Salinity Management in the Rio Grande Bosque Jan M.H. Hendrickx J. Bruce J. Harrison Jelle Beekma Graciela Rodriguez-Marin Abstract—This paper discusses management options for salinity control in the Rio Grande Bosque. First, salt sources are identified and quantified. Capillary rise of ground water is the most important cause for soil salinization in the bosque. Next, a riparian salt balance is presented to explain the different mechanisms for soil salinization. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of three salinity control options are discussed: drainage systems, adaption to natural conditions, and managed flooding. The Rio Grande has two important functions. One is to deliver water to aquatic and terrestrial habitats as well as to urban and rural communities linked by the river; the other is to transport salts and other wastes generated by those habitats and communities to the Gulf of Mexico. Until the beginning of this century an apparent salt balance existed in the Rio Grande Valley. The accumulation of salts in the soils adjacent to the river was counteracted by frequent inundations that provided surplus water for salt leaching. Infrequent major floods resulted in a reshaping of the river landscape and reallocation of salt sinks. Construction of flood protection and irrigation works since the early 1900’s have resulted in a more regular river flow without major flooding events. In addition, much river water has been allocated for agriculture, wetlands, and domestic and industrial water supplies. The combined effects of decreasing river water supplies and channelization of the river to a permanent streambed have resulted in environmental conditions where soil salinity is no longer controlled by the river (for example Crawford and others 1993; Conover 1954). Since soil salinity determines to a large extent the success of revegetation projects in the Rio Grande Bosque management measures are needed to control soil salinity levels. The objective of this study is to discuss management options for salinity control in the Rio Grande Bosque. Salt Sources ___________________ A good understanding of salt sources in the Rio Grande Bosque is needed for the development of effective salinity In: Finch, Deborah M.; Whitney, Jeffrey C.; Kelly, Jeffrey F.; Loftin, Samuel R. 1999. Rio Grande ecosystems: linking land, water, and people. Toward a sustainable future for the Middle Rio Grande Basin. 1998 June 2-5; Albuquerque, NM. Proc. RMRS-P-7. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Jan M.H. Hendrickx, J. Bruce J. Harrison, Jelle Beekma, and Graciela Rodriguez-Marin are with the Department of Earth and Environmental Science New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM 87801. 68 control options. Five salt sources contribute to the salinity of riparian areas under natural vegetation: atmospheric deposition, mineral weathering, capillary rise, seepage from higher areas West and East of the river, and flooding. Atmospheric deposition in the interior of most continents is about 40 kg/ha (Bresler and others 1984). Mineral weathering is an important process that affects the chemistry of waters in rivers, soils, and shallow ground water. It involves the dissolution, alteration, and precipitation of minerals and for the most part takes place in the zone of aeration of soils. Since the mineral weathering rate of a given soil is proportional to the amount of water that flows through the soil (Langmuir 1997), it will increase with the leaching fraction. Rhoades and others (1973, 1974) and Wierenga and others (1972) studied in lysimeters the compositions of drainage waters resulting from irrigation with eight synthesized river waters of the Western USA under conditions of alfalfa production on calcareous and noncalcareous sandy loams. For Rio Grande water, leaching fractions above 25 percent resulted in a net increase of salts in the drain water by approximately 2-10 percent of the salts in the irrigation water. When the leaching fraction is less than 25 percent, salt precipitation will occur and will result in a decrease of salt content in the drainage water. These percentages indicate that the contribution of mineral weathering to soil salinity in the bosque is of the same order of magnitude as atmospheric deposition. The most important salt source at many locations is capillary rise which results from upward water flow originating at the ground water table. The amount of capillary rise depends on the depth of the ground water table and the physical characteristics of the soil profile. Table 1 presents capillary fluxes in a number of homogeneous soil profiles. For example, a ground water table depth at 2 m will result in capillary fluxes of 0.2 mm/day in a sand soil and 8 mm/day in a loamy sand. Even if the ground water quality is good, such rates can result in considerable salt depositions near the soil surface or in the root zone. For example, ground water with a total amount of dissolved solids of 500 mg/l will accumulate 5 kg of salts per hectare for each millimeter of capillary rise. This results in an annual salt load of, respectively, 365 and 14,600 kg/ha in the previously mentioned sand and loamy sand soils. Salt accumulation by capillary rise will rapidly decrease if the ground water table is lowered. However, in many cases the ground water table remains relatively shallow as a result of ground water seepage. Such seepage may originate from higher areas West and East of the river or from manmade sources. An example of man-made seepage is found at USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-7. 1999 Table 1—Maximum capillary rise (cm) for five fluxes (cm/day) in homogeneous soil profiles (Hendrickx and others 1990). Texture Sand Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Loam Silty Loam Clay Loam Silty Clay Loam 2.0 69 151 29 73 59 126 7 Capillary Flux (cm/day) 1.0 .6 .1 82 185 45 99 90 165 12 92 213 61 123 121 197 18 135 334 158 247 321 342 65 .01 213 572 484 577 1025 639 219 Santa Ana Pueblo where surplus irrigation water from the golf course on the mesa is seeping into the lower lying riparian area. Another more important example are the wetlands created to provide food and shelter for migratory birds. The flooding of wetlands and the irrigation of adjacent agricultural fields result in shallow water table depths around the ponds and an increase in salinization as a result of capillary rise. This can be observed in the Bosque del Apache, La Joya, and San Bernardo reserves. Another salt source is flooding since the water in the Rio Grande contains approximately 300 to 500 mg/l total dissolved solids (Crawford and others 1993). This means that a flood of 0.5 m water would deposit 150 to 250 kg salt per hectare. The most important salt source in riparian areas is capillary rise since its potential contribution exceeds by far the salt amounts originating from atmospheric deposition, mineral weathering, and flooding. Areas with relatively shallow ground water tables (1 to 3 m) that discharge ground water seepage have the highest risk for salinization. Riparian Salt Balance ____________ Salinization will occur when the amount of salt added to the soil by rain water and flood water is greater than the amount of salt removed by drainage waters. The salt balance of the riparian root zone can be expressed as R.Cr + F .C f + G.Cg = P.Cg + ΔS [1] where R is rainfall entering the root zone (mm/year), Cr is the salt concentration of the rain water (mg/l), F is the amount of flood water entering the root zone (mm/year), Cf is the salt concentration of the flood water (mg/l), G is the amount of capillary rise into the root zone (mm/year), Cg is the salt concentration of the ground water, P is the amount of deep percolation or drainage water leaving the root zone and entering the ground water, and DS is the amount of salt stored in the profile. It is assumed that the salt concentration of the drainage water and capillary rise water is equal to the salt concentration of the ground water which is quite reasonable for annual periods but less so for shorter periods. Equation [1] reveals several important aspects of riparian salinity balances. Firstly, soil salinization becomes inevitable if no drainage takes place to evacuate the salts from the root zone, i.e. if P=0 then ΔS will increase. Without some form of drainage soil salinization cannot be prevented even if the irrigation or flood water contains only USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-7. 1999 small amounts of salt. Of course, under the latter conditions salinization would take a long time. We have found evidence in the Bosque del Apache that older soils contain more salts than younger ones. The age of soils can be approximately determined from aerial photographs by observation of channel continuity and the degree of organic matter and aeolian dust accumulation which are reflected in soil color. The oldest river deposits show complicated patterns of channel breaches and different degrees of organic matter and aeolian dust accumulation. The younger deposits show more continuous channels and less diversity in soil color. Using these criteria we selected two locations with comparable point bar deposits and water table depths, but different estimated ages of isolation from the active river. At both sites soil salinity was measured at several hundreds of points using electromagnetic induction (for example Hendrickx and others 1992; Sheets and others 1994). Average topsoil salinity in the younger deposits was 24 against 280 mS/m in the older deposits. Average subsoil salinity was 31 mS/m in the younger deposits and 225 mS/m in the older. This shows a ten fold increase in soil salinity for comparable deposits in terms of soil texture and depth to the groundwater as a result of age, i.e. the duration during which capillary rise has contributed to salt accumulation in the soil profile. Secondly, flooding only will lead to a decrease of soil salinity if the flood water leaches out salts, i.e. if P>0 so that the salts percolate into the ground water and can be transported towards a drain. Otherwise, the salts in the flood waters actually will contribute to an increase in soil salinity. Whether flooding will result in drainage depends on the water retention and hydraulic conductivity of the soil profile. Before drainage occurs the root zone needs to be sufficiently wetted to allow downward flow. In most riparian areas with shallow ground water tables this requirement will not pose a problem. In addition, the hydraulic conductivity of all soil layers must be large enough to allow the drainage water to pass through. This requirement poses serious limitations on the use of flooding in soils that contain clay layers with a low permeability. In such soils the flood water will become perched on the clay layer. A large part of the perched water will evaporate or transpire while leaving the salts behind in the root zone and, thus, increase soil salinity. This scenario is quite common in riparian areas. Another important factor that determines the effect of flooding is the leaching efficiency. For an effective leaching it is not sufficient to replace once all soil water by flood water. On the contrary, the soil should be flushed several times to make it salt free (Hoffman 1980). For example, in the Bosque del Apache on soil unit 29 natural regeneration of cottonwood is being stimulated by applying an annual flood of approximately 0.3 m. The flood water carries cottonwood seeds that settle at the high water lines. After several weeks seeds emerge and young trees start growing. In unit 29, the soil profile consists of a layer of 50 cm to 100 cm of sandy loam to loamy sand overlying clay loam to clay. Before flooding the soil water content in the top 40 cm and from 40 to 80 cm is, respectively, 3 and 9 volume percent. The soil water content in the underlying clay loam is close to saturation. During flooding the soil water content increases to saturation which is approximately 35 volume percent. This means that 69 (0.35-0.03)*40 + (0.35-0.09 )*40 = 23.2 cm water will be stored in the top 80 cm of the soil profile during flooding. Most of this water will evaporate during the gradual infiltration of the flood water into the soil and contribute little to salt leaching. Instead it will add to the salt load. The total amount of water stored in the soil profile at unit 29 is about 30 cm. This means that an efficient leaching will require at least 60 to 90 cm of water. The relatively low permeability of the subsoil of unit 29 and the small amount of flood water applied have resulted in an increased salinity after flooding. Salinity measurements before flooding in April 1997 and after flooding in August 1997 revealed an increase of soil salinity from 150 to 262 mS/m in the subsoil and from 112 to 204 mS/m in the topsoil. Standard deviations of the measurements were high, indicating considerable variability from place to place. A third aspect of equation [1] is the importance of capillary rise. Since the salt concentration of the ground water is at least one order of magnitude larger than that of rain water, even a relatively small capillary flux, G, can cause a large increase of soil salinity. Under the arid conditions of the Rio Grande Valley it is a constant challenge in riparian nature reserves to maintain a water balance in which the deep percolation rate exceeds the capillary upward flux. Without such condition no favorable salt balance can be maintained. Salt Management Options ________ The physical principles for salt management in soils are well understood (Bresler and others 1984, Smedema & Rycroft 1983; Van Schilfgaarde 1974) and lead to three basic strategies for salinity management in the Rio Grande bosque: (1) Installation of drainage systems; (2) Adaptation to natural conditions; (3) Managed flooding. Installation of drainage systems is the classical response to salt problems in irrigated agriculture. The functions of a drainage system are to lower the ground water table and to discharge saline drainage waters percolating from the root zone. The ground water table is lowered to a depth at which the upward capillary flow becomes too small for any significant upward salt movement. This depth depends on the soil type and can vary from 50 cm in a coarse sand to more than 400 cm in loamy soils (see also table 1). A drainage system can consist of surface drains or of underground pipes (Smedema and Rycroft 1983; Van Schilfgaarde 1974). The outlet is the terminal point of a drainage system where it discharges into the river. In mountainous terrain with large elevation differences drainage waters can be discharged by gravity but in many arid river valleys the slope of the land surface is not sufficient to drain by gravity. For example, the gravity system installed near Las Nutrias (New Mexico) performs only marginally since sufficient head is not available to discharge the drainage waters. Therefore, it is common practice to have the drain waters accumulate in a sump and to discharge by pumping. Such a system has been in use until a few years ago in the Bosque del Apache. Although the system performed well during a period of about fifteen years, it has been shut down and will be not be replaced. The main reasons for this decision are: (1) The initial installation costs are high (approximately $200,000 for 120 acres); (2) The life of the system was shorter than expected due to clogging of the 70 Table 2—Relationship between cottonwood tree vigor class and soil salinity (Hendrickx and others 1997). Salinity (mS/m) Tree vigor class N Meana Std Dev Healthy Tree Marginal Growth Dying Tree 30 23 28 60a 111b 210c 25 64 112 a Minimum Maximum 25 24 85 140 225 534 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. tile drains; (3) The system was difficult to maintain (John Taylor, personal communication 1998). These complaints are typical even in large irrigation projects with trained personnel. DralZage systems work well for moist soil management and agricultural fields covering large areas. However, due to high costs and problematic maintenance their use for restoration of native vegetation appears limited. Adaption to natural conditions involves identifying optimal locations for revegetation of native species such as cottonwoods. Hendrickx and others (1997) conducted a systematic study near El Paso and statistically confirmed the dependence of cottonwood survival on soil salinity level (table 2). They also observed a close relationship between geomorphology and soil salinity. The lowest levels often were found on small levees which naturally are the preferred areas for cottonwoods. The highest levels occur in depressions such as old river channels with a fine soil texture that enhances capillary rise. At the Rio Bosque Park near El Paso it was found that 50 percent of the variability in salinity could be explained by soil type and ground water table depth. This indicates that in areas with soil and ground water table maps the location of suitable restoration areas is relatively straightforward. Otherwise an inexpensive salinity survey using electromagnetic induction can quickly indicate the areas with revegetation potential (Sheets and others 1994). Managed flooding is often propagated as an efficient and natural way to restore cottonwood and other native vegetation. Flooding can only be successful for restoration if it contributes to an effective salinity control. This requires (1) a soil profile of sufficient permeability for salt leaching and (2) sufficient quantities of flood water. If either of these factors is not fulfilled, flooding will not lead to sustainable restoration. Managed flooding is a relatively inexpensive method to control soil salinity and to promote bosque restoration. However, the design of a flood management plan requires detailed knowledge of the interaction between flood water, ground water, soil, and vegetation. References _____________________ Bresler, E., McNeal, B.L.& Carter, D.L. 1982. Saline and sodic soils. Principles-dynamics-modeling. 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