Shrub-Grass Interactions in Relation to Cattle Grazing in Atriplex canescens Andrés F. Cibils Richard H. Hart David M. Swift Abstract—Two related studies conducted at a shrub-dominant site on the shortgrass steppe in Colorado showed that: (a) relative numbers of young fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens [Pursh] Nutt.) shrubs decreased significantly with increasing aboveground biomass of western wheatgrass (Pascopyron smithii Rydb); (b) there were significant seasonal variations in the levels of cattle utilization of young shrubs; and (c) utilization of young shrubs was significantly associated with increases in the proportion of C4 grasses in cattle diets. Herbaceous understory at this site may affect shrub population dynamics both directly, through shrub-seedling/grass competition in the absence of grazing, and indirectly, by influencing cattle foraging behavior. Fourwing saltbush grows in relatively dense stands on creek floodplains and terraces of the shortgrass steppe in northeastern Colorado. Edaphic factors appear to control the occurrence and distribution of shrub-dominant communities in this grassland ecosystem (Lauenroth and Milchunas 1991). Biotic processes such as grazing can affect shrubgrass interactions and exert a strong influence on the relative abundance of grasses and woody plants at a given point in time (Archer 1995 and references therein). At our research site, western wheatgrass dominates the shrub interspaces in ungrazed exclosures. Interactions between cattle grazing regime and adult fourwing saltbush size and density are thought to create the necessary conditions for western wheatgrass proliferation (Hart and others 1997). As opposed to what occurs with this rhizomatous grass, numbers of juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs in exclosures are extremely low relative to surrounding grazed pastures (Cibils and others 1997). We examined the relation between biomass of western wheatgrass in the shrub understory and proportion of young shrubs to determine whether these variables were significantly associated. Fourwing saltbush is fairly sensitive to defoliation (Buwai and Trlica 1977; Trlica and others 1997). Adequate periods of rest are required to maintain viable shrub populations under grazing (Pieper and Donart 1978; Price and others In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Andrés F. Cibils is a PhD candidate in the department of Rangeland Ecosystem Science at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. Richard H. Hart is a Senior Range Scientist at the High Plains Grasslands Research Station of the USDA-ARS, Cheyenne, WY 82009. David M. Swift is an Associate Professor in the Rangeland Ecosystem Science Department and Senior Scientist at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, both at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. 186 1989). At our research site, cattle grazing (winter grazing in particular) can have a negative impact on shrub longevity (Cibils and others, submitted), and can apparently cause population turnover rates to be higher in grazed stands than in exclosures (Cibils and others 1997). Consequently, young shrubs account for up to 35% of the population in grazed shrub stands at our site (Cibils and others 1997). Young fourwing saltbush shrubs in seeded stands can be severely damaged by rabbit, grasshopper, and deer herbivory (Springfield 1970). Little is known, however, about the impact of cattle grazing on juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs in natural populations and the factors that control it. At our research site we found that the proportion of young shrubs was greater in winter-grazed stands than in stands that had been historically grazed in summer (Cibils and others 1997). We hypothesized that the impact of moderate and heavy cattle grazing on juvenile shrubs would be greater in summer than in winter. Since young shrubs are intermingled with the herbaceous understory, we also hypothesized that the utilization pattern would be related to the seasonal dynamics of this layer of the plant community. Saltbushes (Atriplex sp.) are fairly short-lived shrubs (Stewart and others 1940; Crisp 1978; Norton 1978; West 1979). Recruitment in many saltbush species is a somewhat continuous process (Eldridge and Westoby 1991), as opposed to other dryland shrubs that exhibit episodic recruitment events (Paur 1971). At our research site, recruitment occurs almost entirely through sexual reproduction. Hence, factors that affect seed germination, seedling establishment, and juvenile shrub survival are crucial to the long-term viability of these populations. We conducted our research in a fairly homogeneous fourwing saltbush stand at a site on the shortgrass steppe in Colorado. We addressed the following research questions: (a) is the relative abundance of young shrubs related to the abundance of western wheatgrass in the shrub interspaces? (b) are there seasonal and stocking-density-related variations in the level of cattle utilization of young shrubs? and (c) are seasonal variations in cattle utilization of young shrubs related to the dynamics of the herbaceous understory? Materials and Methods ___________ Our study site was located on a floodplain area close to Owl Creek, within the USDA-ARS Central Plains Experimental Range (40° 49' N 107° 47' W). Soils of this site have been described as loamy to sandy loams. Fourwing saltbush, blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis [H.B.K.] Lag. ex Steud), and western wheatgrass are the dominant plant species at the USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 stocking density, and year were considered fixed effects, while block was considered a random effect. We included all possible two-way and three-way interactions between fixed effects in the final model. We also explored interactions between fixed and random main effects, and included significant interactions in the final model. Utilization data were arcsin-transformed in order to meet the assumption of homogeneity of variances of the ANOVA. The overall level of significance was set at p = 0.05. The last research question was addressed by performing regression analysis between percent C4 grasses in cattle diets and utilization of marked leaders on young shrubs. In order to do this we collected fecal material samples (in the 1997 experiments) immediately after removing cattle from the pastures. These samples were used to determine diet composition applying microhystological analysis techniques described by Sparks and Malecheck (1968). Results ________________________ Biomass of western wheatgrass in the shrub interspaces explained 80% of the variation in relative numbers of young shrubs (p = 0.016). Overall, increases in biomass of western wheatgrass were associated with a significant decrease in the relative abundance of young shrubs (fig. 1). Utilization of young shrubs increased significantly as the growing season progressed and was significantly higher under heavy stocking densities than under moderate ones (fig. 2.a,b). Utilization was lowest in January, intermediate in April, and highest in September, and was always higher in the high stocking density pastures. This pattern was consistent across years (table 1). In 1998 overall utilization of young shrubs was higher than in 1997. A milder winter in 40 Percent young shrubs site (Liang and others 1989). Mean annual precipitation is 320 mm, most of which occurs between April and September. The first research question (stated above) was addressed by revisiting data we had collected in a transect study at our site in the fall of 1995 that we describe elsewhere (Hart and others 1997; Cibils and others 1997). We performed linear regression analysis between percent young shrubs (dependent variable) and aboveground biomass of western wheatgrass in the shrub interspaces (independent variable). We calculated percent young shrubs and mean western wheatgrass biomass for each of six transects: two in historically winter-grazed pastures; two in historically summer-grazed pastures; and two in exclosures. The second research question was addressed by measuring utilization of marked young shrubs in 12 half-hectare experimental pastures. The pastures were built in two parallel blocks of seven adjacent units each (one plot was left as an exclosure in each block) in the general area where we had previously placed the transects. We conducted a 2-year (1997 and 1998) browsing experiment that consisted of browsing four pastures with cattle for a period of 4 days in winter (January), early spring (April), and late summer (September). Two pastures were browsed moderately (4 heifers) and two were browsed heavily (12 heifers). Moderate stocking densities simulated levels of cattle herbivory historically imposed on fourwing saltbush stands at the CPER. High stocking densities were three times the historical (moderate) densities. Cattle used in the experiments were always taken from herds grazing pastures with abundant fourwing saltbush, so as to minimize dietary and social adjustment times. We used heifers in all experiments, except for September 1997, when heifers were not available, obliging us to use steers instead. The mean live weights of the heifers or steers used ranged from about 400 to 520 kg. Pastures were assigned randomly to each stocking density treatment. Randomization was performed within each block of experimental pastures, subject to the constraint that no two adjacent pastures were grazed on the same date. Twenty young shrubs were randomly selected and labeled in each half-hectare grazing plot. Shrubs were labeled in a manner that would be inconspicuous to cattle. Small (not taller than 25 cm) non-reproductive individuals were classified as juvenile shrubs. In the weeks prior to each experiment, four primary leaders were marked on each labeled shrub. Length of marked leaders was measured prior to introducing the cattle. Once each experiment was over (and the cattle removed), length of marked leaders were remeasured. Leaders marked on young shrubs were mono axial stems seldom exhibiting branches and never exhibiting flowers or fruits. We, therefore, assumed a linear length/ weight relation for such leaders, where percent length removed was assumed to be roughly equal to percent biomass consumed by cattle. Mean percent utilization of marked leaders on young shrubs was calculated for each experimental plot. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVAR). The statistical model selected for the analysis was a mixed effects repeated measures factorial experiment design. Season (January, April, and September), stocking density (moderate and heavy), year (1997 and 1998), and block (1 or 2) were the factors studied. Season, stocking density, and block were repeated within year. Season, 30 R 2 = 0.80 p = 0.016 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 Western wheatgrass Biomass (g/m2) Figure 1—Relationship between aboveground biomass of western wheatgrass and percent young shrubs. 187 Utilization of marked leaders 1998 relative to 1997, and less rainfall in the month of July 1998 relative to July 1997 may have contributed to the significant year effect. Under moderate stocking density, increases in the content of C4 grasses in cattle diets were significantly associated with an increase in utilization of young shrubs (p = 0.011 [fig. 3.a]). Percent C4 grasses in cattle diets explained 83% of the variation in utilization of young shrubs. Under high stocking density the relationship between these variables was somewhat weaker (R2 = 0.63) and marginally significant (p = 0.058) (fig.3.b). Discussion _____________________ Percent utilization young shrubs Utilization of marked leaders The negative association between aboveground biomass of western wheatgrass and proportion of young fourwing saltbush shrubs (in relation to the cattle grazing regime) is consistent with predictions of a conceptual model proposed by Archer (1995). According to this model, probability of seedling establishment tends to increase as graminoid shoot Figure 2—(a) Utilization of marked leaders in high stocking density (full bars) and moderate stocking density (empty bars) pastures. (b) Experiment means for utilization of marked leaders in January, April, and September. Fixed effects: Year Stocking density Season Year*Stocking density Year*Season Stocking density*Season Stocking density*Year*Season Random effect: Block 188 df 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 F 72.17 35.24 12.41 0.57 2.48 0.99 0.57 p <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.466 0.129 0.403 0.466 Percent utilization young shrubs Percent C4 grasses in the diet Table 1—Anova table for arcsin transformed percent utilization of marked leaders on young shrubs. Source R 2 = 0.83 p = 0.011 R 2 = 0.63 p = 0.058 Percent C4 grasses in the diet 1 0.0007 0.980 Figure 3—Relationship between percent C4 grasses in cattle diets and utilization of marked leaders on young shrubs under: (a) moderate stoking density and (b) high stocking density. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 and root biomass decreases. Increases in grazing pressure over time are predicted to favor a decrease in graminoid biomass and allow seedlings of woody plants to establish. Archer (1995) stated that grazing can promote shrubseedling establishment by releasing water resources otherwise used by grasses. Situations such as those predicted by Archer’s (1995) model, where grazing is thought to mediate shrub-seedling establishment, occur in other species of the genus Atriplex such as shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) (Chambers and Norton 1993). Seed germination and seedling establishment require adequate windows of opportunity, which are affected by climate and other species in the plant community (Booth and Haferkamp 1995). In fourwing saltbush such “windows” are apparently related to the simultaneous occurrence of cool temperatures (around 25 °C) and the availability of sufficient water to allow seed imbibition (Springfield 1970). Temperatures either above or below 25-28 °C depress germination (Springfield 1970). Utricle bracts of fourwing saltbush can have considerable amounts of saponins (Nord and Van Atta 1960) that can act as germination inhibitors. Therefore, water is required not only for imbibition but also to eliminate water-soluble inhibitors prior to the onset of enzymatic processes leading to seed germination. Optimal growth temperatures for C3 grasses are within the range of 20-25 °C (Larcher 1980). On the other hand, C4 grasses grow optimally at temperatures ranging from 32-40 °C (Larcher 1980). Hence, onset of growth in western wheatgrass (using available water resources) overlaps considerably with the narrow window of opportunity for fourwing saltbush seed germination. Conversely, by the time active growth of blue gramma (dominant in the understory of grazed stands) occurs, temperatures are far from optimal for fourwing saltbush seed germination. The taller canopy structure of western wheatgrass (relative to blue gramma) favors the interception of larger amounts of rainwater and light, thus, decreasing still more the probabilities of successful shrub seed germination and/or seedling survival. Hence, while the grass/young-shrub relation we measured does not necessarily imply a cause-effect relation, there are a number of physiologically-based explanations that suggest that the statistical association we found is biologically meaningful. Utilization of juvenile shrubs was highest in summer, intermediate in spring, and lowest in winter, and always higher under high stocking densities than under moderate ones. Seasonal patterns of utilization of juvenile shrubs were the same in both years, and persisted under a threefold increase in stocking density. Heavy defoliation can promote mortality of adult fourwing saltbush shrubs (Buwai and Trlica 1977; Trlica and others 1977; Pieper and Donart 1978). Atriplex canescens is more sensitive to heavy defoliation than other species of its genus (Benjamin and others 1995). Fourwing saltbush seedlings can also be affected negatively by herbivory. Survival in seedling plots exposed to grasshopper, rabbit, and deer herbivory was only 67% of protected controls (Springfield 1970). While little is known about how cattle grazing affects juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs, studies conducted with other shrub species suggest that livestock may increase natural mortality rates of young shrubs. Cattle grazing promoted grater mortality of juvenile basin big sagebrush shrubs (Artemisia tridentata Nutt ssp. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 tridentata Beetle) compared to adults of the same species (Owens and Norton 1990). In another set of experiments, big sagebrush seedlings exhibited higher mortality rates in shrub interspaces grazed by either sheep or cattle relative to ungrazed exclosures (Owens and Norton 1992). Revegetated rangelands grazed by horses and deer suffered greater mortalities of big sagebrush juveniles relative to the ungrazed controls (Austin and others 1994). Assuming that shrub mortality increases with increasing levels of herbivory (as suggested in the literature), survival of juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs at our site would be expected to be lowest under summer grazing, intermediate under spring grazing and highest under winter grazing by cattle. Utilization levels of juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs at our site increased significantly with increasing proportion of warm season grasses in cattle diets both in moderately and heavily stocked pastures. Cattle are generally roughage eaters (Hofmann 1989), and can feed more efficiently on the herbaceous understory than on shrubs (Petersen and others 1994). Anatomical adaptations that enable cattle to harvest large volumes of forage on a daily basis constrain their ability to be selective feeders (Van Soest 1994). On the shortgrass steppe cattle shift from a shrub-grass diet in winter to a grass-dominant diet in spring and summer (Schwartz and Ellis 1981; Shoop and others 1985). When high quality herbaceous forage is available in adequate amounts, cattle apparently feed predominantly on grasses and forbs in the herbaceous understory (Cibils, unpublished data). It is therefore not surprising that juvenile fourwing saltbush shrubs in our experiments (intermingled in the herbaceous canopy) were utilized the most at times of the year when cattle were feeding primarily on grasses. This implies that seasonal increases in utilization of juvenile shrubs at our site were a consequence of the phenology of the herbaceous understory, rather than of the direct dietary selective behavior of cattle. Young shrubs were possibly most heavily utilized in summer because cattle could not help harvesting them together with the bulk of herbaceous forage they were feeding on. Grasses may have an important influence on population dynamics of fourwing saltbush at our site. In the absence of grazing, asymmetric competition interactions between grasses and shrub seeds or seedlings may result in reduced (or no) shrub recruitment. In stands grazed by cattle, grasses may indirectly affect survival of juvenile individuals by influencing cattle foraging behavior. References _____________________ Archer, S. 1995. Herbivore mediation of grass-woody plant interactions. Tropical Grasslands 29:218-235. Austin, D. D.; Urness, P. J.; Durham, S. L. 1994. Impacts of mule deer and horse grazing on transplanted shrubs for revegetation. Journal of Range Management 47:8-11. Benjamin, R. W.; Lavie, Y.; Forti, M; Barkai, D.; Yonatan, R.; Hefetz, Y. 1995. Annual regrowth and edible biomass of two species of Atriplex and of Cassia sturtii after browsing. Journal of Arid Environments 29:63-84. Booth, D. T.; Haferkamp, M. R. 1995. Morphology and seedling establishment. in Bedunah, D. J.; Sosebee, R. E. editors. Wildland plants: Physiological Ecology and Developmental Morphology. Society For Range Management, Denver, CO. 189 Buwai, M.; Trlica, M. J. 1977. Multiple defoliation effects on herbage yield, vigor, and total nonstructural carbohydrates of five range species. Journal of Range Management 30 :164-171. Chambers, J. C.; Norton, B. E. 1993. Effects of grazing and drought on population dynamics of salt desert shrub species on the Desert Experimental Range, Utah. Journal of Arid Environments 24: 261-275. Cibils, A. F.; Swift, D. M.; Hart, R. H. 1997. Animal-plant interactions in an Atriplex canescens dominant community browsed by cattle. Proceedings XVIII International Grassland Congress, June 8-19; Winnipeg and Saskatoon. Vol.2 Session 21:23-24. Cibils, A. F.; Swift, D. M.; Hart, R. H. (manuscript submitted). Shrub gender-related differences in stands of Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. with different histories of grazing by cattle. Cibils, A. F. 1998. Data on file at: Colorado State University, Department of Rangeland Ecosystem Science, Fort Collins, CO. 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USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999