WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING October 14, 2015 Cougar Room (Access Through the Library Entrance) 5:00 p.m. 29 Cougar Court Taft, California 93268 A. Accessibility. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the meeting room or to otherwise participate in this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact Shelley Klein at (661) 7637711. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Governing Board to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. B. Obtaining Public Records. A copy of the Board packet, including documents relating to any open session item are available to members of the public at the District Office. Any writings or documents that are public records and are provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the District Office located at 29 Cougar Court, Taft, California, during normal business hours. These documents will be made available to the public at the same time that they are made available to a majority of the Board. C. Language Assistance. The District welcomes Spanish and other language speakers to Board meetings. Anyone planning to attend and needing an interpreter should call Shelley Klein at (661) 763-7711 forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting so that arrangements can be made for an interpreter. El Distrito da la bienvenida a las personas de hable hispana a las juntas de la Mesa Directiva. Si planea asistir y necesita interpretacion llame al (661) 763-7711 (48) horas antes de la junta, para poder hacer arreglos de interpretacion. D. Addressing the District Board. The Board encourages public participation and involvement. Community members will therefore have several opportunities to address the Board. However, please respect the Board’s time and the need for efficient board meetings. The Board also requests that comments be respectful and professional. 1. Agenda Items. If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please do so when that item is called. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Board President. Non-Agenda Items. Individuals have an opportunity to address the Board during the period set aside for Public Comment on Items of General Interest on topics within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board not listed on the agenda. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for this portion of the agenda. 2. E. Questions for the Board. Individuals with questions on District issues may submit them in writing. The Board will refer such requests to the Superintendent, who will endeavor to respond to your questions after the meeting. F. Placing issues on the Board Agenda. Items from the public pertaining directly to College business may be placed on the Board agenda by submitting the request in writing to the Office of the Superintendent. The proposed agenda item will be reviewed and placed, if appropriate, on the Board’s agenda within a reasonable period of time. Please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (661) 763-7711 for further information. (A Tour of the Gymnasium Scheduled Maintenance Project will be conducted @ 4:30 p.m. ) (Please meet at the Gym) 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Page 2 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION A. B. C. D. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees 4. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION AGENDA ITEMS 7. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Annual School Trustees Fall Dinner Meeting of the KC School Boards Association and the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office, Monday, October 26, 2015 8. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Kern County Board of Education Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation to Trustee Dawn Cole for Five Years of Distinguished Service 9. SPECIAL REPORT – Cognos (Report Writing Software) Club Update 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Budget Study Session Held September 9, 2015 and the Regular Meeting Held September 9, 2015 11. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for Approval – Resolution Agreement with the Office of Civil Rights to Provide Training for Full-time Administrators of the Children’s Center Regarding Regulatory Requirements in Serving Qualified Children with Disabilities B. Request for Ratification – Agreement with the Kern Community College District to Implement the California Career Pathways Trust Grant Round 2 Awarded by the California Department of Education, 7/10/15 – 9/30/19, $304,000.00 C. First Reading – Updated Board Policy #6200 – Budget Preparation West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (continued): D. 12. Information Item – Response Letter to the Accreditation Commission for Community and Junior Colleges CONSENT AGENDA (Items A – X) A. Request for Approval – Budget Development Calendar for 2016-17 B. Request for Approval – Consulting Services Order #2012-2 with Public Finance Group, LLC, to Provide Financial Services Related to Development of a Facilities Funding Plan for District Priority Projects, 10/15/15 – 6/30/16, $175.00/Hr., Not to Exceed $20,000.00. C. Request for Approval – Course Updates: Applied Technology Division: BUSN 2001 – Intermediate Keyboarding BUSN 2002 – Intermediate Keyboarding BUSN 2003 – Intermediate Keyboarding Liberal Arts Division: SPAN 1601 – Elementary Spanish I Math & Science Division: GEOL 1500 – Introduction to Geology PHYS 2223 – General Physics BIOL 2201 – Introductory Biology - Cells Social Science Division: ECEF 1561 – Introduction to Children’s Literature/Storytelling D. Request for Approval – Program Updates: Applied Technology Division: Certificate of Achievement: Administrative Services II Locally Approved Certificate: Microsoft Office Applications Social Science Division: Certificate of Achievement: Early Intervention Assistant II West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): E. Request for Approval – Course Inactivations: Social Science Division: CJA 1501 – Introduction to Administration of Justice CJA 1521 – Introduction to Corrections CJA 2102 – The Justice System CJA 2112 – Problems of Physical Evidence CJA 2105 – Community Relations CJA 2111 – Juvenile Procedures F. Request for Ratification – Agreement #4 with GL Consulting Services, LLC, for IBM Cognos Intelligence Support Related to Replicating Annual Program Review Reports with Filtering Capabilities, 10/2/15 – 10/1/16, $175.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 150 Hrs. ($26,250.00) Student Equity Funding G. Request for Approval – AMS.NET Quote #88461 & 88357 to Provide Technical Assistance for Cisco Computer Equipment Related to Upgrading the Dormitory Wireless System, $27,710.40 H. Request for Approval – AMS.NET Quote #Q-00001884 for the Cisco Emergency Responder Software to Provide Real-Time Information for 911 Calls from Campus Locations, $9,502.00 I. Request for Approval – AMS.NET Quote-00002315 for Technical Support Related to Cisco Computer Equipment Related to the Phone System, Wireless and Network Systems, $200.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 10 Hrs. ($2,000.00) J. Request for Approval – Agreement with SARS Software Products, Inc., for License Order Schedule for SARS MSGS E-Mail Only, $400.00 K. Request for Approval – Purchase of 25 iPad Mini Computers to be Utilized by the Student Equity Mentoring Program, $17,756.88 (Student Equity Funding) L. Request for Approval – Office Rental Agreement with the Fort Preservation Society to be Utilized by the AB86 Adult Education West Kern Consortium, 11/1/15 – 12/31/16, $7,800.00 ($600.00/Mo.), AB86 Funding M. Request for Approval – Agreement with Link-Systems’ NetTutor to Provide Online Tutoring Services for TC Students, Effective Upon Execution of Contract, Fees: $24.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 85 Hrs., $2,040.00 N. Request for Approval – Independent Contractor Agreement with Gary Christensen to Provide U.S. Citizenship Assessment Services to the West Kern AB86 Adult Education Consortium, 10/15/15 – 6/30/16, $50.00/Hr., Not to Exceed $1,500.00 West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Page 5 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): O. Request for Ratification – Letter of Agreement with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District on Behalf of the California Early Childhood Mentor Program to Provide Coordination of Local Efforts and Participation in the Mentoring Program, 8/1/15 – 7/31/16, No Cost P. Request for Ratification – Child Development Training Consortium 2015-16 Campus Coordinator Agreement with the Yosemite Community College to Provide Services, Training, Technical Assistance and Resources to Students and Professionals Working with and for Children, 9/1/15 – 6/30/16. (Professor Rebecca Roth will receive $2,700.00 for her services) Q. Request for Approval – Contract Proposal CNP1000004 with C.A. Reding to Provide Equitrac Equipment Support Renewal and On-Site Local Support for the Library Printing Equipment Utilized by Students, 11/1/15 – 10/31/16, $1,286.60 R. Request for Ratification – Facilities Use Agreement with Taft Union High School District for the Use of their Pool for the TC STEM Lincoln Junior High Cardboard Regatta, 10/1/15, No Fee S. Request for Ratification – Independent Contractor Agreement with Heidi Archibald to Provide Information System Secretary Services to the Information Services Department, 9/14/15 – 11/30/15, $20.00/Hr. T. Request for Ratification – Facilities Use Agreement with Lincoln Jr. High School for the Use of the TC Gym and Volleyball Courts for Basketball and Volleyball Tournaments to be Held 10/10/15; 12/5/15; 1/23/16; 1/30/16 and 2/27/16, (No Fees) U. Request for Approval – SQL Server Integration Services Training by ONLC Training Center for (2) TC Employees Related to Student Equity Data Capacity, $2,995.00/Person, $5,990.00 Total (Student Equity Funding) V. Request for Ratification – Renewal of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW) Central California Community College District Employment Relations Consortium Membership, 7/1/15 – 6/30/16, $3,650.00 W. Ratification and Confirmation September 2015 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers X. Routine Personnel Items: 1. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of October 7, 2015 and Fall 2015 Field Trips West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Page 6 13. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST 14. REPORTS: A. Financial Reports (for information): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. C. D. E. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, September 2015 Student Organization and Special Accounts, September 2015 Funds Deposited in County Treasury, September 2015 Trustee Reports Associated Student Body Report Academic Senate Report Reports from Staff and Student Organizations 15. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 16. EMPLOYMENT A. B. C. D. 17. Academic Employment (Appendix I) Classified Employment (Appendix II) Resignations and Retirements (Appendix II) Request to Recruit Open Positions (Appendix II) NEXT MEETING DATE The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. 18. CONTINUATION OF CLOSED SESSION (If Necessary) 19. ADJOURNMENT WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BUDGET STUDY SESSION September 9, 2015 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order by President Billy White at 4:00 p.m. in the District Cougar Room in order to review the proposed 2015/16 budget. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were present. Trustee Dawn Cole was absent. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. PUBLIC COMMENT President White called for public comment. There being none, the meeting continued. BUDGET FOR 2015/16 – STUDY SESSION Dr. Dena Maloney introduced staff present and thanked those involved with development of the 2015-16 budget. Executive Vice President of Administrative Services Brock McMurray expressed his appreciation to the administrative departments and staff members that collaborated on the budget and thanked them for their diligent work and dedicated effort. Director of Fiscal Services Jim Nicholas, Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams and Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle were present to provide details of their respective sections of the budget. President White introduced and welcomed Student Trustee Shoshanna Kukliev. Mr. McMurray made a PowerPoint presentation containing essential information of the state adopted budget, impacts to the community college system and the WKCCD proposed budget (copy attached to official minutes). He highlighted details pertinent to each including the following: State Budget: * * * Totaling $115 billion including a reserve of $3.4 billion Based on the Governor’s conservative economic forecast Eliminates $7 billion in debt Impacts to Community Colleges: * * * * Provides $156.5 million in Growth/Access funds Contains 1.02% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Includes $100 million in Student Success and Support and $85 million in Student Equity funds Additional funds are included but restricted in categorical areas and one-time funding West Kern Community College District – Budget Study Session - September 9, 2015 Page 2 WKCCD Budget: * * * * * * 1.02% Cost of Living Adjustment Increased salary costs due to step, column and longevity increases Health care benefit cost increases New faculty hires STRS (10.73%) and PERS (11.85%) increases GASB (OPEB) funding from one-time money Mr. McMurray distributed and reviewed a list of Program Review items that have been incorporated or will be incorporated into the WKCCD budget as an example of the items identified through Program Review. Program Review is a process that identifies campus funding requests by department and includes a collaborative decision making component to review, rank and approve them (copy attached to official minutes). Mr. McMurray reviewed the 2015-16 unrestricted fund revenue composed of state and local income, along with the reserve totaling $23,749,011. Mr. McMurray reviewed the overall budget in comparison with that of 2014-15. The 2015-16 budget includes unrestricted revenue of $23,749,011; and $15,715,899 in restricted funds totaling $39,464,910. He reviewed the new Growth Allocation Formula which will affect all community colleges and provided a handout that demonstrates the complexity of the calculations (copy attached to official minutes). Dr. Maloney announced that since the proposed budget was finalized, the College was notified that the West Kern AB86 Adult Education Consortium had received notice that their funding for 2015-16 is $750,000.00. With the funding, the Consortium will be able to expand its educational services to adults living on the West Side. Mr. McMurray then briefly reviewed the 2015-16 Proposed Budget document by organization code. He again thanked all those who participated in preparing the 201516 budget. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: ____________________________ Kal Vaughn, Secretary WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING September 9, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Billy White. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Trustee Dawn Cole was absent. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. CLOSED SESSION At 5:01 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Campos seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters: A. B. C. D. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 6:00 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Campos seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President White led the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS No communications were presented. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 2 SPECIAL PRESENTATION President White presented a Certificate of Recognition from the Kern County Board of Education to Trustee Michael Long in appreciation of five years of distinguished service. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Vaughan and unanimously carried, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 12, 2015 and the Special Meeting (Board Retreat) held August 22, 2015 were approved. NEW BUSINESS Adoption of Board Goals for 2015/16 Dr. Maloney reported that the 2015/16 Board Goals are a product of the Board Retreat held on August 22, 2015 and are being presented for formal adoption. The Board’s goals reflect the major areas in the Taft College Strategic Action Plan. In addition, the Board’s goals include two areas specific to the Board: Board Fiduciary Role – District Sustainability; and Board Effectiveness. The goals reflect the Board’s priority regarding meeting accreditation standards for student learning outcomes, integrating data with program planning for improvement, and meeting all compliance and other standards relating to institutional effectiveness. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the 2015/16 Goals were approved (copy attached to official minutes). President White thanked members of the Board and cabinet members who attended the Retreat and provided valuable information. Public Hearing and Request for Approval – 2015/16 Budget Executive Vice President of Administrative Services Brock McMurray reported that the traditional budget study session was held immediately preceding the regular meeting at which a PowerPoint presentation of the proposed budget was made. President Billy White commended staff for the diligent work involved in developing the budget. At 6:08 p.m. President White called the Public Hearing to order. Hearing no comments, it was closed at 6:09 p.m. On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the 2015/16 WKCCD Budget was approved. Public Comment/Second Presentation – Tentative Agreement with the Taft College Faculty Association for a 1.02% Cost of Living Salary Adjustment to the Faculty 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 President White called for public comment on agenda item 10.C. – Tentative agreement West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (continued): with the Taft College Faculty Association for a 1.02% cost of living adjustment to the faculty 2015-16 salary schedule. No comments were heard. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long, the salary adjustment to the faculty salary schedule was approved by the following vote: Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: Emmanuel Campos, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White None None Dawn Cole Public Comment/Second Presentation – Tentative Agreement with the Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 for a 1.02% Cost of Living Salary Adjustment to the 2015-16 Classified Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 President White called for public comment on agenda item 10.D. – Tentative agreement with CSEA Chapter #543 for a 1.02% cost of living adjustment to the classified 2015-16 salary schedule. No comments were heard. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Campos, the salary schedule adjustment to the classified salary schedule was approved by the following vote: Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: Emmanuel Campos, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White None None Dawn Cole 1.02% Cost of Living Salary Adjustment to the Management 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, the 1.02% cost of living adjustment to the 2015-16 management salary schedule effective 7/1/15 was approved. Second Reading– Updated Board Policy #7130 – Compensation On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, Updated Board Policy #7130 (Compensation) was approved (copy attached to official minutes). Second Reading – Updated Board Policy #5700 – Intercollegiate Athletics On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, Updated Board Policy #5700 (Intercollegiate Athletics) was approved (copy attached to official minutes). West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS (continued): Second Reading – Updated Board Policy #5030 – Fees On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, Updated Board Policy #5030 (Fees) was approved (copy attached to official minutes). Second Reading – Updated Board Policy #2015 – Student Member(s) On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, Updated Board Policy #2015 (Student Members) was approved (copy attached to official minutes). 2015/16 – 2019/20 Facilities Master Plan Dr. Maloney reported that the Education Master Plan lays the foundation for a new Facilities Master Plan which provides a broad depiction of the instructional, student support, administrative and community spaces needed to support student learning at Taft College well into the future. This plan envisions the College’s facilities over a long period (10+ years) into the future; however, it is designed to be updated every five years. The plan has been reviewed by the Governance Council and the Facilities Committee. Once approved, the plan will provide the framework for future facilities at the College. EVP Brock McMurray introduced principal architect Kevin Cobb of AP Architects and Director of Maintenance and Operations Mike Capela who provided valuable support and input in development of the plan. Mr. Cobb distributed and reviewed copies of the plan and answered questions. On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the 2015/16 – 2019/20 Facilities Master Plan was approved. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Request for Approval – Determination of Order of Employment for 2015/16 – Contract Faculty Members B. Review of the California Community College Financial Status Report (CCFS311Q) for the 4th Quarter and Year Ending June 30, 2015 C. Information – Use of Proposition 30 Education Protection Account (EPA) Funds for 2015/16 D. Information – 2015/16 Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Funding Local Share: $90,144.00; Regional Share: $140,529.00 West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 5 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): E. Information – Proposition 39 Additional Funding - $7,132.00 – to be Utilized for Welding Program Equipment Purchase F. Request for Approval – AMS.NET Quote #00001412 for CISCO Call Manager Phone System Upgrade (Including Hardware and Licenses) $33,089.61 G. Request for Approval – 2015/16 Renewal of Microsoft Campus Agreement Licensing (Year 2 of 3) with ComputerLand (through the Foundation for Community Colleges), $26,531.50 H. Request for Approval – Authorization to Purchase four Dynasty Tungsten Inert Gas Welders from Barnes Welding Supply to be Utilized in the Industrial Training Education Center, $6,627.30 each; Total - $26,509.20 (CTE Grant Funds) I. Request for Approval – Memorandum of Understanding with Golden State MCCF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility J. Request for Approval - Memorandum of Understanding with Central Valley MCCF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility K. Request for Approval - Memorandum of Understanding with McFarland FCRF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility M. Request for Ratification – Garden Pathways Invoice #2001-474 for Presentation of Mentoring Model and Facilitation of Roundtable Discussion, 9/3/15, $1,000.00 N. Request for Approval – Consulting Agreement with GL Consulting Services LLC to Provide a Two-Day Training and Work Session on the Design and Key Reports Developed to Support Student Equity Work, 9/11 & 9/12/15, $2,100.00 Fee Plus $1,200 Travel Expenses (Student Equity Funding) O. Request for Approval – Agency Services Agreement with JP Marketing to Provide Creative Development and Graphic Design Services for the 2015/16 Year, $95.00/Hour for Creative Development Services West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 6 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): P. Request for Ratification – Renewal of the Ground Rent Agreement with Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church for 2015/16 (Location of Dental Hygiene Program Buildings), Effective 9/1/15, $6,000.00/Year Q. Request for Approval - Independent Contractor Agreement with Lu Chi Fa (Author) to Present Double Luck: Memoirs of a Chinese Orphan, to Students in Intermediate Reading 905, 10/19/15, $600.00 R. Ratification and Confirmation August 2015 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers S. Routine Personnel Items: 1. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of September 2, 2015 On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items A – S were approved as presented (materials related to items A – S are attached to official minutes). PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST No comments were presented. REPORTS FROM STAFF AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Financial Reports The following financial reports were presented for information (copies attached to official minutes): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, August 2015 Student Organization and Special Accounts, August 2015 Funds Deposited in County Treasury, August 2015 Trustee Reports President White noted that Taft College had achieved a ranking of 5th best community college in the nation overall by Wallet Hub, a social media company that conducts state and local rankings. He reported that this distinction reflects the teamwork of faculty and staff. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 7 REPORTS (continued): Trustee Long added that online comments by students regarding Taft College are overwhelmingly positive and it makes him very proud. Dr. Maloney noted that one of the sources that Wallet Hub used in collecting its data is CCSSE, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Dr. Eric Bérubé will be making a presentation on that data at a future Board Meeting. Associated Student Body Student Trustee Shoshanna Kukuliev reported that the ASB is in the process of developing the fall activity schedule. As the 2015-16 Student Trustee, she is interested in exploring the legislative process of student government, as well as maintaining her focus on student activities. As a member of the statewide Student Senate she has learned about how other community college ASB organizations function and she is interested in bringing that information back to the TC ASB. Academic Senate Senate President Geoffrey Dyer reported that the Senate welcomed State Senate President Dr. David Morse who spoke during Inservice regarding the role and responsibilities of Academic Senates. The Senate is currently reviewing its constitution for possible updates. Ongoing conversations include topics such as Accreditation; SLOs, splitting the Liberal Arts Division; Institutional Set Standard: Successful Course Completion; revising the Academic Development Committee charter; and updating the Academic Policy and Procedures. Facilities Update AP Architect Kevin Cobb distributed and reviewed a Facilities Project Update Report which included projects in construction; projects in working drawings/bidding; Prop 39; projects at the Department of State Architects (DSA) and projects pending state funding (copy attached to official minutes) Instruction Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams reported that among the typical activities of the beginning of a new academic year, he and his staff have been focused on preparing for the upcoming Accreditation site visit and ongoing curriculum work. He noted that 80 students in the Maricopa area are participating in science activities led by STEM Outreach Coordinator Rachel Belden. Rachel is also hosting the cardboard regatta for junior high school students at the TUHS pool again this year. Professor Greg Golling is revising the theme of the CONN Expo to “Time.” West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 8 REPORTS (continued): Student Services Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle reported that the fall term has begun smoothly with 130 students in the dormitories and fall sports in full swing. She is looking forward to resuming work with the Student Success and Access committee – great work has been planned. Faculty Association Faculty Association President Diane Jones reported that academic year is off to a great start and she welcomed Associate Vice President of Human Resources Dr. Robert Meteau to the campus. She shared an inspiring letter written by a former student of Math Professor Brian Jean thanking him for the great learning experiences he provided him as a Taft College student and, second, asking for advice as he finishes his doctorate and pursues a teaching career. Human Resources Dr. Robert Meteau reported that, as the new Director of Human Resources some of his initial activities have included meeting with the faculty and classified union leadership, developing goals for the HR staff, and working on expanding professional development opportunities. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Maloney welcomed Student Trustee Shoshanna Kukuliev. She noted that she worked with Shoshanna in the Governance Council last year and looks forward to working with her in her new capacity as Student Trustee. Accreditation Site Visit The Accreditation Site Visiting team will be on campus September 29 – October 1st. Staff are working on preparing an update to the self-evaluation and notifications have been sent out to those individuals who will most likely be requested to meet with team members during the visit. Kern Community Foundation Access Blueprint Dr. Maloney reported that the College has been invited to participate in “Access Blueprint” which is an effort for Kern County educators to get together to look at aligning all programs in order to improve graduation and completion rates in the area. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 9 REPORTS (continued): Employment – New Director of Career Technical Education Dr. Maloney noted that included in the Employment agenda items is a recommendation to approve the employment of a new CTE Director. She is Diane Baeza who is coming from Bakersfield College where she manages large grants. She brings a strong background in our areas of interest in CTE as well as strong industry and curriculum development skills. Lastly, Dr. Maloney noted that the announcement of the retirement of a long-time employee, Debbie Hegeman, is among the resignations on the Employment agenda item. Debbie has worked at the College for nearly 31 years in many areas. Most recently she has served as the Executive Assistant to Brock McMurray in Administrative Services. She will definitely be missed! EMPLOYMENT On a motion by Trustee Vaughn and seconded by Trustee Campos, Employment Items A – E were approved by the following vote (Employment Items A – E (Appendix I & II) are attached to official minutes): Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: Emmanuel Campos, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White None None Dawn Cole NEXT MEETING The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT At 6:57 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Kal Vaughn, Secretary Taft College Check Register Report CHECK DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYEE/VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME 78014786 09/01/2015 A002000143C4A 78014787 09/01/2015 A00271533Ace Marketing and Advertisin 78014788 09/01/2015 A00276969Adafruit Industries LLC 78014789 09/01/2015 78014790 09/01/2015 A00201055American Dental Education As A00200052AP Architects A/P DOC# I0040717 I0040690 I0040692 I0040721 I0040681 I0040646 78014791 09/01/2015 A00200053Apple Computer Inc. I0040701 43491136 78014792 09/01/2015 A00269058Aramark Uniform Services I0040677 503-0743 78014793 78014794 78014795 78014796 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 A00200057Arrowhead A00200089Berube, Eric A00200092Bio Rad A00250001Blake, Paul A. 78014797 78014798 78014799 78014800 78014801 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 A00057708Bolla, Adam N. A00200105Brandco A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks I0040706 I0040657 I0040640 I0040658 I0040659 I0040729 I0040733 I0040664 I0040736 I0040737 073115 082115 90085611 082415 08/24/15 081215 18444 090215 083115 08/31/15 A00200109Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc I0040694 21258 78014803 09/01/2015 78014804 09/01/2015 A00200112BSK & Associates, Inc. A00200116Burt Electric & Communicatio I0040695 I0040734 I0040708 I0040686 21257 20918 0074224 9605 78014805 78014806 78014807 78014808 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 A00277811California State University A00200134Canon Financial Services, In Cancelled Check A00201685Cengage Learning I0040716 I0040693 84489567 15195076 I0040718 55640408 78014809 09/01/2015 78014810 09/01/2015 A00200175Chevron Valley Credit Union, A00200175Chevron Valley Credit Union, I0040647 I0040685 60650808 53640808 78014811 09/01/2015 A00200200Computerland of Silicon Vall 78014812 78014813 78014814 78014815 78014816 A00200214County of Kern, Waste Mgmt. A00201586Dodson, John A00277845Double D Cleaning Service A00200845Dyer, Geoffrey A00258705El Dorado Trading Group I0040699 I0040700 I0040702 I0040723 I0040684 I0040679 I0040678 I0040637 237800 237799 237605 080815 081415 002 081915 INV21749 A00200307Farmer Bros. Company I0040710 62454749 78014802 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 78014817 09/01/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 VENDOR INV# TONYTHOM 1469 851647 847396 1134868 9161 FUND 11000 11000 12434 12434 11000 42303 12435 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 12460 11000 11000 12435 12435 11000 11000 31000 35827 35819 35814 39000 12433 11000 11000 12435 11000 11000 12000 12433 ORGN 302 356 219 219 205 000 221 202 202 431 205 314 206 120 209 221 221 432 431 423 357 357 357 314 341 432 432 221 113 113 304 341 ACCT 5210 5970 4311 4311 5210 5510 6211 6415 6415 5870 5870 5870 5641 4310 4311 4311 4311 5632 4320 5840 5890 5890 5890 4316 4316 4316 4316 5510 5632 5632 5710 5612 PROG 63100 68100 17010 17010 12042 71002 19010 60100 60100 65100 12042 64991 12042 66002 04012 19010 19010 67703 65100 69100 69700 69700 69700 64991 64991 67703 67703 19010 67801 67801 63200 64991 31000 31000 31000 12461 12461 12461 11000 11000 12599 11000 39000 12560 11000 31000 31000 32000 423 423 423 206 206 206 211 113 309 431 314 223 202 423 423 422 4110 5940 4110 5940 4312 5990 5642 5642 4318 5850 5710 5890 4410 4310 5940 4410 69100 69100 69100 12042 12042 12042 49999 67801 64992 65500 64991 09565 60300 69100 69100 69400 CHECK AMOUNT 125.00 2,650.00 1,103.90 2,416.60 945.00 4,304.50 2,641.32 0.01 252.99 219.00 12.00 18.00 45.49 36.53 169.49 2,732.85 2,051.28 170.00 8.60 152.96 988.74 750.00 863.21 482.89 0.01 540.29 877.41 1,652.50 227.44 77.19 115.00 204.55 570.00 12.17 166.58 199.70 693.80 1.59 79.00 79.00 79.00 70.65 62.78 380.00 315.45 97.17 8.85 1,067.53 1|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014818 09/01/2015 A00202335Fastenal Industrial & Constr I0040638 I0040639 CATAF298 CATAF299 78014819 09/01/2015 A00202041Fresno Oxygen 78014820 78014821 78014822 78014823 78014824 78014825 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 A00200627Gonzalez, Lourdes A00202650Greater Bakersfield Chamber A00200652Hegeman, Debbie F. A00200655Henry Schein, Inc. A00278494Holiday Inn Sacramento Capit A00244581Independent Fire and Safety, I0040654 I0040742 I0040691 I0040689 I0040673 I0040705 I0040662 I0040643 61707126 91345019 082415 RW-BKR00 082515 22364782 65930600 2727 78014825 09/01/2015 A00244581Independent Fire and Safety, I0040660 22743 78014826 78014827 78014828 78014829 78014830 78014831 78014832 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 A00108728Issue Trak, Inc A00244660J & J Supply, Inc. A00200680J & L Locksmithing A00200712Kern County Supt. of Schools A00200715Kern Electric Distributors A00261382Khoe Technologies A00227772MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. I0040709 I0040704 I0040651 I0040740 I0040724 I0040715 I0040683 I0040656 22954 TAFT0815 753269 014886 JUL 15 540637 2098 47-41356 78014833 09/01/2015 78014834 09/01/2015 78014835 09/01/2015 A00200552McCallum Group, Inc. A00200561Medco Supply Company A00200562Medical Billing Technologies 78014836 09/01/2015 A00200563Melo's Gas-Gear I0040728 I0040649 I0040652 I0040727 I0040730 AUG 15 41987569 AR-16797 AR-16841 80044979 78014837 09/01/2015 A00234706MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc I0040687 00034108 I0040688 00034113 I0040698 00034097 I0040642 I0040743 AUG 15 00004102 I0040612 I0040613 I0040614 I0040615 I0040616 I0040617 I0040617 I0040618 I0040619 I0040620 I0040621 78787770 78631880 78389366 78389339 78705248 78544183 78544183 78313457 78486497 78486534 78490966 78014838 78014839 78014840 78014841 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 78014841 09/01/2015 A00200575Montoya, Janice A00271462OCLC, Inc. Voided Check A00200498Office Depot A00200498Office Depot FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 11000 11000 11000 12560 12560 12484 11000 11000 11000 11000 32000 32000 12560 12560 32000 11000 11000 12560 12461 11000 11000 31000 31000 11000 11000 12461 12461 11000 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 12560 12560 12460 11000 431 431 431 223 223 303 356 306 205 358 422 422 223 223 422 113 352 223 206 431 205 423 423 111 352 206 206 431 431 113 113 423 423 223 223 206 203 4310 4312 5940 4311 4311 4410 5970 5710 4311 5710 4312 4312 5612 5612 5632 5643 4310 5890 5641 4310 4311 4110 5940 5510 4310 5990 5990 4320 5850 6415 6415 6415 6415 6415 6415 5641 5643 65300 65100 65100 09565 09565 64300 68100 49306 12042 62100 69400 69400 09565 09565 69400 67801 69619 09565 12042 65100 12042 69100 69100 66002 69619 12042 12042 65100 65100 67801 67801 69100 69100 60103 60103 12042 61200 1,730.82 306.24 0.01 440.21 137.02 96.35 499.00 75.00 1,175.49 218.50 120.40 91.00 434.84 64.00 439.90 1,925.00 127.65 48.38 33,457.43 126.42 2,948.91 53.40 112.97 2,700.00 3,937.74 628.38 28.26 10.54 5.00 255.04 29.88 1,021.58 38.76 1,021.58 38.76 2,434.25 3,702.40 39000 11000 12599 12599 11000 12432 12434 33428 11000 11000 12432 12434 12435 314 111 309 309 111 218 219 310 205 205 218 219 221 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 64991 66002 64992 64992 66002 64952 17010 69200 12042 12042 64952 17010 19010 115.97 78.41 306.89 187.04 46.89 13.22 17.50 188.92 25.56 51.28 312.22 312.22 312.21 2|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report I0040622 I0040623 I0040624 I0040625 I0040626 I0040627 I0040628 I0040629 I0040630 I0040631 I0040632 78014841 09/01/2015 A00200498Office Depot I0040633 I0040634 I0040635 I0040636 78014842 09/01/2015 78014843 09/01/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. A00266719Parts Town, LLC 78014844 09/01/2015 78014845 09/01/2015 78014846 09/01/2015 A00200522Pepsi-Cola Company A00200528Plak Smacker A00200536Praxair Distribution, Inc. 78014847 78014848 78014849 78014850 78014851 78014852 78014853 78014854 78014855 78014856 78014857 A00018793Salcido, Paula A00202968San Joaquin Chemicals, Inc. A00201548Scholastic Inc. A00254323Shafer, Kristy L. A00205535Smith, Ed. D., Cindra J. A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00237176SSD Systems A00262776Stan, Trevor D. A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 78014858 09/01/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00200423Taft City School District I0040665 I0040680 I0040645 I0040644 I0040735 I0040641 I0040731 I0040672 I0040732 I0040653 I0040666 I0040663 I0040696 I0040697 I0040712 I0040714 I0040739 I0040669 I0040707 I0040722 78698995 78463249 78499206 78656226 78662539 78510547 78473453 78473448 78660280 78555352 12401 33428 33428 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 77938518 11000 12435 11000 11000 11000 78211607 11000 78515597 11000 78349557 12000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 78390350 12432 12434 12435 78635627 31000 08/31/15 12560 236960 32000 32000 37267103 32000 CD600406 33428 53496579 11000 53363022 11000 AUG 15 12460 112326 11000 M5560469 11000 073015 39000 082415 11000 07-30-15 11000 07.30.15 11000 080715 31000 1126237- 31000 MAY/JUL15 12435 50820117 33429 50808020 32000 32000 16-014 39000 39000 39000 353 310 310 421 113 207 110 110 202 110 111 111 221 110 353 202 209 113 340 314 358 113 353 113 218 219 221 423 223 422 422 422 310 205 431 206 431 208 314 101 301 113 423 423 221 310 422 422 314 314 314 4310 4310 4310 4310 6415 4311 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4318 4318 4318 6412 4310 4318 4318 4318 4318 6415 4310 4310 4310 4310 4321 5830 4312 5940 4410 4310 5641 4310 5641 5641 4311 5710 5510 5810 4310 4321 5880 5510 4410 4310 5940 4316 5850 4312 64600 69200 69200 67200 67801 08351 66003 66003 60100 66003 66002 66002 19010 66003 64600 60103 04011 67801 64951 64991 62100 67801 64600 67801 64952 17010 19010 69100 09565 69400 69400 69400 69200 12042 65100 12042 65100 15011 64991 66004 64500 67801 69100 69100 19010 69200 69400 69400 64991 64991 64991 434.12 92.77 96.84 19.34 474.02 78.15 5.36 58.28 65.32 17.24 81.70 7.61 2.48 20.88 16.23 18.06 214.45 55.18 354.75 95.73 573.04 30.30 150.14 79.44 147.71 147.71 147.72 96.83 264.48 736.01 86.64 2,780.42 279.21 429.36 11.33 500.00 1,175.00 218.90 32.25 2,000.00 82.33 183.87 21.90 55.51 187.00 2,912.09 97.33 9.45 30.00 5.00 3.19 3|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014858 09/01/2015 A00200423Taft City School District I0040722 16-014 78014859 09/01/2015 78014860 09/01/2015 78014861 09/01/2015 A00200425Taft College A00200425Taft College A00200862Taft College Bookstore I0040711 I0040719 I0040668 081715 081015 3049 78014862 09/01/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore I0040725 2828 78014863 09/01/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore I0040726 2811 78014864 09/01/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore I0040738 2169 78014865 09/01/2015 A00200432Taft Union High School I0040650 16-002 78014866 09/01/2015 78014867 09/01/2015 A00277930Taylor, Daniel A00200282True Value Home Center 78014868 09/01/2015 78014869 09/01/2015 A00200284U.S. Foods A00210209ULINE I0040741 I0040655 I0040682 I0040703 I0040670 I0040648 01080315 334760 336508 337267 5065236 8192015 78014870 78014871 78014872 78014873 78014874 78014875 78014876 78014877 78014878 78014879 78014880 78014881 78014882 78014883 78014884 78014885 78014886 78014887 78014888 78014889 78014890 78014891 78014892 78014893 78014894 78014895 A00253173University of La Verne A00200338Verizon Wireless A00200355West Kern Water District A00275443WestAir Gases & Equipment In A00238165Acosta, Pedro G. A00274977Aguilar, Jessica E. A00253925Aguilar, Maria D. A00276464Alaya, Maria A00040051Alvarez, Martin A00213754Atkin, Elizabeth R. A00234690Avina, Arturo A00272742Ayala, Brandon A00205440Barbour, Tiffany I. A00261395Barragan, Andrew A. A00101097Bejrsuwana, Worawan A00273801Benson, Brian R. A00259061Bravo, Christian P. A00243302Brewer, Travis J. A00268067Bridgford, Makenzie J. A00268090Brown, Paige B. A00250279Cid, Karen A00251455Clayton, Alicia L. A00243688Cobar, Nicholas L. A00276859Collignon, Megan P. A00275490Cunningham, Jeron A. A00269831Davis, Bradley A. I0040667 I0040661 I0040676 I0040713 S0031784 S0031785 S0031786 S0031787 S0031788 S0031789 S0031790 S0031791 S0031792 S0031793 S0031794 S0031795 S0031796 S0031797 S0031798 S0031799 S0031800 S0031801 S0031802 S0031803 S0031804 S0031805 090415 97507642 080315 80044211 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 39000 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 12432 12432 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12432 12434 12435 11000 11000 12560 33428 11000 11000 33429 31000 31000 12434 11000 33428 31000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 314 352 352 352 423 423 218 218 208 208 208 208 210 218 219 221 352 352 223 310 205 113 310 423 423 219 357 310 423 5632 4312 5850 5632 7130 7130 4311 4311 4310 4310 4110 4110 4110 4310 4310 4310 5633 5633 5510 4310 4310 4310 4410 4321 5940 5740 5840 5810 4321 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 64991 69610 69610 69610 69100 69100 64952 64952 15013 15012 15010 15010 21056 64952 17010 19010 69612 69613 09565 69200 12042 67801 69200 69100 69100 17010 69700 69200 69100 77.50 317.37 10.00 183.00 3,000.00 2,160.00 236.36 289.33 23.64 2.46 31.12 15.36 5.38 103.00 103.01 103.01 333.00 333.00 11,777.04 636.87 12.84 6.44 4,391.19 83.86 23.85 6,564.00 44.16 11.93 16.41 138.00 150.00 138.00 738.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 184.00 92.00 138.00 184.00 23.00 92.00 46.00 184.00 138.00 184.00 414.00 138.00 138.00 3,462.33 138.00 4|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014896 78014897 78014898 78014899 78014900 78014901 78014902 78014903 78014904 78014905 78014906 78014907 78014908 78014909 78014910 78014911 78014912 78014913 78014914 78014915 78014916 78014917 78014918 78014919 78014920 78014921 78014922 78014923 78014924 78014925 78014926 78014927 78014928 78014929 78014930 78014931 78014932 78014933 78014934 78014935 78014936 78014937 78014938 78014939 78014940 78014941 78014942 78014943 78014944 78014945 78014946 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00266818Dobbs, Christian D. A00248110Duran, Francisco A00272453Edelen, Kaitlyn M. A00231385Figueroa, Lizbeth A00270956Fleeman, Farrah S. A00230427Flores, Daniel R. A00259115Fuller, Mason E. A00246650Fuller, Mellari M. A00101322Gant, Tyshea M. A00240975Garcia, Nellie A00108814Garcia, Nikolas S. A00047319Garcia, Victor A00275488Garner, Keoni K. A00275458Goddard, Parker J. A00276392Gore, Jake G. A00254737Gray, Bruce R. A00210492Guggemos, Laura M. A00278005Hargestam, Hannah L. A00203733Haskins, Aimee M. A00260834Hawatmeh, Issa J. A00276199Hernandez, Andrew J. A00267893Hernandez, Melanie M. A00266917Hester, Laura L. A00273700Hill, Kimberly M. A00267284Isenman, Schuyler R. A00271421Jacobson, Maximillian M. A00272735Jarrett, Miranda R. A00274582Johnson, Nicholas P. A00260151Kinsella, Keith J. A00250430Kirby, Michelle H. A00247679LaBarge, Samantha M. A00259496Lafever, Paige L. A00267454LeClair, Abigail T. A00251349Long, Matthew E. A00275775Lopez, Christopher J. A00255713Luetger, Jessica J. A00263924Luevano, Michelle A. A00266991Martinez, Christian A. A00265175Mashburn, Cody M. A00267298Mathews, Jacque C. A00267647Mayer, Shiloh M. A00266993Mcbride, Vanessa A. A00275765McKinney, Hunter B. A00248750Milner, Allison C. A00277980Mitchell, Frederick C. A00277695Morgan, Taari K. A00273635Mullin, Sabrina J. A00277138Munguia, Jonathan F. A00275415Nistor, Nicolas G. A00275809Norton, Deacon Z. A00242939Nunez, Angie S0031806 S0031807 S0031808 S0031809 S0031810 S0031811 S0031812 S0031813 S0031814 S0031815 S0031816 S0031817 S0031818 S0031819 S0031820 S0031821 S0031822 S0031823 S0031824 S0031825 S0031826 S0031827 S0031828 S0031829 S0031830 S0031831 S0031832 S0031833 S0031834 S0031835 S0031836 S0031837 S0031838 S0031839 S0031840 S0031841 S0031842 S0031843 S0031844 S0031845 S0031846 S0031848 S0031847 S0031849 S0031850 S0031851 S0031852 S0031853 S0031854 S0031855 S0031856 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 138.00 184.00 138.00 230.00 184.00 138.00 92.00 230.00 69.00 138.00 598.00 138.00 138.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 276.00 92.00 276.00 230.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 230.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 276.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 92.00 690.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 184.00 230.00 138.00 230.00 138.00 299.00 138.00 414.00 46.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 5|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014947 78014948 78014949 78014950 78014951 78014952 78014953 78014954 78014955 78014956 78014957 78014958 78014959 78014960 78014961 78014962 78014963 78014964 78014965 78014966 78014967 78014968 78014969 78014970 78014971 78014972 78014973 78014974 78014975 78014976 78014977 78014978 78014979 78014980 78014981 78014982 78014983 78014984 78014985 78014986 78014987 78014988 78014989 78014990 78014991 78014992 78014993 78014994 78014995 78014996 78014997 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00276150Obamwonyi, Osazee C. A00277398Park, Andrew S. A00206589Parker, Tonya A00260712Pascua, Beige C. A00277053Patterson, Meghan R. A00038486Pearcy, Brenton A00206034Pendley, William C. A00206071Perkins, Heidi R. A00250826Procell, Nikki A. A00267030Raney, Drew M. A00273399Renteria, Sabrina A00074285Resendis, Miriam A00262155Rico, Daniela L. A00247360Roam, Austin T. A00275487Robinson, Jamie L. A00259063Rudnick, Lucas J. A00251556Ruggiero, Raquel B. A00275050Sadang, Blesam T. A00265360Selz, Taylor J. A00038844Smith, Shelly E. A00268711Sosa, Adriana M. A00267192Souza, Alfred B. A00210478Stan, Chelsi M. A00231766Steagall, Deborah A. A00269057Stegall, Sierra D. A00090339Swann, Donnie D. A00260038Taylor, Toby C. A00276685Tetrick, Kari P. A00251093Tovar, Melina A00225698Tremain, Chanel A. A00269586Turner, Travis L. A00263811Ward, Dylan T. A00277638Williams, Jada N. A00270472Williams, Matthew S. A00269739York, Damian T. A00276884Alvarez, Jasmine G. A00269941Bailey, Marvin E. A00248765Barboza, Roxanna A00260916Benites, Nexali A00261809Bizantioy, Issa J. A00231685Bryson, Ty J. A00087862Canchola, Carmen B. A00274305Chrisco, Olivia C. A00260456Clites, Michael T. A00275490Cunningham, Jeron A. A00262674Dabbs, Kelsey N. A00278269David, Jason V. A00275802De Vos, Jacob D. A00277958Dillibe, Janine C. A00253814DuBoise, Brittany R. A00274492Figueroa, Kimberly G. S0031857 S0031858 S0031859 S0031860 S0031861 S0031862 S0031863 S0031864 S0031865 S0031866 S0031867 S0031868 S0031869 S0031870 S0031871 S0031872 S0031873 S0031874 S0031875 S0031876 S0031877 S0031878 S0031879 S0031880 S0031881 S0031882 S0031883 S0031884 S0031885 S0031886 S0031887 S0031888 S0031889 S0031890 S0031891 S0031892 S0031893 S0031894 S0031946 S0031895 S0031896 S0031897 S0031898 S0031899 S0031900 S0031901 S0031944 S0031902 S0031903 S0031904 S0031905 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 138.00 230.00 276.00 184.00 368.00 322.00 207.00 276.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 46.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 873.31 138.00 322.00 460.00 646.50 184.00 230.00 322.00 138.00 184.00 322.00 46.00 184.00 8,885.00 276.00 150.00 138.00 138.00 460.00 46.00 775.00 598.00 506.00 414.00 322.00 138.00 828.00 2,460.00 138.00 414.00 598.00 460.00 138.00 250.00 6|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014998 78014999 78015000 78015001 78015002 78015003 78015004 78015005 78015006 78015007 78015008 78015009 78015010 78015011 78015012 78015013 78015014 78015015 78015016 78015017 78015018 78015019 78015020 78015021 78015022 78015023 78015024 78015025 78015026 78015027 78015028 78015029 78015030 78015031 78015032 78015033 78015034 78015035 78015036 78015037 78015037 78015038 78015039 78015040 78015041 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 78015042 09/10/2015 78015043 09/10/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00228469Garcia, Tania A00267879Garcia-Gomez, Ramona A00259035Griffin, Kaitlin A. A00267284Isenman, Schuyler R. A00211264Justice, Kayla N. A00269083Kekuawela, Kau'ionalani P. A00275749Ladd, Matthew J. A00277908Lam, Emily W. A00085617Land, Arnell A00201656Latunde, Ashly M. A00241584Lynch, Sean P. A00273613Macias, Luis M. A00258974Magana, Eric M. A00227909Mendoza, Sostenes A00277218Montantes, Riley M. A00277695Morgan, Taari K. A00277813Muniz, Pricila M. A00267450Noriega, Liliana M. A00267002Ochoa Silvas, Maeny A00274426Perez, Arlette A00273839Rancka, Lacee R. A00276337Rivera, Sandra C. A00230581Rodriguez-Ortiz, Adelina M. A00275359Russell-Valdez, Crystal M. A00276505Segura, Vanessa A00273117Sigala, Jacob A00269209Smith, Brianah R. A00267192Souza, Alfred B. A00264647Sriphaseuth, Jefferson N. A00255793Taylor, Logan A. A00271348Tlatelpa, Berenice A00251186Tolin, Victoria J. A00269586Turner, Travis L. A00276069Valiente, Giovannie L. A00276139Valiente, Victor M. A00277186Velasco, Meredith L. A00230300Walker, Blaine R. A00270974Webb, Katelynn M. A00224597Wilson, Tylor B. A00200017A.P.I. Plumbing A00200017A.P.I. Plumbing A00243588AARP Health Care Options A00200023Abate-A-Weed A00200034Albertson's A00200043American Express S0031906 S0031907 S0031908 S0031909 S0031910 S0031911 S0031912 S0031913 S0031914 S0031915 S0031916 S0031917 S0031918 S0031919 S0031920 S0031921 S0031922 S0031923 S0031924 S0031925 S0031926 S0031927 S0031928 S0031929 S0031945 S0031930 S0031931 S0031932 S0031933 S0031934 S0031935 S0031936 S0031937 S0031938 S0031939 S0031940 S0031941 S0031942 S0031943 I0040804 I0040804 I0040749 I0040792 I0040787 I0040746 789779 789779 SEP 15 66364C 44680819 11000072 A00200043American Express A00269058Aramark Uniform Services I0040760 I0040828 91007082 503-0756 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 11000 12000 11000 12000 11000 11000 431 431 412 431 314 306 356 304 306 340 421 431 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 4310 5632 3350 4312 4311 4310 5970 4410 4310 5710 4310 5870 65100 65100 59100 65500 64991 49306 68100 63200 49306 64951 67200 65100 184.00 276.00 200.00 500.00 276.00 704.50 138.00 138.00 276.00 2,822.50 69.00 125.00 782.00 138.00 138.00 46.00 138.00 500.00 184.00 644.00 138.00 500.00 598.00 138.00 375.00 184.00 138.00 2,232.00 138.00 368.00 138.00 598.00 3,000.00 200.00 738.00 138.00 138.00 322.00 230.00 17.03 160.00 16,840.16 792.05 310.40 4,998.75 750.00 171.99 995.00 96.08 52.68 226.50 7|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015044 09/10/2015 78015045 09/10/2015 A00202445AT&T Mobility A00200063Austin's Pest Control, Inc. 78015046 09/10/2015 A00200079Bar Charts, Inc. 78015047 78015048 78015049 78015050 78015051 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 A00250001Blake, Paul A. A00200107Bright House Networks A00200112BSK & Associates, Inc. A00278507California State University A00200135CAPED 78015052 78015053 78015054 78015055 78015056 78015057 78015058 78015059 78015060 78015061 78015062 78015063 78015064 78015065 78015066 78015067 78015068 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 A00200146Carolina Biological Supply C A00200149Carquest Auto Parts A00200170Champion Hardware Inc. A00200174Chevron U.S.A., Inc. A00228756Country Auto & Truck Taft A00278521CSU Fresno Association, Inc. A00200222Daily Midway Driller A00265229DK&M Property A00262833Domtar Paper Company LLC A00200845Dyer, Geoffrey A00253023Ellucian Company L.P. A00200950Furman, Tori J. A00259088GT Software Inc. A00200656Jacobi, Victoria J. A00201057Johnstone Supply A00265089Jose-Eguaras, Agnes A00200715Kern Electric Distributors I0040785 I0040786 I0040825 I0040796 081815 AUG 15 AUG. 15 20145452 072715 092315 0074250 16826068 9642407 9463127 49209509 7305-183 13007 45161675 568818 111315 01561087 091015 1121741 090215 90168287 081015 SIN00400 070815 393S1465 080515 540636 540713 390819 78015069 09/10/2015 A00253920Mancomm, Inc. I0040822 I0040794 I0040755 I0040757 I0040674 I0040675 I0040816 I0040801 I0040807 I0040765 I0040793 I0040780 I0040751 I0040813 I0040790 I0040817 I0040758 I0040820 I0040754 I0040745 I0040808 I0040821 I0040769 I0040791 I0040781 78015070 09/10/2015 A00227772MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. I0040778 47-41382 78015071 09/10/2015 A00200561Medco Supply Company 78015072 09/10/2015 A00234628MPS I0040764 I0040783 I0040775 41998346 41992968 71589414 78015073 09/10/2015 78015074 09/10/2015 78015075 09/10/2015 A00227738National Benefit Services, L A00278548Natural History Museum of Lo A00200498Office Depot I0040752 I0040818 I0040762 511063 183041 78385377 78015076 09/10/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040782 08-31-15 78015077 09/10/2015 A00200374Patterson, Paula R. 78015078 09/10/2015 A00200518Pearson Education I0040823 I0040824 I0040779 081415 082015 BK775149 78015078 09/10/2015 A00200518Pearson Education I0040799 I0040799 BK772055 BK772055 11000 39000 39000 39000 11000 31000 31000 12435 12461 42350 12000 12000 12000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 39000 11000 11000 12000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 35827 31000 31000 31000 31000 11000 11000 31000 31000 11000 11000 12599 11000 31000 31000 39000 39000 31000 31000 31000 31000 205 314 314 314 431 423 423 221 206 000 304 311 311 209 432 431 432 432 340 411 314 421 202 304 223 113 202 431 202 431 357 423 423 423 423 352 352 423 423 411 209 309 205 423 423 312 314 423 423 423 423 5870 5870 5840 5860 5860 4310 5940 5710 5840 5510 5710 5710 5710 4311 4312 5632 4316 4312 4410 5970 5610 4318 4410 5510 5710 5643 5710 4312 5710 4310 4310 4110 5940 4115 5940 4310 4310 4110 5940 5510 5740 4318 4318 5820 5830 5710 5710 4110 5940 4110 5940 12042 64991 64991 64991 65100 69100 69100 19010 12042 71002 63200 64200 64200 04012 67703 65100 67703 67703 64951 67300 64991 67704 60300 63200 60103 67801 60300 65100 60100 65100 69700 69100 69100 69100 69100 69619 69619 69100 69100 67300 04011 64992 12042 69100 69100 64991 64991 69100 69100 69100 69100 12.00 18.00 163.61 100.00 590.00 32.20 10.46 800.07 254.19 4,300.00 100.00 440.00 490.00 144.48 192.98 300.00 652.49 48.25 240.00 400.41 78.00 3,601.27 209.68 7,073.86 484.27 2,079.00 1,243.05 796.67 126.45 152.17 79.34 503.04 69.14 1,545.00 96.37 68.05 129.13 1,008.00 35.30 98.00 183.75 1,344.76 144.04 8.12 1,080.52 11.47 16.52 1,539.00 38.26 17,083.30 326.42 8|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015079 09/10/2015 78015080 09/10/2015 A00200539Proctor & Gamble A00231833Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. I0040812 I0040772 36031158 979962 78015081 78015082 78015083 78015084 78015085 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 A00200444Republic Elevator A00202275Russ Lacy Painting Co. A00200462S & S Printing A00200471SARS Software Products, Inc. A00200472Scantron Corporation I0040809 I0040826 I0040777 I0040788 I0040798 143811 1703 068424 15237 3127405 78015086 78015087 78015088 78015089 78015089 78015090 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 A00200494Smilemakers A00234793Southwest Signs A00268861Sports Imports, Inc. A00275935Supplyworks A00275935Supplyworks A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur I0040814 I0040797 I0040771 I0040767 I0040806 I0040795 7571986 5274 119673 5146332514633250822014 A00200423Taft City School District I0040819 I0040766 50902007 16-021 I0040802 16-002 I0040803 16-008 78015091 09/10/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015092 09/10/2015 78015093 09/10/2015 78015094 09/10/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore I0040784 I0040810 I0040815 6678 6415 4149 78015095 09/10/2015 A00252942TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac 78015096 09/10/2015 A00200434Teacher's College Press I0040747 I0040748 I0040773 082415 090315 3731424 78015097 09/10/2015 A00200274Townsend Press Book Center I0040763 339334 78015098 09/10/2015 A00200282True Value Home Center I0040761 336003 78015099 09/10/2015 A00255644U.S. Bank Equipment Finance I0040744 28655115 12461 11000 11000 11000 11000 31000 12000 31000 31000 12461 31000 11000 11000 11000 32000 32000 32000 31000 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12432 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 31000 31000 11000 11000 11000 39000 35827 35819 11000 206 113 113 431 431 423 304 423 423 206 423 352 431 431 422 422 422 423 432 432 432 314 314 431 432 432 432 431 431 432 432 352 218 210 208 210 210 210 000 000 423 423 423 423 431 431 431 314 357 357 401 4311 5641 5641 5641 5631 4321 5643 4310 5940 4311 4310 4310 4310 4310 4411 4411 4410 4310 4312 5632 4316 4312 5632 4312 4312 5632 5850 4312 5632 4312 5632 5950 4311 4310 4311 4310 4110 4310 9526 9526 4110 5940 4110 5940 4310 4310 4317 4310 4310 4310 5641 12042 67801 67801 65100 65100 69100 63200 69100 69100 12042 69100 69610 65300 65300 69400 69400 69400 69100 67703 67703 67703 64991 64991 65500 67703 67703 67703 65500 65500 67703 67703 69610 64952 13053 10023 20011 20011 13052 00000 00000 69100 69100 69100 69100 65100 65300 65500 64991 69700 69700 67701 162.66 3,995.87 2,212.87 187.05 1,480.00 31.04 5,100.00 30.00 11.25 223.60 522.00 699.00 786.04 638.58 1,037.10 2,128.52 13,769.34 92.60 105.65 93.00 10.00 10.00 61.00 115.08 3,317.91 1,220.00 20.00 404.52 15.00 5.00 62.00 15.01 72.98 75.21 34.48 5.13 7.47 2.14 474.00 104.00 220.32 52.17 297.50 44.76 584.59 132.36 157.56 890.23 118.24 37.61 435.38 9|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015100 09/10/2015 A00200284U.S. Foods I0040770 I0040756 28544158 4932123 78015101 09/10/2015 A00210209ULINE I0040774 70074272 78015102 09/10/2015 A00243587United Healthcare Insurance 78015103 78015104 78015105 78015106 78015107 A00200309United Refrigeration, Inc. A00200339Verizon California A00200352Waxie Sanitary Supply A00200355West Kern Water District A00200359Westchester Plaza, LLC I0040750 I0040753 I0040805 I0040789 I0040768 I0040811 I0040827 AUG 15 SEP 15 48082393 13580822 75459064 082415 OCT 15 78015108 09/10/2015 78015109 09/10/2015 A00200360Westec A00278523Worthy & James Publishing I0040800 I0040776 21578 3199797 78015110 78015111 78015112 78015113 78015114 78015115 78015116 78015117 78015118 78015119 78015120 78015121 78015122 78015123 78015124 78015125 78015126 78015127 78015128 78015129 78015130 78015131 78015132 78015133 78015134 78015135 78015136 78015137 78015138 78015139 78015140 78015141 78015142 78015143 78015144 A00200383WRD Consulting Group, LLC A00260452Adema, Josselyn P. A00247417Aguero, Claudia C. A00250321Aguilar, Alejandro A00274977Aguilar, Jessica E. A00203582Alcorta, Olga A00269628Aldstadt, Amber L. A00277741Allen, Nevaeh R. A00272569Alvarez, Vicky A00275202Amason, Tyler G. A00264035Anderson, Katelyn N. A00260515Anfield, Leslie D. A00262179Anglin, Dawn A. A00258393Apostol, Bernaflor S. A00260486Aquino, Courtney R. A00274947Aragon, Omar A00267478Aranda, Raquel A00274588Arceo, Marilu A00274411Arguello, Armando A00256354Arzola, Jennifer R. A00263742Attwell, Mary A. A00267253Avalos, Juan M. A00266963Avila, Jose O. A00260621Ayala, Valerie R. A00266806Bacot, Devin J. A00272373Badillo, Luis A. A00275204Ball, Alexis A00229595Baltazar, Erika A. A00248765Barboza, Roxanna A00251104Barboza Garcia, Jessica A00274690Barrios, Alan A. A00274691Bautista, Stephanie M. A00239621Benavides, Kelsy N. A00275208Benskin, Eliza M. A00274478Bernal, Edwin A. I0040759 S0032172 S0032173 S0032174 S0032175 S0032176 S0032177 S0032178 S0032179 S0032180 S0032181 S0032182 S0032183 S0032184 S0032185 S0032186 S0032187 S0032188 S0032189 S0032190 S0032211 S0032212 S0032213 S0032214 S0032215 S0032216 S0032217 S0032218 S0032219 S0032220 S0032221 S0032222 S0032223 S0032224 S0032225 3716 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 11000 32000 32000 31000 31000 11000 11000 11000 31000 11000 12560 12461 12461 11450 31000 31000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 401 422 422 423 423 412 412 431 423 431 223 206 206 204 423 423 599 5641 4410 4411 4321 5940 3350 3350 4312 5840 4310 5810 5611 5890 5641 4110 5940 5641 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 67701 69400 69400 69100 69100 59100 59100 65100 69100 65300 09565 12042 12042 09543 69100 69100 73900 527.85 8,741.96 358.27 725.63 46.46 18,185.75 18,399.70 198.55 65.62 2,626.38 89.60 1,396.00 744.00 141,330.00 458.00 81.68 187,500.00 1,407.00 207.00 924.43 221.00 361.00 1,407.46 1,247.09 1,444.00 1,130.98 1,225.23 1,231.93 164.00 736.65 759.91 720.28 1,444.00 1,032.32 1,083.00 722.00 1,444.00 876.59 626.97 1,018.00 1,117.13 1,135.50 1,129.05 207.00 1,444.00 1,107.00 1,444.00 1,083.00 1,444.00 828.41 1,444.00 10 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015145 78015146 78015147 78015148 78015149 78015150 78015151 78015152 78015153 78015154 78015155 78015156 78015157 78015158 78015159 78015160 78015161 78015162 78015163 78015164 78015165 78015166 78015167 78015168 78015169 78015170 78015171 78015172 78015173 78015174 78015175 78015176 78015177 78015178 78015179 78015180 78015181 78015182 78015183 78015184 78015185 78015186 78015187 78015188 78015189 78015190 78015191 78015192 78015193 78015194 78015195 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00250627Black, Mariah J. A00215503Blattenberg, Michael G. A00248418Borreli, Jessica A00246743Boyles, Tyler J. A00266409Bradshaw, Natalie M. A00274730Bravo, Thayra M. A00263761Brouse, Kenneth D. A00271511Burke, Brianna N. A00262728Burruss, Jerry D. A00273894Cabrera, Guadalupe A00267465Calbert, Chaynoa S. A00220315Caldwell, Kelsea N. A00269403Caldwell, Kenzie N. A00243477Caldwell, Nicole E. A00274438Campbell, Summer D. A00274795Campos, Isabel A00276996Canfield, Tyson R. A00252519Caples, Shania B. A00276333Carmona, Sydney R. A00265164Carpenter, Taylor L. A00245591Castellanos, Gabriela A00265365Chaney, Garrett B. A00229069Chavez, Adan A00246821Chavez, Amy C. A00250038Chavez, Ashley A00263769Chavez, Genesis S. A00102809Chitwood, Chad A00272565Cisneros, Luz E. A00269488Colotl, Yvette A00261142Contreras, Denise E. A00228454Cook, Dannielle E. A00243711Cornejo, Natalie A00274997Cortez, Katalynn A. A00267652Cowden, Luke J. A00210715Craig, Bradley R. A00042799Crawford, Casey D. A00247502Cross, Kylie A. A00219362Cruz, Marissa E. A00275789Cruz, Susann M. A00224256Davis, Latreka M. A00275475De Avila, Carlos A00266344De Leon, Kenya J. A00267075Denney, Hope S. A00267252Denogean, Richard A. A00272518Devine, Amanda N. A00267270Dhillon, Harmanjeet S. A00276311Diaz, Christopher J. A00256126Doan, Duyen A00255128Doan, Tien A00266347Doan, Trung T. A00260924Doan, Van N. S0032226 S0032227 S0032228 S0032229 S0032230 S0032231 S0032238 S0032239 S0032240 S0032241 S0032242 S0032243 S0032244 S0032245 S0032246 S0032247 S0032248 S0032249 S0032250 S0032251 S0032252 S0032253 S0031947 S0031948 S0031949 S0031950 S0031951 S0031952 S0031953 S0031954 S0031955 S0031956 S0031957 S0031958 S0031959 S0031960 S0031961 S0031962 S0031963 S0031964 S0031965 S0031966 S0031967 S0031968 S0031969 S0031970 S0031971 S0031972 S0031973 S0031974 S0031975 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 377.70 361.00 811.00 258.00 1,371.01 1,146.21 1,444.00 1,444.00 389.57 830.00 1,358.02 1,083.00 1,444.00 707.00 930.80 1,001.82 1,444.00 722.00 1,444.00 191.00 957.00 855.40 722.00 722.00 227.00 1,444.00 940.67 668.37 776.70 1,444.00 642.96 807.00 44.77 1,444.00 1,310.83 1,157.05 1,097.33 1,236.19 1,083.00 1,179.87 1,268.57 1,157.00 1,083.00 722.00 361.00 1,444.00 146.00 1,083.00 1,432.00 1,444.00 1,444.00 11 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015196 09/16/2015 A00206011Dominguez, Janet N. 78015197 09/16/2015 A00275218Donovan, Rebecca I. 78015198 09/16/2015 A00276684Drennan, Shannon S. 78015199 09/16/2015 A00258958Duenas, Agustin 78015200 09/16/2015 A00232405Elizarraraz, Diego 78015201 09/16/2015 A00259314Espinoza, Jovana 78015202 09/16/2015 A00276919Ewing, Jacob A. 78015203 09/16/2015 A00237286Fajardo, Monica J. 78015204 09/16/2015 A00276863Fernandez, Maria E. 78015205 09/16/2015 A00269389Fien, Lynn M. 78015206 09/16/2015 A00206035Fink, Chris J. 78015207 09/16/2015 A00276975Flores, Alyssa R. 78015208 09/16/2015 A00266898Flores, Heidi 78015209 09/16/2015 A00269679Flores, Marcos J. 78015210 09/16/2015 A00072808Floyd, Shella R. 78015211 09/16/2015 A00012661Fowler, Casandra 78015212 09/16/2015 A00270022Gamez, Eduardo L. 78015213 09/16/2015 A00277119Gamino, Edgar 78015214 09/16/2015 A00269082Garcia, Zully 78015215 09/16/2015 A00269081Garner, Tyler W. 78015216 09/16/2015 A00253888Gaunt, Ryan R. 78015217 09/16/2015 A00108969Gentry, Lourdes A. 78015218 09/16/2015 A00267698Gil Gonsalez, Anaiz 78015219 09/16/2015 A00269093Gill, Mohanvir S. 78015220 09/16/2015 A00233925Gill, Simarjot S. 8015221 09/16/2015 A00271303Goad, Cheyanne T. 78015222 09/16/2015 A00250262Gomez, Alexandra 78015223 09/16/2015 A00238063Gomez, Danielle P. 78015224 09/16/2015 A00272593Gonzales, Gage A. 78015225 09/16/2015 A00274226Gracia, Samantha 78015226 09/16/2015 A00238068Graves, Venessa M. 78015227 09/16/2015 A00261461Grover, Ashley R. 78015228 09/16/2015 A00274703Guerrero, Sabrina 78015229 09/16/2015 A00209730Gutierrez, Joanna J. 78015230 09/16/2015 A00264150Hahn, Christine M. 78015231 09/16/2015 A00274810Hamblin, Ryan 78015232 09/16/2015 A00255593Hammond, Brigitte N. 78015233 09/16/2015 A00265402Harmer, Kyndal R. 78015234 09/16/2015 A00266854Harrison, Dannika L. 78015235 09/16/2015 A00272514Hawkins, Bryan A. 78015236 09/16/2015 A00274704Hedrick, Courtney N. 78015237 09/16/2015 A00268233Henderson, Angel M. 78015238 09/16/2015 A00274747Hernandez, Maria I. 78015239 09/16/2015 A00267282Hernandez, Rodolfo 78015240 09/16/2015 A00269474Herrera, Priscilla L. 78015241 09/16/2015 A00262687Hersley, Whitney N. 78015242 09/16/2015 A00105896Hill, Laura L. 78015243 09/16/2015 A00228112Hinojosa, Abel 78015244 09/16/2015 A00272458Hinojosa, Fernando A. 78015245 09/16/2015 A00272567Hodges, Alexis D. 78015246 09/16/2015 A00272695Howze, Hayden B. S0031976 S0031977 S0031978 S0031979 S0031980 S0031981 S0031982 S0031983 S0031984 S0031985 S0031986 S0031987 S0031988 S0031989 S0031990 S0031991 S0031992 S0031993 S0031994 S0031995 S0031996 S0031997 S0031998 S0031999 S0032000 S0032001 S0032002 S0032003 S0032004 S0032005 S0032006 S0032007 S0032008 S0032009 S0032010 S0032011 S0032012 S0032013 S0032014 S0032015 S0032016 S0032017 S0032018 S0032019 S0032020 S0032021 S0032022 S0032023 S0032024 S0032025 S0032026 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 FY 15-16 186.17 1,057.00 1,009.05 155.00 1,097.96 1,444.00 1,444.00 722.00 361.00 632.00 1,444.00 1,179.82 1,285.38 1,127.89 225.59 1,196.60 1,207.09 1,083.00 1,179.85 583.00 1,165.45 906.41 1,444.00 1,407.00 1,444.00 1,002.32 588.50 844.00 1,282.46 1,357.00 1,444.00 230.00 107.00 579.00 357.00 300.22 1,444.00 992.43 1,444.00 1,092.70 1,150.32 1,444.00 1,188.30 1,444.00 1,444.00 1,083.00 1,444.00 1,444.00 299.00 525.96 158.00 12 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015247 78015248 78015249 78015250 78015251 78015252 78015253 78015254 78015255 78015256 78015257 78015258 78015259 78015260 78015261 78015262 78015263 78015264 78015265 78015266 78015267 78015268 78015269 78015270 78015271 78015272 78015273 78015274 78015275 78015276 78015277 78015278 78015279 78015280 78015281 78015282 78015283 78015284 78015285 78015286 78015287 78015288 78015289 78015290 78015291 78015292 78015293 78015294 78015295 78015296 78015297 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00268319Jarman, Allison B. A00252951Jimenez, Olivia G. A00264040Jordan, Danielle N. A00215805Joseph, Kortney N. A00224299Kaur, Rupinder A00269083Kekuawela, Kau'ionalani P. A00265946Kelley, Kayla L. A00201261Kujala, Cindy M. A00265930Kukuliev, Shoshanna P. A00275237Lara-Lozano, Alonso A00267117Lazo, Henry J. A00245786Lee, Jeffrey A00267769Leon, Yesenia A00248724Longbine, Tina E. A00251809Lopez, Alexis B. A00262881Lopez, Ana M. A00267453Lopez, Jazmin A00274758Lopez Del Toro, Israel A00258948Lopez Lopez, Uriel A. A00272476Lozano, Ruby A00251591Luna, Destinie M. A00277239Macedo, Briana M. A00204510Machuca, Jorge A00227622Magana, Faviola A00274150Marcos, Elizabet A00275026Mariscal, Ana I. A00265224Marquez, Christina G. A00267470Martin, Anthony W. A00261879Martinez, Brenda A00260771Martinez, Ivan A00278282Maui, Pedro A. A00276068Mayfield, Zachary B. A00257922McClanahan, Kevin J. A00259468Mendez, Pablo A00250814Mendoza, America D. A00276812Mendoza, Ivana J. A00266002Mendoza, Lizette V. A00274612Mendoza Salinas, Wendi A. A00228122Miranda, Elizabeth A00255957Miranda, Isabel D. A00256130Miranda, Jordan J. A00250146Molina, Jessica J. A00274821Mondragon, Alexander A00276893Monik, Kirsten P. A00276621Moniz, Lexy R. A00272488Montanez, Leslye G. A00260948Montano, Ashley A. A00274423Montano, Maria A. A00277234Montgomery, Cynthia S. A00260743Moore, Kayla m. A00255911Mora, Alejandro S0032027 S0032028 S0032029 S0032030 S0032031 S0032032 S0032033 S0032034 S0032035 S0032036 S0032037 S0032038 S0032039 S0032040 S0032041 S0032042 S0032043 S0032044 S0032045 S0032046 S0032047 S0032048 S0032049 S0032050 S0032051 S0032052 S0032053 S0032054 S0032055 S0032056 S0032057 S0032058 S0032059 S0032060 S0032061 S0032062 S0032063 S0032064 S0032065 S0032066 S0032067 S0032068 S0032069 S0032070 S0032071 S0032072 S0032073 S0032074 S0032075 S0032076 S0032077 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 1,083.00 1,291.67 722.00 844.00 1,444.00 982.00 926.69 268.00 1,292.51 1,141.82 1,121.12 361.00 382.00 1,168.45 1,227.08 525.49 1,392.83 782.00 1,043.91 1,253.15 1,124.77 1,159.05 1,441.86 801.00 944.00 597.92 1,050.39 944.00 1,444.00 1,232.00 1,444.00 550.92 616.00 1,444.00 632.00 383.64 1,174.79 1,177.56 1,132.08 1,444.00 1,083.00 1,444.00 981.61 418.00 736.82 429.06 1,444.00 722.00 47.00 1,083.00 872.27 13 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015298 78015299 78015300 78015301 78015302 78015303 78015304 78015305 78015306 78015307 78015308 78015309 78015310 78015311 78015312 78015313 78015314 78015315 78015316 78015317 78015318 78015319 78015320 78015321 78015322 78015323 78015324 78015325 78015326 78015327 78015328 78015329 78015330 78015331 78015332 78015333 78015334 78015335 78015336 78015337 78015338 78015339 78015340 78015341 78015342 78015343 78015344 78015345 78015346 78015347 78015348 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00247657Mosher, Megan R. A00269728Muthana, Alham M. A00274528Navarrete, Mariela R. A00274764Neal, Brenna B. A00232228Newsom, Tiffani C. A00243246Nguyen, Mary T. A00061780Nichols, Mackey A. A00254669Nieto, Randy F. A00257438Nombrano, Adrian A00267450Noriega, Liliana M. A00253981Nunez, Esther A. A00265029Nunez, Jessica A. A00275408Ornelas, Brenda A00228256Orozco, Gilberto A00261522Ortiz, Brenda A00243431Ortiz, Juan C. A00259097Oscarson, Brooke M. A00267463Osornia, Jhoana A00261524Owens, Rebecca A00237256Padron, Celina M. A00267482Parkinson, Tory N. A00038486Pearcy, Brenton A00260068Pena, Raul J. A00249451Pence, Emily N. A00274536Perez, Alondra O. A00267844Perez, Carolina A00267008Perez, Mireya A00272462Portillo, Jason S. A00252649Poulsen, Ryan A. A00272575Presson, Andrew T. A00202975Puente, Isela A00272449Quinonez, Karen A00272484Quinonez, Kimberly A00267940Ramirez, Nancy G. A00260154Ramos, Flor A. A00272978Renteria, Ruben A00259486Resendis, Cristian A00277647Reynolds, Tyesha A. A00272477Reynoso, Roy A00272469Rivera, Daniel E. A00247057Rivera, Shannon R. A00258061Roam, Ivy C. A00269854Robles, Joel L. A00276862Rocha, Irma A00277214Rocha Rocha, Joanna A00275460Rodriguez, Cindy A00224438Rodriguez, Daniel T. A00275425Rodriguez, Genevieve M. A00273753Roman, Ignacio A00277723Romero, Brenda J. A00240562Rothermel, Jordan R. S0032078 S0032079 S0032080 S0032081 S0032082 S0032083 S0032084 S0032085 S0032086 S0032087 S0032088 S0032089 S0032090 S0032091 S0032092 S0032093 S0032094 S0032095 S0032096 S0032097 S0032098 S0032099 S0032100 S0032101 S0032102 S0032103 S0032104 S0032105 S0032106 S0032107 S0032108 S0032109 S0032110 S0032111 S0032112 S0032113 S0032114 S0032115 S0032116 S0032117 S0032118 S0032119 S0032120 S0032121 S0032122 S0032123 S0032124 S0032125 S0032126 S0032127 S0032128 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 1,083.00 607.00 1,009.14 307.00 1,083.00 361.00 1,032.00 1,444.00 722.00 882.00 266.35 1,250.14 1,444.00 1,074.29 1,444.00 532.00 305.00 1,149.42 361.00 1,444.00 407.00 722.00 382.00 332.00 999.00 722.00 1,132.00 1,444.00 629.92 1,083.00 1,083.00 1,444.00 1,444.00 757.00 1,444.00 1,300.46 1,260.79 1,059.94 1,130.17 722.00 1,057.00 1,432.00 1,083.00 1,083.00 1,207.00 850.91 1,082.00 1,089.51 1,083.00 361.00 511.00 14 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015349 78015350 78015351 78015352 78015353 78015354 78015355 78015356 78015357 78015358 78015359 78015360 78015361 78015362 78015363 78015364 78015365 78015366 78015367 78015368 78015369 78015370 78015371 78015372 78015373 78015374 78015375 78015376 78015377 78015378 78015379 78015380 78015381 78015382 78015383 78015384 78015385 78015386 78015387 78015388 78015389 78015390 78015391 78015392 78015393 78015394 78015395 78015396 78015397 78015398 78015399 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00274576Ruelas, Stacey A00277121Ruiz, Patricia A00247506Saba, Naseem I. A00263825Saenz, Kirstie A. A00265729Saffell, Sally A. A00276906Salgado, Maria T. A00267473Salomon, Guadalupe A00267951Sanchez, Amie G. A00274429Sanchez, Esther A00269830Sanchez, Jasmine N. A00095707Sanchez, Ryan R. A00248758Sanders, Angela M. A00267461Sandoval, Dalia G. A00250846Santana, Armando A00273362Santana Saldivar, Yuridia A00265915Sasi, Randiel O. A00212053Schryver, Emily J. A00266080Scott, Colby D. A00261962Serrano, Adrian A00274422Shamoo, Ivana J. A00271152Sharma, Madhav K. A00251817Shelby, Eris B. A00268709Sherrod, Bria L. A00224653Simpson, Karlee B. A00272604Smith, Katelyn M. A00272456Smith, Paige E. A00276439Smith, Sarah A. A00234436Smith, Tayler K. A00269080Sohal, Jaiveer S. A00261799Soto, Karla A00259359Spangler, Savannah N. A00261362Spencer, Sierra A00267020Stenzel, Chelsea A. A00276244Stewart, Sharon K. A00264042Tamayo, Kathleen A00215150Taylor, Kyle A. A00272510Tena, Nashel L. A00231811Tiger, Joshua N. A00250395Tinoco, Patricia A00240608Torralva, Elizabet A00003990Torres, Adan A00267774Torres, Jason R. A00269534Trimble, Aaron C. A00266486Ursua, Jessica A00274561Valdez, Mailine A00274424Valdivia, Salvador A. A00250715Valenzuela, Brenda A00267024Vargas, Madalayna M. A00213357Vargas, Samanta A00259173Vasquez, Marcello A00267483Vega, Bailey D. S0032129 S0032130 S0032131 S0032132 S0032133 S0032134 S0032135 S0032136 S0032137 S0032138 S0032139 S0032140 S0032141 S0032142 S0032143 S0032144 S0032145 S0032146 S0032147 S0032148 S0032149 S0032150 S0032151 S0032152 S0032153 S0032154 S0032155 S0032156 S0032157 S0032158 S0032159 S0032160 S0032161 S0032162 S0032163 S0032164 S0032165 S0032166 S0032167 S0032168 S0032169 S0032170 S0032171 S0032191 S0032192 S0032193 S0032194 S0032195 S0032196 S0032197 S0032198 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 1,444.00 1,332.00 1,444.00 511.00 361.00 361.00 1,322.61 629.04 107.00 1,170.51 316.00 32.00 1,151.34 634.77 1,083.00 916.96 1,144.16 301.17 943.00 1,145.57 1,018.00 55.41 899.14 565.19 1,299.80 972.04 818.18 1,242.05 1,444.00 1,232.00 1,444.00 1,347.86 1,291.88 722.00 532.00 958.98 1,107.62 1,444.00 1,444.00 1,083.00 196.00 1,407.00 722.00 1,086.88 1,444.00 1,245.78 1,195.54 1,086.33 702.66 1,283.35 826.75 15 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015400 78015401 78015402 78015403 78015404 78015405 78015406 78015407 78015408 78015409 78015410 78015411 78015412 78015413 78015414 78015415 78015416 78015417 78015418 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 A00274278Velasco, Jonathan A00270506Vicencio, Juan S. A00009706Wade, Lina L. A00268782Wade, Megan E. A00243478Walker, Kayla S. A00266178Waller, Morgan M. A00244933Warren, Brent R. A00262678Weber-Walton, Jessica A00262056Weiss, Chelsea A00272490Wheeler, Taylor S. A00248687White, Chelsey A. A00242254Williams, Moriah A. A00042627Williams, Summer A00038893Wilson, Karissa A00277785Witt, Jakob V. A00270965Wood, Kimberly A. A00253217Zavala, Jose A00262767Zuniga, Romelia A00273531A-2 Bus Sales, Inc. S0032199 S0032200 S0032201 S0032202 S0032203 S0032204 S0032205 S0032206 S0032207 S0032208 S0032209 S0032210 S0032232 S0032233 S0032234 S0032235 S0032236 S0032237 I0040831 15C010 78015419 09/18/2015 78015420 09/18/2015 A00200034Albertson's A00200043American Express I0040932 I0040835 13680819 71003082 78015421 09/18/2015 78015422 09/18/2015 A00200043American Express A00200043American Express I0040839 I0040840 11003082 91006082 78015422 09/18/2015 A00200043American Express I0040840 91006082 78015423 09/18/2015 A00200043American Express I0040841 11004082 78015424 78015425 78015426 78015427 78015428 78015429 A00223048AMS.NET A00200051Antongiovanni, Barbara A00200054Applied Technology Group, In A00202445AT&T Mobility A00200074Baltazar, Diana A00200077Bang, D.D.S., Robert I0040964 I0040936 I0040960 I0040876 I0040879 I0040830 143692 090815 2O6367 082515 090815 030915-0 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 33429 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12435 12435 12434 12432 11000 12435 12434 12432 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 11000 12461 11000 12461 12461 12460 599 599 310 101 110 110 110 202 202 401 203 221 221 219 218 202 221 219 218 202 110 411 202 202 101 314 314 113 206 301 206 206 206 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 6414 6414 4410 5720 5710 4410 5710 5710 5710 5710 6310 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 4310 5710 5510 5950 4410 4310 5740 5644 5710 5632 5840 5710 5641 79002 79002 69200 66004 66003 66003 66003 60100 60100 67200 61200 19010 19010 17010 64952 60100 19010 17010 64952 60100 66003 67300 60100 60100 66004 64991 64991 67801 12042 64500 12042 12042 12042 650.72 1,444.00 1,106.26 944.00 1,066.22 1,010.23 305.00 1,444.00 722.00 1,142.13 722.00 1,444.00 264.00 1,083.00 1,259.99 844.00 530.00 722.00 42,046.84 42,046.82 811.40 240.02 412.09 378.34 212.02 235.42 212.02 236.02 514.57 410.00 68.04 68.03 68.03 204.10 81.37 81.37 81.36 244.10 15.23 71.91 70.40 29.79 74.44 1,174.53 435.50 1,782.00 13.80 47.50 429.59 60.95 5,463.20 16 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015430 78015431 78015432 78015433 78015434 78015435 78015436 78015437 78015438 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 A00200081BARC, Inc. A00200773Beasley, Michelle A. A00266398Belden, Rachel C. A00075823Binkley, Everett L. A00250001Blake, Paul A. A00200096Board of Governors, CCC A00200105Brandco A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks I0040939 I0040837 I0040847 I0040930 I0040848 I0040953 I0040865 I0040863 I0040864 INV00580 082815 080115 OCT 15 JUL 15 15-088 18526 093015 09/30 78015439 09/18/2015 78015440 09/18/2015 A00200107Bright House Networks A00200109Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc I0040875 I0040846 I0040870 091815 21630 77125 78015441 78015442 78015443 78015444 78015445 78015446 78015447 Cancelled Check A00200146Carolina Biological Supply C A00200150Carrillo, Jessica A00249971Clark, Michal C. A00271411Colston Properties LLC A00200236Demco A00265229DK&M Property I0040860 I0040869 I0040943 I0040927 I0040838 I0040931 I0040946 I0040842 I0040850 I0040833 49218184 090815 REISSUE OCT 15 5668510 OCT 15 OCT. 15 090115 1129957 5-119-95 I0040873 I0040836 I0040949 I0040843 I0040950 I0040859 I0040878 I0040849 1896057 2179 082415 1533133 1530349 22364783 22512040 119662 I0040952 I0040854 I0040877 I0040844 I0040961 I0040832 071615 SEP 15 AUG 15 541240 15832 21515-63 I0040880 I0040881 79180305 79212685 I0040882 79218520 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 78015448 09/18/2015 78015449 09/18/2015 78015450 09/18/2015 A00201586Dodson, John A00262833Domtar Paper Company LLC A00200308Federal Express Corporation 78015451 78015452 78015453 78015454 A00200323Flinn Scientific, Inc. A00201350Four Seasons Carpet Cleaning A00201045Golling, Greg P. A00200645Hardy Diagnostics 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 78015455 09/18/2015 78015455 09/18/2015 78015456 09/18/2015 A00200655Henry Schein, Inc. A00200655Henry Schein, Inc. A00224086inContact, Inc. 78015457 78015458 78015459 78015460 78015461 78015462 78015463 78015464 78015465 78015466 A00265089Jose-Eguaras, Agnes A00200704Karwoski, John A00200712Kern County Supt. of Schools A00200715Kern Electric Distributors A00200721Kiwanis Club of Taft A00200730Launspach, DDS., Inc., Danie Voided Check Voided Check Voided Check A00200498Office Depot 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 11000 11000 12434 39000 12435 11000 11000 35827 35819 35814 12560 11000 39000 12433 411 210 219 314 221 113 431 357 357 357 223 432 314 341 5990 4310 5710 5610 5710 5641 4320 5890 5890 5890 5645 4316 4316 4316 67300 13053 17010 64991 17010 67801 65100 69700 69700 69700 09565 67703 64991 64991 85.00 6.65 18.40 1,746.00 13.80 3,900.00 10.10 988.74 750.00 863.21 405.30 1,172.43 452.38 0.01 11000 12461 12433 39000 11000 39000 39000 39000 11000 11972 11972 11972 11000 11000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12434 42348 12461 11000 11000 12460 209 206 341 314 203 314 314 314 421 111 111 111 411 209 314 209 209 209 205 205 431 431 219 000 206 431 355 206 4311 5710 5510 5610 6412 5610 5610 5710 4318 5415 5415 5415 5950 4311 5631 4310 4311 4311 4311 4311 5840 5840 5710 5510 5641 4310 5210 5641 04012 12042 64991 64991 61200 64991 64991 64991 67704 66002 66002 66002 67300 19051 64991 04012 04012 04012 12042 12042 65100 65700 17010 71002 12042 65100 64900 12042 30.04 34.50 643.50 1,475.00 764.26 928.00 2,460.00 15.00 1,720.00 319.09 405.39 27.75 31.55 3,212.50 9,056.83 150.81 71.02 203.16 4.72 247.81 139.48 1,087.95 109.00 10,920.00 33,457.43 242.92 644.00 20,135.70 12434 11000 12000 11000 11000 219 114 304 209 401 4310 4318 4310 4310 4310 17010 70999 63200 04013 67200 76.67 974.47 112.59 33.62 7.51 17 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015466 09/18/2015 78015466 09/18/2015 78015466 09/18/2015 A00200498Office Depot A00200498Office Depot A00200498Office Depot FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 I0040883 I0040884 I0040885 I0040886 I0040887 I0040888 I0040889 79243652 78960265 79030868 78968832 78968843 79130323 79005254 I0040890 79005245 I0040891 79005254 I0040892 I0040893 I0040894 I0040895 I0040896 I0040897 I0040898 I0040899 I0040900 I0040901 I0040902 I0040902 I0040903 I0040904 I0040905 I0040906 I0040907 I0040908 I0040909 79006569 79035576 79056860 79052034 79052078 79140242 78934126 78938554 78945814 78945820 78975780 78975780 78966119 78958733 78849703 78967663 78847908 78849730 78771270 I0040910 I0040911 I0040912 I0040913 I0040914 I0040915 I0040916 I0040917 I0040918 I0040919 I0040920 I0040921 I0040922 78871199 78857311 78857278 78896299 78901203 78901213 78901213 78693505 78695686 78696227 78764625 78764636 78773899 33428 11000 12599 12599 12599 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12432 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12401 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12060 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 310 210 309 309 309 302 421 401 421 401 421 401 113 113 358 210 210 209 218 209 210 210 401 421 353 202 209 208 210 209 202 210 202 209 208 111 113 113 208 209 209 311 209 209 209 202 202 202 209 209 202 4310 4310 4310 7601 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4318 6412 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4318 4318 4318 4318 4318 4318 6415 6415 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 69200 13052 64992 64992 64992 63100 67200 67200 67200 67200 67200 67200 67801 67801 62100 22013 22013 17017 64952 04012 20014 20014 67200 67200 64600 60200 19051 15017 13052 19051 60200 20011 60100 04011 15011 66002 67801 67801 15011 04012 04012 64200 04014 04014 04014 60100 60100 60100 17013 17013 60200 513.49 25.05 102.18 22.11 59.56 141.41 18.57 10.63 10.63 10.63 34.38 17.19 65.99 293.88 474.02 347.21 10.74 61.21 55.28 78.20 28.43 25.77 4.38 4.39 62.29 67.08 206.79 264.29 8.70 30.09 222.57 189.26 101.91 48.42 83.72 797.09 731.17 224.66 49.14 36.39 105.40 54.52 233.90 72.01 11.29 26.86 26.86 26.86 38.81 27.08 21.48 18 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015467 09/18/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040923 I0040924 I0040925 I0040926 I0040944 I0040954 78847908 78847036 78847050 78847050 78103392 090415 78015468 09/18/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040965 08-24-15 78015469 78015470 78015471 78015472 78015473 78015474 78015475 78015476 78015477 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. A00200543Purdy, D.D.S., Daniel A00200462S & S Printing A00202968San Joaquin Chemicals, Inc. A00200492Sixten and Associates A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200396Spurr I0040966 I0040829 I0040957 I0040866 I0040868 I0040862 I0040871 I0040872 I0040856 090215 052015-0 068436 112759 AUG 15 082715 08/27/15 08-27-15 66593 78015478 78015479 78015480 78015481 78015482 78015483 78015484 78015485 78015486 78015487 78015488 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 A00275935Supplyworks A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur A00200423Taft City School District A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore Cancelled Check A00200430Taft Plaza, LLC A00200608The Fort Preservation Societ I0040845 I0040934 I0040951 I0040834 I0040937 I0040938 I0040942 I0040962 514771750902066 16-020 4609 3052 3227 3446 2728 78015489 78015490 78015491 78015492 78015493 78015494 78015495 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 A00200284U.S. Foods A00200293United Parcel Service A00200336Vaughan, Susan A00200339Verizon California A00200339Verizon California A00200338Verizon Wireless A00200338Verizon Wireless I0040851 I0040940 I0040941 I0040933 I0040855 I0040963 I0040857 I0040858 I0040861 I0040867 TAFTOCT 080615 08/06/15 5327023 00009697 081715 77000828 79000828 97515047 97513054 78015496 09/18/2015 A00200338Verizon Wireless I0040935 97513019 78015497 09/18/2015 78015498 09/18/2015 78015499 09/18/2015 A00202272VWR International A00271491Watkins, Sherrie D. A00200355West Kern Water District I0040874 I0040945 I0040852 80423789 OCT 15 091115 78015499 09/18/2015 A00200355West Kern Water District 78015500 09/18/2015 A00202369West Side Regional Occupatio I0040853 I0040947 I0040948 I0040928 090815 081215 080715 OCT 15 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 12460 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 35819 35827 33428 11000 33429 39000 11000 39000 12433 11000 12000 210 210 210 210 312 314 314 314 314 314 206 421 431 401 301 205 113 431 357 357 310 431 310 314 205 314 341 110 304 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 5830 5820 5830 5820 5830 5641 4318 5641 5641 5810 5641 4310 5820 5820 5820 5820 4310 4410 5632 4310 4310 4311 4310 4110 13052 13052 13052 13052 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 12042 67704 65100 67200 64500 12042 67801 65700 69700 69700 65700 65300 69200 64991 12042 64991 64991 66003 63200 5.36 72.61 12.65 14.31 120.35 19.47 1.24 68.14 2.86 216.98 30,612.30 364.57 1,175.00 506.50 175.70 70.11 102.31 366.36 0.01 119.83 138.69 615.38 1,858.41 301.63 43.54 10.74 235.63 208.00 5,555.83 31000 11000 11000 33429 11000 12000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 39000 33428 39000 39000 39000 423 411 411 310 401 311 431 431 357 431 312 113 114 209 314 432 314 310 314 314 314 5611 4310 5641 4410 5940 5710 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 5641 4311 5610 5810 5810 5810 5810 5810 5610 69100 67300 67300 69200 67705 64200 65700 65700 69700 65100 64991 67801 70999 19051 64991 65700 64991 69200 64991 64991 64991 1,907.00 125.00 200.00 2,996.36 2,387.09 565.00 633.55 492.92 134.13 179.26 52.72 38.05 39.96 706.30 1,310.00 602.28 15.42 392.37 22.37 39.87 1,473.00 19 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015501 78015502 78015503 78015504 78015505 78015506 78015507 78015508 78015509 78015510 78015511 78015512 78015513 78015514 78015515 78015516 78015517 78015518 78015519 78015520 78015521 78015522 78015523 78015524 78015525 78015526 78015527 78015528 78015529 78015530 78015531 78015532 78015533 78015534 78015535 78015536 78015537 78015538 78015539 78015540 78015541 78015542 78015543 78015544 78015545 78015546 78015547 78015548 78015549 78015550 78015551 09/18/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00073955White, Brian L. A00267471Aguilar, Maria F. A00262058Alverdi, Christopher A00272516Andrade, Justin P. A00262015Antimisiaris, Timothy A00267478Aranda, Raquel A00267457Arellano, Christian A. A00213754Atkin, Elizabeth R. A00262016Austin, Matthew A00267517Avina, Ivanna A00262017Bassett, Matthew A00267465Calbert, Chaynoa S. A00252913Calderon, Janelle J. A00262018Chapman, Brooke A00265354Cloud, Cassidy B. A00267480Covington, Justin E. A00262022Davenport, Grant A00272513Estrada, Emanuel A00270996Ewing, Kenneth G. A00274492Figueroa, Kimberly G. A00265983Flud, Suezette R. A00272515Fowler, Jessica J. A00212118Garcia, Kristina A. A00271237Gill, Bailey N. A00262024Gilliam, Tim A00262025Graff, Aaron A00261077Gutierrez Perez, Wilber D. A00262026Hall, Shelby A00272460Harmer, Christian J. A00272472Havens, Zackary S. A00262031Isbell, Kristerpher A00267454LeClair, Abigail T. A00267769Leon, Yesenia A00274279Livingston, Jazzmen V. A00267453Lopez, Jazmin A00260903Loubey, Christopher J. A00277133Lusk, Whitney S. A00267443Marker, Arie J. A00272591Martin, Chelsea E. A00265337McElmurry, Darian E. A00278513Mendoza, Monica A00248750Milner, Allison C. A00261512Morales, Monica A00262036Nishimura, Maggie A00267450Noriega, Liliana M. A00252902Nuno, Oscar R. A00267464Osornia, Brenda A00267463Osornia, Jhoana A00269703Owen, Taylor L. A00267482Parkinson, Tory N. A00262046Patterson, Molly I0040929 S0032270 S0032271 S0032272 S0032273 S0032274 S0032275 S0032276 S0032277 S0032278 S0032279 S0032280 S0032281 S0032282 S0032283 S0032284 S0032285 S0032286 S0032287 S0032288 S0032289 S0032290 S0032291 S0032292 S0032293 S0032294 S0032295 S0032296 S0032297 S0032298 S0032299 S0032300 S0032301 S0032302 S0032303 S0032304 S0032305 S0032306 S0032307 S0032308 S0032309 S0032310 S0032311 S0032312 S0032313 S0032314 S0032315 S0032316 S0032317 S0032318 S0032319 OCT 15 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 314 5610 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 64991 1,400.00 300.00 140.28 300.00 140.28 300.00 300.00 138.00 61.86 300.00 3.48 300.00 690.00 70.56 70.00 300.00 61.86 300.00 361.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 414.00 300.00 125.00 125.00 598.00 78.48 300.00 300.00 78.48 300.00 300.00 500.00 300.00 414.00 460.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 184.00 300.00 276.00 48.70 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 142.00 20 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015552 78015553 78015554 78015555 78015556 78015557 78015558 78015559 78015560 78015561 78015562 78015563 78015564 78015565 78015566 78015567 78015568 78015569 78015570 78015571 78015572 78015573 78015574 78015575 78015576 78015577 78015578 78015579 78015580 78015581 78015582 78015583 78015584 78015585 78015586 78015587 78015588 78015589 78015590 78015591 78015592 78015593 78015594 78015595 78015596 78015597 78015598 78015599 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/19/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 78015600 09/23/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00274826Pezer, Hank T. A00272462Portillo, Jason S. A00277965Ramirez Giumarra, Senya E. A00272520Reed, Mary E. A00262048Ripley, Zachary A00262049Rockwell, Joseph A00262052Rohr, Randy A00248819Romero, Jordan D. A00272418Rowan, Elizabeth T. A00238511Serna, Elizabeth A. A00262054Shue, Rebecca A00273123Steele, Natalie A. A00272568Taylor, Destiney S. A00264153Trejo, Ethan A. A00272445Urioste, Taylor A. A00267483Vega, Bailey D. A00277726Whynot, Kathleen M. A00260678Williams, Serena L. A00267460Wilson, Amy K. A00262057Wood, Dean A00267456Xancale, Abelulia A00275770Baker, Marissa A. A00276661Bente, Cathrine M. A00278502Burgos, Olivia J. A00278549Calvin, Kaitlin L. A00275782Canchan, Rosa B. A00274694Carrillo, Daisy L. A00277872Cervantes, Carlos A. A00275133Cisneros, Areli N. A00277662Daniel, Francisco J. A00277183Flores, Kimberly V. A00211611Flores, Laura C. A00276617Gee, Tori M. A00269623Heppner, Drew E. A00278513Mendoza, Monica A00220178Panchi, Daniel A00277209Perez, Miguel F. A00277048Phillips, Inati N. A00277140Quair, Sabrina M. A00234544Rocha, Ellison M. A00274905Saldana Perez, Rosa A00262832Sandoval, Viridiana A00255820Vargas, Maritza A00201649White, Brent L. A00256777Williams, Tamara M. Cancelled Check A00200043American Express A00200043American Express S0032320 S0032321 S0032322 S0032323 S0032324 S0032254 S0032255 S0032256 S0032257 S0032258 S0032259 S0032260 S0032261 S0032262 S0032263 S0032264 S0032265 S0032269 S0032266 S0032267 S0032268 S0032325 S0032326 S0032327 S0032328 S0032329 S0032330 S0032331 S0032332 S0032333 S0032334 S0032335 S0032336 S0032337 S0032338 S0032339 S0032340 S0032341 S0032342 S0032343 S0032344 S0032345 S0032346 S0032347 S0032348 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 I0040985 I0040990 92002082 11000082 A00200043American Express I0041036 11006082 11000 11000 12000 12000 12432 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 352 301 304 304 218 4310 5505 4410 5710 5710 300.00 300.00 598.00 300.00 105.16 61.86 105.16 300.00 300.00 184.00 48.70 552.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 230.00 276.00 300.00 140.28 300.00 807.00 722.00 722.00 361.00 361.00 1,057.00 239.00 1,444.00 722.00 722.00 722.00 1,107.00 582.00 361.00 358.00 1,444.00 1,083.00 722.00 722.00 924.00 1,444.00 1,444.00 361.00 361.00 69610 64500 63200 63200 64952 236.26 75.00 322.55 90.00 240.34 21 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015601 78015602 78015603 78015604 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00200044American General Media A00200048Ammex A00223048AMS.NET A00200049Amsterdam Printing and Litho I0041031 I0041041 I0041111 I0041099 6365 880401 143852 5009921 78015605 09/23/2015 78015606 09/23/2015 A00200053Apple Computer Inc. A00269058Aramark Uniform Services I0041108 I0040968 43504055 503-0768 78015607 78015608 78015609 78015610 A00001751Balestino, Theodore J. A00200081BARC, Inc. A00266398Belden, Rachel C. A00200111Bogle, Darcy S. I0041046 I0041070 I0041035 I0041081 091415 INV00570 091115 090815 78015611 09/23/2015 78015612 09/23/2015 78015613 09/23/2015 A00200120CACCRAO A00278547California Community College A00200127California Dept. of Educatio I0041080 I0040956 I0041104 15/16 D.BAEZA PS350028 78015614 09/23/2015 78015615 09/23/2015 78015616 09/23/2015 A00200149Carquest Auto Parts A00200160CDT, Inc. A00201685Cengage Learning I0041059 I0041071 I0041100 7308-185 41237 56036066 78015617 09/23/2015 A00200168Central Valley Occupational I0041054 71-312 I0041068 71-308 I0041069 71-310 I0041077 71-302 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015618 09/23/2015 A00200175Chevron Valley Credit Union, I0040991 60650908 78015619 09/23/2015 78015620 09/23/2015 A00203746City of Bakersfield A00200181City of Taft I0041089 I0040977 15/16 100115 12434 12435 11000 33428 11000 31000 31000 11000 11000 11000 39000 12560 11000 12434 12000 11000 12000 11000 12563 31000 31000 11000 39000 31000 31000 31000 11000 33000 11000 11000 12433 11000 31000 11000 11000 12433 11000 11000 33000 11000 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 12461 11000 11000 219 221 205 310 113 423 423 202 431 205 314 223 411 219 304 301 304 358 202 423 423 432 314 423 423 423 202 310 202 411 341 202 423 411 202 341 202 411 310 208 411 202 302 423 423 423 423 423 206 431 431 5710 5710 4310 4310 5644 4310 5940 6415 5870 5870 5870 4311 5990 4310 5645 5940 4410 5210 5710 4110 5940 4312 5990 4115 4110 5940 5980 5980 5980 5990 5980 5980 5980 5990 5980 5980 5980 5990 5980 5980 5990 5980 5980 4110 4115 5940 4321 5910 5990 5850 5850 17010 19010 12042 69200 67801 69100 69100 60100 65100 12042 64991 09565 67300 17010 63200 64500 63200 62100 00000 69100 69100 67703 64991 69100 69100 69100 60100 69200 10023 67300 64991 60100 69100 67300 04013 64991 04013 67300 69200 10021 67300 60100 63100 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 12042 65700 65500 240.33 240.33 295.00 82.92 10,419.71 877.50 49.86 2,475.43 226.50 12.00 18.00 154.79 85.00 21.50 204.00 9.98 55.13 200.00 495.00 237.60 16.95 170.91 167.00 3,309.00 1,503.75 100.83 120.00 60.00 60.00 75.00 840.00 180.00 180.00 235.00 60.00 420.00 60.00 80.00 90.00 45.00 80.00 90.00 45.00 545.60 258.23 22.99 112.88 5.88 6.00 2,568.60 52.42 22 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015621 09/23/2015 A00200182City of Taft Police Departme 78015622 09/23/2015 A00200200Computerland of Silicon Vall 78015623 78015624 78015625 78015626 A00200213Council of Chief Librarians A00200214County of Kern, Waste Mgmt. A00278562DAI Source A00200238Department of Justice 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 78015627 09/23/2015 78015628 09/23/2015 78015629 09/23/2015 A00277845Double D Cleaning Service A00237331Dumbrigue, Joanne V. A00200279Educational Testing Service 78015630 78015631 78015631 78015632 78015633 78015634 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00278602Fish Window Cleaning A00265008Foundation for Critical Thin A00265008Foundation for Critical Thin A00202041Fresno Oxygen A00263290Garrette, Brittany N. A00218045Geiger, Joe L. 78015635 78015636 78015637 78015638 78015639 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00277759Goodman, Daniel S. A00200889Harland Technology Services A00200655Henry Schein, Inc. A00278599Hoffman, Jonathon A00278615Holiday Inn Express 78015640 09/23/2015 78015641 09/23/2015 78015642 09/23/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00200669Howell, LaNell G. A00266520ID Zone A00244581Independent Fire and Safety, I0041055 0815WKCC I0041073 0715WKCC I0041096 I0041097 I0041029 I0040974 I0041090 I0040978 238157 238163 15-104 090815 111426 111919 I0040996 I0041072 105042 117511 I0041033 I0041005 I0040997 I0040998 I0040970 I0041105 I0041105 I0041061 S0031744 I0041044 003 091615 SP200429 SP200432 2881-182 52297 52297 61717588 I0041064 I0041063 I0041047 I0041009 I0040987 I0041006 I0041066 I0041113 I0041042 091415 13743277 22607816 091515 63016543 62994840 081815 1143579 22953 2-3490 31000 11000 11000 11000 12433 33000 11000 31000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12563 11000 31000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 32000 31000 11000 11000 11000 12433 33000 12560 12551 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 12560 11000 33582 33582 11000 11000 12461 11000 12000 12000 11000 11000 33428 423 202 202 202 341 310 202 423 421 203 401 314 113 421 203 431 202 202 423 202 421 203 314 401 422 423 202 202 202 341 310 223 353 306 306 431 423 423 223 310 310 202 202 206 411 304 304 411 203 310 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 4315 5642 5210 5850 5642 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5990 5890 4410 4310 4310 5632 4110 5940 4311 9526 5632 4312 5990 5641 4311 5710 5710 5710 4310 4318 5632 69100 04013 10023 60100 64991 69200 60100 69100 67200 61200 67200 64991 13052 67200 61200 65500 00000 60100 69100 04013 67200 61200 64991 67200 69400 69100 04013 60100 10023 64991 69200 09565 64600 49306 49306 65100 69100 69100 09565 69200 69200 60100 60100 12042 67300 63200 63200 67300 61200 69200 29.00 29.00 29.00 58.00 29.00 29.00 58.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 89.00 79.00 150.00 24.75 27,764.66 96.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 49.00 128.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 380.00 9.70 1,470.00 420.00 1,080.00 125.00 3.75 618.39 552.00 193.50 17.58 10.00 620.00 1,546.98 126.76 246.38 246.38 22.57 803.00 107.50 23 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 78015643 09/23/2015 78015644 09/23/2015 78015645 09/23/2015 A00200656Jacobi, Victoria J. A00200692Jobelephant.com Inc. A00200693John Wiley & Sons, Inc. I0041107 I0041086 I0041067 I0040992 2767 083115 2142491 16716 78015646 78015647 78015648 78015649 78015650 78015651 78015652 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00201057Johnstone Supply A00200702K-mart A00271283Kern County School Boards As A00200712Kern County Supt. of Schools A00200715Kern Electric Distributors A00242904Ledford, Erwin M. A00259082Lozano Smith, LLP I0041106 I0041045 I0040980 I0041051 I0040972 I0041002 I0041102 S1485972 090315 15/16 600269 541358 093 091115 78015653 78015654 78015655 78015656 78015657 78015658 78015659 78015660 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00262851Lytle, Steve A00277823MailFinance Inc. A00200552McCallum Group, Inc. A00200563Melo's Gas-Gear A00234706MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc A00247173Napoleon, Cherie L. A00263380Neutron Industries A00200498Office Depot I0041034 I0040981 I0041007 I0041022 I0041098 I0041078 I0041043 I0040984 I0040999 I0041000 I0041001 I0041008 I0041025 I0041030 I0041032 I0041075 I0041076 I0041084 I0041091 091015 N5511138 15-250 80048538 00034148 091015 97438326 78159740 78184549 78184518 78838553 78812845 78633224 78834114 78836954 78836986 78836986 78836986 78005367 78015660 09/23/2015 A00200498Office Depot I0041092 78905367 78015661 09/23/2015 A00200502Orange Belt Stages 78015662 09/23/2015 78015663 09/23/2015 A00201272Owens, Patricia A. A00200508P. G. & E. I0040994 I0041014 I0041015 I0041056 I0041057 I0041088 I0040976 114530 114537 114529 114528 114536 082915 100215 78015664 09/23/2015 A00200516Patterson Dental Supply, Inc I0041038 I0041039 I0041040 I0041048 590/7978 590/7977 59069505 530/6944 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 11000 33428 11000 12461 11000 12603 11000 11972 11000 11000 11000 31000 39000 39000 33428 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12461 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 39000 33428 33528 12461 12461 12460 12461 431 211 411 423 423 431 310 111 206 431 125 411 110 209 411 111 423 314 314 310 113 306 306 306 120 206 205 205 205 205 205 203 203 203 203 203 203 432 432 432 432 432 308 431 314 310 310 206 206 206 206 5641 4311 5970 4115 5940 5990 4310 5210 4318 4310 4310 5430 5430 4311 5950 5510 4321 4313 4311 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4311 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 5750 5750 5750 5750 5750 4310 5830 5830 5830 5830 4311 4311 4311 4311 65100 49999 67300 69100 69100 65100 69200 66002 12042 65100 68900 67300 66003 04011 67300 66002 69100 64991 64991 69200 67801 68900 49306 49306 66002 12042 12042 12042 12042 12042 12042 61200 61200 61200 61200 61200 61200 67703 67703 67703 67703 67703 64991 65700 65700 65700 65700 12042 12042 12042 12042 3,552.50 139.64 495.00 218.00 13.82 11.95 112.20 100.00 2,200.75 55.57 200.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 36.00 1,066.76 2,700.00 16.41 354.76 1,500.00 204.32 263.94 32.72 123.65 199.04 284.12 1,640.91 284.12 61.28 32.38 24.70 7.39 119.94 0.00 18.55 11.56 6.44 7.51 1,092.00 1,030.00 1,305.00 2,335.00 1,305.00 59.72 46,667.97 5,304.55 8,613.70 175.79 71.33 898.28 59.02 43.38 24 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015665 09/23/2015 78015666 09/23/2015 78015667 09/23/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 A00255176Pattison Institute Online LL A00200517Peace Lutheran Church A00200518Pearson Education I0041049 I0041062 I0041026 I0041021 590/7974 1206 090115 BK782254 I0041101 BK777380 I0041020 I0041019 I0041050 I0041052 I0041053 I0041037 I0041074 I0041004 I0041082 I0041109 I0041012 I0041079 I0040973 I0041017 I0041060 I0041058 I0041010 I0041024 I0041087 I0041023 I0041103 10848741 36017554 CD600500 CD600470 CD600470 36031194 36030582 90788039 091015 1001978 SEP 15 W15301781753004 7583572 091115 127325708.27.15 090415 198972 1133812393396-S 78015668 09/23/2015 78015669 09/23/2015 78015670 09/23/2015 A00274574Penguin Random House LLC A00200522Pepsi-Cola Company A00200528Plak Smacker 78015671 09/23/2015 A00200539Proctor & Gamble 78015672 78015673 78015674 78015675 78015676 78015677 78015678 78015679 78015680 78015681 78015682 78015683 78015684 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00200541Proforma A00272268Ramirez, Natalie E. A00231833Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. A00018793Salcido, Paula A00200478Scrip-safe Security Products A00200486Shell A00200494Smilemakers A00272362Snowden, Rayvell A00200390Sonitrol of Bakersfield A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200394Sport & Cycle A00237176SSD Systems 78015685 78015686 78015687 78015688 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00211077Strata Information Group A00277399Sundgren, Lori A00275935Supplyworks A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur I0041110 I0041065 I0040971 I0040989 I0041016 22501 091415 514803250909030 50902007 78015689 78015690 78015691 78015692 78015693 78015694 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 A00200862Taft A00200862Taft A00200862Taft A00200862Taft A00200426Taft A00200432Taft I0040986 I0041027 I0041028 I0041112 I0040967 I0041094 091415 4777 3446. 7494 092115 16-003 091715 090915 81200906 340083 337670 5447944 College Bookstore College Bookstore College Bookstore College Bookstore College Cafeteria Union High School 78015695 09/23/2015 A00252942TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac 78015696 09/23/2015 78015697 09/23/2015 A00278258TotalFunds by Hasler A00200274Townsend Press Book Center I0041011 I0041095 I0040982 I0040993 78015698 09/23/2015 78015699 09/23/2015 A00200282True Value Home Center A00200284U.S. Foods I0041093 I0040988 12461 11000 11000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 32000 12461 12461 12461 12461 11000 11000 12000 11000 12460 11000 11000 11000 12560 35000 11000 31000 11000 31000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 33429 32000 32000 32000 11000 11000 11000 11000 32000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 31000 31000 11000 33429 206 205 205 423 423 423 423 423 422 206 206 206 206 205 358 304 203 206 358 432 205 223 357 411 423 209 423 205 205 205 113 304 431 310 422 422 422 000 202 202 352 422 352 352 000 353 411 423 423 205 310 4311 4311 5611 4115 5940 4115 5940 4110 4410 4311 4311 4311 4311 4311 4310 5710 4318 5641 5641 4316 4310 5510 5880 5641 4321 4311 5880 5631 5631 5632 5510 5990 4310 4410 4411 4411 4410 9161 5950 4310 5940 4411 5633 5633 9526 7601 5950 4110 5940 4310 4410 12042 12042 12042 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 69400 12042 12042 12042 12042 12042 62100 63200 61200 12042 62100 67703 12042 09565 69700 67300 69100 08352 69100 12042 12042 12042 67801 63200 65300 69200 69400 69400 69400 00000 60200 60200 69610 69400 69613 69612 00000 64600 67300 69100 69100 12042 69200 30.75 2,494.79 6,000.00 1,100.00 44.76 1,066.50 111.08 1,063.23 3,248.67 18.58 2,152.92 3,371.03 485.90 54.00 557.94 115.00 174.41 500.00 300.00 57.03 135.34 842.42 553.02 82.34 32.88 1,160.36 55.51 42.38 39.42 139.48 1,275.00 42.00 95.14 2,746.40 381.20 3,208.24 16,705.24 93,313.98 22.00 42.25 9.90 46.44 531.00 531.00 263.00 2,129.00 4,000.00 297.00 100.46 8.56 1,687.69 25 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78015700 78015701 78015702 78015703 78015704 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 78015705 09/23/2015 78015706 09/23/2015 FY 15-16 01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 I0041003 5447941 A00243587United Healthcare Insurance A00000456Uribe, Jose A00209968Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., A00200339Verizon California A00200433Vibul Tangpraphaphorn, M.D. I0040983 I0041085 I0041083 I0040975 I0040979 OCT 15 AUG 15 011714557340910 JUN 15 A00200343Vistar Corporation A00275443WestAir Gases & Equipment In I0041013 I0040969 43403072 80049309 32000 32000 11000 12560 11000 11000 39000 11000 11000 32000 11000 11000 422 422 412 223 421 431 314 113 411 422 431 431 4410 4411 3350 5633 5420 5840 5980 5980 5990 4410 5612 5850 69400 69400 59100 09565 67200 65700 64991 67801 67300 69400 65100 65100 BANK TOTAL 11,510.46 374.03 18,399.70 350.00 25,000.00 39.96 90.00 90.00 33.00 594.88 10.54 5.00 ============== 1,707,157.77 26 | P a g e Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C ASALAZAR 09/01/2015 A00278521 09/15/2015 A00200498 CSU Fresno Association, Inc. P0036965 Office Depot P0037151 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 $240.00 $141.42 ------------------TOTAL USER $381.42 Y Y Y Y Y Y DDURAN 09/03/2015 A00200498 A00200862 A00266398 09/04/2015 A00265089 09/15/2015 A00200043 A00200498 A00266398 A00274172 09/24/2015 A00200282 A00200498 Office Depot Taft College Bookstore Belden, Rachel Claire. Jose-Eguaras, Agnes American Express Office Depot Belden, Rachel Claire. Scientifics Direct, Inc. True Value Home Center Office Depot Bakersfield Blueprint & Copy Stan, Trevor David. Educational Innovations, Inc STEMfinity Office Depot Paton Group Klein Educational Systems, I American Educational Product Belden, Rachel Claire. 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 09/01/2015 07/22/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/10/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/17/2015 09/16/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/17/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 09/01/2015 07/22/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/10/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/17/2015 09/16/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/17/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A00219998 A00262776 A00275511 A00278618 A00200498 09/28/2015 A00270930 A00276131 A00278613 09/29/2015 A00266398 P0036893 P0036896 P0036969 P0036482 P0037096 P0037079 P0037083 P0037069 P0037163 P0037162 P0037168 P0037160 P0037207 P0037221 P0037234 P0037267 P0037172 P0037161 P0037179 P0037266 09/04/2015 A00200354 A00200374 A00200423 A00200476 A00203145 A00200043 A00277879 A00201272 09/08/2015 A00200374 09/14/2015 A00201172 09/15/2015 A00200862 Wells, Susan J. Patterson, Paula R. Taft City School District Schryver, Lee R. Ramirez, Perla American Express Shackelford, Elaine Owens, Patricia A. Patterson, Paula R. Waugh, Victoria A. Taft College Bookstore P0036916 P0036911 P0036894 P0036915 P0036922 P0036898 P0036912 P0036956 P0036926 P0036996 P0037016 P0037017 P0036807 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 07/07/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/19/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 07/07/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/19/2015 DEKDAHL A00200355 West Kern Water District $55.28 $72.98 $18.40 $109.00 $721.00 $76.67 $21.50 $218.61 $299.54 $45.73 $573.50 $115.56 $153.00 $111.43 $419.40 $444.95 $4,235.00 $5,282.00 $11,245.68 $62.46 ------------------TOTAL USER $24,281.69 $400.00 $100.00 $301.63 $400.00 $200.00 $1,610.03 $2,990.00 $59.72 $58.25 $1,100.00 $10.74 $235.63 $39.87 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 1 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE NAME REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C 09/16/2015 A00200043 A00201350 A00247173 A00271491 09/24/2015 A00200498 09/28/2015 A00209874 09/29/2015 A00200498 A00200840 A00201272 A00254323 P0036808 P0036767 P0036809 American Express P0036963 Four Seasons Carpet Cleaning P0036614 Napoleon, Cherie L. P0037078 Watkins, Sherrie D. P0036636 Office Depot P0037242 Inland Regional Center P0037305 Office Depot P0037287 Ambrose, Brooke L. P0037302 Owens, Patricia A. P0037303 Shafer, Kristy Lee. P0037296 08/19/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/31/2015 08/03/2015 09/11/2015 08/04/2015 09/21/2015 09/28/2015 09/24/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/25/2015 08/19/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/31/2015 08/03/2015 09/11/2015 08/04/2015 09/21/2015 09/28/2015 09/24/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/25/2015 $22.37 $71.00 $216.98 $1,588.87 $9,056.83 $1,500.00 $14,410.00 $99.02 $30.00 $288.77 $500.00 $40.48 $200.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $35,530.19 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 09/03/2015 A00200487 A00200383 09/04/2015 A00252942 A00200487 A00200498 09/08/2015 A00200462 A00200498 09/10/2015 A00249971 09/14/2015 A00259082 09/15/2015 A00252942 09/16/2015 A00200043 A00200308 09/21/2015 A00200862 A00209968 A00252942 A00200498 09/24/2015 A00201721 A00231833 09/28/2015 A00200052 A00200419 A00200442 A00231833 A00200498 Sierra School Equipment Co. WRD Consulting Group, LLC TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac Sierra School Equipment Co. Office Depot S & S Printing Office Depot Clark, Michal C.. Lozano Smith, LLP TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac American Express Federal Express Corporation Taft College Bookstore Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac Office Depot Lu Chi Fa Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. AP Architects T.C. Clearing Account Thompson, Tony M. Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. Office Depot 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 09/05/2015 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/09/2015 08/27/2015 09/15/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/21/2015 09/16/2015 09/21/2015 09/28/2015 09/26/2015 08/24/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/29/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 09/05/2015 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/09/2015 08/27/2015 09/15/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/21/2015 09/16/2015 09/21/2015 09/28/2015 09/26/2015 08/24/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/29/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A00200508 DHEGEMAN A00201773 A00221118 A00222771 09/29/2015 A00200093 P. G. & E. P0036885 P0036905 P0037013 P0037014 P0036960 P0037031 P0037024 P0037023 P0037077 P0037055 P0036930 P0037134 P0037117 P0037112 P0037176 P0037173 P0037174 P0037208 P0037164 P0037241 P0037304 P0037297 P0036845 P0037239 P0037240 American Association of Comm P0037259 Community College Facility C P0037261 Academic Senate for Communit P0037260 Black/Hall Construction P0037313 $9,888.93 $187,500.00 $104.00 $135,880.00 $2,551.26 $364.58 $7.52 $643.50 $50,000.00 $2,129.00 $1,568.17 $783.78 $93,313.98 $25,000.00 $263.00 $284.12 $600.00 $790.70 $13,633.09 $9,209.61 $57.80 $267.42 $524.72 $2,021.42 $295.32 $5,468.00 $866.00 $957.59 $11,159.65 Y Page 2 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00200498 A00200308 A00200498 A00259082 09/30/2015 A00200043 A00200399 Office Depot Federal Express Corporation Office Depot Lozano Smith, LLP American Express Stewart Electric Supply, Inc P0037300 P0037299 P0037301 P0037326 P0037339 P0037343 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/29/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/29/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 $160.84 $582.73 $38.79 $545.00 $5,216.98 $682.63 ------------------TOTAL USER $563,360.13 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N GDUNHAM 09/17/2015 A00200034 A00200417 A00200522 09/18/2015 A00200284 A00200343 09/21/2015 A00200426 09/24/2015 A00278609 09/28/2015 A00200522 09/29/2015 A00200426 Albertson's Sysco Food Service of Ventur Pepsi-Cola Company U.S. Foods Vistar Corporation Taft College Cafeteria J&E Restaurant Supply Pepsi-Cola Company Taft College Cafeteria P0037155 P0037154 P0037156 P0037196 P0037195 P0037235 P0037276 P0037283 P0037325 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 $47.58 $20,203.04 $3,248.67 $8,748.40 $594.88 $46.44 $214.20 $3,135.51 $99.90 ------------------TOTAL USER $36,338.62 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HARCHIBALD 09/01/2015 A00200498 Office Depot 09/03/2015 A00200200 09/04/2015 A00200096 A00223048 A00200200 09/08/2015 A00234706 09/14/2015 A00231833 Computerland of Silicon Vall Board of Governors, CCC AMS.NET Computerland of Silicon Vall MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. Computerland of Silicon Vall Office Depot Strata Information Group Computerland of Silicon Vall Office Depot AMS.NET A00234706 09/22/2015 A00200498 09/23/2015 A00249930 MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc Office Depot Best Buy Business Advantage 08/31/2015 07/30/2015 08/28/2015 08/26/2015 07/15/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 08/31/2015 07/30/2015 08/28/2015 08/26/2015 07/15/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/10/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 Y Y Y Y Y A00200200 09/15/2015 A00200498 09/21/2015 A00211077 A00200200 A00200498 A00223048 P0036945 P0036591 P0036934 P0036897 P0036384 P0037022 P0037018 P0037020 P0037058 P0037075 P0037044 P0037035 P0037070 P0037061 P0037040 P0037068 P0037086 P0037088 P0037060 P0037025 P0037076 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $474.02 $1,488.80 $79.00 $3,900.00 $12,201.71 $79.00 $354.76 $6,185.56 $267.42 $79.00 $1,150.35 $1,275.00 $26,531.50 $609.48 $909.30 $33,089.61 $9,502.00 $25,710.40 $3,107.89 $1,385.75 $5,288.87 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 3 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C JCHAIDEZ JEDMAISTON 09/24/2015 A00200043 American Express P0037042 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/18/2015 A00200279 A00200498 Educational Testing Service Office Depot 09/21/2015 A00242904 A00200279 Ledford, Erwin Matthew. Educational Testing Service P0037200 P0037197 P0037198 P0037201 P0037202 P0037199 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 $420.00 $123.65 $32.30 $199.03 $200.00 $1,470.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $2,444.98 Y Y Y Y Y Y 09/17/2015 A00200502 Orange Belt Stages 09/18/2015 A00200043 A00200862 09/21/2015 A00200158 A00200167 A00200432 A00200502 A00200618 A00220582 09/28/2015 A00200502 09/29/2015 A00200167 American Express Taft College Bookstore CCLC/COA Central Valley Conference Taft Union High School Orange Belt Stages Gardener's Supply National Toxicology, Inc. Orange Belt Stages Central Valley Conference 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 08/31/2015 09/01/2015 09/08/2015 09/21/2015 09/08/2015 09/02/2015 09/28/2015 09/25/2015 09/25/2015 09/25/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 08/31/2015 09/01/2015 09/08/2015 09/21/2015 09/08/2015 09/02/2015 09/28/2015 09/25/2015 09/25/2015 09/25/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Office Depot P0037131 P0037149 P0037170 P0037171 P0036966 P0037046 P0036967 P0036968 P0037045 P0037224 P0037043 P0036987 P0037306 P0037292 P0037293 P0037294 A00200498 $1,684.18 ------------------TOTAL USER $135,353.60 $2,335.00 $1,305.00 $1,030.00 $1,305.00 $236.26 $9.90 $4,775.00 $1,795.00 $1,089.00 $1,092.00 $3,831.20 $1,850.00 $1,030.00 $684.23 $335.00 $99.24 ------------------TOTAL USER $22,801.83 $565.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $565.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y JGARRETT 09/08/2015 A00200336 Vaughan, Susan P0037007 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 Y Y Y JNICHOLAS 09/02/2015 A00252942 TC Financial Aid Clearing Ac P0036982 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 Y Y Y $474.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $474.00 Page 4 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C JPATTERSON 09/03/2015 A00200355 A00200498 A00200862 A00200146 A00200498 A00200845 09/04/2015 A00202271 A00200950 A00201045 A00278548 A00200146 A00200394 A00200645 A00232538 A00272252 A00200862 A00000456 A00200498 A00200656 A00200773 A00278547 09/14/2015 A00254702 A00200426 A00271283 09/15/2015 A00001751 A00200498 A00200498 A00200889 A00202041 A00256927 A00262851 West Kern Water District P0036909 Office Depot P0036999 Taft College Bookstore P0037001 Carolina Biological Supply C P0036755 Office Depot P0036989 P0036988 Dyer, Geoffrey P0036986 Sigma Aldrich Corporation P0036756 Furman, Tori J. P0036856 Golling, Greg P. P0036872 Natural History Museum of Lo P0036891 Carolina Biological Supply C P0036851 Sport & Cycle P0036832 Hardy Diagnostics P0036757 P0036913 Ward's Natural Science P0036850 GL Consulting Services, LLC P0036907 Taft College Bookstore P0037004 Uribe, Jose P0036970 Office Depot P0036973 P0036974 P0036975 P0036981 Jacobi, Victoria J. P0036971 Beasley, Michelle A. P0036980 California Community College P0036983 P0036985 Johnson, Aaron P0037027 Taft College Cafeteria P0037038 Kern County School Boards As P0037048 Balestino, Theodore J. P0037132 Office Depot P0036990 P0037104 P0037106 P0037107 P0037108 P0037109 Office Depot P0037110 P0037144 P0037145 P0037146 Harland Technology Services P0036842 Fresno Oxygen P0037081 Richards, Kristi N. P0037133 Lytle, Steve P0037094 P0037095 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/12/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 08/12/2015 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/12/2015 08/27/2015 08/24/2015 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/15/2015 09/02/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 08/21/2015 09/11/2015 09/15/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 08/12/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 08/12/2015 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/12/2015 08/27/2015 08/24/2015 08/27/2015 09/03/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/15/2015 09/02/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 08/21/2015 09/11/2015 09/15/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 $89.60 $65.86 $124.43 $1,000.00 $10.73 $347.22 $211.74 $1,000.00 $484.25 $149.46 $183.75 $3,000.00 $1,160.36 $10,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $17,500.00 $208.00 $350.00 $12.63 $143.82 $45.08 $61.21 $139.64 $6.65 $495.00 $495.00 $2,592.90 $45.00 $100.00 $156.77 $14.98 $55.26 $13.54 $32.81 $76.98 $1.71 $6.98 $9.67 $96.41 $28.30 $620.00 $618.39 $115.95 $50.00 $36.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 5 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00272362 A00277845 A00277981 09/16/2015 A00200089 A00278562 09/17/2015 A00200043 A00200498 09/18/2015 A00200773 09/21/2015 A00200498 09/23/2015 A00278494 A00278629 09/24/2015 A00072599 A00200282 A00200498 A00200508 A00200773 A00202337 A00200063 A00200498 09/28/2015 A00272362 A00200673 09/29/2015 A00272252 A00200146 A00200498 P0037119 P0037084 P0037093 P0036760 P0037118 P0037021 P0036931 P0037165 P0037166 Beasley, Michelle A. P0037185 Office Depot P0037175 P0037204 P0037205 Holiday Inn Sacramento Capit P0037263 P0037268 Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community P0037279 P0037280 Bledsoe, Adam Wesley. P0037222 True Value Home Center P0037246 Office Depot P0037178 P0037206 P0037212 P0037213 P0037214 P0037215 P0037216 P0037217 P0037218 P0037220 P0037245 P. G. & E. P0037190 Beasley, Michelle A. P0037181 CCCECE Membership P0037194 Austin's Pest Control, Inc. P0037265 Office Depot P0037269 P0037270 P0037271 P0037272 P0037286 Snowden, Rayvell P0037285 IBM P0037153 GL Consulting Services, LLC P0037329 P0037330 Carolina Biological Supply C P0037169 Office Depot P0037319 P0037323 Snowden, Rayvell Double D Cleaning Service Gopher Performance Berube, Eric DAI Source American Express Office Depot 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 08/12/2015 09/14/2015 09/04/2015 08/27/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/18/2015 09/17/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/24/2015 09/16/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/17/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 08/12/2015 09/14/2015 09/04/2015 08/27/2015 09/17/2015 09/17/2015 09/18/2015 09/17/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/24/2015 09/16/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/17/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 $50.00 $872.41 $380.00 $250.29 $5.18 $27,764.66 $1,925.93 $8.00 $214.30 $20.47 $31.50 $26.51 $82.94 $386.40 $234.50 $225.00 $175.00 $164.17 $73.96 $61.16 $26.86 $61.16 $125.89 $64.18 $233.07 $48.22 $24.18 $68.92 $40.47 $536.42 $308.65 $188.60 $100.00 $75.00 $37.49 $298.93 $54.10 $73.17 $5.37 $2,164.00 $9,296.00 $17,062.50 $3,062.03 $136.30 $52.35 $253.88 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Page 6 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C KALLIKAS KEHELMS 09/30/2015 A00200487 A00200673 A00202041 A00210379 A00261588 A00278669 Sierra School Equipment Co. IBM Fresno Oxygen Ledford, Tracy Leigh. Smith, Terri Lynn. California Placement Associa P0037338 P0037340 P0037345 P0037342 P0037341 P0037344 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 09/30/2015 $504.17 $9,296.00 $501.11 $63.88 $224.00 $50.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $123,945.36 N Y Y N Y Y N N N N N N 09/15/2015 A00200862 Taft College Bookstore 09/16/2015 A00200425 Taft College A00200862 Taft College Bookstore P0037032 P0037033 P0037143 P0037148 P0037141 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A00253920 A00200274 A00200417 A00200127 A00265008 A00200049 A00200518 A00201685 A00200518 A00200563 A00274574 A00200175 A00200274 A00200693 A00200195 A00200498 A00227772 A00234628 A00255612 A00200425 A00200521 A00259338 A00200498 A00234793 A00200518 A00200584 A00200584 Mancomm, Inc. P0036972 Townsend Press Book Center P0036984 Sysco Food Service of Ventur P0036991 California Dept. of EducatioP0037039 Foundation for Critical Thin P0037047 Amsterdam Printing and Litho P0037064 Pearson Education P0037066 Cengage Learning P0037065 Pearson Education P0037158 Melo's Gas-Gear P0037159 Penguin Random House LLC P0037157 Chevron Valley Credit Union, P0037182 Townsend Press Book Center P0037192 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. P0037187 Comet School Supplies P0037211 Office Depot P0037223 MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. P0037067 MPS P0037219 Simon & Schuster, Inc. P0037231 Taft College P0037210 Pens Etc. P0037236 Ajax Sign Graphics, Inc. P0037237 Office Depot P0037278 Southwest Signs P0037277 Pearson Education P0037288 Nacscorp P0037291 Nacscorp P0037320 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/10/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/25/2015 09/29/2015 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/16/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/10/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/25/2015 09/29/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 09/01/2015 09/02/2015 09/03/2015 09/08/2015 09/09/2015 09/14/2015 09/17/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/28/2015 09/29/2015 $18.27 $225.03 $30.00 $30.00 $466.44 ------------------TOTAL USER $769.74 $572.18 $342.26 $92.60 $254.55 $128.75 $927.36 $1,177.58 $4,913.58 $1,144.76 $16.41 $1,063.23 $970.58 $397.46 $231.82 $1,304.15 $101.81 $319.60 $466.56 $190.48 $28,950.00 $327.12 $360.00 $54.38 $861.50 $1,422.00 $153.42 $258.42 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 7 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00210209 A00227772 ULINE MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. P0037321 P0037322 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 P0037049 P0037052 P0037051 P0037050 P0037053 P0037139 P0037137 P0037136 P0037138 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/09/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 09/15/2015 $87.79 $112.20 $211.08 $107.50 $204.32 $378.10 $513.49 $703.86 $372.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $2,690.34 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P0036951 P0036953 P0036955 Proctor & Gamble P0036954 SSD Systems P0036947 Taft College Bookstore P0036976 Smilemakers P0037005 Landauer, Inc. P0037002 Pattison Institute Online LL P0037028 American General Media P0036791 Office Depot P0037056 Office Depot P0037057 Peace Lutheran Church P0037150 Landauer, Inc. P0037258 SSD Systems P0037247 Landauer, Inc. P0037317 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 09/01/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/08/2015 08/18/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/15/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/29/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 09/01/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/08/2015 08/18/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/15/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/29/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y KHELMS 09/10/2015 A00200048 A00200702 A00218045 A00244581 A00263380 09/15/2015 A00200282 A00200498 A00200702 A00256341 Ammex K-mart Geiger, Joe L. Independent Fire and Safety, Neutron Industries True Value Home Center Office Depot K-mart Terminix LRISS 09/01/2015 A00200498 Office Depot 09/03/2015 09/04/2015 09/08/2015 09/12/2015 09/15/2015 09/16/2015 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 A00200539 A00237176 A00200862 A00200494 A00200729 A00255176 A00200044 A00200498 A00200498 A00200517 A00200729 A00237176 A00200729 $457.84 $246.04 ------------------TOTAL USER $47,706.44 $32.38 $7.39 $24.71 $58.06 $221.27 $43.54 $134.37 $65.01 $2,494.79 $295.00 $284.12 $61.27 $6,000.00 $60.75 $129.10 $932.45 ------------------TOTAL USER $10,844.21 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 8 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C LSILVEIRA 09/04/2015 09/10/2015 09/15/2015 09/24/2015 MBLANCO 09/01/2015 A00200043 09/08/2015 A00200054 A00200426 A00200721 A00200471 A00200862 09/14/2015 A00200111 A00200120 A00200478 09/16/2015 A00200390 09/18/2015 A00200541 A00200985 A00201999 A00278615 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 MMATTHEWS A00200498 A00200498 A00200213 A00200498 A00264391 A00200043 A00237331 A00278595 A00201143 A00201146 A00200388 A00200862 A00253023 A00200985 09/01/2015 A00203746 09/03/2015 A00200516 A00200494 A00200539 09/04/2015 A00200516 A00200539 Office Depot Office Depot Council of Chief Librarians Office Depot YBP Library Services P0037008 P0037054 P0037111 P0037186 P0037243 P0037264 09/03/2015 09/09/2015 09/14/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/03/2015 09/09/2015 09/14/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 $138.49 $25.51 $150.00 $15.36 $12.79 $61.09 ------------------TOTAL USER $403.24 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y American Express Applied Technology Group, In Taft College Cafeteria Kiwanis Club of Taft SARS Software Products, Inc. Taft College Bookstore Bogle, Darcy S. CACCRAO Scrip-safe Security Products Sonitrol of Bakersfield Proforma Rangel-Escobedo, Juana R. Lara, Fernando R. Holiday Inn Express P0036804 P0037036 P0037037 P0037034 P0036959 P0037030 P0037098 P0037097 P0037087 P0037142 P0037180 P0037189 P0037193 P0037184 P0037188 P0037203 P0037191 P0037140 P0037225 P0037227 P0037275 P0037274 P0037273 P0037315 P0037316 08/19/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/15/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/15/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 08/19/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 08/31/2015 09/08/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/15/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/15/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 $7,011.82 $47.50 $75.20 $644.00 $5,100.00 $5,555.83 $269.11 $200.00 $300.00 $2,300.00 $557.94 $100.28 $382.23 $246.38 $246.38 $487.55 $9.70 $3,657.16 $162.00 $15.00 $175.39 $75.20 $6,919.00 $148.05 $75.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $34,760.72 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y City of Bakersfield P0036936 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc P0037003 Smilemakers P0036977 Proctor & Gamble P0036978 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc P0037006 P0037010 Proctor & Gamble P0036992 08/28/2015 09/03/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/02/2015 08/28/2015 09/03/2015 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/02/2015 Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y American Express Dumbrigue, Joanne Valdez. Central Restaurant Products Brown, Elizabeth J. Casagrande, Claudia A. Zee Medical Service Co. Taft College Bookstore Ellucian Company L.P. Rangel-Escobedo, Juana R. $6.00 $59.02 $223.60 $174.87 $71.70 $59.02 $522.34 Y Y Y Y Y Page 9 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C 09/08/2015 A00200516 A00200077 A00200528 A00200655 A00200730 09/12/2015 A00200516 A00200528 09/14/2015 A00200712 09/16/2015 A00200498 A00200543 09/24/2015 A00278586 A00232118 09/28/2015 A00200077 A00200175 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc P0037011 Bang, D.D.S., Robert P0036995 Plak Smacker P0036993 P0036994 Henry Schein, Inc. P0037012 Launspach, DDS., Inc., Danie P0037026 Patterson Dental Supply, Inc P0037071 P0037072 Plak Smacker P0037073 P0037074 Kern County Supt. of SchoolsP0037062 Office Depot P0037135 Purdy, D.D.S., Daniel P0037063 ReadyRefresh P0037167 Aseptico, Inc. P0037284 Bang, D.D.S., Robert P0037262 Chevron Valley Credit Union, P0037177 09/03/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/03/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/15/2015 09/10/2015 09/17/2015 09/24/2015 09/22/2015 09/17/2015 09/03/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/02/2015 09/03/2015 09/08/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/15/2015 09/10/2015 09/17/2015 09/24/2015 09/22/2015 09/17/2015 $901.32 $5,463.20 $2,152.92 $3,371.03 $1,546.98 $20,135.70 $30.75 $43.37 $18.57 $279.20 $2,200.75 $5,000.00 $30,612.30 $400.00 $182.18 $1,563.20 $1,207.90 ------------------TOTAL USER $76,225.92 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MWHITE 09/03/2015 09/04/2015 09/08/2015 09/14/2015 09/17/2015 A00200423 A00244581 A00201057 A00200149 A00275443 A00278602 09/23/2015 A00200282 09/28/2015 A00200423 Taft City School District Independent Fire and Safety, Johnstone Supply Carquest Auto Parts WestAir Gases & Equipment In Fish Window Cleaning True Value Home Center Taft City School District P0036925 P0037019 P0037029 P0037082 P0037152 P0037115 P0037183 P0037238 P0037281 P0037295 08/27/2015 09/04/2015 09/08/2015 09/11/2015 09/16/2015 09/14/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/24/2015 09/25/2015 08/27/2015 09/04/2015 09/08/2015 09/11/2015 09/16/2015 09/14/2015 09/18/2015 09/21/2015 09/24/2015 09/25/2015 $4,743.99 $3,552.50 $11.95 $170.91 $150.00 $1,080.00 $1,831.79 $789.10 $606.30 $532.08 ------------------TOTAL USER $13,468.62 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y NAVINA 09/14/2015 A00200498 09/15/2015 A00200498 Office Depot Office Depot P0037101 P0037114 P0037103 P0037113 P0037099 P0037105 P0037307 P0037308 P0037309 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 08/21/2015 09/02/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/24/2015 09/02/2015 09/29/2015 09/30/2015 10/05/2015 N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A00200862 09/29/2015 A00200498 Taft College Bookstore Office Depot $67.08 $5.16 $21.48 $61.92 $42.25 $22.00 $31.91 $6.00 $64.48 ------------------TOTAL USER $322.28 Y Page 10 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report01-September-2015 through 30-September-2015 FY 15-16 20132013201320132013 USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C RLEDFORD 09/29/2015 A00200702 K-mart P0037311 09/29/2015 09/29/2015 $215.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $215.00 Y Y TROWDEN 09/11/2015 A00200168 09/14/2015 A00200081 A00200608 09/15/2015 A00277399 A00277759 A00200182 A00200160 A00200238 09/16/2015 A00200168 Central Valley Occupational BARC, Inc. The Fort Preservation Societ Sundgren, Lori Goodman, Daniel Sides. City of Taft Police Departme CDT, Inc. Department of Justice Central Valley Occupational A00200669 A00200692 A00278599 A00200182 A00200238 A00200433 A00200238 A00200049 A00222895 A00200182 A00200168 A00277751 A00277760 A00200168 A00200498 A00200658 A00200707 A00269222 A00200168 A00200238 A00200168 A00200182 Howell, LaNell G. Jobelephant.com Inc. Hoffman, Jonathon City of Taft Police Departme Department of Justice Vibul Tangpraphaphorn, M.D. Department of Justice Amsterdam Printing and Litho Barber & Gonzales Consulting City of Taft Police Departme Central Valley Occupational Mendoza, Tina C. Lindquist, Erica Potvin. Central Valley Occupational Office Depot Higher Education Publication Keenan & Associates Acclaim Signs Central Valley Occupational Department of Justice Central Valley Occupational City of Taft Police Departme P0037059 P0037009 P0036998 P0037122 P0037123 P0037124 P0037089 P0037091 P0037125 P0037126 P0037127 P0037120 P0037129 P0037147 P0037092 P0037121 P0037130 P0037226 P0037233 P0037229 P0037255 P0037228 P0037249 P0037250 P0037251 P0037257 P0037252 P0037248 P0037282 P0037254 P0037232 P0037253 P0037256 09/10/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/15/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/24/2015 09/22/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/10/2015 09/03/2015 09/03/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/11/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/15/2015 09/11/2015 09/14/2015 09/14/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 09/24/2015 09/22/2015 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/22/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 09/21/2015 09/22/2015 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 $350.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $42.00 $10.00 $203.00 $167.00 $305.00 $315.00 $560.00 $1,495.00 $22.57 $7,500.00 $126.76 $203.00 $288.00 $213.00 $32.00 $128.74 $2,582.63 $116.00 $224.00 $20.00 $25.00 $185.00 $2,150.00 $67.50 $20,000.00 $68.05 $65.00 $192.00 $335.00 $145.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $41,029.25 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 11 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GENERAL FUND UNRESTRICTED BUDGETED SOURCES OF FUNDS AT ACCOUNT LEVEL 1 REVENUE ACCOUNTS FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 FOR THE MONTH ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Account Level Account Level Description Adopted Budget Adjusted Budget YTD Activity Encumbrances 8600 State Revenues 11,286,777 11,286,777 2,801,892 8800 Local Revenues 12,462,234 12,462,234 -233,475 0 12,695,709 23,749,011 23,749,011 2,568,418 0 21,180,593 Summary 0 Balance 8,484,885 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT GENERAL FUND UNRESTRICTED BUDGETED SOURCES OF FUNDS AT ACCOUNT LEVEL 1 EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS FISCAL YEAR 2015-16 FOR THE MONTH ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Account Level Account Level Description 1000 Academic Salaries 2000 Classified & Other Nonacademic Sala 3000 Employee Benefits 4000 Supplies and Materials 5000 Other Operating Expenses & Services 6000 Capital Outlay 7000 Other Outgo 7200 Transfers Summary Adopted Budget 7,977,942 4,609,935 4,947,132 449,975 4,193,932 170,324 499,150 900,621 23,749,011 Adjusted Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YTD Activity Encumbrances 1,023,457 0 703,513 0 809,977 316,058 78,344 142,068 1,146,866 1,684,738 56,004 71,177 46,083 3,551 75,000 0 3,939,244 2,217,591 Balance 6,954,485 3,906,422 3,821,097 229,563 1,362,328 43,142 449,516 825,621 17,592,176 Disbursement Register of Expenditures Greater than $10,000 For the month of September, 2015 Check Number 78014829 78014866 78015038 78015078 78015090 78015102 78015102 78015108 78015110 78015418 78015458 78015459 78015462 78015470 78015603 78015625 78015652 78015663 78015688 78015689 78015699 78015700 78015702 Check Date 09/01/2015 09/01/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/10/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/18/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 09/23/2015 Vendor Name Kern County Supt. of Schools Daniel Taylor AARP Health Care Options Pearson Education Sysco Food Service of Ventura United Healthcare Insurance Company United Healthcare Insurance Company Westec WRD Consulting Group, LLC A-2 Bus Sales, Inc. John Karwoski, DSA Consultant Kern County Supt. of Schools Daniel V Launspach, DDS., Inc. Daniel Purdy, D.D.S. AMS.NET DAI Source Lozano Smith, LLP P. G. & E. Sysco Food Service of Ventura Taft College Bookstore U.S. Foods United Healthcare Insurance Company Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP Description 2015-2016 KCSOS/KCCDHN CLAIMS D. Taylor Welding Consultant Inv. #01080315 2015-16 AARP Retiree Supplement Health Textbooks-Multiple Invoices paper 58220140, 508120176, 50819026, 508260249 2015-16 Retiree Health Ins 2015-16 Retiree Health Ins WESTEC First payment - consulting services settlement 14/15 GMC 25 Passenger Bus J. Karowski DSA Inspection Contract July -October 2015-2016 KCSOS/KCCDHN CLAIMS TREAT SRVCS 2/15/15-6/30/15 TREAT SRVCS 5/20/15-8/10/15 Cisco SMARTnet Maint Renewal 9/1/15-8/31/16 Cognos subscription Funds for Legal Trust account PG&E chgs for Dist (Aug - June) paper 509020072, 509150731, 509160202, 509020072 Fall 2015 Bookstore Loans paid by student Pells food 5327024, 5327020, 5447942, 5447940, 5589929 2015-16 Retiree Health Ins District Audit for FY 6/30/15 Net Amount 33,457.43 11,777.04 16,840.16 17,409.72 16,934.96 18,185.75 18,399.70 141,330.00 187,500.00 84,093.66 10,920.00 33,457.43 20,135.70 30,612.30 10,419.71 27,764.66 50,000.00 60,762.01 20,294.68 93,313.98 11,884.49 18,399.70 25,000.00 958,893.08 ASB 2015 BALANCE SHEET As of September 30, 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings ASB Chevron ASB Chevron - Savings Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets 98,196.14 43.23 98,239.37 98,239.37 TOTAL ASSETS 98,239.37 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Restricted Funds ASB Athletics ASB Cards ASB Clearing ASB General ASB Soft Drinks Baseball Club Best Buddies Cougar Echo Dental Hygiene General GH Class of 2015 GH - Other Total DH General 41,841.04 14,590.20 -200.00 -8,588.72 5,660.00 6,239.20 905.81 773.50 6,412.02 1,262.72 Disneyland ECE EOPS F.H.S.S. Equity Fellowhsip of Christial Athletics Field Trips International Club Literary Club - Equity MECHA Multi-Cultural Club On Our Own Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Psychology Club - Equity Reentry Voc Club Soccer Club - Men's Soccer Club - Women's Softball Fund TC Debate Society TIL Class Trip - Equity TIL Orientation TIL Program TIL Reuion Uniform Replacement Women's Athletic Club Women's Basketball Club Total Restricted Funds 7,674.74 1,786.00 94.00 159.29 997.19 160.00 280.00 281.12 510.27 1,283.61 200.00 3,895.61 6,996.36 2,556.96 2.99 5,264.14 8,447.86 2,024.24 16.08 775.59 349.00 -5,978.57 34.94 29,692.20 1,816.07 -369.07 130,171.65 Retained Earnings Unrestricted Funds Net Income Total Equity -15,268.21 -180.61 -20,328.37 94,394.46 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 94,394.46 West Kern Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting October 14, 2015 Agenda Item 16. 1. Extra Duty Assignments: Item Name a. Chaidez, Joe’ll A. Academic Employment Assignment AB 86 Adult Education Planning Grant Project Director b. Headrick, Donna Creation of Online Course for HLED 1535 c. Smith, Gaysha 2015-16 Art Gallery Coordinator *Not to exceed 8 hours week **35 hours total Class/Step -- Hourly Rate $65.56* Effective Date 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 -Stipend $65.56** $1,375.23 7/1/15 – 9/21/15 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 Class/Step -- Annual Salary $2,700.03 Effective Date 1/1/16 – 5/31/16 Step 3 3 Hourly Rate $65.56* $65.56** Effective Date 8/4/15 – 8/13/15 8/11/15 – 8/17/15 Assignment PHED 1523, 1623, 1723, 1823 Courses Step 3 Hourly Rate $65.56 Effective Date 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 5. Fall 2015-16 Adjunct Lecturer Substitute: Item Name Assignment a. DeFreece, Christopher PHED 1523, 1623, 1723, 1823 Courses b. Salomon, Stephanie ECON Courses Step 3 1 Hourly Rate $65.56 $55.79 Effective Date 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 Step Stipend Stipend Stipend Stipend Stipend Stipend Hourly Rate $1,616.32* $2,229.04*** $1,616.32* $808.16** $808.16** $1,616.32* Effective Date 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 8/24/15 – 5/20/16 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 2. 2015-16 Athletic Assignment: Item Name a. Maiocco, Vincent Assignment Head Baseball Coach Recruiting Stipend 3. Screening Committee Assignments: Item Name Assignment a. Jiles, Michael CTE Director b. Jiles, Michael Adjunct Political Science Lecturer *Total of 7 hours **Total of 3 hours 4. Fall 2015-16 Adjunct Lecturer: Item Name a. DeFreece, Christopher 6. 2015-16 Club Advisor Stipends Item Name a. Beasley. Michelle b. Cutrona, Myisha c. Dyer, Geoffrey d. Getty, Shelley ↓ LaClare, Vickie e. Golling, Leigh Assignment ECE Club ASB Literary Magazine Club CRU Club Co-Advisor CRU Club Co-Advisor Performing Arts Club 6. 2015-16 Club Advisor Stipends Item Name Assignment f. Oja, Michelle SPECTRUM Club g. Rancano, Stacie STEM Club *$202.04 monthly **$101.02 monthly ***$65.56 x 34 wks. Step Stipend Stipend Hourly Rate $1,616.32* $1,616.32* Effective Date 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 10/1/15 – 5/20/16 Appendix II West Kern Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting October 14, 2015 Agenda Item 16. B. Classified Employment Item Name 1. Administrative Services: Position %Assignment Range/ Step Salary Term Effective Date a. Gonzalez, Alex Maintenance Worker Substitute 17A $17.61/hr. A/N 10/5/15 – 6/30/16 a. George, Dusti Children’s Center Assistant Teacher Substitute 1A $11.86/hr. A/N 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 Testing Technician Testing Technician Temporary Substitute 13A 13A $15.96/hr. $15.96/hr. A/N A/N 9/21/15 – 6/30/16 9/18/15 – 6/30/16 Working Out of Class Stipend In Absence of Counseling Center Technician II Temporary -- $2.00/month A/N 9/7/15 – 10/30/15 2. Instruction: 3. Student Services: a. b. c. Bullard, Bonita DeAvila-Figueroa, Nancy Salazar, Apolonia C. Resignations/Retirements Item a. Name Cook, Miranda b. Hacker, Barbara c. Powell, Kristal d. Wooley, Debra Position Children’s Center Teacher (Resignation) Children’s Center Associate Teacher (Retirement) Testing Technician (Resignation) Program Review and Planning Facilitator/Quest for Success Executive Secretary (Retirement) % Assignment -- Range/ Step -- Salary -- Term -- Effective Date 9/11/15 -- -- -- -- 10/30/15 -- -- -- -- 9/18/15 -- -- -- -- 11/1/15 Appendix II D. Request for Approval to Recruit for the Following Positions: Item a. b. c. d. e. f. Position Academic Advisor Children’s Center Teacher ITEC Administrative Clerk (New) Pre-Collegiate Coordinator (New) Testing Technician Tutor Classification Classified Classified Classified Non-Tenure Track Faculty Classified Classified Salary Schedule Placement Range 19 Range 12 Range 13 Annual Salary Range $18,281.33 - $23,332.00 $32,378.00 - $41,323.00 $33,187.00 - $42,365.00 Funding Source District Categorical Grant Term 12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. FTE 47.5% 100% 100% Class I, Step I To Class VII, Step 7 Range 13 Range 11 $47,315.00 -$78,038.00 Grant 12 mo. 100% $33,187.00 - $42,356.00 $12,502.00 - $15,960.00 District District 12 mo. 10 mo. 100% 47.5%