ADDRESS : 13 Natural Resources Building
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
CONTACT : (517) 432-3781 FAX (517) 432-1699 E-mail:
EDUCATION : Ph.D. Michigan State University 1990
Dissertation: Competition between white sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ) and yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ): results of a whole-lake manipulation.
Thesis: Distribution, diet, and growth of two coexisting populations of yellow perch
( Perca flavescens ) and white sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ).
B.S. summa cum laude University of New Hampshire 1983
Relationship between fish habitat and their population dynamics; fisheries management; applied statistics and mathematical modeling; community interactions in aquatic and marine ecosystems:applications and consequences for fisheries management
2001-2006 Editor, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
2007-present Professor
1994 - 2000 Assistant Professor
1990 - 1994 Research Fishery Biologist
National Marine Fisheries Service
Woods Hole, MA
1984 - 1990 Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Michigan State University
1983 Program Manager
Lake Lay Monitoring Program
University of New Hampshire
2007, 2009 Introduction to Wildlife Biometry (FW324, now STT224)
2006, 2007 Population Analysis and Management (FW424)
2006, 2007, Field Experience in Fisheries and Wildlife (FW238); co-instructed with Alexandra Felix,
2008 Rebecca Christoffel, and Nikki Lamp
2006 Short course “Using SAS for Fisheries & Wildlife Data Summaries”, Ty Wagner co-instructor
2005 Aquatic Ecosystem Management (FW414)
2005, 2008 Two-day continuing education course “Fish Population Estimation” approved through the American Fisheries Society
2003, 2004, Two-day continuing education course “Statistical Aspects of Sampling
2006, 2007 Freshwater Fish Populations and Habitats” approved through the American Fisheries
1997-present Applied Systems Modeling and Simulation in Natural Resources Management (FW853) odd years
1995, 1998, 2004 Introduction to data management and exploratory data analysis (FW893)
1995-present Guest Lecture for several classes at MSU, including FW324 (Biometry), FW207 (Great
Lakes Biology and Management), FW479 (Fisheries Management), FW205
(Introduction to Fish and Wildlife Management), FW410 (Upland Game Management),
FW419 (Applications of GIS to Natural Resource Management) FW205 (Seafood
Systems Management), FW474 (Fisheries and Limnology Techniques), FW852
(Introduction to Systems Modeling for Natural Resource Management), STT825
(Sample Surveys), FW416 (Marine Ecosystem Management)
As major advisor
Pamela Petrusso MS 1998 Feeding habits and condition of juvenile chinook salmon in the upper
Sacramento River, California
Kristi Klomp MS 1998 An initial evaluation of the habitat and fisheries resources associated with a dam removal in a Michigan coldwater stream
Ann Krause MS 1999 Sampling variability of ten fish species and population dynamics of alewife ( Alosa pseudoharengus ) and bloater ( Coregonus hoyi ) in
Lake Michigan
Hope Dodd MS 1999 The effects of low-head lamprey barrier dams on stream habitat and fish communities in tributaries of the Great Lakes
Kurt Newman PhD 1999 Effects of changing land cover and human development on the fish community and hydrology of the Huron River watershed
JoAnna Lessard MS 2000 Temperature effects of dams on coldwater fish and
3 macroinvertebrate communities in Michigan
Jessica Mistak MS 2000 Dam removal effects on fisheries resources, habitat and summer diet of trout in the Pine River, Manistee County, Michigan
David Thomas MS 2001 Fish and invertebrate community composition: a comparison of headwater and adventitious streams
Brad Thompson PhD 2004 Inverse modeling of growth and movement of age-1 steelhead in the
Pine River, Michigan
Bryan Burroughs MS 2004 Dam removal effects on fluvial geomorphology and fish populations, and diet of catostomids in the Pine River, Michigan
Jo Latimore PhD 2005 Habitat selection and resilience of stream fishes in the Red Cedar
River watershed, Michigan
Jeremy Price, MS 2005 Evaluation of fixed-location, riverine hydroacoustics for enumerating out-migrating Chinook salmon smolts
Matt Klungle, MS 2006 An evaluation of large woody debris restoration on the Manistee and
Au Sable Rivers, Michigan
Bryan Burroughs PhD 2007 Effects of dam removal on fluvial geomorphology and fish
Jonathan Hansen, M.S. 2008 Long-term implications of dam removal for mesohabitat and macro- communities and
Nancy Schwalm, M.S. 2009 The beech scale (Cryptococcus fagisuga) in Michigan: distribution, models of spread and relation to forest and wildlife resources.
Amy Schueller, Ph.D. 2009 Interactions between demographic stochasticity and genetic integrity
Dan Wieferich, M.S. 2009 Distribution and population dynamics of the beech scale
Sherry Martin, Ph.D. Candidate
As co-advisor
Natalie Waddell M.S. 1999 (with W. W. Taylor)
Ed Roseman Ph.D. 2000 (with W. W. Taylor)
Sarah Thayer Ph.D. 2002 (with W. W. Taylor)
Rebecca Gannon, M.S. 2007 (with W. W. Taylor)
Corey Higley, M.S. Candidate (with W. W. Taylor)
As committee member
Lauren Anderson (Geography) M.S. 1995
Salvador Beccerra-Munoz (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 1996
Ed Roseman (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 1997
Abdelkrim Zebdi (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Christopher Weeks (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 1997
Don Uzarski (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 1998
Darren Benjamin (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 1998
Rainy Inman (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2000
R. Douglas Workman (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2002
Jason Hill (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2000
Mike Siefkes (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2000, Ph.D. 2003
Alicia Wells (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2000
Amy Derosier (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2001
Mike Steeves (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2002
John Netto (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2006
Aaron Snell (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2001
Steve Hanson (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2001
Todd Wills (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2002
JoAnna Lessard (Entomology) Ph.D. 2004
Pat Dehaan (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2003
Mike Wilberg (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2005
Sharon Schapel (Johnson) (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2003
Katherine Smith (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2003
Brian Linton (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2007
George Berghorn (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Heather Dawson (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2006
Andy Treble (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2006
Patrick Forsythe (Zoology) Ph.D. Candidate
Carrie Scheele (Zoology) Ph.D. 2007
Sarah Mayhew (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Oswaldo Hernandez (Entomology) Ph.D. 2009
Alexandra Felix (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2008
Gabe Hamer (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2008
Abhi Sabharwal (Building Construction Management) M.S. 2004
Mark Coscarelli (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2006
Jubin Cheruvelil (Anthropology) Ph.D. Candidate
Todd White (Entomology) M.S. 2009
Janice Sloan (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2007
Rebecca Christophel (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2007
Mike Monfils (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2009
Matt Wesener (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. Candidate
Gretchen Anderson (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2006
Jamie Crossman (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. 2008
Rebecca Mercader (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Marisa Rinkus (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2008
Jodi Simoes (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. 2009
Yen Duong (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Hong Su An (Forestry) Ph.D. Candidate
Trevor Meckley (Fisheries and Wildlife) M.S. Candidate
Paligwende Nikiema (Forestry) Ph.D. Candidate
Emily Johnston (Fisheries and Wildlife) Ph.D. Candidate
Post-doctoral fellows directed
Brian Lantry 1997
Jason Stockwell 1997-1998
Visiting scholars hosted
Zhongjie 1998
1994 Special Accomplishment Award, National Marine Fisheries Service
1991 Albert S. Hazzard Award, Michigan Chapter American Fisheries Society
1984-1988 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
1988 Skinner Memorial Award from American Fisheries Society to attend national meeting in
Toronto, Ontario
1987 Honorable mention best student poster, 1987 American Fisheries Society meeting,
Winston-Salem, N. C.
1983 Miriam Jackson Scholarship, University of New Hampshire
1979-1983 University of New Hampshire Merit Scholarship
1979 National Merit Scholar
Jon Hansen 2008 Albert S. Hazzard Award from Michigan Chapter AFS
Amy Schueller 2007 Jan Fenske Fellowship
Jon Hansen 2007 Paul Young Chapter of Trout Unlimited Research Grant
Nikki Lamp 2006 Best Student Poster Award, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
Jon Hansen 2006 Schrems Scholarship from West MI Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Bryan Burroughs 2005 Best Student Paper Award, Michigan Chapter AFS
Bryan Burroughs 2003 Albert S. Hazzard Award from Michigan Chapter AFS
Bryan Burroughs 2003 Paul Young Chapter of Trout Unlimited Scholarship
Bryan Burroughs 2003 Red Cedar Fly Fishers Scholarship
R. Doug Workman 2002 Best Poster Award, Midwest Fisheries Conference
Bryan Burroughs 2002 Red Cedar Fly Fishers Scholarship
Brad Thompson 2002 MI Chapter AFS Best Student Presentation
Bryan Burroughs 2002 Schrems Scholarship from West MI Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Brad Thompson 2001 Schrems Scholarship from West MI Chapter of Trout Unlimited
JoAnna Lessard 2001 Albert S. Hazzard Award from Michigan Chapter AFS
Jo Latimore 2000 MSU Distinguished Fellowship
Jo Latimore 2000 3-year Water Sciences Fellowship
JoAnna Lessard 2000 3-year Water Sciences Fellowship
Hope Dodd 2000 Albert S. Hazzard Award from Michigan Chapter AFS
Jo Anna Lessard 2000 Schrems Scholarship from West MI Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Dave Thomas 2000 Flint River Valley Chapter of Michigan Steelheaders
Hope Dodd 1999 Best Student Paper Presentation, American Fisheries Society
Ann Krause 1999 Albert S. Hazzard Award from Michigan Chapter AFS
Jessica Mistak 1999 Lee Wulff Scholarship from Trout Unlimited
JoAnna Lessard 1999 Michigan Polar-Equator Club Scholarship
JoAnna Lessard 1999 Fred Waara Scholarship from Waara Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Jessica Mistak 1999 Schrems Scholarship from West MI Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Kurt Newman 1998 Skinner Award, American Fisheries Society
Kurt Newman 1998 Schrems Award from West Michigan Chapter of Trout Unlimited
American Fisheries Society
Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Michigan State University
Environmental Science and Policy Program, Program Advisory Group 2004-present.
Evaluation and Review Committee, Dept. Of Fish. and Wild. 2003-present
Graduate Committee, Dept. Of Fish. and Wild. 1999-2001, Chair 2000-2002
Curriculum Committee, Dept. Of Fish. and Wild. 1997-1999, Chair 1998-1999, 2005-present
Biometry Group in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 1996-present
Chair, Fishery Management Faculty Search Committee, Dept. Of Fish. and Wild. 1996-1997
Sea Lamprey Faculty Search Committee, Dept. Of Fish. and Wild. 1996
Minority Apprenticeship Program 1995-1998
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Fish Technical Advisory Committee (Threatened/Endangered Species Review) 2005-Present
Chair, Resource Inventory Committee 1995-2002
Lake Sturgeon Management Committee 1994-Present
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Member of Board of Technical Experts (BOTE) 1996-2001
American Fisheries Society
AFS representative to Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) External Review Panel 2005-present
Coeditor, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2001-2006
Program co-chair for 1998 AFS meeting 1997-1998
Program Committee 1994-1999
North-Central Representative to Marine Fisheries Section 1994-2004
Michigan Chapter Representative to AFS 2000 1995-1999
North Central Division Awards Committee 1995
Associate Editor North American Journal of Fisheries Management 1993-1995
Canadian Concerns Committee 1991-1993
Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Program Committee 1999-2001
Past-President 1998-1999
President 1997-1998
President-Elect 1996-1997
Continuing Education Committee 1997-2002, Chair 1998-2002
Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
President-Elect 1993-1994
Secretary-Treasurer 1992-1993
Program Development Committee 1992-1993
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) 1993
Sea Scallop Plan Development Team 1991-1993
Sea Sampling Working Group 1991-1993
National Marine Fisheries Service
Invited member of review panel, Northwest Fishery Science Center’s Groundfish Program 2003
Invited member of national review panel for red snapper fishery 1997
National Sea Grant College Program
Invited member of national review panel for fishery habitat proposals 2000
Environmental Protection Agency
Invited member of EPA STAR Aquatic Systems Ecology Fellowship review panel 2006
Invited member of national review panel for estuarine indicator program proposals 2000
Gulf States Marine Fishery Commission
Review of GSMFC Fishery Information Network 2001
Sustainable Forestry Initiative External Review Panel
Member, 2005-Present, Vice-Chair 2007-2008
2002-2003. University of Pittsburgh Environmental Law Clinic, Tom Buchele, Esq. EHB Docket No.
2001-138-R, Consolidated with 2001-139-R 2001-140-R; 2001-157-R 2001-158-R and 2001-
159-R. Written expert witness testimony was provided regarding impact of in-stream gravel mining in the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, PA. Case was settled out of court.
2005-2006. David Fagnilli of Davis & Young, Cleveland, OH for case Dr. Stephen Luczek, et al. V.
Granite Development Partners, L.P., et al. Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, Case
No.: 526940. Written expert witness testimony and in-court testimony was provided regarding the potential impacts of upstream development on a reservoir.
2009-present. Michigan DNR. Service to date has been consultative, providing technical expertise on response of stream fish to dam operations.
Burroughs, B. A., D. B. Hayes , K. D. Klomp, J. F. Hansen, and J. Mistak. 2009. Effects of Stronach
Dam removal on fluvial geomorphology in the Pine River, Michigan, United States. Geomorphology
110: 96-107.
Pratt, T., L. M. O’Connor, A. G. Hallett, R. L. McLaughlin, C. Katopodis, D. B. Hayes , and R. A.
Bergstedt. 2009. Balancing aquatic habitat fragmentation and control of invasive species: enhancing selective fish passage at sea lamprey control barriers. Trans. Am. Fish Soc. 138:652–
Claramunt, R.M, Kolb, T.L., Clapp, D.F., Hayes, D.B
., Dexter, J. L. Jr., Warner, D.M., C.P. Madenjian.
2009. Effects of increasing Chinook salmon bag limits on alewife abundance: implications for Lake
Michigan management goals. North Am. J. of Fish. Mgt. 29:829-842.
G. L. Hamer, U. D. Kitron, T. L. Goldberg, J. D. Brawn, S. R. Loss, M. O. Ruiz, D. B. Hayes and E. D.
Walker. 2009. Host selection by Culex pipiens mosquitoes and West Nile Virus amplification.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 80(2): 268–278.
Hayes, D. B.
, Michael Jones, Nigel Lester, Cindy Chu, Susan Doka, John Netto, Jason Stockwell,
Bradley Thompson, Charles K. Minns, Brian Shuter, and Nicholas Collins. 2009. Linking fish population dynamics to habitat conditions: insights from the application of a process-oriented approach to several Great Lakes species. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19:295-312.
Latimore, J.A., and D. B. Hayes . 2008. The vigor-organization-resilience concept of ecological health: lessons from temperate warmwater stream fish communities. Pages 1807-1813 in J. L. Nielsen, J. J.
Dodson, K. Friedland, T. R. Hamon, J. Musick, and E. Verspoor, editors. Reconciling fisheries with conservation: proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress. American Fisheries Society,
Symposium 49, Bethesda, Maryland.
Hayes, D. B ., H. R. Dodd, and J. L. Lessard. 2008. Conservation considerations for small dams on
8 cold-water streams. Pages 1791-1806 in J. L. Nielsen, J. J. Dodson, K. Friedland, T. R. Hamon, J.
Musick, and E. Verspoor, editors. Reconciling fisheries with conservation: proceedings of the Fourth
World Fisheries Congress. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 49, Bethesda, Maryland.
Wagner, T., J. R. Bence, M. T. Bremigan, D. B. Hayes , and M. Wilberg. 2007. Regional trends in fish mean length at age: components of variance and the statistical power to detect trends. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 968-978.
Thayer, S. A., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , and R. C Haas. 2007. Weight of evidence for underlying dynamics of yellow perch in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. Ecological Modeling 206:31-40.
Hansen, M., D. Beard, and Hayes, D. B.
. 2007. Sampling and experimental design. Pages 51-120 in
Guy, C., and M. Brown (eds.) Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American
Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Hayes, D. B.
, J. Bence, T. Kwak, and B. Thompson. 2007. Abundance, biomass and production.
Pages 327-374 in Guy, C., and M. Brown (eds.) Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Bellgraph, B. J., B. E. Thompson, D. B. Hayes , and T. S. Riley. 2006. Growth of age-0 steelhead
( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) and brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) in the Pine River watershed, Alcona county, Michigan. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21:687-692.
J. F. Kratzer, D. B. Hayes , B. E. Thompson. 2006. Methods for interpolating stream width, depth, and current velocity. Ecological Modeling 196:256-264.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , A.L. Jones, and J.T. Francis. 2006. Predation on walleye eggs by fish on reefs in Western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 32:415-423.
Wagner, T., D. B. Hayes , and M. T. Bremigan. 2006. Accounting for multilevel data structures in fisheries data using mixed models. Fisheries 31:180-187.
McLaughlin, R. L., L. Porto, D. L. G. Noakes, J. R. Baylis, L. M. Carl, H. R. Dodd, J. D. Goldstein, D. B.
Hayes , and R. Randall. 2006. Effects of low-head barriers on stream fishes: taxonomic affiliations and morphological correlates of sensitive species. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences 66:766-779.
Thomas, D., and D. Hayes .2006. A comparison of fish community composition of headwater and adventitious streams in a coldwater river system. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21: 265-275
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , J. T. Tyson, and R. C. Haas. 2005. Spatial patterns emphasize the importance of coastal zones as nursery areas for larval walleye in Western Lake Erie.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 31 (Supplement 1) 28-44.
Hayes, D. B.
, W. W. Taylor, and K. Smith. 2004. Ecological and Socioeconomic factors influencing fisheries sustainability. Pages 15-27 in Knudsen, E., D. D. MacDonald, and Y. K. Muirhead, editors.
Sustainable management of North American fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 43,
Bethesda, Maryland.
Klungle, M. M., and D. B. Hayes.
2004. Can placement of whole trees in rivers restore habitat for
9 fish? (Michigan). Ecological Restoration 22:304-305.
Workman, R. D., D. B. Hayes , and T. G. Coon. 2004. Spawning habitat selection by rainbow trout in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30: 397-406.
Wills, T. C., M. T. Bremigan, and D. B. Hayes . 2004. Variable effects of habitat enhancement structures across species and habitats in Michigan reservoirs. Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society 133:398-410.
Hayes, D.
, E. Baker, R. Bednarz, D. Borgeson, Jr., J. Braunscheidel, J. Breck, M. Bremigan, A.
Harrington, R. Hay, R. Lockwood, A. Nuhfer, J. Schneider, P. Seelbach, J. Waybrant, and T. Zorn.
2003. Developing a standardized sampling program: the Michigan experience. Fisheries 28(7): 18-
Mistak, J. L., D. B. Hayes , and M. T. Bremigan. 2003. Food habits of coexisting salmonines above and below Stronach Dam in the Pine River, Michigan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67(2): 179-
McLaughlin, R. L., J. E. Marsden, and D. B. Hayes . 2003. Achieving the benefits of sea lamprey control while minimizing effects on nontarget species: conceptual synthesis and proposed policy.
Journal of Great Lakes Research 29(Supplement 1): 755-765.
Dodd, H.R., D. B. Hayes , J.R. Baylis, L.M. Carl, J.D. Goldstein, R.L. McLaughlin, D.L.G. Noakes, L.M.
Porto, and M.L. Jones. 2003. Low-head lamprey barrier effects on stream habitat and fish communities in the Great Lakes Basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29(Supplement 1): 386-
Hayes, D. B.
, J. R. Baylis, L. M. Carl. H. Dodd, J. Goldstein, R. L. McLaughlin, D. L. G. Noakes, and L.
Porto. 2003. Biological effect of low-head lamprey barriers: designs for extensive surveys and the value of incorporating intensive process-oriented research. Journal of Great Lakes Research
29(Supplement 1): 373-385.
Lessard, J. L., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. Effects of elevated water temperature on fish and macroinvertebrate communities below small dams. River Research & Applications 19:721-732.
Inman, R. L., H. H. Prince, and D. B. Hayes . 2002. Avian communities in forested riparian wetlands of southern Michigan, USA. Wetlands 22:647-660.
Taylor, W.W., D.B. Hayes , C.P. Ferreri, K.D. Lynch, K.R. Newman, and E.F. Roseman. 2002.
Integrating landscape ecology into fisheries management: a rationale and practical considerations. pages 366-389 in Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management, J. Liu and W. W.
Taylor, editors. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , J. Fofrich, Sr., and R. L. Knight. 2002. Evidence of walleye spawning in Maumee Bay, Lake Erie. Ohio Journal of Science 102:51-55.
Workman, R. D., D. B. Hayes , and T. G. Coon. 2002. A model of steelhead movement in relation to water temperature in two Lake Michigan tributaries. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Krause, A. E., D. B. Hayes , J. R. Bence, C. P. Madenjian, and R. M. Stedman. 2002. Measurement error associated with surveys of fish abundance in Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research
McLaughlin, R. L., L. M. Carl, T. Middel, M. Ross, R. G. Randall, D. L. G. Noakes, D. B. Hayes , J. R.
Bayliss. 2001. Potentials and pitfalls of integrating data from diverse sources: lessons from a historical database for Great Lakes stream fishes. Fisheries. 26(7):14-23.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.L. Knight, and R.C. Haas. 2001. Removal of walleye eggs from reefs in western Lake Erie by a catastrophic storm. Transactions of the American
Fisheries Society 130:341-346.
Petrusso, P. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2001. Invertebrate drift and feeding habits of juvenile chinook salmon in the Upper Sacramento River, California. California Fish and Game 87(1):1-18.
Petrusso, P. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2001. Condition of juvenile chinook salmon in the Upper
Sacramento River, California. California Fish and Game 87(1):19-37.
Hayes, D. B.
2000. A biological reference point based on the Leslie Matrix. Fishery Bulletin 98:75-
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.C. Haas, D.H. Davies, and S.D. Mackey. 1999. Influence of physical processes on the early life history stages of walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) in Western
Lake Erie. Pages 43-54 in Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries Management. University of Alaska
Sea Grant, AK-SG-99-01, Fairbanks. 756 pp.
Newman, K. R., D. B. Hayes , and W. W. Taylor. 1999. The effect of urbanization on fish community structure in a large Michigan watershed. Pages 467-479 in Ecosystem Approaches for Fisheries
Management. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-99-01, Fairbanks. 756 pp.
Hayes, D. B. 1999. Issues affecting fish habitat in the Great Lakes Basin. Pages 209-237 in Great
Lakes fishery policy and management: a binational perspective, W. W. Taylor and C. P. Ferreri, editors. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, MI.
Hayes, D. B.
, W. W. Taylor, and P. A. Soranno. 1999. Natural Lakes and large impoundments.
Pages 589-621 in Inland fisheries management in North America, 2 nd
edition, C. Kohler and W.
Hubert, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.L. Knight, and R.C. Haas. 1999. The Demise and
Rehabilitation of Walleye in Lake Erie. Sustainable Lake Management: Proceedings of the Eighth
International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, Volume 2:S15B-11.
Becerra-Muñoz, S., D.B. Hayes and W.W. Taylor. 1999. Stationarity and rate of dampening of modeled indices of fish abundance in relation to their exploitation status in the Northwest Atlantic
Ocean. Ecological Modelling 117: 225-238.
Hayes, D. B.
, and P. A. Petrusso. 1998. The role of tributaries in the sustainability of Great Lakes fisheries. Fisheries 23(7):42-43.
Hayes, D. B.
, W. W. Taylor, M. T. Drake, S. M. Marod, and G. E. Whelan. 1998. The value of
11 headwaters to brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ) in the Ford River, Michigan, USA. Pages 175-185 in
Headwaters: water resources and soil conservation. M. J. Haigh, J. Krecek, G. S. Rajwar, and M. P.
Kilmartin, editors. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Hayes, D. B.
, and J. K. T. Brodziak. 1997. Reply: Efficiency and bias of estimators and sampling designs for determining length-weight relationships of fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic Science 54:744-745.
Jones, M. L., R. G. Randall, D. B. Hayes , W. Dunlop, J. Imhof, G. Lacroix, and N. J. R. Ward. 1996.
Assessing the ecological effects of habitat change: moving beyond productive capacity. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 53 (Suppl. 1): 446-457.
Fisheries Techniques, B. R. Murphy and D. W. Willis, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda,
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes, R. C. Haas, R. L. Knight, and K. O. Paxton. 1996.
Walleye egg deposition and survival on reefs in western Lake Erie (USA). Annales Zoologici Fennici
Hayes, D. B.
, C. P. Ferreri, and W. W. Taylor. 1996. Linking fish habitat to their population dynamics.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 53 (Suppl. 1): 383-390.
Ferreri, C. P., W. W. Taylor, and D. B. Hayes . 1995. Evaluation of age-0 survival and its effect on lake trout rehabilitation in the Michigan waters of Lake Superior. Journal of Great Lakes Research
21(Supplement 1) 218-224.
Hayes, D.B.
, W.W. Taylor, and H.L. Schramm, Jr. 1995. Predicting the biological impacts of competitive fishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:457-472.
Hayes, D.B.
, J.K.T. Brodziak and J.B. O'Gorman. 1995. Efficiency of estimators and sampling designs for determining length-weight relationships. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Science 52:84-92
Helser, T. E., and D. B. Hayes . 1995. Providing quantitative management advice from stock abundance indices based on research surveys. Fishery Bulletin 93:289-297.
Hayes, D.B.
, and W.W. Taylor. 1994. Changes in the composition of somatic and gonadal tissues of yellow perch following white sucker removal. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Hayes, D. B.
1993. A statistical method evaluating differences between age-length keys with application to Georges Bank haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus . Fishery Bulletin 91:550-557.
Hayes, D. B.
, W. W. Taylor, and E. L. Mills. 1993. Natural lakes and large impoundments. Pages
491-513 in C. Kohler and W. Hubert editors. Inland Fisheries Management in North America.
American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Hayes, D. B.
, W. W. Taylor, and J. C. Schneider. 1992. Response of yellow perch and the benthic invertebrate community to a reduction in the abundance of white suckers. Transactions of the
American Fisheries Society 121:36-53.
Hayes, D. B., and W. W. Taylor. 1991. A multiple-regression technique for analyzing stomach contents in fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:396-400.
Hayes, D. B ., and W. W. Taylor. 1990. Reproductive strategy in yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ): effects of diet ontogeny, mortality, and survival costs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Science 47:921-927.
Hayes, D. B.
1995. Review of “Scaling Fisheries: the science of measuring the effects of fishing,
1855-1955". Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:786-787.
Hayes, D.B.
, T. Hook, P. Seelbach, and G. Matlock (Rapporteurs). 2008. Fisheries Sector. pages
141-152 in Proceedings of Coping with Climate Change National Summit, R. M. Bierbaum, D. G.
Brown, and J. L. McAlpine (editors). May 8-10, 2007, Ann Arbor, MI. Published by University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Hayes, D.B
. 2008. Fisheries Interim Plenary. Pages 92-96 in Proceedings of Coping with Climate
Change National Summit, R. M. Bierbaum, D. G. Brown, and J. L. McAlpine (editors). May 8-10,
2007, Ann Arbor, MI. Published by University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Lockwood, R. N, K. E. Wehrly, and D. B. Hayes . 2005. Sample sizes for inland lake habitat and lakeshore development metrics. Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources Fisheries Technical Report
2005-3. Ann Arbor, MI.
O’Connor, L., T. Pratt, A. Hallett, C. Katopodis, R. Bergstedt, D. Hayes , and R. McLaughlin. 2002. A performance evaluation of fishways at sea lamprey barriers and controlled modifications to improve fishway performance. Final completion report submitted to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
December 31, 2003. 36 pages.
Hayes, D.
, M. Jones, N. Lester, C. Chu, J. Netto, J. Stockwell, and B. Thompson. 2001. Linking fish population dynamics to habitat conditions: insights from the application of a process-oriented approach to multiple species. Final completion report submitted to the Great Lakes Fishery
Commission, October 31, 2001. 24 pages.
Hayes, D.
, K. Newman, D. Rutledge, J. Liu and R. Groop. 2000. Response of fish and wildlife macrohabitat to changes in land use and land cover. Michigan State University AES Special Report.
Noakes, D.L.G., R.L. McLaughlin, J.R. Baylis, L.M. Carl, D.B. Hayes , and R.G. Randall. 1999,
Biological Impact of Low-head Barrier Dams (BILD) Final completion report submitted to the Great
Lakes Fishery Commission, January 28, 2000. 175 pages.
Petrusso, P. A., and D. B. Hayes . 1998. Food abundance, feeding, and condition of young-of-year chinook salmon in the upper Sacramento River. Project completion report submitted to U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation, January 30, 1998. 88 pages.
Taylor, W. W., C. P. Ferreri, D. B. Hayes , and J. M. Robertson. 1996. Using watershed analysis to
13 teach fisheries management: integrating fisheries and the ecosystem. Pages 190-196, in
Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources, J. C.
Finley and K. C. Steiner, editors. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Hayes, D. B.
, and S. E. Wigley. 1992. Evaluation of NEFSC sampling of the size composition of commercial sea scallop landings. Papers of the Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshops.
Research Document SAW14/4, CRD-92-07.
Wigley, S. E., and D. B. Hayes.
1992. Standardized CPUE estimates for sea scallops using the general linear model (GLM) procedure. Papers of the Northeast Regional Stock Assessment
Workshops. Research Document SAW14/6, CRD-92-07.
Hayes, D. B.
, and N. Buxton. 1992. Assessment of the Georges Bank haddock stock. Papers of the
Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshops. Research Document SAW13/1, CRD-92-02.
Hayes, D.
1991. Exploratory analysis of four methods for estimating discards from sea sampling data. Papers of the Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshops. NEFC Research Document
SAW12/11, CRD-91-03.
Hayes, D. B . 1990. Competition between white sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ) and yellow perch
( Perca flavescens ): results of a whole-lake manipulation. Michigan Department of Natural
Resources Fish Division, Fisheries Research Report No. 1972. 147 pp.
Hayes, D. B.
1988. Potential for competition between yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) and white sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ) in two northern Michigan lakes. Michigan Department of Natural
Resources Fish Division, Fisheries Research Report No. 1946. 43 pp.
Fabrizio, M. C., W. W. Taylor and D. B. Hayes.
1988. Fish communities in the lakes of the upper midwest: Michigan and Wisconsin. Final report to the USEPA under Phase II of the Eastern Lake
Survey (ELS), Region 2, Subregion 2B.
Jon Hansen – MIAFS presentation.
Hayes, D . 2008. Dammed if you don’t: Why Dam Removal is Important for Fish. Invited presentation to Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, Maine. 2 April 2008.
Hayes, D . 2008. Dammed if you don’t: Why Dam Removal is Important for Fish. Invited presentation to Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Maine, Orono. 17 March 2008.
Schueller, A. M., G. Whelan, and D. B. Hayes . 2008. Updating Michigan’s lake sturgeon rehabilitation strategy. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student Organization Symposium. March
Simoes, J., F. Lupi, D. Hayes , and A. McCright. 2008. The Status of Human Dimensions Information
Collection and Utilization by Fisheries Management Agencies. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Graduate Student Organization Symposium. March 2008.
Simoes, J., F. Lupi, D. Hayes , and A. McCright. 2008. Status of human dimensions information
14 collection and utilization by fisheries management agencies. American Fisheries Society Annual
Meeting, Ottawa, Canada Aug 17-21, 2008. Received A.Stephen Weithman Award for Best Student
Paper in the Field of Socioeconomics, by the American Fisheries Society Socioeconomics Section.
Hayes, D.
2008 Sample Size Recommendations for pathogen detection. Ottawa, Canada Aug 21,
2008. Invited presentation to Great Lakes Fish Health Committee.
Doll, J. C., H. Headley, T. E. Lauer, and D. B. Hayes . 2007. Yellow Perch Density Dependant Growth
Model. 2007 Joint IN/MI/OH AFS Spring Technical Meeting, Feb 2007. BEST PROFESSIONAL
Schwalm, N., D. Hayes , D. McCullough, and M. Walters. 2006. Distribution and Spread of Beech
Bark Disease in Michigan. NCFPW Conference, Sept. 2006. LaCrosse, WI.
Lamp, N., A. Felix, R. Christoffel, D. Kramer, D. Hayes , L. Wolfson, K. Millenbah, H. Campa. 2006.
Development of a natural resources field course: shaping future professionals through experiential learning and teaching. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2006. Anchorage, AK. BEST
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2006. Long-term effects of dam removal on river morphology and fish communities. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2006. Lake Placid, NY.
Schueller, A., and D. Hayes . 2006. Evaluation of lake sturgeon stocking strategies using an individualbased model. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2006. Lake Placid, NY.
Wagner, T., M. Bremigan, J. Bence, and D. Hayes . 2006 Regional trends in fish mean length at age: components of variance and the power to detect trends. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting,
Sept 2006. Lake Placid, NY.
Felix, A., R. Christoffel, N. Lamp, D. Hayes , L. Wolfson,H. Campa, K. Millenbah. 2006. Development of a natural resources field course: shaping future professionals through experiential learning and teaching. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2006. Lake Placid, NY.
Gannon, R., W. Taylor, and D. Hayes.
2006. The effects of lampricide treatments on stream pH.
American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2006. Lake Placid, NY.
Hayes, D. B . 2006. Never give a sucker an even break. Michigan DNR Walleye Committee meeting,
March 2, 2006, Roscommon, MI.
Hayes, D. B . 2006. Modeling the relationship between habitat and walleye population dynamics.
Michigan DNR Walleye Committee meeting, March 2, 2006, Roscommon, MI.
Burroughs, B., D. Hayes , J. Mistak, and K. Klomp. 2005. Dam removal effects on river morphology and fish habitat: results from the 10 year case study of the Stronach Dam removal. American
Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2005. Anchorage, Alaska.
Burroughs, B., D. Hayes , J. Mistak, and K. Klomp. 2005. Effects of the Stronach Dam removal on the fish in the Pine River, Michigan. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2005. Anchorage,
Hayes, D., and K. Scribner. 2005. Linking lake sturgeon demographics and genetics. American
Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sept 2005. Anchorage, Alaska.
Hayes, D.
2005. Sampling designs for state-wide evaluation of fish populations in lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 2005. Grand Rapids, MI.
Hayes, D ., and B. Burroughs. 2005. The Effects of dam removal on fish communities: lessons learned from Michigan's past dam removals. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 2005.
Grand Rapids, MI.
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2005. The effects of dam removal on river morphology. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 2005. Grand Rapids, MI.
Latimore, J.A., and D. B. Hayes . 2005. The vigor-organization-resilience concept of ecological health: lessons from temperate warmwater stream fish communities. Midwest Fish and Wildlife
Conference, Dec 2005. Grand Rapids, MI.
Latimore, J. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2005. Resilience as a Component of Ecological Health: Lessons
From Stream Ecosystems. NABS, New Orleans, LA.
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2005. Changes in fish distribution following the removal of Stronach
Dam. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Roscommon, MI. Feb 8-9, 2005.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , and A. Jones. 2004. Predation of Walleye Eggs by
Fishes on Western Lake Erie Reefs. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Dec
12-15, 2004.
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2004. Diet comparisons of three catostomids and three salmonids in the Pine River, Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Dec 12-15, 2004.
Scribner, K., D. Hayes , P. DeHaan, E. Baker, and K. Smith. 2004. Linking Lake Sturgeon
Demographics and Genetics. Lake Sturgeon Coordination Meeting. Nov 2004.
Riley, T., B. Bellgraph, B. Thompson, and D. Hayes . 2004. Growth of age-0 steelhead and brook trout in the Pine River watershed. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2004. Madison,
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2004. Dam removal effects on fish populations in a Michigan cold water stream. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2004. Madison, Wisconsin.
Klungle, M. M., and D. B. Hayes . 2004. Evaluation of whole tree additions in the Manistee and Au
Sable Rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2004. Madison, Wisconsin.
Wills, T. C., M. T. Bremigan, and D. B. Hayes . 2004. Varying effects of artificial structures in
Michigan reservoirs: the role of natural habitat. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Annual Meeting, January 2004.
Klungle, M., and D. B. Hayes . 2004. An evaluation of large woody debris restoration on the Manistee
16 and Au Sable Rivers. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, January
Thompson, B. E., and D. B. Hayes . 2004. Consideration in modeling fish-habitat relations. Fourth
World Fisheries Congress. May 2-6, 2004, Vancouver, BC
Latimore, J.A., and D. B. Hayes . 2004. The vigor-organization-resilience concept of ecological health: lessons from temperate warmwater stream fish communities. Fourth World Fisheries Congress. May
2-6, 2004, Vancouver, BC
Hayes, D. B., H. R. Dodd, and J. L. Lessard. 2004. Conservation Considerations for Small Dams on
Cold-water Streams. Fourth World Fisheries Congress. May 2-6, 2004, Vancouver, BC
Latimore, J. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. Recovery of warmwater stream fish communities from disturbance: spatial and temporal dynamics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August
10-14, 2003. Quebec City, Quebec.
Burroughs, B. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. Effects of a dam removal on river channel morphology and habitat. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 10-14, 2003. Quebec City, Quebec.
Hayes, D. B.
2003. Effects of dams: habitat fragmentation or habitat alteration? American Fisheries
Society Annual Meeting, August 10-14, 2003. Quebec City, Quebec.
Thompson, B. E., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. A new approach for modeling growth and estimating consumption for free-ranging fishes. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 10-14,
2003. Quebec City, Quebec.
J.A. Latimore and D.B. Hayes . 2003. Resilience, structure, and function of Michigan warmwater stream fish communities. NABS
Latimore, J. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. The VOR hypothesis: application to warmwater stream fish communities. Michigan Chapter American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting March 6, 2003. East
Lansing, MI.
Thompson, B. E., and D. B. Hayes . 2002. Estimating growth rates for tagged free-ranging juvenile steelhead. Michigan Chapter American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 6, 2003. East
Lansing, MI.
Morzillo, A.T., D. Hayes , J. Liu, and K. J. Borland. 2003. Projecting changes in land ownership for endangered species recovery. International Association of Landscape Ecology Annual Meeting,
April 2 - 6 2003. Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada.
Latimore, J. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2003. MSU-WATER: Michigan State University's "Watershed
Action Through Education and Research" Initiative. American Water Resources Association Meeting.
Workman, R. D., D. B. Hayes , and T. G. Coon. 2002. Steelhead spawning habitat selection in the
Pere Marquette River, MI. Midwest Fisheries Conference, Bettendorf, IA. Dec 2-4, 2002. Best
Poster Award.
Burroughs, B. A., D. B. Hayes , J. Mistak, and K. Klomp. 2002. Effects of a dam removal on river channel morphology and habitat. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 25-29, 2002.
Baltimore, MD.
Thompson, B. E., and D. B. Hayes . 2002. Estimating growth rates for tagged free-ranging juvenile steelhead. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 25-29, 2002. Baltimore, MD.
Latimore, J. A., and D. B. Hayes . 2002. The VOR hypothesis: application to warmwater stream fish communities. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 25-29, 2002. Baltimore, MD.
Thompson, B., and D. Hayes . 2002. Modeling age-1 steelhead growth in Michigan. Michigan
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March 5-6, 2002. Muskegon, MI. Best
Student Paper Award.
Burroughs, B., and D. Hayes . 2002. Effects of the Stronach Dam removal on fisheries and habitat in the Pine River, Michigan. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March
5-6, 2002. Muskegon, MI
Latimore, J., and D. Hayes . 2002. Resilience of warm-water stream fish communities. Michigan
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March 5-6, 2002. Muskegon, MI
Wills, T., M. Bremigan, and D. Hayes . 2002. Effects of half-log habitat enhancement structures on smallmouth bass ( Micropterus dolomieu ) in two Michigan reservoirs. Michigan Chapter of the
American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March 5-6, 2002. Muskegon, MI
Workman, R. D., T. Coon, and D. Hayes . 2002. Steelhead spawning habitat selection in the Pere
Marquette River. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting March 5-6,
2002. Muskegon, MI
Latimore, J. A., and Hayes, D. B . 2002. The VOR hypothesis: application to warmwater stream fish communities. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, May 28-June 1, 2002.
Pittsburgh, PA.
Wills, T.C., M.T. Bremigan, and D.B. Hayes . 2001. Effects of half-log habitat enhancement structures on abundance, nest density, and nest success of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu ) in reservoirs of the Au Sable River, Michigan. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines,
Iowa. Dec 9-12, 2001.
Hayes, D , B. Burroughs, J. Mistak, and K. Klomp. 2001. Effects of a dam removal on river channel morphology and habitat. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. Dec 9-12,
Thompson, B.E., D.B. Hayes , and D. Thomas. 2001. An experimental and modeling approach to link fish behavior with their distribution in streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August
19-23, 2001. Phoenix, AZ.
Taylor, W.W., D.B. Hayes , and K.D. Lynch. 2001. Evaluating progress towards fisheries sustainability.
American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 19-23, 2001. Phoenix, AZ.
Thayer, S., W. Taylor, D. Hayes , R. Haas, M. Thomas, and D. Fielder. 2001. Status of yellow perch in Inner Saginaw Bay and how compensatory responses and their mechanisms can influence the future of this population. International Association for Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting, June
11-15, 2001. Green Bay, WI.
Burroughs, B., D. Hayes , and J. Mistak. 2001. Dam removal effects on fisheries resources and habitat
18 in a Michigan coldwater stream. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting, June 4-7,
2001. La Crosse, WI.
Hayes, D ., B. Burroughs, J. Mistak, and K. Klomp. 2001. The removal of Stronach Dam - a case study in river restoration. Invited seminar (by Larry Caldwell and Doug Peterson) at Central Michigan
University , Mt. Pleasant, MI. Feb. 1, 2001.
Thompson, B. E., D. B. Hayes , and D. A. Thomas. 2001. A watershed level sample design used to assess habitat suitability for juvenile salmonid production. Michigan Academy of Arts, Science and
Letters. Dearborn, MI, March 9-10, 2001.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R, Groop, R.C. Haas, J.T. Tyson, J.A. Fuller. 2000. Spatial
Patterns Emphasize the Importance of Coastal Zones as Nursery Areas for Larval Walleye in
Western Lake Erie. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Thomas, D. A., D. B. Hayes , and B. E. Thompson. 2000. Spatial and temporal differences in fish community structure between adventitious and headwater streams in a coldwater river system.
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.
Thayer, S.A., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , and R. C. Haas. 2000. Quantifying compensatory responses of yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ) in inner Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron: how significant is food limitation? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO, Aug 20-24, 2000.
Lessard, J. L., and D. B. Hayes . 2000. Fish community changes below impoundments that increase temperature. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Conference, 10-11 March 2000,
Lessard, J.L., D.B. Hayes , and R.W. Merritt. 2000. The influence of temperature changes on fish and macroinvertebrates below dams in Michigan. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting.
Keystone Colorado May 28-June 1, 2000.
Millenbah, K. F., J. Liu, D. Hayes , J. Qi, and G. Arthaud. 2000. Using Peer Review to Teach Peer
Review. Third Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources. Columbia, MO
March 25-28, 2000.
Workman, R. D., D. Hayes , and T. Coon. 2000. A temperature-based model for predicting upstream movement of migratory steelhead in Lake Michigan. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries
Society, March 7, 2000, East Lansing, MI.
Mistak, J., K. Klomp, and D. Hayes . 2000. Stronach Dam removal and its effects on habitat and fisheries resources. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 7, 2000, East
Lansing, MI.
Lessard, J., and D. Hayes . 2000. Temperature effects of small dams on fish and macroinvertebrate communities. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 7, 2000, East Lansing, MI.
Dodd, H. R., D. B. Hayes , D. L. G. Noakes, L. Porto, J. R. Bayliss, J. Goldstein, L. M. Carl, R. G.
Randall. 1999. Biological Impacts of Low-head Barrier Dams on Stream Fish Communities. Midwest
Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 6-8, 1999, Chicago, IL.
Lessard, J. L., and D. B. Hayes . 1999. Effects of small dams on fish and macroinvertebrate populations mediated by changes in temperature. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 6-8,
1999, Chicago, IL.
Mistak, J., K. Klomp, and D. Hayes . 1999. Habitat and fisheries resources associated with a dam
19 removal in a Michigan coldwater stream. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 6-8, 1999,
Chicago, IL.
Workman, R. D., D. B. Hayes , and T. G. Coon. 1999. A temperature-based model for predicting upstream movement of migratory steelhead in Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife
Conference, Dec 6-8, 1999, Chicago, IL.
Coon, T. G., and D. B. Hayes . 1999. Beavers and their public works projects: what good are they for fish? Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 29 Sept, 1999, Clare, MI.
Hayes, D. B . 1999. Application of a biological reference point based on the Leslie matrix. American
Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 30 Aug - 2 Sept, 1999, Charlotte, NC.
Dodd, H. R., D. B. Hayes , D. L. G. Noakes, J. R. Bayliss, L. M. Carl, R. G. Randall, J. Goldstein, and
L. Porto. 1999. Biological impacts of low-head barrier dams on stream fish communities. American
Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 30 Aug - 2 Sept, 1999, Charlotte, NC. Best Student Paper
Newman, K., D. B. Hayes , and W. W. Taylor. 1999. An evaluation of the influence of land cover changes and dam construction on fish community structure in a large Michigan watershed. American
Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 30 Aug - 2 Sept, 1999, Charlotte, NC.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , D. H. Davies, and R. C. Haas. 1999. Rehabilitation of walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) in Lake Erie. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 30 Aug - 2
Sept, 1999, Charlotte, NC.
Lessard, J. L., and D. B. Hayes . 1999. Effects of small dams on fish and macroinvertebrate populations caused by changes in temperature. North American Benthological Society Annual
Meeting, 24-28 May 1999, Duluth, MN.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.L. Knight, and R.C. Haas. 1999. The Demise and
Rehabilitation of Walleye in Lake Erie. Eighth International Conference on the Conservation and
Management of Lakes, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hayes, D.
, M. Jones, and J. Stockwell. 1999. A model relating walleye population dynamics to habitat characteristics. 42 nd
annual conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research,
May 24-28, Cleveland, OH.
Stockwell, J. D., M. L. Jones, D. B. Hayes , and J. B. Mion. 1999. Using a habitat-supply model to forecast the potential effects on recruitment of allowing adult walleye access to riverine spawning habitat above existing barriers on Lake Erie tributary streams. 42 nd
annual conference of the
International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 24-28, Cleveland, OH.
Hayes, D. B.
, E. F. Roseman, W. W. Taylor, R. C. Haas, D. H. Davies, and S. D. Mackie. 1999. The influence of physical processes on the early life history stages of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum , in
Western Lake Erie. 42 nd
annual conference of the International Association for Great Lakes
Research, May 24-28, Cleveland, OH.
Waddell-Rutter, N., W. Taylor, and D. Hayes . 1999. The relationship between diet and growth in
20 yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Mar 10, 1999,
Mt. Pleasant, MI.
Krause, A.E., D.B. Hayes , J.R. Bence, and C.P. Madenjian. 1998. Uncertainty in Lake Michigan alewife and bloater population indices. International Association for Great Lakes Research, 41st
Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Ontario, May 18-22, 1998.
Stockwell, J. D., M. L. Jones, D. B. Hayes , and N. Lester. 1998. Walleye population dynamics in western Lake Erie: modeling the effects of habitat supply. International Association for Great Lakes
Research, 41st Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Ontario, May 18-22, 1998.
Dodd, H., D. Hayes , D. Noakes, J. Baylis, L. Carl, R. Randall, J. Goldstein, and L. Porto. 1998.
Biological impacts of low-head barrier dams on stream fish communities. 60th Midwest Fish and
Wildlife Conference, Dec. 8, 1998. Cincinnati, OH.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.C. Haas, D.H. Davies, and S.D. Mackie. 1998. The
Influence of Physical Processes on the Early Life History Stages of Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, in
Western Lake Erie. Ecosystem Considerations in Fisheries Management: 16th Lowell Wakefield
Symposium, Sep. 30 - Oct. 3, 1998, Anchorage, AK.
Newman, K. R., D. B. Hayes , and William W. Taylor. 1998. The effect of urbanization on fish community structure in a large Michigan watershed. The 16th Wakefield Symposium, Ecosystem
Considerations in Fisheries Management. September 29-October 3, 1998. Anchorage, AK.
Dodd, H., D. Hayes , D. Noakes, J. Baylis, L. Carl, R. Randall, J. Goldstein, and L. Porto. 1998.
Biological Impacts of Low-head Barrier Dams. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Feb.
27. 1998, Alma College, Alma, MI.
Klomp, K., and D. Hayes . 1998. Response of fish to a dam removal: pretreatment observations.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters Alma College, Alma, MI, Feb. 27, 1998.
Klomp, K., and D. Hayes.
1998. Assessing changes associated with a dam removal within a trout stream: a preliminary investigation. 128 th
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August
23-27, 1998. Hartford, CT.
Waddell, N., W. Taylor, and D. Hayes . 1998. The relationship between diet and growth in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in two inland lakes in southwestern Michigan. 128 th
Annual Meeting of the
American Fisheries Society, August 23-27, 1998. Hartford, CT.
Hayes, D ., and J. Breck. 1998. Statistical tools for deriving information at various geographic levels applied to Michigan lakes. 128 th
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 23-27,
1998. Hartford, CT.
Krause, A.E., D.B. Hayes , J.R. Bence, and C.P. Madenjian. 1998. Uncertainty in Lake Michigan alewife and bloater population indices. International Association for Great Lakes Research, 41st
Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Hamilton, Ontario, May 18-22, 1998.
Taylor, W., D. Hayes , M. Drake, S. Marod, and G. Whelan. 1998. The Value of Headwaters to Brook
Trout in the Ford River, Michigan. HeadWater ‘98. Headwater Control IV: Hydrology, Water
Resources and Ecology in Headwaters. April 20-23, 1998, Meran/Merano, Italy.
Rutledge, D., K. Newman, J. Lessard, R. Oram, R. Groop, D. Hayes , and J. Liu. 1998. Landscape
21 dynamics in the Huron river Watershed, Michigan. 13 th
Annual Conference of the U. S. Regional
Association, International Association for Landscape Ecology, Mar 17-20, 1998.
Hayes, D ., and K. Newman. 1998. Impact of land use changes on the distribution and growth of mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) within a large Michigan watershed. 13 th
Annual Conference of the U.
S. Regional Association, International Association for Landscape Ecology, Mar 17-20, 1998.
Roseman, E., W. Wellenkamp, W. Taylor, D. Hayes , R. Haas, and R. Knight. 1998. Removal of walleye eggs from reefs in Lake Erie by a catastrophic storm. 1998 American Fisheries Society
Larval Fish Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Krause, A., D. Hayes , J. Bence, and C. Madenjian. 1997. The impact of measurement variability on the interpretation of long term fish population data. 59 th
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec
7-10, 1997, Milwaukee, WI.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , and M. W. Turner. 1997. Factors influencing year-class strength of walleye in Western Lake Erie. 59 th
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec 7-10,
1997, Milwaukee, WI.
Newman, K., and D. B. Hayes . 1997. Mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ) distribution and growth within a large Michigan watershed. 127th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 25-29,
1997, Monterey, CA.
Roseman, E. F., D. B. Hayes , W. W. Taylor, M. W. Turner, and J. T. Tyson. 1997. Factors influencing year-class strength of walleye in western Lake Erie. 127th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries
Society, August 25-29, 1997, Monterey, CA.
Krause, A., D. B. Hayes , C. Madenjian, D. Passino-Reader. 1997. Understanding variability in trawl catches for ten fish species in Lake Michigan. Michigan Academy of Arts, Science and Letters
Annual Meeting, March 1997, Grand Rapids, MI.
Rutledge, D. T., K. Newman, J. Hallden, D. Groop, D. Hayes , and J. Liu. 1996. A preliminary assessment of historic changes in wildlife habitat in two Michigan watersheds. Annual meeting of the
Wildlife Society.
Taylor, W. W., C. P. Ferreri, and D. B. Hayes . 1996. Future of North American lake and reservoir fishery research and management: learning from the past. 126th Annual meeting of the American
Fisheries Society, August 26-29, 1996, Dearborn, MI.
Hayes, D. B . 1996. Habitat fragmentation: the role of large rivers in sustainability of Great Lakes fisheries. 126th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 26-29, 1996, Dearborn,
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes , R. C. Haas, R. L. Knight, and K. O. Paxton. 1996.
Distribution, diet, growth, and survival of pelagic larval walleye in Western Lake Erie. 126th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 26-29, 1996, Dearborn, MI.
Hayes, D. B ., and J. R. Bence. 1996. Managing under uncertainty, or, statistics is never having to say you’re sure. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, East Lansing, MI.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, and D. B. Hayes . 1995. Walleye egg deposition and survival on two reefs in western Lake Erie (Ohio: USA). 57th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Detroit, MI.
Roseman, E. F., W. W. Taylor, and D. B. Hayes . 1995. Walleye egg deposition and survival on two reefs in western Lake Erie (Ohio: USA). Second International Percid Fish Symposium (PERCIS II),
Vaasa, Finland.
Roseman, E.F., W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes , R.C. Haas, K.L. Knight, and K.O. Paxton. 1995. Deposition and survival of walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) eggs on mid-lake reef habitats in western Lake Erie.
Michigan Chapter American Fisheries Society. Tustin, MI.
Hayes, D. B ., W. W. Taylor, and C. P. Ferreri. 1995. Fisheries habitat: a multidimensional feature of aquatic ecosystems. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Tampa, FL.
Hayes, D. B.
, and W. W. Taylor. 1994. Changes in yellow perch body composition following white sucker removal. 56th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Hayes, D. B.
1994. The effects of sucker removal on the population dynamics of yellow perch.
Invited speaker to the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Program Seminar Series, MSU.
Hayes, D. B.
, and J. K. T. Brodziak. 1994. Impact of discard mortality on sustainable fishing mortality.
American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Halifax, N.S.
Hayes, D. B ., L. C. Hendrickson, and J. F. Kocik. 1994. Decline in geographic range of haddock in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Halifax, N.S.
Hayes, D. B . 1994. Importance of trawl survey data in monitoring low abundance stocks: a case study of Gulf of Maine haddock. 50th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Burlington,
Hayes, D.B
. 1993. Importance of trawl survey data in monitoring low abundance stocks: a case study of Gulf of Maine haddock. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Portland, OR.
Hayes, D.B
., J.B. O'Gorman, and J. Brodziak. 1993. Bias and Precision of length-weight equation parameter estimates. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Portland, OR.
Helser, T.E.
, and D.B. Hayes. 1993. Analysis of rare and uncommon demersal fishes using a large scale trawl survey in the Northwest Atlantic. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Portland,
Hayes, D.B., and J.K.T. Brodziak. 1993. Impact of Discard Mortality on Sustainable Fishing Mortality.
National Marine Fisheries Service National Stock Assessment Workshop. Woods Hole, MA.
Brodziak, J.K.T. and D.B. Hayes . 1993. Use of observer data to estimate discards. National Marine
Fisheries Service National Stock Assessment Workshop. Woods Hole, MA.
Hayes, D.B
. 1991. The need for an interdisciplinary approach to the management of shared resources. Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S. Biennial meeting, Boston, MA.
Taylor, W.W., and D.B. Hayes.
1991. Incorporating the biological dimension into competitive fishing.
American Fisheries Society annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Hayes, D.B
., and W.W. Taylor. 1990. The effectiveness of white sucker removal as a tool for improving yellow perch populations: results of a whole-lake manipulation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife
Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Hayes, D.B.
, and W.W. Taylor. 1990. Effects of sucker removal on the population dynamics of yellow perch. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hayes, D.B
., and W.W. Taylor. 1989. Size-specific variations in the diet of stunted yellow perch.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
W.W. Taylor, D.B. Hayes and M. Fabrizio. 1989. Fish communities in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.
Hayes, D.B
., and W.W. Taylor. 1988. Effects of white sucker ( Catostomus commersoni ) removal on a population of stunted yellow perch ( Perca flavescens ). American Fisheries Society annual meeting,
Toronto, Ontario.
Hayes, D.B
., W.W. Taylor and J.C. Schneider. 1987. The relationship between fish life-history, predation and size structure of zooplankton. Invited paper, American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography annual meeting, Madison, WI.
Hayes, D.B
., and W.W. Taylor. 1987. Interactions between food supply and the life-history of yellow perch. Poster paper, American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Winston-Salem, NC.
Hayes, D.B
., and W.W. Taylor. 1986. Allocation of energy and life-history trade-offs. Michigan
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society spring meeting, Ann Arbor, MI.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Environmental Biology of Fishes
National Science Foundation
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Michigan Sea Grant
Grantor Dates Amount Title
MI Dept.of Natural 2006-2009 $50,000
Resources Fisheries
A statewide survey of Michigan's licensed anglers
Michigan State 2006-2008 $65,000
Great Lakes Fishery 2006-2009 $110,372
Trust Fund
Environmental Statistics and Modeling (with
Dr. James Bence)
Evaluation of lake sturgeon rehabilitation strategies using an individual-based model of
24 demographics and genetics
USDA 2006-2008 $71,800 Development of a Natural Resources Field
Institute: Shaping Future Professionals through
Experiential Learning and Teaching (lead PI- Dr.
Graham Hickling)
USDA Forest Service 2004-2006 $74,000 Distribution and spread of beech scale (jointly with
Dr. Deborah McCullough and Dr. Mike Walters)
MI Dept. of Natural 2004-2006
Resources Forestry
$76,000 Distribution and spread of beech scale in Michigan
(jointly with Dr. Deborah McCullough and Dr. Mike
Great Lakes Fishery 2002-2004 $164,000 A performance evaluation of fishways at sea
Commission lamprey
Michigan DNR 2002-2005 $102,500 Evaluation of the addition of whole trees to the Au
Sable and Manistee Rivers
Michigan State 2000-2004 $1,465,693 MSU Watershed Management Initiative (Dr.
University Scott
$ 131,000 Aquatic Biological Assessment (Hayes component)
USDA 2000-2003 $ 30,600
Effects of watershed forest cover on stream habitat conditions and population dynamics of juvenile steelhead
Michigan Dept. of 2000-2003 $160,000 Evaluation of habitat improvement structures
Natural Resources in impoundments along the Au Sable River system
(Dr. Mary Bremigan, PI)
Michigan Dept. of 1999-2001 $ 93,412
Natural Resources
Effects of an electric sea lamprey barrier on
Pere Marquette steelhead and longnose suckers
(jointly with Dr. Thomas Coon)
Great Lakes Fishery 1999-2001 $135,780 Effect of an electric lamprey barrier on the
Commission migratory behavior of steelhead in the Pere
Marquette River, Michigan (jointly with Dr.
Michigan Dept. Of 1999-2003 $253,000 Pine River habitat evaluation
Michigan Dept. of 1998-2000 $50,000
Natural Resources
Michigan Sea Grant 1997-2000 $140,000
Impact of hydropower facilities on water quality: an assessment of observed effects and potential for impacts in new facilities
Physical and biological processes affecting Lake
Erie walleye recruitment
Great Lakes Fishery 1996-2001 $182,250 Linking habitat supply to fish community
Commission objectives
Great Lakes Fishery 1996-1999 $336,000 Effects of low-head barriers on stream fish
Commission communities: impact (jointly with Dr. David Noakes and Dr.
Jeffrey Bayliss)
Michigan Dept. Of 1996-1997 $51,891
Natural Resources
Effects of an electric lamprey barrier and fish ladder on movements of adult sea lamprey, steelhead, and other fish species (jointly with Dr.
Thomas Coon)
Michigan Sea Grant 1995-1997 $95,300 A holistic approach to sustaining the Great
Lakes recreational salmonid fishery (jointly with Dr.
James Bence).
Michigan Agricultural 1995-1997 $170,000
Experiment Station
Response of fish and wildlife macro-habitat to changes in land use and land cover (jointly with Dr
Jack Liu and Dr. Richard Groop)
Michigan Dept. Of 1995-2007 $500,000 Impact of removal of Stronach Dam, Manistee
Michigan Dept. Of 1995-1997 $45,000
Natural Resources
Michigan Dept. Of
Natural Resources
1995-1997 $15,000
Historical structure and function of the
Muskegon, Manistee, and Au Sable River basins
Development of a geographic information system (GIS) for the Au Sable, Manistee, and
Muskegon River watersheds
U.S. Bureau of
1994-1997 $100,000 Food abundance, feeding and condition of
young-of-year salmon Upper
Michigan Dept. of 1984-1990 $80,000 Competitive interactions between white sucker
Natural Resources and yellow perch
United States 1984-1988 $50,000 Effects of lake hydrology on zooplankton
Geological Survey community structure (Dr. William Taylor, PI)
United States Env. 1987 $159,000 Effects of acidification on fish communities
Protection Agency in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Dr. William
Taylor, PI)