This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Chapter 16 Seasonal Vegetative Storage Proteins of Poplar1 Gary D. Coleman Introduction The availability of nitrogen often limits forest tree growth. Many tree species have evolved physiological strategies to reduce the impact of limited nitrogen availability. One strategy is to resorb nitrogen from leaves during autumn, and store it in perennial tissues during overwintering. During spring, this stored nitrogen is remobilized and used to support spring growth (Ryan and Bormann 1982; Taylor and May 1967). Besides reducing nitrogen loss from leaf fall, nitrogen resorption and storage may also reduce dependence on soil supplies during periods of high demand such as spring growth (Ryan and Bormann 1982). This review focuses on the molecular physiology of seasonal vegetative storage proteins in poplar. Advances in the biochemistry, physiology, and molecular biology of poplar vegetative storage proteins are reviewed. The general topic of woody plant vegetative storage proteins was reviewed in 1994 by Stepien et al. Poplar seed storage proteins are reviewed in this volume by Beardmore et al. Seasonal Nitrogen Cycling Nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems is a complex process that involves nitrogen deposition, leaching, plant and soil uptake and return, and internal plant redistribution (Attiwill and Adams 1993). Internal nitrogen redistribution occurs when: 1) nitrogen is redistributed from source to sink tissue during growth, according to sink demands (Dickson et al. 1985; Vogelman et al. 1985); and 2) nitrogen 1 Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds. Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C.; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997. Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 326 p. 124 is resorbed from senescing leaves, overwinter storage in perennial tissues, and spring mobilization to new growth. Fall nitrogen resorption is a complex physiological process that is not well understood in woody perennials. Generally from 40 to 80 percent of leaf nitrogen is resorbed from fall senescing leaves before abscission. Leaf nitrogen resorption is associated with leaf protein hydrolysis and retranslocation of amino acids (Boerner 1984; Chapin and Kedrowski 1983; Luxmoore et al.1981; Ostman and Weaver 1982). Protein hydrolysis and amino acid transport can account for 80 to 90 percent of leaf nitrogen removal (Chapin and Kedrowski 1983). Although factors that control fall leaf senescence and abscission are poorly understood in trees, it is know that nitrogen resorption can vary among species (Boerner 1984) and according to leaf position within a tree (Staaf and Sljemquist 1986). Nitrogen recycling is rapidly re-established during forest development (Ryan and Bormann 1982). Seasonal nitrogen recycling has been extensively studied in tree fruit crops and is reviewed by Titus and Kang (1982). Considerable information is available for apple (Malus), which illustrates some general concepts of seasonal nitrogen recycling in deciduous trees. In apple, fall leaf senescence is accompanied by a decline in leaf nitrogen levels. This is associated with the translocation of leaf nitrogen to overwintering perennial storage sites, in particular the shoot bark (O'Kennedy et al. 1975; Oland 1963). During leaf nitrogen translocation, leaf protein levels decline by almost SO percent while bark protein levels increase by over 200 percent (Kang and Titus 1980). Most of the decline in leaf protein is due to the preferential loss of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (RUBISCO) (Kang and Titus 1980; O'Kennedy and Titus 1979). About 90 percent of the nitrogen in overwintering bark is in protein (Kang and Titus 1980; O'Kennedy and Titus 1979). Studies indicate that spring growth is correlated with the level of stored nitrogen (Taylor and May 1967). Recent studies using 15N have more precisely determined the importance of stored nitrogen to growth. Sanchez et al. (1991) showed that in pear trees, 45 percent of stored nitrogen was partitioned into new spring growth, and sto~ed nitrogen accounted for 48 percent of the nitrogen in new growth. Seasonal Vegetative Storage Proteins of Poplar Similar results have also been reported for walnut trees, where stored nitrogen accounted for 75 percent of the nitrogen in xylem sap during spring flowering and spur leaf development (Deng et al. 1989). Partitioning of stored nitrogen to new growth also seems independent of soil nitrogen supplies (Millard 1994; Millard and Neilsen 1989; Millard and Proe 1991; Millard and Thomson 1989). Although nitrogen cycling and storage in Populus are not as well studied as apple, some information is available. In an aspen-mixed-hardwood forest, it was estimated that about 40 to 60 percent of foliar nitrogen was resorbed during fall leaf senescence (Pastor and Bockheim 1984). Killingbeck et al. (1990) estimated that in aspen over 50 percent of foliar nitrogen was resorbed and stored in per~nnial tissues during fall, and that the rate of resorption was dependent on leaf senescence since resorption rates were reduced during premature abscission. Total leaf nitrogen content declined nearly 50 percent during fall leaf senescence in P. deltoides and coincided with a reduction in salt-extractable proteins and an increase in free amino acid concentration (Cote and Dawson 1986; Cote et al. 1989). Bark nitrogen levels increased by as much as 97 percent during this period and correlated with increased salt-extractable proteins (Cote and Dawson 1986; Cote et al. 1989). Hollwarth (1976) showed that 95 percent of the nitrogen in the overwintering bark of P. balsamifera was contained in the protein fraction. Bark protein levels declined during spring growth while levels of soluble nitrogen compounds, including amino acids, increased (Hollwarth 1976). Similar patterns of seasonal nitrogen partitioning have been reported for poplar hybrids (P x euramericana cv. 'Eugenei' and P. tristis x P. balsamifera cv. 'Tristis #1') where it was shown that about 75 percent of tree nitrogen is in the foliage during growth, but 80 percent of the nitrogen is retained in the tree after leaf abscission (Pregitzer et al. 1990). Seasonal nitrogen cycling occurs in a wide-range of temperate deciduous species and is an important component of tree nitrogen budgets.· Seasonal nitrogen storage involves fall resorption of leaf nitrogen before abscission providing a mechanism for conserving plant nitrogen. Although nitrogen can be stored in different chemical compounds, the predominate form is protein. Poplar Vegetative Storage Proteins Definition Vegetative storage proteins (VSPs) are a heterogeneous class of proteins, that when accumulated, temporarily store carbon and nitrogen during periods of excess availability, or by resorption of nutrients that might otherwise be lost dur- ing tissue senescence. Stored carbon and nitrogen are available for later use by the plant (see Staswick 1994 for review). O'Kennedy and Titus {1979) proposed that in apple shoot bark a VSP should accumulate to high levels in dormant shoots and decline to low levels or disappear when growth resumes. Seasonal VSPs have been identified in several angiosperm and gymnosperm species (table 1). In poplar, specific VSPs have been identified that, because of their predominance in the bark, are referred to as bark storage proteins (BSP). Accumulation and Localization A major 32-kDa (kilodalton) BSP accumulates in bark phloem parenchyma and xylem ray cells during the fall and disappears during spring regrowth (Sauter et al. 1988; Wetzel et al. 1989a). During BSP accumulation, the large central vacuoles of bark phloem parenchyma and xylem ray cells are replaced by small spherical protein storage vacuoles that range from 0.5 to 0.8 11m in diameter (Sauter et al. 1988; Sauter et al. 1989; Sauter and van Cleve 1990; van Cleve et al. 1988; Wetzel et al. 1989b ). Sauter and van Cleve (1990) demonstrated that morphological changes in these protein storage vacuoles were correlated with changes in BSP content. Immunochemicallocalization has demonstrated that these protein storage vacuoles are the sites for 32-kDa BSP accumulation (Sauter and van Cleve 1990; van Cleve et al. 1988). BSP accumulation is not uniform throughout the tree, is greatest in the bark of 1-year-old shoots and wood, declines basipetally in bark and wood, and then increases in roots (Sauter et al. 1989). Therefore, BSP storage is greatest in tissues adjacent to sites of subsequent spring growth. Storage of nutrients near growing points would reduce the transport distance for these reserves and may improve nutrient reuse efficiency. Biochemical Characterization In addition to the 32-kDa BSP (Coleman et al. 1991; van Cleve et al. 1988; Wetzel et al. 1989a), a 36-kDa (Langheinrich and Tischner 1991; Stepien and Martin 1992) and a 38-kDa protein (Stepien and Martin 1992) were reported to accumulate in poplar bark. All of these different molecular weight BSPs are glycosylated (Langheinrich and Tischner 1991; Stepien and Martin 1992). Stepien and Martin (1992) showed that the neutral sugar content of BSP ranged from 10 to 20 percent; galactose-(1-3)-N-acetylgalactosamine and galactose-(1-4)-N-acetylglucosamine were present, but terminally linked mannose and sialic acid were absent. Results from deglycosylation analysis (Langheinrich and Tischner 1991) and peptide mapping (Stepien and Martin 1992) indicate that these different BSPs represent glycolytic isoforms of the "core" 32-kDa protein. Native BSP appears to be a heterodimer composed of 2 'V4i!JI USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. 125 Section Ill Molecular Biology Table 1. Occurrence of bark storage proteins in trees. ? Tissue Molecular mass (kDa) Reference Robinia pseudoacacis bark bark bark bark wood bark bark wood bark 16,24 24 32 32 32 32 16, 19 19 29,31 Salix x smithiana Sambucus nigra Sophora japonica bark bark bark 32 34.5, 37.5 30-35 Wetzel et al. 1989a Wetzel and Greenwood 1991 Wetzel et al. 1989a Coleman et al. 1991 Sauter et al. 1988 Stepien and Martin 1992 Arora et al. 1992 Arora et al. 1992 Nsimba-Lubaki and Peumans 1986 Wetzel et al. 1989b Greenwood et al. 1986 Hankins et al. 1987 bark wood 25,27, 32 32,34 Wetzel and Greenwood 1989 Harms and Sauter 1991 bark bark wood 15 15 35 Wetzel and Greenwood 1989 Wetzel and Greenwood 1989 Harms and Sauter 1991 Species Angiosperms Acer saccharum Betula papyrifera Populus deltoides Populus x euramericana Prunus persica Gymnosperms Larix decidua Metasequoia glyptostroboides Pinus strobus Pinus sylvestris Tax odium distichum isoforms with an estimated molecular weight of 58 kDa (Langheinrich and Tischner 1991). Immunological and peptide mapping studies indicate that the 32-kDa protein in bark and wood is likely the same protein (Stepien et al. 1992). Although BSPs are known to be glycosylated, it is unknown if they are modified in any other manner. Unlike soybean VSPs, which also have phosphatase activity (DeWald et al. 1992}, it is unknown if poplar BSP has any enzyme activity. Molecular Cloning Complementary DNA (eDNA) clones were isolated and sequenced for the 32-kDa BSP (Clausen and Apel 1991; Coleman et al. 1992). Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequence with the NH 2-terminal amino acid sequence from the purified 32-kDa protein suggests that the 32-kDa BSP is synthesized as a preprotein with NH2-terminal signaling sequences for endoplasmic reticulum transport and vacuolar targeting (Coleman et al. 1992). Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence indicates that the mature processed protein consists of 288 residues with a calculated molecular weight of 31,502 (Coleman et al. 1992). A potential glycosylation site (ASN-XXX-SER) is present in the mature peptide and is probably involved in the generation of glycolytic isoforms (Coleman et al. 1992). Based upon the predicted amino acid sequence, the protein is rich in the essential amino acids Leu, Lys, and Phe (Clausen and Apel 1991; Coleman et al. 1992). 126 Poplar BSP is encoded by a small multigene family (Coleman et al. 1992) consisting of approximately 2 to 3 genes (Coleman unpublished results). The BSP multigene family segregates as a single locus and is likely to be clustered (Davis et al. 1993). In addition, the BSP gene family is linked to a related gene family of wound-inducible cDNAs (WIN4) from poplar leaves (Davis et al. 1993). A number of bsp genomic clones were isolated (Coleman unpublished results) and 1 member, bspa, was sequenced (Coleman and Chen 1993 ). Bspa is contained within a 3.9-kb EcoRV I Afllll fragment that includes a 1,646-bp (base pair) coding region, 1,246 bp upstream of the coding region, and 1,022 bp downstream of the coding region. The open reading frame is interrupted by 4 introns of 152, 262, 175, and 144 nucleotides in length. The transcriptional start site is located 71 nucleotides upstream of the translation start site (Coleman and Chen 1993). A number of potential regulatory sequence motifs are located in the upstream region of bspa including a putative TATA box that is located 25 nucleotides upstream of the transcriptional start site. Approximately 50 bases upstream of the TATA is a potential basic leucine zipper protein binding site (b-zip) that consists of the Gbox core sequence ACGT (Armstrong et al. 1992; Oeda et al. 1991). Further upstream, approximately 300 nucleotides from the G-box core sequence, is a palindromic TGAC motif of 2 identical half-sites forb-zip binding that are identical to the cAMP response element CRE (Katagiri et al. 1989). Between these 2 sites are located several A/T rich USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. Seasonal Vegetative Storage Proteins of Poplar regions that may have a role in bsp transcription, since similar sequences had a role in regulating plant gene transcription (Bustos et al. 1989; Datta and Cashmore 1989). The significance of these sequences in regulating bspa gene expression is unknown, but current research suggests that transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation are important in bspa gene regulation (Coleman unpublished results). BSP Gene Expression Several environmental factors including photoperiod (Coleman et al. 1991; Coleman et al. 1992; Langheinrich and Tischner 1991), nitrogen availability (Baftados 1992; Coleman et al. 1994; van Cleve and Apel1993), temperature (van Cleve and Apel1993), and wounding (Davis et al. 1993; Stepien and Sauter 1994) induce bsp expression. BSP accumulation is also tissue-specific, occurring primarily in stem bark parenchyma and xylem ray cells. However, regulatory factors governing tissue-specific expression remain undefined (Coleman et al. 1994; Davis et al. 1993). Overall, the relationship between the above mentioned environmental factors that induce bsp expression is unknown. The exception is photoperiod and nitrogen availability, which interact during bsp induction and BSP accumulation. Although photoperiod is an important signal for bsp expression, nitrogen availability can interact with photoperiod to modulate gene expression and protein accumulation (Coleman et al. 1994). For example, reduced nitrogen availability delays photoperiod induced increases in steady state levels of bsp messenger RNA (mRNA). However, this delay is transitory since continued short-day exposure leads to similar levels of bsp mRNA in both nitrogen deficient plants and plants with optimal levels of nitrogen (Coleman et al. 1994). Furthermore, although both nitrogen deficient plants and those with optimallevels of nitrogen eventually have similar levels of bsp mRNA under short-day conditions, nitrogen deficient plants have reduced levels of BSP (Coleman et al. 1994). In severely defoliated plants, which have reduced levels of foliar nitrogen available for resorption and mobilization, short-day exposure still results in increased bsp mRNA levels (Coleman unpublished results). These results suggest that nitrogen availability and photoperiod both influence bsp expression, but this may be achieved by different mechanisms. Under short-day conditions, the major influence of nitrogen availability is on protein accumulation, while photoperiod is more closely associated with increases in mRNA levels. This might be explained if short-day photoperiod acts at the level of gene transcription and I or mRNA stability, while nitrogen availability influences some form of translational or post-translational control. Under certain conditions, however, nitrogen availability must also influence other levels of bsp gene regulation be- USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997. cause both bsp mRNA and BSP accumulate to high levels in long-day plants treated with high levels of nitrogen (Coleman et al.1994). Clearly, bsp gene regulation involves complex interactions between photoperiod and nitrogen availability. VSP gene expression in soybean involves an interaction between nitrogen sinks and sources (Staswick 1994). Carbon source-sinks change during short-day induction of dormancy in poplar (Dickson and Nelson 1982). Under long-day conditions, poplars translocate carbon from mature source-leaves to young sink-leaves. During short-day conditions, carbon translocation changes from young sinkleaves to stem and root tissues (Dickson and Nelson 1982). Besides changes in source-sinks, short-day dormancy induction also leads to reduced carbon translocation from mature source-leaves (Dickson and Nelson 1982). Shortday photoperiod significantly alters source-sink relations in poplar, which probably are important in bsp induction. Environmental regulation likely involves alteration of nitrogen source-sink relations associated with bsp expression. One mechanism could involve short-day alteration of nitrogen source-sinks and coincident induction of leaf senescence. Because of altered source-sink relations, available nitrogen from leaf senescence would be mobilized from the leaves to the stems, instead of from leaf to leaf. This increased level of stem nitrogen would then result in bsp induction. Although this mechanism provides a system for regulating bsp expression, it does not account for bsp induction in nitrogen, deficient or severely defoliated plants. An alternative mechanism might involve induction of both bsp expression and leaf senescence by photoperiod. Short-day induction of bsp would provide a sink for nitrogen mobilization from leaves. Sink relations would be altered through reduced leaf sinks, while BSP synthesis and accumulation would increase stem sink strength. This increase in stem sink strength would be accompanied by increased nitrogen availability (nitrogen source) from photoperiod induced leaf senescence. Thus, short-days would induce both bsp expression and leaf senescence, thereby leading to source-sink changes. This might be reflected by the differences that nitrogen availability has on short-day accumulation of bsp mRNA and BSP (Coleman et al. 1994). The molecular mechanisms controlling bsp expression are not well characterized. Results from nuclear run-off transcription assays suggest that transcriptional and posttranscriptional processes contribute to short-day and nitrogen induced bsp expression (Coleman unpublished results). Because BSP is encoded by a small multigene family, it is also possible that different environmental factors (i.e., photoperiod, nitrogen, or wounding) may result in differential gene expression. However, experiments involving 51 nuclease protection assays have failed to detect any evidence for differential gene expression during both shortday photoperiod and nitrogen induced gene expression (Coleman unpublished results). 127 Section Ill Molecular Biology Clonal Variation in BSP Accumulation Pauley and Perry (1954) showed that stem growth cessation in P. deltoides and P. trichocarpa varied by ecotype, and that this variation was inversely correlated with the latitude of origin. Similar to growth cessation, maximum bsp mRNA levels of different ecotypes of P. deltoides vary inversely with the latitude of origin when grown in natural conditions. The latitude of origin accounted for nearly 70 percent of the variation in the date of bsp mRNA accumulation in different ecotypes (Coleman unpublished results) Besides variation in gene induction, the bark protein content (mg/ g fresh weight) of different poplar clones also varies among clones (Coleman et al. 1991; Langheinrich 1993). It seems probable that different poplar clones vary in their ability to resorb and store nitrogen from senescing leaves. The significance of this variation and its influence on resource use are undetermined. If BSP accumulation level is a component of overall nutrient-use efficiency, then its manipulation could be an important component in production. BSP Degradation and Nitrogen Mobilization Since BSP stores reduced nitrogen during overwintering for later use, then the plant must have mechanisms for mobilizing the stored BSP nitrogen. For BSP to be used during spring shoot growth the protein must be degraded to either individual amino acids or small polypeptides, so that the nitrogen can be loaded into the xylem and transported to supply new growth. BSP degradation and nitrogen mobilization are controlled by the sink demand from newly elongating buds and shoots (Coleman et al. 1993). Environmental factors, such as day length and temperature, appear to influence BSP degradation indirectly by influencing new shoot growth and nitrogen sink demand (Coleman et al. 1993). Since BSP degradation and nitrogen mobilization are dependent on new shoot growth, newly growing shoots must somehow communicate with BSP storage sites and initiate protein degradation. The nature of this communication is unknown, but it may involve phytohormones, such as gibberellins (GAs) or cytokinins, since these are correlated with bud break (Domanski and Kozlowski 1968; Powel11987). Nitrogen mobilization from BSP probably involves protein hydrolysis similar to the hydrolysis that occurs during seed storage protein utilization (Miintz et al. 1985; Shutov and Vaintraub 1987). The nature of the proteases involved in BSP degradation are unknown; however, activity by an endoprotease may be involved since 2 polypeptides of about 12 and 14 kDa appear to be the initial hydrolysis products (Baiiados 1992). Furthermore, Sauter and van Cleve (1992) reported that glutamine is the predominant amino acid in the spring xylem sap of poplar, and that it can account for 75 percent of the amino acid sap content. Given this predominance of glutamine, BSP 128 degradation must involve protein degradation to the constituent amino acids that are then used for glutamine synthesis and nitrogen transport. Final Comments The ability of poplars to resorb nitrogen from senescing leaves and store it as protein during overwintering makes them an excellent model to investigate the physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of seasonal nitrogen cycling. The ability to manipulate the growth cycle, the ease .of vegetative propagation, and the ability to be genetically transformed adds to the value of poplars as a model for woody plant molecular physiology. Although advances have been made in understanding the physiology and molecular biology of seasonal nitrogen cycling in poplars, significant questions remain. An interdisciplinary research approach that combines physiology, genetics, and molecular biology is required to increase the understanding of seasonal nitrogen cycling. The generation of transgenic poplars for studying the regulation of gene expression and the role of BSP offers exciting opportunities. Such research will further our understanding of seasonal nitrogen cycling in poplars and advance our knowledge of the molecular physiology of woody plants. Acknowledgments This research was supported in part by the National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program/U.S. Department of Agriculture. 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