Undergraduate Research & Creativity Grant Proposal Student Information

Undergraduate Research & Creativity Grant Proposal
Student Information
Fill in the blue boxes
Primary Author
Only fill these columns if there are multiple authors.
Co-author 1
Co-author 2
Please enter your last name
Please enter your first name
Please enter your year in school
Please enter your anticipated date of graduation (MM/YYYY)
Please enter your permanent street address
Please enter your apartment number if applicable
City of residence
Zip code
Please enter your phone number(s)
Please provide your UW-L e-mail address
Please list your mentor's name (first, last)
Please enter your mentor(s) UW-L e-mail address
Please enter your Department
Please enter your primary mentor's Department (supply funds will be transferred
Grant Proposal Information
Please enter your proposal title
Please enter your proposal abstract
Is this a International (I) or Domestic (D) project?
If your project is international, please list the countries you will visit.
Will you also be enrolled in study abroad or service learning on the same trip?
If you answered yes, please give the name of your study abroad or service learning
advisor for this international trip.
Please enter your project's proposed start date (MM/YYYY)
Please enter your project's proposed end date (MM/YYYY)
Please enter the approximate number of hours you will need to complete your project
Compliance Information
If proposal is funded compliance documentation MUST be completed if answer is
"yes" for any question below. Documentation is available at each link.
Does this proposal require review for human subjects?
Does this proposal require review for animal care?
Does this proposal require review for hazardous materials?
Compliance documents
Human Subjects Information
Animal Care Information
Hazardous Materials Information
Previous Funding
Have you received previous funding for undergraduate research? If "yes" the
Previously Funded Research section (section 4) of the proposal narrative must be
filled out.
Stipend Requested (max. $1000 for one student, $1500 for multiple students)
Travel Requested (include lodging and transportation costs)
Supplies Requested (these will be transferred to the primary Mentor's department)
Books Requested (these will be transferred to the primary Mentor's department)
Budget Instructions
Co-author 3
Undergraduate Research & Creativity Grant Proposal
Total Requested (max. $2000, one student domestic; $2500 multiple students,
domestic; $3500, one student international; $4000 multiple students international)
Electronic Verification
I have shown this proposal to my faculty mentor, and they approved it.
If proposal requires international travel you must have your travel plans approved by
the International Studies Office before submittal.
If your international trip is not part of a study abroad or service learning project, you
must show your proposal to the International Studies Office for approval. Contact
Jason Kouba jkouba@uwlax.edu .
If your international trip is part of a study abroad or service learning project, you
must show your proposal to your trip advisor for approval.
The URC Office will send an e-mail to the parties above to confirm your responses
Fill in the blue boxes
Please type initials to verify
Only fill these columns if there are multiple authors.