Leaf Surface Characteristics and Gas Exchange in Artemisia tridentata subspecies wyomingensis and tridentata J. L. Downs R. A. Black Abstract—Leaf surface and gas exchange characteristics were examined in 3-year old plants of two subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) growing in a common garden in southeastern Washington. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and subsequent image analysis revealed larger cell size in the tetraploid Wyoming big sagebrush (subspecies wyomingensis) resulting in larger stomata. In the diploid basin big sagebrush (subspecies tridentata), epidermal cells are smaller, so a significantly greater number of trichomes and stomata occur per unit leaf area. Photosynthetic rates measured in spring and summer months were not significantly different between subspecies; however, basin big sagebrush consistently exhibited higher transpiration rates. Wyoming big sagebrush with fewer stomata and trichomes per unit leaf may more efficiently regulate gas exchange processes under high evaporative demand. Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) is a dominant shrub species occurring in semi-arid, shrub-steppe ecosystems across the Intermountain West. A complex interaction of available soil water, temperature, and soil type and depth influence how subspecies of this taxon are partitioned across the landscape. Of the two subspecies considered here, Wyoming big sagebrush (subspecies wyomingensis) occupies more xeric habitats and is often found on hillsides in shallow soils (Schultz 1986). Basin big sagebrush (subspecies tridentata) is usually found in more mesic habitats along draws and on deep well-drained soils. Wyoming big sagebrush (a tetraploid) (McArthur and others 1981) is usually smaller (<1 m tall) than the diploid Basin big sagebrush, which may reach heights of 2-3 m. At the cellular level, however, the polyploid subspecies follows the gigas syndrome, and exhibits more robust and larger anatomy. These differences in cell size result in differences in leaf surface characteristics that may influence gas exchange processes and plant function. The increased number of chromosomes found in polyploid plants effectively increases the cell size and such larger cells often have higher photosynthetic capacity per cell than smaller cells (within taxa) (Dean and Leech 1982; Warner and Edwards 1988; Warner and Edwards 1993). Changes in In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. J.L. Downs is Research Scientist, Ecology Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, Richland, WA 99352. R.A. Black is Professor of Botany, Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4238. 108 stomatal density and leaf cell anatomy can affect the physical diffusion rates of CO2 and H2O and thus affect the photosynthetic rate and conductance per unit leaf area. Our objectives in this study were to quantify and describe the differences in leaf surface characteristics between subspecies that may contribute to differences in gas exchange characteristics. Such differences may be key to segregation of these subspecies across environmental gradients. Methods _______________________ Big sagebrush plants examined in this study were grown from seedlings transplanted to a common garden on the Fitzner Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology Reserve on the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington. The common garden, which is located at an elevation of 300 m above sea level in silt-loam soils, lies within the big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegnaria spicata) association. The site receives annual average precipitation of 20 cm, twothirds of which falls during the winter months (Rickard and others 1988). Winter precipitation was above average at the study site during the measurement year (from October 1996 through March 1997) and totaled more than 26 cm (Hoitink and Burk 1998). Plants used in this study were grown from seeds of Basin big sagebrush and Wyoming big sagebrush collected at elevations of 120 to 150 m above sea level in the lower Columbia Basin (Benton County, Washington). Within the garden, big sagebrush is planted at approximately 3-m spacing. Throughout the duration of this study, a 1-m diameter buffer around each big sagebrush plant was maintained free of competing plants. Leaf Surface Examination Winter persistent and ephemeral spring leaves were collected from five, 3-year old plants of each subspecies in the common garden. Because the tomentose trichomes on big sagebrush leaves occlude any view of the actual leaf surface, trichomes were removed by appressing the leaf surface to plastic adhesive tape and subsequently pulling the leaf off the tape. The leaves were placed in fixative (FAA, 10% formalin, 85% ehtanol, 5% glacial acetic acid) in the field and stored until dehydration and processing. Leaf material was dehydrated in sequential dilutions of ethanol and processed through critical point drying under pressure (Bozzola and Russell 1992). Intact leaves were mounted on studs and then sputter-coated with gold for examination using a scanning USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 electron microscope. Polaroid photos were taken of SEM images at 300 to 500x magnification for three separate sample areas of the epidermis for each leaf examined. Photographs were scanned and converted to digital images for analysis using NIH-Image (National Institute of Health). On each image, individual stomata were identified and digitized to obtain the area of the stomatal complex and the number of stomata per unit leaf area. In addition, the base of each glandular or nonglandular trichome, was identified on the image and counted. Mean values for leaf surface characteristics were tested for statistical differeces between subspecies using Student’s t-tests (α <0.05). Gas Exchange Measurements Plant gas exchange was measured at 2- to 3-week intervals during the spring and summer months of 1997 using a LiCor 6200 gas exchange system. Measurements were taken between 0700 hours and 1300 hours on terminal branches to determine maximal conductance rates and concurrent rates for photosynthesis and transpiration. Three to five replicate plants of each subspecies were sampled over 2 to 4 days. At the end of each sampling interval, leaf material that had been enclosed in the gas-exchange system cuvette was clipped and the leaf area for each measurement was determined for calculation of gas exchange rates. Predawn and midday xylem water potentials were measured at each sampling interval using standard pressure bomb techniques (Ritchie and Hinckley 1975) to determine plant water status for each subspecies. Gas exchange data were pooled into three measurement periods during the growing season (May, June-July, and August). Statistical analyses were accomplished using analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques conducted for each measurement period. The ANOVA was set-up as a single factor design with subsampling (within subspecies, repeated observations on an individual plant are treated as subspamples) and measurement period as a covariate (Neter, Wasserman and Kutner 1990). Differences between subspecies were deemed significant for p <0.05. a Results and Discussion __________ Big sagebrush leaves are covered with a dense, shielding mat of tomentose trichomes as shown in fig. 1a and 1b. Both glandular and T-shaped hair trichomes cover the surface. Schultz (1986) described the two types of trichomes on sagebrush leaf surfaces: the glandular trichomes occurring in pits are biseriate, eight-celled and contain the liquids that give sagebrush its characteristic odor; the leaf hairs are uniseriate, two-celled and filled with air. When these trichomes are removed, SEM revealed a complex leaf surface with stomata that are anomocytic (irregular-celled, no subsidiary cells are present) and amphistomatous leaves (fig. 2a,b). The epidermal cells are very irregular and the microrelief of the epidermal layer surface of the leaf appears almost wrinkled or folded with stomata and hairlike trichomes occurring on the raised areas and evidence of glandular trichomes in low almost crypt-like invaginations or pits. Guard cell complexes appear slightly raised relative to other epidermal cells. The distribution of stomata across the leaf USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 b Figure 1—Tomentose trichomes covering the leaf of basin big sagebrush at (a) 20x magnification, and (b) 130x magnification. 109 a surface is irregular with fewer stomata occurring at the leaf margins and over major leaf veins. Analysis of images indicates significant differences in stomatal densities between big sagebrush subspecies. The diploid basin big sagebrush has nearly 40% more stomata per square cm of leaf area than the tetraploid Wyoming big sagebrush (table 1). Because Wyoming big sagebrush has larger cells, both the area and volume of the stomata are greater and thus, there are fewer stomata per square cm of leaf area. Basin big sagebrush also has more trichomes per square cm of leaf area than Wyoming big sagebrush because epidermal cells are smaller in the diploid subspecies. Within subspecies, no differences were found in the frequency and size of stomata between persistent and ephemeral leaves. In addition, no significant differences were found in the number and frequency of stomata on the abaxial versus adaxial leaf surfaces. The mean number of stomata per unit leaf area for basin big sagebrush falls within the range reported for desert 2 shrubs of 15,000 to 30,000 stomata per cm leaf area (Larcher 1995), whereas Wyoming big sagebrush stomatal densities are lower. Mean values for transpiration and photosynthesis rates were highest for both subspecies in May and declined as the summer progressed. Although, no significant differences were found in photosynthetic rates between subspecies for any of the measurement periods (fig. 3a), transpiration rates were significantly different between subspecies on all measurement dates (table 2). Basin big sagebrush consistently exhibited higher transpiration rates than Wyoming big sagebrush (fig. 3b). Measurements of predawn and midday xylem potentials reflecting plant water status were not significantly different between subspecies for any measurement dates. Water use efficiencies, calculated as the ratio of photosyn–2 –1 –2 –1 thesis to transpiration (μmol CO2 m s /mmol H2O m s ) for each measurement period clearly illustrate differences in gas exchange characteristics between the two subspecies (fig. 3c). At all measurement periods, Wyoming big sagebrush exhibited higher water use efficiencies than basin big sagebrush. The effects of leaf morphology and anatomy on gas exchange processes are difficult to discern from the complex environmental conditions and physiological processes that Table 1—Densities of stomata and trichomes on big sagebrush leaves. Stomatal densities No. /cm2 leaf area b Figure 2—Leaf epidermis after removal of trichomes (a) basin big sagebrush at 400x magnification and (b) Wyoming big sagebrush at 400x magnification. 110 Wyoming big sagebrush (n = 32) Range Mean Basin big sagebrush (n = 26) Range Mean Stomatal area μm2 Trichome densities No. /cm2 leaf area 11,000-14,000 12,995 540-688 588 32,484-65,529 49,111 16,330-21,355 18,025 266-303 290 88,092-127,593 106,205 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Table 2—F-test results and p values for analysis of variance of photosynthesis, transpiration and calculated water use efficiencies between subspecies. Photosynthesis Transpiration Water use efficiency N F-test P value 64 64 64 0.02 10.22 13.08 0.8932 0.002 .0001 act to control plant gas exchange. The differences in leaf surface characteristics noted in this study could be interpreted to influence gas exchange processes in several ways. Wyoming big sagebrush, which occupies the most xeric habitats in which the species is found, maintains similar photosynthetic rates as basin big sagebrush at lower rates of water loss per leaf area. This may suggest that the polyploid cells of Wyoming big sagebrush possess greater photosynthetic capacity than the smaller cells found in basin big sagebrush. Warner and Edwards (1993) report a doubling of photosynthesis per cell in autopolyploids; however, this is balanced by a proportional decrease in the number of cells per unit leaf area such that the rate of photosynthesis does not change. Trichome densities may also play a role in affecting rates of photosynthesis and transpiration for the two subspecies. Basin big sagebrush has approximately twice as many trichomes as Wyoming big sagebrush, which may affect the boundary layer, and leaf reflectance and absorbance properties. The thicker mat of trichomes found on basin big sagebrush leaves would be expected to increase both the boundary layer and reflectance of the leaf. Increasing the boundary layer effectively decreases boundary layer conductance and transpirational water loss. The presence of dense silvery leaf hairs increases reflectance of solar radiation and effectively reduces leaf temperatures. This does not seem to be the case for basin big sagebrush which exhibited higher transpiration rates on all measurement dates. However, an important potential disadvantage of leaf pubescence is that it also reduces the light available for photosynthesis (Ehleringer 1980; Mooney and others 1979). The photosynthetic efficiency of Basin big sagebrush may be limited by greater pubescence in comparison with Wyoming big sagebrush. Differences found in leaf surface anatomy and morphology between the subspecies may contribute to differences in gas exchange measured through the spring and summer season. Wyoming big sagebrush appears to maximize carbon gain while minimizing water loss in comparison to Basin big sagebrush. References _____________________ Figure 3—Photosynthesis (a) transpiration (b) and calculated instantaneous water use efficiencies (c) for Basin big sagebrush and Wyoming big sagebrush. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Beetle, A. A. 1960. A study of sagebrush, the section Tridentatae of Artemisia. University of Wyoming Agricultural Station Bulletin 368. University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. Bozzola, John; Russel, Lonnie. 1992. Electron microscopy: principles and techniques for biologists. Jones and Bartlett, Sudbury, MA. Dean, C.; Leech R. M. 1982. 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