Alabama A&M University Federal Direct PLUS (Parent) Loan Application 2010-2011 in processing

Alabama A&M University
Federal Direct PLUS (Parent) Loan Application 2010-2011
Consent to Obtain Credit Report/Loan confirmation
This application is for the parent of dependent undergraduate students who need additional funding.
Please read the Parent PLUS Information Sheet before completing this form. Please be advised that by
submitting this form, you are authorizing the Department of Education to perform the required credit check.
The student must have a completed award package before you submit this form. Please print clearly and
return all documentation requested, as illegible or incomplete applications will result in processing
delays. If the PLUS Loan is approved, a Master Promissory Note (MPN) must be completed by the same
parent that applied. Only one parent may apply. The same parent that applies for the loan must be the
same parent to complete the MPN.
Attach a copy of borrower’s Social Security Card and Driver’s License (REQUIRED)
 The parent borrower must submit a copy of their driver’s license with this application.
 In addition to the driver’s license copy, if the parent borrower is a biological parent who is
not listed on the FAFSA, a copy of the student’s birth certificate and a copy of the parent’s
Social Security card must be submitted as well.
Student’s Name_________________________________________________________
SSN__________________________ AAMU Student Number___________________
Student’s DOB_________________
Student’s AAMU email _____________________
Relationship to student: ( ) Mother/Stepmother ( )Father/Stepfather ( )Aunt ( )Uncle
( )Grandmother ( )Grandfather ( X )Other___________________________________________
Parent’s Name ___________________________________________________________
Parent’s DOB____________________ Parent’s SS#_____________________________
Citizenship: ( ) U.S. Citizen ( ) Eligible Non-Citizen: A___________________________
Eligible non-citizens must submit a front/back copy of their Permanent Card.
Parent’s Driver’s License Number and State of Issue______________________________
Permanent Street Address__________________________________________________
Permanent City/State/Zip___________________________________________________
Home Phone Number_________________ Email address_________________________
Cell Phone __________________________Office Phone _________________________
Are you in default on a Stafford, PLUS or Perkins Loan? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Do you owe a repayment to any postsecondary institution involving Title IV funds? ( )Yes ( )No
Have you received Title IV funds through misrepresentation or fraud? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Loan Period: ( ) Fall/Spring 20___ ( ) Fall 20___ ( ) Spring 20___ ( ) Summer 20___
Loan Amount Requested for PLUS Loan $____________________________________
By submitting this application I declare, under the penalty of perjury, that all
information provided herein is true to the best of my knowledge and that the
signature below is the signature of the parent borrower. I consent to the US
Department of Education and its agents obtaining my credit report and using the
information from the report to determine my eligibility for a Direct PLUS Loan. I
understand that I will be notified in writing of the results of this credit check.
Parent Signature__________________________________ Date__________________
If your Federal Direct PLUS Loan is denied by the Department of Education due to
adverse credit, your student may be eligible for an additional Unsubsidized Stafford Direct
Loan (yearly aggregate limits apply). Please indicate how you would like to proceed if the
application is denied:
I will either appeal the credit decision with Direct Loans or obtain a credit worthy
endorser/cosigner. If this is your choice, you have 14 days to obtain an endorser.
After 14 days, your application will be terminated.
I do not wish to appeal or obtain an endorser/cosigner. Please award the
additional unsubsidized loan. My student and I understand that the yearly loan
amount is limited to no more than $4000 for a freshman or sophomore, and
$5000 for a junior or senior. We understand that this amount will be reduced if
the loan is for one term only. We are aware that this decision will greatly increase
total loan indebtedness for the student and may reduce or eliminate any Stafford
loan eligibility in subsequent years if the aggregate loan limit is reached before
If the PLUS Loan is denied, and the student wishes to borrow additional funds, please
indicate the total amount that the student wishes to borrow: $______________________
Student’s Signature _____________________________ Date ____________________
Please return this form, and the documentation requested on the reverse side to:
Office of Student Financial Aid
Alabama A&M University
P. O. Box 907
Normal, AL 35762
(256) 372-5400 (telephone)
(256) 372-5407 (fax)