STT 864 Final Project Spring 2016 Due Date: Wednesday before 5:00pm EST, April 27, in C418 Wells Hall. Late papers will not be accepted. Instructions: You must work independently. You may not discuss this project with anyone except the course instructor. The project aims to analyze Flint water data sets. The background of the Flint water crisis was introduced in Lab 2. The data analyzed in this project were downloaded from the website One data set is a sentinel sampling results data set (file name: “Sentinel Data Set 1A-B 515890 7”), which were collected from about 600 sentinel sites in Flint (see Figure 1 for a map of locations). The sentinel sites were chosen by the environmental protection agency (EPA) and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) according to the Detroit Free Press (in the article “EPA says Flint water tests show some progress made”). The second data set was the residential water testing samples collected between Sept. 3, 2015 and Mar. 15, 2016 (file name: “Test Results Flint 513922 7”). More details about these two data sets could be found on the website Both data sets are also available on our class website You are free to perform any statistical analyses that answer real questions related to the data sets that you consider to be relevant and informative. Use R to perform calculations and computations. Do not submit pages of raw computer output, but you need to include important tables or attach graphs to support your conclusion and discussion. Write concise answers that clearly describe the steps in your analysis and your conclusions. Remember that there is no absolutely best answer and I expect to receive many different answers. You will be graded with respect to how well your analyses reveal interesting aspects of the data sets, the interpretation of your results, how well you justify your methods of analyses, and the overall quality of your writing. The details of the grading rubrics will be posted on the class page website. Your report should not exceed eight typed pages, excluding attached graphs or tables, with the font size and spacing used in these instructions. You may cut out computer output and simply paste it in appropriate places in your report. You do not have to type your report. You can submit a handwritten report. The limit on the number of handwritten pages depends on how large you write, but is limited to what could have fit on eight typed pages. Your report should including the following (but not limited to): 1. Provide a one paragraph summary of your major findings. This should not contain any formulas or mathematical symbols. It should be well written so that it could be easily understood by anybody else who is not a statistician. 1 Flint Water Incident - Sentinel Sampling Results - Lead W X W X W X W X WX X WX W X XX W WX XX WX W W WW WX WX WX W X W X X W W X W X W X W X X W X W WW X X W X W X W X X W 48506 W X W X W X 48504 W X W X W X W X W X WW X XX W W X WX W XX W W X W X WX X W X W W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X WX X W X X W WX WX W WX W W WX X W X X W WX W X X WX W X W X W WX X W WX X WX X W X W X WX WX WX W WX X WX WW X WX WW X WX X WX X W W X W X W X WX X W W W X W X WX X WX W X W X W X W X WX X WX X WX W X W X W W WWX WX X WX X W WX W X WX W X W X X W X W W W X W X X W X W X WX W X WX X W W X W X W WX X WX W W X WX X W W X X W X X WX X W W W X WX X WX W W WX X WX W X W X WX W WX X W X W W X W X X W W X X WX X W XX W W W X W X 48532 W XX W X W W X WX X W WX X W W WX X W X W X XX W W X WX WX W W W X W X WX WX X W X WX X W W X X W X W WX X W X WX W W X 48532 W X 48505 XX W W W X W X W X W X 48502 W X X W X W W X X W W X W X W X XX W W WX X W X W W X W X X W W X W WX X WW X WX WX WX WX W X X W X W X W W X WX X W X W X X W W W X X W WX X W X WW W WX X WW WX X W X WX X WX X WX X W W X X WX W W X W X WX WX X WX X W WX X W X W W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W W X WX W WX X W X W X WX X W W X W X W WX W X W WX WX X W X W X WX X WX X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X W X X X W W XX WW WX X W W X W WX WW X X WX X W X W X XX W X W W WX X W W WX X W XX W WX W X 48503 W X W X W X 48507 W X W X W X W X W W X WX X W X X W W X W X W X W XX W WX X W X W W X W X W X W W X W X WX WX X W WX WX X W X W X W X X W W X W X W X W WX X W X 48507 W X W X W X W X W X W W X W X WX WX WX X WX X W X WX X W WX X W W W X WX X W X WX WW X W XX W 48551 48553 W X W X WX XX W W X W 48519 W X W XX W WX W W X X 48529 48507 48507 48473 · Legend 54 Results greater than 15 parts per billion of Lead W X State of Michigan 510 Results less than or equal to 15 parts per billion of Lead Flint w/Franchise Boundary Flint Area Zip Codes 1 0.5 0 1 2 Date: 03/01/2016 Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Figure 1: The map of the locations of sentinel sites. 2 3 Miles 2. Provide a description of the steps taken to identify your best model (or models). Do not give all the details of your search. Do not submit any computer output in this section. Simply outline the issues you considered, your decisions, and the sequence of steps you took to develop a model. 3. Provide a description of your best model (or models), including estimates of parameters and their standard errors, and the statistical inference you performed. You may copy small parts of computer output into this part of the report. Discuss and interpret any important features of your model and state you conclusions in the context of the problem. 4. Provide convincing evidence that your analysis is based on a good model. Discussion of residual plots and other diagnostic checks would be appropriate. You may attach graphs, but lists of raw computer output should not be submitted and will be ignored. 5. You may submit one to two more paragraphs outlining additional analyses that you would have done if you had more time. You will earn points for good suggestions and lose points for suggestions with little potential value. (This is optional.) 3