for the Replacement of the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor Rotary Specimen Rack Assembly," TRIGA Owner's Con- ference IX, Anaheim, CA 1984. with B. Dodd, T.V. Anderson, D. Pratt, and W.T. Carpenter, "A Radiation Protection Training Assessment of Worst Case Transportation Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials," American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Assessment of Worst Case TransAccidents Involving portation Program Designed to Reduce Occupational Radiation Dose to Individuals Using Pneumatic Trans- TRIGA Reactor," TRIGA Owner's San Francisco, CA, 1985. Radioactive Materials Typical Shipments - Part 2," OSU-NE-8405, 1984. with L.L. Hurnphries, "Hazard fer Systems at the Oregon State Conference IX, Anaheim, CA 1984. Areas of Current Research Interest Agricultural Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Inlgatlon Solid state electronics Seed processing Systems engineering Computer engineering Materials engineering Farm structures Straw burning Waste management Nan-point pollution control Post harvest storage of crops Harvesting of agricuLtural crops Seafood processing System modeling Soil drabge and contaminant removel Chemical Engineering Heat exchanger fouling Fluldlzed bed combustion Mr pollution control Civil Engln.erli Asphalt materials Artificial Islands Environmental engineering Haza'd waste marvlg,ment Biological Treatment Uarixa mid harbor structures Erosion control Forest slaps Stability Kskvdynam1cs Iróastrlal Engineei'ing Productivity Robotics Expert systems Engineering economics Nuclear Enainee High speed motion neutron radiography Reactor dynamics Neutron radiography Radiation safety Reactor safety Nuclear fuel management Environmental radiation Radlotracer methodology Nuclear instrumentation Nuclear Waste Management Mechanical Enalnie Wind power generation Fluldlzed bed heat transfer Blomass energy production Combustion Computer-aided design Solar energy production Air pollution control Robotics Materials science Structural dynamics Fluid mechanics Sd transport 19 Directory of Research Faculty Dean of Engineering Fred J. Burgess Covell i-fall 201 (503) 754-4525 Agricultural Engineering Miner, Department Head Gilmore Hall 116 (503) 754-2041 Booster, Brooks, Caletzo, Cuenca, J.R. Associate Dean for Research W.L. Schroeder Covell Hall 219 English, Hansen, Hellickson., Kirk, Kolbe, Long, Matson, Moore, Trimmer Industrial and General Engineering J.L. Riggs, Department Head Covell Hall 210 (503) 754-4645 Airth, Beck, Felix, Fichter, Funk, Harlan, McDowell, Peterson, Randhawa, West (503) 754-2841 Chemical Engineering C.E. Wicks, Department Head Chemical Engineering 103 (503) 754-4791 Frederick, Knudsen, Levien, Levenspiel, Mrazek CiviL Engineering and Construction Engineering Management F.D. Schaurn burg, Department Head Apperson Hall 206 (503) 754-4934 Mechanical Engineering J.R. Welty, Department Head Rogers FlaIl 204 (503) 754-3441 Baker, Burke, Bushnell, Calder, Davis Holley, Kanury, Kennedy, Larson, Olas, Philbrick, Rawers, Reistad, Smith, CJllman, Wheeler, Wilson, Zaworski Nuclear Engineering C.V. Smith, Jr., Department Head Radiation Center C 102 (503) 754-2341 Dodd, Johnson, Ringle, Robinson, Woods Anghaie, Binney, Bell (C.A.), Bell (J.R.), Bella, Hicks, Hudspeth, Kurt geman, Laursen, Layton, Leonard, McDougal, Miller, Nath, Nelson, Peterson, Phelps, Pritchett, Rogge, Schroeder, Schultz, Sollitt, Vinson, Williamson, Woods Electrical and Computer Engineering S.J.T. Owen, Department Head Dearborn Hall 303 (503) 754-3617 Alexander, Amort, Arthur, Bucolo, Chamberlain, Engelbrecht, Forbes, Herzog, Jensen, Kolodziej, Lauw, Lillevik, Looney, Mohler, Nichols, Plant, Powers, Rathja, Saugen, Short, Stone, Tripathi, Wager, Wallace, Weber 20 Kilen,