NRCG Meeting Notes April 5-6, 2010 IC Session

NRCG Meeting Notes
April 5-6, 2010
IC Session
Present: Mike McMeekin, Chuck Stanich, Bob Gilman, Bob Fry, Mark Grant, Jess Secrest, Ted Mead,
Doug Turman, Greg Poncin, Glenn McNitt, Tom Heintz, Cory Winnie, Rick Siedlitz, Phil Gill, Jim Newton,
Len Dems, Bob Roberts, Brett Waters; via VTC: Diane Hutton, Brad McBratney, Rick Kusicko.
Succession Planning: NWCG has tasked an IMT succession planning group to look at how we will staff
Incident Management for national events. The group will be collecting comments and hope to have
something out for comment by June of this year. A suggestion was made to hand this to the Operations
and Training Committees to solicit for comments. The group will by keying on Teams available for
national mobilization. One of the goals is ways to make agencies more willing to let employees
participate on IMTs, including the possibility of agencies receiving money to fill behind employees on
IMT assignments. Bob Gilman will take our previous efforts done on succession planning and dust it off
and resubmit to the group. We should give them our priorities as well. We still need to keep sight of
our own plans as well. Greg will send the NWCG tasking memo out. Comments need to be sent to Bob
Gilman by April 23, 2010.
IC/AA Communication: IMTs provide a service and need to continually look at how that service is
provided. Attending the AA workshops and meetings will provide good opportunities for interacting
with Agency Administrators. These are also good opportunities to ask AA’s help with continuing to staff
our IMTs. The ICs would like the board to funnel them information from their respective agencies to
help keep the communication lines open.
A proposal was made for the NRCG to send a letter to agencies regarding internal succession planning
and the thought of keeping in mind individuals to participate in Fire Management. DNRC will ask one of
the Type 2 ICs to participate in their line officer training in May. Share names of potential IC candidates
with our AA group to help encourage them to participate. Encourage AAs that IMTs will gladly take any
folks from their local units out with the team to gain experience.
WFDSS/WFSA/KDL: The use of the KDL and its benefits are uncertain for the ICs. We need to look at the
NRCG decision documentation guidelines and update for this year. ICs are concerned that expectations
for WFDSS skill sets embedded in IMTs may be unrealistic. BLM MT has 90,000-100,000 acres that will
be available for resource benefit this year. NPS has the full range of options available and will use
WFDSS. Flathead Agency and Crow Agency have the ability to manage for benefit. FS and DOI agencies
are required to use WFDSS.
Incident within an Incident (Accident Response): IMTs developed a checklist and will run a rough
simulation during the IMT meetings. They still need to look at the overall risk assessment process.
Dutch Creek Serious Accident Investigation Tasking Plan: Len presented a PowerPoint outlining the
Tasking Plan. ICs need to brush up on serious accident investigation process. The accident investigation
report was presented to the Fire Executive Council which tasked NWCG with preparing the Tasking Plan.
ICs should consider how these action items will affect your IMT. Action items include an accident within
an incident plan including a risk assessment, develop a plan to integrate IMT operations with local
jurisdictions including establishing clear lines of legal authority, develop rescue operations
competencies, require medical plan include procedures for rescue plan, ensure trainees are used only
when supervisory requirements are met, review competencies and training for emergency terminology
for Communication Units. Additional information will be available May 1.
IMT Needs: mobile satellite systems could be very useful.
Help with recruitment for IMTs.
General Session
Present: Bob Gilman, Brett Waters, Len Dems, Tracey Nimlos, Patti Koppenol, Ted Mead, Rick Seidlitz,
Don Copple, Julie Polutnik, Maggie Doherty, Kitty Ortman, Jim Newton, Bob Roberts, Cory Winnie, Dave
Soleim, Phil Gill, Aitor Bidaburu, Kit Kemsley, Kathy Elzig, Tim Murphy, Eric Lepisto, Mike McMeekin,
Rose Davis.
Training Committee (Kitty Ortman): We may be able to get a few federal students into the state/local
gov’t S-420 course this spring. Field Manager’s course guide is undergoing a major revision this year.
FEMA has said they will recognize people who have taught courses if they can prove it. They can apply
for recognition of qualifications through the State Training Office. Kitty will resend the information.
FEMA is currently soliciting for input into their NIMS training document.
Rosie Lemire is going to be the training liaison for IMT trainees and will work out of the NRCC this
summer. She will work with the trainees to help get them assigned to incidents to complete their
qualifications. She will especially focus on the S-420F and CIMC students. The NIMO teams will have
detail opportunities for training assignments for our folks as well. Patti will send a note to Robin Cole
asking to let us know names of NR individuals who apply for NIMO details.
Aviation Committee: Maggie Doherty is the Chair this year and Chuck Brenton is vice-Chair. Committee
had been working on frequencies, but it has been tabled. All agencies will now be using national flight
following. All vendors are now required to be P3 compliant on all agencies’ contracts. We will find out
this spring if this will affect any availability. AMD is now carding all state partners and we are having
difficulty getting this done in time for the start of the season. Aviation Committee would like to begin
having FS rotate in as an inspecting agency and will prepare a memo to send to AMD from the Board.
Aviation group worked with SD State to card their aircraft so it will be available for air attack. Tom Bates
and Ken Wabaunsee are coordinating an effort to increase use of our exclusive use aircraft to increase
training opportunities for ATGS trainees. Allen Edmonds is having a meeting in Helena with Homeland
Security to brief them on our mission. Still working on equipment standardization for the rappel
program between agencies. FS rappel program is currently stood-down because of last summer’s
fatality. A programmatic review is underway to make safety improvements to equipment and training
as well as development of national standards.
Business Committee (Tracey Nimlos): Ken Homik from IDL is the Chair this year.
The Business Committee has developed guidelines for protecting Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) data and asks that the Board adopt them as guidance for implementation within the Northern
Rockies and for use by our IMTs.
Concern has been raised about adequate procurement support for incidents from the Type 4 and 5 level
all the way up to the Type 1 level. In response to that concern, the Business Committee is sponsoring a
Fire Procurement workshop the week of May 24. The workshop will provide training updates for
Procurement Unit Leaders and Buying Team members, but will also focus training to individuals who
support incidents on their local units.
The Business Committee recommends the Board cancel the study to determine billing rates for agency
equipment. The agency Incident Business Coordinators feel they have consensus on the rates agencies
charge each other and there is no need to continue with the study.
The Business committee will be presenting a 3-hour webinar on April 22 to update the Finance and
Logistics communities on changes for the 2010 season. Specific information on how to sign in to the
webinar will be disseminated through Finance and Logistics networks.
The Business committee has developed a Finance section evaluation to be added to the IMT evaluation
format. It will be submitted to Bob Gilman to be added to the NRCC IMT webpage.
FPA Committee: Jesse Duhnkrack is the Chair. The committee has been very active supporting
implementation of FPA. The March 15 deadline has been moved to April 15 and all the NR FPUs will
meet that deadline. See handout.
Operations Committee: Greg Archie is the Chair. Team plans will be done by May 1. Team selections
are completed and teams are full. Committee is working on a relative risk assessment to replace the
incident complexity analysis. It will fit in with WFDSS as well. Would like to put out as a prototype for
this season. Still working on a delegation of authority template, using the SW MT zone’s as a starting
Zone Reports
E MT Zone (Eric Lepisto): Jim Strain is the East Zone Board Chair. MAC Coordinator for East zone is Mark
Heppler. Ordering Manager/Supply Unit Leader ROSS training is available every Wed at Billings Dispatch
Center. The expansion of the Powder River MOA is a big issue in E MT and Wyoming. The wildland
agencies are working with the Airforce Base and the Aviation Committee is engaged.
SW MT Zone (Kit Kemsley): the CSKT has a new FMO, Jim Steele; Chuck Stanich’s replacement will be on
before fire season; Larry Bush is the new SWLO Fire Program Manager. Rick Floch is the Chair for the
SW Zone. The zone is trying to stand up one or more Type 3 IMTs.
NW MT Zone (Dave Soleim): zone MAC operating guide is signed, Dave is the Chair and MAC
N Idaho (Jim Newton): MAC organization is in place. Bob Lippincott is new FMO for the Clr/Nez.
Central MT (Don Copple): Working on updating the zone Operating Plan.
South Central MT (Rick Seidlitz): Rick is the zone board chair.
Emphasis from the NRCG Board on the importance of the zone MAC groups and how the GMAC intends
to rely on those zone MACs.
Contracting Update (Tim Murphy): the FS is trying national solicitations for crew carriers (which is under
protest) and refrigerated units. BLM has opened the potable water truck and fuel tender solicitations.
DNRC has annual solicitations for sack lunches, portable, toilets and communication trailers. FS is
hosting heavy equipment and water handling equipment. All solicitations close the middle of April or 1st
part of May. Because of the economy, Tim is expecting more response on the solicitations.
We have MOUs in place for training and inspections. Since the moratorium was lifted we’ve increased
by 5 Training MOUs and 2 Inspection MOUs.
Proposed Revision of the Dozer Boss Training Course: a proposed memo to NWCG Operations and
Workforce Development Committee is asking for a revision to Dozer Boss training.
National Update (Aitor Bidaburu): the Type 3 All Hazard team effort—NWCG has put together an
oversight group for the USFA’s Type 3 program. In order to be a team member you must have
completed the training and the task book. There are teams from all 50 states involved in this program.
Requests will still be coming for these Type 3 teams to shadow Type 1 and Type 2 IMTs. The oversight
group will work on integrating these teams into the fire organizations and boost state capabilities for all
hazard incidents. The oversight group is comprised of reps from all the federal agencies, NASF and IChiefs have been invited. The group will sunset after it completes its recommendations. DHS does not
recognize NWCG courses and this affects reimbursement in grant programs. The NWCG Operations
committee is working on this and a memo to FEMA will be out shortly.
NWCG is working on IMT succession planning and has several committees formed to look at incentive
programs, the militia model, individual aptitudes, etc. They hope to have a report with
recommendations out within a year.
The I-Chiefs have the lead on the Ready, Set, Go program to help the public with FireWise type issues.
It’s part of a larger national effort to implement FireWise.
Karyn Wood is the new chair of NMAC and Bill Kaage is the new chair of NWCG.
Decision Support: There is now a national decision support center that will be available to assist us with
modeling and decision support. Agencies will send Pat Garbutt the name of their GA point of contact for
decision support and fire modeling by April 15. The GA points of contact should coordinate during fire
season to provide information to the NRCC and the GMAC.
Fire Behavior Specialists’ Issues:
• Support for smaller incidents
• Standards for Fire Behavior Specialists role in WFDSS
• Fire behavior modeling provided to AAs without appropriate interpretation
• Multi-jurisdiction fires decision documentation
Interim Reporting Requirements: Any incident expected to have duration of greater than 72 hours will
be required to submit a basic ICS-209 and update it at least weekly.
Propose tasking of a Technology Group to explore ways to use Google Earth and other technologies that
are available with layers for decision support. We want them to attempt to gather various layers such as
fire history, bug kill, etc.
Predictive Services: Outlook for fire season is contributed by lower than average snowpack and an
expected warm, dry late spring/early summer.
The Predictive Services group is trying to set up a site similar to the Eastern Great Basin that records fuel
conditions in the fire weather zones. They need volunteers in the field to input fuel conditions onto the
website. They hope to have it up and running by early summer.
Members present were Patti Koppenol , Phil Gill, Cory Winnie, Bob Roberts, Ted Mead, Jim Newton, Len
Dems and Mike McMeekin. Bob Rebarchik joined later in the morning to represent Jim Kelton.
NRCC Status: Not a lot of changes procedure wise. NR Mob Guide is currently being updated to be
posted by May 1. Julie is detailed into the Intell Coordinator position. The federal agencies are
currently developing standard position descriptions so we are waiting to fill the position permanently
until that is completed. Detailers are interested in coming into the Asst Intell Coordinator position for
the summer. Susan Taylor is moving to the NW area and a replacement for her has already been found.
The BIA Dispatcher position is currently vacant, but will hopefully be filled soon.
S-420 Field Course: the issue has arisen again on paying for instructors. NIMO will be our primary cadre
and our back up will be that each agency will pay for their own instructors. DNRC will follow up to make
sure this is possible under their agency guidance.
Fire Season 2010 Readiness:
DNRC has 6 key permanent positions that are in progress of being filled. Ted now has 2 Deputy
positions working for him that may represent him during MAC meetings. Ted will also be filling a Safety
Officer position.
FS budget is even, but have had some unexpected expenses, so are continuing to look at efficiencies.
The Lewis & Clark and Helena NFs are beginning to combine their Fire organizations.
NPS is in good shape and may have their seasonal workforce bolstered somewhat. YNP Fire Use module
will likely not be in place any longer.
MT Fire Alliance Conference is in Butte in June. The coop money DNRC was able to get to the counties
for engines have made a huge difference. Rich Cowger is the new president of the MT Fire Chief’s
Local gov’t participation on IMTs may be affected by tight budgets in the near future.
BLM Miles City has an open FMO position that will be filled with a detailer through the summer.
Otherwise in good shape for the year.
BIA is hoping to get a boost for the helicopter they share with the Lolo NF. The Nez Perce FMO position
is vacant. BIA has a lot of ARRA money that may require use of their crews to complete projects.
IDL had most of their budget cuts last year. 3 positions were vacant and have been combined and filled
into one Training position.
MT Governor’s Briefing: Ted proposes inviting the Governor to Missoula to the NRCC and have
interagency representation. We’ll propose the week of June 7.
NIMO expectations: our priority is for them to perform as the instruction cadre for S-420F, assist with
emerging incidents and long duration fires. We will update last year’s memo to them to reflect these
priorities. Mike will take the lead to update the letter.
Cathy Scofield led a discussion on the upcoming fire management “Connect-the-dots” workshops.
There was lengthy discussion of the draft agenda, status of agenda assignments, objectives, topic
presenters, BoD representation and invited participants. Cathy, Len Dems, Phil Gill and Mike
McMeekin will work on follow-up issues.
The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) incident security guidelines draft was reviewed and
Patti agreed to be the Board’s liaison to the GIS/Technology committee once it is re-established.
This will be an agenda item on an upcoming conference call to see if any of the other members
would like to assume the liaison role.
The Relative Risk and Potential Incident Complexity draft was reviewed and endorsed with the
following stipulations:
o It will remain as a draft for 2010 with input requested from involved IMT’s and agencies
prior to consideration as a final set of guidelines;
o The Board endorses the draft as one of the available assessment tools and does not
make a recommendation as to whether it should be used in lieu of another tool.
The 2009 NRCG Guidelines for Wildland Fire Decision Documentation were reviewed and revised
for 2010. Revisions were designed to reflect the reality that while the federal agencies and the
states (Idaho & Montana) will continue to utilize different protocols, they are urged to incorporate
the multiple decision documents into a clearly worded delegation of authority for the IMT’s. The
revision will be posted to the NRCG website.
It was voted and approved to move the structure agency representative on the Board back to
Montana for a three-year rotation. Brett Waters will be asked to contact the Montana Chiefs
Association for nomination of a representative. Cory Winnie recommended that after the 2010
season, we refer this matter to the chiefs associations of all three states with a request that they
determine a rotation schedule for representation and then submit nominations.
Ted Mead will e-mail the Mobilization of Local Governments documents to Board members for
review and comment. The reply deadline for comment is 23 May.
Patti discussed the federal rewrite of cohesive strategy. She indicated that there may be some
local opportunities for members to provide input.
The upcoming agency administrators meeting in Bozeman was discussed. Bob Robarchek agreed
to follow-up with Jim Kelton on meeting dates and agenda items, with a reply to the Board as soon
as possible.
Cathy Scofield facilitated a discussion of the Cooperative Fire Agreement revisions and a new or
updated Montana statewide operating plan for 2010. Since the current agreement does not
expire until the end of the calendar year, it was agreed to refer some of the items to agency
administrators for review and decision. The issue of whether to continue the current operating
plan or issue a new one for 2010 will be an agenda item for the Board’s conference call in May.
It was agreed there will be no need for an April conference call.