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Northwestern Apacherian Savannas:
A Description, and Review of Issues
Concerning Human Inhabitation
Tony L. Burgess1
I have focused on Apacherian Savannas in Arizona and adjacent
areas, but it should be emphasized that related communities occur
to the east as far as Abilene, Texas and south at least to Durango,
Mexico. My reasons for proposing the name 'Apacherian savannas'
to replace the term 'desert grasslands' are presented after a general
description of their ecology. Trends in human influences upon these
communities are summarized. I close with suggestions to integrate
the preservation of ecological integrity with provisions for human
Ecological communities are organized around constraints on the growth and reproduction of
their organisms. Apacherian savannas are defined by the nature of their adversities. Their
landscapes are recognizably similar because the vegetation has been shaped in similar ways by
The region is located on the polar edge of the arid subtropics, where it is heavily influenced by
turbulent dynamics of jet streams (Neilson 1986, 1987). This situation produces recurrent
droughts and unstable climate patterns. The complex basin-and-range topography presents a wide
range of elevations. This context produces local, fine-scale patterns of microclimates and soil
moisture regimes. Along elevational gradients, frequency and severity of frost range from
subtropical to temperate values; so that cold damage to plants varies considerably from year to
year and place to place.
Rainfall is also erratic over time and space. Apacherian savannas experience less drought than
those in an arid climate; hence they are usually more productive than desertscrub vegetation. On
the other hand they get more drought than a humid climate; so they have less standing biomass
than a woodland. The savanna vegetation is part of McAuliffe's "ecological confusion zoneu
(1995) sandwiched between arid desertscrub in lower basins and wetter woodland or forest on
higher mountains. This zone is a mosaic of chaparral, grassland, savanna, woodland and
desertscrub communities that have a prominent grass stratum sometimes in some places. Within
this zone plant species composition and vegetation structure of a site are heavily influenced by two
kinds of factors:
Biosphere II, Oracle, Arizona.
1) those that affect soil moisture availability, such as rainfall, topography, geology, and soil
2) those that affect disturbance or vegetation removal, the most important being fire, grazing,
and drought.
Four important weather patterns can be recognized in this region:
1) The arid foresummer is a hot dry period usually centered in May and June. These are usually
the driest months with the highest daytime temperatures.
2) Arizona monsoon storms signal the end of the arid foresummer. Wind patterns bring moist
air into the region, and local convective thunderstorms form. Showers may be intense, but they
seldom last long or cover wide areas. In most years these spotty storms are the major source
of rain for Apacherian savannas.
3) Autumn tropical storms are unpredictable, but when they enter the region, they can provide
large amounts of rain and trigger impressive vegetation responses. 'Autumn' is used in a broad
sense, because these storms may occur from late summer through November.
4) Winter frontal storms bring widespread rain or snow along with cool temperatures. Winter
storm systems, which may last two to five days, can be critical for recharging deep soil moisture
that many trees and shrubs depend upon to survive the arid foresummer.
Among these four patterns the arid foresummer drought is most predictable, but its duration
and intensity vary considerably from year to year. Plant growth in Apacherian savannas is governed
by soil moisture, which is delivered as discrete pulses separated by intervals of drought. Each year
differs in the relative amounts of summer, autumn and winter moisture received. Trends in the
seasonality of rainfall may persist for a decade or more (Webb & Betancourt 1992).
Dry climate, erratic rainfall, and mount.ainous terrain with rocky or caliche soils do not create a
setting for prosperous agriculture. But they create the context that makes ranching possible. Were
it not for dry climate and unsuitable soils, ranchers would all be farmers, and the range converted
to cultivated cropland, just as happened in the tallgrass prairie of Iowa.
Apacherian savannas support a variety of coexisting plant species, which provides rich potential
for vegetation dynamics. Each species is adapted to exploit a particular regime of soil moisture and
survive a given range of drought intensities. Modes of adaptation include tolerance to internal
desiccation, root and shoot architecture, and the timing of growth and reproductive responses to
weather events. Seedlings are more vulnerable than mature plants. Many species, especially those
with long lives such as mesquite and ocotillo, rely on infrequent episodes when suitable climate and
disturbance events converge to create opportunities for their seedlings to survive to maturity.
Seedlings of each species differ in th~!r requirements to establish; some are favored by winter
storms, others by the Arizona' monsoon. For this reason seemingly minor shifts in weather
patterns, for example a sequence of dry winters, can ramify into substantial changes in vegetation.
Each species is unique, but three growth form groups can be recognized inhabiting Apacherian
savannas, each group sharing general patterns of soil moisture exploitation (Burgess 1995):
1) Water-starers have shallow roots, rapid responses to rain, and relatively slow growth rates.
Examples are prickly pear, sotol, yucca, and ocotillo. Plants with these growth forms are often
called "cactus, n even though many are totally unrelated to such true cactus as cholla and
barrel cactus.
2) Extensive exploiters have extensive root systems which can use deeper soil moisture, These
are woody plants with relatively slow responses to rain and potentially long life-spans.
Mesquite, juniper, and catclaw acacia are examples. Plants with this growth form are often
lumped together as "brush.n
3) Intensive exploiters have dense shallow root systems that allow intensive exploitation of
shallow soil moisture, rapid responses to rain, fast growth rates and rapid colonization on open
land. For range management, two basic types of intensive exploiters can be distinguished:
3a) Grasses are represented by many species in Apacherian savannas. Although they all use
shallow soil moisture, there is a range of life cycles and forms, from annuals such as red
brome and six-weeks grama, to herbaceous perennials including tobosa and alkali sacaton, to
half-shrub mimics including bush muhly and black grama.
3b) Half-shrubs, also called subshrubs or chamaephytes (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg
1974), are partly woody plants, usually less than knee-high, that often die back somewhat
during cold or drought. Examples are burro-weed, broom snakeweed, and mariola. As is
evident from their names, ranchers tend to call such plants "weedsn because their increase
signals less profitable trends in savanna dynamics.
Grasses and half-shrubs often compete for soil moisture and space. Disturbances by fire and
grazing, and weather sequences favoring seedlings of one group or another, can create a dynamic
alternation of dominance between grasses and half-shrubs.
Plants in the three growth form categories differ in their life cycles, and hence in the duration of
their influence on the landscape. Long-lived shrubby trees, for example mesquite, are the most
stable elements of savannas. In contrast, annual plants respond rapidly to seasonal weather and
disturbances. Populations of trees, shrubs and many water-storers change over decades to
centuries. Perennial grasses and half-shrubs seem to respond on time scales from years to
decades; however Robert Webb's recent study of a century of change in the Grand Canyon (1996)
indicates that even individual grass clumps can be remarkably long-lived if they are protected from
burros and other grazers.
What types of vegetation do these plants create?
Much of the Apacherian savanna is currently used for cattle production. Some areas have
grasses mixed with arid-adapted shrubs, half-shrubs and water-storers on the wet edges of the
northeastern Sonoran Desert, the northern and western Chihuahuan desert, and the southern fringe
of the Great Basin Desert, especially on coarse-textured soils (Schmutz et al. 1991). An example is
the grassy scrub of black-grama and white-thorn acacia on limey slopes of the San Pedro Valley.
Grasses can also be found mixed with shrubby trees on the dry margins of pinyon-juniper woodland
and Madrean oak woodland. Savannas a11u grasslands occur on mountain piedmonts or bajadas,
especially where soils have high clay content (McAuliffe 1995). Clayey soils support savannas of
velvet mesquite and curly mesquite grass on ancient alluvial fan remnants in many parts of
southeastern Arizona.
These grassy plant communities and landscapes have been grouped together under labels of
'semidesert grassland,' 'desert grassland' or 'shrub steppe' (Burgess 1995). I prefer to call them
Apacherian savannas. They support mixtures of desert, woodland and chaparral species, but they
have characteristic species whose ecological distributions are clearly centered within these
landscapes. These indicator species include tobosa grass, black grama, mesquite, sotol, soaptree
yucca, and burro-weed. Half-shrubs are usually important components of Apacherian savanna. Here
mixtures of succulents, shrubs, grasses and half-shrubs are normal, producing a diversity of
coexisting plant growth forms much higher than expected in typical grasslands.
Vegetation structure created by coexisting growth forms is inherently unstable. A sequence of
disturbances or weather events can change the landscape from open savanna to dense brush or
low half-shrub scrub, and vice versa. Diverse species composition confers ecosystem resilience
through dominance shifts. If conditions are not favorable for grasses, the half-shrubs and shrubs
increase to fill in gaps left as grasses decrease.
Why do I call it savanna instead of desert grassland? To wake us up, and help us rethink its
nature and potential.
The term desert grassland is a legacy of Frederick Clements, who had a prairie grassland bias
from his first work in Nebraska. He recognized the unstable dynamics of this vegetation, but it did
not conform with his Stable Climax Theory; therefore these communities could not be recognized for
their integrity -they were to be considered an unstable ecotone between desert and grassland; thus
the name 'Desert Grassland' (Clements 1963). From my perspective this vegetation has floristic
and structural integrity that was denied by the desert grassland label, and these landscapes should
not be viewed as transitional or ecotonal.
Calling these landscapes 'grassland' focuses on grasses and pasturage. This emphasizes the
production of agricultural commodities, especially cattle. It also promotes comparisons with
temperate grasslands, especially those of the Great Plains, which may not be the most appropriate
models for understanding these places. If a landscape is considered 'grassland,' non-grasses tend
to be viewed as 'invaders.' Accordingly, a landscape with shrubs or cactus is 'degraded' and need
to be 'restored.' Cost-effective 'restoration' may require the introduction of exotic grasses. If a
place is thought of as grassland, even an exotic grassland may seem somehow more appropriate
than a landscape dominated by nativE; shrubs or cactus.
In a savanna, coexistence of different growth forms is expected. The most stable plant
components, trees and shrubs, are integral parts of a savanna community along with the grasses.
The term 'Apacherian savanna' promotes comparisons with tropical savannas, where plant growth
rhythms are governed more by rainfall than by temperature, and dynamic shifts in vegetation
structure are expected (Knoop and Walker 1985, Laycock 1991, Walker et al. 1981, Walker and
Noy-Meir 1982). In the drought-prone Southwest, such comparisons seem appropriate. A more
inclusive ecosystem concept, embracing the possibilities of different vegetation conditions over
time, provides mental models suitable for adaptive management (C. S. Holling 1996, Westoby et
al. 1989) with flexible goals and methods.
This is only one attempt to shift our preconceptions and promote creative insights. We came to
this conference because we care about this region and its future. In landscapes as dynamic and
complex as these, misunderstandings are likely. With our current technology and wealth, poorly
conceived actions can produce ecologica! degradation, which reduces opportunities for people
trying to live in these landscapes. Lots of different communities and landscapes are included under
the category of Apacherian savanna or desert grassland. What are the best ways to know and live
with these ranges? How can our culture incorporate and communicate this understanding? Where
should this information be concentrated? Should knowledge of the range be restricted to owners
and inhabitants, or should regional urban-dwellers be given access to the details of their
surrounding ecosystems?
These places are inhabited, and both human and non-human residents face an uncertain
The human population and its consumption demands will almost certainly increase. Urban
dominance will continue: the Phoenix-Mesa area is expected to add 1,391,000 people between
now and 2015 (Kiplinger Editors 1996). The general shift from commodity-generated income to
information and service-generated income will probably continue. Sunbelt retirees will continue to
support gated techno-oases along with rampant land speculation. The Colorado Plateau and Sky
Islands may continue their transformations into theme parks, restructured and managed to provide
pleasant experiences for urban vacationers. More large land holdings will become owned by the
independently wealthy for use as exclusive retreats or pleasuring grounds, rather than as sources of
personal livelihood.
Under strong pressure from land speculation, the lifestyle and the amenity value of land in this
region often exceeds its value for producing agricultural commodities. Purchases by new residents
are motivated more by lifestyle or intangible values than by the land's potential to generate
agricultural income. Lifestyle value is driven by personal beliefs, thus it is more unpredictable and
harder to measure than livestock production. These unstable, shifting value systems are changing
the social fabric of rural communities.
Global climate models foretell substantial change, but it is hard to predict specific climate
trends in the Southwest. The climate may become more unstable, or flip into a new stable
behavior that could be drier or wetter in different parts of this region. Any change in weather
patterns will produce substantial changes in vegetation and forage production. More critical for the
region's economy will be whether the future climate will appear more or less comfortable than other
parts of U. S., which will affect the relocation of retirees.
Urban growth and perhaps climate change will increase the value of water, especially in the Salt
River watershed supporting Phoenix. There may be renewed efforts to increase runoff yield by
denuding vegetation, in effect 'shrink-wrapping' the watersheds.
Perhaps the greatest value of our regional landscapes is in the ecological services they provide:
air regeneration, water purification, soil formation, etc. Unfortunately these values are usually
externalized: they have no accountability within our economic system. If the true worth of
ecological services could be evaluated, the quality of ecological stewardship would become a major
criterion for subsidizing rural ranchers.
What should happen to rural ranchers and landscapes? Is subdivision compatible with
ecological integrity? Is ranching compatible with ecological integrity?
In European culture, all rights to the land are acquired by purchase or conquest. Conquest is
the reason Apaches are no longer the dominant culture. Purchase, either outright or through taxes
and grazing leases, is how current owners or ranchers gain the right to hold their places. If current
inhabitants are to retain rights to their land, they must maintain their power, especially economic
and political power, within our urban-dominated society.
Traditionally power obtained from the land was used to secure the rights to use that land. This
was thought to lead to the 'best use' of land, measured by the amount of wealth that could be
created from extraction or cultivation. Under the social Darwinism paradigm of the Nineteenth
Century, those who are most adept at accumulating and sustaining power should acquire rights to
the land (Worster 1985). The social goal is to motivate individuals to accumulate wealth, which
they share with the state. Beyond some threshold this system leads to extraction and
impoverishment of the land's productive potential, and can also diminish human opportunities.
Hence this paradigm is being reconsidered in our current situation of exploding human populations
and accelerating technological power. It is not clear that economic health, as currently defined, is
compatible with ecological health.
The landscapes we are concerned with, savannas, grasslands and scrublands too arid or rocky
for industrial-style farming, pose spec!ai problems. The traditional solution to dryland inhabitation
has been nomadic pastoralism, but our land tenure system has forced pastoralists into the fixed
locations and defined boundaries of stable farms. This has sometimes led to unfortunate
ecological consequences, especially during long droughts when owners could neither move nor sell
their livestock.
The unstable economic yield of stock-raising in drought-prone climates does not mesh well with
current economic expectations of the U. S. As agricultural commodity markets consolidate, and
brokers and marketers will accumulate power, and small-scale producers will suffer. Depending on
livestock production to sustain current inhabitants is likely to lead to big changes in ownership and
control, unless there are continuing subsidies of capital. Many ranchers already have to find
part-time wage or service work. Ownership is shifting to people or organizations that have
accumulated wealth from distant sources.
Urban population in the region is increasing dramatically, which will accelerate the alteration of
regional landscapes to meet urban expecta~ions (Cronan 1991). Rural landowners are a shrinking
minority (Orr 1994, p. 185). They could offset their declining numerical power with additional
wealth, but the productivity of drought-prone rangeland makes accumulation of surplus wealth from
the land very unlikely. Furthermore, in this region much of the range is controlled by the federal
government, hence management policy is subject to urban political influences from outside the
region (Sheridan 1995).
It is very unlikely that rural ranchers will eliminate urbanized democracy and install a social order
in which power is based on land ownership. If their interests are to be secured, they must explore
other options to consolidate power. Ranchers' cooperatives offer possibilities to spread risk and
provide insurance against catastrophes. Rural people may be able to cultivate urban constituencies
for political and economic clout. What could be of concern to urban dwellers? Quality meat,
quality recreation (hunting, horse training, etc.), and quality of ecological stewardship are all
legitimate concerns for at least some urban Americans. Note the repeated emphasis on quality.
Value is added by the perception of quality, which is driven by belief systems. To evaluate quality,
the producer and client must agree upon how quality is to be measured.
The land and climate of Apacherian savannas create strong personal attachments for many
people. This is a basis for shared values and a consensus about quality. How can ecological
stewardship be measured in a way that a rancher and environmentalist can agree upon? Mutual
participation in ecological monitoring could be the start of an evolving consensus about
management goals and subsidies.
Environmentalists, field-oriented scientists, and ranchers share many concerns. These groups
are beginning to foster productive discussions and dialogs, including those at this conference.
Communication among various interest groups and ecological communities should become
complex and networked in a manner analogous to the complexity and patchiness of the Apacherian
Savannas. To be effective, everyone should maintain a flexible approach that can include
perspectives of ranchers, bird-watchers, urban consumers, and federal managers. The
management skills needed to coordinate discussions, monitoring and consensus-building will be
vital for the preservation of ecological communities. It is doubtful that any private or public group
can sustain this effort over a long period. Hence the coordinators should nurture one or more
successors to insure continuity of the dialogs and preserve traditions of integrity and trust among
the people involved.
There has been considerable progress in our perception of Apacherian savannas, but we are far
from assembling the coherent body of expertise needed for its effective inhabitation and
management. Also, no centralized collection of knowledge can ever substitute for the accumulated
experience of a resident ranch family with their land. The accelerating proliferation of
communication technologies is creating an information storm that is tearing traditional cultures
apart and perhaps even fragmenting personalities (Gergen 1991). We must not let the flood of
new information destroy the slow knowledge accumulated by rural people living on their land and by
passionate naturalists who have sustained a focus on some place or organism. Only through
continued conversations, both among ourselves and with the land, will we keep a land base in our
common culture. Through this continuing dialog we can discover ways that balance ecological
health with human opportunity. This conference has provided a place to talk, and I am encouraged
that, though the future may be uncertain, our dialog can endure.
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