Alabama A&M University Service is Sovereignty * Founded 1875 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DETAILS & INSTRUCTIONS: DEADLINE for submission of application is March 1, 2013. Provide all supporting documents (i.e., transcripts, reference forms, etc.). Incomplete applications will not be considered, as all supporting documents are a part of the application. If any question does not apply to you put N/A in the space provided. Type or print legibly. Illegible applications may not be processed. CRITERIA: Applicant must have a GPA of 3.25 or above. Applicant must have an ACT Score of 23 or above/SAT Score of 1590 or above. Applicant must be a United States Citizen or Legal Resident of the United States. Applicant must be a graduating high school senior or currently attending, or planning to attend, Alabama A&M University and seeking an undergraduate degree. APPLICATION PROCESS: Applicant must submit the following items: 1. Completed application form (if handwritten, PLEASE PRINT legibly in blue ink). 2. Two (2) completed recommendation letters from applicant’s choice of high school teachers, college professors, administrators, counselors or employers. Letters cannot be from a family member. One recommendation must be from someone who has significant knowledge of applicant’s academic prowess. Recommendation forms must be mailed by the reference in a sealed envelope directly to the Office of Admissions. 3. An official and recent high school and/or college transcript including cumulative grade point average and ACT/SAT scores must be submitted with the application. 4. Three Point Personal Essay: 1. What volunteer services have you performed that made a difference in your community? 2. How will studying at Alabama A&M University help you to achieve your academic and professional goals? 3. What should a total college experience include? (500 Word Limit/Excluding Spaces) A telephonic notification will be extended if you are accepted as an Alabama A&M University Scholarship recipient. APPLICATION DEADLINE REMINDER: March 1, 2013. Applications postmarked or delivered after this date by C.O.B. will not be considered. Please mail application to: Alabama A&M University Office of Admissions P.O. Box 908 Normal, AL 35762 Alabama A&M University Service is Sovereignty * Founded 1875 Academic Scholarship Application Applicant Information Full Name: Date: Last First M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City State Phone: ZIP Code Email Academic Year : (Circle) Fall Spring Year: 20 YES Social Security Number: NO Are you a citizen of the United States? - YES NO If no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.? YES NO Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If yes, explain: Education High School: Address: YES From: To: Did you graduate? NO Expected Graduation Date: ACT/SAT Score: References Please list two references, one (1) character reference and one (1) academic reference. Full Name: Relationship: Address: Phone: Email: Full Name: Relationship: Address: Phone: Email: For Office Use Only: Date Received: __________________ Banner ID# ____________________ Date Accepted: ______________ Date Denied: ________________ THREE POINT PERSONAL ESSAY Three Point Personal Essay: 1. What volunteer services have you performed that made a difference in your community? 2. How will studying at Alabama A&M University help you to achieve your academic and professional goals? 3. What should a total college experience include? (500 Word Limit/Excluding Spaces) Note: Essay should incorporate all 3 points and not necessarily in the order listed. Disclaimer and Signature I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to a scholarship, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my rescinding of said scholarship. Signature: Date: For Office Use Only: Date Received: __________________ Banner ID# ____________________ Date Accepted: ______________ Date Denied: ________________