Restoration of the Moss (Musci) Component of the Microbiotic Crust to the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho: Inoculation of Fragmented Arid-Land Moss Tissue to Three Rangeland Soil Surface Treatments Paul R. Jones Marcia Wicklow-Howard Mike Pellant Abstract—Microbiotic soil crusts occupy an invaluable position in arid and semiarid ecosystems. They are displaced by the conversion of native vegetation to annual grasslands. Moss inoculated to various treatments or disturbances could be an essential step in restoration of microbiotic crusts. Field experiments were conducted to determine if the fragmented tissue of three moss species would exhibit vegetative growth after inoculation to three soil surface treatments. Significant treatment differences were noted in litter and annual forb frequency. Moss growth frequency, although low, exhibited interesting patterns. Microbiotic soil crusts are assemblages of cyanobacteria, bacteria, eukaryotic algae, fungi, lichens, and mosses (St. Clair and Johansen 1993). They are found throughout the Western United States and are best represented in the arid steppes of the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin, and Columbia Plateau (Johansen 1993). Additionally, they are found in other arid regions of the world such as Australia (Eldridge and Greene 1994; Eldridge and Tozer 1996; Eldridge 1996) and the Mediterranean (Martínez-Sánchez and others 1994). The organisms that comprise microbiotic crusts of the Western United States vary regionally. For example, on sandy soils of Utah canyonlands the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus (Vauch.) Gom. is the predominate organism (Belnap and Gardner 1993). Lichens are predominant in the Great Basin (St. Clair and others 1993) and are well represented in microbiotic crusts of southern Idaho (Kaltenecker and Wicklow-Howard 1994; Rosentreter 1986). Bryophytes, such as mosses, are also found in microbiotic crusts (Kaltenecker and Wicklow-Howard 1994; Rosentreter 1986) and tend to dominate in areas that receive a majority of the annual precipitation during a cool-season (Rincon and Grime 1989). In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Paul R. Jones, Graduate Research Assistant, and Marcia Wicklow-Howard, Professor, are from Boise State University, Biology Department, Boise, ID 83706. Mike Pellent is Rangeland Ecologist, U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office, Boise, ID 83709. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Research indicates that microbiotic crusts serve several roles important to vascular plant establishment in arid and semiarid rangeland ecosystems, including stabilization of the soil surface (Williams, and others 1995a,b; Brotherson and Rushforth 1983) and influence of soil moisture (Brotherson and Rushforth 1983) and nutrient relationships (Belnap and Harper 1994; Beymer and Klopatek 1991; Evans and Ehleringer 1993). St. Clair and others (1984) observed a trend of higher seedling establishment among seeded graminoids (Agropyron elongatum = Elymus elongatus [Host] Runem., E. cinereus Scribn. and Merr., and E. junceus Fisch.) on soils with intact microbiotic crust. Common constituents of the microbiotic crust, short mosses, form tight mats (Kaltnecker 1997) that may provide a physical barrier to cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) establishment (Jaques 1984; Larsen 1995). Cheatgrass is a cool-weather, exotic annual grass that has successfully invaded the shrub steppe of Idaho. It produces a large amount of litter and when it is widespread provides a contiguous source of fuel prone to violent wildfires that destroy existing native vegetation and associated microbiotic crust (Peters and Bunting 1994; Whisenant 1995). Considering the scope of the invasion of cheatgrass and exotic annual plant species large expanses of the shrub steppe habitat is threatened with extirpation. Destruction of the native vegetation to any degree results in an opening for invasive annual flora. Small patches and vast expanses of the complex native ecosystem of the western Snake River Plain (SRP) are converted to simplistic annual grasslands. Annual grasslands lack native vertebrates and invertebrates typical of the native ecosystem. Additionally, the microbiota (microbiotic crust and soil organisms) involved in the operation of the system (energy flow, water cycling, and nutrient balance) are lost (Billings 1994). The main goal of this research is to determine if it is possible to restore the moss component of microbiotic crust to a site devoid of perennial mosses and composed of exotic annual grasses. In order to do this the fragmented gametophytic thalli of three arid-land moss species (Bryum argenteum Hedw., Ceratodon purpureus [Hedw.] Brid., and Tortula ruralis [Hedw.] Gaertn., Meyer and Scherb.) were inoculated to three soil surface treatment plots. 283 Methods _______________________ Treatment Plot Location Three treatment plot sites are positioned on an approximate north-south line across the western SRP. This area is located in what is characterized as the sagebrush steppe vegetation zone of the northern intermountain region of the Western United States (West 1988). Site number one is located at Mountain Home Air Force Base (MHAFB). Treatment site number two is located adjacent to Interstate 84 about 15 air km northwest of Mountain Home, Idaho. This site was once used to demonstrate rangeland rehabilitation machinery and technique (M. Pellant, personal conversation). The third site is located on a portion of the western SRP south of the Snake River. This site is east of the Bruneau River, within the Exclusive Use Area (EUA) of Saylor Creek Air Force Range (SCR), about 22 air km southeast of Bruneau, Idaho (fig. 1). Statistical Design and Treatments The experiment utilized a split-plot design with site location as a blocking factor (fig. 1). The main plot factor was soil surface treatment and the subplot factor was moss fragment inoculation. Soil surface treatments included burning, her® bicide (Oust ) application, and tilling. These treatments were chosen because of their similarity to conditions likely associated with large-scale rangeland rehabilitation efforts or rangeland disturbance. Treatments were performed on a schedule consistent with natural conditions. Herbicide application took place before the final spring of 1997 (table 1), allowing the pre-emergent herbicide to contact seeds and florets at the surface. Tilling took place before the soil had completely dried and buried some of the existing litter and living plants. Back burning took place when cheatgrass had reached maturity in an effort to eliminate litter and destroy current seed crop. These treatments were replicated three times and randomly applied to nine 5 x 8 m plots at each site. ® Oust was applied using a backpack, hand-pressurized sprayer with a 1 m wide hand-held boom. Herbicide was applied at a rate equivalent to 1 oz acre–1 (70 g hectare–1). Plots were tilled with a large rear-tine rototiller, and 2 m wide buffer strips were also tilled around the nine plots to act as fire break. Each treatment plot was halved and randomly chosen for inoculation with equal amounts of fragmented tissue of three moss species. The moss species used for the experiment were chosen because they could be readily collected in the Boise area. Additionally, they represent morphological types, short and tall mosses, found comprising microbiotic crusts associated with native and seeded vegetation in the area (Kaltenecker 1997). Based on the success of growth cabinet experiments, an equal mass of moss per unit area was maintained for the field experiment, that is, 3.0 x 10–4g –2 –2 moss tissue cm or 19.6 g moss tissue 20 m . Subplots were divided into eight 1 x 2.5 m inoculation strips to get consistent subplot coverage with moss fragments. Each subplot was inoculated a strip at a time by pushing the contents of prepackaged moss tissue through a No. 100 (149 μm) standard soil sieve. The soil surface was moistened with demineralized water before and after inoculation to help fragments adhere to the soil surface. Cardboard wind walls (0.5 m tall) with the dimensions of the inoculation strips were employed when wind became more than light air (>5 km –1 hr ). Inoculation was halted when wind became more than a gentle breeze (>13 km hr–1). Sampling Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plots were sampled 6 months after subplot inoculation (table 1). Sampling was accomplished by setting three 4 m long transects at 1.25 m, 2.5 m, and 3.75 m perpendicular to and along the 5 m base of each treatment plot. At 1 m, 2 m, and 3 m of each transect a point frame was randomly placed on one side or the other of the measuring tape. The point frame (75 x 30 cm) was read at nine placements per treatment combination. The vegetation present at the soil surface was recorded (table 2) at each of seventy points per frame (total n = 34,020). Data were analyzed using the general linear model procedure for analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s exact test (SAS, 1996). Results and Discussion __________ Litter, cheatgrass, and bare soil were the variables (fig. 2) distributed appropriately for ANOVA. Of these, litter reflected a reasonably significant (p = 0.04) treatment difference, based on p <0.05. Litter was most frequent on the herbicided plots. It was reduced by burning and showed the greatest reduction on the tilled plots. The removal of litter and exposure of the soil surface is desirable to allow moss fragments to reach mineral soil. Leaving some litter to trap fragments and shelter gametophytes may also be important to the establishment of mosses. Burning reduced cheatgrass nearly as effectively as the herbicide. Effect coded data for annual forbs indicated a reduction in the relative frequency of this variable in the herbicided plots using Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.0001. Figure 1—Schematic diagram of treatment plot position. 284 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Table 1—Time table (month-day) for treatment application, 1997. Treatment Base Burning Herbicide application Rototilling Inoculation Lockman July 8 May 21 June 2 November 13 and 18 Table 2—Variables encountered in field experiment and count. Variable Relative frequency Percent Litter (annual vascular plant detritus) 60 Bromus tectorum L. 23 Bare soil 12 Annual forbs 2 Rocks 1 Vascular perennial graminoids and forbs 1 0.2 Pre-existing moss (Pterygoneurum ovatum [Hedw.] Dix.) Woody litter 0.2 Moss protonema 0.2 Charcoal fragments 0.2 Inoculated moss 0.05 Lichen 0.02 Moss recovery or initiation was low over the entire experiment (table 2, fig. 3). Since gametophytes and protonema were occasionally noted outside the point frame placements under sampling of the moss variables is suspected. However, some interesting patterns are notable in these relative frequencies. The preexisting moss Pterygoneurum ovatum (Hedw.) Dix. responded to back burn as did moss protonema. This growth may be due to nutrient release and litter reduction. Range July 9 May 21 June 2 November 15, 21, and 22 July 8 May 20 June 3 November 12 Conclusions ____________________ Weed control is of primary concern and usually the initial step in restoration efforts (Youtie 1997). Fire, herbicide application, and tilling temporarily reduced the massive potential of the annual grassland seedbank in these plots. Weed control utilizing the treatments may yield positive results in the restoration of similar sites. Using fire to open up the soil surface and reduce water interception by litter and standing biomass could be useful restoration strategy in annual grasslands with patches of P. ovatum. This moss species is desirable because of its ability to quickly spread into open soil and trap fine soil particles. Low frequency of moss establishment from inoculated fragments may have been due to a variety of factors. Six months may have been too little time to detect any appreciable growth from the fragments of these species. Regardless of precautions to prevent loss of fragments from the plots, it is possible some deflation of fragments may have occurred. Variable precipitation patterns may have also influenced the growth of these species from fragmented tissue. Future experimentation with inoculation methodology should be conducted. Investigation into methods that would increase the residence time of the fragments at the soil surface and expedite their delivery would be useful. Information about the growth response of larger fragments and various application times would also be of value. 80 0.5 70 0.4 Percent Percent 60 50 40 0.3 0.2 30 20 0.1 10 0 Annual forbs Bare soil Burned Cheatgrass Herbicided Figure 2—Relative frequency (%) of ANOVA appropriate variables and vascular annual forbs per treatment (n = 11,340). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Litter Tilled 0.0 INOC PTOV Burned Herbicided PROT Tilled Figure 3—The relative frequency of the moss categories: Inoculated mosses (INOC), moss protonema (PROT), and pre-existing moss (PTOV). 285 References _____________________ Belnap, J; Gardner, J. S. 1993. Soil microstructure in soils of the Colorado Plateau: The role of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Great Basin Naturalist 53:40-47. Belnap, J.; Harper, K. T. 1994. Influence of cryptobiotic soil crusts on elemental content of tissue of two desert seed plants. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 9:107-115. Beymer, R. J.; Klopatek, J. 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