Meeting of the Faculty Senate 327 Graff Main Hall 26 January 2015

Meeting of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee
327 Graff Main Hall
26 January 2015
2014-2015 Members:
Bradley Seebach, Chair
Martin Allen, Vice-Chair
Janet Kirsch, Secretary
Natalie Eschenbaum, At-Large
Computer Science
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Members Present:
Allen, Eschenbaum, Kirsch, Seebach
Georges Cravins, Faculty Representative; Heidi Macpherson, Provost
The meeting began at 2:31 PM.
1. Provost's Report:
a. UW-System Transfer Policy: Feedback on the UW-System Transfer Policy needs to be
submitted to the Provost by 3/10/15.
b. UWS 4, 7, and 11: These policies regarding faculty/staff/student sexual assault
allegations are being updated to align with federal guidelines. The reworded documents
are available on the Faculty Senate agenda/minutes webpage. Chair Seebach would like
feedback on these updates from different faculty groups. This information will be
submitted to the Provost by 3/3/15.
2. Discussion of Budgetary Concerns at the 1/29/15 FS Meeting
a. A discussion of how the Governor's upcoming biennial budget would be handled in the
next FS meeting ensued.
b. Provost Macpherson shared information with SEC, including an overview of changes that
would have to be addressed if the UW-System becomes a Public Authority. It is not
known how individual campuses will be affected by the announced cuts; only that they
will be affected differentially.
3. Discussion of Agenda for the 1/29/15 FS Meeting
4. Other
a. Rep. Cravins reported that plans to allow faculty the option of a 12 month pay plan are
still moving forward.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 PM
Submitted by J. Kirsch