THE EFFECT OF MULTI-SCALE FOREST DISTURBANCE ON POOL BREEDING AMPHIBIAN ECOLOGY by TIMOTHY EARL BALDWIN A DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences in the School of Graduate Studies Alabama A&M University Normal, Alabama 35762 December 2013 Submitted by TIMOTHY EARL BALDWIN in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY specializing in PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE. Accepted on behalf of the Faculty of the Graduate School by the Dissertation Committee: _________________________________Major Advisor _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________Dean of the Graduate School Date _____________________________ ii Copyright by TIMOTHY EARL BALDWIN 2013 iii This dissertation is dedicated to my mother, father, and my brother. iv THE EFFECT OF MULTI-SCALE FOREST DISTURBANCE ON POOL BREEDING AMPHIBIAN ECOLOGY Baldwin, Timothy, Ph.D., Alabama A&M University, 2013. 353 pp. Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Yong Wang, Ph.D. The purpose of this project was to assess the influence that forest disturbance has on pool breeding amphibian reproductive success. This assessment was split into two components: a large scale landscape observational study and a smaller scale experimental study. The landscape study was executed using twenty-four vernal pools in the James D Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and the William B. Bankhead National Forest. Each vernal pool belonged to one of three categories: closed, open, or partially. Pools were surveyed biweekly from December through June in three breeding seasons (2008-2011) to inventory amphibian adults, egg masses, larvae, and metamorphs. This time period reflected adult and metamorph migration from natal ponds. The experimental study was carried out within Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. A split-split design was used to examine the effect forest treatment (main factor), distances to forest edge (sub-factor), and variation in amount of light reaching the pools (split-split factor) on amphibian breeding parameters. The forest treatments included: control with gaps (five replications), sheltwerwood (four replications), and an oak shelterwood (five replications). Three artificial ponds were established at each of the three distance cateogires (ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meter) in each of the forest stands. Three pools at each distance were randomly assigned to allow thirty v percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent of the light in relative to control stands to reach the pools using light screens. Artificial pools were monitored over two breeding seasons. Within the landscape study, amphibian diversity was different across vernal classes, with amphibian diversity being highest within open vernal pools when compared to closed pools Amphibian size did not differ across vernal pool classes with the exception of the Quetelet’s Index which was higher in open pools when compared to closed pools. In the field experiment larval amphibian abundance was higher within shelterwood treatment and the 30 percent arrays. This study identifies how environmental features influence larval amphibian abundance in response to forest disturbance. KEYWORDS: Amphibian, Migration, Reproduction, Vernal Pools, Disturbance, and Forest Management vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL……………………………………………………...…ii ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………...…….v TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………..vii LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………....….ix LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………..…xiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………...…………....xxiii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION (PREFACE)………..……...…………………………………….….1 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………….…….5 CHAPTER 3. THE EFFECT OF THE INTERMEDIATE DISTURBANCE ON WILDLIFE………..14 Introduction……………………………………………………………………...15 Methods………………………………………………………………………….21 Results……………………………………………………………………...….....22 Discussion………………………………………………………………………..30 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………....40 CHAPTER 4. ENVIRONMENTAL AND POOL MORPHOLOGY DIFFERENCES AMONG VERNAL POOL CLASSES WITHIN NORTHERN ALABAMA………….………….41 Introduction……………………………………………………………..………..41 Methods………………………………………………………………….……….44 Results…………………………………………………………………….…...…52 vii Discussion………………………………………………………………….…….81 CHAPTER 5. RELATIONSHIP OF POOL BREEDING AMPHIBIAN DIVERSITY WITH LOCAL AND LANDSCAPE FOREST COVER AROUND VERNAL POOLS IN NORTHERN ALABAMA………………………………………………………………………...…....86 Introduction……………………………………………………………………....89 Methods…………………………………………………………………………..92 Results………………………………………………………….…………….......99 Discussion……………………………………………………….……………...159 CHAPTER 6. THE RELATIONSHIP OF WETLAND CATEGORIES ON AMPHIBIAN SIZE AND PERFORMANCE WITHIN NORTHERN ALABAMA………….…...……………....164 Introduction……………………………..………………….……………….…..164 Methods…………………………………………………………………….…...169 Results……………………………………………………….……...…….…….178 Discussion………………………………………………….…………………...198 CHAPTER 7. THE INFLUENCE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON BREEDING POOL ACCESSIBILITY, CHOICE, AND BREEDING PERFORMANCEOF AMPHIBIANS IN GRUNDY COUNTY, TENNESSEE……...205 Introduction……………………………..……………………………………....205 Methods………………………………………………………………………....210 Results…………………………………………………………………………..227 Discussion……………………………………………………………………....286 CHAPTER 8. CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………………………………….....302 REFERENCES……………………...………………………………………………….306 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1. LIST OF DEFINITIONS………………………………………..……………..328 APPENDIX 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………...332 VITA……………………………………………………………………………………353 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 4.1 Vernal pool names, wetland classes, size, depth, and global positioning system coordinates…………………………………………………………..…...50 4.2 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components anaylsis based on (environmental variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization………………………53-54 4.3 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components anaylsis based on (pool morphology variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization…………………..………57 4.4 Mean and standard deviations of environmental and pool morphology variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011).............59-63 5.1 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (aerial photography landscape variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization………………………………...…101 5.2 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components anaylsis based on (normalized difference vegetation index variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization……………………………………………….…….…….103 5.3 Mean and standard deviations of aerial photography landscape variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (Aerial ix Photography 2009 and 2011)……………………………..….…………..……..105 5.4 Mean and standard deviations of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) landscape variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (Landsat TM 2009, 2010, 2011)…………………………………………………………………..…...107-110 5.5 Mean and standard deviations of ecological indices taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011)……………………………….…118-119 5.6 Mean and standard deviations of amphibian species abundances taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011)……………………..……124-128 5.7 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance………...136 5.8 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian species observed (Sobs)………………………………………………………………….143 5.9 Multiple regression beta coefficients for alpha diversity for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………….……..147 5.10 Multiple regression beta coefficients for the larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method……………………………………………………..150 5.11 Multiple regression beta coefficients for the Shannon-Wiener index for larval amphibians…………………………………………………...…………………153 5.13 Multiple regression beta coefficients for Simpson’s inverse diversity Index for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………….155 6.1 Means (±Standard Deviations) of size metrics and body indices in forest (closed), open, and partially open wetland classes within James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama (2008-2011)…………………………………………....180-181 6.2 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian snout to vent length……………………………………………………………………..….….185 6.3 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian total length….…….188 x 6.4 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian weight…………….192 6.5 Multiple regression beta coefficients for scaled mass index for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………………...194 6.6 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian Quetelet’s Index….197 6.7 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian Fulton’s index…….201 7.1 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (environmental variables of 123 artifical pools in Grundy County, Tennessee for 2010). The results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization….…………………………………………………………….…229 7.2 Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (environmental variables of 123 artifical pools in Grundy County, Tennessee for 2011). The results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization….…………………………………………………………….…232 7.3 Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010)…………………………………..………………….234 7.4 Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011)…………………………………..………………….248 7.5 Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010)…………………………………………………...…………..240 7.6 Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011)…………………………………………………...…………..241 7.7 Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010 and 2011)………………………………………………………………...242 7.8 Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010 and 2011)……………………………………………………………..….243 xi 7.9 Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in thirty percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent canopy array subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011)…………………………….………………...….…….…252-254 7.10 Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in thirty percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent canopy array subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011)………………………………………………….……….256-257 7.11 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance (2010)…………………………………………………………………………...263 7.12 Multiple regression beta coefficients for Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpole abundance (2010)………………………………………..268 7.13 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval American Toad and Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………………….......…..274 7.14 Multiple regression beta coefficients for Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………………....280 7.15 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...281 7.16 Multiple regression beta coefficients for Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpole abundance (2011)………………………………………..288 7.17 Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval American Toad and Fowler’s Toad (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2011)……………………………………………………….......…..294 xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 The multi-scale mechanistic model of the amphibian breeding ecology study…..8 3.1 Conceptual model of intermediate disturbance hypothesis……………………...17 3.2 Total journal articles and dissertations that each wildlife group represents when categorized by disturbance classification (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)……………………………..…………….…..23 3.3 Total journal articles and dissertations that each wildlife group represents when categorized by the acceptance or rejection of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)……………….....25 3.4 Total number of journal articles and dissertations that accepted or rejected intermediate disturbance hypothesis when categorized by disturbance classification (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)………….……26 3.5 Total number of journal articles and dissertations that landscape or stand spatial levels represent when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)……………………………………………...…..…....27 3.6 Total journal articles and dissertations that each landscape or stand spatial levels represent when categorized by wildlife group (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)………………………......……………………………..…28 3.7 Total journal articles and dissertations that each temporal level (duration of study) category represents when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)…………………………..…29 3.8 Percentage number of the total journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by acceptance of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)…………………………………….…………31 xiii 3.9 Total number of journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)…….…..…32 3.10 Percentage of total number of journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by wildlife group (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations)………….…..33 4.1 Vernal pool locations within James D. Martine Skyline Wildlife Management Area, Alabama…………................................................................45 4.2 Vernal pool locations within William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama…………………………………............................................................47 4.3 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component one- canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen………64 4.4 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component two- soil and water temperature……………………………………..67 4.5 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component three- soil and water temperature maximum……………………...…65 4.6 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component four- water pH maximum and range…………….………………..…68 4.7 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component five- leaf litter depth………….…………………………...……...…69 4.8 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component six- water pH average and minimum…………………….………….70 4.9 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component seven- leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage…....71 4.10 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in forest cover percentage…...…....72 4.11 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in pool morphology principal component one- pool area…………………………………………………….....73 4.12 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in pool morphology principal component two- hydroperiod and maximum pool depth………………………..74 4.13 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental xiv principal component one- canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen………………………………………………………….…………......…76 4.14 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental principal component three- soil and water temperature maximum………...……77 4.15 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental principal component six- water pH average and minimum………………...……78 4.16 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and pool morphology principal component one- pool area………………………………………...…...79 4.17 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and pool morphology principal component – hydroperiod and maximum pool depth…………....……80 5.1 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component one- maximum and mean………..…………......…111 5.2 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component two- range………………………………………....112 5.3 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters………………………....113 5.4 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters…………………………………..……………....114 5.5 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters…………………………………………..……....115 5.6 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters………………………………………………....116 5.7 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters………………..………………………..……....117 5.8 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in alpha diversity for larval amphibians……………………….……………………………………..……....120 5.9 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method……………………….…………………….……....121 5.10 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in alpha diversity for larval amphibians……………………….……………………………………..……....122 xv 5.11 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Marbled Salamander larval abundance….…………………….……………………………………..……....129 5.12 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Red Spotted Newt larval abundance….…………………….……………………………………..……....130 5.13 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Eastern Spadefoot tadpole abundance….…………………….……………………………………..……....131 5.14 Canonical correspondence analysis bi-plot showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 20082009 breeding season in James D. Martin Skyline and William B. Bankhead National Forest………………………………………………………………….132 5.15 Canonical correspondence analysis bi-plot showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 20092010 breeding season in James D. Martin Skyline and William B. Bankhead National Forest………………………………………………………………….133 5.16 Canonical correspondence analysis bi-plot showing the relationship between environmental and pool morphology variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2010-2011 breeding season in James D. Martin Skyline and William B. Bankhead National Forest……………………………………….…135 5.17 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component six- water pH average and minimum and larval amphibian abundance………………..….….137 5.18 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component onepool area and larval amphibian abundance..……………………..…………..…138 5.19 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component two- soil and water temperature and larval amphibian abundance……………………..….….139 5.20 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component five- soil and water temperature and larval amphibian abundance……………………..…….140 5.21 Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters and larval amphibian abundance……....141 5.22 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and larval amphibian species observed………………………………………………………………………...144 xvi 5.23 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- water pH average and minimum and larval amphibian abundance………………..….….145 5.24 Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters and larval amphibian species observed……………………………………………………………………......146 5.25 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and alpha diversity for larval amphibians……………………………………….………………….…...148 5.26 Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters and alpha diversity for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………………...149 5.27 Linear regression between forest cover percentage and larval amphibian species richness using bootstrap method……………………………………….151 5.28 Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters and larval amphibian species richness using bootstrap method…………………………………………………….…...152 5.29 Linear regression between aerial photography principal component three- main road density and distance from main roads and the Shannon-Wiener index for larval amphibians…………………………………………………………….…154 5.30 Linear regression between aerial photography principal component three- main road density and distance from main roads and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians……………………………………………….....…156 5.31 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component one- pool area and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians…………...…157 5.32 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians……………………………………………….....…158 6.1 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component one- pool area and larval amphibian snout to vent length……………………………...………183 6.2 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- water pH maximum and range and larval amphibian snout to vent length….…...…….…184 6.3 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- water pH maximum and range and larval amphibian total length………………..….……186 xvii 6.4 Linear regression between environmental principal component six- water pH average and minimum and larval amphibian total length………………..…..…187 6.5 Linear regression between environmental principal component six- water pH average and minimum and larval amphibian weight……………………..….…189 6.6 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component twohydroperiod and maximum pool depth and larval amphibian total length…….190 6.7 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- water pH maximum and range and larval amphibian total length…………………….…..191 6.8 Linear regression between environmental principal component six- water pH average and minimum and scaled mass index for larval amphibians…………..193 6.9 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component twohydroperiod and maximum pool depth and Quetelet’s index for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………………...195 6.10 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component one- pool area and Quetelet’s index for larval amphibians…………..………………………...196 6.11 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component twohydroperiod and maximum pool depth and Fulton’s index for larval amphibians……………………………………………………………………...199 6.12 Linear regression between pool morphology principal component one- pool area and Fulton’s index for larval amphibians…………..………...………………...200 7.1 Canopy array loations at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011……………………………………………………………….215 7.2 Diagram of shelterwood treatment with canopy array locations in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011…………………………………………..216 7.3 Diagram of oak shelterwood treatment with canopy array locations in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011…………………………………………..217 7.4 Diagram of control with gaps treatment with canopy array locations in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011…………………………………………..218 7.5 Diagram of canopy array pools at Burrow Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011………………………………….……………………………219 xviii 7.6 Photograph of artificial pool dimensions and canopy array dimensions without shade cloth……………………….…………………………………….220 7.7 Canopy array pools at canopy with gaps treatment (treatment thirty four) which are ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011……………………………………………………221 7.8 Thirty percent canopy array pool at canopy with gaps treatment (treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011…………………………………………….……...222 7.9 Fifty percent canopy array pool at canopy with gaps treatment (treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011……………………………………………………………………………..223 7.10 Eighty four percent canopy array pool at canopy with gaps treatment (treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011……………………………………………………224 7.11 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum (2010)….…………………….……………..………………..……....236 7.12 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum, soil and water temperature maximum and range (2010)….………………………..………………..……....237 7.13 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component three- water and soil temperature minimum and average (2010)….238 7.14 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component five- water pH (2010)………………………………………………239 7.15 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum (2010)………………………………………………………………..244 7.16 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component three- soil temperature and maximum (2011)……………………...249 7.17 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component four- water pH (2011)…………………...……………..…………..250 xix 7.18 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component six- percent dissolved oxygen minimum (2011)…………………...251 7.19 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian abundance (2010)…………………………………………………………………………...245 7.20 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)………………………………………..…...246 7.21 Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpole abundance (2011)………………………...……………...255 7.22 Boxplot with error bars showing difference larval amphibian abundance (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...258 7.23 Canonical correspondence analysis bi-plot showing the relationship between environment variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2010 breeding season in Grundy County, Tennessee………………..….260 7.24 Canonical correspondence analysis bi-plot showing the relationship between environment variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2011 breeding season in Grundy County, Tennessee…………………...261 7.25 Linear regression between environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range and larval amphibian abundance (2010)…………………………………………………...264 7.26 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and minimum and larval amphibian abundance (2010)………………………….…………………………………....265 7.27 Linear regression between environmental principal component fivewater pH (2010)……..…………………….…………………………………....266 7.28 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- leaf litter depth and Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) tadpole abundance (2010)…………………………………………..…………………….…………268 7.29 Linear regression between environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………...……….269 xx 7.30 Linear regression between environmental principal component three- water and soil temperature minimum and average and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2010)…......270 7.31 Linear regression between environmental principal component four- leaf litter depth and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………..271 7.32 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………………………….272 7.33 Linear regression between environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range and Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)………........….275 7.34 Linear regression between environmental principal component five- water pH and maximum and Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………………………………………………..…….276 7.35 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum and Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)……………………………….277 7.36 Linear regression between environmental principal component three- water and soil temperature minimum and average and Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) tadpole abundance (2010)………………………………………………...…….278 7.37 Linear regression between environmental principal component three- soil temperature and larval amphibian abundance (2011)……………………….….281 7.38 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range and larval amphibian abundance (2011)……………………282 7.39 Linear regression between environmental principal component five- water temperature and larval amphibian abundance (2011)……………………….….283 7.40 Linear regression between environmental principal component seven- water pH minimum and larval amphibian abundance (2011)……………………...….284 xxi 7.41 Linear regression between environmental principal component six- percent dissolved oxygen minimum and larval amphibian abundance (2011)………….285 7.42 Linear regression between environmental principal component three- soil temperature and Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance (Hyla chrysoscelis) (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...288 7.43 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range and Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance (Hyla chrysoscelis) (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...289 7.44 Linear regression between environmental principal component five- water temperature and Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance (Hyla chrysoscelis) (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...290 7.45 Linear regression between environmental principal component seven- water pH minimum and Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance (Hyla chrysoscelis) (2011)…………………………………………………………………………...291 7.46 Linear regression between environmental principal component six- percent dissolved oxygen minimum and Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance (Hyla chrysoscelis) (2011)……………………………..……………………………...292 7.47 Linear regression between environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance (2011)………………….…………..294 7.48 Linear regression environmental principal component three- soil temperature and American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and Anaxyrus fowleri) tadpole abundance(2011)………………….………….......…………...295 xxii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Drs. Wang, Ruark, Schweitzer, Tadesse, Cline and Lanham for their guidance and help as I worked to complete my doctoraldegree. I want to thank Dr. Yong Wang for his help, insight, and availability throughout this entire process. I also want to thank Dr. Greg Ruark for his advice and help as I executed research, prepared for conferences, and wrote my dissertation. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Callie Schweitzer, Ryan Sisk, Nathan Brown, and Trey Petty for all of their help with my field experiments in Grundy County, Tennessee. I want to extend my grattitude to the technicians and interns who helped and supported me: Helen Czech, Serica Zwack, Brandon Haslick, Kaysie Cox, Jon Elston, Jackie Schneider, Stacey Ng, Jian Xu, Esther Morales-Vega, Deborah Ambrose, Sam Loscalzo, Kevin Creely, Colin Barrett, Ashlee VanderHam, Leela Pahl, and Seth Kromis. Their diligence and hard work were critical in the completion of this research project. Thanks also to my past and present graduate student fellows for their help and support including Zach Felix, Bill Sutton, Florence Chan, Chelsea Scott, Andrew Cantrell, Lisa Gardner, John Carpenter, Heather Howell, Padraic Connor, and Rashidah Farid. I am thankful to the staff members Kimi Sangalang, Allison Bohlman, Penny Stone, and Dawn Lemke for all of their help, assistance, and words of encouragement during the pursuit of my degree. xxiii I am grateful to the entire Alabama A&M University’s Writing Center staff, especially Mrs. Kiietti Walker-Parker, Mrs. Alfreda Handy-Sullivan, and Miss Fallon Johnson. They spent countless hours looking over and assisting me with my dissertation. I also want to thank Mrs. Pat McDonald for all of her support throughout my degree. Finally, I want to thank my family for all of their support during this degree. I would not have been able to do this without them. xxiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION (PREFACE) Statement of Problem Amphibian populations are declining globally (Collins and Storfer, 2003). Researchers see habitat destruction, fragmentation, and alteration as a few of the leading hypotheses (Collins and Storfer, 2003). In response to these landscape changes, the research focus has shifted towards amphibian breeding ecology mechanisms for explaining declines (Skelly et al., 2002, Buskirk, 2005). Canopy cover and pond hydroperiod were predicted to have the greatest impact on larval amphibian fitness (Lauck et al., 2005, Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). Skelly et al. (2002) found that canopy cover influenced several different factors including light penetration, dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature, and algal production. From the information found studying canopy cover (Buskirk, 2005), researchers validated earlier hypotheses which stated that several factors are interacting to influence the habitat quality of larval amphibians (Skelly, 2001; Skelly et al., 2005; Werner et al., 2007). Halverson et al. (2003) found light penetration had differing effects on larval amphibian development, with open canopy specialists developing faster in areas with reduced canopy cover than areas with increased canopy cover. Artificial pools, small 1 scale enclosures (Lauck et al., 2005), and natural pools have been used to simultaneously measure the impact of different mechanisms on larval amphibian development and survival (Skelly et al., 2005). Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques, critical amphibian breeding pool characteristics have been determined. Landscape-level variables such as road density, forest area, and wetland area have been found to be good predictors of amphibian occurrence and species richness (Knutson et al., 1999). These variables not only influence adult amphibian movements to breeding sites, but also adult breeding site choice. Landscape-level analyses have found that critical habitat surrounding breeding pools should be considered in conservation (Hermann et al., 2005). Landscape studies have higlighted the importance of forested landscapes surrounding ephemeral pools for increased reproductive fitness in amphibian species, including ambystomatid salamanders (Rubbo and Kiesecker, 2005). Open canopy specialists such as Pseudacris crucifer and Hyla chrysoscelis, were found to be more resilient to land-use change and urban development (Gagne and Fahrig, 2007). Within landscape analyses, distance gradients were studied to determine how differing habitat types influence adult amphibian breeding site selection (Johnson and Semlitsch, 2003). Homan (2004), found that closed canopy specialists were affected differently by habitat loss at different scales. He recommended that multiple spatial level analyses give a more complete understanding of how amphibians are affected within the landscape. Multiple-scale analyses can also assist land managers in conservation recommendations. 2 Rationale The purpose of this project was to determine how forest disturbance affects amphibian reproductive fitness in Northern Alabama and Southern Tennessee within the Cumberland Plateau. Objectives The overall objective of this research was to examine the effect of canopy reduction disturbance on amphibian reproductive success in breeding pools at three scales. These scales were breeding pool, forest stand, and landscape. The local scale (breeding pool) objective was to investigate the effect of canopy reduction on pool biophysical conditions and larval development. The stand scale objective was to examine the effect of forest canopy reduction on adult amphibian accessibility and choice of egg deposition sites. Finally, the landscape scale objective was to examine the effect of landuse on the accessibility of pools by breeding amphibians. The study utilized two approaches: a large scale landscape observation and a smaller scale experiment. The findings from different scales will be integrated to draw stronger inferences about scaledependent mechanisms related to canopy disturbances and amphibian breeding success dynamics. Hypotheses The overall hypothesis was that canopy disturbance will affect amphibian movements, species diversity, amphibian abundance, and body condition within the 3 breeding pools. The local scale hypothesis surmised that disturbance to forest canopy directly above and immediately surrounding breeding pools will influence the environmental conditions in the pool and affect amphibian choice of different pools for breeding and development of juveniles. Secondly, the stand scale hypothesis stated that canopy reduction will change the microclimate coniditons within the forest stands around the vernal pool resulting in dryer and higher temperature conditions. These conditions will decrease the potential for adult amphibians to access potential breeding pools. The stand and landscape hypotheses predicted that reduction in forest canopy cover at the landscape and forest stand level will serve as a filter and only those species that can tolerate dryer and hotter conditions will be able to access the pools surrounded by these condtions. Finally, the landscape scale hypothesis stated that the reduction of forest canopy and fragmentation of forested habitat across the landscape will create movement barriers for abult amphibians when accessing breeding pools. 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Amphibian populations are declining globally (Collins and Storfer, 2003). Researchers see habitat destruction, fragmentation, and alteration as a few of the leading hypotheses (Collins and Storfer, 2003). In response to these landscape changes, the research focus has shifted towards amphibian breeding ecology mechanisms to explain declines (Skelly et al., 2002, Buskirk, 2005). Canopy cover and pond hydroperiod have been predicted to have the greatest impact on larval amphibian fitness (Lauck et al., 2005, Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). Skelly et al. (2002) found that canopy cover influenced several different factors including light penetration, dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature, and algal production. From the information found studying canopy cover (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999), researchers validated earlier hypotheses that several factors are interacting to influence the habitat quality of larval amphibians (Skelly, 2001; Buskirk, 2005). Halverson et al. (2003) found light penetration had differing effects on larval amphibian development, with open canopy specialists developing faster in areas with reduced canopy cover. 5 Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques, critical amphibian breeding pool characteristics has been determined. Landscape-level variables such as road density, forest area, and wetland area have been found to be good predictors of amphibian occurrence and species richness (Knutson et al., 1999). These variables not only influence adult amphibian movements to breeding sites, but also adult breeding site choice. Landscape-level analyses have found that critical habitat surrounding breeding pools should be considered in conservation (Hermann et al., 2005). Landscape studies have higlighted the importance of forested landscapes surrounding ephemeral pools for increased reproductive fitness in amphibian species, including ambystomatid salamanders (Rubbo and Kiesecker, 2005). Open canopy specialists, Pseudacris crucifer and Hyla chrysoscelis, have been found to be more resilient to landuse change and urban development (Gagne and Fahrig, 2007). Within landscape analyses, distance gradients are being studied to determine how differing habitat types influence adult amphibian breeding site selection (Johnson and Semlitsch, 2003). Homan (2004) found that closed canopy specialists were affected differently by habitat loss at different scales. He recommended multiple spatial level analyses gives a more complete understanding of how amphibians are affected within the landscape. Multiple-scale analyses can also assist land managers in conservation recommendations. Amphibians are important ecological components of many forest ecosystems in North America (Petranka et al., 1993), and their biomass can rival that of birds and small mammals in some ecosystems (Burton and Likens, 1975). Amphibians forage in forested habitat and reproduce in temporary pools. A strong positive correlation has been shown 6 between the occurrence of certain forest ecosystems and amphibian species richness (Guerry and Hunter, 2002; Herrmann et al., 2005). Larval amphibian foraging habits are also beneficial to other species witin the vernal pool. Tadpoles and larval amphibian consume large amounts of algae, and as a result they reduce the rate of natural eutrophication which is an over-enrichment of water with nutrients, resulting in excessive algal growth and oxygen depletion (Figure 2.1) (Collins and Crump, 2009; Calhoun and DeMaynadier, 2008). In addition to their feeding habits, amphibians serve as food sources for fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals (Collins and Crump, 2009). Amphibians are important components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and they supply a large amount of the energy and nutrients that are transferred between aquatic and terrestrial habitats (Gibbons et al., 2006; Regester and Whiles, 2006). While amphibians tend to be abundant within forests, they are susceptible to habitat disturbances both at local and landscape levels during the aquatic and terrestrial phases of their life cycles (Welsh and Droege, 2001). Amphibian populations have been reported to be declining globally (Collins and Storfer, 2003; Stuart et al., 2004). Habitat loss and fragmentation are thought to be the majority of causes for their decline. Some amphibian species, such as many salamanders, spend the majority of their life in forested habitats and move to aquatic habitats for breeding. Changes in forest composition and spatial distribution of forest fragmentation across the landscape may introduce barriers for breeding movements of adults and post-breeding dispersal of juveniles (Baldwin et al., 2006; Todd and Rothermel, 2006), precluding the persistence of some species in highly disturbed areas (Gibbs, 1998), and ultimately affecting the species composition 7 Figure 2.1. The multi-scale mechanistic model of the amphibian breeding ecology study. 8 locally at amphibian breeding pools (Homan et al., 2004; Skidds et al., 2007) and across the landscape (Skelly, 2001). Vernal pools, also known as “ephemeral ponds,” “autumnal pools,” or simply “temporary pools,” are usually isolated wetlands characterized by a wet season in which they are temporarily filled with water (Calhoun et al., 2008). These pools lack predatory fish and contain unique herbaceous vegetation composition (Alpert et al., 1999; Colburn, 2004). Vernal pools are of ecological importance because they support diverse populations of local and regional amphibian faunas (Semlitsch and Bodie, 1998). Vernal pools are often used by amphibians for breeding. They support obligate species, which depend on vernal pools during some stage in their reproduction. Many of these species have adapted to the annual drying of these pools and therefore can not utilize more permanent breeding habitats (Grant, 2005). They also support facultative species, which do not depend on vernal pools, but prefer them for breeding habitat (Grant, 2005). Vernal pools are important in the nutrient cycle of an ecosystem (Langlois, 2003). As leaves collect in these pools, they provide nutrition for developing species and primary consumers in the pools. This in turn supports the secondary consumers by providing them with a healthy source of food. This occurs through the food chain, with decomposers eventually inputting these nutrients back into the environment. Vernal pools also place nutrients directly back into the ecosystems through biodegrading materials which fall into the pools (Langlois, 2003). Forest management practices may affect individual amphibian fitness by altering the breeding success and survivorship and, the abundance and diversity at population and 9 community levels. Logging or stand manipulation for various reasons often result in the reduction of canopy cover which increases light penetration in terrestrial habitats that surround breeding pools, and directly affects the suitability of vernal pools for amphibian breeding. Forest management activities that result in canopy removal can lead to lower survival rates over two years post treatment (Rothermel and Luhring, 2005, Rothermel and Semlitsch, 2006, Todd and Rothermel, 2006) and smaller body sizes of juvenile and adult pool breeding amphibians (Todd and Rothermel, 2006). These demographic changes may contribute to reduced abundance of pool breeding amphibians in clearcuts (Renken et al., 2004, Patrick et al., 2006). Additionally, adult amphibians may avoid clearcut areas due to increased mortality from dessication (Gibbs, 1998, ChanMcleod, 2003). A combination of fewer breeding adults and reduced suitable habitat within clearcuts could result in fewer breeding events and egg masses at breeding pools. The canopy reduction disturbance type and intensity determines whether it is beneficial, detrimental, or has no effect on a species. It has been documented that the amount of algae, a food resource for many larval amphibian species, is often affected by the availability of light (Skelly et al., 2002). Increasing light intensity and duration results in higher water temperature and algal production. It can then lead to increases in dissolved oxygen and water pH (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999), factors which could affect larval amphibian survival and development from embryo to metamorphosis (Lauck, 2005). Logging and other practices that reduce forest canopy also alter the habitat conditions within the forest stands and often result in hot and dry microclimate conditions (Naughton et al., 2000). Because of their permeable skin, amphibians 10 typically have a low tolerance for dry and hot conditions (Naughton et al., 2000). Tree disturbance, such as clearcuts may present movement difficulties for amphibians traversing these areas (Chan-Mcleod, 2003). If amphibians are either unable or require more time to move to suitable breeding pools to oviposit then the breeding success will be lessened (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Preference for open versus closed canopy habitat conditions appears to be species-specific and based on factors such as food availability or preference for high water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels (Skelly and Golon, 2003, Werner and Glennemeier, 1999, Felix, 2007). While salamanders are more specialized for habitats with cool moist conditions, anurans usually have a greater dispersal capability and relatively higher tolerance for warm and dry conditions (DeMaynadier and Hunter, 1995). Anurans have evolved mechanisms to select oviposition sites where the survival of their offspring is maximized (Reserartis and Wilbur, 1989, Reserartis and Wilbur, 1991), water depth (Crump, 1991), pathogens (Kiesecker and Skelly, 2000), and canopy cover are known to influence ovipostion site selection (Binckley and Reserarits, 2007). Pools with open canopy are preferred over pools with closed canopy by ovipositiong Cope’s gray treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis), squirrel treefrogs (Hyla squirrela), and gray treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) (Binckley and Resetarits, 2007; Felix et al., 2007; Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Disturbance to vegetation surrounding breeding pools can influence the number of eggs deposited by influencing the number of adults that are able to access breeding pools, influencing selection of pools by breeding adults. For example, gray treefrogs laid more eggs in pools in clearcut stands than in ones located in close-canopy stands (Felix et al., 11 2007; Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). However, the increase in egg deposition in clearcuts was observed 10 m into the clearcuts but not at 50 m, suggesting that large clearcuts may limit the number of adults that reach pools to breed (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). In other cases, the effects of disturbance at different scales are unclear because they are confounded by the species being studied. Some amphibian species have been observed to lay more eggs in clearcuts while other species laid more in undisturbed control stands (Felix et al, in review). However, it is unclear how disturbances at the pool and stand level acted to produce this pattern. Few studies have investigated the mechanism of how forest canopy reduction affects amphibian breeding success, even fewer studies have examined these mechanisms at multiple scales (Van Buskirk, 2005). Because organismal response to disturbance is usually scale depenedent, we are limited in our understanding of how forest amanagement actions affect most of our fauna (Lindenmayer and Franklin, 2002). To study the relationship between forest management practices and amphibian breeding success, survivorship, and population dynamics, an ideal experiment would involve randomly assigning treatment conditions to pools with relatively similar conditions, while manipulating a breeding pool based on treatment prescription, and monitoring amphibian breeding success and population dynamics to ascertain the link between forest treatment and the occurrence or non-occurrence of distributional shifts and amphibian productivities (Skelly, 2001). Because of logistic and financial difficulties with implementing such studies, information of how habitat alteration affects an amphibian’s accessibility to and choice of breeding pools (Hocking and Semlitsch, 12 2007) is limited. This proposed study combined the local experimental and landscape observational approaches to examine the effect of forest management disturbance on amphibian breeding ecology, and it will help to fill these knowledge gaps about the mechanism of how the degree of tree disturbance influences breeding success by different amphibian species. 13 CHAPTER 3 THE EFFECT OF THE INTERMEDIATE DISTURBANCE ON WILDLIFE Abstract Intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) suggests that species diversity measures, including species richness are highest in response to an intermediate level of disturbance and species diversity is highest when there is a moderate frequency disturbance. To assess the evidence that supports or rejects the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in wildlife-related research, a literature review of 231 peer reviewed articles from 92 different journals and three doctoral dissertations from 1980-2011 was conducted. Spatial and temporal components of the experimental design of these studies were compared to determine differences among researchers when evaluating the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. In addition to spatial and temporal scales, species level responses were compared. Three disturbance types were identified for this assessment: urbanization and agricultural development (94 articles), forest management (93), and natural disturbance (52). Four wildlife groups were selected for this review: avian (82 articles), herpetofaunal (56), invertebrate (48), and mammalian (53). Of the articles reviewed, 19 percent of them provided evidence to support predictions from the intermediate 14 disturbance hypothesis. The remaining 81 percent either rejected the hypothesis or did not show conclusive evidence. Since these studies were different in disturbance intensity, spatial extent, and temporally, it was difficult to evaluate the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Several studies did not actively test the intermediate disturbance hypothesis in comparable ways as the spatial and temporal scales tested were dissimilar. Defining disturbance intensity may be one of the reasons that there was low support of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Introduction Disturbance is an important mechanism in ecological communities (Lake, 2000). Disturbance is defined as a relatively abrupt change of biomass or structure from forces within or outside the habitat which is characterized by its extent, frequency, intensity, and severity (Walker, 2012). Disturbance frequency is the number of similar disturbance events at a given location per unit time (Shea et al., 2004; Walker, 2012). Intensity is measured by disturbance force, and it can be altered by past disturbances in the area as well as by current conditions (Shea et al., 2004; Walker, 2012). Severity is the amount of biomass lost or the degree of alteration of ecosystem structure or function caused by a disturbance (Shea et al., 2004; Walker, 2012). Finally, extent is the area impacted by a disturbance, and it varies from global to local scales (Shea et al., 2004; Walker, 2012). Lake (2000) identified disturbance as a damaging force that comes into contact with an organism or group of organisms’ habitat. In addition to the change of community 15 structure in natural communities, disturbance is frequently cited as a process that removes or damages biomass (Grime, 1979; Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992). This mechanism is theorized to change the landscape in ways that can support new species by creating a mosaic of heterogeneous patches that support several species. Intermediate disturbance hypothesis is one of the most important hypotheses in ecology, and it is believed to help describe species richness patterns in terrestrial ecosystems (Catford et al., 2011; Shea et al., 2004). The IDH inferred that species richness is at its highest when disturbance levels are intermediate (Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992) (Figure 1). This hypothesis was first proposed by Grime (1973), and it was used to help describe the effect of various environmental stresses on herbaceous vegetation. Connell (1978) believed that species community composition did not stay constant and the species composition need to change in order for the community to have high diversity. At intermediate disturbance intensities and frequencies, there is a peak in diversity because there is a balance between competitive exclusion and the loss of dominant individuals from disturbance (Bruggisser et al., 2010; Mackey and Currie, 2001). The basis for the IDH is that competition limits diversity (Fox, 1979). The competitive exclusion principle is a cornerstone within the IDH. With infrequent disturbance, competitive exclusion occurs and leads to low species diversity (Huston, 1979; Wilson, 1990). The competitive exclusion principle proposes that competition among different species results in most species being eliminated from an area 16 Figure 3.1. Conceptual model of intermediate disturbance hypothesis (Grime, 1973; Connell, 1978; Robbins et al., 2006). 17 unless some outside event continually delays this outcome (Connell, 1978; Huston, 1979; Vandermeer, 2006).In a biological community, dominant species outcompete less fit species and lead to an equilibrium in community structure when there is no disturbance. This idea is viewed as competitive equilibrium, yet researchers believe that natural systems often do not reach this point because disturbance events interrupt competitive equilibrium (Connell, 1978; Huston, 1979). Under the IDH, diversity is the highest during intermediate sized disturbances when compared to extreme disturbances (Connell, 1978). Intermediate can be defined in terms of the proportion of individuals lost or the degree of structural displacement or resource alteration (Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992). Too little disturbance leads to low diversity from competitive exclusion and too much disturbance kills or displaces species that are not capable of rapid recolonization (Wilkinson, 1999). As the disturbance frequency decreases, diversity should increase because there is more time for additional species to colonize (Connell, 1978). Connell (1978) recognized that moderate disturbance intensity interrupts competitive elimination but does not restrict a species’ ability to recolonize habitat patches. Disturbance creates heterogenous habitat patches which are different structurally and affect species diversity (Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992). Connell (1978) researched tropical forests and suggested that after a severe disturbance, a few tree species colonized a particular habitat patch. Due to short colonization time, diversity was low and only species that reproduced within the dispersal range colonized the area (Connell, 1978). Different species had different competitive capabilities. The recolonizing organisms that competed most effectively were believed to be dominant. Even if the species were equal in 18 competitive ability, the one with most resillance to physical extremes or natural enemies occupied a majority of the habitat space (Connell, 1978). This process resulted in only a few individuals occupying the majority of the available habitat space unless environmental extremes occurred to reset the process. Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis Criticisms The IDH is perceived as acceptable because of its generality and simplicity (Fukami, 2001). It was originally applied to tropical forests and coral reefs (Connell, 1978). Since then, it has been applied to invertebrates, avian, herpetofauna, and mammal species in various ecosystems. IDH identifies intensity and frequency of disturbance as important predictors of biodiversity with the relationship between biodiversity and disturbance hypothesized to be hump-shaped (Robbins et al., 2006). The IDH suffered criticism because it was not viewed as consistently accurate when systems and disturbances varied. For example, Mackey and Currie (2001) noted that diversity-disturbance relationships did not consistently show the peaked pattern predicted in IDH and were not as prevalent as commonly believed. In his studies of coral reefs, Rogers (1993) found that diversity was explained via IDH but not species richness and evenness. Critics believe that IDH’s oversimplification is problematic because it only includes one measure of diversity and also does not account for invasive species impacts. Even though the IDH infers that moderate disturbance will produce higher species diversity, few species persist with frequent and severe disturbances, and only the longest lived, best competitors survive in the absence of disturbance (Hobbs and Huenneke, 1992). Critics of the hypothesis believe that IDH oversimplifies ecosystems (Walker, 2012). Disturbance extent, 19 frequency, severity, and intensity are factors needed to fully understand the effects of disturbance on species. IDH is difficult to test because the intensity and disturbance rates must be monitored accurately along with species response (Hill and Hill, 2001). Species life history also needs to be considered. Different aspects of disturbance affect various species contrarily. Shea et al. (2004) argued that disturbance frequency must be related to the generation time of the species within the habitat patch. If disturbances occur too frequently such that even the shortest-lived species cannot reproduce, then biodiversity will be limited to a few or no species (Shea et al., 2004; Leis et al., 2005). When testing IDH, studies must include both disturbance characterization and the affected species adaptation. Catford et al. (2011) asserted that disturbance can facilitate biological invasion, resulting in increased threats to native diversity are increased. As invasive species are known to be aggressive colonizers following disturbance, their establishment may change the IDH predictive response curve primarily due to their outcompeting native species. Objectives The objectives of this review were to determine if the IDH is supported within wildlife research and to evaluate the adequacy of the tests of the hypothesis conducted in those studies. This review assessed many of the wildlife manuscripts published since IDH was officially defined 30 years ago. Therefore this paper evaluates the usefulness of this hypothesis for explaining wildlife diversity measures and wildlife response to a variety of disturbances. Publications were categorized based on disturbance categories to determine if disturbance affected the rate of acceptance when testing the IDH. Four wildlife groups were selected for this 20 analysis: invertebrate, herpetofauna, avian, herpetofauna, and mammal. Since extent, intensity, frequency, and severity are seen as important factors affecting disturbance and species diversity, both spatial and temporal scales were examined. Various study designs were compared to determine if study design was related to the acceptance of the IDH. Finally, a comprehensive assessment of the publications was taken to assess what was lacking in the research studies. Methods Peer-reviewed publications and doctoral dissertations written between 1980 and 2010 that examined the effects of disturbance on wildlife and emphasized the IDH were reviewed using the following databases: BIO ONE, JSTOR, Academic Search Premier, Biological Abstracts, EBSCO A to Z, and Forestry Chronicle. Google Scholar provided additional journal articles and doctoral dissertations. Two hundred thirty one journal articles from 92 peer-reviewed journals and three doctoral dissertations were used. Articles were grouped into one of three disturbance categories: urbanization and agricultural development, forest management, and natural disturbance. The review was used to determine if there was a relationship between the IDH and wildlife response. Within these different groupings and classifications, calculated percentages of journal articles, dissertations, and compared differences among IDH studies were completed. The number of articles that accepted or rejected the intermediate disturbance hypothesis were also compared. IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel were used to compare and contrast the data. 21 Results The disturbance category was dominated by urbanization and agricultural development articles while natural disturbance manuscripts represented less than a quarter of reviewed articles. Out of the total reviewed articles, 82 were avian related, 56 herpetofaunal-related, 56 invertebraterelated, and 53 mammalian-related (Figure 4.3). Within the avian group, urbanization and agricultural development accounted for 41 percent, forest management accounted for 38 percent, and natural disturbance accounted for 21 percent (Figure 3.2). For the herpetofaunal articles the disturbance categories were 33 percent urbanization and agricultural development, 50 percent were forest management, and 17 percent were natural disturbance (Figure 3.2). Invertebrate articles were evenly distributed among disturbance types at 33.3 percent for each. Articles focusing on the mammalian categorical response had 45 percent examined the effect of urbanization and agricultural development, 40 percent for forest management, and 15 percent for natural disturbance (Figure 3.2). All of the 231 journal articles were categorized into 10 journal genres with articles representing 92 peer-reviewed journal outlets. General biology had the lowest representation at 1 percent, and ecology had the highest at 34 percent. To determine if the 22 Figure 3.2. Total journal articles and dissertations that each wildlife group represents when categorized by disturbance classification (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations). 23 IDH was exhibited, each article was then classified based on the author’s reported acceptance or rejection of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Three categories were created to quantify the acceptance of the IDH in the publications. The categories included: accepted the IDH, did not accept the IDH, or they did not find conclusive evidence to support or reject the IDH. Of the total 234 research articles and dissertations, 81 perent concluded that the IDH was not accepted or there was no evidence of its use to explain the results, while 19 percent concluded that the IDH could be used to explain the results (Figure 3.3). This relationship was observed across all four wildlife groups. Overall, the use of the IDH to explain these study results was not common among the avian, herpetofaunal, mammalian, and invertebrate wildlife groups. Within each disturbance category, less than a third of the papers accepted evidence of the IDH (Figure 3.4). Spatial level analyses showed low levels of research articles and dissertations for both stand and landscape scales that supported the IDH (Figures 3.5-3.6). The temporal component of these studies also had a low number of articles that showed evidence of the IDH (Figure 3.7). This relationship was noted across all the disturbance categories and wildlife groups (Figure 3.7). Assessment by abundance (articles focused on single species) or by diversity indices (articles focused on multiple species) resulted in low IDH acceptance or both (Figures 3.8-3.10). Finally, wildlife groups were used to contrast spatial, temporal, and species scales. The stand-level scale accounted for the majority of the articles for all wildlife groups except avian studies. Within the stand-level scale, articles by wildlife group were 15 percent avian, 18 percent herpetofauna, 20 percent invertebrate, and 16 percent mammalian (Figure 3.6). The landscape scale had fewer articles; less than half of the total articles reviewed reported results at the 24 Figure 3.3. Total journal articles and dissertations that each wildlife group represents when categorized by the acceptance or rejection of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 19802011). 25 Figure 3.4. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that accepted or rejected intermediate disturbance hypothesis when categorized by disturbance classification (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 26 Figure 3.5. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that landscape or stand spatial levels represent when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 27 Figure 3.6. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that landscape or stand spatial levels represent when categorized by categorized by wildlife groups (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 28 Figure 3.7. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that each temporal level (duration of study) category represents when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 29 landscape level. Within the landscape-level scale, 20 percent of all articles focused on avian studies, 6 percent on herpetofaunal research, 2 percent on invertebrates, and 4 percent on mammal projects (Figure 3.6). Temporal classification analysis showed the majority of the articles were executed between 1-3 years. Within the 1-3 years of classification, avian research accounted for 21 percent, herpetofaunal research represented 17 percent, invertebrate studies accounted for 20 percent, and mammal studies represented 17 percent. Within the studies that were conducted for 4 or more years, avian studies were 14 percent, herpetofauna research embodied 7 percent, invertebrates were shown to be 2 percent, and mammal studies were 3 percent. Multiple species analysis dominated over single species for the articles reviewed. The majority of the multiple species articles focused on avian (23 percent) and invertebrates (17 percent), while the single species articles were dominated by mammal studies (14 percent), followed by avian and herpetofaunal (12 percent each) (Figure 3.9). When single species analyses were assessed, avian studies were 12%, herpetofaunal studies accounted for 12 percent, invertebrates were 5 percent, and mammal studies embodied 14 percent (Figure 3.9). Discussion Avian Studies In the 1980s IDH studies focused on species that moved little throughout their lifetimes such as mussels and plants (Brawn et al., 2001). In the 1990s and early 2000s, 30 Figure 3.8. Total number of the journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by acceptance of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 31 Figure 3.9. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by disturbance type (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 32 Figure 3.10. Total number of journal articles and dissertations that each species level (species analyses) category represents when categorized by wildlife group (n= 241 journal articles and doctoral dissertations published from 1980-2011). 33 researchers considered species diversity at landscape and regional scales (Brawn et al., 2001). To conduct research on larger scales, scientists targeted species whose mobility enabled them to occupy habitat patches at various scales, and birds proved to be reliable focal species, allowing ecologists to test this hypothesis across the landscape. The majority of avian research that used IDH principles was executed within the discipline of urbanization and agricultural development. These research studies were able to assess IDH by using various land use categories and comparing the effects on bird communities. These land use studies helped researchers assess the effects of disturbance gradients on bird communities across different landscapes. MacLean et al. (2003) noticed that their results supported the IDH. Lepczyk et al. (2008) noted that their findings supported the IDH. Another gradient that resulted in moderate levels of disturbance, and potential IDH applications, were found using neighborhoods as disturbance. Native species richness showed a negative curvlinear relationship with housing units (Lepczyk et al., 2008). In their study, disturbance intensity was discerned by the number of housing units within the habitat patches. Markovchick-Nicholls et al. (2008) saw that the IDH explained their results. Ecological disturbance is important to bird conservation, and several bird species are associated with disturbance adapted habitat and ecosystems (Brawn et al., 2001). According to the time-scale and the habitat considered, species richness was expected to change based on the disturbance intensity associated with forest management practices (Devictor and Robert, 2009). Regeneration methods did show differing 34 responses in bird communities as a result of varying disturbance intensity (Brawn et al., 2001). For the articles reviewed, urbanization and agricultural development and natural disturbance had the same number of studies that supported the IDH. Theoretical and empirical evidence indicated that some communities reach maximum local and regional diversity when subjected to disturbances of intermediate intensity or frequency (Connell, 1978; Marone, 1990). The dynamic nature of responses of tropical species to spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the habitat mosaic of forest undergrowth emphasized the role of the IDH in assemblage development (Karr and Freemark, 1983). The IDH assumed that temporal changes in species composition and relative abundances were minimal and that natural disturbances followed a return to equilibrium conditions for the area (Karr and Freemark, 1983). Community structure changes were cited more clearly between years than between disturbed forest habitat (Tejeda-Cruz and Sutherland, 2005). Changes in the bird community after disturbance affected newly created gaps and species within the entire forest (Tejeda-Cruz and Sutherland, 2005). The disturbances affected bird communities by changing the composition of the landscapes. Disturbances made the landscape more heterogeneous, and as a result there were more bird species. Several bird species were able to recolonize habitat patches after the disturbances. Herpetofaunal Studies Species richness increased with moderate disturbance, but decreased in severely degraded wetlands, leading to the conclusion that moderately disturbed wetlands were 35 capable of supporting species that benefit from disturbance as well as disturbance sensitive species (DeCatanzaro and Chow-Fraser, 2010). Terrestrial reptiles had similar responses as the wetland turtles. Disturbances created by silvicultural practices, create disturbances that vary in spatial scale and intensity (Peltzer et al., 2000). McCleod and Gates (1998) found that several amphibian species had significantly higher abundances in control treatments than in harvested treatments, and that reptiles were significantly less abundant in control versus harvested treatments. McCleod and Gates (1998) argued that heterogeneity throughout the moisaic of habitat patches caused by disturbance should increase diversity across the landscape even though reptile and amphibian diversity decreased within a given patch. Amphibian and reptiles communities differed, with the amphibian reponse not supporting IDH while the IDH was supported by the reptile response. Loehle et al. (2005) found similar results while researching herpetofaunal responses to forest management influences. Felix (2007) reached similar conclusions to McLeod and Gates (1998) and Schurbon and Faith (2003) in regards to amphibian species, but differed from McLeod and Gates (1998) on some of the reptile communities. Felix (2007) found reptile diversity was highest at the most extreme levels of disturbance such as clear cuts and did notice a relationship that supported the IDH with regards to his lizard data. Sutton (2013) also looked at the effects of forest management on herpetofaunal communities by investigating thinning and prescribed burns. He found that the highest overall amphibian and reptile diversity was exhibited at the controls. This distinction in herpetofauna illustrates the source of the basic controversy. That being 36 there are disagreements on what constitutes severe disturbance versus intermediate disturbance. The severity of the disturbance needed to be taken into account when determining if forest management studies involving herpetofaunal communities support or reject the IDH. Invertebrate Studies In studies testing disturbance, invertebrates were seen as bioindicators in urbanized landscapes, because of their sensitivity to environmental variation (Andersen and Majer, 2004; Blair and Launer, 1997). Butterflies appeared to disappear as the landscape became more urbanized, but showed a pattern of increased butterfly species richness at intermediate urbanization levels (Blair and Launer, 1997). If disturbance is too frequent or too severe, then only species capable of dispersing and quickly maturing remain (Blair and Launer, 1997). If disturbance was too infrequent, then species that are capable of competing dominate the community (Blair and Launer, 1997). Findings from this study emphasized that human-disturbed systems respond in similar ways to naturallydisturbed systems (Blair and Launer, 1997). Since many arthropods occupied smaller amounts of space than some vertebrate species, they were seen as ideal for analyzing the possible impact of fragmentation in urbanized landscapes (Bolger et al., 2000). Bolger (2000) predicted that declines in invertebrate communities that resulted from fragmentation may have effects at higher trophic levels, affecting various members of the ecosystem. Venn et al. (2003) determined that leaf litter decomposed at faster rates within urbanized area compared to undisturbed sites. This restricted carbon and nitrogen 37 upon which carabid beetle communities depend. Reductions in the food sources replaced ecosystems with ecological sinks that would lead to population declines throughout habitat that had been altered (Venn et al., 2003). Disturbance is often one of the dominant factors regulating diversity (Cleary, 2003). This researcher found that logging provided more butterfly habitat and increased butterfly diversity, however, burning lowered butterfly diversity (Cleary, 2003). Moretti et al. (2006) noticed that butterfly diversity increased in response to a single fire, but declined in response to frequent fires. The frequency of disturbance appears to be a factor in invertebrate diversity response to disturbance. Freshwater macroinvertebrates were the taxonomic group that showed evidence of IDH. Bouget (2005) found that mid-size forest canopy gaps resulted in a higher abundance of floricolous beetles, but not other beetle guilds. It appeared that natural disturbance effects were dependent on the guilds’ adaptations and habitat requirements. When measuring predation pressure in pond microcosms, Thorp and Cothran (1984) found that dragonfly species richness supported the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, while species evenness did not. They surmized that the small range of species richness values among treatments suggested predation was not the only factor contributing to the regulation of the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Townsend et al. (1997) found low invertebrate richness at high frequencies and intensities of disturbance reflected. They documented that a greater disturbance frequency reduced richness by excluding taxa that did not quickly recolonize in intervals between disturbances and a lesser frequency permitted competitive exclusion of species that were capable colonists but poor 38 competitors (Townsend et al., 1997). This intermediate disturbance frequency allowed wider range of species, by eliminating competitive exclusion among macroinvertebrates (Townsend et al., 1997). Whiles and Goldowitz (2001) observed that insect abundance and wetland hydroperiod followed IDH patterns. Overall, less than a quarter of the invertebrate research exhibited an IDH acceptance. The majority of the studies that accepted IDH were executed in localized research. Urbanization, forest management, and natural disturbance each had the same number of research studies that accepted IDH. The vast majority of the studies executed were completed in less than 3 years. Localized studies of macroinvertebrate communities that lasted 3 years or less characterized the majority of studies that accepted the IDH for invertebrate studies. These commonalities seemed to be trends that resulted in a higher acceptance of IDH within invertebrate studies. Mammal Studies Research on mammals had the lowest number of articles that accepted the IDH among the wildlife groups. Of the 46 mammal-focused articles reviewed, only 1 article accepted the IDH. Compared to the results reported on the other three wildlife groups, mammal studies showed a more uniform response to disturbance. Ferreira and Van Aarde (2000) found that rodent species richness on coastal dune forests were the highest at intermediate disturbance levels. The one study that accepted IDH was a stand level experiment that lasted less than 3 years and assessed multiple species. These characteristics were similar to the invertebrate studies that accepted the IDH as well. 39 There seemed to be similarities among research articles that accepted IDH within various wildlife groups. Conclusions The IDH predicts that species diversity is at its highest following an intermediate level of disturbance (Connell, 1978). The wildlife research that accepted or showed evidence of this hypothesis was less than 20 percent of the total articles. Multiple confounding factors in the reviewed studies could affect this low acceptance rate in IDH including: the species that were analyzed, knowledge of the species life histories, the type of disturbance these species were responding to, the frequency of disturbance, the spatial component of the disturbance and the study, the temporal scale of the study, information regarding the physiographic province, and climate patterns of the locality 40 CHAPTER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND POOL MORPHOLOGY DIFFERENCES AMONG VERNAL POOL CLASSES WITHIN NORTHERN ALABAMA Introduction Wetlands are crucial for maintaining biodiversity (Semlitsch, 1998). Due to the ephemeral nature of some wetlands, these ecosystems have high biological productivity and house biota that are only found in these ecosystems (Gibbs, 1998). Wetland ecosystems depend on constant or recurrent-shallow inundation near the surface substrate that gives rise to a niche for biota that adapt to flooding, particularly rooted plants (National Research Council, 1995; Keddy, 2010). Common features in wetlands include hydric soils and hydrophytic plants (National Research Council, 1995; Colburn, 2004). Wetlands vary in their hydroperiods ranging from permanent to seasonal. Vernal pools are seasonal wetlands that are flooded to capacity during winter and spring months, and with hydroperiods varying from a few months each year to more semi-permanent cycles when they may dry out completely every few years (Zedler et al., 2003; Brooks, 2004; Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008). 41 Vernal pools are a type of isolated wetland that often occur in or next to forests or other wooded areas that lie in confined basins that lack a continuously flowing inlet or outlet (Brooks and Hayashi, 2002; DiMauro and Hunter,2002; Brooks, 2004; Colburn, 2004). Vernal pools are usually less than a hectare in size but they still house a wide range of species. This small size is characteristic of the ephemeral nature of these bodies of water. The hydroperiod of these wetlands influence the amphibian species that reproduce in these ecosystems (Werner et al., 2007). Because of the temporary nature of surface water in vernal pools, fish are not able to colonize. However, vernal pools provide an ideal habitat for many amphibian species (Brooks, 2004 Colburn, 2004; Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008), particularly those that rely on temporary surface water for breeding (Brooks, 2004; Colburn, 2004). For example, several caudate species, are obligate species that breed exclusively in isolated wetlands (Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008). There are also, a few anuran species that are obligates though the majority are facultative species (Colburn, 2004). Some amphibian species such as ranids can use a wide variety of breeding habitats, however vernal pools are their preferred breeding locations (Skelly, 1999; Skelly et al., 2005; Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008) Forest canopy cover influences biophysical conditions within inundated wetlands, and the resulting conditions influence which amphibian species can successfully breed. Closed canopy wetlands are associated with amphibian species that migrate and reproduce in winter. These species need an extended period of time, in excess of two months, to complete development from hatching through metamorphosis. Some 42 caudates, such as ambystomatids, are typically found within wetlands having extensive canopy cover over breeding pools (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1999). Open canopy wetlands are often associated with certain anuran species, including Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) (Halverson et al., 2003) and Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius) (Schiesari, 2006) which displays a higher growth rate with decreased canopy cover (Skelly et al., 2002; Halverson, et al., 2003). Amphibians use vernal pools and isolated wetlands for breeding, but vary in the types of wetlands they use. For example, leopard frogs more often breed in open canopy wetlands (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999) whereas spotted salamanders reproduce in habitat with increased canopy cover (Homan et al., 2004; Werner et al., 2007). By understanding the differences between wetland classes, the status of amphibian breeding habitat across the landscape can be assessed. The purpose of this study was to determine how canopy cover affects a pool’s environmental conditions and morphology in various wetlands situated on the Cumberland Plateau in northeastern and north central Alabama. In this study, three wetland categories: (1) closed, (2) open, and (3) partially open wetlands were assessed. These designations were based on the forest cover directly over the wetlands as measured in full leaf out. Annual differences, among environmental and pool morphological variables, were compared to determine if there was a difference between breeding seasons. It was hypothesized that environmental conditions and pool morphology would vary among wetlands types: so that (1) open canopy allows more light penetration 43 resulting in vernal pools with higher algal photosynthetic rate and consequently, higher dissolved oxygen, (2) wetlands with open canopy have lower canopy cover resulting in higher water pH, as well as higher water and soil temperatures, and (3) open wetlands will have less leaf litter and longer hydroperiod than closed canopy wetlands. Methods Study Sites The two localities used for this study were James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (SWMA) and William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF). The SWMA, is located in Jackson County, Alabama and covers an area of 114 km2 (64.1 mi2) (Lein, 2005) (Figure 4.1). Vegetation in the SWMA has been classified as mixed mesophytic communities comprised of oak-hickory forests (Braun, 1950). Of the timberland in Jackson County, 78.8% is a mix of oak and hickory species (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June, 2012, ten dominant and co-dominant tree species whose crowns surrounded or occurred within fifteen vernal pools and within the SWMA were identified and selected randomly. The most dominant and codominant tree species in this area include sweetgum (Liguidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii), white oak (Quercus alba), chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), post oak (Quercus stellata), scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), northern red oak (Quercus rubra), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). 44 Figure 4.1. Vernal pool locations with James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area, Alabama. Purple represent partially open (perimeter) vernal pools, blue are closed (forest) vernal pools, and red are open vernal pools. 45 The BNF is 737 km2 (284 mi2) and located in Lawrence, Winston, and Cullman counties in north central Alabama (Gaines and Creed, 2003) (Figure 4.2). Hartsell and Brown (2002) classified the timberland in Lawrence County at 42% oak and hickory species, Winston County at 47%, and Cullman County at 61% (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June 2012, the same sampling protocols as described for the SWMA were used. The dominant tree species within and surrounding nine vernal pools within the BNF area are sweetgum (L. styraciflua), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), white oak (Q. alba), water oak (Quercus nigra), and other red oak species, tulip poplar (L. tulipifera), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), chestnut oak (Q. prinus), virginia pine (Pinus virginiana), winged elm (Ulmus alata), red maple (A. rubrum), sourwood (O. arboreum), and water oak (Quercus nigra). Fifteen vernal pools were located in the SWMA, while nine vernal pools were in the BNF based on forest cover delineated from aerial photography of potential vernal pool basins. Requirements for selection for vernal pools for this study included: ephemeral or semi-permananent hydroperiods, dried out once a year or at least once every 2-3 years, filled with rainwater, groundwater, or intermittent streams, and were devoid of fish. The vernal pools were then grouped into different categories based on the forest cover directly over the pool. Vernal Pool Class Creation using Light Environments Vernal pool canopy classes have been compared differently within pond mesocosm experiments and vernal pool observational studies. Within a canopy cover mesocosm experiment, shade cloth percentage has been used to simulate canopy cover 46 Figure 4.2. Vernal pool locations within William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Purple represents partially open (perimeter) vernal pools, blue are closed (forest) vernal pools, and red are open vernal pools. 47 that naturally overshadows vernal pools throughout the landscape (Skelly et al., 2002; Skelly et al., 2005). Two treatments are noted: high and low canopy cover treatments (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). These treatments reflect canopy cover in open and closed vernal pools. In contrast to the two class system of mescosm experiments, canopy gradients have been identified within actual vernal pools (Halverson et al., 2003; Werner et al., 2007). Mesocosm studies differ from the actual canopy cover differences found in heterogenous forested systems. I sought to design wetland classes that incorporated mesocosm experiment categories as well as observational studies’ canopy gradients. I created vernal pool classes that reflected the canopy cover gradient found overshadowing vernal pools as well as the high and low canopy conditions simumlated in pool mesocosm studies. Within my study, open canopy vernal pools were designated based on experimental mesocosms (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999; Skelly et al., 2002; Skelly et al., 2005; Earl et al., 2011; VanBuskirk et al., 2011). Pool mesocosms with low canopy had 20-40 percent canopy cover within these experiments. Based on this range, I designated open pools as having forest cover under 50 percent. Within pond experiments, closed pools were categorized using shade cloth that ranged from 60 percent to 81 percent (Skelly et al., 2002; Thurgate and Pechmann, 2007). Within my study, this range resulted in two different classes: closed and partially open vernal pools. Closed and partially open pools both had forest cover that was equal to or over 50 percent, but the difference between these two classes was in the overstory. Closed canopy pools did not have codominant or dominant tree crown size canopy gaps. Partially open vernal 48 pools had canopy gaps that were at least the size of codominant or dominant tree crown. Essentially these classes depict a canopy cover gradient, while reflecting shadow cloth percentages seen in pond mesocosm experiments (Skelly and Golon, 2003; Schiesari, 2006; Binckley and Resetarits, 2007). The potential vernal pool was delineated using color leaf on and black and white leaf off aerial photographs (Calhoun et al., 2003; Lathrop, et al., 2005; Oscarson and Calhoun, 2007). The orthroimagery was National Agricultural Imagery Program Mosaic from 2005 and 2006 (USDA Geospatial Data Gateway, 2013). These datasets represented color leaf-on and black and white panchromatic aerial photography from 2005 and 2006 to determine forest cover over the maximum wetland area (Fox and Hines, 2000). The spatial resolution was one meter ground sample distance (GSD). The water within the wetlands was black compared to the grey and white of the surrounding environment. Open wetlands had canopy closure representing less than 50 percent of the maximum vernal pool basin (Table 4.1). Partially open wetlands had 51 to 99 percent of the potential vernal pool area covered by the overstory (Table 4.1). Closed wetlands had forest cover of 100 percent of the maximum wetland area (Table 4.1). Of the twenty four vernal pools, eight were designated as open canopy, seven as closed canopy vernal pools, and nine as partially open (Table 1). All the wetlands used for this study were confirmed as amphibian breeding habitat based on on-site preliminary sampling and records from previous studies (Chan, 2007; Felix, 2007; Scott, 2008; Sutton, 2010). 49 Table 4.1. Vernal pool names, vernal pool classes, size, depth, and global positioning system coordinates (based on NAD1983 DATUM) of vernal pools used in this study at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Locality Pool Code Wetland Class Forest Cover Percentage SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA BNF BNF BNF BNF BNF BNF BNF BNF BNF SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA SWMA Alma3 Alma4 Alpa1 Alpa2 Bapo1 Bapo10 Bapo17 Bapo2 Bapo3 Bapo4 Bapo6 Bapo8 Bapo9 Hitr Hotr1 Hotr2 Olli2 Poma1 Poma3 Posp1 Posp2 Sign Taco Wama Open Open Partially Open Closed Partially Open Closed Partially Open Open Partially Open Closed Closed Open Partially Open Partially Open Partially Open Closed Open Open Open Open Closed Partially Open Partially Open Closed 0.0 0.0 95.1 100.0 92.8 100.0 63.8 0.0 82.1 100.0 100.0 48.6 95.4 82.0 92.2 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 46.9 100.0 73.8 79.6 100.0 50 Pool Area (square meters) 601.7 325.7 1848.9 682.0 1646.9 979.8 3141.0 362.1 1622.8 1828.2 563.1 661.6 3432.4 3056.8 2756.0 1820.8 1957.2 2154.9 1405.9 2561.9 977.7 667.0 2808.4 912.4 Depth (meters) Northing Easting 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.6 2.9 2.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.2 0.9 578198 578483 578206 578114 464882 460157 473723 468732 468422 469577 468671 462472 460132 583783 583152 583234 581337 578508 579245 579448 578793 584916 583719 580048 3856224 3856543 3856653 3856654 3803153 3803749 3794731 3796698 3800310 3802590 3796393 3803922 3803852 3870786 3869303 3869420 3858777 3861010 3860107 3858324 3861105 3871687 3866771 3858656 Environmental Data Data on environmental conditions and morphology of vernal pools were collected biweekly between June 2008 and June 2011. Sampling was executed from December through June for each breeding season. This time encapsulated the larval development and metamorphosis of the amphibian species found in these vernal pools. The environmental variables measured were water and ambient temperatures, dissolved oxygen percentage, water pH, canopy cover, soil temperature, pool size, maximum depth, and leaf litter depth. Three different sampling points, at least five meters away from each other, were selected randomly during each wetland visit. At each point, water temperature, canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, and water pH were measured at one, two, and three meters from the edge of the pool. Water temperature percent dissolved oxygen was measured using a YSI 85 dissolved oxygen meter (YSI Inc, USA). The probe was lowered within the pool, and the measurements were taken after fifteen minutes. Water ph was measured using an Oakton ph Testr probe (Oakton Instruments, USA). A spherical crown densitometer which was held at chest level was used to measure canopy cover (Forestry Suppliers, USA). Four canopy cover measurements were taken at north, south, east, and west. Understory was excluded from the canopy cover measurements. Leaf litter depth and soil temperature were taken at the shoreline. Leaf litter depth was calculated using a ruler. The depth from the soil to the top of the leaf litter was measured to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Soil temperature was measured using a digital pen shape stem thermometer (H-B Intrument Company, USA). The thermometer’s probe was inserted into the soil up to the hilt of the thermometer. 51 The area and perimeter of each vernal pool were measured using Garmin Etrex Legend Vista Hcx Global Positioning System Unit (Garmin, USA). To calculate the area and perimeter, the researcher walked the perimeter of the vernal pool. The shape of the pool was reviewed in the GPS unit to ensure that the area and perimeter had been correctly calculated. Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates were also collected for each point. Statistical Analysis Since several variables were highly correlated, principal components analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the number of variables. Two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test if the principal compononets and variables that were not represented by the components differed among vernal pool types, year, and if the differences were consistent among the years. Any component or variables that were found to have significant differences were then compared using Post-hoc tests (Tukey). Results Thirty environmental and pool morphology variables were collected during this study. Two PCAs were executed: environmental PCA and pool morphology PCA. The environmental PCA produced seven components that accounted for 84 percent of the total variation among twenty four environmental variables (Table 4.2). The KaiserMeyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.586, Bartlett’s test of of sphericity had 52 Table 4.2. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (environmental variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Variables Canopy Cover Percentage Average Percent Dissolved Oxygen Average Percent Dissolved Oxygen Maximum Percent Dissolved Oxygen Range Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum Canopy Cover Percentage Maximum Canopy Cover Percentage Minimum Water Temperature Minimum Soil Temperature Average Soil Temperature Range Water Temperature Range Water Temperature Average Soil Temperature Minimum Water Temperature Maximum Soil Temperature Maximum Water pH Maximum Water pH Range Leaf Litter Depth Maximum Leaf Litter Depth Range Leaf Litter Depth Average Water pH Minimum PC1 -0.83 0.82 0.80 0.75 0.74 -0.72 -0.69 0.00 -0.19 0.19 0.184 -0.03 0.21 0.20 0.13 -0.07 0.03 0.04 0.03 -0.46 0.10 PC2 -0.01 0.42 0.42 0.47 -0.23 0.01 -0.14 -0.84 -0.81 0.79 0.78 -0.72 0.54 0.08 0.01 -0.09 0.22 -0.04 -0.03 -0.12 -0.11 53 Component PC3 PC4 -0.35 -0.03 0.02 -0.02 0.07 0.01 0.08 0.00 -0.03 0.07 -0.07 -0.10 -0.46 0.08 -0.06 -0.14 0.38 -0.16 0.35 0.04 0.48 0.20 0.56 -0.15 0.07 -0.15 0.91 0.06 0.81 0.01 -0.03 -0.94 -0.03 0.92 0.05 -0.15 0.04 -0.17 -0.09 0.28 0.15 0.06 PC5 0.04 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.23 0.04 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.19 -0.16 -0.20 0.18 -0.05 0.26 0.15 -0.19 0.96 0.95 -0.48 0.01 PC6 -0.19 -0.03 -0.05 -0.04 -0.11 -0.33 -0.00 0.26 0.11 0.09 -0.11 0.07 0.32 0.03 0.23 -0.22 -0.09 -0.03 -0.03 -0.13 0.89 PC7 0.18 -0.26 -0.04 -0.04 0.01 -0.13 0.38 -0.10 0.10 -0.21 -0.07 -0.01 -0.13 -0.01 -0.07 0.04 -0.06 0.01 0.13 0.42 -0.05 Table 4.2. (Continued). Variables Water pH Average Leaf Litter Depth Minimum Canopy Cover Percentage Range PC1 0.00 -0.07 0.28 PC2 -0.02 -0.06 0.17 Component PC3 PC4 0.05 0.65 0.00 -0.14 0.46 -0.21 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 7.01 29.19 29.19 4.01 16.72 45.92 3.07 12.79 58.72 54 2.05 8.52 67.24 PC5 -0.15 0.07 -0.07 PC6 0.68 -0.06 -0.23 PC7 0.07 0.85 -0.54 1.83 7.61 4.79 1.15 4.79 4.37 1.05 4.37 84.02 an approximate Chi-Square of 2634.5 (p < 0.001). The environmental variables were comprised of canopy cover percentage average, percent dissolved oxygen average, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen minimum, canopy cover percentage maximum, canopy cover percentage minimum, water temperature minimum, soil temperature average, soil temperature range, water temperature range, water temperature average, soil temperature minimum, water temperature maximum, soil temperature maximum, water pH maximum, water pH range, leaf litter depth maximum, leaf litter depth range, leaf litter depth average, water pH minimum, water pH average, leaf litter depth minimum, and canopy cover percentage range (Table 2). The first component accounted for 29.2 percent of the total variation PC1- percent dissolved oxygen and canopy cover percentage, Table 4.2), and was comprised of environmental features including canopy cover percentage average, percent dissolved oxygen average, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen minimum, canopy cover percentage maximum, and canopy cover percentage minimum (Table 4.2). Canopy cover percentage average, canopy cover percentage maximum, and canopy cover percentage minimum had negative factor loadings, while percent dissolved oxygen average, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, percent dissolved oxygen range, and percent dissolved oxygen minimum all had positive factor loadings. The second principal component (PC2- water and soil temperature) represented 16.7 percent (Table 4.2). Water temperature minimum, soil temperature average, soil temperature range, water temperature range, water temperature average, and soil temperature minimum made up the second principal component. Water 55 temperature minimum, soil temperature average, and water temperature average had negative factor loadings (Table 4.2). Soil temperature range, water temperature range, soil temperature minimum had positive factor loadings (Table 4.2). Principal component three included water and soil temperature maximum and it showed 12.8 percent of the variation (Table 4.2). Both variables had positive factor loadings. The fourth principal component accounted for 8.5 percent of the variation, and was made up of water pH maximum and range. Water pH maximum had a negative factor loading, and water pH range had a negative one (Table 4.2). The fifth principal component (PC 5- leaf litter depth) defined 7.6 percent of the variation, and it was made up of leaf litter depth maximum, range, and average (Tale 4.2). Leaf litter depth maximum and range had positive factor loadings, and leaf litter depth average had a negative factor loading (Table 4.2). The sixth principal component made up 4.8 percent of the variation, and water pH minimum and average were found within the component (Table 4.2). Both variables had positive factor loadings. The seventh principal component had leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range, and showed 4.4 percent of the variation (Table 4.2). Leaf litter depth minimum had a positive factor loading, and canopy cover percentage range had a negative factor loading (Table 4.2). The pool morphology PCA was composed of six variables, which included: maximum pool area, maximum pool perimeter, average pool perimeter, average pool area, maximum pool depth, and hydroperiod. This PCA produced two components and it represented 85.4 percent of the variation (Table 4.3). The Kaiser-Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.747, Bartlett’s test of of sphericity had an approximate Chi- 56 Table 4.3. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (pool morphology variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Component Variables Maximum Pool Area Maximum Pool Perimeter Average Pool Perimeter Average Pool Area Maximum Pool Depth Hydroperiod PC1 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.09 0.28 PC2 0.21 0.07 0.23 0.27 0.88 0.81 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 3.97 66.18 66.18 1.16 19.25 85.43 57 Square of 421.5 (p < 0.001). The first principal component showed 66.2 percent of the variation, and contained maximum pool area, maximum pool perimeter, average pool perimeter (PC1- Pool Area), and average pool area (Table 4.3). All of the variables had positive factor loadings. The second principal component analysis represented 19.3 percent of the variation, and it housed maximum pool depth and hydroperiod (Table 4.3). Both variables had positive factor loadings. Repeated Measures Factorial Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) The seven principal components produced from the environmental PCA, the two principal components from the pool morphology PCA, and the forest cover percentage variable were each compared using a repeated measures factorial analysis of variance across vernal pool classes, and they were compared among three successive breeding seasons. Environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen), environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maximum), forest cover percentage, pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area), and pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) were found to be significantly different across vernal pool classes (Table 4.4). Within the tukey test, the environmental principal component 1 values for open and partially open vernal pools were higher than closed canopy pools (Figure 4.3). The environmental principal component 3 values for open and partially open pools were higher than closed vernal pools (Figure 4.5). When the tukey test was compared for forest cover percentage, 58 Table 4.4. Mean and standard deviations of environmental and pool morphology variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011). Variable Environmental Principal Component 1 (Canopy Cover Percentage and Percent Dissolved Oxygen) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.37±0.54A -0.46±0.38A -0.39±0.48A Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) 1.16±1.23B 1.01±1.06B 0.51±1.21B Environmental Principal Component 2 (Soil and Water Temperature) -0.34±0.57A -0.56±0.35A -0.52±0.70A Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Wetland Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 9.2** 2.7 1.5 2008-2009 -0.27±1.50 -0.49±1.32 -0.756±1.595 0.7 8.2** 0.1 2009-2010 -0.49±1.32 0.50±0.37 0.397±0.259 2010-2011 0.04±0.66 -0.07±0.68 -0.034±0.299 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 59 Table 4.4. (Continued). Variable Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil and Water Temperature Maximum) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.17±1.06A -0.81±0.48A -1.22±0.67A Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) 0.21±1.60B 0.66±0.91B 0.34±0.74B Environmental Principal Component 4 (Water pH Maximum and Range) 0.54±0.82B 0.13±0.44B -0.03±0.61B Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Wetland Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 7.6** 2.4 1.5 2008-2009 -0.69±0.50 -0.31±0.89 -0.55±0.28 2.7 56.6*** 0.8 2009-2010 -0.94±1.00 -0.59±0.32 -0.23±0.71 2010-2011 0.71±0.50 1.29±0.42 1.15±0.77 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 60 Table 4.4. (Continued). Variable Environmental Principal Component 5 (Leaf Litter Depth) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.49±0.85 0.21±0.85 0.26±1.25 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) 0.62±0.82 0.41±1.15 -0.75±1.07 Environmental Principal Component 6 (Water pH Average and Minimum) -0.37±0.97 0.39±0.83 -0.25±0.68 Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Wetland Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 0.3 2.0 2.2 2008-2009 -0.58±0.79 -0.03±0.77 -0.59±1.01 2.3 12.4*** 1.1 2009-2010 -0.03±0.77 0.86±0.91 -0.35±1.23 2010-2011 0.10±0.71 0.77±0.58 -0.00±0.97 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 61 Table 4.4. (Continued). Variable Environmental Principal Component 7 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum and Canopy Cover Percentage Range) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.54±0.67 0.72±1.58 0.85±1.12 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) -0.47±0.39 -0.04±0.59 -0.26±0.51 Forest Cover Percentage -0.13±1.54 -0.28±0.25 0.29±0.89 Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Wetland Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 2.1 3.4* 1.6 2008-2009 100.0±0.0B 11.9±22.1A 84.1±10.8B 82.8*** 0.0 0.0 2009-2010 100.0±0.0B 11.9±22.1A 84.1±10.8B 2010-2011 100.0±0.0B 11.9±22.1A 84.1±10.8B a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 62 Table 4.4. (Continued). Variable Pool Morphology Principal Component 1 (Pool Area) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.29±0.59AB -0.26±0.62AB -0.25±0.56AB Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) -0.55±1.11A -0.50±1.14A -0.45±1.162A Pool Morphology Principal 2 (Hydroperiod and Maximum Pool Depth) 0.65±0.78B 0.59±0.86B 0.70±0.99B Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Wetland Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 3.9* 0.7 0.2 2008-2009 -1.36±0.84A 0.82±0.45C 0.09±0.58B 27.7*** 2.9 0.7 2009-2010 -0.87±0.72A 0.95±0.39C 0.19±0.52B 2010-2011 -1.25±0.96A 0.80±0.29C 0.13±0.59B a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 63 Figure 4.3. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 64 Figure 4.5. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maximum) observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 65 partially open and closed vernal pool forest cover percentages were higher than open vernal pool values (Figure 4.10). When the pool morphology principal components were compared, open pool morphology principal component 1 was higher than partially open pools (Figure 4.11). Closed pools were not different from open or partially open vernal pools (Figure 4.11). Finally, open pool had longer hydroperiods and deeper maximum depths than partiall open and closed pools (Figure 4.12). Partially open pool hydroperiods were longer and maximum pool depths were deeper than closed pools (Figure 12). Environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature), environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range), environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum), environmental principal component 7 (leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range) were different across breeding seasons (Figures 4.4 and 4.6-4.9) (Table 4.4). There were no interaction between vernal pool classes and breeding season. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to examine the influence of forest cover percentage and breeding season on environmental principal components and pool morphology principal components. Forward regression was used to determine if the independent variables were predictors for environmental and pool morphology principal components. Regression results showed that an overall model consisting of one 66 Figure 4.4. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 interquartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 67 Figure 4.6. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 interquartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 68 Figure 4.7. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 5 (leaf litter depth) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 69 Figure 4.8. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 interquartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 70 Figure 4.9. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 7 (leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 71 Figure 4.10. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in forest cover percentage observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 72 Figure 4.11. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 73 Figure 4.12. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 74 predictor (forest cover percentage) significantly predicted environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen) (Figure 13), R2 = 0.500, R2adj = 0.493, F(1,70) = 69.9, p < 0.001. The model explained 50% of the variation. The overall model for the environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature) had one significant predictor variable (breeding season), R2 = 0.141, R2adj = 0.129, F(1,70) = 11.5, p < 0.001. Of the variance in environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maximum), the model was able to explain 14.1% of the variation. The environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maximum) overall model had forest cover percentage as the significant independent variables (Figure 4.14), R2 = 0.122, R2adj = 0.109, F(1,70) = 9.7, p < 0.001. The model was able to explain 12.2 percent of the variation. Within environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range), the overall model had one signficant predictor (breeding season), R2 = 0.579, R2adj = 0.572, F(1,70) = 96.1, p < 0.001. The model described 57.9 percent of the variation. The overall model for the environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) had forest cover percentage as a significant predictor variable (Figure 4.15), R2 = 0.081, R2adj = 0.068, F(1,70) = 6.2, p < 0.001. The model defined 8.1 percent of the variation. The overall model for the pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) had a significant independent variable (forest cover percentage) (Figure 4.16), R2 = 0.081, R2adj = 0.068, F (1,70) = 6.2, p = 0.015. The model showed 8.1 percent of the variation (Table 4.10). Finally, the the 75 Figure 4.13. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 76 Figure 4.14. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maximum) observed during 20082009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 77 Figure 4.15. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 78 Figure 4.16. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and pool morphology principal component 1(pool area) observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 20102011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 79 Figure 4.17. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) observed during 20082009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 80 overall model for the pool morphology principal component 2 had one significant predictor (forest cover percentage) (Figure 4.17), R2 = 0.416, R2adj = 0.407, F(1,70) = 49.8, p < 0.001. The model was able to explain 41.6 percent of the variation. Discussion Canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, and water and soil temperature maximums were different among vernal pool classes. Higher water and soil temperatures were associated with open and partially open wetlands while closed wetlands had significantly lower temperatures. Lower forest cover percentage allowed more solar radiation to warm the wetland, which resulted in higher water temperature (Lauck et al., 2005). This is important for amphibians as warmer water temperatures affect larval amphibian development while soil temperatures can affect amphibian metamorphs’ ability to emigrate from their natal ponds. Temperature has been shown to influence larval amphibian growth with warmer temperatures facilitating shorter larval periods (Schiesari, 2006; Williams et al., 2008; Hawley, 2010). The pool morphology components showed differences across vernal pool classes. Pool morphology features such as pool area have been found to influence amphibian community composition, and there is a positive relationship between larval amphibian population abundance and available habitat within the inundated wetland (Burne and Griffin, 2005). While area is important, there is the possibility of the largest pools housing the highest amphibian predator diversity which decreases amphibian species 81 richness (Burne and Griffin, 2005). Burne and Griffin (2005) documented that breeding pools exhibited a curvilinear relationship between area and species richnesswith the largest pools housing the fewest species. Open vernal pools had lower canopy cover and higher dissolved oxygen than that of closed and partially open pools. Light environments of nonpermanent wetlands are susceptible to the effects of vegetation, due to their small size, tree crowns and other vegetation can overtop ephemeral wetlands (Skelly et al., 1999). Varying vegetation structure over the pond basin creates a light gradient which is strongly associated with the distribution and performance of amphibian species (Halverson et al., 2003). Lower canopy cover allowed more photosynthetic light to penetrate the wetland resulting in a higher algal photosynthetic rate and an increase in dissolved oxygen (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). This relationship was characterized by the canopy cover and dissolved oxygen component (principal component 1). Canopy cover and dissolved oxygen were different among the wetland categories. Dissolved oxygen was higher in the open canopy wetlands while closed canopy was the lowest. Closed and partially open wetlands did not show any differences. The negative relationship between canopy cover and dissolved oxygen has been documented in shading experiments that simulated canopy cover (Rittenhouse, 2011, Earl et al., 2011). Rittenhouse (2011) was able to show an inverse relationship between canopy cover and dissolved oxygen. Higher canopy cover results in lower percent dissolved oxygen while lower canopy cover has been shown to result in higher dissolved oxygen due to more light penetration to the inundated wetland (Lauck et al., 2005; Felix, 2007). Photosynthetic light results in higher algal 82 photosynthetic rates which results in more dissolved oxygen being produced in the wetland (Rittenhouse, 2011). In addition to dissolved oxygen, soil temperature maximum also showed an inverse relationship to canopy cover. This relationship also seems to be related to light penetration, and a warming of the wetland. Lower canopy cover allows for more sunlight which results in a higher soil temperature maximum (Williams et al., 2008; Schiesari, 2006). Canopy cover not only influences biophysical conditions in a vernal pool, but also pool breeding amphibians. Increased tree canopy cover has been shown to be negatively correlated with amphibian richness (Burne and Griffin, 2005). Canopy cover has been seen as a filter to amphibian occurrence in breeding pools (Burne and Griffin, 2005; Williams et al., 2008). Even though species richness may be negatively influenced by higher canopy cover, certain species have higher productivity in closed canopy ponds such as ambystomatid salamanders (Egan and Paton, 2004; Earl et al., 2011). Anurans, on the other hand, have been shown to have higher biomass in open wetlands (Lauck et al., 2005; Van Buskirk, 2011), which may lead to a change biomass which would move from mainly anurans in open canopy to a higher abundance of salamanders in closed canopy vernal pools (Earl et al., 2011; Van Buskirk, 2011). While lower canopy cover is important to anuran productivity, so is higher dissolved oxygen which influences development rate and size (Liner et al., 2008). Finally, Leaf litter principal component was not different among vernal pool classes. Williams et al. (2008) found that pond litter affected tadpole growth and developmental rates. In addition to litter type, leaf litter species were also found to affect the growth of amphibians throughout larval development (Stoler and Reylea, 2011). 83 Rubbo and Kiesecker (2004) noted that the mixture of certain leaf litter species, such as maple and oak leaf litter input negatively influenceed larval amphibian performance. Forest cover influences the litter that is deposited within wetlands, which affect abiotic conditions along with amphibian performance (Williams et al., 2008). Water pH was also different among vernal pool classes. Open pools had higher water pH than closed pools, but were not different from partially open vernal pools. Acids enter vernal pools through soil and leaf litter input (Corburn, 2004). Since increased leaf litter inputs decrease water pH, pools overshadowed with more canopy cover have lower water ph than vernal pools with less canopy cover. Amphibian breeding site choice can be influenced by water pH, with freshwater habitat having lower pH housing fewer amphibians (Sayim et al., 2009). In addition to amphibian diversity, reproductive fitness may also be affected. Rasanen et al. (2008) found that ranid clutch size decreased in breeding habitat with lower pH, and acidity had a negative effect on fecundity. The difference in water pH between vernal pool classes can influence the species that breed within the vernal pools. Higher water pH, associated with open vernal pools, could result in higher amphibian diversity than closed pools. Hydroperiod was found to be different among open and closed vernal pools. Partially open vernal pools were not different from open or closed pools. Hydroperiods were different across vernal pool classes due to evapotranspiration. Closed and partially open pools had more trees located in the pool basin than open pools, so hydrperiods are shorter. Different hydroperiods influence amphibian productivity, because longer hydroperiods allow for more species to use the habitat (Burne and Griffin, 2005). The 84 pool’s rate of drying has an effect on amphibian emergent size (DiMauro and Hunter, 2002). Pools with shorter hydroperiods force amphibians to accelerate development which results in small metamorph size (Dimauro and Hunter, 2002. This difference in hydroperiod among wetlands in different localities may affect the larval developmental rate and size. The same species may exhibit different performances despite similarities in the vernal pool. In this study, environmental and pool morphology variables differed in response to wetland classes. These categories exhibited varying values for features ranging from dissolved oxygen to pool area. The variables in these classes may influence amphibian development rate, size at metamorphosis, and the overall metamorphic amphibian biomass that exits the natal ponds. The forest cover differences among wetland classes seemed to influence the environmental and pool morphology variables. Forest cover influences, not only the amount of solar radiation that strikes a wetland, but the leaf litter that is deposited and broken down within the wetland. Biophysical conditions, such as water pH, temperature, and percent dissolved oxygen changed in response to the amount of forest cover and were found to influence amphibian species diversity. Diversity changed in response to adult site choice as well as larval amphibian diversity and performance. Taking into account the water chemistry differences among various wetlands and understanding their connection to pool breeding amphibian communities can help researchers and managers gain a firm understanding of how changes in the amount of forest canopy affects reproductive fitness. 85 CHAPTER 5. RELATIONSHIP OF POOL BREEDING AMPHIBIAN DIVERSITY WITH LOCAL AND LANDSCAPE FOREST COVER AROUND VERNAL POOLS IN NORTHERN ALABAMA Introduction Amphibian species and populations are undergoing a global decline which was first noted in the 1980s (Stuart et al., 2004; Alfords and Richards, 1999). Several hypotheses have been identified, but habitat destruction has been noted as one of the primary causes for the decline (Beebee and Griffiths, 2005) with habitat alteration and fragmentation posing additional threats to amphibians (Collins and Storfer, 2003; Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Habitat destruction can impose a barrier to migration, emigration, and immigration of pool breeding amphibians. Fragmentation can restrict adult amphibians from traversing the landscape to reproduce, and it can also affect animals during foraging and searching for aestivation and brumation sites during periods of high and low temperatures, respectively (Collins and Storfer, 2003; Storfer, 2003; Beebee and Griffiths, 2005). Forest cover is one of the most important landscape scale predictors for amphibian presence and abundance (Eigenbrod et al., 2008), so a 86 fragmenting of contiguous forest stands can have a negative effect on amphibian populations. Since amphibians require moisture and cover for survival, large openings in the forest overstory or forest fragmentation can result in an increase in air temperature and a reduction in relative humidity. These conditions can lead to a loss of body weight and potential desiccation. At a minimum, movement is restricted due to an increased riskof desiccation across large open areas. In addition to foraging, reproductive processes such as mass migrations and dispersal can be affected. Since local amphibian populations require dispersal to persist, a breakdown in forest cover continuity can negatively affect amphibian populations within a given area. Roads and forest edges can also serve as barriers. These movement obstacles create smaller patches and increase patch isolation which can break up local populations (Carr and Fahrig, 2002) and can cause declines and local extinctions of obligate amphibian species (Harper et al., 2008). Habitat alteration, such as conversion of forests into agricultural fields or open space, is one of the most notable ways of introducing barriers within pool breeding amphibian terrestrial habitats (James and Semlitsch, 2011). Defining a species habitat criterion is critical due to amphibian declines and aquatic and terrestrial habitat alteration (Johnson and Semltisch, 2003). The surrounding landscape outside of the natal ponds influences juveniles’ capabilities to travel to the terrestrial habitat as well as their likelihood of returning to natal ponds to reproduce when they reach reproductive maturity. Anthropogenic land use of areas surrounding wetlands may affect larval and postmetamorphic amphibians by influencing many ecological mechanisms that regulate the growth and mortality rates of 87 individuals in aquatic and terrestrial environments (Gray and Smith, 2005). Most amphibians undergo a biphasic life cycle that requires aquatic and terrestrial habitat. Natural selection has maintained both an aquatic and a terrestrial stage to exploit the benefits of these environments (Semlitsch, 2008). Many species require suitable terrestrial habitats adjacent to the wetland for foraging, brumation, aestivation, and shelter (Shulse et al., 2009). Terrestrial habitats are important for juvenile and adult life stages so that they can grow and mature while aquatic habitats are needed for larval growth and development (Harper and Semlitsch, 2007; Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Movement between aquatic and terrestrial habitats or between breeding ponds is important for population persistence (Birchfield and Deters, 2005; Homan et al., 2010). Movements to and from breeding sites are essential for reproduction and survival of local populations (Semlitsch, 2008). Any breakdown in the ability to travel between these habitats or land use types can result in population decline and a decrease in gene flow through the blockage of dispersal by way of emigration or immigration. Since amphibians utilized aquatic and terrestrial habitat, they can be affected by changes that occur within either environment (Johnson et al., 2008). In addition to dispersal, reproductively mature adults may not be able to access breeding sites within their own local population if there is any blockage to migration as a result of habitat alteration by way of land use change. Being able to travel between breeding and foraging habitats is critical, but the quality of each site is equally important for the persistence of local populations. Therefore, both aquatic and terrestrial habitat quality determines 88 reproductive success and persistence of amphibian populations (James and Semlitsch, 2011). Objectives The objectives for this study were to (1) quantify the difference in amphibian diversity within three vernal pool classes during successive years, (2) calculate amphibian diversity and abundance across different vernal pool classes, and (3) assess the relationship between amphibian diversity to local and landscape features. Hypotheses I hypothesize that (1) more amphibian species will be found in open vernal pools, (2) anuran abundance will be greater in open vernal pools compared to partially open and closed pools, (3) caudate abundance will be higher in closed wetlands when measured against partially open and open wetlands, while (4) amphibian diversity will show a negative relationship to features that are associated with migration barriers such as disturbed land-use, presence of roads, and presence of edges. Methods Study Sites The William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF) is located in a strongly dissected plateau subregion within the Southern Cumberland Plateau (Smalley, 1979). The Southern Cumberland Plateau occupies 23,051 square kilometers. This strongly 89 dissected plateau is so dissected that it no longer resembles a plateau, and its topography is complex with strongly sloping landscape within this section of the Cumberland Plateau (Smalley, 1979). The James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (SWMA) is located within the strongly dissected southern portion of the Mid Cumberland Plateau. This midplateau region covers about 11,525 square kilometers and has a temperate climate with long, moderately hot summers and short, mild winters (Smalley, 1982). The two localities used for this study were James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (SWMA) and William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF). The SWMA, is located in Jackson County, Alabama and covers an area of 114 km2 (64.1 mi2) (Lein, 2005) (Figure 1). Vegetation in the SWMA has been classified as mixed mesophytic communities comprised of oak-hickory forests (Braun, 1950). Of the timberland in Jackson County, 78.8% is a mix of oak and hickory species (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June, 2012, ten dominant and co-dominant tree species whose crowns surrounded or occurred within fifteen vernal pools and within the SWMA were identified and selected randomly. The most dominant and codominant tree species in this area include sweetgum (Liguidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii), white oak (Quercus alba), chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), post oak (Quercus stellata), scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), northern red oak (Quercus rubra), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). 90 The BNF is 737 km2 (284 mi2) and located in Lawrence, Winston, and Cullman counties in north central Alabama (Gaines and Creed, 2003) (Figure 2). Hartsell and Brown (2002) classified the timberland in Lawrence County at 42 percent oak and hickory species, Winston County at 47 percent, and Cullman County at 61 percent (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June 2012, the same sampling protocols as described for the SWMA were used. The dominant tree species within and surrounding nine vernal pools within the BNF area are sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), white oak (Quercus alba), water oak (Q. nigra), other red oak species, tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), chestnut oak (Q. prinus), virginia pine (P. virginiana), winged elm (Ulmus alata), red maple (Acer rubrum), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and water oak (Quercus nigra). The study sites were located using forest cover delineated from aerial photography of potential wetland basins. Fifteen vernal pools were selected in the SWMA, while nine vernal pools were selected in the BNF. To be selected, vernal pools needed to be ephemeral or have semi-permananent hydroperiods, dried out once a year or at least once every 2-3 years, filled with rainwater, groundwater, or intermittent streams, and were devoid of fish. The vernal pools were then grouped into different categories based on the forest cover directly over the pool. Vernal Pool Class Creation using Light Environments Vernal pool canopy classes were designed based on the Canopy has been compared differently within pond mesocosm experiments and vernal pool observational 91 studies. Within a canopy cover mesocosm experiment, shade cloth percentage has been used to simulate canopy cover that naturally overshadows vernal pools throughout the landscape (Skelly et al., 2002). Two treatments are noted: high and low canopy cover treatments (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). These treatments reflect canopy cover in open and closed vernal pools. In contrast to the two class system of mescosm experiments, canopy gradients have been identified within actual vernal pools (Halverson et al., 2003; Werner et al., 2007). Mesocosm studies differ from the actual canopy cover differences found in heterogenous forested systems. I sought to design wetland classes that incorporated mesocosm experiment categories as well as observational studies’ canopy gradients. I created vernal pool classes that reflected the canopy cover gradient found overshadowing vernal pools as well as the high and low canopy conditions simumlated in pool mesocosm studies. Within my study, open canopy vernal pools were designated based on experimental mesocosms (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999; Skelly et al., 2002; Skelly et al., 2005; Earl et al., 2011; VanBuskirk et al., 2011). Pool mesocosms with low canopy had 20-40 percent canopy cover within these experiments. Based on this range, I designated open pools as having forest cover to be under 50 percent. Within pond experiments, closed pools were categorized using shade cloth that ranged from 60% to 81 percent (Skelly et al., 2002; Thurgate and Pechmann, 2007). Within my study, this range resulted in two different classes: closed and partially open vernal pools. Closed and partially open pools both had forest cover that was equal to or over 50 percent, but the difference between these two classes was in the overstory. Closed canopy pools did not 92 have codominant or dominant tree crown size canopy gaps. Partially open vernal pools had canopy gaps that were at least the size of codominant or dominant tree crown. Essentially these classes reflect a canopy cover gradient, but reflect shadow cloth percentages seen in pond mesocosm experiments (Skelly and Golon, 2003; Schiesari, 2006; Binckley and Resetarits, 2007). The potential vernal pool was delineated using color leaf on and black and white leaf off aerial photographs (Calhoun et al., 2003; Lathrop, et al., 2005; Oscarson and Calhoun, 2007). The orthroimagery was National Agricultural Imagery Program Mosaic from 2005 and 2006 (USDA Geospatial Data Gateway, 2013). These datasets represented color leaf-on and black and white panchromatic aerial photography from 2005 and 2006 to determine forest cover over the maximum wetland area (Fox and Hines, 2000). The spatial resolution was one meter ground sample distance (GSD). The water within the wetlands was black compared to the grey and white of the surrounding environment. Open wetlands had canopy closure representing less than 50 percent of the maximum vernal pool basin (Table 1). Partially open wetlands had 51 to 99 percent of the potential vernal pool area covered by the overstory (Table 1). Closed wetlands had forest cover of 100 percent of the maximum wetland area (Table 1). Of the twenty four vernal pools assessed for this study, eight were designated as open canopy, seven vernal pools were classed as closed canopy wetlands, and nine isolated wetlands were identified as partially open (Table 1). All the wetlands used for this study were confirmed as amphibian breeding habitat based on on-site preliminary 93 sampling and records from previous studies (Chan, 2007; Felix, 2007; Scott, 2008; Sutton, 2010). Environmental Data Data on environmental conditions and morphology of vernal pools were collected biweekly between June 2008 and June 2011. Sampling was executed from December through June for each breeding season. This time encapsulated the larval development and metamorphosis of the amphibian species found in these vernal pools. The environmental variables measured were water and ambient temperatures, dissolved oxygen percentage, water pH, canopy cover, soil temperature, pool size, maximum depth, and leaf litter depth. Pools were visited biweekly because it represented the shortest amount of time between egg deposition and metamorphosis. Three different sampling points, at least five meters away from each other, were selected randomly during each wetland visit. At each point, water temperature, canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, and water pH were measured at one, two, and three meters from the edge of the pool. Water temperature percent dissolved oxygen was measured using a YSI 85 dissolved oxygen meter (YSI Inc, USA). The probe was lowered within the pool, and the measurements were taken after fifteen minutes. Water ph was measured using an Oakton ph Testr probe (Oakton Instruments, USA). A spherical crown densitometer which was held at chest level was used to measure canopy cover (Forestry Suppliers, USA). Four canopy cover measurements were taken at north, south, east, and west. Understory was excluded from the canopy cover measurements. Leaf litter depth and soil temperature were taken 94 at the shoreline. Leaf litter depth was calculated using a ruler. The depth from the soil to the top of the leaf litter was measured to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Soil temperature was measured using a digital pen shape stem thermometer (H-B Intrument Company, USA). The thermometer’s probe was inserted into the soil up to the hilt of the thermometer. The area and perimeter of each vernal pool were measured using Garmin Etrex Legend Vista Hcx Global Positioning System Unit (Garmin, USA). To calculate the area and perimeter, the researcher walked the perimeter of the vernal pool. The shape of the pool was reviewed in the GPS unit to ensure that the area and perimeter had been correctly calculated. Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates were also collected for each point. Animals were surveyed using minnow trapping (Dodd, 2009), and occurred at each vernal pool biweekly as long as the vernal pools were inundated. Three minnow traps were anchored and set at each wetland the day before sampling. The minnow traps were anchored using twine, and they were anchored at three distances from the shoreline: one, two, and three meters. Each minnow trap was set a minimum of five meters from another to reduce disturbance to amphibians located in that area of the vernal pool. The following day, each amphibian was identified by species and life stage. Three measurements were taken of larval amphibians: snout to vent length, tail length, and weight. Adult amphibians received one toe clip (Heyer, 1994) on the rear right index toe to signify that the animal had been sampled before, and larval amphibian received a tailfin clip (Heyer, 1994) on the upper dorsal fin near the tip. The following equation was used to determine animals that would be measured and weighed: samples = log10[total 95 species captures for this minnow trap] * 10. This equation was used for each individual species within each minnow trap. Within each minnow trap, the number of individuals captured per species was recorded. This number was then placed in the equation and the number of animals that were measured and processed was calculated. This was executed for each species caught within each minnow trap. If there were fewer than 10 individuals per species, then every individual was measured. Size metrics were compared for each species across various life stages. The three main life stages used in this study were larvae, juvenile, and reproductive mature adult. Life stage codes were used in a truncated format based on the Gosner stages for anuran tadpoles and estimation for the caudate larvae (Gosner, 1960). Based on herpetofaunal guides (Mount, 1975; Trauth et al., 2004; Lannoo, 2005; Jensen et al., 2008) and previous research (Felix, 2007; Chan, 2008; Scott, 2009; Sutton, 2010), I expected to capture 21 possible pool breeding amphibian species: 7 caudates and 14 anurans. The caudates included: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (A. opacum), Mole Salamander (A. talpoideum), Smallmouth Salamander (A. texanum), Eastern Tiger Salamander (A. tigrinum), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), and Four Toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum). The anurans included the following: Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), Barking Treefrog (H. gratiosa), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c. crucifer), Mountain Chorus Frog (P. brachyphona), Upland Chorus Frog (P. feriarum), Northern Cricket Frog (Acris c. crepitans), American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), Fowler’s Toad (A. fowleri), Eastern Spadefoot Toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii), Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), Green Frog 96 (L. clamitans melanota), Pickerel Frog (L. palustris), Southern Leopard Frog (L. sphenocephalus urticularius), and Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrohpyrne carolinensis). Landscape factors were separated based on four amphibian taxonomic groups including: salamanders, newts, frogs, and toads. Maximum migration was used to identify amphibian buffer distance. The maximum migration was calculated using the publications that listed maximum species migration distances (Semlitsch and Bodie, 2003). The publications were then gathered based on taxonomic groups and the publications with the largest maximums were used to represent the groups. Sample sizes were also collected for both of these techniques but were not used in any calculations. The buffer distances were calculated for each classifications and each taxonomic group within each classification. Maximum migration was comprised of the following buffer distances: 427 meters for salamanders (Kleeberger and Werner, 1983), 800 meters for newts (Healy, 1975), 1,601 meters for frogs (Ingram and Raney, 1943), and 1015 meters for toads (Oldham, 1966). To determine the maximum migration buffer distances, twenty eight publications were used which were comprised of 11 species and a sample size of 1,252 animals. Aerial photography was acquired using the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway (United States Department of Agriculture, 2012). Using 2009 and 2011 national agricultural imagery program (NAIP) aerial photography to calculate the following landscape vairables at the amphibian migration buffer distances: distance to main roads, distance to back roads, main road density, back road density, density to edge, pool 97 density, and distance to forest. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) was used to calculate normalized difference vegetation index ( NDVI = Reflected radiant fluxnear infrared – Reflected radiant fluxred/ Reflected radiant fluxnear infrared + Reflected radiatn fluxred) (ERDAS ® 2013) for the amphibian migration buffer distances (Jensen, 20005). Landsat TM scenes were downloaded from the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (, 2012). I used scenes that had less than 30% cloud cover and these scenes were acquired between June and August for 2009, 2010, and 2011. Statistical Analyses Amphibian diversity indices were calculated using Estimate S (Colwell, 2013). The diversity indices that compared were: larval amphibian abundance, alpha diversity, species richness as calculated using the bootstrap method, species observed, ShannonWiener diversity Index, and Simpson’s inverse diversity index. Abundance for all of the larval amphibians and individual species abundances were compared as well. Principles Components Analysis (PCA) (IBM SPSS ® 19.0) was used to reduce the number of variables at the landscape scale. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) (IBM SPSS ® 19.0) was used to compare amphibian diversity indices and species abundances between different wetland class among various breeding seasons. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) (Canoco ® 4.5) was applied to assess the relationship between amphibian species and local (environmental and pool morphology) and landscape principal component variables. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the relationship between ecological indices and local (environmental and pool 98 morphology- Tables 4.2 and 4.3) and landscape variables surrounding the vernal pools. Transformations were used to achieve a normal distribution for all of the ecological indices. Evaluation of linearity led to log transformations for the larval amphibian abundance, species observed, alpha diversity, larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method. Results During this study, a total of 39, 182 individuals were captured including: 2,382 adults, 35,963 larvae, and 837 metamorphs. Of the 35.963 larvae sampled there were 173 recaptures. In addition to the animal captures, 6,954 egg masses and 467,245 embryos were counted through the visual encounter surveys. Eighteen species were identified, resulting in 5 caudate species and 13 anuran species. The following caudate species were captured: Spotted Salamander, Marbled Salamander, Mole Salamander, Red Spotted Newt, and Four Toed Salamander. The anurans captured included: Cope’s Gray Treefrog, Sping Peeper, Mountain Chorus Frog, Upland Chorus Frog, Eastern Cricket Frog, American Toad, Fowler’s Toad, Eastern Spadefoot Toad, Bullfrog, Green Frog, Pickerel Frog, Southern Leopard Frog, and Eastern Narrowmouth Toad. To calculate diversity indices for the amphibian community, the larval amphibian life stage was used. Principal Components Analaysis (PCA) 99 Two principal compononets analyses (PCA) were executed for the landscape scale variables: aerial photography and normalized difference vegetation index. The aerial photography PCA used fifteen variables, and it produced four principal components that accounted for 86.7 percent of the total variation (Table 5.1). The Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.600, Bartlett’s test of sphericity had an approximate Chi-Square of 160.1.2 (p-value < 0.001). Pool density at 427 meters, pool density at 800 meters, pool density at 1015 meters, main road density at 427 meters, pool density at 1601 meters, back road density at 800 meters, distance to back roads, back road density at 1015 meters, back road density at 1601 meters, distance from forest, main road density at 1601 meters, manin road density at 1015 meters, distance from main roads, main road density at 800 meters, and distance from edge comprised the aerial photography PCA (Table 5.1). The first component accounted for 40.1 percent of the total variation (PC1- pool density and main road density at 427 meters), and it was comprised of pool density at 427 meters, pool density at 800 meters, pool density at 1015 meters, main road density at 427 meters, and pool density at 1601 meters (Table 5.1). All of these variables had positive factor loadings. The second principal component (PC2back road density and distance from forest) represented 30.1 percent of the total variation, and it included the following variables: back road density at 800 meters, distance from back roads, back road density at 1015 meters, back road density at 1601 meters, and the distance from forest (Table 5.1). All of the variables except for distance from forest had positive factor loadings (Table 5.1). Distance from forest had a negative factor loading. The third principal component (PC3- main road density and distance from 100 Table 5.1. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (aerial photography landscape variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Component Variables Pool Density at 427 meters Pool Density at 800 meters Pool Density at 1015 meters Main Road Density at 427 meters Pool Density at 1601 meters Back Road Density at 800 meters Distance to Back Roads Back Road Density at 1015 meters Back Road Density at 1601 meters Distance to Forest Main Road Density at 1601 meters Main Road Density at 1015 meters Distance to Main Roads Main Road Density at 800 meters Distance to Edge PC1 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.69 0.68 0.21 0.21 0.10 0.17 -0.49 0.16 0.33 -0.12 0.53 -0.16 PC2 0.30 0.27 0.25 -0.24 0.35 0.92 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.52 -0.24 -0.17 0.00 -0.19 -0.11 PC3 0.17 0.25 0.28 0.55 0.39 -0.07 -0.18 -0.22 -0.12 0.29 0.89 0.89 -0.86 0.79 0.11 PC4 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.25 0.06 -0.09 0.06 0.18 0.35 -0.13 0.09 0.06 -0.02 -0.94 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 6.01 40.08 40.08 4.52 30.11 70.19 1.44 9.58 79.77 1.05 6.97 86.75 101 main roads) signified 9.6 percent of the total variation (Table 5.1). This component was made up of main road density at 1601 meters, main road density at 1015 meters, distance from main roads, main road density at 800 meters (Table 5.1). All of the variables except for distance from main roads had positive factor loadings (Table 5.1). Distance from main roads had a negative factor loading (Table 5.1). The fourth principal component (PC4- distance from edge) characterized 6.9 percent of the total variation (Table 5.1). Distance from edge was the only variable within the component, and it had a negative factor loading (Table 5.1). Using twelve variables, the normalized difference vegetation index PCA produced three components that represented 81.4 percent of the total variation (Table 5.2). The Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.696, Bartlett’s test of sphericity had an approximate Chi-Square of 1081.3 (p-value < 0.001). Normalized difference vegetation index maximum at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index maxium at 1601 meters, normalized difference vegetation index mean at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index maximum at 427 meters, normalized difference vegetation index mean at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index mean at 1601 meters, normalized difference vegetation index maximum at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 427 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 1601 meters, and normalized difference vegetation index mean at 427 meters comprised the normalized difference vegetation index PCA (Table 5.2). The principal component accounted for 50.9 percent 102 Table 5.2. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (normalized difference vegetation index landscape variables of 24 vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama). These results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Variables Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Maximum at 800 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Maximum at 1601 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Mean at 800 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Maximum at 427 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Mean at 1015 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Mean at 1601 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Maximum at 1015 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Range at 800 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Range at 1015 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Range at 427 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Range at 1601 meters Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Mean at 427 meters PC1 0.86 0.86 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.78 -0.09 -0.10 -0.05 -0.19 -0.01 Component PC2 -0.05 0.03 -0.52 -0.17 -0.54 -0.52 0.08 0.94 0.94 0.87 0.81 0.07 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 6.11 50.95 50.95 2.63 21.88 72.83 103 PC3 -0.03 -0.23 -0.01 0.17 0.01 -0.08 0.06 -0.01 -0.01 0.10 0.02 0.97 1.03 8.59 81.43 of the total variation (PC1- normalized difference vegetation index maximum and mean), and it was made up of normalized difference vegetation index maximum at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index maxium at 1601 meters, normalized difference vegetation index mean at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index maximum at 427 meters, normalized difference vegetation index mean at 1015 meters, and normalized difference vegetation index mean at 1601 meters (Table 5.2). These variables all had positive factor loadings (Table 5.2). The second principal component (PC2- normalized difference vegetation index range) represented 21.9 percent of the total variation, and it included normalized difference vegetation index range at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index range at 427 meters, and normalized difference vegetation index range at 1601 meters (Table 5.2). All of the variables had positive factor loadings (Table 5.2). The third principal component (PC3- normalized difference vegetation index mean at 427 meters) signified 8.6 percent of the total variation, and it contained normalized difference vegetation index mean at 427 meters (Table 5.2). This variable had a positive factor loading (Table 5.2). Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) A factorial analysis of variance was compared using aerial photography principal components across vernal pool classes. None of the aerial photography principal components were significantly different across vernal pool classes (Table 5.3). 104 Table 5.3. Mean and standard deviations of aerial photography landscape variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2009 and 2011). Vernal Pool Classes Variable Closed (n = 7) Aerial Photography Principal Component 1 (Pool Density and Main Road Density at 427 meters) 0.31±0.99 Aerial Photography Principal Component 2 (Back Road Density and Distance to Forest) -0.12±1.18 Aerial Photography Principal Component 3 (Main Road Density and Distance to Main Roads) -0.19±1.16 Aerial Photography Principal Component 4 (Distance to Edge) -0.16±0.38 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 105 Open (n = 9) Partially Open (n = 8) Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Pool Class -0.31±1.17 0.04±0.92 0.7 0.28±1.07 -0.16±0.89 0.4 0.23±1.21 -0.05±0.77 0.3 0.50±0.32 -0.32±1.54 1.6 Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) A repeated measures factorial analysis of variane (RM ANOVA) was used to compare normalized difference vegetation index principal components from the normalized difference vegetation index PCA, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters across vernal pool classes and compared among successive breeding seasons (Table 5.4). None of the variables were different across vernal pool classes. Normalized difference vegetation index principal component one (maximum and mean), normalized difference vegetation index principal component two (range), normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters, normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters were different among breeding seasons (Figures 5.1-5.7). A repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare amphibian species abundance and ecological indices differences across vernal pool classes and among successive breeding seasons. Alpha diversity for larval amphibians, larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method, and larval amphibian species observed were different across vernal pool classes (Table 5.5). Alpha diversity was higher in open vernal pools when compared to closed vernal pools (Figure 5.8). Alpha diversity within partially open vernal pools was not different from closed or open vernal pools (Figure 5.8). Larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method and the larval 106 Table 5.4. Mean and standard deviations of normalized difference vegetation index landscape variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011). Variable Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Principal Component 1 (Maximum and Mean) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) 0.21±0.33 -0.79±0.98 -0.07±0.99 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) 0.13±0.26 -0.63±1.07 0.50±0.95 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Principal Component 2 (Range) 0.69±0.44 -0.36±1.32 0.18±1.25 Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 0.8 8.4** 0.6 2008-2009 -0.99±0.68 -0.62±0.47 -0.17±0.73 1.7 37.5*** 4.8* 2009-2010 0.29±0.66 1.37±1.09 0.34±1.13 2010-2011 -0.49±0.84 0.04±0.72 0.06±0.79 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 107 Table 5.4. (Continued). Variable Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Principal Component 3 (Mean at 427 meters) Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) -0.00±0.09 0.57±1.21 -0.04±0.08 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) -0.03±0.09 -0.59±2.70 -0.03±0.10 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Minimum at 427 meters -0.05±0.06 0.24±0.80 -0.02±0.09 Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 0.9 0.1 0.9 2008-2009 0.47±0.12 0.42±0.09 0.38±0.16 0.9 27.7*** 3.4* 2009-2010 0.22±0.23 -0.01±0.19 0.23±0.23 2010-2011 0.37±0.18 0.35±0.15 0.31±0.17 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 108 Table 5.4. (Continued). Variable Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Minimum at 800 meters Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) 0.46±0.17 0.11±0.16 0.29±0.23 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) 0.39±0.14 -0.06±0.16 0.28±0.17 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Minimum at 1015 meters 0.33±0.16 0.16±0.25 0.24±0.16 Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 0.6 48.1*** 4.3** 2008-2009 0.46±0.16 0.35±0.19 0.31±0.18 1.4 34.4*** 2.3 2009-2010 0.06±0.13 -0.16±0.33 0.09±0.23 2010-2011 0.29±0.22 0.21±0.19 0.19±0.15 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 109 Table 5.4. (Continued). Variable Season Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 9) (n = 8) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Minimum at 1601 meters Repeated Measures ANOVAa Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 2008-2009 0.41±0.18 0.27±0.18 0.24±0.19 0.7 21.5*** 0.6 2009-2010 -0.09±0.42 -0.16±0.33 -0.04±0.35 2010-2011 0.29±0.23 0.16±0.21 0.15±0.12 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 110 Figure 5.1. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component 1 (maximum and mean) extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 111 Figure 5.2. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component 2 (range) extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 112 Figure 5.3. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 113 Figure 5.4. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 114 Figure 5.5. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 115 Figure 5.6. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 116 Figure 5.7. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters extracted from 2009, 2010, and 2011 landsat thematic Mapper (TM) Satellite Imagery for James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 117 Table 5.5. Mean and standard deviations of environmental and pool morphology variables taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011). Variable Alpha Diversity Bootstrap Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open (n = 8) Partially Open (n = 9) 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 3.22±1.40A 4.23±2.25A 5.16±3.86A 3.54±1.52A 4.15±2.10A 4.26±2.35A 5.58±1.91B 8.02±1.95B 5.04±2.03B 5.79±1.88B 7.53±1.82B 5.21±2.00B 4.91±2.07AB 6.62±4.75AB 3.30±1.35AB 5.09±1.92A 5.51±2.34A 3.56±1.30A 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.58±0.51 0.61±0.39 0.53±0.37 0.77±0.58 0.96±0.28 0.60±0.54 0.68±0.48 0.81±0.49 0.54±0.37 Season Simpson Inverse Index Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Pool Season Class x Class Breeding Season 4.2* 3.1 1.5 8.3** 3.0 1.1 0.9 1.8 0.2 2008-2009 1.65±1.05 1.94±1.13 1.72±0.89 0.6 1.9 0.4 2009-2010 1.49±0.76 2.16±0.61 2.06±0.79 2010-2011 1.39±0.70 1.43±1.24 1.52±0.76 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 118 Table 5.5. (Continued). Variable Season Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open (n = 8) Species Observed (Sobs) Partially Open (n = 9) Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 2008-2009 3.00±1.29A 5.13±1.64B 4.44±1.59A 8.9** 2.8 2009-2010 3.57±1.81A 6.25±1.49B 4.33±1.73A 2010-2011 3.43±1.72A 4.50±1.77B 3.00±1.12A Abundance 2008-2009 325.43±381.02 521.50±838.69 554.78±791.57 0.5 0.4 2009-2010 280.86±382.06 197.25±176.46 574.78±1176.49 2010-2011 336.57±492.58 196.00±271.50 511.56±1033.11 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 119 1.0 0.3 Figure 5.8. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in alpha diversity for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 120 Figure 5.9. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 121 Figure 5.10. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian species observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 122 amphibian species observed were higher in open vernal pools when compared to closed and partially open vernal pools (Figure 5.9-5.10). Individual larval amphibian species abundances were compared. Marbled salamander larval abundances were different across vernal pool classes, with abundance being higher in closed vernal pools than open vernal pools (Table 5.6 and Figure 5.11). Marbled salamander larval abundance in partially open pools was not different from closed or open vernal pools (Figure 5.11). Red Spotted Newt larval abundance and Eastern Spadefoot tadpole abundance were different among breeding seasons (Figures 5.12-5.13). Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) were executed for amphibian species abundance during each breeding season. Each CCA assessed the relationship between amphibian species abundance compared to local (environmental and pool morphology principal component variables) and landscape (aerial photography and normalized difference vegetation index principal component variables) variables. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for the amphibian species during the 2008-2009 breeding season explained 82.1 percent (Axis 1: 28.3 percent, Axis 2: 22.2 percent, Axis 3: 21.2 percent, Axis 4: 10.4 percent) (Figure 5.14) of the variance associated with the species data, and 84.7 percent of the species-evironment relationship variance (Axis 1: 29.2 percent, Axis 2: 22.9 percent, Axis 3: 21.9 percent, and Axis 4: 10.7 percent) (Figure 5.14). During the 2009-2010 breeding season, the CCA represented 67.6 percent (Axis 1: 19.5 percent, Axis 2: 18.9 percent, Axis 3: 17 percent, Axis 4: 12.2 percent) of the 123 Table 5.6. Mean and standard deviations of animal captures taken within closed, open, and partially open vernal pools in James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest (2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 20102011). Variable Northern Cricket Frog Season Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 8) (n = 9) Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 62.50±175.97 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 1.0 0.9 1.0 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 11.57±9.66 33.86±39.93 22.29±20.87 16.37±43.52 31.13±56.38 10.13±12.54 12.22±14.23 27.89±24.99 25.89±29.28 0.1 2.8 0.5 Spotted Salamander Marbled Salamander 2008-2009 156.29±94.12A 20.13±26.00B 55.11±58.94AB 9.7** 2.6 2009-2010 11.71±8.34A 3.00±3.96B 11.89±16.97AB 2010-2011 95.00±79.97A 41.38±35.75B 89.00±109.86AB a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 124 6.7 Table 5.6. (Continued). Variable Mole Salamander American Toad Fowler’s Toad Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) 5.57±6.35 17.29±23.04 15.43±21.64 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 122.14±323.16 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 8) (n = 9) 11.50±22.03 4.00±5.50 10.63±13.39 2.88±3.98 37.38±62.92 1.13±3.18 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.75±2.12 12.89±20.24 9.11±12.26 12.44±13.53 0.00±0.00 400.67±1201.63 136.67±410.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 222.33±667.00 Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 0.5 1.6 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Eastern Narrowmouth Toad 2008-2009 1.57±4.16 0.00±0.00 1.00±3.00 0.6 2.1 2009-2010 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 125 0.6 Table 5.6. (Continued). Variable Four Toed Salamander Cope’s Gray Treefrog Season Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 8) (n = 9) Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.22±0.67 0.00±0.00 0.8 0.7 0.8 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.71±1.49 0.00±0.00 1.14±1.95 84.38±210.37 7.75±17.75 78.00±210.69 10.00±29.63 0.11±0.33 1.33±3.64 1.2 1.2 0.9 Bullfrog 2008-2009 0.00±0.00 0.25±0.71 0.44±1.33 1.2 1.4 2009-2010 26.29±69.55 0.50±1.41 0.33±0.50 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 Green Frog 2008-2009 0.29±0.76 36.13±70.57 5.67±8.99 1.6 1.9 2009-2010 0.14±0.38 6.38±11.90 5.11±8.51 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 12.88±34.82 0.78±1.99 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 126 1.2 1.6 Table 5.6. (Continued). Variable Pickerel Frog Southern Leopard Frog Season Closed (n = 7) Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 8) (n = 9) Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 1.5 1.1 1.1 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 1.88±3.72 9.50±23.71 0.00±0.00 0.33±2.25 0.11±0.33 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 1.71±3.30 17.86±31.06 5.00±12.36 6.50±6.82 19.50±21.82 10.75±15.97 5.33±10.38 88.67±222.67 0.56±0.88 0.5 1.8 0.8 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 3.38±6.32 3.25±4.30 0.00±0.00 1.11±1.17 1.56±1.81 0.00±0.00 2.2 4.4* 1.7 Red Spotted Newts Mountain Chorus Frog 2008-2009 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.7 2.0 2009-2010 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 0.00±0.00 2010-2011 0.20±0.53 0.00±0.00 0.11±0.33 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 127 0.7 Table 5.6. (Continued). Variable Spring Peeper Season 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 Closed (n = 7) 0.43±1.13 15.43±31.29 1.71±2.87 Vernal Pool Classes Open Partially Open (n = 8) (n = 9) 9.00±14.23 15.88±34.94 20.88±53.83 Eastern Spadefoot Toad 6.89±13.51 5.78±10.01 2.44±4.90 Repeated Measures ANOVA Vernal Breeding Vernal Pool Season Pool Class Class x Breeding Season 0.6 1.0 1.0 2008-2009 147.29±385.29 331.00±810.08 444.11±763.80 0.1 3.8* 0.8 2009-2010 158.29±413.50 4.13±4.19 23.33±51.79 2010-2011 73.86±195.41 0.00±0.00 29.04±110.23 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 128 Figure 5.11. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Marbled Salamander larval abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 129 Figure 5.12. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Red Spotted Newt Larval abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 130 Figure 5.13. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Eastern Spadefoot tadpole abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 131 Figure 5.14. Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis, showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2008-2009 breeding season in at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Amphibian species codes: ACCR = Northern Cricket Frog, AMMA = Spotted Salamander, AMOP = Marbled Salamander, AMTA = Mole Salamander, ANAM = American Toad, ANFO = Fowler’s Toad, GACA = Eastern Narrowmouth Toad, HYCH = Cope’s Gray Treefrog, LICA = Bullfrog, LICL = Green Frog, LIPA = Pickerel Frog, LISP = Southern Leopard Frog, NOVI = Red Spotted Newt, PSCR = Spring Peeper, and SCHO = Eastern Spadefoot. Environmental variable codes: EPC1 = environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen), EPC2 = environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature), EPC3 = environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maxium), EPC4 = environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range), EPC5 = environmental principal component 5 (leaf litter depth), ECP6 = environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum), ECP7 = environmental principal component 7 (leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range), PMPC1 = pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area), PMPC2 = pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum and pool depth), and FCP = forest cover percentage. Landscape variable codes: APPC1 = Aerial photography principal component 1(pool density and main road density at 427 meters), APPC2 = Aerial photography principal component 2 (back road density and distance from forest), APPC3 = Aerial photography principal component 3 (main road density and distance from main roads), APPC4 = Aerial photography principal component 4 (distance from edge), NDVI_PC1 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 1 (maximum and mean), NDVI_PC2 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 2 (range), NDVI_PC3 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters), NDVI_427 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters, NDVI_800 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters, NDVI_101 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters, and NDVI_160 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters. 132 Figure 5.15. Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis, showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2009-2010 breeding season in at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Amphibian species codes: ACCR = Northern Cricket Frog, AMMA = Spotted Salamander, AMOP = Marbled Salamander, AMTA = Mole Salamander, ANAM = American Toad, ANFO = Fowler’s Toad, GACA = Eastern Narrowmouth Toad, HYCH = Cope’s Gray Treefrog, LICA = Bullfrog, LICL = Green Frog, LIPA = Pickerel Frog, LISP = Southern Leopard Frog, NOVI = Red Spotted Newt, PSCR = Spring Peeper, and SCHO = Eastern Spadefoot. Environmental variable codes: EPC1 = environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen), EPC2 = environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature), EPC3 = environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maxium), EPC4 = environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range), EPC5 = environmental principal component 5 (leaf litter depth), ECP6 = environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum), ECP7 = environmental principal component 7 (leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range), PMPC1 = pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area), PMPC2 = pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum and pool depth), and FCP = forest cover percentage. Landscape variable codes: APPC1 = Aerial photography principal component 1(pool density and main road density at 427 meters), APPC2 = Aerial photography principal component 2 (back road density and distance from forest), APPC3 = Aerial photography principal component 3 (main road density and distance from main roads), APPC4 = Aerial photography principal component 4 (distance from edge), NDVI_PC1 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 1 (maximum and mean), NDVI_PC2 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 2 (range), NDVI_PC3 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters), NDVI_427 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters, NDVI_800 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters, NDVI_101 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters, and NDVI_160 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters. 133 variance related to the species data and 69.3 percent of the species-environment relationship variance (Axis 1: 20.0 percent, Axis 2: 19.4 percent, Axis 3: 17.4 percent, and Axis 4: 12.5 percent) (Figure 5.15). The 2010-2011 breeding CCA detailed 70.7 percent (Axis 1: 24.5 percent, Axis 2: 19.3 percent, Axis 3: 14.4 percent, and Axis 4: 12.5 percent) of the variance linked to the species data and 74.2 percent of the speciesenvironment relationship variance (Axis 1: 25.7 percent, Axis 2: 20.3 percent, Axis 3: 15 percent, and Axis 4: 13.2 percent) (Figure 5.16). Across all three breeding seasons, there was a gradient between forest cover percentage when compared to soil and water temperature maximum (Figures 5.14-5.16). Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Forward multiple linear regression (MLR) was executed in order to assess the relationship between local (environmental and pool morphology principal component variables) and landscape (aerial photography and normalized difference vegetation index principal component variables) variables. Regression results indicated that the overall model of five predictors (environmental principal component sixe- water pH average and minimum, pool morphology principal component one- pool area, environmental principal component two- soil and water temperature, environmental principal component fiveleaf litter depth, and normalized difference vegetation index principal component threemean at 427 meters) that significantly predicted larval amphibian abundance (Figures 5.17-5.21), R2 = 0.347, R2adj = 0.297, F(5,66) = 7.0, p < 0.001 (Table 5.7). This model represented 34.7 percent of the variance in larval amphibian abundance (Table 5.7). 134 Figure 5.16. Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis, showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2010-2011 breeding season in at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest, Alabama. Amphibian species codes: ACCR = Northern Cricket Frog, AMMA = Spotted Salamander, AMOP = Marbled Salamander, AMTA = Mole Salamander, ANAM = American Toad, ANFO = Fowler’s Toad, GACA = Eastern Narrowmouth Toad, HYCH = Cope’s Gray Treefrog, LICA = Bullfrog, LICL = Green Frog, LIPA = Pickerel Frog, LISP = Southern Leopard Frog, NOVI = Red Spotted Newt, PSCR = Spring Peeper, and SCHO = Eastern Spadefoot. Environmental variable codes: EPC1 = environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen), EPC2 = environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature), EPC3 = environmental principal component 3 (soil and water temperature maxium), EPC4 = environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range), EPC5 = environmental principal component 5 (leaf litter depth), ECP6 = environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum), ECP7 = environmental principal component 7 (leaf litter depth minimum and canopy cover percentage range) ), PMPC1 = pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area), PMPC2 = pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum and pool depth), and FCP = forest cover percentage. Landscape variable codes: APPC1 = Aerial photography principal component 1(pool density and main road density at 427 meters), APPC2 = Aerial photography principal component 2 (back road density and distance from forest), APPC3 = Aerial photography principal component 3 (main road density and distance from main roads), APPC4 = Aerial photography principal component 4 (distance from edge), NDVI_PC1 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 1 (maximum and mean), NDVI_PC2 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 2 (range), NDVI_PC3 = Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters), NDVI_427 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 427 meters, NDVI_800 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 800 meters, NDVI_101 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1015 meters, and NDVI_160 = Normalized difference vegetation index minimum at 1601 meters. 135 Table 5.7. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance. Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 6 (water pH average and minimum) Pool Morphology Principal Component 1 (pool area) Environmental Principal Component 2 (soil and water temperature) Environmental Principal Component 5 (leaf litter depth) Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 2.23 0.05 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 42.64 P-value <0.001 -0.18 0.05 -0.34 -3.41 0.001 -0.17 0.05 -0.32 -3.19 0.002 0.13 0.05 0.26 2.56 0.013 -0.12 0.05 -0.23 -2.25 0.028 -0.11 0.05 -0.21 -2.11 0.038 136 Figure 5.17. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) and larval amphibian abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 137 Figure 5.18. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) and larval amphibian abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 20102011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 138 Figure 5.19. Linear regression between environmental principal component 2 (soil and water temperature) and larval amphibian abundance observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 139 Figure 5.20. Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (leaf litter depth) and larval amphibian abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 140 Figure 5.21. Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) and larval amphibian abundance observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 141 Larval amphibian species observed was predicted using three independent variables (forest cover percentage, environmental principal component four- water ph maximum and range, and normalized difference vegetation index principal component three- mean at 427 meters) (Figures 5.22-5.24), R2 = 0.272, R2adj = 0.240, F(3,68) = 8.5, p < 0.001 (Table 5.8). The model was able to explain 27.2 percent of the variance (Table 5.8). The model representing alpha diversity for larval amphibians found three predictor variables (forest cover percentage, breeding season, normalized difference vegetation index principal component three (mean at 427 meters) that significantly represented it (Figures 5.25-5.26), R2 = 0.224, R2adj = 0.189, F(3,68) = 6.5, p = 0.001 (Table 5.9). This model showed 22.4 percent of the variance in alpha diversity for larval amphibians (Table 5.9). The overall model found three predictor variables (forest cover percentage, breeding season, and normalized difference vegetation index principal component three (mean at 427 meters) that could explain the larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method (Figures 5.27-5.28), R2 = 0.244, R2adj = 0.211, F(3,68) = 7.3, p < 0.001 (Table 5.10). The model accounted for 24.4 percent of the variance (Table 5.10). The model found one predictor (aerial photography principal component three- main road density and distance from main roads) that significantly predicted the Shannon-wiener index (Figure 5.29), R2 = 0.070, R2adj = 0.057, F(1,70) = 5.3, p = 0.024 (Table 5.11). The model represented 7.0 percent of the variance (Table 5.11). The overall model predicted three predictors (aerial photography principal component three- main road density and distance from main roads, pool morphology principal component one- pool area, environmental principal component one- canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved 142 Table 5.8. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian species observed. Model Constant Forest Cover Percentage Environmental Principal Component 4 (water pH maximum and range) Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.72 0.04 0.00 0.00 Standardized Coefficients Beta -0.42 t 17.36 -4.03 P-value <0.001 <0.001 0.06 0.02 -0.26 -2.49 0.015 -0.05 0.02 -0.24 -2.27 0.026 143 Figure 5.22. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and larval amphibian species observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 144 Figure 5.23. Linear regression between environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) and larval amphibian species observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 145 Figure 5.24. Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) and larval amphibian species observed during 20082009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 146 Table 5.9. Multiple regression beta coefficients for alpha diversity for larval amphibians. Model Constant Forest Cover Percentage Breeding Season Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.72 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.06 -0.06 0.03 147 Standardized Coefficients Beta -0.31 0.27 t 13.21 -2.92 2.54 P-value <0.001 0.005 0.013 -0.27 -2.03 0.046 Figure 5.25. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and alpha diversity for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 148 Figure 5.26. Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) and alpha diversity for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 149 Table 5.10. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method. Model Constant Forest Cover Percentage Breeding Season Normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.74 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.05 -0.05 0.02 150 Standardized Coefficients Beta -0.36 0.23 t 16.02 -3.43 2.19 P-value <0.001 0.001 0.032 -0.23 -2.17 0.034 Figure 5.27. Linear regression between forest cover percentage and larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 151 Figure 5.28. Linear regression between normalized difference vegetation index principal component 3 (mean at 427 meters) and larval amphibian species richness using the bootstrap method observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 152 Table 5.11. Multiple regression beta coefficients for the Shannon-Wiener index for larval amphibians. Model Constant Aerial Photography Principal Component 3 (Main Road Density and Distance from Main Roads) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.68 0.05 0.12 0.05 153 Standardized Coefficients Beta 0.27 t 13.19 P-value <0.001 2.30 0.024 Figure 5.29. Linear regression between aerial photography principal component 3 (main road density and distance from main roads) and the Shannon-Wiener index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 154 Table 5.12. Multiple regression beta coefficients for the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians. Model Constant Aerial Photography Principal Component 3 (Main Road Density and Distance from Main Roads) Pool Morphology Principal Component 1 (Pool Area) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Canopy Cover Percentage and Percent Dissolved Oxygen) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 1.18 0.09 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 18.10 P-value <0.001 0.22 0.10 0.25 2.22 0.030 0.29 0.10 0.33 2.93 0.005 0.26 0.11 0.29 2.41 0.019 155 Figure 5.30. Linear regression between aerial photography principal component 3 (main road density and distance from main roads) and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 156 Figure 5.31. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 157 Figure 5.32. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (canopy cover percentage and percent dissolved oxygen) and the Simpson’s inverse diversity index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 158 oxygen) that significantly predicted the simpson’s inverse diversity index (Figure 5.305.32), R2 = 0.223, R2adj = 0.189, F(3,68) = 6.5, p = 0.001 (Table 5.12). The model accounted for 22.3 percent of the variance for the simpson’s inverse diversity index (Table 5.12). Discussion In response to the first hypothesis, the amphibian diversity was found to be higher in open pools when compared to closed pools and partially open vernal pools. In reponse to the second and third hypotheses, the only species that was different among wetland classes was the Marbled Salamander, and it was found in higher abundances within closed pools when compared to open vernal pools. In regards to the fourth hypothesis, amphibian diversity indices were not correlated to disturbances or movement barriers. Diversiy indices were related to local variables within the wetland or the pool morphology variables, rather than the landscape variables. Disturbance was measured using landscape variables such as main roads, back roads, ad edges. These features serve as barriers to amphibian migration. There was not a relationship found between intermediate disturbance and larval amphibian diversity. Amphibian diversity increased in reponse to water and soil temperature, but decreased in reponse to forest cover percentage. The majority of anuran species executed a complex life cycle where they use both aquatic and terrestrial habitats during the lives (Gagne and Fahrig, 2007). Burne and 159 Griffin (2005) suggested that habitat characteristtics within breeding pools including pool area and tree canopy cover are more important in determining amphibian community composition than features in the landscape. Within my study, there were no landscape variables that explained the variance in the amphibian diversity indices. The majority of the landscape features measured was barriers to migration or emigration by juvenile amphibians. The negative influence that migration barriers present may be lessened by the presence of forest corridors. While back roads, main roads, and forest edges were all present within the migration buffer distances, the majority of the pools were near or adjacent to forest stands. Vernal pools within continguous forest stands are important for maintaining biological diversity (Hocking et al., 2008). These corridors may have enabled various amphibian species to move through the landscape despite the presence of barriers. Forest stands’ spatial extent may help explain anuran species richness and abundance patterns throughout the landscape (Gagne and Fahrig, 2007). I did find a weak positive relationship between roads and Shannon-wiener and Simpson’s inverse diversity index, while Hartel et al. (2010) stated that landscape features such as distance to forest and vernal pool presence differ in importance depending on the amphibian species being studied, but roads did influence amphibian species richness. Eigenbrod et al. (2008) found similar results, and he noted that traffic had a negative influence on amphibian species richness. Gagne and Fahrig (2007) surmised that amphibian communities may experience higher probability of local extinction due to mortality from road traffic and other impervious surfaces (Gagne and Fahrig, 2007). Eigenbrod et al. 160 (2008) did condede that the importance of traffic density and forest cover varied by species. Amphibian breeding pool suitability can be affected by forest cover directly overshadowing the vernal pool (Burne and Griffin, 2005). Gamble et al. (2009) stated that it is important to consider breeding habitat and terrestrial habitat when monitoring pool breeding amphibians. Forested habitat creates diverse habitats, through providing shade, regulating temperature, and retaining moisture, which is paramount for poolbreeding amphibians (Hermann et al., 2005). Terrestrial amphibians risk desiccation as they move across the landscape in search of new water resources, so any environmental features that can this risk likely will increase survival (Batlet et al., 2004). Schiesari (2006) saw that the degree of canopy cover had strong impacts on amphibian performance, population dynamics, and community structure. Even though I did not see direct relationships with canopy cover, I did see relationships between diversity and forest cover and leaf litter depth. Litter is a key component in larval amphibian performance (Cohen et al., 2012). Earl et al. (2011) found that ambystoma species performed better in breeding habitat that had high leaf litter and high canopy cover when compared to open breeding sites. Cohen et al. (2012) found similar results, and he surmised that litter quantity would increase food availability to tadpoles, since some larval amphibians are known to consume detritus material (Altig et al., 2007). Skelly et al. (1999) found that variation in overhead forest canopy was correlated with amphibian presence. Increased canopy cover is related to temperature, which is important to tadpole development. Warmer temperatures are necessary for anuran species larval development 161 (Glennemeier and Werner, 1999; Skelly et al., 2002; Hocking and Semltisch, 2007). Open vernal pools are beneficial to anuran larvae because of higher temperatures that influence growth and developmental rates (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Tree canopy closure over breeding pools may therefore help predict which pool breeding amphibian occur within various vernal pools (Skelly et al., 2002; Burne and Griffin, 2005). While open breeding sites are important to anuran species, deMaynadier and Hunter (1999) found that habitat use during emigration and dispersal is not random for caudate species and closed canopy specialists. Ambystoma species selected closed canopy forest conditions and areas of dense vegetation (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1999). Preferential use of closed-canopy habitat by emigrating amphibians has potentially important conservation implications for management practices in the forested landscape around vernal pools (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1999). Ray et al. (2002) found that habitat alteration makes it important to find way to assess the impact of changes on the distribution of amphibian populations. Rittenhouse and Semlitsch (2007) found that determining how amphibians distribute themselves after reproduction will help researchers determine the amount of habitat that is needed in order to sustain viable populations. After breeding, both frogs and salamanders migrate in a way where that highest abundances travel a moderate distance from breeding sites, and abundance tends to decreas as amphibians travel further distances from the vernal pool (Rittenhouse and Semlitsch, 2007). Habitat that is closer to the breeding pools may be more critical that landscape that is located near the migration maximum of a particular species. Since several anuran and caudate species depend extensively on upland habitat, 162 it seems important to have stands located near breeding pools (Rubbo and Kiesecker, 2006). 163 CHAPTER 6 THE RELATIONSHIP OF VERNAL POOL FEATURES AND AMPHIBIAN SIZE AND REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE WITHIN NORTH ALABAMA Introduction Many amphibian species and populations are undergoing a global decline which was first noted in the 1980s (Stuart et al., 2004; Alfords and Richards, 1999). Several hypotheses have been identified, with habitat destruction being noted as one of the primary causes (Beebee and Griffiths, 2005), and habitat alteration and fragmentation posing additional threats to amphibians (Collins and Storfer, 2003; Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Habitat destruction can impose a barrier to migration, emigration, and immigration of pool breeding amphibians. Fragmentation can restrict adult amphibians from traversing the landscape to reproduce, and it can also affect animals during foraging and searching for aestivation and brumation sites during periods of high and low temperatures, respectively (Collins and Storfer, 2003; Storfer, 2003; Beebee and Griffiths, 2005). Forest cover is one of the most important landscape scale predictors for amphibian presence and abundance (Eigenbrod et al., 2008), so a fragmenting of 164 contiguous forest can have a negative effect on amphibian populations. Since amphibians require moisture and refugia for survival, large openings in the forest overstory or forest fragmentation can result in an increase in ambient temperature and a reduction in relative humidity. These conditions can lead to a loss of body weight and potential desiccation. At a minimum, movement is restricted due to an increased riskof desiccation across large open areas. Since local amphibian populations require dispersal to persist, a breakdown in forest cover continuity can negatively affect amphibian populations within a given area. Roads and forest edges can also serve as barriers. These barriers create smaller patches and increase patch isolation which can break up local populations (Carr and Fahrig, 2002) and can cause declines and local extinctions of obligate amphibian species (Harper et al., 2008). Habitat alteration, such as conversion of forests into agricultural fields or open space, is one of the most notable ways of introducing barriers within pool breeding amphibian terrestrial habitats (James and Semlitsch, 2011). It is imperative to understand the phenotypic variation that these animals exhibit within their larval and adult habitats, and how the environment influences these morphological differences when defining stressors that cause amphibian decline. The genotype is responsible for the various phenotypic possibilities an organism can represent, while the environment influences the phenotype that is expressed (Denver, 1997; Miner et al., 2005). Phenotypic plasticity is a means of adaptation to changing environments that is both prevalent among many taxa and occurs in various traits (Kishida et al., 2006). Plasticity may be adaptive, allowing an organism to fit its phenotype to the changeable environment (Newman, 1989; Nussey et al., 2007). 165 Phenotypic plasticity predicts that populations and species that inhabit diverse environments will express a wide range of plasticity (Buskirk, 2002). Biotic and abiotic features of the environment create the situations in which fitness variation is produced (Kaplan and Phillips, 2006). Many organisms that exploit variable environments display phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits that are related to fitness (Gervasi and Foufopulos, 2008). This can be seen most prominently in species with a complex life cycle which is characterized by an abrupt morphological metamorphosis and usually includes a change in habitat (Hensley, 1993). Species that occupy different environments throughout their life cycle need to be able to metamorphose into an organism that can thrive within a different habitat. The development during a larval stage can be affected by the diminishing resources within the larval habitat, triggering the transition to a different life cycle stage. In response to an increased risk of mortality, organisms alter their size at metamorphosis by increasing their rate of development (Buskirk, 2002). The timing of developmental events, such as metamorphosis and reproductive maturity, can influence life cycles directly by determining the age at first reproduction or indirectly by affecting age-specific fecundity (Hensley, 1993). In order to maximize growth and minimize mortality, species must balance the trade off between a smaller size or older age at metamorphosis (Gervasi and Foufopoulos, 2008). Variation in growth rate and timing of metamorphosis generate variation in size at metamorphosis, which may affect fitness (Newman, 1989). Larval developmental time plasticity results in metamorphic size variation, and this size differential may affect survival in the terrestrial habitat (Denver et al., 1998). Larger size at metamorphosis may confer greater fitness through increased 166 terrestrial performance, higher juvenile survivorship, earlier maturity or larger size at maturity (Denver, 1997). Plasticity in growth and development rate influences various species larval development time, size at metamorphosis, and age at metamorphosis (Gervasi and Foufopoulos, 2008). Amphibians exhibit considerable variation, both between and within species and in the duration of the larval period (Denver, 1997). Tadpoles of some species are facultative species, while others are found within a more narrow range of habitats (Buskirk, 2002). Duration of the ephemeral wetlands, in which amphibian larvae develop, is an important environmental variable that dictates animals’ abilities to metamorphose (Newman, 1989). Vernal pools are time-constrained habitat, and they represent a temporally heterogeneous environment (Laurila et al., 2002; Lind and Johnansson, 2007). In such unpredictable habitats, larval survivorship is heavily influenced by desiccation, and species that breed in these pools have evolved traits lead to successful development (Denver et al., 1998). Using extreme plasticity in metamorphosis timing, several amphibian species are able to respond to pool drying by accelerating metamorphosis (Denver et al., 1998). Early larval amphibian metamorphosis results in desiccation avoidance, but these individuals may suffer from reduced juvenile survivorship, physiological performance, and size at first reproduction (Denver et al., 1998). If metamorphosis can be postponed, then the larvae have a higher chance of survival within the terrestrial environment. Delayed metamorphosis is commonly associated with a larger body size, which often leads to higher survival rates and fecundity, although a large size often requires additional time for growth and suffers from 167 increased larval habitat desiccation risk (Gervasi and Foufopoulos, 2008). Metamorphosis timing may be determined by the relative opportunity for growth and mortality risk in the aquatic and terrestrial environments (Newman, 1989). In the case of anurans, juveniles that are larger at metamorphosis usually remain larger or have higher growth rates than small conspecifics (Lind and Johnansson, 2007). While phenotypic plasticity enables amphibians to survive in fluctuating aquatic habitat, there are trade-offs when an individual favors development time over size at metamorphosis. Amphibian developmental time and metamorphic size are phenotypic responses to mortality risks associated with pond drying, but they also affect the likelihood of survival once juveniles emigrate from the wetland to the surrounding landscape. Objectives The objectives for this study were to (1) quantify the difference in amphibian size and body condition within three wetland classes during successive years, and (2) assess the relationship between larval amphibian size and body coniditon local environmental features. Hypotheses I hypothesize that (1) amphibian larvae will be larger in size and (2) have higher body condition index values within open vernal pools when compared to closed and partially open vernal pools, while (3) larval amphibian body condition indices will show a positive correlation to features that are associated with lower canopy cover within the wetland. 168 Methods Study Sites The William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF) is located in a strongly dissected plateau subregion within the Southern Cumberland Plateau (Smalley, 1979). The Southern Cumberland Plateau occupies 23,051 square kilometers. This strongly dissected plateau is so dissected that it no longer resembles a plateau (Smalley, 1979). Its topography is complex and its strongly sloping landscape predominates (Smalley, 1979) this section of the Cumberland Plateau. The James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (SWMA) is located within the strongly dissected southern portion of the Mid Cumberland Plateau. This midplateau region covers about 11,525 square kilometers and has a temperate climate characterized by long, moderately hot summers and short, mild winters (Smalley, 1982). The two localities used for this study were James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area (SWMA) and William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF). The SWMA, is located in Jackson County, Alabama and covers an area of 114 km2 (64.1 mi2) (Lein, 2005) (Figure 1). Vegetation in the SWMA has been classified as mixed mesophytic communities comprised of oak-hickory forests (Braun, 1950). Of the timberland in Jackson County, 78.8% is a mix of oak and hickory species (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June, 2012, ten dominant and co-dominant tree species whose crowns surrounded or occurred within fifteen vernal pools and within the SWMA were identified 169 and selected randomly. The most dominant and codominant tree species in this area include sweetgum (Liguidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), chinkapin oak (Quercus muehlenbergii), white oak (Quercus alba), chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), post oak (Quercus stellata), scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), northern red oak (Quercus rubra), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). The BNF is 737 km2 (284 mi2) and located in Lawrence, Winston, and Cullman counties in north central Alabama (Gaines and Creed, 2003) (Figure 2). Hartsell and Brown (2002) classified the timberland in Lawrence County at 42 percent oak and hickory species, Winston County at 47 percent, and Cullman County at 61 percent (Hartsell and Brown, 2002). In June 2012, the same sampling protocols as described for the SWMA were used. The dominant tree species within and surrounding nine vernal pools within the BNF area are sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), white oak (Quercus alba), water oak (Q. nigra), other red oak species, tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica), chestnut oak (Q. prinus), virginia pine (P. virginiana), winged elm (Ulmus alata), red maple (Acer rubrum), sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum), and water oak (Quercus nigra). The study sites were located using forest cover delineated from aerial photography of potential wetland basins. Fifteen vernal pools were selected in the SWMA, while nine vernal pools were selected in the BNF. To be selected, vernal pools needed to be ephemeral or have semi-permananent hydroperiods, dried out once a year or at least once every 2-3 years, filled with rainwater, groundwater, or intermittent streams, 170 and were devoid of fish. The vernal pools were then grouped into different categories based on the forest cover directly over the pool. Vernal Pool Class Creation using Light Environments Vernal pool canopy classes have been compared differently within pond mesocosm experiments and vernal pool observational studies. Within a canopy cover mesocosm experiment, shade cloth percentage has been used to simulate canopy cover that naturally overshadows vernal pools throughout the landscape (Skelly et al., 2002; Reylea et al., 2006). Two treatments are noted: high and low canopy cover treatments (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999). These treatments reflect canopy cover in open and closed vernal pools. In contrast to the two class system of mescosm experiments, canopy gradients have been identified within actual vernal pools (Halverson et al., 2003; Werner et al., 2007). Mesocosm studies differ from the actual canopy cover differences found in heterogenous forested systems. I sought to design wetland classes that incorporated mesocosm experiment categories as well as observational studies’ canopy gradients. I created vernal pool classes that reflected the canopy cover gradient found overshadowing vernal pools as well as the high and low canopy conditions simumlated in pool mesocosm studies. Within my study, open canopy vernal pools were designated based on experimental mesocosms (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999; Skelly et al., 2002; Skelly et al., 2005; Earl et al., 2011; VanBuskirk et al., 2011). Pool mesocosms with low canopy had 20-40 percent canopy cover within these experiments. Based on this range, I 171 designated open pools as having forest cover under 50 percent. Within pond experiments, closed pools were categorized using shade cloth that ranged from 60 to 81 percent (Skelly et al., 2002; Thurgate and Pechmann, 2007). Within my study, this range resulted in two different classes: closed and partially open vernal pools. Closed and partially open pools both had forest cover that was equal to or over 50 percent, but the difference between these two classes was in the overstory. Closed canopy pools did not have codominant or dominant tree crown size canopy gaps. Partially open vernal pools had canopy gaps that were at least the size of codominant or dominant tree crown. Essentially these classes depict a canopy cover gradient, while reflecting shadow cloth percentages seen in pond mesocosm experiments (Skelly and Golon, 2003; Schiesari, 2006; Binckley and Resetarits, 2007). The potential vernal pool was delineated using color leaf on and black and white leaf off aerial photographs (Calhoun et al., 2003; Lathrop, et al., 2005; Oscarson and Calhoun, 2007). The orthroimagery was National Agricultural Imagery Program Mosaic from 2005 and 2006 (USDA Geospatial Data Gateway, 2013). These datasets represented color leaf-on and black and white panchromatic aerial photography from 2005 and 2006 to determine forest cover over the maximum wetland area (Fox and Hines, 2000). The spatial resolution was one meter ground sample distance (GSD). The water within the wetlands was black compared to the grey and white of the surrounding environment. Open wetlands had canopy closure representing less than 50 percent of the maximum vernal pool basin (Table 1). Partially open wetlands had 51 to 99 percent of the 172 potential vernal pool area covered by the overstory (Table 1). Closed wetlands had forest cover of 100 percent of the maximum wetland area (Table 1). Of the twenty four vernal pools assessed for this study, eight were designated as open canopy, seven vernal pools were classed as closed canopy wetlands, and nine isolated wetlands were identified as partially open (Table 1). All the wetlands used for this study were confirmed as amphibian breeding habitat based on on-site preliminary sampling and records from previous studies (Chan, 2007; Felix, 2007; Scott, 2008; Sutton, 2010). Environmental Data Data on environmental conditions and morphology of vernal pools were collected biweekly between June 2008 and June 2011. Sampling was executed from December through June for each breeding season. This time encapsulated the larval development and metamorphosis of the amphibian species found in these vernal pools. The environmental variables measured were water and ambient temperatures, dissolved oxygen percentage, water pH, canopy cover, soil temperature, pool size, maximum depth, and leaf litter depth. Pools were visited biweekly because it represented the shortest amount of time between egg deposition and metamorphosis. Three different sampling points, at least five meters away from each other, were selected randomly during each wetland visit. At each point, water temperature, canopy cover, dissolved oxygen, and water pH were measured at one, two, and three meters from the edge of the pool. Water temperature percent dissolved oxygen was measured using a YSI 85 dissolved oxygen 173 meter (YSI Inc, USA). The probe was lowered within the pool, and the measurements were taken after fifteen minutes. Water ph was measured using an Oakton ph Testr probe (Oakton Instruments, USA). A spherical crown densitometer (Forestry Suppliers, USA) which was held at chest level was used to measure canopy cover. Four canopy cover measurements were taken at north, south, east, and west. Understory was excluded from the canopy cover measurements. Leaf litter depth and soil temperature were taken at the shoreline. Leaf litter depth was calculated using a ruler. The depth from the soil to the top of the leaf litter was measured to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Soil temperature was measured using a digital pen shape stem thermometer (H-B Intrument Company, USA). The thermometer probe was inserted into the soil up to the hilt of the thermometer. The area and perimeter of each vernal pool were measured using Garmin Etrex Legend Vista Hcx Global Positioning System Unit (Garmin, USA). To calculate the area and perimeter, the researcher walked the perimeter of the vernal pool. Once, the researcher had finished he or she reviewed the shape of the pool in the GPS unit to ensure that the area and perimeter had been correctly calculated. Global positioning system (GPS) coordinates were also collected for each point. Animals were surveyed using minnow trapping (Dodd, 2009), and occurred at each vernal pool biweekly as long as the vernal pools were inundated. Three minnow traps were anchored and set at each wetland the day before sampling. The minnow traps were anchored using twine, and they were anchored at three distances from the shoreline: one, two, and three meters. Each minnow trap was set a minimum of five meters from another to reduce disturbance to amphibians located in that area of the vernal pool. The 174 following day, each amphibian was identified by species and life stage. Three measurements were taken of larval amphibians: snout to vent length, tail length, and weight. Adult amphibians received one toe clip (Heyer, 1994) on the rear right index toe to signify that the animal had been sampled before, and larval amphibian received a tailfin clip (Heyer, 1994) on the upper dorsal fin near the tip. The following equation was used to determine animals that would be measured and weighed: samples = log10[total species captures for this minnow trap] * 10. This equation was used for each individual species within each minnow trap. Within each minnow trap, the total captures for each species were counted. This number was put into the equation, and the number of animals that would be sampled, measured, And processed were calculated. If there were fewer than 10 individuals per species, then every individual was measured. Size metrics were compared for each species across various life stages. The three main life stages used in this study were larvae, juvenile, and reproductive mature adult. Life stage codes were used in a truncated format based on the Gosner stages for anuran tadpoles and estimation for the caudate larvae (Gosner, 1960). Based on herpetofaunal guides (Mount, 1975; Trauth et al., 2004; Lannoo, 2005; Jensen et al., 2008) and previous research (Felix, 2007; Chan, 2008; Scott, 2009; Sutton, 2010), I expected to capture 21 possible pool breeding amphibian species: 7 caudates and 14 anurans. The caudates included: Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum), Marbled Salamander (A. opacum), Mole Salamander (A. talpoideum), Smallmouth Salamander (A. texanum), Eastern Tiger Salamander (A. tigrinum), Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus v. viridescens), and Four Toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum). 175 The anurans included the following: Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis), Barking Treefrog (H. gratiosa), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris c. crucifer), Mountain Chorus Frog (P. brachyphona), Upland Chorus Frog (P. feriarum), Northern Cricket Frog (Acris c. crepitans), American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), Fowler’s Toad (A. fowleri), Eastern Spadefoot Toad (Scaphiopus holbrookii), Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus), Green Frog (L. clamitans melanota), Pickerel Frog (L. palustris), Southern Leopard Frog (L. sphenocephalus urticularius), and Eastern Narrowmouth Toad (Gastrohpyrne carolinensis). Body Condition Indices Three body condition indices were used during this study: scaled mass index, Quetelet’s Index, and Fulton’s Index (Stevenson and Woods, 2006; Peig and Green, 2009; Peig and Green, 2010). These three body condition indices have been used on herpetofauna (Peig and Green, 2009; MacCracken and Stebbings, 2012). Scaled mass index is a condition index that is based on the Thorpe-Lleonart model of scaling (Peig and Green, 2009): Scaled Mass Index = Mi [Lo/Li]bsma. Mi = Body mass of individual i when the linear body measure is standardized to Lo. Li = Linear body measurement of individual i. Lo = The mean of linear body measurement bsma = Slope from ordinary least square regression/ Pearson correlation coefficient 176 Quetelet’s Index is also known as the body mass index (Stevenson and Woods, 2006). It is computed as the body mass divided by the square of length (Stevenson and Woods, 2006). The Quetelet’s Index is calculated using the following equation: Quetelet’s Index = M/ L2. The Fulton Index is computed as body mass divided by the cubed of body length (Stevenson and Woods, 2006). Fulton Index: = M/ L3. A multiplier of 1000 is used when the mass is measured in grams and the length in millimeters (Stevenson and Woods, 2006). Statistical Analyses Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) (IBM SPSS ® 19.0) was used to compare amphibian morphometrics, weight, and body condition indices across different wetland classes among various breeding seasons. Post hoc Tukey tests were used to determine the differences in size, weight, and body condition, if the ANOVA results were found to be significant. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the 177 relationship between ecological indices and the environmental principal components and the pool morphology principal components. Results During this study, a total of 39,182 individuals were captured including: 2,382 adults, 35,963 larvae, and 837 metamorphs. Of the 35, 963 larvae sampled (173 recaptures), 10,709 larvae were processed, measured, and weighed. During this study the following species were captured: Spotted Salamander, Marbled Salamander, Mole Salamander, Red Spotted Newt, Four Toed Salamander, Cope’s Gray Treefrog, Sping Peeper, Mountain Chorus Frog, Upland Chorus Frog, Northern Cricket Frog, American Toad, Fowler’s Toad, Eastern Spadefoot Toad, Bullfrog, Green Frog, Pickerel Frog, Southern Leopard Frog, and Eastern Narrowmouth Toad. When calculating body condition indices, only the larvae were used. To compare weight, morphometric measurements, and body condition indices, animals of a particular life stage needed to be sampled at all twenty four vernal pools. Larvae were the only life stage that had captures at all of the vernal pools. Mixed model analysis of variances was used initially, but the adult and metamorph life stages were not captured at numerous pools. Consequently, larvae were used to compare body condition and size metrics. Repeated measures factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare across vernal pool classes, since larvae were sampled at all of the study pools. Individual species were not 178 compared because no species were found at all of the vernal pools. The data were then pooled across taxa to assess differences in size and body condition. Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) A repeated masures analysis of variance was compared across vernal pool classes from June 2008 through June 2011. Snout to vent length, total length, weight, Fulton’s Index, and the scaled mass index did not exhibit differences across vernal pool classes, but weight did show a difference across breeding seasons (Table 6.1). The larval amphibians were heavier during the 2009-2010 breeding season when compared to the 2008-2009 and 2010-2011 breeding seasons. Quetelet’s Index indicated differences across vernal pools classes and among breeding seasons (Table 6.1). Open vernal pools had higher quetelet’s index values when compared to closed pools, but were not different from partially open pools. Quetelet’s index values were higher during the 2009-2010 breeding season when compared to the 2008-2009 and 2010-2011 breeding seasons. Finally, there was no siginificant relationship in the interaction between vernal pools classes and breeding seasons (Table 6.1). Multiple Regresssion A forward multiple linear regression was executed to examine the influence of environmental and pool morphology variables on larval amphibian morophometry, weight, and body condition indices throughout the vernal pools studied. Linearity evaluation led to the log transformations of snout to vent length, total length, 179 Table 6.1. Means (±Standard Deviations) of size metrics and body condition indices for larval amphibians in forest (closed), open, and partially open wetland classes within James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest in Alabama (2008-2011). Variables Snout to Vent Length (mm) Breeding Seasons Forest (Closed) n=7 Wetland Classes Open Partially Open n=8 n=9 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 RM ANOVAa Wetland Breeding Wetland Class Season Class x Breeding Season 0.1 0.4 1.1 20.0±2.2 17.8±4.6 18.8±3.1 19.7±4.2 18.5±6.1 19.5±3.6 18.2±1.8 19.7±3.1 17.6±3.7 Total Length (mm) 37.3±4.6 38.8±9.3 39.1±7.9 0.2 1.6 41.3±13.2 39.3±10.5 41.2±9.0 35.7±2.6 41.5±9.0 34.1±6.7 Weight (grams) 0.5±0.2 0.9±0.60 0.8±0.4 1.5 8.1** 1.2±1.2 1.3±0.5 1.3±0.6 0.5±0.1 1.1±0.9 0.5±0.2 -3 -3 1.2 x 10 ± 2.3 x 10 ± 1.9 x 10-3± Quetelet’s Index 2008-2009 2.8 x10-4Ab 6.4 x 10-4B 8.9 x 10-4AB 3.8* 5.9** -3 -3 2.1 x 10 ± 2.8 x 10 ± 2.5 x 10-3± 2009-2010 1.4 x 10-3A 8.9 x 10-4B 6.9 x 10-4AB -3 -3 1.4 x 10 ± 2.2 x 10 ± 1.7 x 10-3± -4 -3 2010-2011 5.5 x 10 A 1.2 x 10 B 9.0 x 10-4AB a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 180 1.3 0.8 0.203 Table 6.1. (Continued). Variables Breeding Seasons Forest (Closed) n=7 Wetland Classes Open Partially Open n=8 n=9 Fulton’s Index Wetland Class Breeding Season Wetland Class x Breeding Season 0.9 2008-2009 0.1±0.1 0.2±0.1 0.1±0.1 1.3 0.9 2009-2010 0.1±0.1 0.3±0.5 0.2±0.1 2010-2011 0.1±0.1 0.1±0.1 0.2±0.3 Scaled Mass Index 2008-2009 0.5±0.2 0.7±0.4 0.6±0.3 2.8 4.0* 1.6 2009-2010 1.1±1.1 1.2±0.9 1.0±0.5 2010-2011 0.7±0.3 1.9±1.6 0.9±0.5 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 181 weight, scaled mass index, Quetelet’s Index, and Fulton’s Index. Forward regression was carried out to determine which variables were predictors for larval amphibian snout to vent length. Regression results showed an overall model of two predictors (pool morphology principal component 1- pool area and environmental principal component 4water pH maximum and range) that significantly predicted larval amphibian snout to vent lengh (Figures 6.1-6.2), R2 = 0.133, R2adj = 0.108, F(2,69) = 5.3, p = 0.007 (Table 6.4). This model represented 13.3 percent of the variance in larval amphibian snout to vent length (Table 6.4). In regards to larval amphibian total length, forward regression was used to explain which variables could predict this dependent variable. Two variables (environmental component 4- water pH maximum and range and environmental principal component 6- water pH average and minimum) predicted larval amphibian total length (Figures 6.3-6.4), R2 = 0.141, R2adj = 0.116, F(2,69) = 5.6, p < 0.005 (Table 6.5). Of the variance in larval amphibian total length, the model was able to explain 14.1 percent of the variation (Table 6.5). Amphibian weight was predicted using three predictor variables (environmental principal component 6- water pH average and minimum, pool morphology principal component 2- hydroperiod and maximum pool depth, and environmental principal component 4- water pH maximum and range) (Figures 6.5-6.7), R2 = 0.352, R2adj = 0.313, F(4, 67) = 9.1, p < 0.001 (Table 6.6). The model was able to interpret 20.2 percent of variance in larval amphibian weight (Table 6.6). The model scaled mass index found one variable (environmental principal component 6- water ph average and minimum) that significantly represented scaed mass index for larval amphibians (Figure 6.8), R2 = 0.215, R2adj = 0.204, F(1,70) = 19.2, p < 0.001 (Table 6.7). 182 Figure 6.1. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) and larval amphibian snout to vent length observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 183 Figure 6.2. Linear regression environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) and larval amphibian snout to vent length observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 184 Table 6.2. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian snout to vent length. Model Constant Pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) Environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 1.266 0.010 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 126.343 P-value <0.001 0.025 0.010 0.277 2.471 0.016 -0.023 0.010 -0.252 -2.247 0.028 185 Figure 6.3. Linear regression between environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) and larval amphibian total length observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 186 Figure 6.4. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) and larval amphibian total length observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 187 Table 6.3. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian total length. Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 4 (Water pH Maximum and Range) Environmental Principal Component 6 (Water pH Average and Minimum) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 1.58 0.01 Standardized Coefficients Beta t P-value 153.53 <0.001 -0.03 0.01 -0.29 -2.56 0.013 0.02 0.01 0.24 2.18 0.033 188 Figure 6.5. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) and larval amphibian weight observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 189 Figure 6.6. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) and larval amphibian weight observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 190 Figure 6.7. Linear regression between environmental principal component 4 (water pH maximum and range) and larval amphibian weight observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 191 Table 6.4. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian weight. Model Constant Breeding Season 2 Environmental Principal Component 6 (water pH average and minimum) Pool Morphology Principal Component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) Environmental Principal Component 4 (water pH maximum and range) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error -0.17 0.03 0.13 0.06 Standardized Coefficients Beta 0.23 t -4.97 2.09 P-value <0.001 0.040 0.07 0.03 0.25 2.51 0.014 0.08 0.03 0.29 2.83 0.006 -0.08 0.03 -0.28 -2.49 0.015 192 Figure 6.8. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (water pH average and minimum) and the scaled mass index for larval ampbians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 193 Table 6.5. Multiple regression beta coefficients for the scaled mass index for larval amphibians. Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 6 (Water pH Average and Minimum) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error -0.12 0.03 0.14 0.03 194 Standardized Coefficients Beta 0.46 t P-value -3.87 <0.001 4.38 <0.001 Figure 6.9. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) and the Quetelet’s Index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 195 Figure 6.10. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 1 (pool area) and the Quetelet’s Index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 20092010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 196 Table 6.6. Multiple regression beta coefficients for the Quetelet’s Index’s for larval amphibians. Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients Model Constant Pool Morphology Principal Component 2 (Hydroperiod and Maximum Pool Depth) Breeding Season Pool Morphology Principal Component 1 (Pool Area) Beta Standard Error -2.78 0.02 0.08 0.13 0.02 0.04 -0.04 0.02 197 Beta t P-value -115.19 <0.001 0.38 0.31 3.76 3.10 <0.001 0.003 -0.22 -2.16 0.035 This model revealed that 21.5 percent of variance in scaled mass index for larval amphibian (Table 6.7). The model found three predictor variables (pool morphology principal component 2- hydroperiod and maximum pool depth, breeding season, pool morphology principal component 1- pool area) that could explain Quetelet’s Index for larval amphibians (Figures 6.9-6.10), R2 = 0.314, R2adj = 0.284, F(3,68) = 10.4, p < 0.001 (Table 6.8). The model accounted for 31.4 percent of the variation for the Quetelet’s Index for larval amphibians (Table 6.8). Finally, the overall model found two predictors (pool morphology principal component 2- hydroperiod and maximum pool depth and pool morphology principal component 1- pool area) that significantly predicted Fulton’s Index for larval amphibians (Figures 6.11-6.12), R2 = 0.166, R2adj = 0.141, F(2,69) = 6.8, p = 0.002 (Table 6.9). The model represented 16.6 percent variation for the Fulton’s Index for larval amphibians (Table 6.9). Discussion In this study, I assessed the differences between amphibian morphometrics, weight, and body condition indices. With respect to my three hypotheses, there were not enough amphibian larvae captured within each pool to compare by individual amphibian species. All of the amphibian species were pooled to look for overall differences across vernal pool classes. There were no differences found, with the exception of the Quetelet’s Index. This could be the result of variation across body condition of the 18 different amphibian species sampled. The Quetelet’s Index showed that the amphibians 198 Figure 6.11. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component 2 (hydroperiod and maximum pool depth) and the Fulton’s Index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 199 Figure 6.12. Linear regression between pool morphology principal component (pool area) and Fulton’s Index for larval amphibians observed during 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011 breeding seasons at James D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area and William B. Bankhead National Forest. 200 Table 6.7. Multiple regression beta coefficients for the Fulton’s Index for larval amphiobians. Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Model Constant Pool Morphology Principal Component 2 (Hydroperiod and Maximum Pool Depth) Pool Morphology Principal Component 1 (Pool Area) Beta -0.91 Standard Error 0.03 0.09 0.03 -0.08 0.03 201 Standardized Coefficients Beta t -27.25 P-value <0.001 0.32 2.89 0.005 -2.54 -2.31 0.024 with the higest body condition values were found within open pools, and the larval amphibians with the lowest body condition values were found within the closed pools. Partially open pools were not different from open or closed pools, so these vernal pools appeared to serve as intermediate class between open and closed ponds. When these variables were compared using a multiple regression, the predictors differed among size metrics, but there were some similarities, such as water pH, pool area, and hydroperiod and maximum pool depth. The water quality within the vernal pools influences larval development through rate of metamorphosis and size (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2008; Harper and Semlitsch, 2007. Pool biophysical conditions have been noted in amphibian abundances. James and Semlitsch (2011) noted that reductions in amphibian abundance are attributed to aquatic breeding sites characteristics such as water quality (James and Semlitsch, 2011). I did note relationships between environmental variables within the vernal pools and larval amphibian body condition, but the variance explained was never higher than 35 percent. Water pH seemed to have a weak positive relationship among larval amphibian snout to vent length, total length, weight, and the scaled mass index. While the relationship was significant, the environmental variables within vernal pools were weak predictors. Hecnar and M’Closkey (1996) found a similar relationship with water chemistry variables when attempting to predict amphibian species richness. While their relationship was significant, the model only explained 19 percent of the variance. Larval amphibians have been shown to be sensitive to low pH, and acidity have affected larval growth (Cummins, 1989; Alford and Richards, 1999). Dale and Freedman (1985) found that 202 hatching success decreased in pool breeding amphibians at water pH decreased. Mazerolle (2005) found a similar relationship when examining greenfrog egg masses and tadpoles. Pool area hydroperiod also had weak positive relationships with larval amphibian snout to vent length, weight, the Quetelet’s Index, and the Fulton’s Index. Dissolved oxygen is important for larval amphibian development in anuran tadpoles. Algae that bloom within vernal pools give off oxygen when they conduct photosynthesis in reponse to sunlight that penetrates the pool’s surface. This relationship may have been weak, because not all amphibian larvae feed on algae to develop and metamorphose (Altig et al., 2007). For example caudate species, such as amsytomatids feed on detritus material within vernal pools (Altig et al., 2007). Increased growth and development benefits the larvae by reducing the time they are vulnerable to predators and decreasing the risk of mortality due to pond drying (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). This relationship was shown in the Quetelet’s Index. The majority of the species captured were anuran species, which may explain why body condition was higher in open vernal pools when compared to closed ones. Hocking and Semlitsch (2008) noted that Gray treefrog tadpoles emerged earlier in open pools, but they tended to be smaller in size at metamorphosis than tadpoles in closed habitat. Smaller size at metamorphosis can reduce fitness through lower energy stores, delayed reproductive maturity, reduced fecundity of females, and lower survival (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2008). Hocking and Semlitsch (2008) also claimed that a smaller body size would increase the surface area to volume ratio and make small individuals more 203 susceptible to desiccation. Amphibian reproductive success and persistence can be determined by aquatic habitat quality (James and Semlitsch, 2011). There was a relationship between environmental variables and amphibian size, but the variance explained was low and the relationship was weak. The differences across the wetland classes may be seen more clearly across species, but it is difficult to compare these size differences when species occurrence was limited throughout the vernal pool study. While a difference in body condition was seen in one index, it may have been more pronounced if I had been able to compare across different species. 204 CHAPTER 7 THE INFLUENCE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON BREEDING POOL ACCESSIBILITY, BREEDING-SITE SELECTION, AND BREEDING PERFORMANCE OF AMPHIBIANS IN GRUNDY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Introduction In Eastern North American forests, amphibians are one of the most abundant and diverse vertebrate taxa (Russell et al., 2004). They are often inconspicuous, due to their small size, nocturnal, and in many cases fossorial behavior (Pough et al., 1987; deMaynadier and Hunter, 1995; Homyack and Haas, 2009). Of the 450 native herpetofauna species in North America, half are found in the Southeast, with 20 percent being endemic (Russell et al., 2004). Amphibians are important components of many ecosystems because their abundance and biomass affect ecosystem function through complex trophic interactions (Dodd et al., 2007). Amphibian species not only vary in their habitat and geographic range, but also in their life cycle. Pool-breeding amphibians transfer energy from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. These animals undergo a biphasic life cycle that begins with a larval stage within aquatic 205 habitat, and then metamorphose into a terrestrial form which can emigrate from natal ponds and disperse to upland forests within surrounding landscapes (Corburn, 2004; Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008). While several amphibian species have biphasic life cycles which require aquatic and terrestrial habitats, juveniles and adults spend the majority of their lives foraging within the terrestrial environments (Semlitsch et al., 2009). Of these taxa, many salamander species are migratory and move along forest corridors or between habitat patches (Davic and Welsh, 2004). Within the terrestrial habitat, anurans and caudates occupy small home ranges and are limited in their dispersal abilities (Semlitsch et al., 2009). Several species of salamanders also migrate to vernal pools in order to reproduce but return to upland forest to forage, aestivate, and brumate (Russell et al., 2004). Most pool-breeding salamanders depend on upland forests for foraging, aestivation, and brumation (Brodman, 2010). Once emergent amphibians disperse from vernal pools into the surrounding uplands, they form an energy pathway across the aquatic-terrestrial gradient (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1995). In addition to their role in energy pathways, amphibians can potentially indicate environmental changes such as increased surface temperature, soil erosion, and other environmental disturbances (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1995). Amphibians have evolved the ability to maximize their foraging and breeding activity within cool and moist conditions (Dupuis et al., 1995). Their life history characteristics have resulted in an ability to use moist forest leaf litter as refuge as well as make use of underground retreats (Davic and Welsh, 2004). Amphibians have semipermeable, moist skin which serves as a respiratory function, but this adaptation also 206 increases their susceptibility to desiccation when exposed to hot and dry conditions (Dupuis et al., 1995; Greenberg and Waldrop, 2008). Most amphibians exhibit a complex life cycle. Therefore, the loss or alteration of either aquatic or terrestrial habitats by fragmentation can have an adverse effect on amphibian survivorship (Semlitsch et al., 2009; Brodman, 2010). Several authors have reported that amphibians are in decline worldwide, and various hypotheses have been suggested to explain the causes (Alfords and Richards, 1999; Stuart et al., 2004; Beebee and Griffiths, 2005; Loehle et al., 2005). As seen with worldwide losses in biodiversity, the loss, alteration, and degradation of habitat are among the most important factors threatening populations of wildlife species in the United States (deMaynadier and Hunter, 1995; Homyack and Haas, 2009). Despite recognition of all of these factors as major contributors to amphibian declines, it is habitat loss that is thought to be the major threat to forest dwelling species (Marsh and Beckham, 2004; Semlitsch et al., 2009). Anthropogenic alteration and degradation of habitat can also produce differing landscape patterns which can lead to local amphibian decline or population extinction (Hansen et al., 1991; Mazerolle, 2001; Homyack and Haas, 2009). To effectively manage a forested landscape for amhpibians, it is necessary to understand the potential effects tmanagement techniques have on these organisms (Knapp et al., 2003). While natural resource extraction is strongly associated with the loss and modification of forests and ensuing affects on wildlife populations, forest management studies have shown that amphibian populations are affected differently (Felix, 2007; 207 Peterman and Semlitsch, 2009; Semlitsch et al., 2009; Sutton, 2010; Cantrell et al., 2013). Forest management practices that result in extensive loss of canopy cover and disturbance to ground cover have modified the microclimate of the management unit and surrounding forests, as well as been associated with reductions in amphibian relative abundance (Herbeck and Larsen, 1999; Rothermel and Luhring, 2005). While forest management practices have the potential to negatively influence amphibian populations, studies have shown that amphibians were unchanged by shelterwood and thinning, and in some cases an increased in American Toad abundance was observed (Greenberg and Waldrop, 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013; Sutton et al., 2013) . Shelterwood and thinning can be used to promote oak regeneration and these can produce a wide range of amphibian habitat changes (Raybuck et al., 2012). Shade intolerant species, such as oaks and hickories, have been regenerated using even-aged silviculture (Herbeck and Larsen, 1999). While shelterwood harvests reduce canopy cover, they also also promote vegetation repsrouting, and can potentially increase coarse woody debris (Raybuck et al., 2012). The shelterwood method of regeneration involves the removal of overstory trees in at least two separate harvests (Bartman et al., 2001). Microhabitat responses to regeneration cuttings have been known to alter salamander microhabitats (Herbeck and Larsen, 1999), but Felix (2007) showed that while microhabitat features were initially different after regeneration treatments with control treatments having higer leaf litter depth, eventually all of the treatments became similar. Cantrell et al. (2013) also found a difference between leaf litter depth among shelterwood treatments, with control treatments having higher leaf litter depth than shelterwood 208 treatments. While leaf litter decreased in these studies, coarse woody debris did increase within shelterwood treatments, thereby providing refugia for amphibians (Felix, 2007; Cantrell et al., 2013). The response of vertebrate communities to anthropogenic disturbance has been known to be affected by local physical and biotic changes as well as changes in the landscape patterns within the managed forest stands (Hansen et al., 1991; Lowe and Bolger, 2002). Amphibian response to forest management has been relatively well researched in the eastern United States, and timber harvesting can often affect these animals’ habitat (Herbeck and Larsen, 1999; Knapp et al., 2003). Studies investigating the impacts of timber management activities on salamanders have typically examined the response to various cutting practices (Duguay and Wood, 2002). Openings in the forest canopy result in more variable temperature (Strojny and Hunter, 2010). These changes in the canopy can result in a change in microclimate that could lead to amphibian desiccation (Greenberg, 2001; Greenberg and Lathrop, 2008). Amphibians can potentially be affected by soil wan water temperature changes that result from increased levels of solar radiation following canopy loss (Hutchens e al., 2004). Forest management can remove forest canopy, which opens the forest canopy and exposes the forest floor to increased light penetration, which can increase forest floor temperatures through accelerated evaporative water loss from the soil and understory (Herbeck and Larsen, 1999; Bartman et al., 2001; Brooks and Kyker-Snowman, 2008; Crawford and Semlitsch, 2008; Raybuck et al., 2012). High ambient temperature and wind can cause amphibian dehydration (Dupuis et al., 1995). If relative humidity is held constant, dehydration rates will increase 209 as temperature increases (Rothermel and Luhring, 2005). Essential surface activities, such as foraging and mating, could be restricted by hot, dry conditions (Strojny and Hunter, 2010). The objectives of this research were to (1) determine the influence of forest management practices on pool breeding amphibian diversity within artificial pools (2) to assess the adult amphibian accessibility to the breeding site after the canopy was removed, (3) assess adult choice of breeding sites with different canopy cover conditions, and (4) compare amphibian breeding performance among pools with different conditions. I hypothesized that (1) reduction of forest canopy and fragmentation of forested habitat will lower adult and larval amphibian abundance during breeding season. I predicted that (2) canopy reductions will change the microclimate conditions within the forest stands around the vernal pool resulting in dryer and higher temperature conditions. Finally, (3) reduction in forest canopy cover at the forest stand level would serve as a “filter”, and it will result in higher abundances of larval and adult anurans. Methods Site Description The Mid Cumberland Plateau region covers 11,525 square kilometers in all or part of 18 counties in Tennessee (Smalley, 1982). The study site was located in Grundy County, Tennessee at an elevation between 390-550 meters above sea level (Cantrell et al., 2013). The forest stands are located on strongly dissected margins and sides of the 210 Cumberland Plateau escarpment, which is located along the eastern escarpment of Burrow’s Cove (Greenberg et al., 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013). The site is composed of a mixed mesophytic forest, where mixed oak and oak-hickory communities were dominant (Braun, 1950; Smalley, 1982). Within the uplands, the dominant overstory trees at the site include yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), white oak (Quercus alba), pignut hickory (Carya glabra), and northern red Oak (Quercus rubra) (Cantrell et al., 2013). The stands have an average basal area of 22.5 meters/ hectare and 164 stems per hectare (Cantrell et al., 2013). Study Design Regional Oak Study Treatments The Upland Hardwood Ecology and Management Research Work Unit of The Southern Research Station of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS) implemented an oak regeneration study (Regional Oak Study- ROS) at forest stands within Grundy County. The study implemented three treatments (shelterwood, oak shelterwood, and control) to test the effectiveness of silvicultural methods currently predicted to regenerate oak across moisture gradients of site qualities in upland oak systems. The experimental design was a completely randomized design (CRD) (Greenberg, 2008; Cantrell, 2011). The following criteria were met for all the treatment units which included: (1) each treatment unit had mature closed canopy stands with trees that were over 70 years old, and (2) the stands had not been affected by anthropogenic or natural 211 disturbances within the last 15-20 years (Cantrell, 2011). A total of twenty treatment units (three treatments plus one control, five replicates) were used with each being five hectares in size (Greenberg et al., 2008). Treatments were randomly assigned to each unit, resulting in a completely randomized design (CRD) (Greenberg, 2008). Most stands were adjacent to one another, separated by buffers that were at least twenty meters in size (Cantrell et al., 2013). Treatment units contain fully stocked, closed-canopied stands in which oak comprises at least 10% of the overstory, and they had not encountered major anthropogenic or natural disturbances within the last fifteen to twenty years (Greenberg et al., 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013). Basal area contains approximately two meters2/ hectare of basal area beneath the main canopy, and at least 1000 oak seedlings/ hectare (Greenberg et al., 2008). Treatment stands were similar in elevation, slope, aspect, and forest composition (Cantrell et al., 2013). The prescription for the shelterwood treatment followed the guidelines outlined in Brose et al. (1999) (Greenberg et al., 2008). The treatments removed sixty to seventy percent of the basal area using chainsaw felling and grapple skidding along predesignated trails (Cantrell et al., 2013). Residual trees were based on species, diameter, and quality (Greenberg et al., 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013). Many dominant and codominant oak species were left on site (Greenberg et al., 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013). Trees that were harvested had their crown, limbs, and branches removed on site leaving the majority of slash within the unit (Cantrell et al., 2013). Harvest was conducting in fall-winter of 2008-2009 and summer-fall 2010 (Cantrell, 2011). 212 The prescription for the oak shelterwood treatment followed the guidelines presented in Loftis (1990) (Greenberg et al., 2008). The initial step was to remove the complete midstory (trees >5.0cm and <25.0 cm dbh) using the herbicide Garlon 3A by way of the hack and squirt method (Greenberg et al., 2008). Approximately one ml of diluted (1:1) Garlon 3A solution was sprayed into 1 waist height incision per every 7.5 cm of bole diameter of each midstory tree marked for removal (Greenberg et al., 2008). Application of the herbicide was made prior to leaf fall in late 2008, but the initial 2008 treatment did not kill the targeted midstory trees, so the herbicide was successfully reapplied in the fall/ winter of 2009 (Greenberg et al., 2008; Cantrell et al., 2013). Amphibian Field Experiment A three-factor split-split plot design was created with the main factor being the disturbance treatment, distance to the forest edge as subplot, and shading condition as split-split plot. I used shelterwood and oak-shelterwood treatment stands of the ROS study. In addition control stands ere established solely for the field experiment (Figure 7.1). The aps in the control stands were created by killing a codominant tree at ten, fifty, and one hundred meters from road edge using the same herbicide as used in the oak shelterwood treatment. These gaps wer roughly five meters in diameter and created variation in light condition with control stands. Two treatments had five replications (control and oak shelterwood), and shelterwood treatment had four replications. Within each treatment, there were three pool arrays with each array consisting of three pools, at ten meters, fifty meters, and one 213 hundred meters from the treatment’s edge (Figures 7.2-7.4). Each pool array consisted of a plastic pool (91 cm X 61 cm X 46 cm) which was buried flush with the ground and received one of three shading treatments that manipulated canopy cover (Figures 7.5-7.6). The three shading treatments were thirty percent, fity percent, and eighty four percent of the light levels within each treatment stand (Pentair ltd., USA) (Figures 7.7-7.10). Each array was made of 2.54 cm diameter pvc pipe that was 2.1 meters by 2.4 meters with shade cloth zipped tied to the sides and corners. Each canopy array was 0.38 meters tall, and was buried 0.15 meters below ground. This study was conducted from March 2010 through September 2011. These pools were sampled monthly from March through June and November during the 2010 field season. The artificial ponds were not sampled from July through October, 2010 due to canopy array construction and placement over the artificial ponds. During the 2011 field season, these sites were sampled monthly from January through September excluding August due to canopy array repairs. Amphibian Sampling Two types of amphibian sampling were used in this project: visual encounter surveys for amphibian eggs and net sampling for amphibian larvae and juveniles. A one minute visual encounter survey was conducted at each artificial pond. During this 214 Figure 7.1. Canopy array locations at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. Different colored polygons symbolize various treatment conditions. 215 Figure 7.2. Diagram of Shelterwood treatment with canopy array locations within the treatment at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 216 Figure 7.3. Diagram of Oak Shelterwood treatment with canopy array locations within the treatment at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 217 Figure 7.4. Diagram of Control with Gaps treatment with canopy array locations within the treatment at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 218 Figure 7.5. Diagram of Canopy Array pools at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 219 Figure 7.6. Photograph of artificial pool dimensions and canopy array dimensions without shade cloth. 220 Figure 7.7. Canopy Array pools at Canopy with Gaps Treatment (Treatment thirty four) which are ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 221 Figure 7.8. Thirty percent canopy array pool at Canopy with Gaps Treatment (Treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 222 Figure 7.9. Fifty percent canopy array pool at Canopy with Gaps Treatment (Treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 223 Figure 7.10. Eighty four percent canopy array pool at Canopy with Gaps Treatment (Treatment thirty four) which is ten meters from edge at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee in 2010 and 2011. 224 survey, the egg masses were counted and identified to species. The number of eggs within each mass was counted as well. Visual-encounter-egg-mass surveys were executed using a headlamp and a tally counter. After the egg surveys were completed, larval and juvenile amphibians were sampled within the artificial pools. A 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm aquarium net was used to sample for animals. Twenty lengthwise swipes within each pond were used to calculate the amphibian total captures during each sample event. A subsample of animals was processed for size metrics such as snout to vent length, tail length, and weight. To calculate the animals that would be sampled and then measured, the total captures were placed into an equation. The equation used was Log10 [Total Captures per species] * 10 = animal samples per species. The equation was used for each species. Once all of the animals had been captured within each artificial pool, the total number of captures per species was determined. This capture number was then put into the equation, and the number of animals that would be sampled, processed, and measured was calculated. Three measurements were taken (plastic dial caliper and a digital scale) from each larval amphibian including: snout to vent length (svl), tail length (tl), and weight (wt). The number of egg masses and larval amphibians were tallied to provide a measure of reproductive output and survival of larval amphibians within each pool (Halverson et al., 2003; Heyer et al., 1994). The larval amphibians were tagged using a dorsal fin clip as part of a mark-recapture study (Heyer et al., 1994; Ferner, 2007). Survivorship was documented as the larval amphibians developed. Microclimate and Microhabitat 225 A suite of environmental variables was measured at each pool including water and soil temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Leaf litter depth was also taken at each pool during each survey. A ruler measured the leaf litter depth from the top of the leaf litter to the mineral soil the nearest millimeter (Felix, 2007; Cantrell, 2011). The measurement was taken adjacent to each pool. H8 Hobo Data Loggers © (Onset Computer Coporation Bourne, MA) were used to collect ambient temperature and relative humidity at three locations within each treatment. Three data loggers were placed in each treatment. One data logger was placed ten meters from treatment edge, fifty meters from treatment edge, and one hundred meters from treatment edge. One data logger was placed adjacent to each set of three canopy arrays to measure microclimate variables along the distance gradient within each treatment. Data loggers recorded data during four times of day which included: 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800h (Central Standard Time). That data were not used in this analysis, due to problems with the data loggers. Statistical Analysis Split-split-plot experiment data waere tested Factoral analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparisons (Tukey Test) were used based on the results of the ANOVA (SAS 9.2). Since the canopy arrays were being constructed and implemented between 2009 and 2011, a split-plot design was used for the 2010 breeding season. Treatment was the main factor and distance was the subfactor. During the 2011 breeding season a split-split plot design was used with treatment being the main factor, distance 226 being a subfactor, and canopy array being the sub-subfactor. Since sampling was executed at different interval between the 2010 and 2011 field seasons, ANOVAs were run separately for each year. A principal components analysis (PCA) was used to discern associations of the environmental variables during the 2011 field season. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to assess the relationship between amphibian species and local environmental variables. Measurements were not compared between breeding seasons due to unequal sampling. Multiple linear regression was used to compare the environmental variables against amphibian abundance which was used as the dependent variables. Transformations were executed to achieve a normal distribution for all of the amphibian abundances. Evaluation of linearity led to log transformations for the amphibian, Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole , American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole, and Spring Peeper tadpole abundances abundances. Results During this study, 4,324 larval amphibians were counted and 146 (5,776 embryos) amphibian egg masses were tallied. During the 2010 breeding season 1,540 tadpoles were captured (297 tadpoles measured and weighed), and 2,784 tadpoles were sampled during the 2011 breeding season (1,390 tadpoles measured and weighed). Eight larval amphibian species were captured. These species included: Hyla chrysoscelis (Cope’s Gray Treefrog), Pseudacris c. crucifer (Sping Peeper), Acris c. crepitans (Eastern Cricket Frog), Anaxyrus americanus (American Toad), Anaxyrus fowleri (Fowler’s Toad), 227 Scaphiopus holbrookii (Eastern Spadefoot Toad), Lithobates palustris (Pickerel Frog), and Lithobates sphenocephalus urticularius (Southern Leopard Frog). All eight species were pooled for the total abundance measurements, while Cope’s Gray Treefrog, Spring Peeper, and American and Fowler’s Toads tadpole abundances were analyzed. Few amphibian egg masses were found during this study. One Spring Peeper egg mass was counted during the 2010 breeding season, and 145 Cope’s Gray Treefrog Fowler’s Toad egg masses were encountered during 2011. Egg mass were only found in 20 artificial ponds, so they were excluded from the analysis. Ptincipal Components Analysis (PCA) Principal components analysis (PCA) was executed on the environmental variables for the 2010, and a second PCA was carried out on the environmental variables for the 2011 breeding season. Using twenty variables, the 2010 PCA produced five components that accounted for 85 percent of the total variation (Table 7.1). The Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.582, Bartlett’s test of sphericity had an approximate Chi-Square of 4644.4 (p-value < 0.001). Percent dissolved oxygen average, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, water pH average, water pH maximum, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen minimum, soil temperature maximum, soil temperature range, water temperature maximum, water temperature range, leaf litter depth minimum, water temperature minimum, soil temperature minimum, water temperature average, soil temperature average, leaf litter depth maximum, leaf litter depth average, leaf litter depth range, water pH minimum, and water 228 Table 7.1. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (environmental variables of 123 artificial pools in Grundy County, Tennessee from 2010). The results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Variables Percent Dissolved Oxygen Average Percent Dissolved Oxygen Maximum Water pH Average Water pH Maximum Percent Dissolved Oxygen Range Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum Soil Temperature Maximum Soil Temperature Range Water Temperature Maximum Water Temperature Range Leaf Litter Depth Minimum Water Temperature Minimum Soil Temperature Minimum Water Temperature Average Soil Temperature Average Leaf Litter Depth Maximum Leaf Litter Depth Average Leaf Litter Depth Range Water pH Minimum Water pH Range PC1 0.92 0.89 0.86 0.84 0.75 0.59 0.23 0.12 0.14 -0.06 -0.26 0.11 0.10 0.17 0.27 0.02 -0.20 0.14 0.25 0.41 PC2 0.06 0.16 0.00 0.21 0.41 -0.18 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.84 -0.57 -0.29 -0.29 0.38 0.31 0.07 -0.34 0.35 -0.14 0.24 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 6.06 30.31 30.31 4.96 24.78 55.09 229 Component PC3 0.24 0.19 0.00 -0.08 0.09 0.34 0.26 -0.37 0.35 -0.39 0.30 0.89 0.88 0.81 0.74 -0.14 -0.04 -0.29 0.02 -0.06 PC4 -0.02 0.02 -0.13 0.03 0.03 -0.14 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.07 0.24 -0.04 -0.05 -0.26 -0.34 0.96 0.86 0.75 -0.13 0.11 PC5 0.01 0.08 -0.33 0.21 0.16 -0.29 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.11 -0.18 0.01 0.03 -0.09 -0.12 0.14 -0.05 0.21 -0.92 0.83 2.58 12.88 67.96 2.12 10.59 78.55 1.29 6.47 85.02 pH range comprised the 2010 PCA (Table 7.1). The first component accounted for 30.3 percent of the total variation (PC1- Percent Dissolved Oxygen, water pH average and maximum), and it was comprised of percent dissolved oxygen average, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, water pH average, water pH maximum, percent dissolved oxygen range, and percent dissolved oxygen minimum (Table 7.1). All of these variables had positive factor loadings. The second principal component (PC2- leaf litter depth minimum, soil and water temperature maximum and range) represented 24.8 percent of the total variation, and it included the following variables: soil temperature maximum, soil temperature range, water temperature maximum, water temperature range, and leaf litter depth minimum (Table 7.1). All of the variables had positive factor loadings, except leaf litter depth which had a negative facto loading. The third principal component (PC3- water and soil temperature minimum and average) signified 12.9 percent of the total variation (Table 7.1). This component was made up of water temperature minimum, soil temperature minimum, water temperature average, soil temperature average, and all of the variables had positive factor loadings (Table 7.1). The fourth principal component (PC4- leaf litter depth) characterized 10.6 percent of the total variation (Table 7.1). The following features made up the component: leaf litter depth maximum, leaf litter depth average, and leaf litter depth range (Table 7.1). All of the variables had positive factor loadings (Table 7.1). Finally, the fifth principal component (PC5- water pH minmum and range) exhibited 6.5 percent of the variation, and the following variables made up this component: water pH minimum and water pH 230 range (Table 7.1). Water pH minimum had a negative factor loading and water pH range had a positive factor loading (Table 7.1). Using twenty variables, the 2011 PCA produced seven components that represented 87.3 percent of the total variation (Table 7.2). The Kaiser Meyer Olkin measure if sampling adequacy was 0.626, Bartlett’s test of sphericity had an approximate Chi-Square of 4220.9 (p-value < 0.001). Water temperature minimum, soil temperature minimum, water temperature range, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, percent dissolved oxygen average, leaf litter depth average, leaf litter depth maximum, leaf litter depth range, leaf litter depth minimum, water temperature minimum, soil temperature minimum, water temperature average, soil temperature average, leaf litter depth maximum, leaf litter depth average, leaf litter depth range, water pH minimum, and water pH range comprised the 2011 PCA (Table 7.2). The first principal component accounted for 33.9 percent of the total variation (PC1- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range), and it was made up of water temperature minimum, soil temperature minimum, water temperature range, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, and percent dissolved oxygen average (Table 7.2). Water and soil temperature minimums had negative factor loadings, while water temperature range, percent dissolved oxygen range, percent dissolved oxygen maximum, and percent dissolved oxygen averages had positive factor loadings (Table 7.2). The second principal component (PC2leaf litter depth) represented 14.8 percent included leaf litter depth average, maximum, 231 Table 7.2. Factor loadings for rotated components using principal components analysis based on (environmental variables of 123 artificial pools in Grundy County, Tennessee from 2011). The results were based on varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. Variables Water Temperature Minimum Soil Temperature Minimum Water Temperature Range Percent Dissolved Oxygen Range Percent Dissolved Oxygen Maximum Percent Dissolved Oxygen Average Leaf Litter Depth Average Leaf Litter Depth Maximum Leaf Litter Depth Range Leaf Litter Depth Minimum Soil Temperature Average Soil Temperature Maximum Soil Temperature Range Water pH Maximum Water pH Range Water pH Average Water Temperature Average Water Temperature Maximum Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum Water pH Minimum PC1 -0.88 -0.86 0.84 0.78 0.73 0.65 0.19 0.20 0.21 -0.07 -0.08 0.38 0.49 0.15 0.17 0.07 -0.17 0.48 -0.11 -0.10 PC2 -0.30 -0.22 0.25 0.02 -0.03 -0.06 0.94 0.93 0.89 0.56 -0.05 0.15 0.19 0.07 0.07 0.03 -0.16 0.08 -0.07 -0.04 PC3 -0.17 -0.01 0.12 0.23 0.25 0.22 0.09 0.14 0.17 -0.32 0.93 0.88 0.80 0.09 0.10 -0.03 0.17 0.09 0.01 -0.06 Component PC4 -0.04 0.03 0.10 0.27 0.25 0.27 0.01 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.6 0.90 0.77 0.73 0.02 0.68 -0.11 -0.03 Eigenvalue Variance Accounted (%) Cumulative Variance (%) 6.77 33.86 33.86 2.97 14.85 48.71 1.99 9.93 58.64 1.73 8.65 67.29 232 PC5 0.02 -0.02 0.35 -0.04 -0.02 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 -0.13 0.21 0.06 0.02 -0.04 -0.01 0.19 0.92 0.84 0.07 -0.04 PC6 0.13 0.23 -0.12 0.31 0.47 0.62 -0.07 -0.09 -0.11 0.16 0.18 0.01 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 0.04 0.09 -0.02 0.78 0.02 PC7 0.06 -0.02 -0.06 -0.13 -0.13 -0.04 -0.05 -0.02 -0.02 0.01 -0.05 -0.04 -0.04 -0.12 -0.58 0.41 -0.01 -0.01 0.06 0.94 1.57 7.86 75.15 1.35 6.73 81.88 1.09 5.45 87.33 range, and minimum (Table 7.2). All of these variables had positive factor loadings (Table 7.2). The third principal component (PC3- soil temperature) signified 9.9 percent of the total variation, and it contained soil temperature average, maximum, and range (Table 7.2). All of these variables had positive factor loadings. The fourth principal component (PC4- water pH) represented 8.7 percent of the variation (Table 7.2). This principal component was made up of water pH maximum, range, and average (Table 7.2). These variables had positive factor loadings. The fifth principal component (PC5water temperature) exhibited 7.9 percent of the variation, and it housed water temperature average and maximum (Table 7.2). Both variables had positive factor loadings. The sixth principal component (PC6- percent dissolved oxygen minimum) accounted for 6.7 percent of the variation, and percent dissolved oxygen minimum was the only variable within this component (Table 7.2). It had a positive factor loading. The seventh principal component (PC7- water pH minimum) showed 5.4 percent of the variation, and water pH minimum was the variable that was represented by this component (Table 7.2). It had a positive factor loading. Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) A factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was compared across treatments, distance from edge categories, and their categories for the 2010 breeding season. Environmental principal component one (percent dissolved oxygen, water pH average and minimum), environmental principal component two (leaf litter depth minimum, soil and water temperature maximum and range), environmental principal component three 233 Table 7.3. Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Treatments Variables Year Canopy with Gaps (n=5) Oak Shelterwood (n=5) Shelterwood (n=4) Factorial ANOVAa Treatment Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, water pH Average and Maximum) 2010 0.59±0.73C -0.93±0.41A 0.18±1.04B 45.7*** Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum, Soil, and Water Temperature Maximum and Range) 2010 -0.41±1.02A 0.11±0.68B 0.34±1.08B 7.0** Environmental Principal Component 3 (Water and Soil Temperature Minimum and Average) 2010 -0.28±1.22A -0.19±0.64A 0.47±0.83B 7.9** Environmental Principal Component 4 (Leaf Litter Depth) 2010 0.31±0.83 -0.15±0.91 -0.19±1.17 3.5 Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water pH) 2010 -0.43±0.89A 0.08±0.59B 0.39±1.21B 8.2*** a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 234 (water and soil temperature minimum and average), and environmental principal component five (water pH) were significantly different among treatments (Table 7.3). Environmental principal component one was higher in the canopy with gaps treatments when compared to shelterwood and oak shelterwood treatments (Figure 7.11). The environmental principal component one was higher in shelterwood treatments when compared to oak shelterwood treatments (Figure 7.11). Environmental principal components two and five were higher in shelterwood and oak shelterwood treatments when compared to control with gaps treatments (Figures 7.12 and 7.14). The third environmental principal component was highest in shelterwood treatments when compared to control with gaps and oak shelterwood treatments (Figure 7.13). Environmental principal component one was significantly different among distance from edge subplots (Table 7.5). Larval amphibian abundance was also found to be different across treatments (Table 7.7). Shelterwood treatments had higher abundances than oak shelterwood and canopy with gaps treatments (Figure 7.19). In addition to overall larval amphibian abundance, Spring Peeper tadpole abundance was difference across treatments with (Table 7.7). Spring Peeper tadpole abundance was higher in shelterwood treatments when compared to control with gap and oak shelterwood treamtents (Figure 7.20). Environmental principal component one was different across distance to edge subplots (Table 7.6). Environmental principal component one was higher at the ten and one hundred meter subplots, when compared to the fifty meter subplots (Figure 7.15). There was no difference in larval amphibian abundance across distance from edge treatment subplots (Table 7.8). 235 Figure 7.11. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 236 Figure 7.12. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth minimum, soil and water temperature maximum and range) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 237 Figure 7.13. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 3 (water and soil temperature minimum and average) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 238 Figure 7.14. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 5 (water pH) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 239 Table 7.5. Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Variables Year 10 meters (n=14) Distance from Edge 50 meters 100 meters (n=14) (n=13) Factorial ANOVAa Distance Distance x Treatment Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, water pH Average and Maximum) 2010 0.37±1.06Bb -0.38±0.75A 0.02±1.04B 10.5*** 0.8 Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum, Soil, and Water Temperature Maximum and Range) 2010 0.15±0.83 0.01±0.71 -0.16±1.35 0.8 1.7 Environmental Principal Component 3 (Water and Soil Temperature Minimum and Average) 2010 0.04±0.94 -0.22±0.91 0.19±1.12 2.2 0.4 Environmental Principal Component 4 (Leaf Litter Depth) 2010 -0.14±1.06 0.02±0.82 0.12±1.11 0.8 0.5 Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water pH) 2010 0.09±1.06 0.02±1.11 -0.12±0.78 0.4 1.2 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among distance from edge subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 240 Table 7.6. Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Variables Year 10 meters (n=14) Distance from Edge 50 meters (n=14) 100 meters (n=13) Factorial ANOVA Distance Distance x Treatment Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water 2011 0.14±0.82 -0.11±1.02 -0.02±1.14 0.6 0.6 Temperature Range) Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth) 2011 -0.13±0.66 0.23±1.44 -0.11±0.64 1.8 0.5 Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) 2011 0.06±0.99 0.06±1.00 -0.12±1.02 0.4 1.8 Environmental Principal Component 4 (Water pH) 2011 0.12±1.19 -0.05±0.87 -0.06±0.92 0.3 0.8 Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water Temperature) 2011 0.32±1.41A -0.08±0.89AB -0.23±0.39B 2.3 2.1 Environmental Principal Component 6 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum) 2011 0.00±1.12 -0.04±0.85 0.04±1.05 0.1 1.9 Environmental Principal Component 7 (Water pH Minimum) 2011 0.12±0.84 0.05±0.61 -0.17±1.39 0.7 1.3 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among distance from edge subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 ***p < 0.001 241 Table 7.7. Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010 and 2011). Treatments Species Amphibians Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and fowleri) Year Recaptures 2010 2011 Captures (excluding recaptures) 1539 3160 2010 2011 2010 2011 Factorial ANOVAa 0 2 Canopy with Gaps (n=5) 13.2±23.1Ab 274.2±251.3 Oak Shelterwood (n=5) 1.6±3.1A 101.0±148.7 Shelterwood (n=4) 366.3±315.6B 321.0±303.8 Treatment 5.1* 2.9 133 2195 0 2 7.6±10.8 271.0±247.1B 0.2±0.4 37.2±28.9A 23.5±45.7 163.8±175.1AB 2.5 4.8** 1 936 0 0 0.0±0.0 3.0±6.2 0.0±0.0 61.8±138.2 0.3±0.3 153.0±163.9 Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) 1.3 2.8 2010 1357 0 5.6±12.5A 1.4±3.6A 330.5±320.0B 4.4* 2011 4 0 0.4±0.9 0.0±0.0 0.5±0.6 0.9 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 242 Table 7.8. Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in ten meters, fifty meters, and one hundred meters from edge subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010 and 2011). Species Year Amphibians Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and fowleri) Distance from Edge 10 meters 50 meters 100 meters (n=14) (n=14) (n=13) Factorial ANOVAa Distance Distance x Treatment Recaptures 2010 2011 Captures (excluding recaptures) 1539 3160 0 0 69.6±201.9 94.2±104.8 36.7±91.4 55.4±94.9 3.9±13.9 82.0±128.0 1.4 0.9 1.2 2.0 2010 2011 133 2195 0 2 2.1±6.4 48.7±59.3 7.1±23.4 34.3±44.8 0.4±1.1 79.5±127.6 1.1 1.7 1.2 2.2 2010 2011 1 936 0 0 0.1±0.3 43.9±92.7 0.0±0.0 20.8±62.4 0.0±0.0 2.4±6.4 1.4 2.2 1.3 0.9 Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) 2010 1357 0 67.3±202.1 29.6±70.1 0.0±0.0 1.6 1.5 2011 4 0 0.3±0.6 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0 3.2 0.9 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among canopy array subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 243 Figure 7.15. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) across ten meters from edge, fifty meters from edge, and one hundred meters from edge observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 244 Figure 7.19. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian abundance across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 245 Figure 7.20. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Spring Peeper tadpole abundance across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2010 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 246 A second factorial ANOVA was compared across treatments, distance from edge subplots, canopy array sublplots, and their interactions for the 2011 breeding season. Environmental principal component three (soil temperature), environmental principal component four (water pH), and environmental principal component six (percent dissolved oxygen minimum) were signficiantly different across treatments (Table 7.4). Environmental principal component three, four, and six were higher in the canopy with gaps treatment than the oak shelterwod treatment (Figure 7.16-7.18). Environmental principal component three, four, and size within the shelterwood treatment were not different from the control with gap or the oak shelterwood treatment (Figure 7.16-7.18). There was no difference across the distance from edge or canopy array subplots subplots (Table 7.6 and 7.9). Cope’s Gray treefrog tadpole abundance was different across treatments (Table 7.7). The canopy with gaps treatment had higher Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance than the oak shelterwood treatment (Figure 7.21). The Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance within the shelterwood treatment was not different from the canopy with gaps treatment or the oak shelterwood treatment (Figure 7.21). There was a difference in larval amphibian abundance across canopy array subplots (Table 7.10). Larval amphibian abundance was higher in thirty percent canopy arrays than eighty four percent canopy arrays (Figure 7.22). Fifty percent canopy arrays were not different from thirty or eighty four percent canopy arrays (Figure 7.22). Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) 247 Table 7.4. Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in shelterwood harvest, oak shelterwood, and control with gaps treatments within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Treatments Variables Year Canopy with Gaps (n=5) Oak Shelterwood (n=5) Shelterwood (n=4) Factorial ANOVAa Treatment Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water Temperature Range) 2011 0.18±0.62 -0.32±0.83 0.09±1.35 2.5 Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth) 2011 0.01±0.53 0.27±1.55 -0.24±0.69 2.4 Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) 2011 0.35±1.26Bb -0.27±0.81A -0.13±0.72AB 4.3* Environmental Principal Component 4 (Water pH) 2011 0.32±1.01B -0.23±1.03A -0.13±0.89AB 3.0* Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water Temperature) 2011 0.21±1.54 -0.09±0.32 -0.14±0.57 1.6 Environmental Principal Component 6 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum) 2011 0.37±0.89B -0.46±0.79A 0.01±1.12AB 8.1** Environmental Principal Component 7 (Water pH Minimum) 2011 0.01±1.46 -0.18±0.49 0.14±0.68 1.0 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among treatments based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 248 Figure 7.16. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 3 (soil temperature) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 249 Figure 7.17. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 4 (water pH) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 250 Figure 7.18. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in environmental principal component 6 (percent dissolved oxygen minimum) across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 251 Table 7.9. Means (±Standard Deviations) of environmental variables in thirty percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent canopy array subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Variables Year 30 percent (n=42) Canopy Arrays 50 percent (n=40) 84 percent (n=41) Canopy Array Factorial ANOVAa Canopy Canopy Array x Array x Distance Treatment Canopy Array x Distance x Treatment Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water Temperature Range) 2011 0.01±0.96 0.03±1.02 -0.03±1.04 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth) 2011 -0.04±0.69 0.00±0.70 0.04±1.44 1.8 0.2 0.4 0.9 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among canopy array subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 252 Table 7.9. (Continued). Variables Year 30 percent (n=42) Canopy Arrays 50 percent (n=40) 84 percent (n=41) Canopy Array Factorial ANOVAa Canopy Canopy Array x Array x Distance Treatment Canopy Array x Distance x Treatment Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) 2011 0.08±1.03 -0.09±0.91 0.02±1.07 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 Environmental Principal Component 4 (Water pH) 2011 0.04±0.86 0.05±1.21 -0.09±0.91 0.3 1.1 0.5 1.2 Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water Temperature) 2011 0.03±0.87 0.11±1.17 -0.14±0.94 2.3 0.6 0.7 0.3 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among canopy array subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 253 Table 7.9. (Continued). Variables Year 30 percent (n=42) Canopy Arrays 50 percent (n=40) 84 percent (n=41) Canopy Array Factorial ANOVAa Canopy Canopy Array x Array x Distance Treatment Canopy Array x Distance x Treatment Environmental Principal Component 6 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum) 2011 0.16±0.98 0.11±1.04 -0.28±0.95 2.5 0.1 0.6 2.3* Environmental Principal Component 7 (Water pH Minimum) 2011 -0.19±1.32 0.12±0.89 0.07±0.68 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.7 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among canopy array subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 254 Figure 7.21. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance across control with gaps treatment, oak shelterwood treatment, and shelterwood treatment observed during the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 255 Table 7.10. Means (±Standard Deviations) of amphibian captures in thirty percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent canopy array subplots within Grundy County, Tennessee (2010 and 2011). Species Year Captures (excluding recaptures) 3160 Recaptures 30% Array (n=42) Canopy Arrays 50% Array (n=40) 84% Array (n=41) Amphibians 2011 0 43.4±84.1Bb 21.9±33.6AB 11.2±19.9A Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) 2011 2195 2 29.7±63.6 14.1±24.9 9.3±17.4 American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and fowleri) 2011 936 0 13.4±55.9 7.8±23.8 1.5±9.1 Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) 2011 4 0 0.1±0.2 0.0±0.0 0.1±0.3 a F statistics from a factorial ANOVA with significance level b Multiple comparisons among canopy array subplots based on a Tukey test using year averages. Means in the same row with different letters were different (p<0.05). *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 ***p < 0.001 256 Table 7.10. (Continued). Species Year Canopy Array Factorial ANOVAa Canopy Array x Canopy Array x Distance Treatment Amphibians Cope’s Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) American and Fowler’s Toads (Anaxyrus americanus and fowleri) Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) 2011 3.3* 0.1 0.3 Canopy Array x Distance x Treatment 0.9 2011 2.5 0.6 1.3 0.3 2011 1.2 0.3 0.9 1.6 2011 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.6 257 Figure 7.22. Boxplot with error bars showing difference in larval amphibian abundance across thirty percent, fifty percent, and eighty four percent canopy arrays observed during the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. The middle line is the median, the box is 50% inter-quartile range, the whiskers are at maximum and minimum values within 1.5 inter-quartile range, and the points outside the whisker are outliers. 258 Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for the abundance of pool-breeding amphibian larvae during the 2010 breeding season explained 100 percent (Axis 1: 55.9 percent, Axis 2: 0.2 percent, and Axis 3: 43.9 percent) of the variance associated with the species data and 100 percent of the species-environment relationship variance (Axis 1: 99.7 percent and Axis 2: 2.3 percent) (Figure 7.23). During the 2011 breeding season, the CCA represented 100 percent (Axis 1: 31.6 percent and Axis 2: 68.4 percent) of the variance related to the species data and 100 percent of the species-environment relationship variance (Axis 1: 100.0 percent) (Figure 7.24). The 2010 CCA showed a gradient between percent dissolved oxygen, water pH, soil and water temperature, and leaf litter depth. Within the 2010 CCA, the first axis was positively correlated to leaf litter depth and water pH, but it was negatively correlated to percent dissolved oxygen, soil and water temperatue, water pH average and maximum, and leaf litter depth minimum (Figure 7.23). American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance was positively correlated with leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range (Figure 7.23). In the 2011 CCA, there was a gradient between percent dissolved oxygen, leaf litter depth, soil and water temperature, and water pH (Figure 7.24). Axis one showed a gradient from higher water pH, water temperature, and percent dissolved oxygen minimum to higher percent dissolved oxygen, leaf litter depth, and soil temperature (Figure 7.24). Cope’s Gray Treefrog and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpoles were weakly related to the variables (Figure 7.24). These species behaved as generalists. 259 Figure 7.23. Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis, showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2010 breeding season in at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. Amphibian species codes: ANAM_ANF = American and Fowler’s Toads, HYCH = Cope’s Gray Treefrog, and PSCR = Spring Peeper. Environmental variable codes: EPC1 = environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum, EPC2 = environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range), EPC3 = environmental principal component 3 (water and soil temperature minimum and average), EPC4 = environmental principal component 4 (leaf litter depth), and EPC5 = environmental principal component 5 (water pH). 260 Figure 7.24. Bi-plot based on canonical correspondence analysis, showing the relationship between environmental variables (arrows) and larval amphibians (triangles) for the 2011 breeding season at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee. Amphibian species codes: ANAM_ANF = American and Fowler’s Toads and HYCH = Cope’s Gray Treefrog. Environmental variable codes: EPC1 = environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range), EPC2 = environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth), EPC3 = environmental principal component 3 (soil temperature), EPC4 = environmental principal component 4 (water pH), EPC5 = environmental principal component 5 (water temperature), EPC6 = environmental principal component 6 (percent dissolved oxygen minimum), and EPC7 = environmental principal component 7 (water pH minimum). 261 Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Forward multiple linear regression was executed to determine the influence of environmental variables on larval amphibian abundance in artificial pools. Multiple regression was executed for larval abundances during the 2010 and 2011 breding seasons. Regression results indicated that the overall model for larval amphibian abundance (2010) found three predictor variables (environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range, environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum, and environmental principal component five- water pH) significantly predicted total larval amphibian abundance (Figures 7.25-7.27), R2 = 0.211, R2adj = 0.190, F(3,117), p < 0.001 (Table 7.11). This model represented 21.1 percent of the variance in larval amphibian abundance (Table 7.11). The regression results showed that an overall model of one predictor (environmental principal component four- leaf litter depth) (Figure 7.28) significantly predicted Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance (2010), R2 = 0.040, R2adj = 0.032, F(1,119) = 4.9, p = 0.028 (Table 7.12). The model showed 4 percent variance in Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance (Table 7.12). The regression results indicated that the overall model made up of four predictors (environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range, environmental principal component three- water and soil temperature minimum and average, environmental principal component four- leaf litter depth, and environmental principal component pone- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) significantly predicted American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance (2010) (Figures 7.29-7.32), R2 = 0.154, R2adj = 0.124, F(4,116) = 5.3, p = 0.001 (Table 262 Table 7.11. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum and Soil and Water Temperature Maximum and Range) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen and Water pH Average and Maximum) Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water pH) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.26 0.05 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 5.35 P-value <0.001 0.21 0.05 0.36 4.38 <0.001 0.13 0.05 0.23 2.75 0.007 0.10 0.05 0.17 2.11 0.037 263 Figure 7.25. Linear regression between environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth minimum, soil and water temperature maximum and range) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 264 Figure 7.26. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 265 Figure 7.27. Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (water pH) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 266 Table 7.12. Multiple regression beta coefficients for Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 4 (Leaf Litter Depth) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.02 267 Standardized Coefficients Beta 0.20 t 3.19 P-value 0.002 2.23 0.028 Figure 7.28. Linear regression between environmental principal component 4 (leaf litter depth) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 268 Figure 7.29. Linear regression between environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 269 Figure 7.30. Linear regression between environmental principal component 3 (water and soil temperature minimum and average) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 270 Figure 7.31. Linear regression between environmental principal component 4 (leaf litter depth) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 271 Figure 7.32. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 272 Table 7.13. Multiple regression beta coefficients for American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum and Soil and Water Temperature Maximum and Range) Environmental Principal Component 3 (Water and Soil Temperature Minimum and Average) Environmental Principal Component 4 (Leaf Litter Depth) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen and Water pH Average and Maximum) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.00 0.00 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 1.07 P-value 0.287 0.01 0.00 0.23 2.65 0.009 0.01 0.00 0.19 2.29 0.024 -0.01 0.00 -0.19 -2.21 0.029 0.01 0.00 0.17 1.99 0.049 273 7.13). The model showed 15.4 percent of the variance in American and Fowler’s toad tadpole abundance (2010) (Table 7.13). The regression results showed that an overall model of four predictors (environmental principal component two- leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range, environmental principal component five- water pH, environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum, environmental principal component threewater and soil temperature minimum and average) significantly predicted Spring Peeper tadpole abundance (2010) (Figures 7.33-7.36), R2 = 0.202, R2adj = 0.175, F(4,116) = 7.4, p < 0.001 (Table 7.14). This model accounted for 20.2 percent of the variance in Spring Peeper tadpole abundance (Table 7.14). Forward multiple regression was also carried out for the 2011 breeding season. The regression results found that an overall model of five predictors (environmental principal component three- soil temperature, environmental principal component onepercent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range, environmental principal component five- water temperature, environmental principal component seven- water pH minimum, and environmental principal component six- percent dissolved oxygen minimum) significantly predicted larval amphibian abundance (2011) (Figures 7.37-7.41), R2 = 0.478, R2adj = 0.455, F(5,114) = 20.8, p < 0.001 (Table 7.15). This model represented 47.8 percent of the variance in larval amphibian abundance (Table 7.15). The regression results displayed an overall model of five predictors (environmental principal component three- soil temperature, environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil 274 Figure 7.33. Linear regression between environmental principal component 2 (leaf litter depth minimum and soil and water temperature maximum and range) and Spring Peeper tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 275 Figure 7.34 Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (water pH) and Spring Peeper tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 276 Figure 7.35. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen and water pH average and maximum) and Spring Peeper tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 277 Figure 7.36. Linear regression between environmental principal component 3 (water and soil temperature minimum and average) and Spring Peeper tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). 278 Table 7.14. Multiple regression beta coefficients for Spring Peeper tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2010). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 2 (Leaf Litter Depth Minimum and Soil and Water Temperature Maximum and Range) Environmental Principal Component 5 (water pH) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen and Water pH Average and Maximum) Environmental Principal Component 3 (Water and Soil Temperature Minimum and Average) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.19 0.04 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 4.24 P-value <0.001 0.17 0.05 0.32 3.77 <0.001 0.11 0.05 0.21 2.51 0.014 0.09 0.05 0.18 2.13 0.035 0.09 0.05 0.17 2.10 0.038 279 Table 7.15. Multiple regression beta coefficients for larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water Temperature Range) Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water Temperature) Environmental Principal Component 7 (Water pH Minimum) Environmental Principal Component 6 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.81 0.05 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 15.85 P-value <0.001 0.34 0.05 0.44 6.51 <0.001 0.33 0.05 0.43 6.33 <0.001 0.16 0.05 0.21 3.12 0.002 -0.13 0.05 -0.17 -2.51 0.013 0.12 0.05 0.16 2.39 0.018 280 Figure 7.37. Linear regression between environmental principal component 3 at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (soil temperature) and larval amphibian abundance (2011). 281 Figure 7.38. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 282 Figure 7.39. Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (water temperature) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 283 Figure 7.40. Linear regression between environmental principal component 7 (water pH minimum) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 284 Figure 7.41. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (percent dissolved minimum) and larval amphibian abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 285 temperature minimum, and water temperature range, environmental principal component five- water temperature, environmental principal component seven- water pH minimum, and environmental principal component six- percent dissolved oxygen minimum) significantly projected Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance (2011) (Figures 7.427.46), R2 = 0.461, R2adj = 0.437, F(5,114) = 19.5, p < 0.001 (Table 7.16). The model showed 46.1 percent of the variance in Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance (Table 7.16). The regression results found two predictors (environmental principal component one- percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range and environmental principal component three- soil temperature) significantly anticipated American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance (2011) (Figures 7.47-7.48), R2 = 0.095, R2adj = 0.079, F(2,117) = 6.1, p = 0.003 (Table 7.17). The model exhibited 9.5 percent of the variance in American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance (Table 7.17). Discussion Despite capturing eight amphibian species, species richness and diversity indexes were not calculated due to the fact that 87.6 percent of the total amphibian captures came from four species. The 286 Table 7.16. Multiple regression beta coefficients for Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water Temperature Range) Environmental Principal Component 5 (Water Temperature) Environmental Principal Component 7 (Water pH Minimum) Environmental Principal Component 6 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen Minimum) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.73 0.05 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 15.29 P-value <0.001 0.28 0.05 0.40 5.87 <0.001 0.28 0.05 0.39 5.72 <0.001 0.18 0.05 0.26 3.79 <0.001 -0.14 0.05 -0.21 -2.99 0.003 0.13 0.05 0.18 2.63 0.010 287 Figure 7.42. Linear regression between environmental principal component 3 (soil temperature) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 288 Figure 7.43. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 289 Figure 7.44. Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (water temperature) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 290 Figure 7.45. Linear regression between environmental principal component 5 (water pH minimum) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 291 Figure 7.46. Linear regression between environmental principal component 6 (percent dissolved oxygen minimum) and Cope’s Gray Treefrog tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 292 Table 7.17. Multiple regression beta coefficients for American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). Model Constant Environmental Principal Component 1 (Percent Dissolved Oxygen, Water and Soil Temperature Minimum, and Water Temperature Range) Environmental Principal Component 3 (Soil Temperature) Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standard Error 0.17 0.05 Standardized Coefficients Beta t 3.73 P-value <0.001 0.13 0.05 0.25 2.83 0.005 0.09 0.05 0.18 2.06 0.041 293 Figure 7.47. Linear regression between environmental principal component 1 (percent dissolved oxygen, water and soil temperature minimum, and water temperature range) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 294 Figure 7.48. Linear regression between environmental principal component 3 (soil temperature) and American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance at Burrows Cove in Grundy County, Tennessee (2011). 295 vast majority of the artificial pools only held one or no species. The four dominant species included: Cope’s Gray treefrog tadpoles, Spring Peeper tadpoles, American Toad tadpoles, and Fowler’s Toad tadpoles. Finally, amphibian performance through sizecomparisons was not assessed because a large number of the artificial ponds housed fewer than five individuals (89.4 percent during the 2010 breeding season and 49.5 percent during the 2011 breeding season). The artificial pools housed few larval amphibians. Most of the artificial pools were placed near the center of the treatment (along the distance from edge gradient). Within the shelterwood treatment, the pools were located near the skid trails, which are some of the most severely disturbed area within the treatment. The locations of the pools may have influence the amphibians’ abilities to colonize and reproduce within these artificial pools. The fact that amphibians were not present in these pools affects the statistical ability to compare body condition between treatments, distance to edge subplots, and canopy array subplots. Intermediate disturbance hypothesis was assessed using the larval amphibian abundance. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis was not supported in this study. Larval amphibian abundance was highest in shelterwood treatments in 2010, and there was no difference during the 2011 breeding season. Felix (2007) did accept the intermediate disturbance hypothesis when he assessed amphibian diversity across years. Sutton et al. (2013) also did not accept the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Amphibian species diversity did not differ among treatments. Sutton (2010) noted that partial harvesting procedures result in no influence on woodland amphibians. Felix (2007) assessed more severe disturbance through clearcuts, but did not examine the effect 296 of the distance gradient. The reason that my results did not support intermediate disturbance hypothesis is probably because the treatment stands were too small. In this project, I hypothesized that canopy reductions would change the environemtnal conditions within the forest stands around the vernal pool resulting in higher temperature conditions. Water and soil temperature showed differences across treatments, showing the highest values in the shelterwood treatment with some overlap with the control with gaps treatment. The opening of the canopy seemed to expose the understory to direct sunlight, which increased forest floor temperatures as well as artificial pool water temperatures (Brooks and Kyker-Snowman, 2008; Felix et al., 2010). Breeding pools overshadowed with less canopy closure have been been noted to have high water temperatures than pools with higher canopy cover (Skelly et al., 2002; Felix et al., 2010). A similar effect seemed to occur for dissolved oxygen, with the openings in the canopy resulting in higher dissolved oxygen (Halverson et al., 2003). Both temperature and dissolved oxygen are critical to anuran tadpole development with higher temperatures causing anuran tadpoles develop and reach metamorphosis faster than the same species that development in closed canopy vernal pools (Werner and Glennemeier, 1999; Skelly et al., 1999). Environmental conditions did differ among treatments with shelterwood and canopy with gap treatments having higher water and soil temperatures than oak shelterwood treatment did. The control with gaps’ similarity shelterwood treatments in environmental conditions seems to be the result of the overstory openings directly over the artificial ponds within the control with gaps treatments. One of the environmental conditions that did not differ was leaf litter depth. Cantrell et al. (2013) 297 found differences between controls and shelterwood treatments, while I did not. This difference could have been the result of the method by which leaf litter was collected. Cantrell et al. (2013) used transect to determine leaf litter within the treatments, while I measure leaf litter depth adjacent to the canopy arrays. The control with gaps treatment was not different from the shelterwood treatments. This lack of a difference could be the result of limited sampling as compared to Cantrell et al. (2013) or the microhabitat conditions that was created directly beneath the the gap where the artificial pools were implemented. The opening in the overstory may have been similar to the microhabitat conditions of the shelterwood artificial pools. For the distance gradient subplot, the percent dissolved oxygen wand water pH showed a significant difference among subplots, with pools that were closest to edge had the highest levels of dissolved oxygen and pools located at the fifty meter distance from the edge have the lowest values. Pools at the one hundred meter have values that were similar to or slightly lower than the pools at the ten meter distance. There appeared to be a distance gradient that was seen during the 2010 breeding with percent dissolved oxygen, but not during the 2011 breeding season. The canopy arrays showed no environmental differences. This could be the result of the small size of the artificial pools and the close proximity of each pool. The microclimate may be similar between the pools despite the difference in artificial canopy cover. I also hypothesized that a reduction in forest canopy would create movement barriers for adult amphibians when accessing breeding pools. Larval amphibian abundance showed differences across treatment with the majority of tadpoles being 298 sampled within the shelterwood treatments during the 2010 breeding season, even though there was no difference during the 2011 breeding season. This could be the result of bufonid species colonizing the breeding pools. During the 2010 breeding season, there were few American and Fowler’s Toads that bred in the pools. During the 2011 breeding season, these tadpoles represented 33 percent of the total abundance. American and Fowler’s Toad tadpole abundance did not show a difference across treatments, and this trend was noted by Cantrell (2013). American Toads are known to be habitat generalists, so their ability to forage in a wide range of habitats could be the reason that a difference was not seen across treatments during the breeding seasons (Forester et al., 2006; Rittenhouse et al., 2008). The disturbance that was produced during the implementation of the artificial was believed to be minimal and not affect the pool-breeding amphibians. Cope’s Gray Treefrogs did show a difference among treatments during the 2011 breeding season even though there was not a difference during the 2010 breeding season. More tadpoles were found in the control with gaps treatment than the oak shelterwood treatment, and the shelterwood treatment was not different from the control with gaps treatment or the oak shelterwood. Treefrog tadpoles were found most frequently in the canopy with gaps and shelterwood treatments. During larval development, this species was found in areas with higher temperatures (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). The regression of 2011 data showed weak but positive relationships between treefrog tadpole abundance and soil and water temperature, percent dissolved oxygen, and water pH. Felix (2010) found that warmer temperatures, higher percent dissolved oxygen, and water pH were optimal for Cope’s Gray Treefrog egg mass survival. Felix (2007) found that 299 these variables were related to tadpole food sources which are periphyton. Felix et al. (2010) found that canopy cover affected the pool-breeding amphibian ovipositioning sites. Hocking and Semlitsch (2008) noted similar effects in response to Cope’s Gray Treefrog performance, with tadpoles having higher survival rates in sites with lower canopy. There was no relationship observed between amphibian larvae and distance to forest edge. Felix et al. (2010) did not find a relationship between distance and amphibian egg deposition. Spatial extent may explain why there was no difference between breeding site accessibility and distance from the edge. The treatments were four to five hectares in size, American and Fowler’s Toads can migrate distances between 231016 meters (Olham, 1966; Forester et al., 2006). Cope’s Gray Treefrog migration distances range from 5.6 to 369.5 meters (Johnson et al., 2007). These distances exceed the distance gradient and the width of each treatment. Hocking and Semlitsch (2007) also found that Cope’s Gray Treefrogs were not impeded by a distance gradient of fifty meters. While my gradient was longer, it did not serve as a barrier to egg ovipisiton and larval development. To more adequately measure this gradient, distance from edge subplots would need to reflect the migration capabilities of pool breeding amphibians (Semlitsch and Bodie, 2003). Another consideration is that amphibians do not begin their mirgations from the road edge. The distance gradient would need to take the migration starting point into consideration. Overall larval amphibian abundance showed a difference across pools with different artificial canopy cover, with the highest abundance being in the pools with the 300 lowest amount of artificial canopy cover. Even though differences were not seen across different amphibian species, there was preference tfor artificial pools with lower artificial canopy over when all species were combined. Because hylid and bufonid species accounted for 99.9 percent of the captures, the data suggested that artificial pools with moderate to low (fifty percent or less) shading seemed to prefer by these species over the pools with the highest artificial canopy cover. The anuran species that used the pools develop faster in warmer temperatures and they also feed on algae that needs direct sunlight to bloom within vernal pools (Earl et al., 2011; Skelly et al., 2005). These adaptations allow anuran species to breed in and migrate from habitat that would cause caudate species to increase their risk of desiccation (Veysey et al., 2009). 301 CHAPTER 8. CONCLUSIONS This study examined the effect of forest disturbance on pool breeding amphibian reproductive fitness. Using two components, I was able to gain insight into the the factors that influence pool breeding, amphibian diversity, size, and abundance. Responses from the field experiment showed that anuran abundance within shelterwood treatments was similar to control with gap stands. The first breeding season showed a treatment effect, where larval amphibian abundance was higher in shelterwood treatments than oak shelterwood or control treatments. The reasoning behind this difference possibly stems from the fact that the amphibians occured were mostly anuran species: hylids and bufonids, during the first field season. Anurans are more tolerant to warmer conditions than caudate species. There was a positive relationship between overall larval abundance and water temperature maximums and soil temperature. The ability to resist desiccation of anuran species’ possibly plays a role in their ability to survive and breed within artificial pools in shelterwood treatments. Anuran tadpoles also require warmer 302 temperatures to develop and reach metamorphosis. Despite this difference, there was not an overall abundance difference in the second season. Even though there were no differences among the overall abundance during the seond field season, there were differences in abundance for Cope’s Gray Treefrogs. This species was found at higher abundances in the control and the shelterwood treatments when compared to the oak shelterwood treatments. This could possibly be associated with the warmer water temperatures that this species needs to develop (Hocking and Semlitsch, 2007). Intermediate disturbances such as shelterwoods may increase the abundances of anuran species throughout hardwood landscapes. Within my landscape study, anuran species represented the majority of the species sampled, with the dominant species being Eastern Spadefoot Toads and Cope’s Gray Treefrog. There were no differences in abundances across wetland classes, but ranges in water temperature showed a positive relationship when predicting overall larval amphibian abundance. This type of range is indicative of habitats that have a more open canopy and allow more light penetration to vernal pool surface water. Warmer water temperatures accelerate larval anuran development, so providing gaps in the overstory overshadowing vernal pools may be critical for anuran colonization and breeding success. Ficetola and Bernardi (2004) found that the breeding ponds with the highest amphibian species richness had high sun exposure and were near other wetlands with numerous species. In addition to the openness of the pools, hydroperiod needs of amphibians must be taken into consideration. Amphibian species that breed in vernal pools are either obligate 303 or facultative. These species only breed in these ecosystems or they prefer to breed in these ecosystems. While surveying vernal pools, I noticed that several pools in the BNF and SWMA were either altered or stocked with fish. Pools that were altered had to be deepened or expanded so that they could become permanent. These pools rarely held any salamander species, except for mole salamander paedomorphs, and even the anuran species richness was lower in these wetlands that included vernal pools which were part of my study. Introducing invasive predators into these vernal pools runs the risk of negatively influencing amphibian populations to the landscape. Fish presence was an important limiting factor for amphibian species (Ficetola and Bernardi, 2004). Vernal pools are chosen over permanent wetlands by amphibian species, because they can not support fish populations (Ficetola and Bernardi, 2004; Calhoun and deMaynadier, 2008). The majority of the amphibian species that I sampled either bred exclusively in vernal pools or prefered vernal pools as their breeding sites. Since alteration is seen as the primary cause of amphibian declines, habitat maintenance is required once aquatic and terrestrial habitats have been restored (Semlitsch, 2002). If habitat degradation is a function of ongoing forces or threats such as erosion or succession, then active maintenance is required (Semlitsch, 2002). Management of amphibian populations to reverse recent declines will require defining high quality habitat for individual species or groups of species, followed by efforts to retain or restore these habitats on the landscape (Knutson et al., 1999). While salamanders prefer forests with cool, shaded, and moist forest floors, anuran species can benefit from the side effects associated with timber harvesting such as 304 the opening of the forest canopy which exposes vernal pools to direct sunlight (Brooks and Kyker-Snowman, 2008). Within my study, the open pools were the habitat with the highest diversity. Additionally, warmer soil temperatures had a positive influence on the overall Cope’s Gray Treefrog abundance within my field experiment. The removal of canopy trees and the resultant exposure could increase forest floor temperature (Brooks and Kyker-Snowman, 2008). While opening the canopy can be beneficial to hylids, having adjacent forest stands that work as corridors can reduce desiccation risks for closed canopy species that may breed within open vernal pools (Brooks and KykerSnowman, 2008). While several amphibians were sampled during this study, adult and juvenile amphibian captures were lower than larval amphibian captures. To gain a more complete idea of amphibian reproductive fitness, higher abundances of adult amphibians that access and use vernal pools for reproduction are needed. Future research should also look at metamorphic and juvenile amphibians that emigrate from vernal pools and disperse within the landscape. Studies that assess reproductive fitness are critical. 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Canopy closure - the ground area covered by the crowns of trees or woody vegetation as delimited by the vertical projection of crown perimeters and commonly expressed as a percent of total ground cover. It measures the extent to which the crowns of trees are nearing general contact with each other Canopy cover - The proportion of ground or water covered by a vertical projection of the outermost perimeter of the natural spread of foliage or plants, including small openings within the canopy Codominant (crown class) - a tree whose crown helps to form the general level of the main canopy in even-aged stands, or in uneven aged stands, above the crown of the tree’s immediate neighbors and receiving full light from above and partial light from the sides Crown class - A category of tree based on its crown position relative to those of adjacent trees Desiccate - Reference to total drying Dispersal- Movements of individuals away from a specific location to another, related to various factors such as territoriality, departure from natal or denning sites, resources, weather, or seasonal phenomena Dominant (crown class)- a tree whose crown extends above the general level of the main canopy of even-aged stands or, in uneven aged stands, above the crowns of the tree’s immediate neighbors and receiving full 328 Edge- The more or less well-defined boundary between two or more elements of the environment Emigration- Reference to individuals leaving a population and traveling to another location Facultative- Not obligatory. Possessing flexibility to function or live under more than one set of environmental conditions, or to express a characteristic capable of change according to environmental demands. A behavior that may or may not occur, depending on circumstances. Fecundity- The quality of producing offspring, often used in reference to the numbers of offspring. Potential fertility or reproductive capacity, specifically the quantity of gametes, generally eggs, produced per individual over a specified period of time Fitness- The ability of an organism to contribute its genes to the next generation, roughly the number of offspring contributed to the next generation weighted by the probability of surviving to reproduce Forest cover- All trees and other plants occupying the ground in a forest, including any ground cover. Forest matrix- The most extensive and connected landscape element that plays the dominant role in the landscape functioning. A landscape element surrounding a patch. Gene flow- The exchange of genes between different populations attributable to emigration and immigration of individuals Genotype- The genetic make-up of an individual, which, along with other factors such as environment, determines the organism’s phenotype. Immigration- The process of individuals moving to, or entering, a population or region from another location Life cycle- Reference to the series of development stages characteristics of organisms from fertilization through reproduction and death Life history- The history of an individual organism, from the fertilization of the egg to its death. Migration- The directed movement of individuals, hence gene flow, between different regions or populations. 329 Morphometry- Reference to the quantitative prameters of structures. A quantitative measurement of a form or structure. The scientific measurement or analysis of the shape or form of organisms. Quantitative analysis of variation in shape. Obligate- Essential or necessary. Restricted or limited to a specific condition of life or environment. Not flexible with respect condition of environment. Overstory- That portion of the trees, in a forest of more than one story, forming the upper or uppermost canopy layer. Oviposition- The act of laying or depositing eggs Performance- Key taks or functions such as feeding, digesting, moving, growing, regulating water, that are crucial for survival and reproduction Plasticity- Generally, the capacity for change in response to an external influence Phenology- Reference to natural phenomena that recur periodically such as migration and reproduction Phenotype- The physical characteristics of an organism, which comprise the manifestation of genetic expression. Any property of an organism that can be measured (Lillywhite, 2008) Phenotypic plasticity- Phenotypic variation due to environmental influence on the phenotype associated with a particular genotype, representing genotype-environment interaction Philopatry- Reference to organisms that tend to remain in the location where they were born Recruitment- The influx of new members into a population by reproduction or immigration Reproductive success- The number of offspring from a given individual that survive to reproduce Sympatry- Living in the same geographic locationwith reference usually to the overlap in geographic range of two closely related species, which remain otherwise distinct. Torpor- A period or state of inactivity that is normally induced by cold or other adverse climatic condition. Understory- All forest vegetation growing under the midstory and overstory 330 Vagility- The ability to move from place to place 331 Appendix 2. Bibliography Andersen, A.N. (1992). 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Tim then attended Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia; he received his Masters of Science Degree in Biological Sciences in 2007. He was accepted into the doctoral program at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. Tim received his Ph.D in December 2013. 353