This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Ecological Change and the Challenges for Monitoring 1 Thomas Brydges 2 Abstract-Anthropogenic activities are changing the chemical composition of the global atmosphere, as shown by the increasing concentrations ofcarbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and HFC's. In addition, sulphur and nitrogen compounds have. changed the chemical character of precipitation on a regional scale in North America, Europe, and Asia. These changes in turn, alter the physical properties of the atmosphere with responses such as stratospheric ozone depletion, ground level ozone formation and modifications to the radiation balance. Changes in radiation balance are expected to increase the average global temperature. However, local and regional changes in temperatures will be larger and more varied with areas, such as Eastern Canada, having experienced a cooling trend. (Environment Canada 1995) The biosphere is affected by the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere, so we would expect it to respond to these new conditions, and it already has. Emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides have altered the chemical characteristics of precipitation in areas near and downwind oflarge sources. Damage to lakes, forests, human health, building materials and atmospheric visibility has been documented in eastern North America. (Environment Canada 1997) That report also drew attention to the fact that present control programs are not strict enough to fully protect the environment. Further reductions in emissions, particularly of sulphur dioxide, are needed. Keeling et a11996, have reported on changes in the global carbon cycle. The amplitude of the yearly cycle has increased by 20% at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii observatory over the past 30 years and by about 40% over Arctic sites at Alert in Canada and Pt. Barrow in the United States. In addition, the yearly minimum atmospheric concentration in July is now observed to occur about a week earlier than 30 years ago. These changes appear to be a response to increasing average temperatures. Keeling et aI, ibid, noted "These striking increases over 30 years could represent unprecedented changes in the terrestrial biosphere, particularly in response to some of the highest global annual average temperature since the beginning of modern records, and particularly in response to plant growth being stimulated by the highest concentrations of atmospheric C02 in the past 150,000 years. Briffa et al 1998 reported on tree growth from 300 locations at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Over the past 50 years, the expected patterns of growth related to temperature have not been observed. Instead, growth rates are less than expected. While Ipaper presented at the North American Science Symposium: Toward a Unified Framework for Inventorying and Monitoring Forest Ecosystem Resources, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 1-6,1998. 2Thomas Brydges, Environment Canada, Ecological Monitoring Coordinating Office, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington (Ontario), Canada L7R 4A6. (Retired) 10 the reasons for these observed changes are not known, they are an indication of wide scale disruptions of normal processes in the boisphere. Such changes should be viewed at least as an early warning of further responses to the changing atmosphere. Alterations in atmospheric characteristics are taking on a more complex pattern. The IPCC 1994, reported on interactions between the global warming effects of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and halocarbons and the cooling effects of sulphur dioxide and stratospheric ozone depletion. The net change in radiative forcing and corresponding global temperature increase are difficult to defme precisely and the net global effect may mask larger regional changes in temperature. There may also be important changes in precipitation at the regional leveL More recently, Wardle 1997, has reported on stratospheric ozone depletion over Canada's Arctic. Low values of ozone in the spring have been increasing in both frequency and severity, due to low temperatures in the stratosphere. The lower temperatures in the stratosphere may in turn be caused by higher concentrations of carbon dioxide. He postulates that increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide will cause even lower temperatures to occur in the winter stratosphere, thus increasing the ozone depletion. This may happen even though the concentrations of CFC's in the atmosphere have increased very little in past few years. Overall, we can anticipate a wide range of complex ecological responses to the changing atmospheric properties. The natural resources that are being affected are the basis of large parts of the economies of North America. It is essential that we record and understand changes in these ecosystems in order to manage the associated industries in a sustainable way. This represents a major challenge for our monitoring programs, and particularly for the integrated monitoring sites. References ----------------------------------A State of the Environment Report, 1995. The State of Canada's Climate: Monitoring Variability and Change. SOE Report No 951, Environment Canada. Briffa, K.R., F.H.Schweingruber, P.D.Jones, T.J.Osborn, S.G.Shiyatov & E.A.Vaganov 1998. Reduced sensitivity of recent tree-growth to temperature at high northern latitudes. Nature Vol 391, 12 February. Environment Canada, 1997. 1997 Canadian Acid Rain Assessment, Volume One, Summary of Results. IPPC, 1994. Radiation Forcing of Climate Change. The 1994 Report of the Scientific Assessment Working Group ofIPCC, Summary for Policy Makers. WMOIUNEP. Keeling, C.D., J.F.S.Chin & T.P.Whorf 1996. Increased activity of northern vegetation inferred from atmospheric C02 measurements. Nature, Vol 382, 11 July. Wardle D.1. 1997. Trends in Ozone over Canada, Ozone Depleting Substances and the UV-B. Air Waste Management Association, Calgary, 19 September. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-12. 1999