Iran Principals Committee The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game You Are the NSC Principals Committee Members: Members: ••Secretary Secretary of of State. State. ••Secretary Secretary of of the the Treasury. Treasury. ••Secretary Secretary of of Defense. Defense. ••Chief Chief of of Staff Staff to to the the President. President. ••Assistant Assistant to to the the President President for for National National Security Security Affairs. Affairs. Others: Others: •• Director Director of of Central Central Intelligence. Intelligence. •• Chairman Chairman of of the the Joint Joint Chiefs Chiefs of of Staff. Staff. •• Attorney Attorney General. General. •• Director Director of of OMB. OMB. •• Secretary Secretary of of Commerce. Commerce. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Others Others (cont): (cont): •• US US United United States States Trade Trade Representative. Representative. •• Assistant Assistant to to the the President President for for Economic Economic Policy. Policy. •• Secretary Secretary of of Agriculture. Agriculture. •• Others Others as as appropriate. appropriate. 2 Agenda • Opening Remarks (NSC - 5 minutes) • Threat Assessment (DCI- 45 minutes) • Planning Military Options (OSD, Commander CENTCOM - 60 minutes) • • Strategic Communications Plan (NSC- 20 minutes) Summary (NSC - 5 minutes) The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 3 Agenda • • • • • Opening Remarks Threat Assessment Planning Military Options Strategic Communications Plan Summary The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 4 Iran’s Nuclear Program • Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty. • Insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. – Says that it will free up oil and natural gas for export, generating hard currency. – Objective is 10% of capacity by 2020. • Russia and Iran signed a protocol for peaceful cooperation in nuclear power, December 2002. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 5 Iran’s Nuclear Program: Last 18 Months Sep Sep 2003 2003 IAEA IAEA gave gave 31 31 October October deadline deadline to to Iran: Iran: guarantees and guarantees and snap snap 30 30 Oct Oct inspections inspections IAEA IAEA head head said said Iran’s Iran’s report report was was comprehensive comprehensive but but sill sill questions questions Nov Nov 2004 2004 IAEA Still IAEA Still Not Not Ready Ready to to Report Report 13 13 Sep Sep IAEA IAEA Board Board of of Governors; Governors; US US unable unable to to generate support generate support declare declare Iran Iran in in nonnoncompliance compliance to to take take the the issue issue to to UNSC UNSC 18 18 Dec Dec 66 Oct Oct Iran Iran signed signed Iran’s Iran’s IAEA IAEA Iran Iran changed; changed; protocol protocol allowing allowing representative representative inspection inspection to to “comprehensive” “comprehensive” threatened to threatened to continue continue access access to to sites sites -withdraw withdraw from from the the not 14 not ratified ratified yet yet 14 Nov Nov NNPT NNPT Mar Mar 2004 2004 Iran’s Iran’s Foreign Foreign Announced Announced itit was was Minister Minister said said they they barring barring inspectors inspectors were were committed committed to to from entering from entering the the “complete “complete country. country. transparency” transparency” The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 6 The Intelligence Dilemma • Iran is probably three three years from a weapon. –– –– Unless Unless someone someone has has given given help help we we don’t don’t know. know. Unless Unless they they have have been been able able to to make make purchases purchases we we don’t don’t know. know. • There is the nuclear program we see, and there are the nuclear programs we don’t see. –– –– Possibly Possibly more more than than one one weapons weapons program. program. Work Work is is deep deep underground underground and and may may be be inside inside cities. cities. • The intelligence dilemma is that we will most likely not know when they have crossed our red lines. Deliverable Weapon 2005 2008 Enough Enough Weapons Weapons Grade Material Grade Material The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 7 The Targeting Dilemma •• Dispersed Dispersed nuclear nuclear weapons weapons will will be be very very difficult difficult to to locate locate even even with with advances advances in in intelligence, intelligence, surveillance surveillance and and reconnaissance. reconnaissance. –– The The more more weapons weapons Iran Iran has has the the more more the the problem problem is is compounded. compounded. •• Waiting Waiting makes makes the the military military problem problem that that much much more more difficult. difficult. Targeting Targeting Difficulty Difficulty Deliverable Weapon 2005 2008 Enough Enough Weapons Weapons Grade Material Grade Material The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 8 Russian Russian S-400 S-400 Air Air Defense Defense System System 400 400 KM KM Range Range More Difficult The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 9 Iran’s Nuclear Program Feb 2003 • Iran announced mining uranium deposits at Saghand • Also that it was constructing enrichment facility at Natanz 100 100 Miles Miles South South of of Tehran Tehran The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 10 Arak 150 150 Miles Miles South South of of Tehran Tehran The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 11 Bushehr Nuclear Reactor The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 12 Bushehr Nuclear Reactor • 10 August - Russian announcement that more than 90% of the project has been completed. • Procurement has been completed. • Remaining work includes assembly of equipment, systems integration and preparing for operations. …probably …probably won’t won’t be be operating operating until until 2006 2006 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 13 Parchin The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 14 Shahab-3 Photo: Photo: 22 22 September September 2003 2003 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 15 Shahab-3 Most likely capable of delivering chemical weapons… Earlier Earlier Picture; Picture; Slightly Slightly Different Different Launcher Launcher The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 16 ~1500 ~1500 Km Km ~(850 ~(850 miles) miles) Tehran Baghdad Shahab-3 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 17 Chemical and Biological Weapons • Chemical weapons programs. – – – Iran has ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. Production capacity is ~1000 tons per year. Inventory includes blister, blood and choking agents. • Biological weapons programs – – – Iran has ratified the Biological Weapons convention. Most efforts are advanced research and development. Probably has a small BW arsenal. Facility Facility at at Esfahan Esfahan The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 18 Iran’s Involvement in Iraq • They want stability but their primary weapons is instability. • Iran has a network of tactical connections – Iraqi universities given equipment by Iran. – Assistance on humanitarian projects. – Iranian-made weapons have been found in Najaf. • Quds (Qods), special forces component of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are in Iraq. – Officer shot in Baghdad in April The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 19 1981 1981 Osirik Osirik Attack Attack F-15 F-15 Cap Cap Israeli Profile 100 100 feet feet // 390 390 KTAS KTAS Lo-Hi-Lo Lo-Hi-Lo Profile Profile F-15 F-15 Cap Cap F-16’s F-16’s The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game F-15 F-15 Cap Cap 20 Iran Israeli Air Attack Options Tehran Baghdad • • • The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Turkey Iraq Saudi Arabia (‘81 route) 21 Nuclear Related Facilities Tehran Tehran The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 22 Judgments • The regime in Iran is confident and strong. It is unlikely that any internal process will lead to regime change. • Iran is deeply and broadly involved in Iraq. • Nuclear Program: •• Iran’s Iran’s nuclear nuclear program program is is probably probably one one of of the the leadership’s leadership’s most most important important priorities. priorities. •• The The Intelligence Intelligence Community Community consensus consensus assessment assessment is is that that Iran Iran could could have have aa nuclear nuclear weapon weapon in in three three years. years. •• Iran Iran already already has has aa nuclear nuclear weapon weapon delivery delivery capability. capability. • The US is probably a major target of Israeli threats of preemption. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 23 Agenda • Opening Remarks • Threat Assessment • Planning Military Options (OSD, Commander CENTCOM - 90 minutes) • • Strategic Communications Plan (NSC) Summary (NSC) The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 24 CENTCOM Planning Objectives Provide the President with a set of military options to deal with Iran. 1. To punish Iran for its involvement in Iraq and support of terrorism. (Ready to Execute) 2. To set back its nuclear program significantly. (Ready to Execute in 90 Days) 3. To change the regime in Tehran. (Ready to Execute in 6 Months) The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 25 To punish Iran for its involvement in Iraq and support of terrorism. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Pasdaran) 1st 1st IRGC IRGC Armored Armored Division Division Tehran Tehran 1st 1st IRGC IRGC Infantry Infantry Division Division Esfahan Esfahan 1st 1st IRGC IRGC Engineering Engineering Division Division Drezfel Drezfel 2ns 2ns IRGC IRGC Armored Armored Division Division Low Risk Stealth (Global Power) and Cruise Missile Attacks One Night Operation The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Khorramabad Khorramabad 12nd 12nd IRGC IRGC Infantry Infantry Division Division 26 To set back its nuclear program significantly. Low Risk Stealth (Global Power) Cruise Missile Attacks Land and Sea Based Aircraft Special Operations ~5 Day Operation The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 27 Preemption Target List: Working Concept of Operations 9 125 targets associated with nuclear and chemical and biological storage/production facilities 9 10 nuclear R&D site targets 9 Missile delivery systems 9 Command and control 9 ~300 aim points 9 ~20 requiring penetrating weapons The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 28 To change the regime in Tehran. Moderate Risk • Operational fires that would include the traditional air operation. • Unconventional warfare using Special Operations Forces. • Operational maneuver using ground forces. • Influence operations. • Support of opposition groups inside Iran. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 29 Lines of Operations Special Special Operations Operations Airmobile/Airborne Airmobile/Airborne Special Special Operations Operations Tehran Air Air /Cruise /Cruise Missile Missile Main Main Effort Effort Influence Influence Operations Operations Deception Deception The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 30 Concept Evolution (D-Day)A (D-Day)A Deployment Deployment and and Buildup Buildup Old Old Concept Concept (Generated (Generated Start) Start) 1st 1st OIF OIF Concept Concept (Running (Running Start) Start) 2nd 2nd OIF OIF Concept Concept (Hybrid) (Hybrid) Iran Iran (Strategic (Strategic Surprise) Surprise) Air Air Operations Operations 90 90 Days Days 45 45 Days Days Deployment Deployment and and Buildup Buildup Air Air Operations Operations 45 45 Days Days 90 90 Days Days Deployment Deployment and and Air Air Operations Operations Buildup Buildup 30 30 Days Days The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Ground Ground Attack Attack 14 14 Days Days Deployment Deployment and and Buildup Buildup 20 20 Days Days G G Ground Ground Attack Attack Stability Stability Operations Operations 90 90 Days Days Ground Ground Attack Attack Stability Stability Operations Operations 90 90 Days Days Stability Stability Operations Operations 90 90 Days Days Air Air Operations Operations Ground Ground Attack Attack Stability Stability Operations Operations 30 30 Days Days Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 31 Regime Change Operation ~30 Days ~~ Brigade Brigade Special Special Operations Operations ~~ 33 Divisions Divisions 22 Heavy Heavy 33 to 4 Separate to 4 Separate Brigades Brigades Special Special Operations Operations Special Special Operations Operations From From Afghanistan Afghanistan The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 32 Most Desirable Deployments Ports Sea Sea Ports Ports of of Debarkation Debarkation ••THAAD THAAD Aerial Aerial Port Port of of Debarkation Debarkation ••THAAD THAAD Aerial Aerial Port Port of of Debarkation Debarkation ••THAAD THAAD Aerial Aerial Port Port of of Debarkation Debarkation Sea/Aerial Sea/Aerial Port Port of of Debarkation Debarkation Sea/Aerial Sea/Aerial Port Port of of Debarkation Debarkation The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 33 Theater High Altitude Area Defense Can defend a large number of assets, destroying missiles in the midcourse phase. THAAD The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 34 Heavier Option Tehran Tehran Baghdad Baghdad Southern Southern Axis Axis Added Added MEF The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 35 Georgia Georgia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Turkey Turkey Syria Syria Iran Iran Air Air Bridge Bridge Main Supply Route Rail line Saudi Saudi Arabia Arabia Oman Oman Air Bases The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options Supply Lines 36 Battle for Tehran ~D+15 Inside Out ~G+14 Special Special Operations Operations CIA CIA Action Action Teams Teams The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 37 Dealing with the WMD •• Plan Plan WMD WMD Exploitation, Exploitation, Disposition, Disposition, and Monitoring and Redirection and Monitoring and Redirection activities. activities. •• Position Position WMD WMD elimination elimination forces forces and and capabilities. capabilities. •• Locate Locate and and identify identify WMD. WMD. •• Secure Secure located located or or suspected suspected WMD WMD sites. sites. •• Conduct Conduct WMD WMD exploitation. exploitation. •• Establish/maintain Establish/maintain sensors sensors around around sites. sites. •• Conduct Conduct decontamination. decontamination. •• Conduct Conduct evacuation evacuation of of downwind downwind areas. areas. Compress Compress •• Inventory/categorize Inventory/categorize contents contents of of sites; document scope of program. sites; document scope of program. •• Collect/analyze Collect/analyze forensics forensics evidence. evidence. •• Destroy, Destroy, dismantle, dismantle, render render safe, safe, remove, transfer, or verifiably remove, transfer, or verifiably dispose dispose of of WMD. WMD. •• Prevent/reduce Prevent/reduce the the chance chance for for misuse misuse of of sensitive sensitive materiel. materiel. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 38 Ideal Conditions for “Strategic Surprise” • Pre-positioning And Infrastructure Projects • Unit Rotation In Iraq •• Appearance Appearance of of Popular Popular Uprising Uprising In In Iran Iran Iran Iran (Strategic (Strategic Surprise) Surprise) Deployment Deployment and and Buildup Buildup 20 20 Days Days The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Air Air Operations Operations Ground Ground Attack Attack 30 30 Days Days Conceptual Conceptual Options Options 39 The Problem: Azerbaijan Airlift Entry Points Dollyar Dollyar 11 C-17 C-17 or or 22 C-130s C-130s Gyandzha Gyandzha 22 C-17s C-17s or or 44 C-130s C-130s Yevlakh Yevlakh 22 C-130s C-130s Sumgait Sumgait 22 C-17s C-17s or or 44 C-130s C-130s 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 Kyurdamir Kyurdamir 22 C-17s C-17s or or 44 C-130s C-130s 4 Nakhichevan Nakhichevan 11 C-17 C-17 or or 22 C-130s C-130s The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Kara Kara Chala Chala 22 C-17s C-17s or or 44 C-130s C-130s 4 Baku-Bina Baku-Bina 33 C-17s C-17s or or 22 C-5s C-5s or or 66 C-130s C-130s Baku-Kala Baku-Kala 22 C-17s C-17s or or 44 C-130s C-130s Lankaran Lankaran 22 C-130s C-130s 40 Managing Strategic Risks The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 41 MMi inne ess M Miin nees s Potential: Restriction of the Strait The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game less sile issi Mis An ip M Ship ti-Sh Anti- less sile issi Mis An ip M Ship ti-Sh Anti- 42 Oil Prices • Some energy economists estimate a “fear premium” of $10 to $15 per barrel. 45-46 45-46 • If we can reduce the fear component, we can have a greater impact on oil prices than a few million additional barrels per day from OPEC. But But this this is is aa problem problem for for others others in in the the USG… USG… The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 43 RUSSIA RUSSIA Longer Range Objectives in Azerbaijan and Georgia Novorossisk Black Sea Supsa Caspian Sea GEORGIA GEORGIA AZERBAIJAN AZERBAIJAN Baku TURKEY TURKEY IRAN IRAN Pipeline Pipeline Size Size Ceyhan The Game The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game 44 Managing Strategic Risks • The region is like a mobile. Once an element is set in motion, it is impossible to say where the whole thing will come to rest. • An attack on Iran could destabilize governments in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. • Success will have more supporters than failure. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 45 Decision: Iran Preemption Planning • SECDEF is authorized to begin special operations inside Iran for the purpose of developing intelligence to support a preemptive attack against Iranian nuclear and defense facilities. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 46 Decision: Iran Planning Objectives • SECDEF is to develop a campaign plan within the next six months. • The purpose is to provide the President the military options to deal with Iran • Working objectives of the plan should be: – Cripple the Revolutionary Guard – Significantly degrade the capability of Iran to produce weapons of mass destruction and inventories of weapons of mass destruction. – Change the regime. – Minimize stability operations. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 47 Estimated Program Costs • Approximately 30 projects • Estimated costs: $700 million – Some would come from from the Supplemental for the war on terrorism, Iraq and Afghanistan. – Some would come from other appropriations. – No official notification to the Congress at this point in order to maintain security. • Supplemental will be required if we execute, but we do not want to make an estimate at this time. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 48 Decision: Iran Planning Objectives • SECDEF, in coordination with the Secretary of State, and in consultation with the Government of Iraq: – Is authorized to begin building levels of supplies in Iraq that can be used “to support the global war on terrorism.” – Is authorized to provide additional construction inside Iraq that will provide air bases with the capabilities to ensure territorial integrity. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 49 Decision: Iran Planning Objectives • SECDEF, in coordination with the Secretary of State, is authorized to begin discussions with Azerbaijan: – To preposition supplies in Azerbaijan that would support the global war on terrorism. – To work toward expansion of air bases in Azerbaijan to increase options for US forces in support of the global war on terrorism. – To offer limited US assistance to resolve the issues of Nagorno-Karabakh The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 50 Decision: Iran Planning Objectives • SECDEF, in coordination with the Secretary of State, is authorized to begin discussions with Georgia: – To preposition supplies in Georgia that would support the global war on terrorism. – To work toward expansion of air bases in Georgia to increase options for US forces in support of the global war on terrorism. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 51 Decision: Iran Planning Objectives for SECDEF • Authorized to begin special operations inside Iran • In coordination with the Secretary of State, is authorized to begin discussions with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iraq. • Is to develop a campaign plan within the next six months. – The purpose is to provide the President the military options to deal with Iran – Working objectives of the plan should be: •• •• Cripple Cripple the the Revolutionary Revolutionary Guard Guard Significantly Significantly degrade degrade the the capability capability of of Iran Iran to to produce produce weapons weapons of of mass mass destruction destruction and and inventories inventories of of weapons weapons of of mass mass destruction. destruction. •• Change Change the the regime. regime. •• Minimize Minimize stability stability operations. operations. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 52 Agenda • • • • • Opening Remarks Threat Assessment Planning Military Options Strategic Communications Plan (NSC- 45 minutes) Summary (NSC - 5 minutes) The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 53 Lessons of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM • Someone (White House) must be in charge of the message. – Must be coordinated from tactical to strategic level. – Overt and covert efforts must be coordinated. •• •• •• Public Public affairs affairs Public Public diplomacy diplomacy Information Information operations operations – Must be planned with the kind of attention given to military operations. • Audiences – – – – – US Public People in Iran Middle East Europe Rest of the world The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 54 Strategic Communications: Focus • Theme: The United States must take the offense against terrorist; we can’t wait to be attacked. • And: – Iran is developing weapons of mass destruction. – Iran is disregarding its treaty obligations. – Iran is actively involved in terrorism. – Iran is trying to destroy democracy in Iraq. – Iran is a threat to the region. – The majority of the people in Iran want to be free of the oppressive rule there. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 55 Issue: Support in the United States U.S. Right or Wrong Going to War in Iraq? 100% 100% Time Time Magazine, Magazine, May May 24, 24, 2004 2004 Right 50% 50% Wrong Wrong 60% 60% 18 18 to to 30 30 year year olds olds Newsweek, Newsweek, July July 77 54% 54% CNN/USA CNN/USA Today, Today, June June 24th 24th 48% 52% ABC/Washington Post, Post, June June 21st 21st 52% ABC/Washington 46% 46% 0% 0% 2003 2003 2004 2004 • Pew Research poll for June 3-13 shows a reduction in those following Iraq closes from April June (54% to 39%) The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 56 Strategic Communications Plan Phases • Methodology: Stay Ahead of the Story –– Strategically, Strategically, criticism criticism of of Iran Iran will will come come faster faster than than argument argument can can be be made made against against the the points. points. –– Tactically, Tactically, we’ll we’ll continue continue to to dominate dominate the the 24-hour 24-hour cycle cycle but but work work to to reduce reduce perspective perspective by by others others this this time. time. • Phases –– Building Building the the Base Base •• Sub-theme: Sub-theme: Iran Iran is is bad, bad, but but diplomacy diplomacy is is the the best best option option for for dealing dealing with with the the problem. problem. –– Expanding Expanding Support Support at at Home Home and and Overseas Overseas •• Sub-theme: Sub-theme: (1) (1) Diplomacy Diplomacy is is failing. failing. (2) (2) This This is is not not just just aa problem problem for for the the United United States, States, –– The The Time Time Has Has Come Come •• Sub-theme: Sub-theme: Diplomacy Diplomacy has has failed; failed; we we have have no no choice. choice. • Timing: Communications plan and the military plan have to be synchronized. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 57 Coverage of Iraq ~~ 400,000+ 400,000+ During During the the War War 270,000 ~300,000 ~300,000 During During the the Jan-June Jan-June Daily Daily No. No. of of Press Press Items Items Mentioning Mentioning “Iraq” “Iraq” 250,000 230,000 210,000 190,000 170,000 150,000 130,000 110,000 90,000 July July The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game Now Now 58 Coverage of Iraq Small Small sensitivity sensitivity to to events events 300,000 Kerry Kerry at at the the Convention Convention 250,000 66 GI’s GI’s Killed Killed 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 7/24/04 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 7/31/04 59 Coverage of Terrorism and Iran Now Now 45000 • Terrorism message has been difficult to maintain. • Iran has not reached mass coverage yet. 40000 35000 30000 25000 Iran Iran 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 July July Terrorism The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 60 appeasement Issue: Alternatives Positions Must be Discredited The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 61 Phase 1: Iran Strategic Communications Plan • White House Office of Global Communications: – – – – Daily Global Message White Papers on Iran Coordination with think tanks Interviews with foreign policy correspondents of the major outlets – Congressional leaders • Secretaries and Deputies of State and Defense: – – – Military personnel Influential foreign policy organizations Overseas •• •• Major Major foreign foreign policy policy organizations organizations Press Press – NATO – G-8 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 62 Phase 1: Iran Strategic Communications Plan • CENTCOM message in theater to defense officials. – Iran is developing weapons of mass destruction. – Iran is disregarding its treaty obligations. – Iran is actively involved in terrorism. – Iran is trying to destroy democracy in Iraq. – Iran is a threat to the region. • I/O Message to the Iranian military: “You are exposed. Lethal force can come at you from any direction at any time.” • Covert Message: “The United States cannot tolerate Iraq with nuclear weapons. Iraq’s involvement in Iran must stop.” The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 63 Decision: Strategic Communications • White House Office of Global Communications will begin Phase 1 of the Iran Strategic Communications Plan • NSC will coordinate the development of the details of Phases 2 & 3. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 64 Nuclear Related Facilities Tehran Tehran The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 65 Back Up The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 66 Support for Israel Launch Launch Vehicle Vehicle • Ofek-5 – Launched, May 2002 – High resolution imagery • Ofek-6 – Launch failed, 6 September 2004 – “Remote sensing” • An Israeli attack may require some support. – But it can be done quietly. The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 67 International Pressure The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 68 Organizing for a Major Campaign UK UK CENTCOM CENTCOM Director Director of of Communications Communications and and Strategy Strategy Joint Joint Staff Staff Deputy Director Deputy Director for for Information Information Operqations Operqations VTC to UK I/O Office Global Global Information Information Center Center Consulting Consulting Communications Communications Groups Groups (White (White House) House) Global Global Message Message To: To: Embassies, Embassies, USG USG Offices Offices E-mail E-mail 0930 0930 Morning Morning Telecon Telecon State State Public Public Affairs Affairs The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game ASD ASD for for Public Public Affairs Affairs 69 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 70 The Pressure from Outside The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 71 Strategic Communications The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 72 The Pressure from Outside The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 73 Decision Making • Informal, chaotic, complex and based upon consensus… Supreme Supreme National National Security Security Council Council President Supreme Leader Assembly Assembly Of Of Experts Experts Guardian Guardian Council Council Cabinet Kharrazi Kharrazi Expediency Expediency Council Council Khatami Khatami Rafsanjani Rafsanjani The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 74 Shahab-3 11 August - Iranian Defense Ministry announced a field test of the latest version of this medium-range ballistic missile. • Based upon the North Korean Nodong-1 • Modified with Russian technology The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 75 The Threat in Iraq …attacks …attacks against against the the coalition coalition Daily August August 87/day 87/day Significant Acts 70 60 Fallujah and al-Sadr Sedition Operation Iron Hammer A nnounced 50 Total SIGACTS Moving Average Transition to Interim Government 40 A nniversary of Invasion 30 20 Interim Government A nnounced 10 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 4 4 00 24 /2 /2 7/ 10 7/ 6/ 26 /2 /2 00 00 4 4 00 4 12 6/ 29 5/ 15 /2 /2 00 00 4 04 20 5/ 1/ 5/ /2 00 4 04 17 3/ 20 4/ Da te 4/ 20 /2 00 4 04 20 3/ 6/ 3/ 2/ 21 /2 00 4 04 20 4 7/ 00 2/ /2 24 1/ 1/ 10 /2 00 4 03 /2 0 03 /2 7 12 /1 3 12 /2 9 /2 0 /2 0 03 03 /2 0 11 03 /1 5 20 11 /1 / 11 10 /1 8 /2 0 03 0 76 …against …against the the pipelines pipelines Attacks Attacks or or Attempts Attempts January January -- 22 February February -- 22 March March -- 66 April April -- 44 May May -- 77 June June -- 12 12 July July -- 16 16 .. .. .. December December -- 18 18 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 77 Afghan Strategy October October -- Poppy Poppy Strategy Strategy initiated initiated The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 78 We We are are here. here. Initial Initial Policy Policy Guidance Guidance Decision Flow Lead Lead Agency Agency Designated Designated Interagency Interagency WMD WMD Elimination Elimination TF TF Formed Formed Working Working Groups Groups and and Committees Committees Develop Develop Policy Policy Options Options Vet Vet Options Options with with Agencies Agencies and and Combatant Combatant Command Command Update Update and and Feedback Feedback Fusion/ Fusion/ Deconfliction Deconfliction with with Other Other USG USG Policies Policies Develop Develop Draft Draft Policies Policies Execute Execute WMD WMD Elimination Elimination Operations Operations Issue Issue Guidance Guidance and and Directives Directives Presidential Presidential Decision Decision The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 79 Players in USG Strategic Communication DOD DOD Information Information Operations Operations USD USD (P) (P) JS JS DDIO DDIO Public Public Affairs/ Affairs/ Diplomacy Diplomacy ASD(PA) ASD(PA) USD USD (I) (I) ASD(SO -LIC) ASD(SO-LIC) Combatant Combatant Commands Commands NSC NSC CT CT Info Info Strategy Strategy PCC PCC USD(P) USD(P) White White House House Office Office of of Global Global Communications Communications State State Department Department NSC/DOS NSC/DOS Strat Strat Comms Comms PCC PCC Other Other Government Government Information Information Activities Activities CIA CIA Treasury Treasury USAID USAID PCC = Policy Coordination Committee NSC NSC Justice Justice Source: aff, 22 July Mauer St Source: Capt. Capt. Gerald Gerald Mauer, Mauer,, Assistant Assistant Deputy Deputy Director Director for for Information Information Operations, Operations, Joint Joint Staff, Staff, July 03 03 The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 80 Issue: Support in the United States Other Times, Other War 100% 100% Jan Jan 1973 1973 June June 21, 21, 2004 2004 60% 60% 54% 54% 50% 50% June June 1999 1999 July July 1991 1991 Jan Jan 1953 1953 43% 43% 21% 21% 16% 16% 0% 0% Korea Korea •• Vietnam Vietnam Gulf Gulf II Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Gulf Gulf IIII Do Do you you think think it it was was aa mistake mistake send send troops troops to…? to…? The The Atlantic Atlantic Monthly Monthly War War Game Game 81