Meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee 327 Graff Main Hall

Meeting of the Faculty Senate
Executive Committee
327 Graff Main Hall
29 February 2016
2015-2016 Members: Bradley Seebach, Chair
Anne Galbraith, Vice-Chair
Tisha King-Heiden, Secretary
Janet Kirsch, At-Large
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Members Present:
Galbraith, King-Heiden, Kirsch, Seebach
Georges Cravins (Geography & Earth Science), Betsy Morgan (Provost)
Meeting began at 3:30 pm
I. Updates from Senate Chair. Reviewed and discussed Islamophobic statement that will be presented
at upcoming FS meeting. Brad will attend the upcoming BOR meeting Thurs the 10th, and will keep
us apprised of discussions and decisions.
II. Post-tenure review. Discussed need for ad hoc committee to define and lay out general process for
tracking and reporting post-tenure reviews. Made suggestions for committee.
III. Updates from Provost. We discussed the system decision: move to Office 365 from gmail with
pending changes from D2L to canvas. We recommended a soft switch to Office 365 over this
summer so wouldn’t coincide with change to canvas. Provost Morgan requested that SEC review
duties and responsibilities of the International Education Committee.
IV. Miscellaneous. Discussed clarifications to anti-bullying policy that need to be addressed prior to
discussion at FS.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.
Submitted by T. King-Heiden