HFQLG Project Evaluation Form

Project Evaluation Form
Project Name: 44 Hog 02 Defensible Fuel Profile Zone (DFPZ)
Project Type: Fuel Reduction project implemented to create a Defensible Fuel Profile Zone and
simultaneously incorporate forest health objectives by restoring mixed conifer and eastside pine
Forest: Lassen NF, Eagle Lake Ranger District
Date: 10 August 2010
Attendance: 11 people
Public - Frank Stewart, Counties Forester and Quincy Library Group (QLG); Mike Yost, QLG;
Harmen Lyzeng, Milford Resident and member of Republican Central Committee.
Agency – Tim Holabird, Congressman Tom McClintock’s office.
USFS –Linda Wrenn-Johnson, Forest Service Representative; Dominic Cesmat, Linda Tiffin, Lassen
NF Receptionist; Michael Green, Lassen NF Civil Rights Officer; David Wood, HFQLG
Implementation Team Leader; Colin Dillingham, HFQLG Monitoring Team Leader; and Jeff
Watson, HFQLG Management Analyst.
Project Objectives
Reduce ladder fuels by thinning from below with an emphasis of retaining the healthiest, largest
conifers in the stand.
Provide for firefighter safety and produce a healthier better functioning ecosystem.
Connect with other existing DFPZ’s, 44 Long DFPZ, 44 Hog 03 DFPZ, Pegleg DFPZ and Bizz
DFPZ to create a DFPZ network.
DFPZ width is approximately ¼ to ½ mile.
Project Status
Project completed by Franklin Logging between January 2008 and February 2010.
Photo point of 44 Hog 02 DFPZ illustrating the pre-treatment and post-treatment
conditions of the stand. The forest thinning project improved forest health and
created an effective location to fight wildfires.
44 Hog 02 DFPZ and the adjacent completed DFPZ network. Future planned
projects, such as Minnow DFPZ, will help to fill in the incomplete portions
of the DFPZ network.
44 Hog 02 Project monitoring review
Pine forest
Source of
Degree Met
Stand Density
Reduce Stand
Density to improve
Forest Health
Stand Density
Reduce Stand
Density to improve
Forest Health
Retain 3 snags to
meet wildlife
objectives where
Ladder Fuels
Remove ladder fuels
Appendix J
Surface Fuels
Reduce ladder fuels
Appendix J
No, planned
Do not compact soil
Forest Plan
Standards and
Site Protection
Prevent potential
impacts to historic
Railroad Grade
2001 Framework limited
ability to prescribe
thinning in all portions of
stand to correct stand
In Unit 517, the 2001
Framework allowed
thinning to fully achieve
Where available, snags
were protected through
Whole tree yarding
chipped and removed
smaller diameter trees.
Follow-up treatment
necessary to complete
DFPZ effectiveness
All harvest operations
occurred over 2-4 feet of
snow which prevented
any soil compaction.
Control Area for railroad
grade adequately
protected, no equipment
entered site.
Discussion of 44 Hog 02 DFPZ (post-treatment):
44 Hog 02 DFPZ, Unit 70 –
Linda Wrenn described the mixed conifer
forest prescription that was implemented in
this Defensible Fuel Profile Zone (DFPZ).
The site was harvested during the winter
over snow. This protected soils from
mechanical equipment impacts and protected
vegetation. The prescription was written
under 2001 Framework objectives and the
stand was not thinned as heavily as
silviculturists would have otherwise
prescribed for Forest Health. Firefighters
feel the prescription here is sufficient to meet
the 4 foot flame length objective of HFQLG
Appendix J.
Wildlife Habitat Retained – The prescription
called for protecting up to 3 snags per acre where
available. This snag, heavily used by woodpeckers
for foraging, was protected in the harvest unit.
44 Hog 02 DFPZ, Unit 70 – Ladder fuel objectives
were met because the majority of the small diameter
trees with low limbs were removed through whole
tree yarding as part of the biomass harvest project.
Without biomass removal, the material would have
been left on site and burning the material would
have created much smoke. Follow-up surface fuel
treatment will be necessary to complete this DFPZ.
44 Hog 02Unit 517 – The 2001 Framework does
not require a dense canopy retention in eastside
pine habitats. Because this stand was of
composed on mostly smaller diameter trees, the
silviculture prescription was not severely
hampered by the 2001 Framework guidelines.
Archeological Site Protection – This historic
railroad grade ran through the DFPZ. The site
was protected with a no-treatment buffer and
sale administrators and contractors worked
together to successfully prevent unwanted
impacts to the site.
Large Pines Retained –
A few larger pine trees were present in
the stand and were retained by
prescription. Dominic Cesmat described
potential problems of conducting future
underburns in sites where deep duff has
accumulated at the base of these pines
after 100 or more years of fire
suppression. Careful burning or
avoidance of the deep duff will be
necessary to prevent killing the pines
during any future prescribed fires.
Logging over Snow –
Frank Stewart, Counties Forester &
QLG member discusses with the group
how deep the snow was during harvest
activities. The deep snow allowed the
operator to work through the winter and
simultaneously protect the soils at this
Follow up actions:
Complete surface fuel treatments (pile burning and underburning) in 44 Hog 02 Defensible Fuel Profile Zone
Notes prepared by:
HFQLG Monitoring Team Leader: /s/
Colin Dillingham
Date: Aug 10, 2010
Appendix 1 – Field Trip Handout
44 HOG 02 DFPZ
General overview of the Sale:
Sale prepared:
Total acres harvested:
Sawtimber volume harvested:
Biomass volume harvested:
Harvested value:
Harvesting dates:
June 2005
10441 GT
8377 GT
January 15, 2008 - February 25, 2010
Objectives of the timber sale:
Reduce ladder fuels by thinning from below with an emphasis of retaining the healthiest, largest conifers in the
stand. In addition provide for firefighter safety and produce a healthier better functioning ecosystem.
Connection of other DFPZ’s, 44 Long DFPZ, 44 Hog 03 DFPZ, Pegleg DFPZ and Bizz DFPZ.
DFPZ width is approximately ¼ to ½ mile.
Sale design:
Leave tree mark in yellow paint.
Leave islands marked in yellow paint.
25% of the stands were to be left untreated as directed by the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment 2001.
10% of the acres were delineated within the forested acres and 15% were delineated in rock outcroppings,
meadows, or arch sites.
Primary zone is from the road edge to 200 feet.
Secondary zone is 200’ to 1320’.
Removal consisted of trees 3 to 20” DBH.
Desired BA in the mixed conifer is approximately 120-150 sq ft. and in the ponderosa pine is approximately
100-120 sq ft.
Crown closure approximately 35% - 60%
Designate 3 of the largest snags/acre, 15” and greater where available as wildlife trees within the secondary
Goshawk Protected Activity Center is located north side of Pegleg Mt.
Mechanically harvested utilizing whole tree yarding.
Post harvest treatment will be underburning.
This sale was sold with a mix of 55% sawtimber and 45 % biomass. This Purchaser chose to make sawlogs out of the
larger biomass trees and changed the mix to 60% sawtimber and 40% biomass.
The sale was harvested using tracked feller bunchers and three wheelers and skidded with rubber tired skidders.
Harvesting took place during the winter months with approximately 2-4 feet of snow. There was no harvesting within
the ephemeral streams as they all had buffer zones of 100 feet.