This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Soil Seed Banking in Pinyon-Juniper Areas With Differing Levels of Tree Cover, Understory Density and Composition Clare L. Poulsen Scott C. Walker Richard Stevens Abstract-With removal of competitive pinyon-juniper overstory, endemic vegetation is released allowing germinating seed within the soil seed bank to establish. Density of seedlings is closely correlated with the density and composition of the understory community and tree cover. Considerable effort and costs are generally put into seeding areas following tree removal. If the amount and type of viable seed in the soil could be accurately estimated, seeding costs and effort could be adjusted. Studies were conducted on soil seed banking at two pinyon-juniper sites in central Utah. At each site, areas were studied ranging from closed pinyon-juniper stands with minimal understory to open stands with excellent understory communities. Seed density and composition within the soil varied with tree cover and understory community differences. As pinyon -j uni per stands mature, canopy cover increases, and a decrease in the understory community density and composition occurs. The correlation between decreasing understory species and increasing tree canopy cover on the soil seed bank is poorly understood. By quantifying composition and viability of seeds existing in the soil seed bank, more effective treatment of pinyon-juniper stands could occur. Studies have looked at various influences and aspects of the soil seed bank; fire (Valbuena and Trabaud 1995); grazing (Kinucan and Smeins 1992); grasslands (Cofin and Lauenroth 1989); forest lands (Chambers and others 1991); and cultivated fields (Dessaint and others 1991). These studies show that a soil seed bank with sufficient quantity and viability of seeds can provide the needed seed reserves for community regeneration. However, it has not been identified how tree canopy cover affects the number of species and volume of viable seed in the soil seed bank. This study was established to identify the density of seeds in a soil seed bank at different percent canopy cover of pinyon-juniper. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Clare L. Poulsen, Scott C. Walker are Research Biologists and Richard Stevens was Project Leader (retired), Utah Division of Wildlife, 540 N. Main 32-7, Ephraim, UT 84627. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Methods _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Two study sites were on Utah Division of Wildlife land 6 miles north ofEphraim, UT. The area is 1,800 min elevation with Amtoft flaggy loam and Quaker silty clay loam soils. Annual precipitation for the area is 32.1 cm. The sites had an average slope of 18 percent. The southern site has a west aspect and the northern site has a north aspect. Each study site contained three areas with distinctive pinyon-juniper canopy cover classes; (1) >60 percent tree canopy cover with depleted understory community; (2) >30 percent to <60 percent tree canopy cover with moderately depleted understory community; and (3) <30 percent tree canopy cover with nondepleted understory community present. These three cover class areas were adjacent to each another with similar slope, soils, and exposure. Within each canopy cover class area on each site one 25 x 25 m plot was identified. Within each plot five 25 m long transects were randomly established. At every meter mark along each transect one 0.25 m 2 quadrat was placed. Within each quadrat species density and cover was determined for grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Five soil samples were randomly obtained along each transect for a total of 25 samples per plot. Each soil sample consisted ofthe removal of all soil and material from a 7 x 7 x 2.5 cm deep area (Cabin 1996 and Garcia 1995). Soil samples were washed through a series of three sieves (4 mm, 2 mm, and 250 Jlm) (Gross 1990). Sieved soil samples were dried for 24 hours in a heated seed germinator. Sieved samples were ocularlyinspected using a lOx microscope. Filled seed was then removed and identified to species or group and recorded. Every tree in each plot was measured for height and crown diameter. From the diameter, the area was calculated for each tree. Percent tree canopy cover per plot was calculated by total area of all trees in a plot divided by total plot area. Understory and seed bank species were placed in groups by life form to simplify the analysis. The understory composition, vegetation life form mean density, and seed density was analyzed using a one-way analysis ofvariance (ANOVA). Life form groups were analyzed separately to ensure that the outcome reflected changes in composition not overall abundance. The understory composition was collected by using a modified Daubenmire (1959) cover class. The seven classes are: (1) 0.01 to 1 percent, (2) 1.1 to 5 percent, (3) 5.1 to 25 percent, (4) 25.1 to 50 percent, (5) 50.1 to 75 percent, (6) 75.1 to 95 percent, (7) 95.1 to 100 percent. Cover class midpoints of 0.5,3,15,37.5,62.5,85, and 97.5 were used to calculate the mean cover. Results for vegetation life form per ha and seed density per m 2 were calculated and analyzed. 141 100 J... Q) 1000 > 90 0 () 80 Q) a. 70 c: 60 ::l " c: 50 800 40 400 J... 0 ~ J... Q) a. 600 a. c: Q) C Q) Q) 200 10 0 J... Q) ~ == t/) c: a. 30 +of c: 20 Q) (.) ca J: depleted • mod. depleted Percent Cover nondepleted ~ 0 Density per ha Figure 1-Percent pinyon-juniper cover and numbers of trees associated with the three understory vegetation classes. Results ----------------------------------Percent tree cover and number oflive trees per ha for the depleted, moderately depleted, and nondepleted understories were 69 percent cover with 864 trees per ha; 51 percent cover with 576 trees per ha; and 8 percent cover with 128 trees per ha respectively (fig. 1). The understory percent cover was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the nondepleted site as compared to the depleted site (fig. 2). Litter and rock cover was lower in the areas w here the canopy was open and understory vegetation was highest. Shrub, grass, and forb cover was significantly higher with fewer trees present. In the depleted understory 31 species were present. The most common species were annual and perennial forbs. Both moderately depleted and nondepleted understory had 27 species each. The vegetation shifted from annual and perennial forbs in the depleted understory to perennial grasses and shrubs in the moderately depleted and nondepleted understories (fig. 3). The most common perennial forbs present with a high pinyon -j uni per canopy were phlox (Phlox 40 A J... 30 Q) > 0 (J 20 c: Q) +of (.) J... Q) a. 10 o depleted • Shrubs D Rock mod. depleted Forb/grass • nondepleted D Litter Bare ground Figure 2-Percent cover of understory composition in three understory vegetation classes. *Columns for same understory component within a series with same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05). 142 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 ctI .c 7000 ..... ci 6000 '- CI) c. 5000 >- - 'ii) 4000 CI) 3000 c: - 0 c: 2000 ctI a:: c: 1000 ctI CI) 0 ::E • depleted Annual Forbs mod. depleted • Perennial Grasses • Perennial Forbs nondepleted D Annual Grasses Shrubs Figure 3-Mean plant density of understory species by life form per 0.1 ha. *Columns for same life form within a series with same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05). spp.), goldenweed (Haplopappus spp.), and cryptantha (Cryptantha spp.). With a more open tree canopy, astragalus (Astragalus spp.), globe mallow (Sphaeralcea coccinea), and primrose (Oenothera spp.) were the prominent perennial forbs. With a closed canopy cover broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae) was the common shrub. The shrub component shifted to low rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidi{lorus), shadscale (A trip lex confertifolia), and big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) with a more open tree canopy. Seed density in the soil seed bank was significantly greater in the moderately depleted and nondepleted understory compared to the depleted understory (fig. 4). The greatest density of seeds was in the moderately depleted understory with 7,240 seeds per m 2 (table 1). The depleted and nondepleted areas had 3,884 and 6,236 seeds per m 2 respectively. Seeds for 15, 12, and 14 species were found in the soil seed bank for the depleted, moderately depleted, and nondepleted communities respectively. The greatest number of grass seeds was in the nondepleted understory (fig. 4 and table 1). Perennial forbs, annual forbs, and tree seeds were the most frequent in the moderately depleted community. Density of understory vegetation with number and seeds found in the soil was highly correlated with an R2 = 0.905 (fig. 5). 6000~------------~~~--------~--------------~ N E 5000+-------------~ 'CI) ~ 4000+-------------~­ CI) CI) ~ 3000 o '- CI) ~ 2000 ~ z 1000 o • mod. depleted Annual Forbs Perennial Forbs Perennial Grasses • Trees D Annual Grasses Figure 4-Extrapolated total number of seeds in the soil seed bank by life form per m2 • *Columns for same life form within a series with same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 143 Table 1-Number of species and number of seeds per species in the soil seed bank by life form and understory vegetation class. Percent of total is included in parentheses. Life form Life form class Understory vegetation class Depleted Mod. depleted Nondepleted - - - - - - - Number of species (percent)- - - - - - - Annual forbs Perennial forbs Annual grasses Perennial grasses Woody AF PF AG PG W 6 1 1 5 2 Total (40) (6) (6) (33) (13) 3 2 1 4 2 15 Individual species present (25) (17) (8) (33) (17) 4 2 1 6 1 12 (29) (14) (7) (43) (7) 14 - - - - - - - - Number of seeds (percent)- - - - - - - - Bur buttercup Mustard species Composite species Cryptantha Cheatgrass Bluebunch wheatgrass Indian ricegrass Needle-and-thread Sanberg bluegrass Squirreltail Western wheatgrass Juniper Pinyon Other species AF AF PF PF AG PG PG PG PG PG PG W W 1,892 1,420 0 112 280 16 40 0 4 12 0 72 16 20 Total 3,884 (49) (37) 5,352 340 224 12 496 296 20 0 308 0 16 168 4 4 (3) (7) (0.4) (1 ) (0.1 ) (0.3) (2) (0.4) (5) (74) (5) (3) (0.2) (7) (4) (0.3) 3,364 976 4 4 1,212 352 68 4 168 4 16 48 0 16 (4) (0.2) (2) (0.1) (0.1) 7,240 (54) (16) (0.1) (0.1) (19) (6) (1) (0.1) (3) (0.1) (0.3) (0.8) (0.3) 6,236 6000 + 5000 C\I E ;;;r- 'Cl) D. 4000 "'C /" Cl) Cl) en 3000 ~ 0 'Cl) .c E 2000 ::J Z 1000 o W# o /V 7 V V /" V V + + V , V+ 1000 ./ / V / V V 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Mean Plant Density per 0.1 ha Figure 5-Understory species density per 0.1 ha and number of seeds per m2in the soil seed bank regression (R2 = 0.902). 144 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Conclusions ------------------------------- References ____________________ A direct correlation was found between pinyon-juniper canopy cover, density and composition of understory vegetation, and number of seeds in the soil seed bank. As tree cover increased, the understory vegetation and number of seeds in the soil seed bank decreases. Further research is needed to look more closely into the correlation between the canopy cover, understory vegetation and soil seed bank. Refinements are also needed in techniques to reduce the time requirements to separate soil and seed. As work continues in this area, the understanding of the correlation between tree canopy cover and soil seed bank will allow the use of more effective seed mixes. Seeding rates and cost of seeding should decrease with increasing abundance of seed in the soil seed bank. Cabin, R J. 1996. Genetic comparisons of seed bank and seedling populations of a perennial desert mustard, Lesquerella fendleri. Evolution. 500: 1830-1842. Chambers, J. C.; MacMahon, J. A.; Hafner, J. H. 1991. Seed entrapment in alpine ecosystem: effects of soil particle size and diaspore morphology. Ecology. 72:1668-1678. Cofin, D. P.; Lauenroth, W. K. 1989. Spatial and temporal variation in the seed bank of semiarid grassland. American Journal of Botany. 76: 53-59. Dessaint, F.; Chadeuf, R; Barralis, G. 1991. Spatial pattern analysis of weed seeds in the cultivated soil seed bank. Journal of Applied Ecology. 28: 721-730. Garcia, M. A. 1995. Relationships between weed community and soil seed bank in a tropical agroecosystem. Agri. Eco. And Envrio. 50: 139-146. Gross, K. L. 1990. A comparison of methods for estimating seed numbers in the soil. Journal of Ecology. 78: 1079-1093. Kinucan, R J.; Smeins, F. E. 1992. Soil seed bank of a semiarid Texas grassland under three long-term (36-years) grazing regimes. American Midland Naturalist. 128: 11-21. Valbuena, L.; L. Trabaud. 1995. Comparison between the soil seed banks of a burnt and unburnt Quercus pyrenaica Willd. Forest. Vegetatio. 119: 81-90. Acknowledgments Funds were provided through Federal Aid on wildlife restoration project W-82-R, project 3 and Rocky Mountain Research Station, Forest Service, Provo, UT. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 145