This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Initial Response of Soil and Understory Vegetation to a Simulated Fuelwood Cut of a Pinyon-Juniper Woodland in the Santa Fe National Forest Samuel R. Loftin Abstract-The Santa Fe National Forest, Espanola Ranger District, the Bandelier National Monument, and the Rocky Mountain Research Station are evaluating a treatment designed to stabilize the soils and increase the abundance- of herbaceous plants in degraded pinyon-juniper ecosystems. The treatment removed all pinyon less than 8 inches in diameter and all juniper. The trees were felled, lopped, and the wood and limbs (slash) were scattered across the site. Cover of herbaceous vegetation nearly doubled on the treated site after one growing season and more than doubled after two growing seasons. Significantly higher plant species richness was recorded on the treated site. The preliminary results indicate that this could be an effective pretreatment to the reintroduction of fire. Many grasslands in the western United States are dependent upon periodic fire to maintain their productivity and stability (Clements 1936). The absence of fire could lead to the succession of grasslands to woodlands or desertscrub (Dick-Peddie 1993). Throughout the western United States, a combination of widespread livestock grazing and periodic drought has promoted woody plant expansion and dominance in areas believed to have been predominantly grassland (Burkhardt and Tisdale 1976; Buckman and Wolters 1986; Grover and Musick 1990; Miller and others 1994). Livestock can reduce fine fuel loads and alter fire frequencies or eliminate fire completely. Periodic drought can select for deep-rooted woody species over shallow-rooted grasses and forbs (Schlesinger and others 1990). Regardless of the extent of grasslands that have been replaced by pinyon-juniper or juniper woodlands, the type conversion of grassland to woodlands is not necessarily considered to be a problem. The expansion and contraction of woodland and grassland boundaries is a natural process that has been occurring across this landscape for thousands ofyears (Betancourt 1986; Jameson 1986; Miller and Wigand 1994; Van Devender and others 1984). The problem, as commonly perceived, is the increase in surface runoff and soil erosion that often accompanies a loss of herbaceous plant cover. Surface runoff and soil erosion remove the two In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Samuel R. Loftin is a Research Plant Ecologist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2205 Columbia, SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 resources necessary for maintaining the stability and productivity of these ecosystems, water and soil. Once the soil is gone, the system cannot support a grassland and the question of whether grasslands or woodlands belong on the site becomes academic. Objectives The objectives ofthis research are to evaluate methods for restoring properly functioning eda phic and hydrologic processes, which preserve our options for future land management. More specifically, we hope to stabilize the soil, increase water availability, and increase herbaceous plant abundance, which should further stabilize the soil. This should initiate a positive-feedback cycle of increasing stability and productivity and disrupt the present cycle of increasing degradation. We plan to re-introduce fire back into this system, initially as a restoration treatment to control tree seedlings. Ultimately, fire must be used as a management tool to maintain the structure and function of the grassland component of this ecosystem. Approach The thinning treatment should affect several processes that could lead to increased soil stability, plant water availability, and herbaceous plant abundance. Removing trees will result in a reduction in competition for water between trees and herbaceous plants. The slash mulch should increase soil surface roughness and reduce runoff, thereby increasing infiltration and water availability. The mulch will shade the soil and reduce air flow, thereby reducing evaporative loss. The mulch will reduce raindrop impact on bare soils which will reduce the potential for erosion. The mulch will insulate bare soils in the winter, thereby inhibiting frost heave which loosens the soil and also damages seedling plants. Finally, the slash mulch will inhibit grazing by large ungulates that prefer not to nose around in the piles of sticks and twigs. The trees were cut with chain saws, rather than chaining, cabling, or pushing which requires the use of heavy equipment. This method reduces the disturbance associated with the treatment and reduces the potential for soil erosion and establishment of invasive weeds. This treatment can be implemented as a fuelwood sale which would reduce labor costs for the management agency and provide a resource for the public. This type of fine-scale management also allows managers to tailor the treatment to the desired future condition for the site. 311 Methods _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (number of species) can be extracted from the CSA data. Vegetation was sampled in Fall 1994 (pretreatment), Fall 1995 (one growing season post-treatment) and Fall 1996 (two growing seasons post-treatment). Site Description The study site is located in northcentral New Mexico, on the Santa Fe National Forest, Espanola Ranger District. The site is approximately 25 ha on a south-facing slope which, previous to treatment, supported a dense stand of pinyon (Pinus edulis) and juniper (Juniperus monosperma) trees. Dominant herbaceous plant species incl ude blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), mountain muhly (Muhlenbergia montana), muttongrass (Poa fendleriana), tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), and pinque (Hymenoxys richardsonii). Soils on the site are classified as fine-loamy to loamyskeletal, mixed mesic Typic Haplustalf (USDA 1993). Statistical Analysis Due to the lack of treatment replication, this study must be considered a case study, the results of which are not to be extrapolated beyond the spatial and temporal limits of the data collected. The effect of thinning was tested by comparing post-treatment conditions on the treated plots to any change on the control plots for comparable time periods. A repeated measures analysis was utilized with thinned vs. control included as a treatment factor, post-treatment years as repeated measures, and the pre-treatment year (1994) as a covariate. In some instances, the effect of thinning was not the same for both post-treatment years (that is, significant interaction between treatment and time). In these instances, significance ofthinning for individ ual years was assessed by applying a t-test to the change from pretreatment conditions for each treatment for a particular year. Similarly, significance of potential time trends was assessed by applying a t-test to the change from pre-treatment conditions for each post-treatment year within a particular treatment category. Type I error for these sets of t-tests was maintained by applying a Bonferroni adjustment to significance levels of individual tests (Miller 1981). All statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Software for the Social Sciences (SPSS Inc. 1990). Treatment The treatment used in this study was removal of all pinyon less than 8" diameter at breast height, and all juniper. Trees were cut at ground level, limbed and lopped. The slash was distributed evenly across the surface of the site. The treatment was conducted in April, 1995 by personnel from the Espanola Ranger District. Experimental Design There was no replication of treatments in this experimental design. Each treatment (thinned and control) was approximately 10-15 ha. The treatments were positioned end to end along a south-facing slope. Each treatment was divided into five blocks. Within each block there are three, 100 m transects, one for vegetation sampling, one for soil sampling, and one for soil erosion estimates. Only the vegetation analysis will be discussed in this paper. The vegetation was sampled using the Community Structure Analysis (CSA) technique of Pase (1981). This sampling techniq ue generates estima tes of cover, frequency, and density for sampled plant species. Only cover estimates will be presented in this paper. Estimates of species richness Results _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Analysis of cover shows significant treatment effects on all cover types (table 1). Tree cover and bare soil both decreased as a direct result of the thinning treatment and there was no significant (P::; 0.05) difference between posttreatment years. Total herbaceous cover was significantly greater on the thinned area and increased significantly from Fall 1995 to Fall 1996. Forb cover and grass cover Table 1-Cover (%) means (N = 5) and standard errors for various cover types on control and thinned areas for Fall 1994a (pretreatment), Fall 1995, and Fall 1996. Sampling Period 94 Cover Type Tree Total Herbaceous Forb Grass Bare Soil Treatment Control Thinned Control Thinned Control Thinned Control Thinned Control Thinned x 36.4 25.5 7.1 6.8 1.4 1.8 5.7 5.0 36.0 42.9 96 95 SE 3.9 2.6 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.3 3.6 2.7 x 39.9ax 7.9bx 6.9ax 12.2bx 1.5ax 4.9bx 5.4ax 7.3bx 35.6ax 27.4bx SE 5.2 3.0 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.5 2.0 0.7 x 39.2ax 9.2bx 9.2ax 22.6by 1.5ax 8.6bx 7.7ay 14.0by 35.7ax 21.7bx SE 5.7 3.1 2.2 2.1 0.5 1.2 2.2 1.0 2.7 1.3 apretreatment means are presented for the reader's information; however, they were used as covariates in the repeated measures analysis and are not included in the multiple t-test evaluation of means. Means followed by the same letter (a,b,c), within a cover type and year, are not significantly different (P ~ 0.05). Means followed by the same letter (x,Y,z), within a cover type and treatment, are not significantly different. 312 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Table 2-Species richness means (N = 5) and standard errors for various vegetation categories on control and thinned areas for Fall 1994a (pretreatment), Fall 1995, and Fall 1996. Sampling Period 94 Category All Species Forb Species Grass Species Treatment Control Thinned Control Thinned Control Thinned x 19.6 19.4 9.4 10.0 6.0 5.0 96 95 SE 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.5 x 17.2ax 22.0bx 8.8ax 13.0bx 4.6ax 5.4bx SE 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.2 x 23.0ay 29.0by 13.8ay 16.8by 5.6ay 7.4by SE 1.7 1.09 1.4 1.2 0.4 0.6 apretreatment means are presented forthe reader's information; however, they were used as covariates in the repeated measures analysis and are not included in the multiple t-test evaluation of means. Means followed by the same letter (a.'b~c), within a cover type and year, are not significantly different (P ~ 0.05). Means followed by the same letter (x,y,z), within a cover type and treatment, are not significantly different. (components of total herbaceous cover) both increased significantly following the thinning treatment but only grass cover had a significant time effect. Significant thinning and time effects were recorded for species richness for all vegetation categories (table 2). Discussion -------------------------------The treatment achieved the immediate goals of reducing tree cover and bare soil cover. Total herbaceous plant cover on the treated area was twice that on the control area after one growing season and almost 2.5 x greater than controls after two growing seasons. Both forb and grass cover (the two components of total herbaceous cover) increased as a result of the treatment. Clearly, the objective of increasing herbaceous plant abundance was realized after only two growing seasons. The concept of biodiversity is important with respect to species preservation and ecosystem stability (Tilman 1996; Tilman and others 1996). Although species richness is not the best estimator of biodiversity response to disturbance (Barbour and others 1987), it is the only index that can be generated from the CSA data. The response observed in this study was probably due to a combination of climatic effects (increased rainfall may have resulted in more recorded species on both sites), and possibly to an improvement of our taxonomic skills. Most ofthe response in species richness is due to an increase in forb species. The number of grass species has remained relatively constant throughout the study. The next phase of the project is to re-introduce fire back into the treated area. The objective ofthe initial (restoration) fire will be to control the resprouting stumps and abundant seedling trees that were released from competition with the mature trees. There are often 15 to 20 seedlings existing under the canopy of a mature tree. If this cohort is not controlled the future density of trees on this site could be many times greater than the pretreatment density. The timing of the first burn is somewhat critical. Ifwe burn too soon, the fuel loads from the slash and herbaceous plants could be high enough to scorch and sterilize soils. However, if we wait too long to burn, the seedling trees and resprouting USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 stumps could get too big to be effectively controlled by the fire. Prescribed fire is most effective 3 to 5 years following mechanical treatments to control redberry or blueberry juniper resprouts in Texas (Erramouspe 1994). We anticipate conducting the initial prescribed fire sometime between 3 to 5 years post-treatment. Conclusions -------------------------------The treatment method of hand-thinning trees in a degraded pinyon -j uni per woodland significan tly increased herbaceous plant abundance (without seeding) within 2 years at this site. Additionally, the treatment has significantly increased species richness. Although this method may not be as efficient at removing trees as techniques involving heavy equipment, it is much less destructive, and much more appropriate for sensitive areas. The treatment has initiated the process of ecosystem restoration. We plan to re-introd uce fire as a means to complete the restoration of the site and maintain the functional processes of a stable and productive grassland ecosystem. References ---------------------------------Barbour, M. G.; Burk, J. H.; Pitts, W. D. 1987. Terrestrial plant ecology. Menlo Park, CA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 634 p. Betancourt, J. L. 1986. Paleoecology of pinyon-juniper woodlands: summary. In: Everett, R. 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