This paper not to be cited without permission oi the authors. ICES C.M. 1994 ICES C.M. 1994/L:18 , Biological Oceanography Committee ZOOPLANKTON PREY FIELD VARIABILITY DURING COLLAPSE AND RECOVERY OF PELAGIC FISH IN TIIE NORTHEAST SHELF ECOSYSTEM K. Sherman1, J. Green1, A Solow2, S. MurawskP, J. Kane 1, J. Jossi 1, and W. Smith4 , INational Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Science Center Narragansett Laboratory Narragansett, RI02882-1199 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 3National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Science Center Woods Hole Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 4National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Fisheries Science Center James J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory Highlands, NJ 07732-0428 ' ABSTRACT' Since the mid-1970s, three pelagie fish species--herring, Clupea harengus; mackerei, Scomber scombrus; and sand eel, Ammodytes spp.--have undergone significant flips in biomass. The herring and inackerel stocks that declined from doininant to subordinate positions in the 1970s recovered to a present eombined biomass exceeding 5 million metrie tons. Sand eels, whose population levels exploded in the late 1970s and early 1980s, are now in decline. The effects of several million metrie ton changes in biomass among these three species of zooplanktivores are examiried in relation to possible d~msity-dependent variability in zooplankton and pelagie fish Within the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem., 1 . " . , J '. , '. ,',' ', .. ,., ,', ,. 1 I I . ., t I . . I CHANGES IN FISH ABUNDANCE WlTI-IIN TIIE ECOSYSTEM In ari effort to reduce scientific uncertairities in fisheries managemerit, increasing atteritiori has been focused over the past few years on synthesizing available information on factors .iIilluencing the naturril produetivity. of marine fish biomass from an ecosystemS perspective (AAAS, 1993)., One of the results of thiseffort haS been aseries of reports on the large-scale changes in fishery biomaSs yields of the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem during the past 30 years (Sissemvine, 1986; Murawski, 1991; Anthony, 1993). I' From 1963 to the present, high ~alued groundfish species (gadoids, flounde;s) have declined to unprecedented low levels. Other demersal species, with low market value (spiny dogfish, Squalus, acanthias; and skates1) have increased in abundance (Fig. 1). Another category of species, the principal pelagics, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) arid Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), have uridergone precipitous declines for the decade 1968 through 1978, followed by population recoveries from the.1980s to the present time (Fig. 1). Tbeir recovery is aüributed to reduced fishing effort (Murawski, 1991). Tbe observed biorriass "flip" of the principal pelagics from high levels in the 1960s to historically low levels in the 1970s and the present high biomass has been the dominant factor in the population explosion of sand lance, Ammodytes spp., during the latter half of the 1970s (Sherman et ril., 1981), and the predpitous 4-yr decline in abundance from 1982 to 1985. Based on predatorprey studies, it was concluded that predatiori of sand larice in their early, plariktoriic developmental stages by the principal pelagics depressed the population of sand lance, 'following aperiod' of approXimately. 6 yr (1976-1982) when the predation pressure was significantly reduced (Fogarty et al., 1991) (Fig. 2). , " ; "" 0 LONG-TERM TRENDS IN HERRING AND MACKEREL ABUNDANCE Tbe principai pelagics arid s::irid lance are zooplanktivores (Bowrnan et al., 1984; Maurer, 1976; Michaels and Grossiein, in prep.). Tbe long-term inverse relationship in abundance of the principal pelagics aS discussed by Skud (1982) appears tci have shifted during the past 30 yr from the trends in a 90 yr time series of landings data exaffiined from 1870 through 1960. BaSed on an analysis of herring arid inackerel catches in relation to temperature trends, SkUd (1982) concluded that ,when one of the species was dominant, the other was subordinate in responSe to·u combination of temperature and derisity-dependerit competition between the two species. He argued that density (abundance) of the two species is "governed by the carr}ting capacitY of the ecosystem und [that] the species apparent response to clirriate change is dependent on itS position in the, dominance hierarchy .und its population size relative to its equilibrium density." Since 1960, this apparent relationship has . . " , " I ISpecies of skates iriclude: little skate (Raja erinacea), wiriter skate (R. ocellata), barndoor skate (R. laevis), thorny skate (R. riidiata), briar skate (R. eglaiueria), leopard skate (R. garmani) and smooth-tailed skate (R. seiua). 2 • been modified by the high levels of fishing mortalitY from the late 1960s through the niid 1970s for Atlantie herring arid mackerel (Murawski, 1991). Sirice 1982, the depressed mackerel stock has been undergoing significant rebuilding from an estimated stock biomass level of api>roximately 650,000 metric tonS (mt) in 1982 to 2.8 million metric toris (mrnt) in 1992. The rebuilding of the herring stock during the same decade has progressed from less than 100,000 rnt to 2.7 inrnt. Neither species ean be considered subordinate. Both have undergone recovery arid are at high abundance levels, simultaneously (Figs. 3 äiid 4), with as yet, no apparent adverse impact on the "carryirig capadty" of the ecosystem, as suggested by Skud (1982). ~ , J \ ZOOPIANKTON COMPOSmON AND ABUNDANCE The zooplankton ofthe Northeast ShelfEcosystem has been exarriined for broad-area spatial and temporal trends in aburidance and species corriposition since the mid-1960s (Sherman et al., 1983, 1988; Kane, 1993; Jossi änd Goulet, 1993), und dtiring four earlier periods.. The first was the classie measurements of zooplankton voluines and species made by Bigelow during the first two decades of the century (1912 through 1920). The second, the volume measurements made by Bigelow arid Sears in the laie 19205 through the 1940s. The third eovered the late 1930s to the 19605, with thebiomass and sjJecies demographie stodies of Fish (1936a,b), .Clarke and Zinn (1937), Clarke (1940), Redfield (1941), . Clarke 6t al. (1943)~ Riley ririd Bumpus (1946), Deevey (1952, 1956, 1960a,b), Griee arid Hart in 1962; and the fourth, the more contemporary measurements of Judkins et al. (1980), Dagg rind Turner (1982), Davis (1984a,b), Townserid arid Carriffien (1988), and the recent studj of Durbin and Durbin (in press) who examined the regulatory processes of the Northeast Shelf zooplankton (e.g., teIriperature, food, änd predation). • During the deeacte 1977 to 1986, sampies were collected using 0.333-nitil mesh bongo nets towed obliquely through the water colurnn to a rriäxiIrium depth of 200 m. Tows of 15min duraiion at 1.5 knots were made at 200 sampling stations in a grid network at 35 km spacing Within the entire ecosystem, six or more times per year (Sibunka and Silvernian, 1984, 1989) (Fig. 5). In addition to point-samplings ,with neis, the Northeast Fishenes Science Center (NEFSC) staff have completed Inonthly Contiriuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) trariseets across the Gulf of Maine since 1961. . This transect series häS been augmented bya secorid transect from New York to Bermuda, across the Mid-Atlaritic Bight of the Northeast Shelf Eeosystem since 1976 (Jossi arid Goulet, 1993). The total zooplankton measured. as displacement volumes during the Marine Resmirce Moriitoring ASsessrnerit and Predieiion Program (MARMAP) surveys of the shelf from 1977 to 1981 did not differ significaritly from the earlier estimates of zooplarikton sianding stock of the shelf ecosystein from 1912 through ihe 1960s (Sherman et aI., 1988). The zooplanktori eomposition inchided 394 taxa, with 50 dominant in at leastorie Iocation in one or more seasons, including copepods, chaetognaths, barnacle larVae, cladoceranS, 3 --------~~----------- I. appendicularia, doliolids, brachyurari larvae, echiriodermata larvae, and thaliaceans , (Sherman et al., 1988). I I ECOSYSTEM LEVEL RESPONSE 1'0 PELAGIC PERTURBATIONS I, I , nie more recent observations of zooplankton voluines on the shelf, reported by Kalle (1993), for the Georges Bank area of the Shelf Ecosystem imd Jossi and Goulet (1993) for the Gulf of Maine and the Mid-Atlantic Hight reveal interannual variability in zooplankton abundance. Examination of the CPR trend-data for the trarisect across the Mid-Atlaritic Hight from 1976 through 1990 revealed a declining trend for the MARMAP decade 19771986 (p = 0.026). However, the interarinual variability observed from net tows for the entire time series was not statisticaUy sigriificant as a declining trend (p = 0.30) (Fig. 6). The numbers of zooplankton on the northern CPR transect aCfoss the Gulf of Maine generally increased in abundance from 1961 through 1990 (p = 0.054), interrupted by a doWnward trend during the MARMAP decude (p = 0.06) (Fig. 7). Based on MARMAP net sampling for Georges B3.nk, Kane reported volumes higher than._ the 10-yr median biomass (cc/lOO m3) for 1977, 1978, arid 1979, and lower volumes for 1982, 1983, and 1984. According to Kane (1993) the higher voluines may have coritributed to the increases iri sand lance, Ammodytes spp., during the late 1970s. In contrast, Payne et al~ (1990) repofted ari inverse relationship between sand lance and the copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, during the population explosion of sand lance, suggesting density-dependent grazing control of the standing stock of zooplankton. ,_ This obserVation; however, was limited to a relatively _restdcted area of the Northeast Shelf Ecosystein kIloWn as the Stellwagon Bank area (Payne et al~, 1990)., On Georges Bank, where. sand lance, herring, arid mackerel are present in relatively high nuinbers in spring, zooplankton biomass in spring, measured as displacemerit volumes per 100 m3 was abundant during the population explosion of sand lance, 1971-1981, with median anriual volumes equal to or exceeding the 22-yr (1971 through 1992) long-teim median value of 43 cc/100 in3 (Fig. 8). Examination of the temperature iriformaiion for the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem duririg the last two decades indicates that the temperatures dunng 1978 to 1982, aperiod of population depression for the principal pelagics, was intermediate betWeen a 'slightly warmer period of themid-1980s (1983 to 1986) arid moderateIy cooler waters of the riiid19605 (HolZwarth and Mountairi, 1992). The influence of temperattire on the survival of . early developmental stages of sand larice, mackereI, and herring iS not viell understood and requires fui"ther study. The correlaiion betWeen temperatures and positive and negative correlations With herring arid mackerel dominarice reported by Skud (1982) is not supported by the present study, wherein hoth species show population declines arid increases attributed to excessive flshirig effort in the 1970s arid inc1uded sharp. dec1ines in the economically important deinersa! species during the same period (Allth0ny, 1993; Mui-awski, 1991). Whereas the excessive flshing mortality has persisted _for the demersals, it has _been significantly reduced for the principal pelagic species, arid is considered the principal factor in their recovery (Murawski, 1991). The lowest period of larval herring abundance fr9m 4 -, e 1971 through 1992 occurred from 1976 to 1984, spanning the fritermediate and warm temperatuie periods.. Tbis is in contrast to the warriling :ind cooling correlaiion and analysis of changes in. herririg distrioution repofted by Skud (1982), and lends support to the predominant influence of excessive fishing mortality to the decline in both herririg arid mackerel abundance (Fig. 9). Tbe influence of temperature on the iriterarinual vaclability of a dominant zooplallkter, the copepod, Calanus jinmarchicuS, on Georges Bank is suggestive of a relationship (Meise-Munns, et aL, 1990). Further studies are presently underway to examine more cIosely the relatioriship betweeri seasonal and iriterarinual environmental variability and chariges iri zooplankton production (GLOBEC, 1991, 1992). , Earlier observatioris indicate ihat the zooplankton component of the Noitherist Sheif Ecosystem has been relatively coherent in resilience, abimdance, and biodiversit}r from the first decade of the. centuly to the 1980s (Sherman et aL; 1988). Based on the present analysis of riearly 10,000 zooplankton volume ineasurements (9,942) for the MARMAP decade, 1977 through 1986, we find thai the zooplailkton was in a decliriiiig trend during the 1980s. Tbe declimng trerid is highly significant for the ",hole ecosystein (Fig. 10a), and for three.of the four subareas, the trend is significant at the p < 0.05 level (Fig. lOb, c, arid d). Tbe declinirig trend for Georges Bank was more variable than for the other three subareas (p = 0.10), (Fig. 10e). Tbe persistent dowriward trend coincided with 'the increrise in abundance level of the priricipal pelagics, and. the iricrease in biomass of another pelagic zooplanktivore, the butterfish, Peprilus iriacanthuS, (Fig. 11): During the years 1977, 1978, and 1979, the highest riumbers of zooplankters, based on CPR sampling (Fig. 6), coindded with the first three years of the severi-year depressed state of the herririg and mackerel biomaiis (Figs. 3 arid 4).. From top-down examination of the ecosystem, tbe zoopla11ktoii component has been suffici6ritly ~obust,. even tbro~gh the period of decliriirig trend,. to, In addition to this .sustain the recovery cif both herring arid mackerel to a level of 55 biomriss, 'thezooplankton '. prey field is needed to' support' the recovery ci!. the depressed . gadoid and flounder stocks during their larval stages, posing another significant biomass to be considered in e'stimating the carrying capacity ,of the ecosystem. Whether the decline reflects aresponse to increasirig predation by the growirig ,biomäss of· the pelagic fish species, or a biofeedback response to an environmental sigrial remains an important uminSwered questiori. From the spring and riutuinri volume data, baSed on bongo tows over Georges Bank from an extended data set encompassing 1971 through 1992, it appears that zooplankton standing stock may rigain be incieasing (Fig. 12a and b). a mmt. • For insights to the possibility oi an enviionnientaiIy induced biofeedback, the, zooplankton time series was examined for shifts in biodiversityusing the annual time series of log abundance of 5 zooplankton species--Calanus jinmarchicUs, PseudocalclliuS spp., Ceriiropages typicus, Metridia lucens" änd Celuropages hainaruS--for four regions: Georges Bank, Gulf cif Maine, Mid Atlantic Bight, arid Southem New Englarid, foi the pencid 1977sampies withiri a year arid 3lso 1987. AiIDual time sefies were constructed by averagirig terms of temporal behaVioi, there were by taking the maxirIlUm sampie Withhi a Year. no real differences between these two approaches, so the. average values wen~ anri.lyzed. The inethods used are described in Solow (1994) to extract an overall trend from. the five In 5 all I species for each of the four regions. Tbere was rio significani trend for the Mid-Atlaritic Bight (p = 0.785), or Southern New England (p = 0.128). There were significant trends for Georges Bank (p ,= 0.031) arid the GuIfof Maine (p = 0.014). The trends ure shoWn in Fig. 13 and ure highly correlated. Tbe correlationS oetWeen these trends and the five species are given in Table 1. From an examinaticiri cif biodiversity, it appears that the dominant copepod community' is imdergoing a shirt from Calanus jinmdrchicus, Pseudocala;lus Spp., Aletndia lucens, arid Centropages iypicus, to\vard an iricreasing abundance of Celitropages lzaJ1Iatus on Georges Brink und in theGulf cif Maine (Fig. 14). Tbis apparent shift in species abundance may be environmeritally induced, aS it is unlikely that the principal pelagics would selectively avoid pre)ring on C. luimatus. Tbe ecosysteni morutoring program presently underivay by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, in eooperation with EPA, is designed to provide more definitive irifoi-mation on denSity-dependent predation behveen the principal pelagics and their prey field, and densit)'-independent enviror1mental signals that may be the eause of ripparent chririges in the dominance structure' of the zooplankton comriiunity. Pedator-prey studies being eonducted as part of NOAA's COaStal Oeean Prograni are examining the fine-sCale temporal and spatial interrelation between the principal pelagics and their prey-field (Michaels ririd Grossiein, in prep.). Tbe present state of the ecosyst~m remains stressed. Tbe shift since the 1960s from a demersaI assemblage of fish dominated by gadoids io the present state dorriinated by spiny dogfish rind skates. coinciding \vith the iricrease in the abundance level cif the pelagic fish species (Fig.l), raises an ecological question. How will fishirig erforl reduction measures initiated in 1994 (New England Fishery Mariagement Council, 1994)äffeet thc recovery process for the depressed state of highly-vaIued demei-saI species (e.g., cod, haddock, flciiinders)? Tbe eonsequence of reduced biomaSs of gadoids and flounders has been' ~m increase in iargeiing fisheries on abundarit elasinobranch species. Nevertheless, these species are at historicallyhigh levels. Implications of the removal of an iricreasing fraction of the elasmobrrinch biomass ori other fish coinponeniS of the ecosystem \vill be clcisely monitored. Tbe ecosystem level,corisequences associated with this adaptive management strategy have been reviewed by Sissenwine and ,Cohen (1991), who list severaI alternative species that eould become major fish predators. With regard to the zooplankton eomponeni of die. system, the ehanged state of the fish eommuiIity hriS introduced uncertainty to any forecaSt of recovery fcir the demersal populatioris, dependent on the zooplallkton prey-field during the early developmental stages of eod, hacldock, arid flounders. Unlike the gadoids and flounders, the present high biorriass of elasmobrunchs are iridependent of the zooplankton prey field during early development. Tbe estimated biomass level of hemng and mackerei, prior to the 1960s is noi weIl docuinented and is likely, acccirdirig to data preserited by Skud (i982), to have been h~ss than the present estimated level of 5.5 ri11l1.t. Tbe questionS posed by SkUd with regard to the "earrying capacit}r" of the ecosystem Vlill require rurther study as the NortheaSt Shelfundergoes asignificaritly aItered ecologic3J. state .' within which greater numbers of predators Will be dependerit on a zoopirinkion prey field that may be undergoing a shift in biodiversity. Tbe recent simulations of the pelagic components of th6 eeosystem by Overholtz et aI.. (1991) Will be exterided to incIude the zooplarikton eomponent in an errort to examine the cäpacity of the ecosystem to suPP?rt 6 .. • -- - ------------------ recovering populations of pelagic and demersal fish and baleeri whale species. REFERENCES AAAS [American Assoeiation for the Advancement. of Seiencej. 1993. 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Oceanogr. 5:215-229. 10 • 80,------- ---, PRINCIPAL GROUNDFISH AND FLOUNDERS 60 40 20 20 • ornER flNFlSH SKATES AND SPINY DOGFlSH 120 80 <40 o -t-""'--r-"""-.--.....-........,r--r-..,-,....,...........,r--r-..,-,....,...........,r--r-..,-,....,...........,r--r-.,.-I 62 &4 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 34 86 88 90 92 YEAR Fig. 1. Trends in indices of aggregate abundance (catch in weight per survey trawl haul) for four species groups, reflecting the major changes in fishery resources, 1962-1992. (From the NEFSC, 1993.) 11 2600-.----------------------- 1 ---"\ / ~ 1500 ~ o :c !::: « 1000 ~ o " / ••· / Cf) Cf) Cf) 600 a: w 0... I u ~ ... () z « w ~ ~ ro J- 1.5 ! "\ i= o ~ s o . : ( SAND LANCE /MACKEREL 2000 2 o W / ... LL 0.5 I-:: \'\HERRING / ............ , « \/ a: J- //'\..". ............: ~----------r_-_,_- o4---=~ ............::..--==-r-------r--~-_r69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 CI) r_-+ 0 85 87 . YEAR Fig. 2. Trends in biomass of mackerel (age 1+) and herring (age 3 +) derived from virtual population analysis and trends in relative abundance (stratified mean catch per tow (kg» of sand lance (age 2+) based on research vessel surveys. (From Fogarty et al., 1991.) 12 • Atlantic Herring Coastal stock Complex 3000-,----------------------, ,,, ,,, ,, 2500 'lil' ä 2000 o & (/) z f2 I I 1500 o ~::E I I STOCK BIOMASS 1000 (ACE 2+) soo • o ~ " ~ -' ro n ~ n n M ~ ; M I ", ,, ; U ; I M . 00 ~ YEAR Fig. 3. Atlantic herring commercial landings and stock biomass, 1967 through 1992 (thousand metric tons). (From the NEFSC, 1993.) 13 " Atlantic Mackerel labrador-North Carolina 3000 I I I 2500 I I 'iii' b 2000 I I 0 2- , -...... (/) Z ~ 1500 I ,, , 0 ~ :::E 1000 I ~ I \ I , ,, ,'" , I ; I I I .... , ,; I I 500 .0 STOCK 810MASS \~(AGE 1+) _... ;- I TOTAL lANDINGS -k~~:;:"'-~~I"1~::::;::::;:::::;:::.:r::;:::;::::;::;::;:;::;:;=~ 62 6.( 66 68 70 n 7,( 76 78 80 82 M 86 88 90 92 YEAR Fig. 4. Atlantic mackerel commercial landings and stock biomass, 1963 through 1992 (thousand metric tons). (From the NEFSC, 1993.) 14 • • Fig.5. Zooplankton sampling locations on MARMAP·surveys of the Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem. 15 MAß CPR 9.6 9.4 9.2 9 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.2 8 7.8 1976 1978 1980 1984 1982 1986 1988 1990 Fig. 6. Continuous Plankton Recorder trend data for the transect across the Mid-Atlantic Bight, 1976-1990. Rank Corre1ation Test for Trend; p = 0.026, 1977-1986; P = 0.30, 19761986. The ordinate values represent lo~ transformed numbers of total zooplankton per 100 m 3 /yr of water strained. 16 • GOM CPR 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Fig. 7. Continuous Plankton Recorder trend data for the transect across the Gulf of Maine, 1961-1990. Rank Correlation Test for Trend; p = 0.054, 1961-1990; P = 0.062, 1977-1986. The ordinate values represent 10& transformed numbers of total zooplankton per 100 m3/yr of water strained. . 17 VOLUMES Georges Bank Early Spring 100 90 ...Ci) < E + 80 70 0 0 ...- -... 0 0 ........ c CiS "0 <D 2 60 I 50 40 30 20 10 Median / / / / + 1\ + + /'+ +-+ +, + \ + 0 71 72 73 74 75 76 7778 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Year Fig.8. Annual zooplankton median volumes (cc/lOO m3) for Georges Bank during early spring, 1971-1992, with the 22-yr median for the total time series; N = 733. Data for 1976 are not available. 18 ... Fig.9. Changes in abundance of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus lalVae in the Georges Bank area between 1971 and 1990. Intervals represent multi-year periods that reflect the most apparent changes in spawning patterns. 19 AREA WEIGHlEO TOTAL a co ~.n 'u, "79 1Ieo ,,., .tU 1063 ,Me 181$ .... GOM b 30 2S liTT 1171 ure neo u.,----- 'M' 1M2 MAß 'lU ,.... '''5 ,IM ----, d so os co ':'•.l=T7-,="',.---,.,"'~...~ .. ...=,-:,= ...-= .....: -=,..:-:-.-,,,=,-:-:I.... Gß e . ~•.l=n-:.= ...,......= ...:--:-:-:'...~...:-:-,-:c:'_~.... =-=,= ...-='....,--l,_ Fig. 10. Mean annual volumesin cc/100 m3 for the ~ortheast Continental Shelf Ecosystem., 1977-1986. Data were combined for the four subareas--Gulf of Maine, Southem New England, Mid-Atlantic Bight, and Georges Bank--based on a Rank Correlation Test for Trend for the area weighted total (a) p = 0.001. The results of the test are given separately for each of the four subareas, b) Gulf of Maine, p = 0.006; c) Southem New England, P. = 0.006; d) Mid-Atlantic Bight, p = 0.040; and e) Georges Bank, p = 0.130. . 20 • Butterfish Gulf of Maine-Middle Atlantic 30......--------------------...,....20 25 '<ii' oo AUTUMN i SURVEY " " f~ 20 I\ .: S LANOINGS\. (I) Z f2 g: INO(X 15 Ü w 10 A :::E . " : \ o 62 6.( 66 68 70 : : :t\_/ ,\": : lA-r l.t1 ..•..J ': f :.--..;j ~ \\7t.j 5 :: n A :f\,. t,j,~ ~\./ t.... \J 0 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 YEAR Fig. 11. Commercial catches of butterfish for the Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem (1000 mt) and stratified mean catch per tow (kg) based on the autumn bottom trawl survey index, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 1963-1992. (From NEFSC, 1993.) 21 .. . A 71 727374757677 7B 79 BO B1 B2 838485868788899091 92 Year VOLUMES Georges Bank Early Autumn 50 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . B C? 40 ( E o o ..- - 30 o o '--' c 20 l1:l "'0 Q) :::'i: 10 71 727374757677 78 79 80 81 82 838485868188 8g gO g1 g2 Year Fig. 12. The allllUal median zooplankton standing stock in displacement volumes/100 m3 for: a) early spring, 1971 to 1992, and b) autumn, 1971 to 1992, based on bongo net tows made during spring and fall bottom trawl surveys of the Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem. Data missing for 19~6, 1989, and 1990. 22 .. . GOt ,ur---------__---, GOMt i. Gß2 GOM2 MAEJ2 G03 GOM3 MA03 SNE3 GB4 GOM4 MAB4 SNE4 MABS GOMS SNE2 SNES Fig. 13. Abundance trends for five species of dominant zooplankton species:-Calanus finmarchicus (1), Pseudocalanus spp. (2), Centropages typicus (3), Metridia lucens (4), and Centropages hamatus (5)-wilhin four regions of the Northeast ShelIEcosystem-Georges Bank (GB), GulI of Maine (GOM), Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAß), Southern New England (SNE)--for the period 19TI through 1987. Annual time series are based on avcraging all samplcs within one year. Plots show relationship between log., transformed sampie means (tower trend line) andlo& transformed maximum sam pIe abundances (upper trend line) for each year within the time series. Number designations for each specics are given in parenthcscs. 23 '> 21""----------- -., -- 1.5 .-.-....--i, ......... ........... 1 \\ \\ ,...... ............ ..•.... ..••.. 0.5 ,..- ,Il- - OT---------------:H -0.5 ~ / ;l ~~ ..............., .....,., -1 -1.5 -2~':J::-----::c--=r=--.--_._-_._-_._-_._-_._-_,._-_._-.J 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 YEAR Fig. 14. Minimum-maximum Autocorrelation Factor (MAF) plot showing the monotone trend toward Centropages hamatus from 1977 to 1987, for Gulf of Maine (dotted line) and Georges Bank (solid line), (standardized to mean 0 and variance 1). Randomization test probabilityvalues calculated following Solow (1994) were: p = 0.031 for Georges Bank, and p = 0.014 for the Gulf of Maine. The trends were not significant for Southem New England, p = 0.128, and P = 0.785 for the Mid-Atlantic Bight subareas and are not plotted. 24 • .. . Table 1. Correlations between the five copepod species and the time trends found by MAF analysis for Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine subareas of the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem (Solow, 1994). Georges Bank Species e Gulf of Maine Calanus finmarchicus -0.32 -0.64 Pseudocalanus spp. -0.82 -0.54 Centropages typicus -0.44 -0.35 Metridia lucens -0.69 -0.77 0.70 0.76 Centropages hamatus 25