Populus: Status and Potential Applications c. Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Growth and Development Alteration in Transgenic Populus:
Status and Potential Applications1
Bjorn Sundberg, Hannele Tuominen, Ove Nilsson, Thomas Moritz,
c. H. Anthony Little, Goran Sandberg, and Olof Olsson
With the development of gene-transfer techniques applicable to forest tree species, genetic engineering is becoming
an alternative to traditional tree breeding. To date, routine
transformation methods for several hardwood species, particularly Populus and Eucalyptus, have been established and
promising advances have occurred in the development ~f
transformation protocols for conifers (Olarest et al. 1996; Ellis
et al. 1996; Jouanin et al. 1993; Walters et al. 1995). Rapid
progress in transformation technology makes it possible to
develop genetic engineering tools that modify economically
tractable parameters related to growth and yield in tree species. Such work will also increase our understanding of genetic and physiological regulation of growth and
development in woody species.
Several hybrid aspen lines with phenotypes modified
by genetic engineering were produced and characterized
in our laboratory. Their existence shows, unequivocally,
that tree growth and development are alterable by genetic
engineering. Some modified phenotypes are described in
this chapter. We also briefly discuss how genetic engineering might be used to generate trees with properties, such
as modified wood structure, which are desirable to the
forest industry.
Klopfenstein, N.B.; Chun, Y. W.; Kim, M.-S.; Ahuja, M.A., eds.
Dillon, M.C.; Carman, R.C.; Eskew, L.G., tech. eds. 1997.
Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology
of Populus. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. Fort Collins, CO:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station. 326 p.
Using Transgenic Populus to
Study Growth and Development
in Woody Species
The best model system for understanding the genetic
and physiological control of tree growth and wood formation is a perennial species containing a vascular cambium, which is the meristem that produces secondary
xylem and phloem. Presently, Populus is the preferred treemodel system because it has several useful fea.tures.
Populus has a small genome, approximately 5 x lOS base
pairs (bp ), which encourages molecular mapping, library
screening, and rescue cloning. Saturated genetic maps are
already constructed for several Populus spp. (Bradshaw et
al. 1994; Cervera et al. 1996). Moreover, Populus can beefficiently transformed and regenerated, and it grows rapidly. Thus, isolated genes inserted into proper vectors can
easily be introduced into Populus, readily producing
transgenic plants.
The major disadvantage of the Populus model system is
that controlled crosses are time consuming and difficult to
perform. Consequently, expression of introduced genes in
the F2 generation remains undetermined. To date, all physiological and phenotypic investigations involving
transgenic Populus have been restricted to the primary
transformant. However, as research on Populus increases,
novel schemes will be developed to induce early flowering by physiological, biochemical, or genetic manipulation.
As discussed below, the potential for genetic manipulation has been shown by the expression of the Arabidopsis
LEAFY (LFY) gene in a hybrid aspen.
We used a hybrid aspen, Populus tremula x P. tremuloides,
as a model system for genetic engineering experiments.
Expression vectors containing the gene(s) and promoter(s)
of interest were introduced by electroporation into the C58
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 (pMP90RK). To
move the transfer DNA (T-DNA) from these vectors to the
Growth and Development Alteration in Transgenic Populus: Status and Potential Applications
Populus genome, sterile, internodal stem segments were
cocultivated with the Agrobacterium for 2 days on solid
Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium (Murashige and
Skoog 1962). Cocultivated explants were transferred to new
media containing plant growth substances to initiate shoot
formation and antibiotics to select for transformants and
eliminate remaining Agrobacterium cells (Nilsson et a!. .
1992). Using this protocol, transformation frequency was
typically about 20 percent, regeneration success was higher
than 95 percent, and rooted plants 7 to 10 em tall were
obtained after about 4 months in sterile culture. Transgenic
plantlets were either placed in pots and cultured in a greenhouse or placed in a controlled environment chamber (figure 1). For the first 7 to 10 days of culture, plants are covered
with a plastic bag for acclimation to decreased humidity.
Gene expression, and therefo re phenotype, is significantly affected by environmental conditions such as light
quality and quantity, nutrient availability, and temperature. To compare phenotypes from different transformation events, plants must be cul tured under controlled and
reproducible environmenta l conditions, especia lly when
performing experiments at different times of the year. For
critical evaluation of transgenic phenotypes, we used controlled environment chambers and potted the p lants in
mineral wool. This potting medium was used for a stable
and defined nutrient supply through daily surplus watering with a n optimal nutrient solution (Ingestad 1970).
These culture conditions induced rapid growth; about 1
leaf primordia was produced every 2 days in wild-ty pe
plants, and a plant 1 m tall was produced after about 6
weeks in the growth chamber.
The Populus model system enables the function of genes
isolated from any organism to be evaluated in a tree species by transgene expression. Alternatively, the corresponding endogenous Populus gene can be cloned and used for
transformation in either sense (overproduction of the gene
product) or antisense (suppression of the gene expression)
Transgenic Populus With Altered
Growth and Development
Transgenic Hybrid Aspen Expressing the
Arabidopsis LEAFY Gene
Knowledge of gene function in a distantly related model system, such as Arabidopsis, can be directly applied to a tree species.
This was recently shown by expression of the Arabidopsis gene
LEAFY (LFY) in hybrid aspen to promote precocious flowering
(Weigel and Nilsson 1995). Arabidopsis plants w ith lossof-function mutations in LFY ha ve shoots where typically
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Figure 1. Regeneration and culture of hybrid aspen plants.
A) Internodal stem segments. B) Shoots regenerated on stem segments. C) Shoot proliferation
on cytokinin-rich medium. D) Initial culture of
potted plants under plastic bags. E) Plants
cultured under controlled environment conditions
in a climate chamber. F) Plants cultured in a
flowers grow (Huala and Sussex 1992; Schultz and Haughn
1991; Weigel eta!. 1992), which shows that LFY is necessary
for normal flower initiation in that species. Furthermore, LFY
is the first gene expressed in the flower primordium, and
LFY transcription is detected in the predicted positions of
the flower primordia before any other signs of primordium
formation are evident (Weigel eta!. 1992).
Section II Transformation and Foreign Gene Expression
Figure 2. Typical phenotypes of hybrid aspen transformants. A) and B) Plants expressing the Arabidopsis LFY gene. Note
flowers formed by the axillary (A) (Weigel and Nilsson 1995) and apical (B) meristems. C) and E) Plants expressing the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA IAA-biosynthesis genes. Note the slower growth, smaller leaves and,
after decapitation, inhibited axillary bud outgrowth in transformants (C-left, E-right) compared with wild-type
plants (C-right, E-left). D) Plants expressing the oat phyA
gene. Note the short internodes. F) and G) Plants expressing the Agrobacterium rhizogenes T-DNA ro/C gene. Note
the bushy phenotype (F) and stem fasciation (G) (Nilsson
et al. 1996b).
These findings suggest tha t LFY is the "main switch"
for the flower formation program, and th at it m igh t be
necessary and su fficient to ind uce flowering. This function of LFY was shown by fusing the LFY coding region
to the strong cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 355 p romoter a nd tran s form ing the 355-LFY constru c t into
Arabidopsis (Weigel and Nilsson 1995). The transgenic 355LFYplants flowered ea rlier than their wild-ty pe counterpa rts because the meris tem in the leaf axil, which norma lly
prod uces a seconda ry shoot, p roduced a sing le flower.
Eventually, the a pical me ristem of the prima ry shoot
fo rmed a termina l flower. However, because Arabidopsis
na tu rally flowers very early, a fter about 3 weeks under
inductive long-d ay conditions, the induced d iffe rence in
flowering time was no t very dra ma tic.
A more stringent test of the flower-ind ucing capability
of LFY and fo r the conserva tion of LFY function between
species was the introd uction of the same 355-LFY construct into a hybrid aspen whose pa rental species take 8
to 20 years to flower under natural conditions (Schreiner
1974}. Re m ar kab ly, the 355 -LFY h ybr id aspen
transformants flowered after only a few months in tissue
culture (Weigel and 1 ilsson 1995) (figure 2A, 28).
Transformants with high LFYexpression prod uced a solita ry flower in the axil of a few leaves before the apical
meristem of the shoot was consu med in the formation of
a n a berra n t te rm ina l fl ower. Transform ants with low
LFY expression cou ld be rooted and s ubseq uently were
trans ferred to the g reenhouse. Some o f these p lan ts also
formed a single fl ower with no rm al appea rance in the
lea f axils, b u t it rem ains unclear whethe r these fl owers
a re fe rtile .
Th us, th e phenotype of hy brid aspen p lan ts that
s tro n g ly express 355- LFY is s imi lar to ana logous
Arabidopsis transforma nts. This shows that the fu nction
of the LEAFY protein is highly conserved between unrelated d icot species and raises the possibi lity th at the
Arn~idopsis LFY can be used to ind uce early flowering in
a w1de ra nge of tree species. This range o f tree speci'es
may include conifers as Douglas-fir con tains a gene tha t
shows high homology with Arnbidopsis LFY (S. Strauss,
personal communication).
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Growth and Development Alteration in Transgenic Populus: Status and Potential Applications
Transgenic Hybrid Aspen Expressing phyA
an6 phyB Genes From Oat and Arabidopsis
In temperate-zone forest tree species, adaptation to a
climate is based primarily on the proper timing of growth
and dormancy during the year. Photoperiod and its interaction with temperature are the main environmental factors that control the periodicity of growth and frost
hardiness (Heide 1974; Junttila 1989). Phytochrome is generally believed to be the pigment system responsible for
the perception of light (i.e., dawn and dusk) in the photoperiodic regulation of plant growth and development
(Sharrock 1992). However, the molecular mechanism of
phytochrome action and the components of its signaling
pathway are largely unknown. Most studies have focused
on 2 of the 5 identified types of phytochrome genes in
plants, phytochrome A (phyA) and phytochrome B (phyB).
In collaboration with Drs. Junttila, Nilsen, and Olsen at
the University of Troms0, Norway, the phyA and phyB genes
from oat and Arabidopsis, respectively, were expressed in
our hybrid aspen under the control of the CaMV 355 promoter. The most striking morphological alterations were
shorter internodes in phyA transformants (figure 2D). Out
of 22 phyA-expressing lines, as verified by RNA blot analysis, 6 lines with varying degree of phenotypic alteration
were selected and characterized with respect to growth
pattern and photoperiodic control of growth cessation.
Preliminary data showed that lines with weak expression
of phyA had internodes with normal elongation and that
increased phyA expression was associated with reduced
internode length. Morover, the lines with highest phyA
expression lost their photoperiodic control almost completely. The normal, critical day length for wild-type plants
is 15 h, but even exposure to a photoperiod of only 8 h did
not induce bud set in these lines.
Transgenic Hybrid Aspen Expressing the
Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA IAABiosynthesis Genes
Plant hormones are important molecular regulators of
growth and development. They are major signal:rs in environmentally induced growth responses and are mvo~v~d
in integrating patterns of growth and ~evel?pment ~Ithm
the plant. The hormone indole-3-acehc aod (IAA) IS t_he
most abundant endogenous auxin, and it plays a maJOr
role in the control of basic developmental processes such
as cell division, expansion, and differentiation. IAA influences many aspects of plant anatomy and morp~ology;
for example, leaf enlargement, inter~ode elo~gation, abscission, shoot and root induction, apical domma~ce, a~d
tropisms (Davies 1995). IAA also maintai~s the.I~tegnty
of the vascular cambium, promotes cambial activity, and
affects xylem cell type and anatomical structure (Little and
Pharis 1995).
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
To investigate the effect of IAA on wood formation using
the transgenic approach, we transformed a hybrid aspen with
the 1M-biosynthesis genes iaaM and iaaH, originating from
the soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA (Guadin
et al. 1994). Resulting transformants showed that both tree
phenotype and wood properties can be altered using genetic
engineering to modify the hormone balance (Tuominen et
al. 1995). The most severe phenotypic change was in a line
expressing the iaaM and iaaH genes under control of the
mannopine synthase (MAS) 1' and 2' promoters, respectively
(figure 2C, 2E). This line exhibited reduced stem growth,
radially and longitudinally, had an altered leaf and root morphology, and maintained apical dominance over axillary
buds after removal of the apical shoot. Wood formed in
transgenic poplars expressing the fAA-biosynthesis genes
was characterized in considerable detail. Not surprisingly,
the xylem in these plants was altered with respect to composition, pattern, and size of the rays, fibers, and vessels
(figure 3).
Hybrid aspen transformants expressing the fAA-biosynthesis genes were also characterized for free and conjugated IAA. Elevated concentrations of free and
conjugated IAA were found in the basal leaves and root
tips but not in the apical part of the shoot. Apparently
these promoters increased the level of gene expression basipetally (Langridge et al. 1989). However, an elevated IAA
concentration was not observed in the extraxylary tissues
of the stem base, although RNA blot analysis showed that
the iaaM and iaaH genes were both expressed in these tissues (unpublished data). This observation highlights the
problem of separating the primary and secondary effects
of ectopic gene expression on metabolic events and phenotypic expression. In this example, the ectopic expression of the IAA-biosynthesis genes resulted in a general
growth inhibition. This growth reduction likely decreased
the supply of endogenous IAA, which is produced predominantly in apical shoots and transported basipetally
down the stem (Rinne et al. 1993; Sundberg and Little
1987). This is supported by more detailed IAA measurements in specific extraxylary tissues (see Uggla et al. 1996)
that showed that transgenic plants had a lower concentration of IAA in the cambial cell division zone, which is
the major pathway of pol~u transport (unpubli~hed data_).
However, expression of the introduced IAA-biOsynthesis
genes seemed to increase IAA concentration in cambial
derivatives, which resulted in an unchanged total concentration of IAA in the extraxylary tissues. Another
possibility is that the transform~nts com~ens.ated for
the induced increase in IAA biosynthesis either by
down-regulating endogenous IAA biosynthesis thro~gh
feedback inhibition or by enhancing IAA degradation.
The important observation concerning the transformants described are that tree phenotype, and wood
properties in particular, can be altered using the
transgenic approach.
Section II Transformation and Foreign Gene Expression
for shoot and leaf expansion (Davies 1995). A marked reduction in the ratio of IAA to the cytokinin zeatin riboside
([9R]Z) was found in the transformants, which resulted
from a small decrease in free lAA and a large increase in
the cytokinin. Moreover, GA 1 was decreased . Because the
bi ochemical activity of the rotC protein is unknown
(Costantino et al. 1994), any observed changes in hormone
levels as a primary effect of its presence is only speculation. Nevertheless, the large alterations in the auxin / cytokinin ratio and the GA 1 level, together or separa tely, could
explain several observed changes in phenotype.
Figure 3. Transverse section of the xylem in hybrid aspen
wild-type plants (left) and transformants expressing the Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA IAAbiosynthesis genes (right). Note the distortion of
radial files, the occurrence of intermediate-sized
xylem elements, and the larger fibers and ray
cells in transformants. V=vessel; F=fiber; R=ray.
Transgenic Hybrid Aspen Expressing the
Agrobacterium rhizogenes T-DNA ro/C Gene
The most compelling example of an altered phenotype
in a hyb rid aspen due to the expression of a single-gene
insert resulted from transformation with the Agrobncterir1111
rhizogenes rotC gene, which was fused to the CaMY 355
promoter (Nilsson et al. 1996b) (figure 2F, 2G). The rotC
gene is responsible for hairy root disease, which is caused
by the plant pathogen Agrobacterium rhizogenes (Zambryski
et al. 1989). Compa red with wild-type hyb rid aspen plants,
rotC-expressing plants elongated slower, produced more
leaves, generated dwarfed leaves, and displayed an altered
phyllotaxis. In addition, the apex branched at irregula r
interva ls to prod uce multiple leading shoots, which resu lted in a bushy phenotype. Following a period of environmentally induced dormancy, outgrowth of axillary buds
in the second growing season always produced short
shoots in the rotC trans formants, whereas wild-type p lants
formed long shoots. Another conspicuous feature of the
rotC-ex pressing hybrid aspen plants was the formation of
fasciated stems, which occurs when the apical meristem
loses its radial symmetry and expands in 1 plane to form a
ridge-like meristem (Gorter 1965). The flat stem produced
by such meristems occasionally grew in a spiral (figure
2G). Overall, expression of the 355-rotC construct in a hybrid aspen resulted in a phenotype with drastically altered
Endogenous levels of IAA, gibberellins (GAs), and cytokinins were meas ured in fasciated and nonfasciated
shoots of rotC-expressing hybrid aspen plants. Like IAA,
GAs and cytokinins are plant hormones involved in controlling cell division and elongation, which are important
Improvement of Trees by Gene
Examples presented show that growth and development
in woody species can be altered by genetic engineering.
This has considerable potential for accelerating tree improvement and offers the possibility of directly altering
specific parts of the genome either by manipulating the
expression pattern of endog~nous genes or by inserting
genes from othe r organisms. Several levels of control can
be genetically modified to obtain phenotypic alterations.
These include the: 1) perception of external stimuli, as in
the phyA transformants; 2) internal balance of signal substances, as in the plants expressing the IAA-biosynthesis
genes; and 3) expression of specific cellular proteins d etermining developmental fa tes, as in the LFY transforma nts. The gene pool available for tree improvement
by genetic engineering is not limited to the species of interest because traits outside the genetic range of the species can be incorporated. The potential of this approach to
alter plan t development is best exemplified by the severely
alte red phenoty pe of the rotC-expressing hybrid aspen
Potential Applications
LEAFY and Early Flowering
If the resulting flowers are fertile, ectopic expression of
the Arnbidopsis gene LFY in a tree species, which reduces
the flowering time from 8 to 20 yea rs to a few months, will
ha ve a major impact on tree breeding programs. Reducing flowering time would encourage construction of homozygous inbred transgenic lines and characterization of
molecular markers over several generations and wou ld
acce lerate existing tree-improvement programs. Traditional breeding techniques have increased the yield of
many agricultura l crop species that have a short generation time. One example is the development of cereals from
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Growth and Development Alteration in Transgenic Populus: Status and Potential Applications
their original long, slender, low-yielding grass species to
today's ·short, sturdy varieties with a dramatically increased seed production. However, such breeding programs have operated for thousands of plant generations,
whereas programs involving tree species are much less
developed due to their long time to flowering.
Recently, techniques for the construction of saturated
genetic maps were improved tremendously. These techniques also detect small structural differences between
DNA of individuals. This technology is used to link socalled "quantitative trait loci" (QTLs) with specific DNA
markers (e.g., Bradshaw and Stettler 1995; Grattapaglia et
al. 1995; Groover et al. 1994). Once a QTL has been tagged,
growing full-sibling progeny to maturity to select a particular trait is unnecessary. Instead, the trait of interest can
be sought at the seedling stage based on its association
with a molecular marker. Using this approach, the limiting factor for the breeding program will again be time to
flowering. Coupling early screening for QTLs with the
application of LFY to shorten the generation time would
accelerate traditional tree-improvement programs. Incorporating an inducible promoter system would be an additional refinement because flowering could be induced
when wanted; for example, by applying a harmless chemical (e.g., Wilde et al. 1992).
Plant Hormones and Tree Growth
The morphological and anatomical changes in hybrid
aspen plants expressing either the IAA-biosynthesis genes
or the roiC gene were associated with an altered hormone
balance. This is not surprising as hormones are involved
in the regulation of many aspects of plant growth and development. Using genetic engineering to modify the endogenous hormone balance has obvious potential for obtaining a desired phenotype. However, the dramatic
alteration of growth and development observed in our
hybrid aspen transformants emphasizes the need to express factors involved in developmental control in the appropriate cells at the proper time. Depending on the target cell competence, this is particularly true with plant
hormones that have distinct functions in different tissues.
Controlling modification with such factors requires promoters capable of targeting gene expression both spatially
and temporally. Incorporation of an inducible promoter
system would be most beneficial. The molecular tools for
manipulating hormone homeostasis in specific tissues of
intact plants are available because the levels of IAA, cytokinin, ethylene, and GA have been altered by genetic engineering (e.g., Hedden et al. 1995; Klee and Romano 1994).
Moreover, the number of tissue-specific promoters available for experimentation is increasing rapidly. Exploiting
these tools is valuable to evaluate the role of hormones in
wood formation and for future gene engineering of tree
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Modification of Wood Properties
An obvious target for tree breeding is to improve the
chemical and physical properties of wood itself (Whetten
and Sederoff 1991). To date, efforts toward genetic engineering of wood have focused on the lignification process; van Doorsselaere et al. {1995) showed that lignin composition in Populus can be modified. However, our
discussion is restricted to wood structure, which is a primary determinant of wood density and the most important factor for yield and quality of fibrous and solid wood
products (Zobel and Jett 1995). The role of plant hormones
in regulating wood formation was investigated for many
years. Auxin, cytokinins, ethylene, and GAs are all involved to varying extents in regulating xylem cell production and structure and in determining the proportion
of each xylem cell type formed in time and space (Aloni
1991; Little and Pharis 1995). IAA, whose transport is basipetally polar from crown to root in the cambial region, is
key to this regulation because it maintains the structure of
the vascular cambium and induces cambial cell mitotic activity and xylem cell development (Little and Pharis 1995).
Therefore, it seems likely that IAA is involved in controlling
the integration of crown structure and stem form and in serving as a link between external stimuli such as photoperiod,
gravity, and wood formation: Underlying mechanisms, by
which auxin or any other plant hormone acts in regulating
wood formation, remain to be determined; however, wood
structure was altered in hybrid aspen plants expressing the
IAA-biosynthesis genes. Although the potential for genetically engineering wood structure is evident, other possible
tools besides plant hormones are available for modifying
wood density. These prospects are briefly discussed.
Wood density is determined by a complex of factors related to the: 1) structure of individual xylem cells (i.e., their
secondary wall thickness and radial diameter); 2) proportion and distribution of the various types of xylem cells
(i.e., fibers, vessels, and parenchyma in hardwoods, and
tracheids and parenchyma in conifers); and 3) proportion
and distribution of different types of wood (e.g., reactionwood, earlywood, and latewood). Xylem cell structure is
determined as cambial derivatives differentiate. During
differentiation, each derivative passes through several
successive developmental phases, including primary wall
expansion, secondary wall formation, and programmed
death for the supportive fibers and the water-conducting
vessels and tracheids (Larson 1994) (figure 4). Xylem cell
size and wall thickness reflect the rate and duration of the
expansion and secondary wall deposition phases (Dodd
and Fox 1990; Wodzicki 1971 ). These phases probably are
independently regulated, because wide- and narrow-lumen tracheids with thick and thin walls have been induced
experimentally (Larson 1969). This variability supports the
idea that xylem cell structure can be manipulated in specific ways by genetic engineering.
Section II Transformation and Foreign Gene Expression
Figure 4. Transverse section of the cambial region in a
curre nt-year s hoot of wild-type hybrid aspen plants
showing xylem cells in different developmental
phases. CZ=meristematic cambial cell zone;
REX=radially enlarging xylem cells undergoing
primary-wall expansion; MX=maturing xylem
cells undergoing secondary-wall formation.
Na tural variabi lity of traits related to wood density is
high . Many wood properties have high heritability (Zobel
and Jett 1995), but w ood formation is also ve ry plas tic,
which s uggests the importance of physiological factors in
controlling wood density (figure 5). The p lasticity of wood
formation s hows that environmental cues, such as photoperiod, temperature, gravity, mineral avai labi lity, and
water status, affect wood structure and sometimes result
in different wood types s uch as latewood or reaction wood
Figure 5. Transverse section of a current-year shoot of wildtype hybrid aspen plants in which the IAA balance
was disturbed by applying the auxin-transport
inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. Note the
marked change in the type of wood formed after
the treatment began (arrows), which exemplifies
the plasticity of wood formation and highlights the
major role of IAA in controlling wood properties.
(Creber and Chaloner 1990; Denne and Dodd 1981; Timell
1986). Moreover, wood structure va ries spatially in the
stem; for example, wood with juvenile characteristics is
formed within the crown while more la tewood to earlywood is produced at the base of the stem rather than at the
top of the tree. Relative amounts of juvenilewood and latewood significantly influence wood density (Zobel and
Buijtenen 1989). Variability of naturally formed wood provides add itional evidence that wood formation processes
are amenable to manipulation by genetic engineering. In
fact, all processes that are directly or indirectly under genetic control can in theory be manipulated by this approach. Obvious targe ts are factors associated w ith
controlling xylem cell p roduction (see Savidge 1985).
Development of New Tools for the
Genetic Engineering of Wood
Currently, the main factor limiting genetic engineering
for wood improvement is ins ufficient know ledge about
the regulation of wood formation. Be tter understanding is
required of the mechanisms that operate at the molecular
and cell ular levels, and of the mechanisms that integrate
environmental cues resp ons ible for the seasonal and spatial changes in wood production at the w hole-plant level.
Further, characterization of key interna l factors, which
serve as lin ks between external stimuli and wood formation and control the cascad e of cellular events that determine the properties of individ ua l xylem cells, is essential.
Many aspects of xylem cell formation a re best studied
using simple experimental systems that arc easily cultiva ted and manipulated s uch as cell or tissue cultures of
herbaceous model species (Fukada et a!. 1994). For example, cultured Zinnia mesophyll cells were useful for investigating gene expression a nd molecular function of key
factors involved in trachcary e lement differentiation (e.g.,
Fukada 1994; Stacey eta !. 1995). Several genes ind uced
during the differentiation process were characterized, and
the ir spatia l expression pattern was visualized in intact
Zinnia seed lings by in situ loca liza tion (Demura and
Fukada 1994; Ye and Varner 1994). In another approach to
isolate genes involved in xylem cell differentia tion, chemical mutagenesis was used at the John Innes Ins titute (Norwich, England) to characterize severa l Arnbidopsis mutants
with aberran t xy le m development (M. Bevan a nd K.
Mctzlaff, personal communication). Molecular cloning of
genes corresponding to known mutations in Arnbidopsis is
promoted by dense genetic and physical maps that cover
known markers. Because Arnbidopsis has become the most
important model system for s tudying basic plant biology,
it will be the major source of genes coding for conserved
factors involved in p lant growth and d evelopment regulation (Gibson and Sommerville 1993). As previously discu ssed, the usefulness o f this source for the genetic
eng ineering of wood y species was recently s hown with
USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-297. 1997.
Growth and Development Alteration in Transgenic Populus: Status and Potential Applications
the Arabidopsis LFY gene that induced early flowering in
our hybrid aspen model system. Knowledge about xylem
cell formation in herbaceous model systems should also
be applicable in woody species.
Although experimental systems that are easily manipulated are attractive, using tree species to identify biochemical events and specific genes related to xylem cell
development also has advantages. For example, due to the
size of trees, specific cambial region tissues and cell types
can be identified and isolated by microdissecting techniques (Hampp et al. 1990). This approach enables monitoring of the cellular status of enzymes, nutrients, and
hormones with sensitive microanalytical techniques at
varying stages of the differentiation of cambial derivatives
(Catesson et al. 1994; Uggla et al. 1996). Similarly, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques can be used
to isolate genes that are uniquely expressed in time and
space within the cambial region (Hertzberg and Olsson
1995). In addition, using tree species allows for the characterization of cambial derivatives differentiating into different wood types. For example, the transition from
earlywood to latewood and from norrnalwood to
reactionwood can be induced experimentally by photoperiod and tilting, respectively. Thus, changes in cellular
events and gene expression related to these wood types
can be characterized. Furthermore, using Populus as a
model system will enable isolation of genes and characterizatioh of their function in transgenic plants.
A combination of biochemical, molecular, and genetic
approaches will be required to <:>btain the tools for improving wood properties by genetic engineering. Unraveling
metabolic pathways, characterizing their enzymes, and
cloning the corresponding genes will provide the· means
for manipulating known end products. Using this approach, lignin biosynthesis, carbon metabolism, and hormone balance was manipulated (Klee and Romano 1994;
Stitt 1995; Whetten and Sederoff 1995). However, genes
determining developmental fates, such as LFY, will not be
isolated by this approach. For this purpose, screening for
mutants with aberrant development is attractive. Additional advantages of the mutant approach include: 1) the
effect of gene inactivation can be determined at both the
whole-plant and cellular levels; and 2) very weakly expressed genes can be detected. Isolation of differentially
expressed genes during defined phases of xylem cell formation, as with the Zinnia system, or during the production of specific wood types may result in unexpected and
exciting discoveries that may lead to the characterization
of novel cell- or tissue-specific promoters.
Undoubtedly, an increasing number of genes, enzymes,
and other factors involved in xylem cell formation will be
characterized in herbaceous and woody model systems.
In addition, control of the activities of these factors will be
better understood (Catesson 1994; Northcote 1995; Savidge
1995). This knowledge will give us tools to unravel the
control of wood density and, ultimately, to use genetic
engineering for wood improvement. Although the stern's
main functions of storage, transport, and support must be
maintained, the variability of wood structure found in
nature shows that considerable modification of the wood
formation process is possible.
The authors thank Drs. Lars-Goran Sundblad and Sharon
Regan for their critical comments on the manuscript.
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