This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Chapter 3D Application of Tissue Culture Systems for Commercial Plant Production 1 Kathryn A. Louis and LoriAnn E. Eils Introduction Tissue culture propagation or micropropagation in the commercial production of Populus species for large scale clonal plantings has limited use due primarily to the high cost per plantlet, especially when compared to species that are readily cloned using cutting propagation. Howe,·er, two more practical applications of tissue culture propagation of Populus species are: 1) propagation of those species that do not readily propagate via other less costly methods (e.g., aspen and hybrid aspen); and 2) multiplying stock plants of newly developed or released genotypes with limited availability. This chapter discusses methods used to clone Populus species including: 1) traditional shoot-tip/ axillary bud culture; 2) recutting or hedging mini-plants; 3) root suckering in vitro and in situ; and 4) leaf micro-cross section (MCS) technology. Stock plants, which provide explants, are obtained as small plants or dormant branches. Plants are grown indoors under a cool-white, fluorescent (CWF) photoperiod of 16 h until new shoot growth occurs. Dormant branches are stripped of existing leaves, and proximal branch ends are recut and placed in water under a 16 h photoperiod. Branch ends are recut every 2 to 3 days at the time of water replacement. After 2 to 4 weeks, new forced growth occurs. In Minnesota, dormant branches can be successfully forced beginning in March through normal bud break (early May) and again in August through early November. Explant material is not usually field collected because of difficulties eliminating fungal spores and other contaminants on field-grown material. To initiate Populus species cultures, shoot-tip stem cuttings (approximately 2.5 to 7.5 em long) are collected from actively growing plants or forced branches. Existing leaves are removed and stems with terminal and axillary buds are surface disinfested using a standard commercial bleach Traditional Shoot-Tip/Axillary Bud Culture An excellent bibliography about tissue culture and cell culture of Populus species was compiled by the USDA Forest Service (Ostry and Ward 1991). Readers are encouraged to review papers listed in that document. A brief review of the method used at Minn vitro, Inc. is described below and illustrated in figure 1. ' Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds. Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C. ; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997. Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 326 p. 236 ~~, ~·iJ LABORATORY ttHJ \I I 4w,Ks -~ \ "----~ .· 4 WEEKS ~ Figure 1. Representation of a traditional shoot-tip/axillary bud culture method used at Minn vitro, Inc. Application of Tissue Culture Systems for Commercial Plant Production solution (10 percent for 10 min), followed by 3 sterile water rinses. Explants are asep tically cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) (1962) basa l medium supplemented with 3 percent sucrose, 0.1 to 0.5 mgl I benzyladenine (BA), and 5 g/1 agar with a preautoclave pH of 5.75. The culture cycle is 4 weeks with a CWF photoperiod of 16 h. High BAconcentrations are used for multiple shoot production during the proliferation cycles, followed by reduced BA concentrations for shoot development before harvest. Although most literature reports the use of Woody Plant Medium (WPM) (Lloyd and McCown 1980) as the basal medium, we have found that MS medium prod uces superior microshoots (data not shown). During the process of harvesting micros hoots from the culture vessel, small microshoots (less than 2.5 em ) and proliferating clusters are transferred to fresh medium for later harvest. For ex vitro rooting, microshoots that are 2.5 em or longer are h arves ted a nd placed in a standard 288 seed germination plug covered tray (trimmed to fit into a standard 1020 flat). The plug tray and fl at are covered with a clea r dome and placed under a CWF 16 h photoperiod. The plug tray is filled with a rooting medium composed of peat:perlite:vermiculite (1:1:1 ). All preformed in vitro roots are removed before ex vitro rooting. (In our experience, in vitro formed roots of Populus species did not survive after transplanting into peat-based rooting medium. New adventitious roots developed at a slower rate than from microshoots without p reformed roots.) Visible roots usually form within 10 days. After 3 weeks of rooting, we recommend tha t weekly fertilization begin at 200 ppm nitrogen, using a 20:20:20 (N:P:K) formulation. At approximately 4 weeks, acclimation is accomplished by propping open the clear dome slightly for the first day, then increasing the opening each day, until day 7 when the dome is completely removed . Plantlets are then transplanted to larger containers and placed in the greenhouse or nursery bed with 70 percent shade for the first few days. The amount of shade is gradually decreased over a 7-day period, then fertilizer applications can be doubled. This traditional shoot-tip I axillary bud culture procedure is based on a plant biology that allows existing shoot tips and axillary buds to develop and continue initiation of new shoot tips and axillary buds. These shoot tips and axillary buds then elonga te to produce microshoots. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely, provided that transfers occur in a timely manner. Reducing the detrimental effects of systemic bacteria that can become evident over time can be accomplished by a more rapid transfer cycle (every 2 to 3 weeks), using only shoot tips (1 to 2 em), and I or the addition of an tibiotics to the medium. (Based on research by Young et a!. (1984) and our in-house research, we found that a combination of 25 mg/1 cefotaxime, 25 mgl l tetracycline, and 6 mg/1 rifampicin will successfully suppress bacterial growth in mos t Populus species cultures.) Other problems are low tooting rates and poor acclimation for USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. some genotypes. Our overall success rate has been that approximately one-third of the genotypes are readily cloned, one-third of the genotypes are cloned with difficulty, and one-third of the genotypes are not amenable to this method. Recutting or Hedging of Plantlets Although this method is not an in vitro method, it is worth mentioning because it is often very successful when MEDIA 'L-- - -- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - ' EXCHANGE c • . . . MICROSECTION BUDS SHOOTS ROOTS Figure 2. Schematic representation of Micro-Cross Section (MCS) Technology (courtesy of Minn vitro, Inc.). A) Leaf tissue is placed on a tape carrier and sliced into strips. B) The leaf tape strip is placed on a support substrate. The culture medium is liquid (no agar) and the culture vessel has flow-through medium exchange as required. No physical transfer of the explant is required. C) Leaf explant initi ates and develops adventitious buds that form shoots, followed by rooting. For details of this method, see Louis and Eils (1994). 237 Section V Biotechnological Applications tissue cultured plantlets are used. Plantlets that arc produced as previously described can be grown in a greenhouse or growth chamber until their main shoots are 8 to 10 em in height. Cuttings are then collected from these mini-stock plants and rooted as previously d escribed. The remaining portions of the mini-stock plants continue to grow via axillary shoots, which can also be used as minicuttings once the axillary shoots are 6 to 8 em in length. Mini-cuttings produced in this manner usually root at a higher percentage than those from tissue culture (data not shown). A likely reason for this rooting increase is that mini-cuttings have a more developed cuticle. Thus, although mini-cuttings are less fragile, they apparently maintain the juve nile characte ris tics of tiss ue-c uI tu red microcuttings. This hedging me thod can be successfully performed for several flushes. Root Suckering Cloning Populus species using root suckers has been successful for species tha t naturally propagate in this manne r (e.g., P. tremuloides). The field I greenhouse method begins with digging up roots (1 to 3 em in diameter and 15 to 20 em in length). These roots are cleaned with soa p and wa ter, followed by a bleach trea tment (full-strength for 10 min), and a tap-wate r rinse. Root segments are then buried in sand and maintained unde r moist conditions. Within 2 to 4 weeks, shoots develop from preformed and adventitious buds within the roots. When the shoots a re 4 to 6 em in length, they are removed from the parent root segme nt and trea ted as mini-cuttings (as previous ly described ). Papers by Schier (1974, 1976, 1981) provide more detail regarding preformed and adventitious root-d e rived buds. In our work, this method seems most successful in the spring and is apparently limited by the inherent suckering ability of the parent plant. A major problem is correctly identifying which roots belong to what tree. This p roblem can be alleviated by cloning the identified plant with the usual methods (e.g., cuttings, tissue culture, etc.) then growing the cloned plants in large containers unti l roots of sufficient size are obtained. An in vitro ve rsion of this method was d eveloped at the University of Minnesota (Hanson e t al. 1992; Louis et al. 1992a, 1992b) in which in vitro g rowing shoots were treated to induce roots (i.e., BA was rem oved from the medium). These in vitro roots were the n cut into 0.5 em or longer segments and returned to culture. Adventitious shoots were initiated and developed from the root explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.01 to 1.0 mg /1 thidiazuron (TDZ). Our attempts to produce large qualities of roots by g rowing roots w ithout s tem tissue were unsuccessful. Although in situ root s uckering 238 has been used to clone some aspen genotypes, to our knowled ge, the use of in vitro root suckering as a comme rcia l method to clone plants has not yet occurred. Micro-cross Section Technology Micro-cross section (MCS) Technology is a method used to clone plants based on adventitious bud initiation and d evelopment from leaf tissue. This method was initia lly d eveloped by research~rs at the Univers ity of Minnesota (Lee-Stadelmann et al. 1989). Very small (400 J.lm to 3 mm) leaf segments are placed onto MS medium supplemented with 3 pe rcent sucrose, 0.8 mg/1 BA, and 0.01 mg/1a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Afte r 4 weeks, adventitious buds begin to form. For microshoot d evelopment, the explant is transferred to medium supplemented with a reduced BA concentration (0.1 mg / 1) and without AA. As microshoots develop, they are harvested and rooted as previously described . Because very small pieces of lea f tissue can be used, a large number of explants can be generated for ad ventitious shoot production. Thus, a proliferation stage is hardly needed and a large number of plants can be produced in a short time. The uniform size and shape of the explants makes this process amenable to robotics. Continued refinement of this technique along with development of automated handling equipment would probably close the cos t gap be tween tissue culture propagation and seedling propagation. Additionally, the semi-solid medium can be replaced with a. liquid medium if a support s ubs trate is used . Five "offthe-shelf" subs trates can be used to replace agar: 1) cotton balls; 2) cotton cosmetic rounds; 3) Grod an®rock wool; 4) lsolite®soil amendment; and 5) Sorbarod®cigarette filters. This has led to the envisioned MCS Technology illustrated in fig ure 2. The results of our continued effort to USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. Application of Tissue Culture Systems for Commercial Plant Production develop MCS Technology are summarized in a TAPPI Biological Symposium paper (Louis and Eils 1994). Forty-five different Populus genotypes were tested, of which P. tremuloides x P. tremula (hybrid aspen) genotypes were the most responsive. These results are most promising because hybrid aspen plants do not readily propagate using other asexual methods. The first commercial trial of MCS Technology was a 10times scale-up of our research size (i.e., 10 times our standard 100 micro-cross sections), which was replicated for a total of 2,000 micro-cross sections. This scale-up resulted in reduced microshoot numbers per leaf section and extensive fungal growth during acclimation (data not shown). This reduced production was likely caused by using leaves of a less than optimal developmental stage. Fungal growth during acclimation was apparently caused by the residual medium in the liquid support substrates. Even though the substrates were flushed with water before acclimation, adequate sucrose/nutrients apparently remained to support fungal growth. Discussion Populus species tissue culture propagation can be classified as either preformed (terminal or axillary) or ad ventitious meristem culture methods. Preformed meristem culture is the traditional method in which shoot tips with existing meristems are grown in an environment that enhances the production of more meristems at a much faster rate than occurs on a whole-plant basis. Adventitious bud initiation and subsequent development of microshoots captures the plant's totipotent biology. For example, using in vitro root suckering and MCS Technology, a cell, or a small group of cells, divides and differentiates into a new meristem that subsequently develops into a microshoot. Adventitious bud initiation has been used only on a research basis at our laboratory. MCS Technology has shown the greatest potential for producing hybrid aspen at a lower cost than traditional shoot-tip culture. The most commercially successful method is the traditional shoot-tip I axillary bud method. We have used this method to mass produce 45,000 hybrid aspen for a pilot field planting and 10,000 aspen for horticultural use. We have also used traditional.shoot-tip culture to clone unique or rare plants to increase stock plant numbers for cutting propagation. Generally, regardless of the tissue culture propagation method used, differences occur among Populus species and genotypes within a species. Our results have followed the one-third:one-third:one-third "rule" of success; approximately one-third worked very well, one-third worked moderately well, and one-third did not work at all. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. Acknowledgments This research was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture under Grant No. SBIR, Phase II 9233610 and by funding approved by the Minnesota Legislature ML 1991, Chapter 254, Art. 1, Sec. 14, Subd. 7g as recommended by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the Minnesota Future Resources Fund. The authors thank M. Ostry, D. Skilling, K. Ward, and B. Bucciarelli (USDA Forest Service); N. Anderson, W. Hackett, W. Johnson, and C. Mohn (University of Minnesota); G. Wyckoff and B. Li (University of Minnesota, Aspen-Larch Cooperative); B. Pajala (Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources); R. Schantz-Hansen, R. Settergren, L. Hubbel, M. Fasteland, and J. Eaton (Potlatch Corporation); J. McCoy and L.C. Peterson (Blandin Paper Company); K. Wearstler and C. Wierman (Boise Cascade); D. Ostlie (Energy Performance Systems); and G. Larson and D. Langseth . (WesMin RC&D) for their generosity in supplying plant material for our studies, and G. Betts and B. Berguson (NRRI) for technical and engineering assistance. Literature Cited Hanson, C. V.; Hackett, W.P.; Mohn, C.A.; Louis, K.A. 1992. Growth of attached and isolated roots of aspen. In: Proceedings, 12th North American forest biology workshop; 1992 August 17-20; Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada: 79. Lee-Stadelmann, O.Y.; Lee, S.W.; Hackett, W.P.; Read, P.E. 1989. The formation of adventitious buds in vitro on micro-cross sections of hybrid Populus leaf midveins. Plant Science. 61: 263-272. Lloyd, G.; McCown, B. 1980. Commercially feasible micropropagation of mountain laurel, Kalmia latitulia, by use of shoot-tip culture. Comb. Proc. Int. Plant Prop. Soc. 30: 421-427. Louis, K.A.; Hanson, C. V.; Hackett, W.P.; Mohn, C. A. 1992a. In vitro root suckering of aspen (Populus tremuloides ). Proceedings, International Plant Propagators' Society: 42: 472-475. Louis, K.A.; Mohn, C.A.; Hackett, W.P.; Hanson, C.V.1992b. In vitro adventitious shoot initiation and development from roots of two aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones. In: Proceedings, 12th North American forest biology workshop; 1992 August 17-20; Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada: 78. Louis, K.A.; Eils, L. 1994. Propagation of Populus tremuloides x P. tremula via leaf micro-cross section technology. In: Proceedings, TAPPI Biological sciences symposium; 239 Section V Biotechnological Applications 1994 October 3-6; Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A. Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.: TAPPI Press: 41-45. Murashige, T.; Skoog, F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-497. Ostry, M.E.; Ward, K.T. 1991. Bibliography of Populus species cell and tissue culture. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-146. St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station. 26 p. Schier, G.A.1974. Vegetative propagation of aspen: clonal variation in suckering from root cuttings and in rooting of sucker cuttings. Can. J. For. Res. 3: 459-461. 240 Schier, G.A. 1981. Physiological research on adventitious shoot development in aspen roots. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT107. Logan, UT, U.S.A.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 12 p. Schier, G.A.; Campbell, R.B. 1976. Differences among Populus species in ability to form adventitious shoots and roots. Can. J. For. Res. 6: 253-261. Young, P.M.; Hutchins, A.S.; Canfield, M.L. 1984. Use of antibiotics to control bacteria in shoot cultures of woody plants. Plant Science Letters. 34: 203-209. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.