Inside this issue: Departmental Updates Mid-Semester is Friday,

CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
Published by
Delta Sigma Pi
In cooperation
With the Dean’s Office
& the Small Business
Development Center
Volume 32 No 1
Fall 2014
Advisor/Advisee Assignments
Inside this issue:
Dean’s Office
Hoeschler Graduating
Senior Award
138 W. Carl Wimberly
Mid-Semester is Friday,
October 17
Departmental Updates
Information Systems
Small Business
Development Center
Student Organizations
CEO Club
American Marketing Assoc.
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Gamma Sigma
Delta Sigma Pi
Financial Management Assn.
Information Systems Assn.
Student Advisory Council
CBA Administration
 Applications for admission to the
Business Program are due. All
business majors who will be eligible,
and who are planning to start
advanced (300-400 level) business
courses in winter or spring 2015,
MUST APPLY for the program.
Applications are available at the
Dean’s Office. Late applications may
not be accepted. Applicants who are
completing some of the admission
requirements during winter session,
here or elsewhere, must also apply
by this deadline. Not sure about the
requirement? Check the CBA
advising website:
 All major and minor changes are
due. Changes to students’ majors
and minors are done only through the
Dean’s Office. Changes will be
accepted up until mid-semester to
facilitate the registration process and
assignment of advisors. No changes
will be done after that date until
registration is over in early
 Students planning to change to
another college (Science and
Health or Liberal Studies) must file a
“change of program” form at the
alternate college dean’s office.
These are also due by mid-semester
and will not be processed after that
date until registration is complete in
early December. Program change
forms are available at the CBA
Dean’s Office.
Faculty advisor assignment is noted in the
WINGS student center. Students should
check to confirm their assignment,
particularly new, transfer and reentry
students, and those who have recently
changed majors. Students are expected
to visit with their advisors at least once a
Advising does not take place only at
registration time. Students are
encouraged to visit with faculty advisors
at any time. Most faculty post their office
hours on their doors. If these hours are
incompatible with a class schedule,
students should talk with their advisors
about arranging another time.
Advising Information
Online, etc.
Check out the registration and course
scheduling information for CBA students
at our website: Here you will find
basic information about registration,
advising and scheduling business core
requirements and majors. This
information is helpful to review before
meeting with your advisors.
The departments also have information
about their programs, careers, faculty,
student organizations, etc. You can link
to their websites from the CBA home
Checksheets outlining all degree
requirements (General Education,
Business Core, all business majors and
minors) are also available. You can pick
them up from the Dean’s Office in 138
Wimberly Hall.
Your electronic Advisement Report (AR)
degree audit is always available to you
and your faculty advisor in your WINGS
student center.
CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
Registration for Winter
and Spring 2015
Registration begins in mid-November.
Instructions for registering are sent to
your email address by the Records and
Registration office in late October. Winter
session registration will take place a
couple days before Spring 2015 semester
registration begins.
Registration advising will be available
from faculty advisors, usually by
appointment. Advisors should have signup sheets for appointments at this time, or
you’ll receive other information about
appointments from them. Students
should schedule appointments well in
advance of their registration time and day.
Students majoring in Accountancy and
International Business are required to
see their advisors before they may
register, and some other CBA faculty
may also restrict registration until an
advising session has taken place.
Repeating courses may be done
only at UW-L.
3. Thinking about studying abroad
next year? Check the UW-L Study
Abroad website for all the information
about deadlines, various program
opportunities, scholarships, etc. Go
to this website and click on Study
Abroad on the left side of the page:
The CBA strongly encourages this
type of international experience, and
there are opportunities for study
anywhere from three weeks to a full
academic year… in English and nonEnglish speaking areas of the world.
4. Milestones! Milestones are markers
on your record that indicate
placement level in math and English,
and also Admission to the Business
Program. You can find your
milestones in your WINGS Student
Center. Check the drop-down menu
and click on the link. It’s the same
menu list with your Advisement
Report (AR), transcript, course
history, etc.
May and August 2015
CBA Study Abroad
Students planning to graduate are
required to get a “credit check” with Becky
Vianden, Assistant to the Dean, before
registering for their final semester. Call
785.8090, or stop by the Dean’s Office in
138 Wimberly Hall, to schedule an
If you are studying abroad in Winter or
Spring 2015, consider applying for a CBA
Study Abroad Scholarship. Dollar
amounts are yet to be determined;
however, past scholarship recipients have
received awards in the amount of
approximately $500. You can pick up an
application form in the Dean’s Office, 138
Wimberly Hall. Applications will be due in
the Dean’s Office by October 27th.
Graduates must also apply to graduate
through the WINGS student center. It is
found under “Other Academics.” This
should be done now, if you haven’t
already done so.
Hoeschler Graduating
Senior Award
1. Dropping a class? The last day to
drop a full-semester course is Oct 24.
Drop forms may be obtained from the
Dean’s Office; they require the
instructor or student’s faculty advisor
signature. Students may not drop
courses after this date.
2. Planning to complete a course at
home over the winter break? If
you’re thinking about completing a
course somewhere other than UW-L,
please note you must obtain
permission from the Dean’s Office, in
advance, if you want to transfer the
course back to your program here.
The prestigious Hoeschler Award is given
each year to an outstanding CBA
graduate from the academic year classes.
Graduates from the 2014 August and
December classes, as well as the May
2015 class, are invited to apply.
Applications may be obtained from the
Dean’s Office, 138 Wimberly Hall. They
are due by the first week in March 2015.
The cash award is presented at the May
commencement ceremony.
The Hoeschler Award recognizes a
business graduate who has demonstrated
outstanding achievement in their
undergraduate program, with emphasis
given to those who have been involved as
leaders in special projects, community/
entrepreneurial endeavors and
organizations and those who have
demonstrated a creative approach to
identifying, planning and executing one or
more projects.
The Thirtieth-second Annual Spring
Banquet is scheduled for Wednesday,
April 29, 2015 in Valhalla, Cartwright
Center. All accountancy majors are
encouraged to attend. This is an excellent
opportunity to network with firms,
businesses and UW-L alumni. The
Department of Accountancy scholarships
are awarded at the banquet. Students
must apply and attend the banquet to
receive an accountancy scholarship.
More information will be forthcoming. Be
careful not to schedule Wednesday night
BUS 350, Career Preparation, will be
offered in the spring. Accounting majors
are strongly encouraged to take the
course as a junior.
Demand for UW-L accountancy
graduates in professional positions and
current accountancy majors in internships
remains strong. Accounting Career Expo
and Accounting Interview Days are
tentatively scheduled for late September,
2015. Accountancy majors and minors
should be alert to opportunities all year
long. According to Career Services,
accountancy majors were placed in 117
internships during 2012-13. In addition,
there are summer recruitment events that
students are required to apply for in late
fall and into the spring. All accountancy
majors should check in electronically with
Career Services at least once a week.
CBA Newsletter
Accountancy Major
Effective fall semester 2013, the
accountancy major will consist of eight
required courses and one elective (28
total credits). The required courses are
ACC 321, 322, 325, 327, 330, 418, 421
and 438.
Accountancy Minor
The accountancy minor consists of 13
credits: ACC 321, plus three additional 3credit ACC courses numbered 300 or
Class Scheduling Information
Winter Intercession 2015
ACC 221, ACC 222 and BUS 205 will be
offered online.
Spring 2015
421 will NOT be offered. All other
required major courses (including 418)
will be offered. Electives include ACC
430 with Professor Ancius and Practical
Applications of IFRS offered under ACC
400 by Professor Kastantin.
BUS 305 and BUS 405 will be offered.
Summer 2015
Online offerings:
ACC 221 (two sections), ACC 222 (two
sections) and ACC 421 (one section).
Fall Semester 2015
All required accounting courses will be
offered along with three electives. Two
sections of ACC 400 are scheduled.
Section one is Accounting for
Governmental and Not-For-Profit Entities
with Dr. Eide. Section two is Principles of
Fraud Examination with Dr. Herron. The
third elective is ACC 430, Taxation II, with
Professor Ancius.
In addition, the department will offer ACC
301, Taxation for Non-Accountants, an
elective in the Accountancy minor.
BUS 305 and BUS 405 will be offered.
Advising and Registration
All accountancy majors are required to
meet with their advisors before registering
online. Carefully review your Advisement
Report before scheduling your advising
appointment and registering. If you have
questions about the revisions to the
accountancy major, be sure to discuss
Fall 2014
these with your advisor. Additional
information regarding advising will be
Accountancy Tutors
Accountancy Tutors
If you need assistance with your ACC 221
or ACC 222 classes, tutors are available
in the Murphy Library Tutor area on the
second floor. Hours are Mondays and
Tuesdays 5:00-7:00 p.m. and
Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
150-hour Curriculum
and CPA Candidates
Passing the CPA examination is part of
the process to become a licensed CPA.
Wisconsin and Minnesota require 150
college credits to be licensed. The
department recommends that all students
complete their 150-hour curriculum before
starting employment in any jurisdiction.
Students heading to other jurisdictions
should verify where that jurisdiction is in
the 150-hour process.
In Wisconsin students are allowed to take
the exam after completing 120 credits
with 24 credits in accounting and 24
credits in business. This option is of
limited value to students because
recruiters want students to have
completed 150 credits before starting
their career.
In Minnesota, students planning to sit for
the CPA exam prior to graduation now
need to get their course registration
verification form signed and sealed by the
Registrar’s Office. Students can sit for the
exam 60 days prior to graduation.
Celebration of Student Inquiry
in Economics
The economics department will hold their
Fifth Celebration of Student inquiry in
Economics on Friday, December 5,
beginning at 2:00 p.m. in Centennial Hall
(room TBA). The conference will include
presentations by undergraduate honors
students and poster presentations by
students in Health Economics,
Econometrics, Economics of Arts and
Entertainment, and International
Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE)
Want to be internationally recognized as
an honors student in economics? UW-L is
home to its own chapter of Omicron Delta
Epsilon (ODE) International Honors
Society. You do not necessarily need to
be an economics major or minor, but you
must have completed at least 12 credits
in economics and have demonstrated
excellent academic performance.
Membership benefits include recognition
for your scholastic achievements
in economics, eligibility for essay
contests/awards and a one-year
subscription to The American Economist.
People interested in joining should
contact Professor James Murray, the
club's faculty adviser.
Class Scheduling Information
Winter Intercession 2015
ECO 110 - Microeconomics & Public
Policy (online)
ECO 120 - Global Macroeconomics
Spring 2015
Pre-Business Core requirements: BUS
230, ECO 110, ECO 120
Undergraduate Electives:
 ECO 301 - Money and Banking
An introduction to money, monetary
policy, and banking, and their roles in
the modern market economy.
Attention is devoted to the current
institutional structure in the U.S. and
differing views on the relationship
between money and the level of
economic activity. Prerequisite: ECO
110, ECO 120.
 ECO 305 - Intermediate
Macroeconomic Analysis
Introduction to the theoretical analysis
of the aggregate economy. Topics
include the essential mathematics of
macro analysis; national income
accounting; general equilibrium of the
product, money and labor markets;
Keynesian, Classical, and Monetarist
theories; stabilization policies; and
economic growth. Prerequisite: ECO
110, ECO 120; MTH 175 or MTH 207.
 ECO 308 - Intermediate
Microeconomic Analysis
Behavior of consumers, producers
and markets. Topics include: theories
of demand, production and cost, firm
decisions, market structures,
distribution, general equilibrium,
welfare and externalities. Prerequisite:
CBA Newsletter
ECO 110, ECO 120, MTH175 or MTH
ECO 320 - Economics of Sports
Economic theory is used to analyze
the sports industry. Topics include
industry make-up, labor conditions,
marketing, economic impact, and
discrimination. Prerequisite: ECO 110.
ECO 330 - Labor Economics
Theories of wage determination;
economic effects of wage
determination upon the structure of
wages, the distribution of national
income, employment, and the price
level. Prerequisite: ECO 110, ECO
ECO 336 - Women in U.S.
An introduction to the status of women
in the U.S. economy. Topics include
alternative perspectives on women,
work and the labor force, the value of
paid versus unpaid labor, pay equity,
the social support network, and the
prospects for change.
ECO 340 - Introduction to
International Economics
Overview and introduction to
international economics and the
theory of international trade and the
effects of trade and trade policy on the
economy. Foreign exchange markets,
the balance of payments and basic
policy adjustments are also
introduced. Prerequisite: ECO 110.
ECO 346 - Intro to Environmental
Aspects of the scarcity of renewable
and non-renewable natural resources
and the management problems
associated with their allocation and
use are presented. The theoretical
foundations for those tools of
economic analysis applicable to the
analysis of natural resource problems
are developed with historical, realworld examples discussed. Attention is
concentrated on the policy
implications of alternative resource
development strategies. Prerequisite:
ECO 110.
ECO 376 - Economics of Art
The overall goal of this course is to
enable participants to make or
evaluate selected decisions and policy
issues pertaining to the arts and to
better understand the unique status
the arts hold in the American
economy. Prerequisite: Sophomore
standing. (Cross-listed with ECO/THA;
may only earn credit in one
ECO 474 - Economic Forum Development and Institutions
Development and Institutions.
Economic Development, over the
decades, has been explained via
many different routes. In simple terms,
Fall 2014
Development Economics explores the
plight of the developing world. The
broad question it aims to answer is
“Why are some countries rich and
some countries poor”? While ECO 375
focuses on the mainstream approach
towards Development Economics, this
course will focus on a particular
aspect of Development Economics –
Economic Development. The course
will emphasize critical thinking and
ECO 499 - Mathematical Economics
Professor James Murray is looking for
students interested in an independent
study in Mathematical Economics.
The course is designed especially for
students interested in pursuing
graduate school in economics, who
would like to build up their math
background before applying to or
beginning graduate school. It is
recommended that students have
completed MTH 207: Calculus I before
beginning Mathematical Economics.
Economics Tutors
If you need assistance with your ECO 110
or ECO 120 classes, tutors are available
mornings in 114 Wimberly and afternoons
in the Murphy Learning Center on the
second floor.
In the past summer, Dr. Dutta was invited
by European School of New Institutional
Economics (ESNIE) to chair sessions and
provide feedback on research
papers/projects of advanced Ph.D.
students and young scholars. ESNIE was
a weeklong conference and workshop in
Corsica, France where eminent scholars
in Institutional Economics presented their
contribution in the field. Additionally,
Dr. Dutta was invited by her co-author
Dr. Arusha Cooray from University of
Wollongong in New South Wales,
Australia to work with her on research
projects. Dr. Dutta had one paper
published in International Review of
Applied Economics that is co-authored
with Dr. Deepraj Mukherjee and
Dr. Sanjukta Roy. She has several
ongoing research projects.
She will present her research in the
Southern Economic Association (SEA)
conference in Atlanta, Georgia and in the
Western Economic Association Meetings
Biennial Meetings in Wellington, New
Zealand this academic year
Please welcome Dr. Nilakshi Borah to the
Finance Department at UW-L. Dr. Borah
holds a DBA from Louisiana Tech
University and her MBA from New Mexico
State University. Her current research
investigates the link between CEO inside
debt compensation and firm’s major
decisions such as merger and
acquisitions (M&As) and dividend payout
policy. Dr. Borah comes with excellent
teaching credentials having recently
completed two years at St. Cloud State
University where she taught Managerial
Finance, International Finance and
Entrepreneurial Finance. Dr. Borah
serves as the new advisor for the
Financial Management Association (FMA)
student chapter. (Note opportunities for
involvement with the FMA student chapter
elsewhere in the newsletter.) Please
welcome Dr. Borah to UW-L.
Temte Scholarships
These scholarships were established by
Dr. Andrew Temte, of Schweser Study
Program, the international leader in
preparation materials for the Chartered
Financial Analyst (CFA) examinations.
The CFA designation is recognized
internationally by employers and clients
as a sign of the highest ethical and
professional competence. The
scholarships cover expenses related to
taking the CFA Level I exam, and are
available only to students enrolled in
Advanced Financial Analysis (FIN
447/547). Three scholarship winners
receive goods and services valued at
more than $2,500, including:
 A $250 reduction in their spring tuition
 Prepayment of CFA program
registration and examination fees
 Schweser Study Notes and required
readings ($1099)
Applications are due October 31. For
more information, please contact
Dr. Thomas ( or
Dr. Graham (
It Make$ Cents!
It Make$ Cents! is a financial literacy
program that offers all UW-L students
information and promotes financial
success. A number of activities are
scheduled for this semester, including a
CBA Newsletter
frugal fashion show at 7:00 p.m. on
October 30th in Valhalla. The event is
FREE and will feature costumes created
from items students found at thrift and
consignment shops. If you would like
information on financial literacy, please
contact Dr. Shane Van Dalsem at or visit the It
Make$ Cents! website at
S&P Capital IQ
Do you want to research companies or
industries as potential investments?
Analyze portfolio performance? Access
data for a research project on financial
markets? The Department of Finance
now subscribes to S&P Capital IQ, which
offers “information on both public and
private capital markets along with
applications for desktop research,
screening, real-time market data, backtesting, portfolio management, valuations,
price challenges, financial modeling,
quantitative analysis, and more.” For
additional information, see the S&P
Capital IQ website
( or contact Dr. Van Dalsem
Class Scheduling Information
Winter Intersession 2015
FIN 355 - Principles of Financial
Management will be offered during
Winter Session 2015. The course will be
offered from January 5 through January
23. All course offerings are contingent on
enrollments. For more information about
the course, contact Dr. Graham
( or stop by the
Finance Department.
Spring 2015 Electives
A variety of finance elective courses will
be offered during the Spring 2015
Semester. From Group I of the Finance
major, students may enroll in Retirement
Planning, Business Insurance, Financial
Modeling, Multinational Financial
Management, Portfolio Management and
Advanced Financial Analysis.
The department is again offering FIN 408
- Retirement Planning next semester.
The course presents retirement planning
in detail for those interested in a career as
a financial planner or as a benefits
specialist. The course covers the
qualitative and quantitative aspects of
both accumulation and distribution of
assets from retirement plans, and is
designed to be consistent with the
requirements of several professional
Fall 2014
designations. The prerequisite for this
course is FIN 355 and Senior standing.
Contact Dr. Wolf ( for
more information.
FIN 437 - Financial Modeling, available
to any finance major, focuses on the
development of Excel-based models to
analyze a variety of personal and
professional finance problems. Specific
topics include creating programs in Visual
Basic, asset pricing techniques and
sensitivity analysis. The prerequisite for
the course is FIN 355. Contact Dr. Van
Dalsem ( if you
would like more information.
FIN 440 - Multinational Financial
Management is required for international
business majors and minors; however,
many students can benefit from learning
about the application of basic business
finance principles in an international
context. The prerequisite for this course is
FIN 355. Please contact Dr. Colclough
( for more
FIN 447 - Advanced Financial Analysis
offers students the opportunity for
advanced study of topics related to (1)
ethics and professional standards, (2)
investment tools, (3) asset valuation, and
(4) portfolio management. Students will
learn how to effectively analyze financial
statements, apply statistical models, and
evaluate both international and derivative
securities. Advanced Financial Analysis
includes online instruction and learning
resources provided by Schweser Study
Program. Schweser, headquartered in La
Crosse, is the international leader in CFA
training. Completion of this course will
also assist students in preparing for the
Level I exam of the Chartered Financial
Analyst (CFA) program. Enrollment in this
course is open to undergraduate and
graduate students, but only by consent of
the department. Please talk with
Dr. Graham ( if you
have any questions.
FIN 475 - Investment Analysis and
Portfolio Management has FIN 380 as a
prerequisite, provides students with a
more in-depth investigation of the
concepts of risk and risk reduction
through portfolio construction, as well as
various methods for measuring an
investor’s return on investment. Additional
attention is paid to derivative securities
(primarily options and futures) that are
frequently mentioned in the financial
press. Students enrolled in Investment
Analysis and Portfolio Management
manage the student-directed Spellman
Portfolio. Please contact Dr. Thomas
( for more
FIN 400-411 - Business Insurance has
FIN 360 as a prerequisite, will cover the
abstract life and property/liability
insurance coverages as well as the risk
management process and apply them to
case situations. Coverages pertaining to
businesses will be examined and then
applied to a case where students can see
where and how the abstract material is
used. Please contact Dr. Tippins
( for more
Finance Group II Elective
FIN 360 - Principles of Insurance is
open to all CBA majors. Students learn
about a variety of risk management
concepts, insurance industry practices
and common insurance contracts.
Although the course is primarily an
introduction to the topic of risk
management for the firm, some attention
is given to personal insurance for the
home, automobile, life and health. The
prerequisite for FIN 360 is completion of
ACC 221. The course is a writing
emphasis course. Please contact
Dr. Tippins ( for
more information.
The department will offer several sections
of Personal Finance (FIN 207) in the
spring. This course is a survey of
personal financial topics including:
budgeting, consumer credit, investing,
insurance and retirement planning. Guest
speakers will typically include local
experts in financial planning, consumer
credit, auto buying, insurance and other
related professions. The course is open to
all colleges with no prerequisites. Please
contact Professors Tempski
( or Brye
( with questions about
the course.
Summer 2015
The Department of Finance plans to offer
Personal Finance (FIN 207), Principles
of Financial Management (FIN 355) and
Corporate Finance (FIN 370) during the
summer session. Please consult with your
advisor during scheduled advising times
for advice and more information on the
availability of these courses.
Faculty and Staff Notes
Dr. Wolf serves as chair of both the Board
Governance and Asset-Liability
Committees for Marine Credit Union and
recently attended the Credit Union Board
Governance Conference. He is also on
the UW System Tax Sheltered Annuity
Review Committee, the Task Force on
CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
Increasing TSA Enrollments and on UWL’s Committee on Academic Policy and
Standards (CAPS). He is the faculty
advisor for Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship, and is an Orphan Advocacy
Director in a local civic organization. He
serves on the Alumni Awards Selection
Committee and in May was Master of
Ceremonies at the annual Alumni
Awards, at which outstanding graduates
and alumni were honored. This past
summer he provided training for interns at
the local Northwestern Mutual firm.
activity support various local charities.
Dr. Van Dalsem serves as the chair of the
Assurance of Learning Task Force for the
College of Business, and is the advisor
for the CFA Global Investment Research
Challenge. He also serves on the
advisory board of the It Make$ Cents!
financial literacy program. Please note
opportunities for involvement with the It
Make$ Cents! program elsewhere in the
If you need a little help to understand your
latest finance assignment or lecture, we
urge you to visit our tutor located in 406E
Wimberly Hall. Logan Siudzinski will be
pleased to help you with your questions.
His hours are 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on
Mondays and Thursdays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
on Tuesdays, and 8:30-9:30 a.m. on
Wednesdays. Administrative assistance
can be obtained from our department
associate, Ms. Maureen Spencer, whose
office is in 404 Wimberly Hall.
Dr. Colclough is Chair of the Community
Credit Union Board of Directors. He is
also a member of the board of the La
Crosse Area Development Corp, and
serves on the Campaign Steering
Committee for the UW-La Crosse
Scholarship Campaign and on UW-L’s
Joint Legislative and Regent Relations
Dr. Graham is a member of the Select
Committee on Internationalization at UWL. She also is the advisor for Delta Sigma
Pi (DSP) Professional Business
Professor Tempski presented "Working
Capital Management in Action: A CrossFunctional, Boundary-Spanning Role Play
Exercise” at the FEA/ABE Annual
Conference in Savannah, GA in
September. With Maggie McDermott and
Nicole Gullekson, she gave a poster
presentation at the 16th Annual UW-L
Conference on Teaching & Learning:
"Integrated Business Core: Using
Unstructured Problem Solving to Enhance
Critical Thinking and Professionalism."
Professor Tempski serves on the UW-L
Online Advisory Board and is a
contributor to the CATL TechBits blog.
She also serves as the faculty advisor for
the College Republicans.
Professor Brye is the President of the
Board of Directors at the Viroqua Food
Cooperative and serves on the advisory
board for Wisconsin Mutual Insurance
Ms. Maureen Spencer, our ADA, is the
new campus coordinator for Jeans Day
Fridays. The funds raised through this
Advising and Registration
Advisement Reports are available to
finance majors on WINGS. Additionally,
you will receive an email from the Finance
Department including pertinent advising
and course scheduling information prior to
Tutors & Other Assistance
Information Systems
compromise made to sustain the IS minor
program. Unfortunately, our predicament
will continue indefinitely unless the UW-L
administration is willing to provide
sufficient teaching resources to the
Our ability to offer sufficient sections of IS
220 will be very limited as well. Only six
sections of IS 220 can be offered in the
spring, providing a maximum of 180
seats. Since we have already included an
adjunct instructor in this offering, opening
up any additional section will be unlikely.
Students who need to take this CBA core
course early in their programs should
start planning to take it in the summer of
Planned offerings of other high-level IS
courses are as follows. Two sections of IS
300 will be offered by Dr. Wen and one
section of IS 411 will be offered by
Dr. Haried. Dr. Haried will also teach one
section of IS 420 (Health Information
Systems Project Management), as well as
the BUS 755 course for the MBA
program. Finally, Dr. Yang will continue to
offer one section of IS 360 in the spring,
in addition to teaching two sections of IS
220. (Mr. Annino is scheduled to teach 3
sections of IS 220 plus 6 one-credit
discussion sections of the course.)
Persistent Faculty Shortage
Possible Summer 2015 Course Offering
There has been no relief for the IS
Department’s prolonged faculty shortage.
The problem was exacerbated by
Dr. Dai’s maternity leave this semester.
As a result, we are forced to take
desperate measures again in offering the
three internal curricula and teaching for
the external Health, Information
Management and Technology (HIMT)
To alleviate the anticipated supply
shortage in the coming spring and to
satisfy the pent-up demand from the
current semester, the IS Department is
again considering the possibility of
offering two sections of IS 220 online next
Class Scheduling Information
Spring 2015
Beware IS majors, due to Dr. Dai’s leave
this semester the IS 330 course is not
being offered. However, Dr. Dai will come
back in spring semester to teach two
sections of IS 330. IS seniors planning on
graduating next May MUST take this
course concurrently with IS 411 in the
spring of 2015. Attention IS minors, with
UW-L’s teaching load constraint, only one
section of IS 310 can be offered by
Dr. Dai in the spring, and this section will
be reserved for IS majors only. The IS
minors MUST take the new IS 435 course
with the Health, Information Systems
Management (HISM) minors to substitute
for the required IS 310 course. We regret
that this is a sub-optimal curricular
Research Grants
Drs. Dai, Haried, and Yang received a
2014 CBA Summer Research Grant, and
Dr. Yang also received an International
Development Fund to support his trip to
an international conference in Japan in
June, 2014.
Faculty Research Output
Our four tenure-track IS faculty have been
very productive since the publication of
the last issue of the CBA Newsletter.
Their records include six journal papers
and four referred conference
Referred Journals
Chen, Y. and Dai, H. (2014). Do
Innovators Concern Less about Security
and Value More of New Technology? A
CBA Newsletter
Case of Mobile Commerce, Journal of
Information Technology Management.
Accepted and Forthcoming.
Haried, P. and Claybaugh, C. (2014).
Professional Social Network Participation
of Business School Graduates: Effects of
University, Degree Type, and
Gender, International Journal of
Information Systems and Social
Change, 5(1), 1-15.
Haried, P. and Huang, C. L.
(2014). Managing International
Information Technology Project
Relationships: An Agency Theory
Perspective, International Journal of
Information Technology Project
Management, 5(2), 1-14.
Peng, K., Chen, Y. and Wen, K. (2014).
Brand Relationship, Consumption Values
and Branded App Adoption, Industrial
Management and Data Systems, 114(8),
Yang, C., Huang, Y., Yang K. and Lee SG. (2014). Marketing Strategy on Social
Commerce Based upon Marketing Mix,
SOP Transactions on Marketing
Research, 1(1), 62-76.
Kim, S., Yang, K. and Park, S. (2014), An
Integrative Behavioral Model of
Information Security Policy Compliance,
The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014,
Article ID 463870, 1-12.
Referred Conference Proceedings
Chen, Y., Dai, H. Influence of Security
Concerns, Privacy Concerns, and
Exchange Benefits on Mobile Commerce
Adoption: A Social Exchange
Perspective, Decision Science Institute
Annual Meeting, November 2014, Tampa,
Dai, H., Salam, A. and Chen, Y. Service
Quality, Service Consumption Experience
and Relational Exchange in Electronic
Mediated Environment, Business
Information Technology World
Conference, May 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Peng, K., Chen, Y. and Wen, K. An
Integrated Model on Branded Apps
Adoption: Brand Attachment, Brand
Identification, and Consumption Value,
Decision Science Institute Annual
Meeting, November 2014, Tampa, FL.
Kim, S., Jang, Y. and Yang K. Finding the
Determinants of Software-as-a-Service
Adoption in Small Businesses: Risks,
Benefits, Organizational and,
Environmental Factors, 31st Pan-Pacific
Conference, June 2014, Osaka, Japan.
Fall 2014
Major in Management!
“What do you want to do when you
graduate?” As a college student, you
have answered that question hundreds of
times. No matter what your career
interests, a Management Major will be
beneficial. Any UW-L major will help you
get you a job. However, a Management
Major will help pave the way for a series
of promotions, and thus augment your
career, no matter what the field.
Management professors offer courses
pertaining to managing projects,
managing people and managing
production processes. The knowledge
and skills gained in these courses can be
applied in a variety of work settings and
may give you an advantage over
colleagues who do not have these skills.
So even if you are majoring in a different
field, bolster your career by also majoring
in Management. Then you can answer
the question, “I want to do __XYZ__ when
I first graduate, and then I plan to use my
Management Major to move up in the
company.” Or you might say, “I want to
start my own business.” Do more than
plan for a job…prepare for a career!
Scholarship Opportunity
If you are already an upper-level
classman majoring in Management,
consider applying to the Lora Greene
scholarship fund. This award is given to
a senior with at least a 3.5 GPA. The
exact amount may vary from year to year.
Welcome, New Faculty
James Gillespie, Ph.D., is teaching in
the Health Care Management area as
well as Business Policy & Strategy and
Organizational Behavior. Dr. Gillespie
has vast professional and academic
experience: He was an Assistant
Professor at the University of Illinois at
Chicago and has served as CEO of
Center for Healthcare Innovation in
Chicago, IL. He was also an early
pioneer in online education. In addition to
his Ph.D. from Northwestern University,
he has a J.D. from Harvard Law School
and a Masters in Public Administration
from Princeton University. He has
published extensively in both academic
and practitioner-oriented journals,
primarily in health care and life sciences.
Dr. Gillespie brings a unique set of skills
and knowledge as he assumes the lead
role in developing our new Health Care
Management program.
Justin Kraemer, Ph.D., is teaching in the
International Business Management area.
He has been teaching at the University of
Manitoba Canada, and also taught in
China. Dr. Kraemer worked in Vietnam
for PriceWaterhouseCoopers. He has
taught a variety of courses, including:
Business Policy & Strategy, Operations
Management and Managing Innovation.
Dr. Kraemer earned his Ph.D. from
Rutgers University, and a MBA from the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Weina Ran, Ph.D., is teaching Business
Communication. She earned her Ph.D. in
Communication Studies from Washington
State University. She has a Master's
Degree in American Studies from Sichuan
University in China. She has taught a
variety of communication-related courses,
including Communication in an
Information Society, Business English,
Research Methods in Strategic
Communication and Effective Message
Design in Public Relations. She has also
worked as a public relations manager.
Madeline Holzem, M. Ed., is currently
teaching Compensation and Benefits.
She also serves as Director of Human
Resources (HR) for UW-L. In this
position she is responsible for all areas of
HR, including compensation and benefits
administration. She previously worked for
and taught at Florida Gulf Coast
University in Fort Myers, FL. She earned
a Masters of Arts in Educational
Leadership from Florida Gulf Coast
University. Additionally, she achieved the
Senior Professional in Human Resources
(SPHR) certification awarded from the
Society for Human Resources
Management and the HR Certification
Please join us in welcoming these new
faculty members to the Department of
Management in the College of Business
Class Scheduling Information
Winter Intercession 2015
We anticipate offering the following
undergraduate courses:
MGT 308 - Behavior & Theory in
Organizations, offered by
Dr. William Ross
CBA Newsletter
MGT 393 - Production & Operations
Management, offered by Dr. Drew
MGT 449 - Administrative Policy
Determination, offered by
Dr. Kareem Shabana
Fall 2014
Dr. Kareem Shabana
MGT 700 - International
Entrepreneurship, offered by
Dr. Ying.
Spring 2015
We anticipate offering several
undergraduate electives (in addition to the
courses required for the Management
major and for the CBA core). As you plan
your schedule, consider taking one or
more of the following electives:
MGT 300 - Business
Communications, offered by Dr.
Weina Ran
MGT 385 - Human Resources:
Employment, offered by
Dr. Christa Kiersch
MGT 400 - Health Care
Management, offered by Dr. James
MGT 400 - Made in China: The Rise
of Chinese Business, offered by Dr.
Jonathan Ying
MGT 400 - Advanced Management
Research Methods, offered by
Dr. Weina Ran
MGT 486 - Human Resources:
Current Topics & Policy Issues,
offered by Dr. William Ross
Sustainability Minor
If you are a student taking the
Sustainable Business minor, you will be
interested in these Management
Department courses, offered Spring,
MGT 400 - Green Operations,
offered by Dr. Drew Stapleton
MGT 400 - Sustainability Elective,
offered by Kelly Nowicki
BUS 450 - Sustainable Business
Capstone, offered by
Dr. Henry Petersen
Summer 2015, Session I (May-June)
We anticipate offering the following
MGT 300 - Business
Communication, offered by Dr.
Weina Ran
MGT 308 - Behavior & Theory in
Organizations, offered by
Dr. William Ross
MGT 393 - Production & Operations
Management, offered by
Dr. Drew Stapleton
MGT 400 - Global Consulting,
offered by Dr. Nicole Gullekson
MGT 449 - Administrative Policy
Determination, offered by
Students from Nicole Gullekson's
Summer 2014 Global Consulting class
helped European businesses solve
problems. The class will be offered again
next summer in Slovakia.
Simulations Facilitate
Student Learning
Andrew Stapleton’s Global Logistics class
participated in an innovative, multiuniversity exercise where UW-L students
worked in ‘virtual teams’ with students
from other universities around the world
to solve simulated, logistics-related,
international production management
problems. A total of 77 teams
participated from 11 universities
(including Texas Christian University,
Auburn University, the University of
Nottingham, Aix Marseille Universite in
France and the Universidad Peruana de
Ciencias Aplicadas in Lima, Peru).
The purpose of the assignment was to
coordinate, plan and interact in a virtual
team to solve a complex set of supplychain management problems. In the
problem set, there were three
manufacturing plants (in China,
Nebraska, and Germany) and one
destination (Ft. Worth, Texas). Students
had to analyze various supply chain
options for moving the manufactured
goods from each manufacturing plant to
the destination. While one goal was to
minimize costs (based on labor costs,
currency exchange rates, shipping costs,
etc.), other objectives involved assessing
the risk associated with each supply
chain, calculating the amount of inventory
needed as “safety stock” in case the
supply chain was disrupted, and
identifying ways to improve the supply
chain. Of the virtual teams in which UW-L
students participated, one student was a
member of the team that placed first.
This year, the simulation will expand to
over 20 universities; students will be
presented with a wider range of supplychain and economic order quantity
problems to solve.
In the Summer of 2014, an elective
entitled, “Managerial Decision Making”
was offered. Teams of students
participated in the GLO-BUS (Global
Business) online simulation. The UW-L
class was divided into four teams. The
teams made financial, production, human
resource and marketing-related decisions
as they competed with each other.
“Every two days, the teams had to make
approximately 70 business decisions,”
reported instructor Charley Swayne.
“There was no algorithm pre-determining
success–success was based solely on
what your team did as well as what the
competing teams did. The student
engagement level was spectacular.” In
addition to being able to compare
business performance with other teams in
the class, each team could compare its
performance with teams from other
universities. Of the approximately 1,100
teams participating during the summer,
one of the UW-L teams was 27th and one
tied for 1st place.
Engagement with the
Business Community
A vital part of many students' education is
learning from business leaders and
management professionals. For a listing
of the business professionals who spoke
to Management classes [either in person
or via video conference] during the 201314 academic year, visit
Journal & Magazine Articles
Stapleton, Andrew, Pande, V., &
O’Brien, D. (in press), EXW, FOB or FCA:
Choosing the Right Incoterm and Why it
Matters to Maritime Shippers, Journal of
Transportation Law, Logistics, & Policy.
Stapleton, Andrew, Pande, V., Ghosh,
S. & Damali, U. (in press), Refining
Shippers’ Dyadic Cost, Risk, and Delivery
Responsibilities: The Principal Changes
to INCOTERMS and a Transaction Cost
Focus for the Future, Journal of
Transportation Management.
Jayawarna, D., Rouse, J., Macpherson,
Allan (in press), Life Course Pathways to
Business Start-Up. Entrepreneurship and
Regional Development.
Jayawarna, D., Jones, O., Macpherson,
Allan (in press), Entrepreneurial
Potential: the Role of Human and Cultural
CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
Capital, International Small Business
Conference Proceedings 2014. Tampa,
Ran, Weina, & Yamamoto, M. (in press),
Attitudinal ambivalence as a protective
factor against junk food advertisements: A
moderated mediation model of behavioral
intention, Journal of Health
Conference Papers & Proceedings
Reinsch, R., Ross, William, & Heitapelto,
A. (2014, Sept.). Employer’s Use of
Social Media in Employment Decisions:
Risk of Discrimination Lawsuits. The
Academic Forum conference, Milwaukee,
Yamamoto, M., & Ran, Weina (in press),
Is television an agent of the status quo?
Revisiting the cultivation of gender roles
in Japan. Mass Communication &
David, P., Kim, J. H., Brickman, J. S.,
Ran, Weina, & Curtis, C. M. (in press),
Mobile phone interference with life:
Texting and social media interruption
during studying, New Media and Society.
Austin, E. W., Pinkleton, B. E.,
Radanielina-Hita, M. L., & Ran, Weina.
(in press). The role of parents' critical
thinking about media in shaping
expectancies, efficacy and nutrition
behaviors for families. Health
Hust, S. J. T., Marett, E., Lei, M., Ren, C.,
& Ran, Weina (in press), Law & Order,
CSI, and NCIS: The association between
exposure to crime drama franchises, rape
myth acceptance and sexual consent
negotiation behaviors among college
students. Journal of Health
Vancouver, J. B., Gullekson, Nicole L.,
Morse, B. J., & Warren, M. A. (in press),
Manipulating self-efficacy to affect
performance negatively at the betweenperson level. Human Performance.
Gullekson, Nicole L., Griffeth, R. W.,
Vancouver, J. B., Kovner, C, & Cohen (in
press), Interventions to reduce employee
turnover: Vouching for childcare
assistance with two quasi-experimental
studies. Journal of Managerial
Newman, E., & Ross, William (in press,
Fall, 2014), Using Mobile Devices for
Employment Testing. Employment
Relations Today.
Book Chapters
Jones, O., Macpherson, A. (2014,
Research Perspectives on Learning in
Small Firms. In Chell, E., Karatas-Ozkan,
M. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Small
Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 289312). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
Publishers. http://www.e-
Shabana, Kareem. (2014, August). The
impact of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) reporting on corporate social
performance (CSP): Does CSR reporting
improve CSP? This paper appeared as
part of a symposium at the National
Academy of Management Convention
entitled, The power of corporate
documents: Exploring the impact of
information disclosed by organizations,
Philadelphia, Penn.
Kraemer, Justin. (2014, August).
Building Intercultural Benevolence:
Cultural Strategies and Their Receptivity.
National Academy of Management
Convention, Philadelphia, Penn.
Gillespie, James J. (2014, June).
Diversity, inclusion, and the life sciences.
Panelist at the 4th annual meeting of the
Center for Healthcare Innovation’s
Diversity & Inclusion Symposium,
Chicago, IL.
Panzone, L., Petersen, Henry L., &
Lemke, F. (Sept. 10, 2014). The role of
reputation in consumer assessment of
socially irresponsible behavior in food
chains: Lessons for customer
management. International Colloquium on
Relationship Marketing. Newcastle Upon
Tyne, UK.
Macpherson, Allan, Kiersch, Christa, &
Antonacopoulou, E. (June 7, 2014).
Engaging and Identifying with
Communities of Practice: A Multi-Level
Model of Opportunities to Practice,
European Academy of Management,
Jayawarna, D., Jones, O., Macpherson,
Allan. (September 10, 2014). TeamFounded Entrepreneurial Ventures: Long
term performance implications of family
involvement in founder teams, British
Academy of Management, Belfast,
Northern Ireland.
Stapleton, Andrew, (2014, May).
Optimizing shipper contracting: the
correct usage of Incoterms for
containerized/intermodal freight,
Production Operations Management
Society (POMS) Annual Conference
Proceedings, Vol. 25. Presented and
published in May 2014.
Stapleton, Andrew & Damali, U. (2014,
Nov.). Lean Services: A Proposed New
Model, Decision Sciences Institute
Service & Development
Kelly Nowicki, who holds an MBA from
UW-L and teaches as an Instructional
Academic Staff member in the
department, has been elected President
of the UW-L Alumni Association. She
also serves as a member of the Board of
Directors for the UW-L Foundation. She
and her fellow board members are
working to engage the larger UW-L
community and encourage participation in
the University's current scholarship
Gail Gillis attended two seminars this
June. One was called "Minnesota
Engineering Law," and the other was
called "Advanced Statistical Training.”
Allan Macpherson participated in a
professional development workshop at
the National Convention of the Academy
of Management in August, 2014. The
workshop was designed for early career
researchers and was entitled, “Finding the
Words: Addressing [Journal] Reviewers’
Andrew Stapleton was selected as the
Onalaska representative for the Joint
Municipality Commission for the Seven
Rivers Region. He also completed the
Citizen’s Police Academy training with the
City of Onalaska.
Christa Kiersch is on the advisory board
for the Eagle Leadership Certificate
Program. This is a student leadership
development program under the auspices
of the Leadership & Involvement Center
on campus.
CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
A big thank you to our event sponsors:
UW-L, Inland Label, Hormel Foods,
Aaron Macha, Northwestern Mutual, B.A.
Burrito Co. and Howie’s La Crosse.
Class Scheduling Information
Winter Intercession 2015
MKT 309 - Marketing Principles will be
offered on campus, taught by Dr. Beth
Crosby. Marketing Principles is a
prerequisite course for all other courses in
the marketing major.
From Left to Right: Sam Riebau, Stephanie Streicher,
Coach Susan Whitewater, Breanne Berger, Chris
UW-L Hosts First On-Campus
Sales Competition
On October 3, 2014, 17 marketing majors
competed in the first UW-L Sales
Competition to be hosted on campus
utilizing the new sales lab rooms and
group study room created this past
summer, a great use of those facilities!
Congratulations to all our participants. By
taking the initiative to try something new,
these students had the opportunity to
practice their selling skills and network
with sales professionals, often directly
involved in hiring for marketing positions.
The students participating gained
valuable feedback that will help them
better themselves and improve their
marketing careers.
To compete, students participated in a
20-minute sales role play, selling a
Hormel food product to a professional
buyer. Each student was judged by four
sales professionals. Sixteen sales and
purchasing professionals from
Agropur, Fastenal, Inland, Label,
Kaplan, NetSuite, Northwestern
Mutual, River States Truck & Trailer and
TEK Systems visited campus to serve as
buyers and judges for the competition.
Many of the buyers and judges are UW-L
alums and live in the local area, but some
traveled from Winona and Madison, with
one coming all the way from Colorado to
support UW-L and Marketing students.
Four students were awarded certificates,
cash prizes, and will be representing
UW-L at the Great Northwoods Sales
Competition, hosted by UW-Eau Claire, in
late October. The UW-L Sales
Competition 2014 Award Recipients are:
Breanne Berger (first place), Stephanie
Streicher (second place), Sam Riebau
(third place) and Chris Rupel (fourth
place). Students were coached by
Instructor Susan Whitewater and Student
Coaches, Danielle Spahn and Hannah
Interested in studying sustainable
business practices in New Zealand and
Australia? In partnership with the
American Universities International
Programs Limited (AUIP) program, UW-L
faculty members Dr. Kristy McManus and
William Maas will be leading a winter
intersession program to New Zealand and
Australia. The program focuses on
sustainable business within the south
pacific region and is structured as a
traveling program requiring students to
move from one city to the next every few
days or so. Students (within a businessrelated major/minor) may earn up to 6
credits. Please see Dr. McManus for
more information.
Class Scheduling Information
Dr. Stephen Brokaw spent the month of
July, 2014 with a team of eight CBA
students in London, England. This fourweek summer program was hosted
through the UW-L partner at the
University of Kingston Upon Thames. The
program, designed for International
Business majors as well as interested
CBA students, allowed the students to
live in the London area for four weeks
while completing six elective credits
toward their degree program. While in
England, the students were able to
develop knowledge of London and the
surrounding areas. In addition, some of
the students also participated in weekend
trips to Paris, Dublin and Edinburgh.
Dr. Kristy McManus is planning to offer
this summer program in 2015. Interested
students should contact Dr. McManus for
further information.
Dr. Elizabeth Crosby presented her
research study, The Conflicting Role of
Consumption in the Transgender
Experience: Exploring the
Interrelationships among Gender Identity,
Consumption and the Marketplace at the
2014 Macromarketing Conference held in
London, United Kingdom, this past July.
Spring 2015
MKT 351 - Sustainability in
Marketing, an elective in the
new CBA Sustainability minor, will be
offered Spring semester. Sustainability is
a growing issue in society and business.
It impacts marketing in many ways–new
product development, promotion,
packaging, pricing, product disposal and
environmental impact. This course is a
300-400 level university elective and is
open to all CBA majors.
Marketing Professors Travel
Globally in Summer
You might think professors have summer
off, at least if they’re not teaching a class.
While it’s true that professors typically are
not paid in summer, in reality, most
professors spend much of summer
preparing classes, conducting research
and some use the time to travel
internationally, learning more about
the global world in which we live and
Dr. Kristy McManus presented her
research study, A Managerial Perspective
of Social Media: Managing the Tension
Between the Need for an Integrated
Communications Approach and
Consumers’ Need for Personalization at
the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science
World Congress in Lima, Peru in August
Picture: Dr. McManus
at Machu Pikchu, a
15th century Inca site
in Peru.
CBA Newsletter
Advice from Alumni
“My advice to students will be to take
some risks, keep an open mind and find
what really makes you happy.”
Fall 2014
Meagan Kempen ‘06
3M, New Product Marketer
Wisconsin Small Business
Development Center at
UW-La Crosse Supports
Campus Entrepreneurship
The Ideadvance Seed Fund provides
$25,000 (Phase I), and $50,000 (Phase
II) grants to faculty, staff and students at
UW institutions. The goal is to support
commercialization activities to bring their
ideas to market. For more information on
eligibility criteria and how to apply, go
to or contact the UW-L
SBDC at 608.785.8782 or
Wisconsin Big Idea Tournament
For the second year, UW-La Crosse
students will have an opportunity to
compete for local, state and national
prizes in the Wisconsin Big Idea
Tournament. This tournament challenges
students to explore, test and adapt an
idea using lean start-up business
development tools. The UW-La Crosse
competition will be held in early March
2015. The state finals in Madison will
be April 11, 2015. For more information,
go to or
contact the UW-L SBDC at
The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’
OrganizationSM (CEO) mission is to
inform, support and inspire college
students to be entrepreneurial and seek
opportunity through enterprise creation.
This organization creates opportunities for
students to learn from successful
entrepreneurs and visionary leaders. It
also connects students with their
entrepreneurial peers to share and gain
new ideas and practical knowledge to
help advance their entrepreneurial
Please feel free to contact the Chapter
president, Dustin Honeck at or message or
post on the CEO Facebook page to get
more information.
The American Marketing Association
(AMA) provides students with the
opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge
and experience in the field
of marketing. Through
yearlong projects,
professional speakers and
community events, AMA
students are constantly given
opportunities to learn about the different
facets of marketing and also give back to
their community.
AMA is working on some projects to
submit at the national AMA conference in
March 2015. First, the University of
Wisconsin-La Crosse chapter hosted its
first marketing week September 8-12,
2014 concurrent with the time students
actively began thinking about their on
campus involvement. The chapter’s goal
for marketing week was to welcome back
returning members, continue recruiting
members, and build AMA awareness on
Next, members have begun working on
the National Case competition, hosted by
Vitamin Water. Students involved will
have the chance to create a full scale
marketing plan for the Vitamin Water
product for a chance to present at the
National AMA Conference in New
These are just a few of the events we
have planned for the year!
Meetings are every Wednesday at 7:00
p.m. in 2310 Centennial Hall. If you have
any questions or concerns, feel free to
contact us at
Beta Alpha Psi is an
honor organization for
financial information
students and
professionals. The
primary objective of Beta
Alpha Psi is to encourage and give
recognition to scholastic and professional
excellence in the business information
field. This includes: promoting the study
and practice of accounting, finance and
information systems, providing
opportunities for self-development,
service and association among members
and practicing professionals, and
encouraging a sense of ethical, social,
and public responsibility.” (
Beta used to be open to juniors who had
completed Intermediate Accounting I, but
now accepts anyone for junior
membership with either an accounting
major or minor of any student standing.
Students may become a full member
upon completion of Intermediate I with a
3.0 GPA. Meetings are held in 1404
Centennial Hall on Wednesdays at 6:00
p.m.. There are a variety of new speakers
this year including the FBI and IRS. If
interested in joining Beta Alpha Psi, visit
the website
/betaalphapsi/ or contact Tyler Prince at
CBA Newsletter
Last spring our chapter inducted 20 new
members into the national honor society.
Amelia Dittman, who retired in June 2014
after serving as assistant to the CBA
Dean, was selected as the guest speaker
in honor of her work establishing Beta
Gamma Sigma (BGS) at UW-L.
This year’s members will be participating
in BGS Gives Back Day of Service on
Saturday October 25, 2014.
BGS is the honor society associated with
AACSB-International accredited business
programs. It is nationally recognized as
the business education counterpart of the
liberal arts and science education’s Phi
Beta Kappa.
BGS is open to business majors who rank
in the top 10% of the junior and senior
classes, and the top 25% of the MBA
program. Invitations to membership are
mailed to eligible scholars in March.
Questions about BGS can be referred to
chapter president, Professor Donna
Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) is a co-ed
professional business fraternity
organized to foster the study of
business in universities and
the association of students for their
mutual advancement by research and
practice. DSP is one of the largest and
most well-known professional business
fraternities, having more than 300
collegiate and alumni chapters and over
242,000 members nationwide. The Eta
Rho chapter here at UW-L is one of the
largest collegiate chapters within DSP
with 79 active members and 16 pledges
this semester. DSP is a perfect
opportunity for business majors to get
involved in the campus community, make
new friends and advance both personally
and professionally. Each semester, DSP
performs community service projects
such as Adopt-A-Highway, Glow in the
Deke, and Kane Street Gardens;
fundraising efforts such as Oktoberfest
Fall 2014
DD booths and Rotary Lights; and
professional activities such as lecturers,
company tours and Prep For Success.
Whether you are interested in
participating in these activities,
networking with other business majors
and business professionals, or becoming
a part of something significant and
meaningful, DSP is just the organization
for you. By becoming a member in Delta
Sigma Pi, you will learn valuable lessons
and make long-lasting friendships that will
provide you with great memories and
meaningful experiences which will serve
you well into the future. As the current 79
members in DSP will readily agree,
joining Delta Sigma Pi is one decision in
your college career that you will not
regret! To learn more about DSP and
how to become a member, visit
the lookout for flyers describing our guest
IS majors/minors and all CBA students
are strongly encouraged to join and
participate in ISA. Our meetings are
excellent opportunities for networking as
well as gaining first-hand knowledge of
the IS field and its critical impact on
Contact Dr. Haried at
or the ISA president Luke Potts at for more
The Financial Management
Association (FMA) is an
organization that facilitates
the development of
knowledge regarding economic and
financial-based careers. This semester
there will be multiple guest speakers from
different companies to share information
about the companies they work for and
their careers. FMA is open to all business
students. We hold our meetings on the
first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
in 326 Cartwright Center. If you are
interested in learning more about FMA,
like our Facebook page at, or
follow us on Twitter at @UWLAX_FMA. If
you have any additional questions, please
contact Paul Lemke at
Under the supervision of Dr. Haried, the
Information Systems Association (ISA)
has planned a number of speaker
presentations and activities for the Fall
2014 semester. Speakers will be
discussing information systems (IS)
careers, internships, experiences and
new developments in the IS field. Be on
The Student Advisory Council for the
College of Business Administration (SAC)
is a student run organization on campus
that actively works with the CBA’s Dean’s
Office. Members of SAC develop
professional skills, network with faculty,
staff and local businesses to enhance
their resumes and work closely with other
students within the college. SAC also
provides members with great leadership
opportunities to help students gain
experience and to become more active
on-campus and specifically within the
college of business. This semester we will
be uniting the different CBA organizations
in order to pass along information on
upcoming events, participating in forming
the Building Bridges pamphlets, running
campus close-ups for prospective
students and creating social events for
members to get to know each other.
There is also potential to do a company
tour and have some guest speakers at
our meetings this Fall.
Any student with a major or minor in the
college of business is strongly
encouraged to join our organization! We
meet every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in 105
Carl Wimberly Hall. We are looking
forward to a great and productive
semester and would love to have you join
us at our next meeting! If you have any
questions or would like more information,
feel free to contact Sam Wallace at
CBA Newsletter
Fall 2014
Accountancy .................................................................................................. Dr. Ken Winter
Economics ....................................................................................................... Dr. TJ Brooks
Finance ...................................................................................................... Dr. Lise Graham
Information Systems .............................................................................. Dr. Kuang-Wei Wen
Management .............................................................................................. Dr. William Ross
Marketing........................................................................................... Dr. Gwen Achenreiner
Small Business Development Center .............................................. Anne Hlavacka, Director
MBA and International Programs ................................................................... Martina Skobic
Assistant to the Dean..................................................................................... Becky Vianden
Interim Associate Dean ............................................................................ Dr. Glenn Knowles
Dean............................................................................................................... Dr. Bruce May