
Introd u ction............................................................................................................................... 3
W elcom e by Rector ITC ................................................................................................................ 3
W elcom e by the President of ISPRS TechnicalCom m ission II ......................................................... 3
W ords of welcom e by the Conference Chair................................................................................. 3
Inform ation about Enschede......................................................................................................... 4
Contact inform ation..................................................................................................................... 4
Prog ram m e O rg anisation ......................................................................................................... 5
Scientific Program m e Com m ittee ................................................................................................. 5
LocalOrganising Com m ittee ........................................................................................................ 5
Sym p osiu m Su p p ort Prog ram m e ............................................................................................. 6
Socialevent.................................................................................................................................. 6
List of Sponsors............................................................................................................................ 6
Exhibition..................................................................................................................................... 6
G eneral Inform ation ................................................................................................................. 7
V enue.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Registration desk / Sym posium secretariat .................................................................................... 7
N am e badges............................................................................................................................... 7
Refreshm ents ............................................................................................................................... 8
Language of the sym posium ......................................................................................................... 8
Internet connection...................................................................................................................... 8
Inform ation for speakers .............................................................................................................. 9
Inform ation for Poster sessions ..................................................................................................... 9
Attendance certificates................................................................................................................. 9
TravelService ............................................................................................................................... 9
Illness........................................................................................................................................... 9
Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Sm oking policy........................................................................................................................... 10
Mosque ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Library ....................................................................................................................................... 10
D etailed Prog ram m e of th e Sym p osiu m ............................................................................... 11
Tuesday 12 June ........................................................................................................................ 11
W ednesday13 June .................................................................................................................... 11
Thursday 14 June ....................................................................................................................... 13
Friday 15 June............................................................................................................................ 14
SpatialData Q uality 2007
1. Introd u ction
Welcom e b y R ector ITC
W e are happy to see you in the N etherlands and m ore specifically here in Enschede at ITC. W e have been
known for m ore than 55 years as an institute for capacity building in the field of G eo-Inform ation Science
and earth Observation. Our research and PhD program , our educationalprogram s and project services focus
especially on the needs of the lesser developed countries. W e have m ore than 18000 alum ni in m ore than
165 countries. Therefore we are a truly international com m unity. W e thought this to be the right location
for this sym posium .
The Conference Chair Alfred Stein and his team , his colleagues in the N etherlands and abroad did their very
best to prepare this Sym posium . It is now up to you to m ake it a success. On behalf of the ITC com m unity I
wish you a fruitfuland enjoyable Sym posium .
Martien Molenaar
Welcom e by th e Presid ent of ISPR S Tech nical Com m ission II
I would like to welcom e all participants of the 5th International Sym posium on Spatial Data Q uality to this
outstanding event. Spatial data quality has always been an im portant com ponent of m apping and spatial
data handling. This subject has gained increasing attention since the widespread use of digital spatial data
in alm ost all aspects of our everyday lives has becom e a fact. The International Society for Photogram m etry
and Rem ote Sensing through its Technical Com m issions focuses especially on theoretical issues in spatial
data handling in its Technical Com m ission II. W orking G roup II/7 on the Q uality of Spatial Data and Models
is one of the seven working groups in this com m ission. As the president of Technical Com m ission II I am
particularly satisfied that the key persons in the field of spatial data quality have com e together to discuss
topics and to report on research results in this im portant area. I would like to thank the organizers for their
hard work and the excellent program that they have put together and I wish the sym posium m uch success
as wellas m any stim ulating discussions.
W olfgang K ainz
Word s of w elcom e b y th e Conference Ch air
W elcom e to the 5th InternationalSym posium for SpatialData Q uality! W e organize this sym posium jointly
with the ISPRS com m ission II, working group 7. The generalthem e of the m eeting is "Data quality in space
and tim e". W e have tried to prepare for you an exciting and interesting program m e, both scientifically and
socially. W e have been very pleased by the high quality of the papers that have been accepted for both oral
and poster presentations, we are very happy with the keynote speakers who have been willing to give
their scientific vision on the subject and we trust that you willgo hom e after this event with new insights,
knowledge, ideas, and, of course, new contacts and friends.
If there are any aspects of the sym posium organisation which are not satisfactory, or are a problem for you,
please com e and discuss it with m e personally, as our Organising Com m ittee has really done the best they
could so any deficiencies are due to m y neglect.
W e wish you an enjoyable stay in Enschede during the Sym posium , and hope you willtake advantage of the
opportunity to build new networks, strengthen existing relations and learn new things during the various
technicaland socialactivities planned during your stay here.
Alfred Stein
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
Inform ation ab ou t Ensch ed e
Enschede, with a population of 160.000 is in the eastern part of the N etherlands, 5 km from the border
with G erm any. It is a m ajor educationalcentre with ITC, the U niversity of Twente, the Enschede Polytechnic
and m any other schools and colleges in the area. The Sym posium is held in ITC, with excellent lecture room s
and exhibition areas.
Detailed inform ation about the city of Enschede can be found in the brochure “W elcom e to Enschede”
which was handed to you in the conference bag.
Contact inform ation
If you have questions during the sym posium please go to the registration desk.
SpatialData Q uality 2007
2. Prog ram m e O rg anisation
Prof. Alfred Stein (The N etherlands, chair)
Dr. H ande Dem irel(Turkey, scientific secretary)
Prof. Peter Fisher (U K )
Prof. Andrew Frank (Austria)
Prof. MichaelG oodchild (U SA)
Prof. Robert Jeansoulin (France)
Prof. Deren Li (China)
Prof. W u Lun (China)
Prof. Orhan Altan (Turkey)
Prof. Martien Molenaar (The N etherlands)
Prof. W enzhong Shi (H ong K ong)
Dr. Rodolphe Devillers (Canada)
Dr. G erard H euvelink (The N etherlands)
Assoc. Prof. G ary H unter (Australia)
Prof. G eoff H enebry (U SA)
Prof. Mike W orboys (U SA)
Prof. Mir AbolfazlMostafavi (Canada)
Dr. David Rossiter (The N etherlands)
Scientific Prog ram m e Com m ittee
Local O rg anising Com m ittee
W ietske Bijker
Luc Boerboom
Rolf de By
Frans G ollenbeek
Janneke K alf
David Rossiter
Alfred Stein
Saskia Tem pelm an
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
3. Sym p osium Su p p ort Prog ram m e
Social events
Tuesday 12 June:
W ednesday13 June:
Thursday 14 June:
17.00 – 19.00 Icebreaker reception at ITC (dress: inform al)
17.00 – 18.30 Reception during poster session (dress: inform al)
13.00 – 22.00 Excursion to Ootm arsum and dinner (dress: inform al)
List of Sp onsors
Tailor & Francis G roup
K adaster
C.T. de W it G raduate School
for Production Ecology and Resource Conservation (PE& RC)
CTIT: Centre for Telem atics and Inform ation Technology
Exh ib ition
A sm allexhibition is located in room 0-142/146.
Exhibitors are:
1Spatial, U nited K ingdom
Elsevier, The N etherlands
If you have any inform ation to hand out to the delegates, you m ay put this in room 0-142/146
SpatialData Q uality 2007
4. G eneral Inform ation
The overalltopic of the 5th InternationalSym posium for SpatialData Q uality is “Data quality in space and
tim e". The TechnicalProgram of the Sym posium em braces Opening Session, 5 K eynote speakers, 14
TechnicalSessions, and 1 poster session.
On this page you willfind arrangem ents and program m e inform ation for the Sym posium . Inform ation
regarding the keynote speakers, the technicalsessions, the poster session and socialevent, organized by the
Organizing Com m ittee are also to be found here.
V enu e
The Sym posium willbe held at ITC in Enschede. Allm eeting room s for the Sym posium willbe located at
ITC. Room 2-004 is on the second floor room num ber 004. Room 0-142 is on the ground floor room 042.
Signs willdirect participants to room s and the hostess team is present to ask for directions.
Room assignm ents are as follow s:
Opening Session
K eynote speakers
Room s 2-004/008, 3-008, Auditorium
Poster Session
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
Sym posium Secretariat
Reception desk, ITC Entrance hall
Speaker’s Desk
Room 0-137
Coffee Breaks
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
Ice breaker reception Tuesday
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
Reception W ednesday
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
Sym posium Diner
Restaurant De W aterm olen (Denekam p)
Annex/ 0-142/ 146
R eg istration d esk / Sym p osiu m secretariat
The registration desk for the Sym posium willbe located in the ITC Entrance H all. In case you have any
questions, or if you need any facility, please go to the Registration desk/Sym posium secretariat.
The registration desk is open according to the following schedule of operation:
Tuesday 12 June
17.00 - 19.00
W ednesday 13 June 08.00 - 17.00
Thursday 14 June
08.00 - 14.00
Friday 15 June
08.00 - 15.00
N am e b ad g es
N am e badges and conference inform ation willbe handed to alldelegates when registering. N am e badges
are required for entry to allSym posium events: the Plenary and TechnicalSessions and Poster Session,
including the coffee breaks and the socialevents.
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
R efresh m ents
Coffee and tea willbe served in room 0-142/0-146. Coffee breaks are included in the registration fee of all
registered participants and guests of the Sym posium . Cold water willbe available at alltim es.
From W ednesday 13 June to Friday 15 June:
08:00 - 09:00 Coffee/ tea
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee/ tea
15:45 - 16:15 Coffee/ tea
Lunch willbe served to allsym posium participants’ room 0-142/ 0-146. Participants should wear their nam e
badge to enter the lunch area. The early m orning coffee, the lunches and coffee/tea breaks are allincluded
in the Registration Fee.
Lunch breaks are as follow s:
W ednesday 13 June: 12.30-14.00 hrs
Thursday 14 June: Packed Lunch
Friday 15 June: 12:30 - 13:30 hrs
Lang u ag e of the sym p osiu m
The working language of the Sym posium willbe English.
Internet connection
During the Sym posium wireless internet connection willbe available at the Conference Area on the ground
floor. Internet com puters willalso be available for usage for conference participants (free of charge).
How to configure (w ireless)internet access at ITC:
To m ake use of the wireless internet access, som e configuration changes m ay be necessary.
First of all, check the configuration of your network adapter. The adapter needs to obtain an IP address
autom atically. To do this open your “N etwork Connections” and follow the screens below.
Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) and choose properties
SpatialData Q uality 2007
Make sure your screen looks exactly as shown
Configure the wireless connection settings with the values given
Channel:6 (if not autom atic configured)
N o W EP or W PA is required.
Inform ation for sp eakers
A Speakers Desk and TechnicalAssistance Desk willbe set up in room 0-137 and speakers can hand in their
presentation as soon as possible. The presentation willbe uploaded to the com puter in the room in which
you present.
A technician willbe available to assist speakers with their presentations.
Hours ofoperation ofTechnicalAssistance Desk are as follow s:
W ednesday 13 June
08.00 - 17.00
Thursday 14 June
08.00 - 13.00
Friday 15 June
08.00 - 15.00
The Speakers of the TechnicalSessions have a m axim um of 15 - 20 m in. for their presentation and
discussion depending on the session. The Session Chair willgive a warning to wrap things up.
Inform ation for Poster sessions
The poster stands have a size of 2 m eters by 1 m eter.
Y our poster can either be in portrait or landscape form at. A typicalsize for posters is A0-form at.
The presenters willbe provided with double sided adhesive tapes to fix their posters.
Posters should be set up within half hour prior to, and rem oved within half hour after the Poster
A ttend ance certificates
Attendance Certificates willbe available from the Secretariat Desk upon request.
4.10. Travel Service
For any travelneeds, such as booking of socialtours or reconfirm ation of flights please report to registration
4.11. Illness
For any m edicalproblem s please report to the registration desk.
4.12. Safety
Please do not leave anything of value unattended. There is security present but do not provoke theft.
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
If you notice a fire you should im m ediately raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest m anualfire
alarm callpoint or dial260 at the nearest phone.
In case of fire or other em ergency please stay calm and listen to the announcem ents and to staff indicating
where you should go and what you should do. W e have trained personnelpresent within the ITC building.
4.13. Sm oking p olicy
Sm oking is prohibited in the ITC building. H owever, a specialsm oking room can be found in 0-108 near the
Restaurant. Sm oking is also allowed outside the building (garden).
4.14. Mosq u e
A m osque is situated on the third floor.
4.15. Lib rary
The library is situated on the third floor.
SpatialData Q uality 2007
5. D etailed Prog ram m e of th e Sym p osiu m
Every day the latest version of the program m e willbe posted in the reception area of the ITC building.
Tu esd ay 12 Ju ne
16.00 - 19.00
17.00 - 19.00
Ice Breaker Reception
Location: 0-142/146
Wed nesd ay 13 Ju ne
08.00 -17.30
08.00 - 09.30
O p ening Plenary Session
Location: Auditorium
W elcom e Speech: Prof. Dr. M. H ale, V ice Rector ITC
W elcom e Speech: Prof. Dr. W . K ainz, President of ISPRS TechnicalCom m ission II
W elcom e Speech: Prof. Dr. A. Stein, Conference Chair
09.45 – 10.30
O p ening K eynote Sp eaker: Prof. Lotfi Zad eh , U nited States of A m erica
Location: Auditorium
Paper: G ranular Com puting - Com puting with U ncertain, Im precise and Partially True
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee/Tea Break
11.00 - 12.40
S 1-1 G eo-Inform ation Theory
Location: Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Andrew Frank, Austria
S. M. Zaffar Sadiq, M. G house, Australia: Storing and Q uerying Spatially Varying Data
Q uality Inform ation U sing an Integrated SpatialRDBMS
W . Tegtm eier, The N etherlands: Identifying the Problem of U ncertainty Determ ination
and Com m unication in InfrastructuralDevelopm ent
M. V erm eer, Finland: Aspects of Error Propagation in Modern G eodetic N etworks
M. Salehi, Canada: Towards Specialized Integrity Constraints for SpatialData Cubes
Integrity Constraints
M.R. Delavar, Iran: AnalyticalEvaluation of U ncertainty Propagation in Seism ic
Assessm ent of Tehran U sing G IS
11.00 - 12.40
S 2-1 Sp atial Statistics
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Prof. W enzhong Shi, H ongkong
S. Lubom ir, Czech Republic: OverallU ncertainty of G eoreferencing and Classification
K . K ollo, Finland: A com ,parission of G eostatistics and Fuzzy Application for Digital
Elevation Model
A. W ijaya, G erm any: G eostatisticalTexture Classification of TropicalRainforests in
S. H egde, India: Supervised Land-Cover Classification-A Fuzzy Logic Technique
O. Om o-Irabor, U nited K ingdom : A H ybrid Im age Classification Approach for the
System atic Analysis of Land Cover Changes in the N iger Delta Region
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
12.40 - 14.00
14.00 - 14.40
K eynote Sp eaker: Prof. Wenzh ong Sh i, Hong K ong
Location: Auditorium
Paper: An analysis of research developm ent in spatialdata quality and uncertainty
m odelling
14.45 - 15.45
S 1-2 G eo-Inform ation Th eory
Location: Auditorium
Chair: Prof. Robert Jeansoulin, France
S. Schade, G erm any: Sem antic Reference System s Accounting for U ncertainty – A
Requirem ents Analysis
M. Bakillah, Canada: A ConceptualFram ework for Q uality Assessm ent of Sem antic
Mapping between Ontologies
A. Stadler, G erm any: Spatio-Sem antic Coherence in the Integration of 3D City Models
14.45 - 15.45
S 2-2 Sp atial Statistics
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Dr. David Rossiter, The N etherlands
H . Dem irel, Turkey: Predictive Mapping of Air Pollutants: A SpatialApproach
G . N avratil, G erm any: Modeling Data Q uality with Possibility-Distributions
Z. Jiang, The N etherlands: Optim ization of Mobile Radioactivity Monitoring N etworks
15.45 - 16.15
Coffee/Tea Break
16.15 - 18.00
Poster session
Location: 0-142/146
Drinks willbe served from 16.30 onwards
Convenor: Dr. N ick H am m
Y an G ao, Mexico: Optim ised Im age Segm entation and its Effect on Classification
I. R. K aras,Turkey: 3D SpatialData Modelling and N etwork Analysis for Indoors
M. O'Brien, Ireland: A SpatialAnalysis of Psychiatric Patient Data Records
H . Dem irel, Turkey: Adding V alue to Car N avigation– V isualApproaches for Knowledge
B.Poovalinga G anesh, India: Analysis of U ncertainties in V isualizing Rem ote Sensing and
Z. Akyurek, Turkey: ArtificialN euralN etworks as a Toolfor Site Selection within G IS
M. Ouarzeddine, Algeria: Classification of Polarim etric SAR Im ages Based on Scattering
Mechanism s
M. Seetha, India: Perform ance Analysis of Im age Fusion Techniques by Im age
Segm entation
D.A. Sarafidis, G reece: Design of an ISO 19115 Com pliant Profile for Docum enting
SpatialDatasets and Series for the H ellenic Cadastre
F. Fazlollahi, Iran: Evaluation of Land U se Changes Due to W ater Sluicing of Taleghan
Dam by Means of Rem ote Sensing Technology
A.A. Alesheikh, Iran: Developing a Spatio-Tem poralDatabase for Moving Objects
M. G oudarzi, Iran: Differentiation of drylands cerealand Rangelands with the Assistance
of Rem ote Sensing Techniques
S. Z. H osseini, Iran: Investigation on the Potentialof DigitalLandsat ETM+ Data for Soil
Salinity Mapping: Case Study: N orthern Part of Lout Plain, Iran
N .P. H egde, India: Integration of Cellular Autom ata and G IS
B. Malleswari, India: K alm an Filter for G PS Data Preprocessing
SpatialData Q uality 2007
H . O. K ena, G hana: Optim izing the W orkflow in a H ybrid Production System of Analytical
and DigitalProduction of G eodate U sing AerialPhotographs.
Y an G ao, Mexico: Object-based Im age Analysis for Mapping Land-cover in a Forest Area
N .P. H egde, India: Q uality ControlIn Large SpatialDatabases
A. N guyen (MoN RE), The N etherlands: Q uality Managem ent for DTM production
M. Sanderson, U nited K ingdom : SpatialData Infrastructures: The Challenges Ahead
C. Tagg, U nited K ingdom : SpatialData Q uality Control: a SOA Approach
O.G . Djafar, Iran: Studying Bio-Environm entalPotentials of Kusalan Area, Based on IU CN
Criterions, U sing RS and G IS technologies
K .P.G .W . Senadeera, Sri Lanka: The Evaluation of Morphm etric Characteristics of
K otm ale Reservoir Catchm ent U sing G IS as a Tool, Sri Lanka
A. Com ber, U nited K ingdom : The Identification of Data Prim itives to Separate the
Concepts and Sem antics of Land Cover and Land U se: The Exam ple of ‘Forest’
J.M. Mäkelä, Finland: The im pact of spatialdata quality on decision m aking in a com pany
O. Špatenková, Finland: U se of Contingency Tables to V alue V ariables for SpatialModels
T. T. Pham , France: U ncertainty in Environm entalData Integration into 3D U rban
Inform ation System
C. de Runz, France: U sing Fuzzy Logic to Manage U ncertain Multi-m odalData in an
ArchaeologicalG IS.
D. Chen, Canada: Calibrating Q uantitative Errors on CategoricalMaps U sing the
Contingency table
H . Asadi H aroni, Iran: Integrated Analysis of ASTER and Landsat ETM Data to Map
Exploration Targets in the Muteh G old-Mining Area, Iran
Th u rsd ay 14 Ju ne
08.00 -13.00
08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.40
K eynote Sp eaker: D r. G erard Heu velink
Location: Auditorium
Paper: Error-aware G IS at work: real-world applications of the data uncertainty engine
09.45 - 10.45
S 1-3 G eo-Inform ation Theory
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Prof. W olfgang Förstner, G erm any
A. Frank, Austria: Assessing the Q uality of Data with a Decision Model
T.H . Alem seged, The N etherlands: Spatial-Tem poralRainfallMapping From Space:
Setbacks And Strengths
G utiérez, France: Towards Real-Tim e Metadata for Sensor-Based N etworks and
G eographic Databases
09.45 - 10.45
S 3-1 A p p lications
Location: Auditorium
Chair: Dr. Rodolphe Devillers
P.A. Propastin, G erm any: Increasing Accuracy In Analysis N DV I-Precipitation Relationship
Through Scaling Down from Regionalto LocalModel
F. H ebeler, Switzerland: Modelling DEM Data U ncertainties for Monte Carlo Sim ulations
of Ice Sheet Models
A. Com ber, U nited K ingdom : U ncertainty, V agueness And Indiscernibility: The Im pact Of
SpatialScale In Relation To The Landscape Elem ents
10.45 - 11.00
Coffee/Tea Break
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
11.00 - 13.00
S 2-3 Sp atial Statistics
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Dr. G erard H euvelink, The N etherlands
L. Morales, Chile: Com parison Interpolation Methods for Detection of Microclim atic
R.L.Manzione, Brazil: Predictive Risk Mapping of W ater Table Depths in a Brazilian
Cerrado Area
D. Mostafa, K . Moham ed, Egypt: Estim ating SpatialV ariability of SoilSalinity U sing
Cokriging in Bahariya Oasis, Egypt
S. de Bruin, The N etherlands: Propagation of PositionalMeasurem ent Errors to Field
M.A. Marinelli, Australia: Error Propagation Analysis Techniques Applied to Precision
Agriculture and Environm entalModels
M.R. Delavar, Iran: Q uality Assessm ent in SpatialClustering of Data Mining
11.00 - 13.00
S 4-1 G eo-Inform ation A cq u isition
Location: Auditorium
Chair: Dr. H ande Dem irel
L. Bejaoui, France: LogicalConsistency for V ague Spatio-Tem poralObjects and Relations
T. W ehrm ann, G erm any: Analysis of the Q uality of Collection 4 and 5 V egetation Index
Tim e Series from MODIS
A. Olteanu, France: A Multi-Criteria Fusion Approach for G eographicalData Matching
Y . G e, China: Measuring the Q uality of Sam ples in the Supervised Classification of
Rem otely Sensed Im agery
J. Triglav, Slovenia: Significance Analysis of G eolocation as a Function of Tim e
13.00 - 18.30
Social Tou r
Location: Ootm arsum
18.30 – 22.00
Conference D inner
Location: Restaurant “De W aterm olen”, Denekam p
Frid ay 15 Ju ne
08.00 -15.00
08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.40
K eynote sp eaker: Prof. Wolfg ang Fö rstner, G erm any
Location: Auditorium
Paper: Challenges in Modelling U ncertainty of G IS-Data
09.45 - 10.45
S 3-2 A p plications
Location: Auditiorium
Chair: Dr. W ietske Bijker, The N etherlands
M. de V ries, The N etherlands: U ncertainty in SpatialPlanning: Causes, Im plications and
Possible Solutions
E.S. Podolskaya, Russia: Q uality Assessm ent for Polygon G eneralization
R. Jeansoulin, France: Q uality-Aware and Metadata-Based Decision-Making Support for
Environm entalH ealth
SpatialData Q uality 2007
09.45 - 10.45
S 4-2 G eo-Inform ation A cq u isition
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Dr. G ary H unter, Australia
M. H aixia, China: A Prelim inary Study on SpatialSam pling Method for Topographic Map
X . Li, China: Q uality Detection for Chinese Paper Chart Production Based on K nowledge
09.45 - 10.45
S 5-1 D issem ination and Fitness for u se
Location: 3-008
Chair: Dr. Luc Boerboom , The N etherlands
P. W atson, U nited K ingdom : Form alLanguages for Expressing Data Consistency Rules
and Im plications for Reporting of Q uality Metadata
A. Boin, Australia: W hat com m unicates quality to the spatialdata consum er?
G . Schaab, G erm any: Judging and V isualising the Q uality of Spatio-tem poralData on the
K akam ega-N andi Forest Area in W est K enya
10.45 - 11.00
Coffee/Tea Break
11.00 - 12.20
S 3-3 A p plications
Location: Auditorium
Chair: Prof. MichaelG oodchild, U nited States of Am erica
E. Dias, The N etherlands: Analysing and Aggregating Visitor Tracks in a Protected Area
M. G hose and K . G hose, India: Accuracy Assessm ent of G is Data U sing Sim ulated Spatial
Error Modeling Techniques
T.H . Alem seged, The N etherlands: U ncertainty Issues in H ydrodynam ic Flood Modelling
B.N . G uetti, U nited States of Am erica: Prevention of SpatialData Com pression Q uality
A. K alantari Oskouei, Iran: Application of G ML-based G eo-Metadata for Data Q uality
Inform ation Managem ent and Dissem ination on the W eb
11.00 - 12.20
S 4-3 G eo-Inform ation A cq u isition
Location: 3-008
Chair: Dr. Rolf De By, The N etherlands
R. H aller, Switzerland: Assessm ent of H eight Accuracy of DEM for Species H abitat
Analysis and Modelling.
P.A. Bordalo-Machado, Portugal: Extraction and Classification of Longline Fishing Trips
from V esselMonitoring System s Data with SequentialRecording G aps
O. Mudenda, Zam bia: SpatialAnalysis and Q uality Managem ent of RainfallData at the
Zam bia MeteorologicalDepartm ent.
O. H uism an, The N etherlands: The N ature Of Prism s: Exploring Data Q uality And
V agueness In Dynam ic Spatio-Tem poralConstructs
Modelling Q ualities in Space and Tim e
11.00 - 12.20
S 5-2 D issem ination and Fitness for u se
Location: 2-004/008
Chair: Dr. Lex Com ber
R.M. H endriksson, Finland: An Ontology-Driven Approach for SpatialData Q uality
I.M. Sargent, Inited K ingdom : Data Q uality in 3D: G auging Q uality Measures from U sers’
Requirem ents
M.A. Levesque, Canada: Managing the Risks of Data Misuse for SpatialDatacubes
A.M. Lechner, Australia: Developm ent of a Fram ework to Assess the Im pact of Scale
Dependent Factors on the Classification of Landcover Maps
12.20 -13.30
13.30 – 14.15
K eynote Sp eaker: Prof. Mich ael G ood ch ild , U nited States of A m erica
Location: Auditorium
Paper: Towards U ser-Centric Description of Data Q uality
14.15 – 14.30
Closing Session
SpatialData Q uality 2007