For Immediate Release Press Release

Press Release
For Immediate
Trilithic’s Media Contact:
Karalee Slayton
Director Marketing &
317 423-6604
Arthur Leisey, Trilithic Named EAS Subcommittee Chair
Indianapolis, Indiana (Tuesday, February 20, 2008), Please help us
congratulate Arthur Leisey, who was recently appointed as Chairman of
the SCTE EAS Subcommittee.
Mr. Leisey has 33 years experience in cable television. A leader in the
industry in his role as Director of Technology for Trilithic’s EAS Division,
Arthur has been instrumental in the development of the Emergency Alert
System over the past decade. Starting with the basic analog distributed
EAS system, EAS has developed into a major digital deployment within
the HFC and IPTV infrastructures of today’s broadband plants.
“I look forward to working with all of the SCTE members to gain
consensus on what are the critical issues facing Cable Companies as we
move into this new phase of EAS with the implementation of CAP,
(Common Alerting Protocol). Says Arthur. “The Cable industry has led
the way in implementing many new EAS technologies and I would expect
to assist the efforts of the industry as we move toward better solutions. I see a considerable amount of
ongoing work for it to live up to the end-user’s expectations for timely and pertinent emergency messages
displayed on whatever video platform they are viewing.”
“Trilithic has a long history of supporting SCTE and this continues our commitment to the industry.” Says
Russ Byrd, Director of Market Development for Trilithic’s EAS group. “Arthur is the right person to lead the
SCTE efforts during this interesting time for EAS. With the new requirements for EAS being developed
by FEMA and the FCC, Arthur can use his experience and expertise to benefit the Cable industry and aid
development of a solution that works for the public and Cable companies.”
ABOUT TRILITHIC: Trilithic, Inc. is an industry leader providing telecommunications solutions for major Broadband and RF &
Microwave markets around the world. Comprised of three major divisions: Broadband Instruments & Systems offers test, analysis
and quality management solutions for the major cable television systems around the world. The RF & Microwave Components
Division provides various components and custom subsystems for companies specializing in cellular, military and other wireless
applications. The E.A.S. Division is a leading supplier of government-mandated Emergency Alert Systems used by HFC service
providers in the United States.
Trilithic, Inc.
9710 Park Davis Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46236
(800) 344-2412
-ENDTrilithic, Inc., 9710 Park Davis Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46235
(317) 895-3600 (317) 895-3613 (800) 344-2412