Lillian Felicia Smith 1 EDUCATION

Lillian Felicia Smith
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Frontiers Master Program
June 2011-April 2012
Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama
Emphasis in Biology and Spanish
Honor Roll: 2005- 2011
August 2005 – May 2011
The National Science Foundation-funded Frontiers Master's Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology:
University of Michigan 2011-2012
Ecological Society of America 6th Annual SEEDS Leadership Meeting, Park Forest, WA: 2011
American Society of Agronomy National Research Symposium, Long Beach, CA: 2010
Achieved first place in the Research Symposium Poster Contest.
Blinks Research Fellowship Program Anne Hof Blinks Memorial Fellowship, San Juan Island, USA: 2010
Research Fellowship offered to students underrepresented in the marine sciences. Offers a full immersion
research experience.
Ecological Society of America (SEEDS), Puerto Rico: 2010
Annual Ecological Field Trip offered to rising students who have shown. Students learn about various career
options in ecology while meeting with leading ecologist
Escuela Superior de Español de Sagunto (ESDES), Spain: 2008-2009
Year abroad program though Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA).
Spanish: Advance level oral and written
Research Experience
Fisheries Technician, USDA Forest Service
Surveyed live Chinook Salmon in the Klamath Basin on the Salmon and Scott Rivers. Marked salmon
with jaw tag, inspected dead salmon for metal jaw tag, measured salmon carcass and collected
samples of scale and otolith (ear bones).
Fall 2012
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan
Conducted preliminary research on the “Evolution of Drug-Resistance in Pandemic Strains of
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis” for the Frontiers Master Program.
Fall 2011- April 2012
Research Experience for Undergraduates/Post- Baccalaureate Program, University of Washington
Under the direction of my mentor Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria I investigated the ovule development in
Zostera marina L. in response to temperature manipulation. Collected reproductive shoots from three
coves in the San Juan Archipelago. Analyzed ovule development by using DeCock (1980) guide for
inflorescence development and measured them with ImageJ software.
Summer/Fall 2010
Student Lab Assistant, Alabama A&M University
Explored the various lab techniques for DNA sequencing, PCR, Southern Blotting. Also reviewed
how to use the various lab equipment Gel Electrophoresis, Auto Clave, Super Speed Centrifuge,
Labpette Discovery Pipettes etc. Shadowed the graduate student while he completed his long-term
study on the Reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis.
Fall 2009- April 2010
Research Experience for Undergraduates, Alabama A&M University
Under the direction of my mentor Dattatreya Gajula I reported on the finding of the
“Chemopreventive Potential of Basil against Azoxymethane Induced Aberrant crypt foci formation in
Fisher 344 male rats”
Summer 2008
Ethnobiology Student Trainee, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica.
Conducted research on “The Comparative use of Medicinal and Synthetic Insecticides among the
people of Costa Rica”. Learned how to collect plant samples, how to survey and classify plants.
Summer 2008
Teaching Experience
General Biology (173) Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan, Michigan
● Graded quizzes, pre-lab assignments and group presentations.
● Supervised students conducting lab experiments.
● Assisted students with laboratory topics during lab and office hours.
Fall 2011, Spring 2012
Spanish Teacher Assistant, Oakwood University, Alabama.
● Graded assignments for Beginner Spanish
● Taught Beginner Spanish Composition and Grammar Class once a week.
● Uploaded grades to D2L grading system for professors
● Translated activities from Spanish to English and vice versa
● Tutored Beginner and Intermediate Spanish students
School Year 2009-2010
English Teacher Assistant, Colegio de Sagunto (Escuela Superior de Español).
● Assisted English teacher
● Graded assignments for the English class
● Prepared English lessons
● Organized cultural programs for the elementary students.
School Year 2008-2009
General Biology Lab Instructor, Oakwood University, Alabama.
● Administered Laboratory Quizzes.
● Graded exams, quizzes, prelab reports and lab books.
● Insured that all experiments worked as anticipated.
● Assisted students with lab experiments.
● Thoroughly explained laboratory topics.
Spring 2008
“Evolution of Drug-Resistance in Pandemic Strains of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis”
Frontiers Master Program, University of Michigan, 2011-2012.
“Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity in Sarracenia purpurea L.”
UMBS, University of Michigan, Summer 2011.
“Ovule development in Zostera marina L. in response to temperature manipulation: Results of a mesocosm experiment”
Blinks Research Fellowship Program, University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, Summer 2010
“Determining Variations within the 18S rRNA Genes of Female Reniform Nematodes “
Alabama A&M University, Fall 2009.
“Anti-Bacterial property of Omega 3 contents in Linum usitatissimum oil on the bacteria Escherichia coli”
Undergraduate Research course, Oakwood University, January 2009.
“Chemopreventive Potential of Basil against Azoxymethane Induced Aberrant Crypt Foci formation in Fisher 344 male rats”
Research Experience for Undergraduates, Alabama A&M, Summer 2008.
“The Comparative use of Medicinal and Synthetic Insecticides among the people of Costa Rica”
Introduction to Field Ethnobiology, Duke University, Costa Rica, Summer 2008.