WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AGENDA FOR REGULAR MEETING September 9, 2015 Cougar Room (Access Through the Library Entrance) 5:00 p.m. 29 Cougar Court Taft, California 93268 A. Accessibility. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the meeting room or to otherwise participate in this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact Shelley Klein at (661) 7637711. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Governing Board to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting. B. Obtaining Public Records. A copy of the Board packet, including documents relating to any open session item are available to members of the public at the District Office. Any writings or documents that are public records and are provided to a majority of the Governing Board regarding an open session item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the District Office located at 29 Cougar Court, Taft, California, during normal business hours. These documents will be made available to the public at the same time that they are made available to a majority of the Board. C. Language Assistance. The District welcomes Spanish and other language speakers to Board meetings. Anyone planning to attend and needing an interpreter should call Shelley Klein at (661) 763-7711 forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting so that arrangements can be made for an interpreter. El Distrito da la bienvenida a las personas de hable hispana a las juntas de la Mesa Directiva. Si planea asistir y necesita interpretacion llame al (661) 763-7711 (48) horas antes de la junta, para poder hacer arreglos de interpretacion. D. Addressing the District Board. The Board encourages public participation and involvement. Community members will therefore have several opportunities to address the Board. However, please respect the Board’s time and the need for efficient board meetings. The Board also requests that comments be respectful and professional. 1. 2. Agenda Items. If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please do so when that item is called. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Board President. Non-Agenda Items. Individuals have an opportunity to address the Board during the period set aside for Public Comment on Items of General Interest on topics within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board not listed on the agenda. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes, with a total of thirty (30) minutes designated for this portion of the agenda. E. Questions for the Board. Individuals with questions on District issues may submit them in writing. The Board will refer such requests to the Superintendent, who will endeavor to respond to your questions after the meeting. F. Placing issues on the Board Agenda. Items from the public pertaining directly to College business may be placed on the Board agenda by submitting the request in writing to the Office of the Superintendent. The proposed agenda item will be reviewed and placed, if appropriate, on the Board’s agenda within a reasonable period of time. Please contact the Office of the Superintendent at (661) 763-7711 for further information. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 2 3. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION A. B. C. D. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees 4. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS 5. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION AGENDA ITEMS 7. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS 8. SPECIAL PRESENTATION – Kern County Board of Education Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation to Trustees Dawn Cole and Michael Long for Five Years of Distinguished Service 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting Held August 12, 2015 and the Special Meeting (Board Retreat) Held August 22, 2015 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Adoption of Board Goals for 2015/16 B. Public Hearing and Request for Approval – 2015/16 Budget C. Public Comment/Second Presentation and Request for Approval – Tentative Agreement with the Taft College Faculty Association for a 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the Faculty 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 D. Public Comment/Second Presentation and Request for Approval – Tentative Agreement with the Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 for a 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the 2015-16 Classified Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 E. Second Presentation and Request for Approval – 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the Management 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (continued): 11. F. Second Reading and Request for Approval – Updated Board Policy #7130 – Compensation G. Second Reading and Request for Approval – Updated Board Policy #5700 – Intercollegiate Athletics H. Second Reading and Request for Approval – Updated Board Policy #5030 – Fees I. Second Reading and Request for Approval – Updated Board Policy #2015 – Student Member(s) J. Request for Approval – 2015/16 – 2019/20 Facilities Master Plan CONSENT AGENDA (Items A – S) A. Request for Approval – Determination of Order of Employment for 2015/16 – Contract Faculty Members B. Review of the California Community College Financial Status Report (CCFS311Q) for the 4th Quarter and Year Ending June 30, 2015 C. Information – Use of Proposition 30 Education Protection Account (EPA) Funds for 2015/16 D. Information – 2015/16 Career Technical Education (CTE) Enhancement Funding Local Share: $90,144.00; Regional Share: $140,529.00 E. Information – Proposition 39 Additional Funding - $7,132.00 – to be Utilized for Welding Program Equipment Purchase F. Request for Approval – AMS.NET Quote #00001412 for CISCO Call Manager Phone System Upgrade (Including Hardware and Licenses) $33,089.61 G. Request for Approval – 2015/16 Renewal of Microsoft Campus Agreement Licensing (Year 2 of 3) with ComputerLand (through the Foundation for Community Colleges), $26,531.50 H. Request for Approval – Authorization to Purchase four Dynasty Tungsten Inert Gas Welders from Barnes Welding Supply to be Utilized in the Industrial Training Education Center, $6,627.30 each; Total - $26,509.20 (CTE Grant Funds) West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): I. Request for Approval – Memorandum of Understanding with Golden State MCCF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility J. Request for Approval - Memorandum of Understanding with Central Valley MCCF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility K. Request for Approval - Memorandum of Understanding with McFarland FCRF to Provide HiSET (High School Equivalency Exam) Testing, 9/10/15 – 6/30/16, $150.00 Per Full Battery (5 Exams); $30.00/Single Test; $20.00/Retests; and Mileage Reimbursement at IRS Rate to and From the Facility M. Request for Ratification – Garden Pathways Invoice #2001-474 for Presentation of Mentoring Model and Facilitation of Roundtable Discussion, 9/3/15, $1,000.00 N. Request for Approval – Consulting Agreement with GL Consulting Services LLC to Provide a Two-Day Training and Work Session on the Design and Key Reports Developed to Support Student Equity Work, 9/11 & 9/12/15, $2,100.00 Fee Plus $1,200 Travel Expenses (Student Equity Funding) O. Request for Approval – Agency Services Agreement with JP Marketing to Provide Creative Development and Graphic Design Services for the 2015/16 Year, $95.00/Hour for Creative Development Services P. Request for Ratification – Renewal of the Ground Rent Agreement with Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church for 2015/16 (Location of Dental Hygiene Program Buildings), Effective 9/1/15, $6,000.00/Year Q. Request for Approval - Independent Contractor Agreement with Lu Chi Fa (Author) to Present Double Luck: Memoirs of a Chinese Orphan, to Students in Intermediate Reading 905, 10/19/15, $600.00 R. Ratification and Confirmation August 2015 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers S. Routine Personnel Items: 1. 12. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of September 2, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting September 9, 2015 Page 5 13. REPORTS: A. Financial Reports (for information): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. C. D. E. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, August 2015 Student Organization and Special Accounts, August 2015 Funds Deposited in County Treasury, August 2015 Trustee Reports Associated Student Body Report Academic Senate Report Reports from Staff and Student Organizations 14. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 15. EMPLOYMENT A. B. C. D. E. 16. Academic Employment (Appendix I) Classified Supervisory Administrator Employment (Appendix II) Classified Employment (Appendix II) Resignations and Retirements (Appendix II) Request to Recruit Open Positions (Appendix II) NEXT MEETING DATE The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. 17. CONTINUATION OF CLOSED SESSION (If Necessary) 18. ADJOURNMENT WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING August 12, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by President Billy White. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. CLOSED SESSION At 5:11 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Cole seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters: A. B. C. D. E. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation, Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 – One Case Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 6:03 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Long seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that the following action was taken during Closed Session: The District has had a contract dispute with one of its vendors – WRD Consulting Group, LLC, and has mediated the dispute seeking an early termination to the contract agreement. By a unanimous vote, the Board voted in Closed Session to authorize Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney to create and sign on behalf of the District a finalized settlement agreement, memorializing the mediated terms of the early contract termination. The settlement amount is $375,000.00 to be paid in two payments of $187,500.00 each. The early termination agreement will save the District approximately $372,000.00. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President White led the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS No communications were presented. QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT District Investment Advisor Dave Ivarie distributed and reviewed the quarterly report of the WKCCD General Obligation Bond Portfolio and Facilities Reserve for the quarter ending June 30, 2015 (copies attached to the official minutes). Mr. Ivarie reviewed the highlights of the Facilities Reserve including income for the quarter of $110,120.78 and a withdrawal of $702,582.00 for a scheduled payment of a long-term debt obligation (certificates of deposit). The ending value was $14,417,756.66. He noted that the portfolio’s performance was off for the quarter at -0.233%; however, the total return for the year to date is 0.963%. The projected 12-month portfolio coupon income is $373,528.00 with $4,029,200.34 total income since inception. Mr. Ivarie reviewed the asset and credit sector allocation and the portfolio maturity distribution, as well as confirming continuing compliance with state code and regulations. The General Obligation Bond Portfolio was reviewed. Mr. Ivarie reported that the GO Bond Portfolio gained income of $57,369.56 and an ending value of $12,023,171.86. The projected 12-month portfolio coupon income is $231,354.00 with $4,643,491.97 total income since inception. He noted that the GO Bond Portfolio return was also off for the quarter at -0.489% with a total return for the year to date of 0.469%. Mr. Ivarie reviewed the asset and credit sector allocation and the portfolio maturity distribution, as well as confirming continuing compliance with state code and regulations. He noted that the portfolio distribution ladder has been adjusted to a three-year schedule as requested by the District to meet future financial needs. Mr. Ivarie noted that the financial markets are “bouncy” as a result of the recent devaluation of the Chinese currency, speculation of the U.S. Treasury raising interest rates and weakening of the U.S. dollar. However, the District is well positioned with quality investments that will maintain. He added that this type of volatility has occurred in markets in the past without major consequences. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Vaughan and unanimously carried, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 8, 2015 were approved. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS First Presentation – Tentative Agreement with the Taft College Faculty Association for a 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the Faculty 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 Dr. Maloney reported that this is the initial presentation for tentative agreements with the Faculty Association and CSEA Chapter #543 (see item below) for the 1.02% salary adjustment to both salary schedules for 2015-16 (copy attached to official minutes). Through the collective bargaining process, the District and both the faculty and classified units have reached consensus on the recommendation of the cost of living adjustment of 1.02% to both salary schedules. This is the statutory COLA contained in the state budget and represents a pass-through of the COLA to the employee groups. A second presentation, including an opportunity for public comment, and request for approval will be made at the meeting scheduled for September 9th. If approved, the salary adjustments will be effective retroactive to 7/1/15. First Presentation – Tentative Agreement with the Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter #543 for a 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the 2015-16 Classified Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 Similar to the tentative agreement with the Faculty Association, the proposed agreement with CSEA Chapter #543 for the 1.02% cost of living adjustment is attached. First Presentation – Proposed 1.02% Cost of Living (COLA) Salary Adjustment to the Management 2015-16 Salary Schedule, Effective 7/1/15 Dr. Maloney reported that the District’s practice is to provide the same COLA to its management group as to the faculty and classified employee groups. As with the faculty and classified groups, if approved it is recommended that the COLA be effective 7/1/15. WKCCD Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Dr. Maloney reported that Title 5 requires the District to develop an EEO Plan which provides details on how the District will implement its equal employment opportunity program. The plan is to be submitted to the state Chancellor’s Office. The plan has been developed by the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee and includes all required elements per Title 5 regulations. The committee reviewed plans from other districts and the WKCCD Plan is essentially similar to those that have been submitted to the state Chancellor’s Office. The specific action items included in the Plan have been reviewed by the Advisory Committee. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the EEO Plan was approved (copy attached to official minutes). Board Policy #7135 – Substitute and Temporary Employees Paid Sick Leave Dr. Maloney reviewed that the Healthy Families Act of 2014 requires employers to offer West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS (continued): paid sick leave to any temporary or substitute employee who works 30 or more days within a year of employment. The sick leave accrues at the rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked and is available only to temporary or substitute employees who work for 30 or more days in a given year. The new policy was first presented at the meeting held July 8, 2015 and is being proposed for approval. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, Board Policy #7135 was approved (copy attached to official minutes). Updated Board Policy #3410 – Nondiscrimination Dr. Maloney reported that Board Policy #3410 – Nondiscrimination – reflects new accreditation eligibility requirements and standards, as well as additional language ensuring the protection of rights for those who have military or veteran status or pregnancy. The updated policy was presented for a first reading at the meeting held July 8th and is being presented as a second reading and proposal for approval. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, Board Policy #3410 was approved (copy attached to official minutes). Updated Board Policy #3430 – Prohibition of Harassment Dr. Maloney noted that the update to Board Policy #3430 – Prohibition of Harassment reflects new government code and now includes sexual acts of violence as a result of new legislation and regulations. The revised policy is expanded to include unpaid interns or volunteers as well as employees and students. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, updated Board Policy #3430 was approved (copy attached to official minutes.) First Reading – Updated Board Policy #7130 – Compensation Dr. Maloney reported that the updated Board Policy #7130 – Compensation - now includes “administrators employed pursuant to a contract under Education Code” as well as language prohibiting the payment of incentive compensation relating to securing enrollments or financial aid to employees or external organizations (copy attached to official minutes). First Reading – Updated Board Policy #5700 – Intercollegiate Athletics Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle reported that the updated Board Policy #5700 – Intercollegiate Athletics – inserts the word “Intercollegiate” in the title and stipulates a change regarding non-discrimination based on gender (copy attached to official minutes). West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS (continued): First Reading – Updated Board Policy #5030 – Fees Dr. Maloney reported that Board Policy #5030 – Fees – has been updated to reflect regulatory references and the District practice to adjust the fee proportionately based upon the term length (copy attached to official minutes). First Reading – Updated Board Policy #2015 – Student Member(s) Dr. Maloney reported that Board Policy #2015 – Student Member(s) – has been updated to reflect minimum enrollment requirements for student trustees from 12 to five consistent with CCLC recommendations (copy attached to official minutes). Purchase of 2015 Chevrolet 15-Passenger Van from Richland Chevrolet Company (Shafter, CA) for $32,162.50 Executive Vice President of Administrative Services Brock McMurray reported that the proposed purchase of the 2015 Chevrolet 3500 extended 15-passenger van will replace the District’s 2000 Dodge one-ton van. Three quotes were solicited and the lowest was submitted by Richland Chevrolet Company of Shafter in the amount of $32,162.50. On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, the van purchase was approved (copy of quotes attached to official minutes). Agreement (Quote 119540193-1) with DAI Source for IBM Cognos (Report Writer) License, (12 mo.) $27,764.66 Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams reported that the proposed one-time agreement expands the current license with DAI Source to expand Cognos reporting capacity being developed for student equity data needs. The expansion includes up to eight “analytic” reporting users for the data modeling team and supports customized email and web delivery campus-wide if needed. Subsequent fees are approximated at $7,250.00 annually. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, the agreement was approved (copy of agreement attached to official minutes). Authorization to Purchase Air Filtration Equipment for the Industrial Training Education Center (809 Black Gold Court) in an Amount Not to Exceed $70,000.00 (CTE Funding) Mr. Williams reported that the request for authorization to purchase additional air filtration equipment for the Industrial Technology Education Center located at 809 Black Gold Court in Taft will include a combination of individual bench units and exhaust fans that will provide additional capacity in order to expand the number of welding benches. Quotes for this equipment are currently being solicited. CTE funding is available to support the expense. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS (continued): Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, authorization to purchase air filtration equipment in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 was approved (copy of backup material attached to official minutes). Information Item – Taft College Logo Enhancements and Design Ms. Bogle presented the final updated Taft College logo enhancements and design (copy attached to official minutes). Since spring 2015, the College’s Public Information Committee has been working with JP Marketing on a logo enhancement and website design project. Ms. Bogle noted that the campus support for this project and collaborative effort throughout the various phases has been very exciting. She displayed the revised cougar mascot, new seal and potential campus flags. A brand guideline is being developed and the new web design will be launched this fall following the Accreditation Site Visit in late September. Information Item – Taft Union High School District “Technology Enhanced College and Career Academy” Grant Proposal Dr. Maloney reviewed that the Taft Union High School District has submitted a proposal for a grant through the Technology Enhanced College and Career (TEEC) Academy Investing in Innovation (i3) project. If funded, TUHS will be a pilot site for green energy pre-Academy program at the 9th grade level which will dovetail into the existing Oil Technology Academy for students at the 10th – 12th grades. TC was asked to support the project application and to continue offering the STEM outreach activities, STEM courses and Energy Technology Program as part of this overall effort. The West Kern Community College District has long been committed to these programs and is eager to work with Taft Union High School in its career technical education endeavors. CONSENT AGENDA A. Request for Approval – Enrollment Priority Schedule for 2016 B. Request for Ratification – Renewal of Software Agreement with EMSI to Provide Analyst and Job Posting Analytics Information, 8/10/15 – 8/9/16, $12,500.00. (Perkins Funding) C. Request for Ratification – Agreement with the Taft Correctional Institution (MTC) to Provide GED Testing Services Effective 7/1/15 – 6/30/16, $140.00 For Individual Test Per Applicant and $20.00 for Subsequent Tests Per Applicant D. Request for Ratification – Contract Dispute Resolution Services Agreement with JAMS, 8/6/15, $6,500.00 West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 7 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): E. Request for Approval – Renewal of the IBM SPSS Statistics Base Academic Concurrent User Subscription and Support (Support for Psychology 2200 and 2205), 9/1/15 – 8/31/16, $8,999.10 F. Request for Ratification – Agreement with C.A. Reding for Renewal of Equitrac Software Support for the Library Printing Cost Management System, 1/1/15 – 12/31/15, $473.00 G. Request for Approval - AMS.NET-CISCO SMARTnet Network Hardware Maintenance Renewal Agreement (Quote #94038) Related to TC Internet and Phone Service, 9/1/15 – 8/31/16, $12,201.71 H. Request for Approval – Agreement with GT Software for the NetCOBOL Software Maintenance Renewal, 9/1/15 – 8/31/16, $2,079.00 I. Request for Approval – Annual Renewal of SARS Software License for the Student Services SARS GRID and SARS CALL Programs, 8/20/15 – 8/19/16, $5,100.00 J. Request for Approval – Renewal of Maintenance Services with Harland Technology for the Scantron Scanner, 9/6/15 – 9/5/16, $620.00 K. Request for Ratification – Agreement with GL Consulting Services, LLC, to Provide IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Training and Support, 8/4/15 – 8/3/16, $175.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 100 Hrs., (Student Equity Funding) L. Request for Ratification – Agreement with Double D Cleaning Service to Provide Custodial Services at the Industrial Technology Education Center (ITEC) Located at 809 Black Gold Ct., $95.00/Visit/Week and $45.00 Quarterly for Window Cleaning, Effective 7/1/15 M. Request for Approval – Agreement with the Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Business Education Foundation to Provide (2) Small Business Academy Training Programs Related to the West Side AB86 Adult Education Grant Activities, 10/1/15 – 12/24/15, $20,000.00 N. Request for Ratification – Extension of Independent Contractor Agreement with Sabrina Buie to Proofreading Service Related to the Accreditation Self-Evaluation Document, 6/11/15 – 7/31/15, $20.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 15 Hrs. (Original Agreement Provided for 65 Hrs. at $20.00/Hr.) O. Request for Approval – Independent Contractor Agreement with Dr. David Morse for Travel Expenses Related to His Presentation During Fall Inservice “The 10+1: Roles and Responsibilities of the Academic Senate,” 8/17/15 – 8/18/15, Travel Expenses Not to Exceed $300.00 West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 8 CONSENT AGENDA (continued): P. Ratification and Confirmation July 2015 Vendor Check & Purchase Order Registers Q. Routine Personnel Items: 1. Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of August 5, 2015 On a motion by Trustee Vaughan, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, Consent Agenda Items A – Q were approved as presented (materials related to items A – Q are attached to official minutes). PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST No comments were presented. REPORTS FROM STAFF AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Financial Reports The following financial reports were presented for information (copies attached to official minutes): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2015/16 Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, July 2015 Student Organization and Special Accounts, July 2015 Funds Deposited in County Treasury, July 2015 Investments Held at Deutsche Bank Trust Company and The Bank of New York Mellon 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 Academic Senate 2015/16 Academic Senate President Geoffrey Dyer reported that he is looking forward to the beginning of the semester and was very pleased to announce that the statewide Academic Senate President Dr. David Morse from Long Beach City College will speak during Fall Inservice on August 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Library. Dr. Morse is highly regarded in his state leadership role and it is fortunate to have him at the beginning of the semester. The first TC Academic Senate meeting is scheduled for August 20th. Information Services Information Services Director Adrian Agundez was pleased to announce that the current agreement with the Foundation for Community Colleges for the Microsoft Office suite of programs provides any person with a TC email account five copies of Microsoft Office at no charge which is a great benefit to students and employees. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 9 REPORTS (continued): Instruction Mr. Williams reported that he and his staff are busy with the typical challenges of the beginning of the fall semester with identifying and hiring adjunct instructors, etc. He is very pleased with the recommendation of Deborah Rodenhauser as the Associate Professor in Studio Arts. She is a dedicated and skilled instructor who has taught for TC as an adjunct for some time. Student Services Ms. Bogle reported that the dorms are full for the fall semester including 130 athletes. “Jump start” classes are in motion. These are courses taught by Supplemental Instructors that, when completed successfully, allow students to move up a level in their math classes. Enrollment is strong – Taft College has more students than the same time last year while most community colleges are down. This year, rather than holding a “TC Day” at the beginning of the semester, the ASB is planning daily activities during the first week of school to welcome students and promote participation in ASB organizations. Administrative Services Mr. McMurray reported that the state budget outlook for 2015/16 is strong. The final budget will be presented at a budget workshop at 4:00 p.m. immediately preceding the September Board meeting. It will not contain any significant changes from the preliminary budget approved June 10th. The state is directing major funding to the student success effort and payment of mandated claims owed to districts, in addition to one-time funds to offset rising STRS and PERS costs. Facilities projects are progressing. The alley infrastructure project has been somewhat delayed due to unanticipated pipes, thick asphalt, etc. The Student Center project continues to await final approval of the Department of State Architects. It is hoped that it will begin the first of 2016. The interior gymnasium update project has been completed including new paint, sound panels, refinishing the floor, etc. The project greatly improved the gym aesthetics. TC Foundation Executive Director Sheri Horn Bunk reported that the Foundation is hosting two major events this fall – the TC Cookout and the West Kern Petroleum Summit. The Cookout is scheduled for the evening of October 8th from 5:00 to 8:00 in the TC Quad. This year Harry Wilson will receive the Community Spirit Award. On October 16th the West Kern Petroleum Summit will be held in the Oildorado Pavilion located next to the Oilworker Monument. Speakers include T. Boone Pickens, Alex Epstein, Chancellor Brice Harris and potentially Governor Brown. “Jeopardy” talk show host Alex Tribeck will serve as the master of ceremonies. It promises to be a great event! West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 10 REPORTS (continued): WESTEC Executive Director Bill Rector reported that WESTEC is experiencing an increasing amount of interest in the court reporting program. Several proprietary schools have closed, leaving fewer options for students looking for classes. WESTEC Chief Instructional Officer Randy Kizzar is on the TC campus two days weekly to work with Vice President Mark Williams in effort to coordinate and promote industrial technology courses. Overall, demand for WESTEC courses remains stable in spite of the current downturn in the oil-related training needs. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Maloney reported that, as evidenced by the agenda and reports, a lot of activity surrounds the start of the fall semester. Enrollment is strong. Two Cougar Days were held which offer students a one-day registration process and both were very successful. Fall Inservice begins Monday, August 17th, with a week of events, meetings and activities. Included is an Interest Based Bargaining workshop for members of both the faculty and classified collective bargaining committees. As Professor Dyer announced, Statewide Academic Senate President Dr. David Morse will speak on the role of the Academic Senate on Tuesday, August 18th. And, the traditional Welcome Breakfast is scheduled for Friday, August 21st, at 8:00 a.m. in the Historic Fort Auditorium. The Board will hold their annual Retreat on Saturday, August 22nd. The Board will conduct a self-evaluation of their goals of the previous year, review ethics and trusteeship, and establish their goals for the ensuing academic year. Dr. Maloney added that she is looking forward to another exciting and productive academic year! EMPLOYMENT On a motion by Trustee Campos and seconded by Trustee Long, Employment Items A – D were approved by the following vote (Employment Items A – D (Appendix I & II) are attached to official minutes): Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White None None None NEXT MEETING The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. A Budget Study Workshop is scheduled to be held immediately preceding the regular Board Meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Cougar Room. West Kern Community College District - Regular Meeting August 12, 2015 Page 11 ADJOURNMENT At 7:25 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Kal Vaughn, Secretary WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING BOARD RETREAT August 22, 2015 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College District was called to order at 8:45 a.m. by President Billy White for the purpose of the annual Board Retreat. Trustees Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present. Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein were also in attendance. Retreat Facilitator Dr. Cindra Smith joined the meeting following Closed Session. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. CLOSED SESSION At 8:46 a.m. it was moved by Trustee Vaughn seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s position regarding the following matters: A. B. C. D. Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government Code Section 54957 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957 Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 & Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees RECONVENE IN PUBLIC SESSION; ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS At 9:30 a.m., it was moved by Trustee Campos seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no action was taken during Closed Session. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President White led the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS No comments were heard. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously carried, it was approved to reorder the agenda items to place the original item 9 – Board Review West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 2 and Self-Evaluation of 2014/15 Goals - before Item 7. Dr. Smith requested each meeting participant to share positive experiences related to Board service during the past year. Comments included graduation ceremonies as evidence of the impact of the College; pride in accomplishments; the Superintendent/ President’s leadership; learning more about the culture; student success focus; formalizing the process of participation in decision-making; and understanding the role of the Academic Senate. BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS Dr. Smith noted that the 2015 Board Self-Evaluation was conducted in accordance with Board policy. In July, the Office of the President developed an evaluation form using the Board priorities and tasks adopted in 2014 as criteria. Each Trustee completed the form and the ratings were averaged. The discussion of the results at the workshop completed the annual Board self-evaluation. Average scores in each goal area ranged from 4.2 to 4.93. Of particular note is the continual improvement from 2013 to 2014 to the current year in each category. There were numerous comments which provided qualitative assessments of Board performance. Survey Results: Focus Area 1 – Student Services: 2015 Rating: 4.68 2014 Rating: 4.30 2013 Rating: 4.4 Comments included that student success presentations at every meeting have been very good, and that the presentation on metrics was very helpful. Presentations to the Board on College programs are well done. Board members discussed keeping a balance between workshops, presentations, and tours of programs to ensure they are knowledgeable about and able to monitor student success. Focus Area 2 – Employee Success: 2015 Rating: 4.8 2014 Rating: 4.6 2013 Rating: 4.7 Comments included appreciation for celebrations of employee success and suggestions for ongoing improvement and appreciation for the Academic Senate’s work with the administration in strengthening responsibilities for academic and professional matters. Trustees noted that the MOU with the Taft Police Department has been working well, and is addressing the concern for safety on campus. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 3 BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS (continued): Focus Area 3 – Institutional Effectiveness 2015 Rating: 4.4 2014 Rating: 4.3 2013 Rating: 4.2 The Board’s role in Accreditation and planning was discussed. Appreciation was expressed for “getting things done” and for the work related to numerous plans. Focus Area 4 – Community Success: 2015 Rating: 4.9 2014 Rating: 4.8 2013 Rating: 4.4 Board members affirmed the value of the West Kern Petroleum Summit and its relationship to Oildorado as a community/college partnership. They also commended the involvement and visibility of Trustees and College leadership in the community, and noted that the Foundation is becoming more effective. Focus Area 5 – Enrollment: 2015 Rating: 4.5 2014 Rating: 4.4 2013 Rating: 4.3 Enrollment trends were discussed which are on track to meet a 1.0% growth target. Focus Area 6 – Sustainable Resources: 2015 Rating: 4.4 2014 Rating: 4.3 2013 Rating: 4.2 Board members commended work done to meet the expectation for plans to transition grant-funded programs to College support, facilities plan, and refinancing of long-term debt. There is still concern about future obligations and resource needs; a workshop will be scheduled to further explore needs and options. Focus Area 7 – Technology: 2015 Rating: 4.2 2014 Rating: 4.2 2013 Rating: 3.7 Trustees appreciated the consistency of reports on technology use, and discussed specific accomplishments related to DegreeWorks and modules in the Banner system. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 4 BOARD REVIEW AND SELF-EVALUATION OF 2014/15 GOALS (continued): Focus Area 8 – Board Effectiveness: 2015 Rating: 4.7 2014 Rating: 4.4 2013 Rating: 4.5 Trustees noted the value of conference attendance to continue their knowledge and strengthen the Board as a team, particularly national conferences that broaden their perspectives. They discussed seeking more involvement of the Student Trustee. Trustees have been working very well together. The importance of communication to “close the loop” related to ideas was discussed. REVIEW OF BOARD POLICIES, ETHICS AND TRUSTEESHIP Dr. Smith reviewed Board Policy #2200 – Board Duties and Responsibilities. It was agreed that Board Policy #2200 fairly represents the expectations of members of the Board (Trustees) in general and no edits were necessary. Board Policy #2715 – Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice was reviewed. Discussion included that an in-depth review of the policy was conducted at the Board Retreat held in 2014 and the Board remains committed to the policy and maintaining its standards. Board Policy #3050 – Institutional Code of Ethics was also reviewed. It was noted that each employee group had provided input for each of their respective sections. Board members inquired regarding inclusion of the document in new employee orientations. (Copies of BP #2200, 2715 & 3050 attached to official minutes.) ACCREDITATION UPDATE Dr. Maloney reported that the Accreditation Self-Evaluation is a comprehensive and thorough picture of the current status of the College. We have acknowledged we do not meet the standards relative to Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and we have established an actionable plan. This may lead to a sanction from the Commission (ACCJC) as a result of our deficiency in this area. The Commission required colleges to attain specific levels of SLO completion since 2012 and we have not met those measures. Dr. Maloney distributed and reviewed “ACCJA Additional Information Request Based on 2015 Annual Report.” She noted that the College has been placed on a list of colleges that will receive “enhanced monitoring.” The handout outlines the Commission’s requirements that must be met by October 15th. Dr. Maloney noted that some of these requirements are relatively new. She will meet with the appropriate personnel on August 25th to prepare our response. An Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Team, members of which are experts in this area, are scheduled to visit the campus in November to assist in this effort. Overall, Dr. Maloney related that she feels prepared for the Accreditation Team Visit and that plans are well underway to facilitate the logistics for the 12-member group. West Kern Community College District - Special Meeting August 22, 2015 Page 5 At this point in the meeting Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams, Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle and Associate Vice President of Human Resources Dr. Robert Meteau joined the meeting to serve as resources for the Board in establishment of their 2015/16 Goals. Each reviewed accomplishments in their respective areas during the 2014/15 year, their goals for the 2015/16 year and their desired leadership/support from the Board to achieve those goals. ESTABLISHMENT OF 2015/16 GOALS The Board and retreat participants reviewed the 2015-18 Strategic Action Plan and identified priorities for their 2015-16 goals (draft priorities and tasks attached to official minutes). NEXT MEETING The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. A budget study workshop is scheduled to take place immediately preceding the regular meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Cougar Room. ADJOURNMENT At 2:23 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted: Kal Vaughn, Secretary Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 CHECK DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYEE/VENDOR NUMBER DATE NUMBER NAME 78014369 08/04/2015 A00200034Albertson's 78014370 08/04/2015 A00200043American Express A/P DOC# I0040327 I0040339 78014371 08/04/2015 A00200043American Express I0040340 78014372 08/04/2015 A00200053Apple Computer Inc. I0040321 78014373 78014374 78014375 78014376 78014377 78014378 78014379 78014380 78014381 78014382 78014383 78014384 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 A00200077Bang, D.D.S., Robert A00250001Blake, Paul A. A00272556Bors-Koefoed, Timmery N. A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200107Bright House Networks A00200109Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc 78014385 78014386 78014387 78014388 78014389 78014390 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 A00270909Californians Dedicated to Ed A00200139Card Integrators A00200149Carquest Auto Parts A00252830Carr, Camisha R. A00228700Carranza, Marylu A00201685Cengage Learning I0040333 I0040307 I0040292 I0040313 I0040334 I0040351 I0040356 I0040357 I0040364 I0040365 I0040366 I0040324 I0040363 I0040289 I0040318 I0040341 I0040293 I0040294 I0040281 VENDOR INV# FUND 13500710 32000 71003062 11000 12434 11000 11000 12434 11000 12434 11000 12434 11000 12434 11000 11000 12434 11000 12434 11000 11000 12434 11000 91006062 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 43454370 11000 11000 121614-0 12460 071315 12435 201520 12427 072215 39000 061915 12461 062815 12560 072015 39000 07/20/15 39000 080215 39000 080115 39000 072115 12433 20546 11000 20547 39000 12323116 12434 0084127- 11000 7305-181 11000 201520 12427 201520 12427 55509589 31000 31000 ORGN 422 110 219 110 202 219 110 219 110 219 110 219 110 202 219 110 219 202 110 219 110 411 411 202 411 111 101 210 202 206 221 210 314 206 223 314 314 314 314 341 432 314 219 113 432 210 210 423 423 ACCT 4410 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 5710 4410 6415 6415 5641 4311 5910 5890 5840 5645 5890 5890 5890 5890 5890 4316 4316 5710 5643 4312 5910 5910 4115 4110 PROG 69400 66003 17010 66003 60100 17010 66003 17010 66003 17010 66003 17010 66003 60100 17010 66003 17010 60100 66003 17010 66003 67300 67300 60100 67300 66002 66004 13053 13053 12042 19010 13052 64991 12042 09565 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 67703 64991 17010 67801 67703 13052 13051 69100 69100 CHECK AMOUNT 23.23 25.00 25.00 25.65 25.64 25.65 12.51 12.51 10.50 10.50 25.00 25.00 24.53 24.54 24.53 468.31 468.31 468.31 19.85 19.84 60.00 1,288.70 7.00 495.00 99.77 400.00 19.99 2,471.43 243.00 8,684.30 52.20 273.52 125.93 247.45 400.56 144.63 91.25 141.79 119.62 474.15 738.36 192.12 300.00 1,474.00 256.49 399.76 126.24 4,602.00 4,990.50 1|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014391 78014392 78014393 78014394 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 A00200175Chevron Valley Credit Union, A00200181City of Taft A00200181City of Taft A00200198Community College League of 78014395 78014396 78014397 78014398 78014399 78014400 78014401 78014402 78014403 78014404 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 A00200219CSMI A00200248Dntlworks A00237331Dumbrigue, Joanne V. A00201171Eastman, Stacy L. A00200273Ebsco Subscription Service A00230738Eterno, Katherine R. A00200307Farmer Bros. Company A00271066Frazier Industries, LLC A00215808Gilmore, Julie L. A00200628Goodheart-Wilcox Co., Inc. 78014405 08/04/2015 78014406 08/04/2015 78014407 08/04/2015 A00267308Gutierrez Cuevas, Icela A. A00202979Health First Corporation A00200652Hegeman, Debbie F. 78014408 08/04/2015 78014409 08/04/2015 78014410 08/04/2015 A00250311Herrera, Wendy A00259469Holden, Ashley A. A00200693John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 78014411 08/04/2015 78014412 08/04/2015 A00276687JP Marketing A00200712Kern County Supt. of Schools 78014413 08/04/2015 A00200562Medical Billing Technologies 78014414 78014415 78014416 78014417 A00275934Mt. San Jacinto Community Co A00261811NetSupport Incorporated A00256166Obeso Vents A00200498Office Depot I0040309 I0040361 I0040362 I0040303 I0040346 I0040347 I0040343 I0040311 I0040329 I0040308 I0040305 I0040295 I0040326 I0039984 I0040296 I0040280 53640608 08/01/15 08-01-15 7352 7414 7323 121976 23829 071415 071615 10000194 201520 61866500 766 201520 01468420 I0040297 I0040290 I0040287 I0040345 I0040298 I0040299 I0040279 201520 INV07412 072715 072215 201520 201520 9709445 11915 504224 503220 503493 AR-16745 AR-16744 2015/109 533831 061315 76726876 77967492 08/03/15 07-24-15 78014418 08/04/2015 78014419 08/04/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. A00200508P. G. & E. I0040336 I0040288 I0040310 I0040335 I0040331 I0040332 I0040302 I0040319 I0040286 I0040354 I0040355 I0040306 I0040358 78014420 08/04/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040359 072315 78014421 08/04/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040360 07.24.15 78014422 08/04/2015 78014423 08/04/2015 78014424 08/04/2015 A00259610Phil's Phabulous Phoods & Be A00231833Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. A00203295Santa Barbara City College 78014425 08/04/2015 78014426 08/04/2015 78014427 08/04/2015 A00200479Sears A00254323Shafer, Kristy L. A00273525Soccer Central I0040285 I0040320 I0040352 I0040353 I0040330 I0040300 I0040337 5599 966550 4 #4 44000807 201520 22187 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 31000 12461 31000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12461 12551 12461 11000 12427 32000 11000 12427 31000 31000 12427 11000 11972 12551 12427 12427 31000 31000 11000 11000 12461 12461 12461 12461 11000 11000 32000 12484 11000 12560 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 39000 32000 11000 12000 12000 11000 12427 11000 423 206 423 314 202 111 111 352 206 353 206 203 210 422 113 210 423 423 210 205 111 353 210 210 423 423 301 421 206 206 206 206 202 113 422 303 421 223 314 314 314 314 314 314 422 401 303 303 431 210 358 5940 5710 5850 5850 5642 5210 5210 4310 4312 5710 5710 5642 5910 4410 5613 5910 4110 5940 5910 4311 5415 5710 5910 5910 4110 5940 5510 5990 4318 4318 5990 5990 5505 5643 5632 4310 4310 5830 5830 5820 5830 5820 5830 5820 4410 4310 5710 5730 4310 5910 4310 69100 12042 69100 64991 60200 66002 66002 69610 12042 64600 12042 61200 13052 69400 67801 13052 69100 69100 13052 12042 66002 64600 13052 13052 69100 69100 64500 67200 12042 12042 12042 12042 60200 67801 69400 64300 67200 09565 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 69400 67704 64300 64300 65100 13052 63200 206.02 121.35 85.34 424.47 5,799.98 7,248.00 1,500.00 500.00 29.97 100.00 25.00 818.00 315.60 355.87 3,540.00 210.40 2,243.52 99.60 273.52 405.80 3,581.09 1,215.56 294.56 126.24 5,661.50 12.64 570.00 2,589.00 21.38 440.94 380.52 106.38 1,500.00 1,187.11 400.00 9.66 19.72 235.01 10.54 3.81 192.95 5.17 110.90 3.81 456.00 402.48 658.00 1,974.00 1,873.53 147.28 59.13 2|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 I0040349 22188 78014428 08/04/2015 78014429 08/04/2015 78014430 08/04/2015 A00269814Soccer.com A00200393Sparkletts A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur I0040282 I0040322 I0040315 I0040328 56784903 07-02-15 50715010 50713004 78014431 08/04/2015 78014432 08/04/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200432Taft Union High School I0040338 I0040344 1205 15-018 78014433 78014434 78014435 78014436 78014437 78014438 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 A00272588Tellus Venture Associates A00200859Thomson Gale A00251093Tovar, Melina A00200282True Value Home Center A00255644U.S. Bank Equipment Finance A00200284U.S. Foods 78014439 78014440 78014441 78014442 78014443 78014444 78014445 78014446 78014447 78014448 78014449 78014450 78014451 78014452 78014453 78014454 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 A00200309United Refrigeration, Inc. A00200339Verizon California A00200355West Kern Water District A00200359Westchester Plaza, LLC A00200360Westec A00261599Addington, Felipe R. A00262026Hall, Shelby A00262030Higgins, Austin A00262031Isbell, Kristerpher A00269654Koblis, Grant C. A00269767Koss, Maia A00261524Owens, Rebecca A00262052Rohr, Randy A00261889Sandoval, Rene A00262057Wood, Dean A00200034Albertson's INV-0002 55299327 201520 333320 28383999 4416161 4290128 47022311 13580722 072015 JUN. 15 21497 78014454 08/10/2015 78014455 08/10/2015 A00200034Albertson's A00200043American Express I0040342 I0040304 I0040301 I0040323 I0040316 I0040314 I0040325 I0040350 I0040317 I0040283 I0040312 I0040348 S0031648 S0031649 S0031654 S0031653 S0031652 S0031657 S0031650 S0031656 S0031655 S0031651 I0040389 I0040424 I0040461 I0040377 78014456 08/10/2015 78014457 08/10/2015 A00200043American Express A00200043American Express I0040413 I0040433 92002072 91006072 78014458 08/10/2015 A00200043American Express I0040447 11003072 78014459 08/10/2015 A00200043American Express I0040459 91002072 78014460 08/10/2015 A00200043American Express I0040460 9100207/ 44680717 13680717 446807/1 11004072 12551 12551 12551 11000 11000 33429 32000 32000 32000 11000 11000 11000 12603 11000 12427 11000 11000 33429 32000 11000 31000 12560 12461 11450 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 33429 39000 39000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12603 11000 12603 11000 11000 12417 39000 39000 353 353 353 209 113 310 422 422 422 358 352 352 125 203 210 113 401 310 422 431 423 223 206 204 314 310 314 314 314 352 110 401 111 125 411 125 203 203 314 314 314 4310 4310 4310 4311 4310 4410 4410 4411 4411 5940 5611 5611 5510 6310 5910 4311 5641 4410 4410 4312 5840 5810 5890 5641 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 4311 4410 4311 5740 6412 5710 5710 5710 5415 4310 5710 4310 6310 6411 4410 5740 5740 64600 64600 64600 49999 67801 69200 69400 69400 69400 62100 69612 69613 68900 61200 13052 67801 67701 69200 69400 65100 69100 09565 12042 09543 64991 69200 64991 64991 64991 69610 66003 67200 66002 68900 67300 68900 61200 61200 64991 64991 64991 59.13 59.13 10.00 1,273.44 112.23 1,602.62 4,590.10 585.49 643.54 7.65 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 245.91 652.24 9.13 435.38 1,571.88 2,815.43 283.71 65.13 68.00 845.77 77,731.50 1,432.00 720.00 690.00 1,432.00 1,420.00 1,432.00 1,432.00 1,432.00 2,865.00 1,432.00 208.83 558.41 15.65 118.79 2,517.91 25.00 85.00 85.00 251.17 143.88 79.17 15.99 4,854.73 419.21 1,594.22 2,554.50 249.99 3|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 78014461 08/10/2015 A00269058Aramark Uniform Services I0040425 503-0716 78014462 08/10/2015 A00219472Arbor Crest Publishing I0040429 2015-756 78014463 08/10/2015 78014464 08/10/2015 A00213480ARTSTOR A00200063Austin's Pest Control, Inc. 78014465 78014466 78014467 78014468 78014469 78014470 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 A00200072Bakersfield Retail Systems A00057708Bolla, Adam N. A00200107Bright House Networks A00200112BSK & Associates, Inc. A00277724Buie, Sabrina A00277811California State University I0040368 I0040379 I0040426 I0040411 I0040427 I0040395 I0040378 I0040451 I0040441 SO009788 JUL 15 JUL. 15 9915468 072715 082315 0073951 061415-0 83916361 78014471 78014472 78014473 78014474 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 A00200134Canon Financial Services, In A00095855Cazares, Rosa M. A00201051Central Sanitary Supply A00200181City of Taft I0040386 I0040390 I0040439 I0040412 15099592 33204549 623624 8189 78014475 78014476 78014477 78014478 78014479 78014480 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 A00202007Department of General Servic A00200244Discount School Supply A00261436Dorsey, David I. A00277845Double D Cleaning Service A00200298Elsevier Health Science A00272252GL Consulting Services, LLC 78014481 78014482 78014483 78014484 78014485 78014486 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 A00201045Golling, Greg P. A00201894Headrick, Donna J. A00202979Health First Corporation A00200655Henry Schein, Inc. A00277830Hilton Anaheim A00200680J & L Locksmithing I0040385 I0040380 I0040392 I0040440 I0040430 I0040456 I0040457 I0040401 I0040388 I0040455 I0040384 I0040442 I0040391 8919 P3313549 33203913 001 49818DA1 4079 4077 FALL2015 33204002 INV07499 21323913 32002988 014887 78014487 08/10/2015 A00210963J. America I0040437 372535 78014488 08/10/2015 A00200693John Wiley & Sons, Inc. I0040436 16717 78014489 08/10/2015 78014490 08/10/2015 A00200712Kern County Supt. of Schools A00271523Logical Operations, Inc. I0040383 I0040438 JUN. 15 2098926 78014491 08/10/2015 A00200555McGraw-Hill I0040417 86823616 I0040431 86892513 I0040396 I0040397 I0040398 I0040409 AR-16741 AR-16742 AR-16743 00034059 78014492 08/10/2015 A00200562Medical Billing Technologies 78014492 08/10/2015 78014493 08/10/2015 A00200562Medical Billing Technologies A00234706MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc 12417 11000 11000 39000 31000 31000 11000 39000 11000 32000 11000 12461 12435 11000 12434 12435 12433 11000 33428 31000 35000 42303 12375 11000 12560 31000 12563 12563 31000 11000 11000 12461 12434 11000 11000 31000 31000 31000 31000 12461 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 12461 12461 12461 11000 314 431 205 314 423 423 203 314 431 422 432 206 221 111 219 221 341 000 310 423 357 000 310 000 223 423 202 202 423 000 205 206 219 431 431 423 423 423 423 206 423 423 423 423 423 423 423 206 206 206 202 4410 5870 5870 5870 4110 5940 5642 5860 5860 5632 5632 5840 5510 5510 5710 5710 5612 9513 4310 5641 5641 5510 4311 9513 5890 4110 5510 5510 4110 9513 4311 5632 5710 4310 5631 4310 5940 4110 5940 5641 4110 5940 4110 5940 4110 4115 5940 5990 5990 5990 6412 64991 65100 12042 64991 69100 69100 61200 64991 65100 69400 67703 12042 19010 66002 17010 19010 64991 00000 69200 69100 69700 71002 69200 00000 09565 69100 00000 00000 69100 00000 12042 12042 17010 65100 65100 69100 69100 69100 69100 12042 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 12042 12042 12042 60100 0.01 219.00 12.00 18.00 3,867.50 145.25 1,230.00 100.00 530.00 270.20 105.00 253.46 269.00 1,300.00 57.50 57.50 204.55 922.20 4,875.25 2,160.95 6,482.85 597.11 505.23 306.00 330.00 1,336.04 2,887.50 1,400.00 839.85 3,794.01 544.25 225.85 329.94 206.94 42.50 810.00 38.15 89.96 14.68 4,087.16 1,301.52 35.75 2,416.00 51.10 5,230.50 16,900.00 248.22 139.32 537.39 68.40 103.61 4|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014494 08/10/2015 78014495 08/10/2015 A00201124New Monic Books A00200498Office Depot I0040402 I0040371 I0040372 29744 78103392 78118949 I0040373 78211612 78134448 78134439 78124855 78104686 78216600 78104709 78056074 78063868 07/23/15 78014496 08/10/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040374 I0040375 I0040376 I0040381 I0040382 I0040399 I0040454 I0040458 I0040369 78014497 08/10/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040370 07 24 15 78014498 08/10/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040405 08-03-15 78014499 08/10/2015 A00200518Pearson Education I0040400 BK771865 I0040419 BK771596 78014500 08/10/2015 78014501 08/10/2015 A00276601Progressive Educational Syst A00210330Redleaf Press I0040408 I0040448 05151581 421682 78014502 78014503 78014504 78014505 78014506 A00203575Rosetta Stone, LTD A00200816Rydin Decal A00200462S & S Printing A00018793Salcido, Paula A00271043SDC Publications I0040415 I0040394 I0040421 I0040434 I0040420 8064755 308512 068410 JUL 15 74059 78014507 08/10/2015 78014508 08/10/2015 78014509 08/10/2015 A00272362Snowden, Rayvell A00237176SSD Systems A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur 78014510 78014511 78014512 78014513 78014514 A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200426Taft College Cafeteria A00200431Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. A00277675Taylor & Francis Group, LLC I0040452 I0040446 I0040423 I0040444 I0040406 I0040453 I0040414 I0040435 I0040418 5 112040350727005 50729014 3320 2871 080315 PAYREQ#1 TF-16562 I0040450 I0040410 I0040422 I0040443 I0040404 29526525 332326 4543569 4674124 69381196 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 78014515 08/10/2015 78014516 08/10/2015 78014517 08/10/2015 A00276395The Mathworks, Inc. A00200282True Value Home Center A00200284U.S. Foods 78014518 08/10/2015 A00210209ULINE 31000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 12461 12461 12461 11000 11000 39000 39000 39000 39000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 31000 12435 31000 31000 31000 36000 31000 12460 31000 31000 12560 33428 33429 33429 11000 11000 32000 12050 31000 31000 12435 11000 33429 33429 31000 31000 423 312 358 111 411 111 209 209 401 401 314 206 206 206 205 203 314 314 314 314 423 423 423 423 423 423 221 423 423 423 433 423 206 423 423 223 310 310 310 352 205 422 000 423 423 221 431 310 310 423 423 4110 4310 4318 4318 4318 4310 6412 6412 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 4310 5830 5820 5830 5820 5820 5830 4110 5940 4110 5940 6414 4110 5940 4110 4310 4321 5641 4110 5940 5510 5880 4410 4410 5940 4310 4410 5510 4115 5940 4315 4310 4410 4410 4321 5940 69100 64991 62100 66002 67300 66002 04011 04011 67200 67200 64991 12042 12042 12042 12042 61200 64991 64991 64991 64991 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 69100 19010 69100 69100 69100 69500 69100 12042 69100 69100 09565 69200 69200 69200 69610 12042 69400 71002 69100 69100 19010 65100 69200 69200 69100 69100 186.48 147.26 259.02 135.32 144.04 50.08 0.01 35.98 16.77 89.67 173.24 760.93 240.42 90.89 68.35 53.95 3.69 6.42 51.96 9.96 7.85 1,063.09 4,159.60 79.88 1,747.05 78.03 9,062.97 359.28 35.93 5,250.00 1,273.36 124.48 500.00 585.00 55.00 128.74 78.75 1,229.94 1,294.58 20.94 29.89 98.91 27,297.39 6,021.44 77.10 2,429.50 25.76 2,166.26 1,382.91 725.63 46.46 5|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014519 08/10/2015 A00269527University of New Mexico I0040432 375738 78014520 08/10/2015 A00000456Uribe, Jose 78014521 08/10/2015 78014522 08/10/2015 78014523 08/10/2015 A00200338Verizon Wireless A00200827W.W. Norton & Company Inc. A00275443WestAir Gases & Equipment In I0040387 I0040445 I0040393 I0040403 I0040428 JUL 15 JUL. 15 97491049 621424 10157404 78014524 08/10/2015 A00200359Westchester Plaza, LLC I0040407 SEP 15 78014525 08/10/2015 A00271503Wolters Kluwer Health I0040416 C4331661 78014526 78014527 78014528 78014529 78014530 78014531 78014532 78014533 78014534 78014535 78014536 78014537 78014538 78014539 78014540 78014541 78014542 78014543 78014544 78014545 78014546 78014547 78014548 78014549 78014550 78014551 78014552 78014553 78014554 78014555 78014556 78014557 78014558 78014559 78014560 78014561 78014562 78014563 78014564 A00102448Ayala, Liliana A00248765Barboza, Roxanna A00276360Berry, Shannon N. A00250622Bierer, Alexis M. A00277750Blackshire, Dajsia D. A00270213Blanchard, Joelle V. A00265177Bowers, Shelby B. A00275824Bradshaw, Tyler R. A00252475Brown, Emily N. A00277852Campbell, Natasha M. A00249902Castaneda, Lance A. A00265354Cloud, Cassidy B. A00249931Cruz, Gabriela A00277662Daniel, Francisco J. A00267477Delgadillo, Arturo A00261932Derry, Nicholas A. A00260745Downey, Cortney L. A00270203Erickson, Kade M. A00274919Eudey, Angela A00025684Fleetwood, James L. A00260615Flores-Campoa, Dulce J. A00273105Garcia, Cindy A00266980Gomez, Carolina A00090946Graeber, Robin A00225819Gregory, Lindsey M. A00276252Hahs, Joshua M. A00273042Hernandez, Alfred M. A00260495Hilliard, Ellen M. A00252850Hodges, Victoria S. A00216597Hunter, Chase M. A00242844Jensen, Erik W. A00264040Jordan, Danielle N. A00201261Kujala, Cindy M. A00267453Lopez, Jazmin A00272723Lugo, Anna M. A00228707Madrigal, Michael A00261669Martinez, Andres S. A00260149Martinez, Leah M. A00275499McMahan, Shelby L. S0031660 S0031661 S0031662 S0031663 S0031664 S0031665 S0031666 S0031667 S0031668 S0031669 S0031670 S0031671 S0031672 S0031673 S0031674 S0031675 S0031676 S0031677 S0031678 S0031679 S0031680 S0031681 S0031682 S0031683 S0031684 S0031685 S0031686 S0031687 S0031688 S0031689 S0031690 S0031691 S0031692 S0031693 S0031694 S0031695 S0031659 S0031696 S0031697 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 31000 31000 39000 12560 11000 31000 11000 11000 12461 12461 31000 31000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 423 423 314 223 357 423 431 431 206 206 423 423 4110 5940 5890 5633 5840 4110 4310 5850 5611 5890 4110 5940 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 69100 69100 64991 09565 69700 69100 65100 65100 12042 12042 69100 69100 27.96 24.96 280.00 350.00 44.53 222.34 11.16 1.12 2,792.00 744.00 1,180.66 26.82 138.00 1,000.00 276.00 276.00 150.00 184.00 184.00 322.00 108.28 598.00 368.00 448.00 138.00 322.00 1,000.00 356.00 460.00 150.00 150.00 552.00 828.00 598.00 625.00 184.00 460.00 598.00 276.00 184.00 138.00 598.00 414.00 230.00 414.00 1,000.00 138.00 322.00 115.00 138.00 552.00 6|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014565 78014566 78014567 78014568 78014569 78014570 78014571 78014572 78014573 78014574 78014575 78014576 78014577 78014578 78014579 78014580 78014581 78014582 78014583 78014584 78014585 78014586 78014587 78014588 78014589 78014590 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/19/2015 A00277177Medrano, Anival A00266002Mendoza, Lizette V. A00248750Milner, Allison C. A00035868Morrow, Samantha A00270423Nunamaker, Summer D. A00252902Nuno, Oscar R. A00267463Osornia, Jhoana A00267482Parkinson, Tory N. A00276945Patterson, Thomas A. A00277649Peasha, Pierre A. A00269429Pendergrass, Austin V. A00262174Rubio, Kathy A00083901Salazar, Steven E. A00267192Souza, Alfred B. A00273040Starkey, Baylee J. A00202962Tapia, Rita M. A00225698Tremain, Chanel A. A00271531Tuazon, Julia A. A00100125Vaughan, Katrina A00262757Vazquez, Evelyn J. A00267483Vega, Bailey D. A00242855Velasco, Guadalupe A00200345Wade, Ryan A00271415Wakeling, Robert S. A00270980Wilmer, Kelsey A. A00243588AARP Health Care Options 78014591 78014592 78014593 78014594 78014595 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 A00200023Abate-A-Weed A00277763American Thermoform Corporat A00223048AMS.NET A00200051Antongiovanni, Barbara A00269058Aramark Uniform Services S0031698 S0031699 S0031700 S0031701 S0031702 S0031703 S0031704 S0031705 S0031706 S0031707 S0031708 S0031709 S0031710 S0031711 S0031712 S0031713 S0031714 S0031715 S0031716 S0031717 S0031718 S0031719 S0031720 S0031721 S0031658 I0040486 I0040497 I0040477 I0040473 I0040488 I0040470 I0040475 AUG 15 JUL 15 662870 71074 143346 JUL 15 503-0731 071315 063015 05/31/15 JUL 15 071515 062815 06378770 07-15-15 44906318 00081426 237460 01560951 78014596 08/19/2015 78014597 08/19/2015 A00014620Arnold, Ken F. A00200069Bakersfield Californian 78014598 78014599 78014600 78014601 78014602 78014603 78014604 78014605 78014606 A00272600Beard Family Trust A00266398Belden, Rachel C. A00250001Blake, Paul A. A00200107Bright House Networks A00277724Buie, Sabrina A00200174Chevron U.S.A., Inc. A00255627Compansol A00200200Computerland of Silicon Vall A00200222Daily Midway Driller I0040462 I0040484 I0040485 I0040504 I0040464 I0040482 I0040503 I0040523 I0040517 I0040521 I0040490 I0040500 78014607 08/19/2015 A00200243Dick Blick I0040496 4725474 78014608 08/19/2015 A00257900Hall, Daniel N. I0040467 061615 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 12461 11000 11000 39000 12434 11000 11000 12560 12434 12435 12560 11972 11000 12000 11000 11000 11000 11000 31000 31000 11000 412 412 431 311 113 206 431 205 314 219 411 411 223 219 221 223 111 432 340 352 411 411 411 423 423 202 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 3350 3350 4312 4311 5644 5710 5870 5870 5870 5510 5970 5970 5610 5710 5710 5645 5510 4316 4315 4315 5970 5970 5970 4310 5940 5710 59100 59100 65500 64200 67801 12042 65100 12042 64991 17010 67300 67300 09565 17010 19010 09565 66002 67703 64951 69610 67300 67300 67300 69100 69100 60200 598.00 1,000.00 310.00 540.00 138.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 253.00 138.00 402.00 356.00 138.00 0.21 171.00 184.00 126.00 618.00 759.00 460.00 1,000.00 138.00 138.00 506.00 322.00 16,815.32 16,790.48 78.63 118.26 2,000.00 23.58 219.00 12.00 18.00 1,320.00 2,764.88 8,904.86 3,500.00 164.34 1,145.97 400.77 155.00 419.75 299.00 95.00 53.92 132.56 201.51 940.19 74.75 1,347.29 7|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014609 08/19/2015 78014610 08/19/2015 78014611 08/19/2015 A00201549Harper Collins Publishers A00200668Houghton Mifflin Company A00242940ICM Distributing Company, In I0040469 I0040491 I0040509 I0040493 051515 42401963 95157572 1228506 78014612 08/19/2015 78014613 08/19/2015 A00244581Independent Fire and Safety, A00267251Insight Investments, LLC I0040518 I0040471 22832 INV17377 78014614 08/19/2015 A00200680J & L Locksmithing I0040480 014879 78014615 78014616 78014617 78014618 A00200704Karwoski, John A00200752Marcell, Jamia L. A00002482May, James P. A00200559McMurray, Robert B. I0040515 I0040463 I0040510 I0040465 I0040466 I0040478 I0040507 AUG 15 052515 FALL2015 073015 080515 AR-16796 70212341 I0040499 I0040494 I0040522 I0040481 I0040506 I0040505 I0040487 I0040489 I0040476 I0040468 506707 78315958 27336600 053115 10843622 402084-1 39529255 971536 143087 57246 I0040524 57258 I0040525 57247 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 78014619 08/19/2015 78014620 08/19/2015 A00200562Medical Billing Technologies A00234628MPS 78014621 08/19/2015 78014622 08/19/2015 A00227738National Benefit Services, L A00200498Office Depot 78014623 78014624 78014625 78014626 78014627 78014628 78014629 A00206044Owens, Warren R. A00274574Penguin Random House LLC A00200521Pens Etc. A00200522Pepsi-Cola Company A00231833Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. A00200444Republic Elevator A00200487Sierra School Equipment Co. 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 78014630 08/19/2015 78014631 08/19/2015 78014632 08/19/2015 A00273525Soccer Central A00200399Stewart Electric Supply, Inc A00200417Sysco Food Service of Ventur I0040520 I0040472 I0040501 22186 420865-0 50729014 78014633 08/19/2015 A00200423Taft City School District I0040483 16-006 78014634 78014635 78014636 78014637 78014638 A00200862Taft A00200426Taft A00200430Taft A00255644U.S. A00200284U.S. I0040519 I0040492 I0040514 I0040513 I0040502 2885 134 TAFTSEP 28346347 4541342 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 College Bookstore College Cafeteria Plaza, LLC Bank Equipment Finance Foods 78014639 08/19/2015 A00210209ULINE I0040508 69285383 78014640 08/19/2015 78014641 08/19/2015 78014642 08/19/2015 A00243587United Healthcare Insurance A00200293United Parcel Service A00210970University Frames, Inc. I0040498 I0040516 I0040495 JUL 15 00009697 1035382 11000 31000 31000 31000 31000 11000 12060 12060 11000 11000 42348 39000 31000 11000 11000 12461 31000 31000 11000 31000 12000 39000 31000 31000 32000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12000 11000 32000 32000 32000 11000 11000 12000 31000 31000 11000 32000 32000 31000 31000 11000 11000 31000 202 423 423 423 423 431 113 113 431 431 000 312 423 401 401 206 423 423 411 423 340 314 423 423 422 207 431 302 302 302 302 302 302 340 113 422 422 422 202 202 340 423 423 401 422 422 423 423 412 401 423 5710 4110 4110 4310 5940 5641 6415 6415 4310 5632 5510 5710 4110 5710 5710 5990 4110 5940 5510 4321 4310 5710 4110 4310 4410 5641 5641 6423 6423 6411 6411 6411 6411 4310 4310 4411 4411 4410 5632 4316 4310 4310 5611 5641 4411 4410 4321 5940 3350 5940 4310 60200 69100 69100 69100 69100 65100 67801 67801 65100 65100 71002 64991 69100 67200 67200 12042 69100 69100 67300 69100 64951 64991 69100 69100 69400 49999 65100 63100 63100 63100 63100 63100 63100 64951 67801 69400 69400 69400 60200 60200 64951 69100 69100 67701 69400 69400 69100 69100 59100 67705 69100 174.75 494.67 242.10 118.98 11.86 1,996.84 12,980.63 135.00 80.09 130.00 10,920.00 584.04 390.00 215.05 204.75 616.14 1,060.00 43.56 134.00 74.00 23.48 18.40 1,033.57 86.72 1,995.36 21.93 187.05 2,956.25 400.00 3,148.68 1,140.00 798.73 180.00 258.00 185.83 486.58 1,045.22 8,341.52 91.50 15.00 42.99 108.07 1,907.00 486.45 337.64 5,697.29 343.23 47.72 18,827.60 435.01 66.15 8|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014643 08/19/2015 78014644 08/19/2015 78014645 08/19/2015 A00200339Verizon California A00200339Verizon California A00200338Verizon Wireless I0040511 I0040512 I0038038 79000728 77000728 97378568 78014646 08/19/2015 A00200338Verizon Wireless I0040474 97499653 78014647 78014648 78014649 78014650 78014651 78014652 78014653 78014654 78014655 78014656 78014657 78014658 78014659 78014660 78014661 78014662 78014663 78014664 78014665 78014666 78014667 78014668 78014669 78014670 78014671 78014672 78014673 78014674 78014675 78014676 78014677 78014678 78014679 78014680 78014681 78014682 78014683 78014684 78014685 78014686 78014687 78014688 78014689 78014690 78014691 A00200355West Kern Water District A00261115Williams, Mark P. A00276884Alvarez, Jasmine G. A00250729Arreguin, Stacy D. A00083349Atteberry, Robert E. A00201696Aumack, Sarah A. A00277888Ballard, Phillip J. A00269588Barnes, Madison A00277841Barreyro, Joshua G. A00276197Bravo Martinez, Leoarnando S A00276195Carr-Johnson, Carl P. A00245591Castellanos, Gabriela A00251006Cerda, Cameron-Paul A00271137Chavez, Gilberto J. A00269721Coppola, Jennifer E. A00014939Countess, Cynthia A. A00011602Crane, Sean P. A00275490Cunningham, Jeron A. A00245493Degough, Kylie R. A00268310Duran, Katelyn P. A00276919Ewing, Jacob A. A00243660Falls, Mallory L. A00275796Fernandez, Alissia B. A00276627Garcia, Juan F. A00263290Garrette, Brittany N. A00271237Gill, Bailey N. A00269886Halim, Beshoy S. A00259324Hanson, Caitlyn A. A00277397Howard, Brooke L. A00272984Johnson, Justine L. A00250432King, Carly J. A00275939Kinoshita, Becky G. A00267769Leon, Yesenia A00254923Lopez, Cynthia A00276873Lopez, Sarah E. A00258948Lopez Lopez, Uriel A. A00242748Loreto, Maria T. A00276577Marin, Caeden L. A00272591Martin, Chelsea E. A00259352Martin, Rachel C. A00205502McSweeney, Dianna L. A00239623Monroig, Elizabeth M. A00059782Morgan, Tony E. A00276605Morris, Kamryn S. A00249926Munoz Rivera, Dulce J. I0040479 I0036253 S0031722 S0031723 S0031724 S0031725 S0031726 S0031727 S0031728 S0031729 S0031730 S0031731 S0031732 S0031733 S0031734 S0031735 S0031736 S0031737 S0031738 S0031739 S0031740 S0031741 S0031742 S0031743 S0031744 S0031745 S0031746 S0031747 S0031748 S0031749 S0031750 S0031751 S0031752 S0031753 S0031754 S0031755 S0031756 S0031757 S0031758 S0031759 S0031760 S0031761 S0031762 S0031763 S0031764 080515 080514 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 11000 11000 11000 39000 11000 39000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 431 431 431 312 431 312 431 202 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 5840 5810 5710 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 65700 65700 65100 64991 65100 64991 65700 60100 486.99 631.54 184.94 54.33 139.63 56.43 1,101.86 986.55 46.00 86.30 42.96 138.00 138.00 138.00 437.00 1,170.00 92.00 15,000.00 200.00 235.18 92.00 138.00 46.00 1,142.00 200.00 138.00 644.00 6.00 621.00 621.00 552.00 200.00 170.53 184.00 322.00 2,200.00 138.00 92.00 298.00 230.00 138.00 2,865.00 138.00 150.00 1,000.00 138.00 7,600.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 460.00 9|P a g e Taft College Check Register Report 78014692 78014693 78014694 78014695 78014696 78014697 78014698 78014699 78014700 78014701 78014702 78014703 78014704 78014705 78014706 78014707 78014708 78014709 78014710 78014711 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/24/2015 A00253897Okafor, Doris O. A00241715Parker, Stephanie M. A00252505Peters, Morgan R. A00260174Ponce, Desiree G. A00250826Procell, Nikki A. A00221056Ramirez, Giovanni W. A00250088Rivas, Emily J. A00275049Romero, Andres A00243693Rose, Rebecca E. A00257639Sandoval, Rafael A00238511Serna, Elizabeth A. A00271152Sharma, Madhav K. A00273117Sigala, Jacob A00210478Stan, Chelsi M. A00263531Taylor, Michael D. A00267774Torres, Jason R. A00251093Tovar, Melina A00277853Vincent, Brandon G. A00253217Zavala, Jose A00200043American Express S0031765 S0031766 S0031767 S0031768 S0031769 S0031770 S0031771 S0031772 S0031773 S0031774 S0031775 S0031776 S0031777 S0031778 S0031779 S0031780 S0031781 S0031782 S0031783 I0040562 92000072 78014712 78014713 78014714 78014715 78014716 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00200376Amerio, Barbara J. A00202445AT&T Mobility A00202445AT&T Mobility A00200069Bakersfield Californian A00200076Bandy, Ingrun K. I0040541 I0040584 I0040601 I0040545 I0040529 I0040611 I0040596 I0040558 I0040566 080415 071815 072515 2626537 071915 053115 SEP 15 072815 20919 78014717 08/24/2015 78014718 08/24/2015 78014719 08/24/2015 A00075823Binkley, Everett L. A00200107Bright House Networks A00200109Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc 78014720 78014721 78014722 78014723 A00200119C.A. Reding Company, Inc. A00277811California State University A00201051Central Sanitary Supply A00200167Central Valley Conference I0040592 I0040581 I0040571 I0040556 I0040586 337710 83913398 626524 061715 072815 78014724 08/24/2015 A00200181City of Taft I0040591 JUL 15 78014725 78014726 78014727 78014728 78014729 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00271411Colston Properties LLC A00275503Commvault Systems Inc. A00265309Daikin Applied A00200236Demco A00265229DK&M Property 78014730 78014731 78014732 78014733 78014734 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00201586Dodson, John A00200845Dyer, Geoffrey A00218045Geiger, Joe L. A00257900Hall, Daniel N. A00200652Hegeman, Debbie F. I0040598 I0040536 I0040585 I0040555 I0040597 I0040599 I0040544 I0040540 I0040610 I0040538 I0040602 SEP 15 100-0202 3054739 5650083 SEP 15 SEP 15 080715 070915 2-3341 070815 081715 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 12551 39000 12461 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 39000 12433 11000 12000 33428 11000 11000 11000 31000 35000 39000 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 39000 11000 33582 11000 11000 113 113 113 353 314 206 411 352 352 314 314 314 341 203 340 310 352 352 352 423 357 314 113 000 203 314 314 314 202 310 202 401 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 9526 5642 4315 4310 5710 5840 5840 5970 5710 5710 5610 5890 4316 4316 5641 5710 4310 5210 5750 5750 5641 5641 5610 5510 5641 4310 5610 5610 4310 5710 5632 5710 4310 67801 67801 67801 64600 64991 12042 67300 69610 69610 64991 64991 64991 64991 61200 64951 69200 69610 69613 69612 69100 69700 64991 67801 71002 61200 64991 64991 64991 60100 69200 60200 67200 32.22 230.00 138.00 46.00 10,000.00 46.00 322.00 598.00 460.00 644.00 46.00 506.00 138.00 138.00 184.00 828.00 138.00 644.00 500.00 242.31 150.12 1,454.59 138.41 162.50 574.58 1,567.70 334.50 170.00 1,746.00 94.06 319.61 0.01 473.00 180.00 358.79 7,000.00 3,475.00 3,160.00 2,160.95 6,482.85 1,475.00 4,800.00 1,850.00 2,230.57 2,460.00 850.00 18.90 662.64 81.00 1,464.77 35.00 10 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 78014735 08/24/2015 A00224086inContact, Inc. I0040573 78014736 08/24/2015 78014737 08/24/2015 A00200680J & L Locksmithing A00200715Kern Electric Distributors 78014738 78014739 78014740 78014741 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00277778KT Health LLC A00200728Lakeshore A00200730Launspach, DDS., Inc., Danie A00259082Lozano Smith, LLP 78014742 78014743 78014744 78014745 78014746 78014747 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00277823MailFinance Inc. A00200562Medical Billing Technologies A00200563Melo's Gas-Gear A00200575Montoya, Janice A00200498Office Depot A00200508P. G. & E. I0040564 I0040532 I0040533 I0040542 I0040552 I0040526 I0040588 I0040589 I0040543 I0040590 I0040587 I0040604 I0040534 I0040559 78014748 08/24/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040560 78014749 08/24/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040567 78014750 08/24/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040568 78014751 08/24/2015 A00200508P. G. & E. I0040609 78014752 78014753 78014754 78014755 78014756 78014757 78014758 78014759 78014760 78014761 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00271006Palmer, Anthony A00200527Pitney Bowes A00200536Praxair Distribution, Inc. A00270674Public Agency Law Group A00200543Purdy, D.D.S., Daniel A00200462S & S Printing A00275702Seward L. Schreder Construct A00200487Sierra School Equipment Co. A00200492Sixten and Associates A00272362Snowden, Rayvell 78014762 78014763 78014764 78014765 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200393Sparkletts A00200396Spurr I0040576 I0040546 I0040531 I0040569 I0040528 I0040605 I0040537 I0040554 I0040578 I0040607 I0040608 I0040547 I0040548 I0040551 I0040579 78014766 08/24/2015 A00201787Standard Insurance Company I0040549 78014767 08/24/2015 A00201787Standard Insurance Company I0040550 78014768 08/24/2015 A00211077Strata Information Group I0040561 62017 11000 11000 014890 39000 540516 33582 540400 11000 0815.044 11000 35340307 33428 021515-0 12460 082115 11972 08/21/15 11000 N5429041 11000 AR-16795 12461 80040673 11000 JUL 15 12460 78332352 32000 082015 39000 39000 081915 39000 39000 082415 39000 39000 08/24/15 39000 39000 083115 11000 39000 33428 33528 33199861 11000 080315 11000 53216839 11000 063015 12435 031715-0 12460 068419 33428 PAYREQ #1 12435 57293 11000 JUL 15 11000 4 12560 #4 12560 07.02.15 11000 073015 11000 07/30/15 11000 65848 11000 35819 35827 33428 AUG 15 11000 11000 JUL 15 11000 11000 22295 11000 11000 431 431 314 310 431 352 310 206 110 411 411 206 352 206 422 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 431 314 310 310 000 411 205 221 206 310 221 302 401 223 223 411 411 205 431 357 357 310 411 411 411 411 358 113 5840 5840 5632 4310 4310 4310 4310 5641 5430 5430 5950 5990 4310 5641 4310 5830 5820 5830 5820 5830 5820 5830 5820 5830 5830 5830 5830 9513 5950 5641 5510 5641 4310 5510 6423 5641 5510 5510 5641 5641 5641 5820 5820 5820 5820 3420 3410 3420 3410 5510 5510 65100 65700 64991 69200 65100 69619 69200 12042 66003 67300 67300 12042 69610 12042 69400 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 64991 65700 65700 65700 65700 00000 67300 12042 19010 12042 69200 19010 63100 67200 09565 09565 67300 67300 12042 65700 69700 69700 65700 67300 67300 67300 67300 62100 67801 202.51 1,579.61 118.25 379.26 75.59 111.00 361.07 16,739.48 25,000.00 25,000.00 990.65 57.42 15.20 2,434.25 22.34 131.00 5.87 59.96 15.29 648.10 25.87 105.56 5.72 37,773.16 4,293.03 7,191.22 146.76 288.00 2,465.00 416.25 367.20 51,735.40 454.31 258,612.09 310.68 333.00 944.00 1,424.00 42.30 72.34 40.14 1,356.41 36.48 132.27 142.86 469.21 1,376.92 460.53 1,376.92 850.00 2,635.00 11 | P a g e Taft College Check Register Report FY 15-16 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 78014769 08/24/2015 78014770 08/24/2015 78014771 08/24/2015 A00200862Taft College Bookstore A00200431Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. A00256341Terminix A00200078The Bank of New York A00278258TotalFunds by Hasler A00253173University of La Verne I0040557 I0040580 I0040553 I0040606 I0040575 I0040583 I0040527 2913 PAYREQ #2 34725009 34726809 252-1875 81200807 I14016TR 78014772 08/24/2015 78014773 08/24/2015 78014774 08/24/2015 78014775 08/24/2015 78014776 08/24/2015 78014777 08/24/2015 A00200339Verizon California A00200339Verizon California A00200338Verizon Wireless I0040577 I0040603 I0040535 57030807 57340810 97496503 78014778 78014779 78014780 78014781 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00200338Verizon Wireless A00201575Vohnout, Danielle E. A00271491Watkins, Sherrie D. A00200355West Kern Water District I0040600 I0040539 I0040595 I0040563 I0040574 97498550 070815 SEP 15 073115 08/05/15 78014782 78014783 78014784 78014785 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 A00202369West Side Regional Occupatio A00073955White, Brian L. A00261115Williams, Mark P. A00200388Zee Medical Service Co. I0040582 I0040593 I0040594 I0040530 I0040570 I0040572 08-05-15 SEP 15 SEP 15 06/11/15 34-20173 34-20174 39000 12050 33428 33428 11000 11000 12434 12434 12434 12434 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39000 39000 11000 39000 39000 39000 39000 11000 11000 39000 314 000 310 310 401 411 219 219 219 219 431 431 113 114 357 202 314 314 432 314 314 314 314 202 203 314 5990 5510 5860 5860 7120 5950 2110 5710 4310 5910 5840 5840 5840 5641 5840 5710 5610 5810 5810 5810 5810 5610 5610 5710 4310 4310 64991 71002 69200 69200 67200 67300 17010 17010 17010 17010 65700 65700 67801 70999 69700 60100 64991 64991 65700 64991 64991 64991 64991 60100 61200 64991 BANK TOTAL 12.35 13,114.65 372.00 2,000.00 795.00 3,000.00 42,256.33 8,176.38 13,530.71 398.00 77.88 45.29 38.05 39.96 114.07 720.70 1,310.00 46.88 1,800.21 364.00 22.47 1,473.00 1,400.00 533.20 71.81 115.62 ============== 1,166,504.63 12 | P a g e Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C ASALAZAR 08/05/2015 A00200498 A00200862 A00255627 A00273525 08/11/2015 A00277811 08/31/2015 A00278521 Office Depot Taft College Bookstore Compansol Soccer Central California State University CSU Fresno Association, Inc. P0036377 P0036372 P0036374 P0036394 P0036744 P0036965 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 08/11/2015 08/31/2015 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 07/15/2015 08/11/2015 08/31/2015 $23.48 $42.99 $299.00 $258.00 $180.00 $240.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $1,043.47 Y Y Y Y Y DDURAN 08/04/2015 A00277811 A00277830 A00266398 08/05/2015 A00276395 08/12/2015 A00200498 California State University Hilton Anaheim Belden, Rachel Claire. The Mathworks, Inc. Office Depot Taft College Bookstore Stan, Trevor David. Public Agency Law Group Arnold, Ken F. Office Depot Adafruit Industries LLC Taft College Bookstore University of La Verne Blake, Paul Anderson. Office Depot Taft College Bookstore Blake, Paul Anderson. 07/27/2015 07/29/2015 07/30/2015 07/23/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/21/2015 08/13/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 07/27/2015 07/29/2015 07/30/2015 07/23/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/21/2015 08/13/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y A00200862 A00262776 A00270674 A00014620 A00200498 A00276969 08/24/2015 A00200862 08/25/2015 A00253173 A00250001 08/26/2015 A00200498 A00200862 A00250001 P0036551 P0036571 P0036593 P0036525 P0036691 P0036698 P0036675 P0036684 P0036667 P0036666 P0036692 P0036707 P0036837 P0036775 P0036847 P0036893 P0036896 P0036852 P0036853 08/03/2015 A00201350 08/04/2015 A00200508 Four Seasons Carpet Cleaning P0036614 P. G. & E. P0036535 P0036536 P0036537 Bright House Networks P0036522 P. G. & E. P0036633 Office Depot P0036504 Uribe, Jose P0036552 Patterson, Paula R. P0036541 Owens, Warren Roscoe. P0036596 Albertson's P0036540 American Express P0036532 P0036539 Austin's Pest Control, Inc. P0036506 Canon Financial Services, In P0036491 Unruh, Krystal B. P0036542 08/03/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 07/17/2015 06/30/2015 07/23/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/30/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/23/2015 07/22/2015 07/27/2015 08/03/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 07/17/2015 06/30/2015 07/23/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/30/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/23/2015 07/22/2015 07/27/2015 DEKDAHL A00200107 A00200508 A00200498 A00000456 A00200374 A00206044 08/05/2015 A00200034 A00200043 A00200063 A00200134 A00201058 $115.00 $329.94 $164.34 $2,429.50 $30.72 $443.14 $309.02 $187.00 $367.20 $1,320.00 $1,105.38 $1,186.69 $525.69 $6,564.00 $800.07 $55.28 $72.98 $2,051.28 $2,732.85 ------------------TOTAL USER $85,151.50 $9,056.83 $114.71 $198.12 $14.35 $125.93 $10.04 $267.61 $280.00 $650.00 $18.40 $8,000.00 $4,398.72 $2,636.70 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 $2,182.50 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 1 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER NAME 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00201586 A00202445 A00200109 A00200181 08/06/2015 A00200508 08/12/2015 A00202445 A00200107 A00200355 A00200388 A00200508 A00200680 A00200862 A00201586 08/13/2015 A00200508 08/19/2015 A00200355 A00200508 08/21/2015 A00271491 A00200107 08/24/2015 A00050381 A00023190 A00087736 A00200498 A00206044 A00201272 A00243171 A00254323 08/25/2015 A00200752 A00200374 08/26/2015 A00200043 A00200423 08/27/2015 A00200354 A00200374 A00200476 08/28/2015 A00200508 A00203145 08/31/2015 A00200043 A00201272 A00277879 Dodson, John P0036543 AT&T Mobility P0036545 Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc P0036548 City of Taft P0036546 P. G. & E. P0036668 P0036634 AT&T Mobility P0036637 Bright House Networks P0036674 P0036737 West Kern Water District P0036729 P0036730 Zee Medical Service Co. P0036747 P. G. & E. P0036672 P0036673 P0036735 P0036736 J & L Locksmithing P0036728 Taft College Bookstore P0036660 Dodson, John P0036704 P. G. & E. P0036767 West Kern Water District P0036807 P0036808 P. G. & E. P0036809 Watkins, Sherrie D. P0036636 Bright House Networks P0036570 Powell, Cindi Lou. P0036739 Rubio, Jeanette P0036746 Davis, Jeanette M. P0036745 Office Depot P0036786 Owens, Warren Roscoe. P0036740 Owens, Patricia A. P0036795 Lewis, Donna Gay. P0036793 Shafer, Kristy Lee. P0036839 Marcell, Jamia L. P0036838 Patterson, Paula R. P0036855 American Express P0036898 Taft City School District P0036894 Wells, Susan J. P0036916 Patterson, Paula R. P0036911 P0036926 Schryver, Lee R. P0036915 P. G. & E. P0036942 Ramirez, Perla P0036922 American Express P0036963 Owens, Patricia A. P0036956 Shackelford, Elaine P0036912 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/06/2015 08/11/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/10/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/04/2015 07/29/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/17/2015 08/11/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/21/2015 08/21/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 07/07/2015 08/27/2015 08/28/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/06/2015 08/11/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/10/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/04/2015 07/29/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 08/17/2015 08/11/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/21/2015 08/21/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 07/07/2015 08/27/2015 08/28/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/27/2015 $6,900.00 $3,575.00 $2,600.00 $4,400.00 $10.04 $61.92 $324.67 $94.06 $43.91 $22.47 $46.99 $71.81 $136.87 $75.25 $673.97 $111.28 $118.25 $12.35 $18.90 $71.00 $39.87 $22.37 $216.98 $14,410.00 $43.91 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $115.97 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $30.00 $15,000.00 $16.52 $1,610.03 $301.63 $400.00 $100.00 $58.25 $400.00 $20.71 $200.00 $1,588.87 $59.72 $2,990.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $89,447.48 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N Y Page 2 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C DHEGEMAN 08/03/2015 A00259082 A00277724 A00200559 08/04/2015 A00200680 A00200112 A00200244 08/05/2015 A00095855 A00200431 A00201894 A00202007 A00261436 08/11/2015 A00200559 A00277724 08/12/2015 A00200498 08/17/2015 A00200498 A00275702 08/18/2015 A00200431 A00200498 A00271006 08/19/2015 A00200078 A00200355 08/24/2015 A00200052 08/25/2015 A00200112 08/26/2015 A00200487 A00200498 A00258485 08/27/2015 A00200383 A00200112 A00200498 A00200673 A00200043 GDUNHAM 08/03/2015 A00200072 A00200426 08/10/2015 A00200284 A00200417 A00200522 08/20/2015 A00200307 A00200417 A00244581 08/27/2015 A00200284 A00200522 Lozano Smith, LLP P0036562 P0036400 Buie, Sabrina P0036580 P0036581 McMurray, Robert B. P0036627 J & L Locksmithing P0036644 BSK & Associates, Inc. P0036527 Discount School Supply P0036511 Cazares, Rosa M. P0036646 Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. P0036576 Headrick, Donna J. P0036554 Department of General Servic P0036510 Dorsey, David I. P0036639 McMurray, Robert B. P0036710 Buie, Sabrina P0036711 Office Depot P0036742 Office Depot P0036738 Seward L. Schreder ConstructP0036676 Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. P0036753 Office Depot P0036749 Palmer, Anthony P0036784 The Bank of New York P0036799 West Kern Water District P0036801 AP Architects P0036751 BSK & Associates, Inc. P0036805 Sierra School Equipment Co. P0036885 Office Depot P0036877 Graham Prewitt, Inc. P0036878 WRD Consulting Group, LLC P0036905 BSK & Associates, Inc. P0036899 Office Depot P0036900 P0036901 P0036902 IBM P0036906 American Express P0036932 07/28/2015 07/16/2015 06/29/2015 07/29/2015 08/03/2015 07/21/2015 06/23/2015 07/23/2015 08/04/2015 07/29/2015 07/27/2015 07/23/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 06/29/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 06/15/2015 08/18/2015 08/19/2015 08/12/2015 08/19/2015 08/26/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 07/28/2015 07/16/2015 06/29/2015 07/29/2015 08/03/2015 08/04/2015 06/23/2015 07/23/2015 08/04/2015 07/29/2015 07/27/2015 07/23/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 08/11/2015 06/29/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 06/15/2015 08/18/2015 08/19/2015 08/12/2015 08/19/2015 08/26/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $1,300.00 $155.00 $215.05 $249.44 $269.00 $505.23 $922.20 $27,297.39 $3,794.01 $597.11 $306.00 $204.75 $155.00 $22.34 $78.41 $258,612.09 $13,114.65 $19.33 $288.00 $795.00 $22,942.88 $6,945.82 $1,652.50 $9,888.93 $8.77 $44,775.00 $187,500.00 $4,300.00 $51.57 $29.20 $21.27 $9,296.00 $52.67 ------------------TOTAL USER $646,364.61 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bakersfield Retail Systems Taft College Cafeteria U.S. Foods Sysco Food Service of Ventur Pepsi-Cola Company Farmer Bros. Company Sysco Food Service of Ventur Independent Fire and Safety, U.S. Foods Pepsi-Cola Company 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/19/2015 08/27/2015 08/26/2015 Y Y Y Y Y P0036586 P0036609 P0036679 P0036681 P0036680 P0036812 P0036802 P0036811 P0036910 P0036892 $270.20 $98.91 $6,034.94 $9,873.87 $1,995.36 $1,067.53 $106.79 $439.90 $9,100.23 $2,780.42 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 3 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00244581 A00266719 Independent Fire and Safety, P0036889 Parts Town, LLC P0036890 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 $211.40 $822.65 ------------------TOTAL USER $32,802.20 Y Y Y Y Y Y HARCHIBALD 08/03/2015 A00200200 A00200498 08/04/2015 A00231833 08/10/2015 A00234706 08/11/2015 A00200043 A00200282 A00200393 A00200498 A00211077 A00275503 A00200200 A00200338 08/12/2015 A00200200 A00266520 08/18/2015 A00200200 08/19/2015 A00234706 08/20/2015 A00200498 A00234706 08/24/2015 A00200498 08/25/2015 A00108728 A00200116 A00231833 A00259088 A00264649 08/26/2015 A00200096 A00200053 A00200498 08/27/2015 A00231833 08/28/2015 A00200200 08/31/2015 A00200498 Computerland of Silicon Vall Office Depot Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc American Express True Value Home Center Sparkletts Office Depot Strata Information Group Commvault Systems Inc. Computerland of Silicon Vall Verizon Wireless Computerland of Silicon Vall ID Zone Computerland of Silicon Vall MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc Office Depot MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc Office Depot Issue Trak, Inc Burt Electric & Communicatio Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. GT Software Inc. Convergint Technologies, LP Board of Governors, CCC Apple Computer Inc. Office Depot Ray A. Morgan Company Inc. Computerland of Silicon Vall Office Depot P0036485 P0036453 P0036638 P0036533 P0036647 P0036657 P0036658 P0036651 P0036645 P0036605 P0036732 P0036661 P0036713 P0036733 P0036599 P0036785 P0036758 P0036763 P0036845 P0036816 P0036817 P0036836 P0036815 P0036818 P0036897 P0036754 P0036835 P0036886 P0036934 P0036945 P0036960 07/22/2015 07/21/2015 08/04/2015 07/27/2015 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 07/30/2015 08/11/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 07/30/2015 08/17/2015 08/12/2015 08/13/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/26/2015 08/12/2015 08/21/2015 08/26/2015 08/28/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 07/22/2015 07/21/2015 08/04/2015 07/27/2015 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 07/30/2015 08/11/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/11/2015 07/30/2015 08/17/2015 08/12/2015 08/13/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/26/2015 08/12/2015 08/21/2015 08/26/2015 08/28/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 $95.00 $538.38 $850.00 $1,060.34 $1,847.02 $200.00 $1,000.00 $1,283.40 $3,485.00 $4,800.00 $79.00 $937.00 $79.00 $863.23 $79.00 $1,060.34 $474.02 $284.91 $524.72 $1,925.00 $304.63 $6,208.74 $2,079.00 $3,165.48 $3,900.00 $2,724.43 $2,398.81 $174.41 $79.00 $474.02 $2,551.26 ------------------TOTAL USER $45,525.14 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N JEDMAISTON 08/03/2015 A00200043 A00200219 A00200862 A00200432 08/11/2015 A00200563 A00244660 A00277778 08/12/2015 A00200561 A00200167 American Express CSMI Taft College Bookstore Taft Union High School Melo's Gas-Gear J & J Supply, Inc. KT Health LLC Medco Supply Company Central Valley Conference P0036575 P0036406 P0036577 P0036480 P0036608 P0036734 P0036648 P0036712 P0036401 07/29/2015 07/16/2015 07/29/2015 07/22/2015 07/30/2015 08/11/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 07/16/2015 07/29/2015 07/16/2015 07/29/2015 07/22/2015 07/30/2015 08/11/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 07/16/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $25.00 $500.00 $20.94 $5,000.00 $15.20 $136.64 $110.73 $3,973.65 $7,000.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 4 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C JGARRETT JPATTERSON 08/18/2015 A00200498 08/28/2015 A00200432 A00200561 A00200862 A00268861 08/31/2015 A00200043 A00200158 Office Depot Taft Union High School Medco Supply Company Taft College Bookstore Sports Imports, Inc. American Express CCLC/COA P0036652 P0036656 P0036857 P0036895 P0036944 P0036887 P0036966 P0036967 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/28/2015 08/26/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/24/2015 08/26/2015 08/28/2015 08/26/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 $6,635.00 $78.15 $666.00 $68.05 $15.01 $703.06 $236.26 $4,775.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $29,958.69 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N 08/04/2015 A00277763 08/18/2015 A00200135 08/26/2015 A00200498 A00200668 08/27/2015 A00200135 American Thermoform Corporat P0036490 CAPED P0036719 P0036727 Office Depot P0036843 Houghton Mifflin Company P0036810 CAPED P0036782 07/22/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/21/2015 08/19/2015 08/17/2015 07/22/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/21/2015 08/19/2015 08/17/2015 $118.26 $490.00 $440.00 $54.52 $274.96 $565.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $1,942.74 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 08/03/2015 A00200043 A00200652 08/04/2015 A00261115 A00000456 A00272362 A00277845 08/05/2015 A00272252 American Express Hegeman, Debbie F. Williams, Mark Preston. Uribe, Jose Snowden, Rayvell Double D Cleaning Service GL Consulting Services, LLC 07/28/2015 07/27/2015 06/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/04/2015 07/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/06/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/06/2015 06/30/2015 08/10/2015 08/12/2015 08/18/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 07/28/2015 07/27/2015 06/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/04/2015 07/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/06/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/12/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/05/2015 08/06/2015 06/30/2015 08/10/2015 08/12/2015 08/18/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/24/2015 08/24/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N A00272362 08/11/2015 A00200498 08/12/2015 A00200146 A00200645 A00202271 A00200498 A00200680 A00200862 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/24/2015 A00202041 A00272362 A00277930 A00277981 A00200652 A00200394 A00200889 A00200146 A00200950 P0036563 P0036549 P0036528 P0036587 P0036631 P0036598 P0036629 P0036630 Snowden, Rayvell P0036628 Office Depot P0036649 P0036650 P0036695 Carolina Biological Supply C P0036755 Hardy Diagnostics P0036757 Sigma Aldrich Corporation P0036756 Office Depot P0036750 J & L Locksmithing P0036665 Taft College Bookstore P0036663 P0036664 Fresno Oxygen P0036688 Snowden, Rayvell P0036687 Taylor, Daniel P0036702 Gopher Performance P0036760 Hegeman, Debbie F. P0036787 Sport & Cycle P0036832 Harland Technology Services P0036842 Carolina Biological Supply C P0036851 Furman, Tori J. P0036856 $660.21 $3,581.09 $986.40 $350.00 $128.74 $330.00 $1,400.00 $2,887.50 $2,368.00 $58.28 $5.36 $98.94 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $65.32 $48.38 $51.86 $26.10 $137.02 $944.00 $11,777.04 $250.29 $35.00 $1,160.36 $620.00 $3,000.00 $484.25 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 5 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER R/S/C A00200092 A00200498 A00200508 A00232538 A00200498 A00200845 A00265089 A00277845 A00200498 08/25/2015 A00201045 A00232538 A00200323 A00200656 A00202272 A00244581 A00200498 A00200089 A00205535 08/26/2015 A00262851 A00200498 A00201548 A00200498 A00202041 08/27/2015 A00200043 A00200355 A00200645 A00272252 NAME Bio Rad Office Depot 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE P0036752 P0036779 P0036819 P0036820 P0036821 P0036822 P0036824 P0036825 P. G. & E. P0036783 Ward's Natural Science P0036778 Office Depot P0036768 P0036769 P0036788 P0036789 Dyer, Geoffrey P0036806 Jose-Eguaras, Agnes P0036762 Double D Cleaning Service P0036814 Office Depot P0036826 P0036829 P0036831 P0036844 P0036780 P0036827 Golling, Greg P. P0036872 Ward's Natural Science P0036850 Flinn Scientific, Inc. P0036833 Jacobi, Victoria J. P0036781 VWR International P0036834 Independent Fire and Safety, P0036813 Office Depot P0036865 P0036866 P0036867 Berube, Eric P0036854 Smith, Ed. D., Cindra J. P0036875 Lytle, Steve P0036891 Office Depot P0036868 P0036870 P0036871 P0036770 Scholastic Inc. P0036882 Office Depot P0036879 Fresno Oxygen P0036881 American Express P0036930 P0036931 West Kern Water District P0036909 Hardy Diagnostics P0036913 GL Consulting Services, LLC P0036907 08/12/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/19/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/25/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/19/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/13/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 REQ. DATE 08/12/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/19/2015 08/13/2015 08/19/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/25/2015 08/24/2015 08/20/2015 08/17/2015 08/20/2015 08/19/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/13/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT $1,000.00 $38.81 $8.70 $5.36 $25.05 $14.31 $12.66 $72.61 $264.48 $70.52 $26.86 $26.86 $67.08 $21.48 $315.45 $126.45 $380.00 $105.41 $206.79 $30.09 $49.14 $27.08 $36.39 $149.46 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,243.05 $3,000.00 $498.84 $28.43 $25.77 $233.90 $36.53 $2,000.00 $403.13 $72.02 $11.30 $78.20 $26.86 $235.32 $264.29 $440.21 $1,568.17 $1,925.93 $89.60 $2,000.00 $17,500.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $85,216.73 CL C A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Page 6 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE VENDOR NUMBER R/S/C KALLIKAS 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 NAME 08/18/2015 A00200498 Office Depot 08/25/2015 A00200498 Office Depot 08/28/2015 A00200862 A00200498 KEHELMS KHELMS PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A Taft College Bookstore Office Depot P0036689 P0036690 P0036873 P0036874 P0036883 P0036920 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/20/2015 08/27/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 08/27/2015 $187.03 $306.88 $22.11 $59.56 $270.90 $102.18 ------------------TOTAL USER $948.66 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 08/03/2015 A00200518 A00200555 A00200586 A00200668 A00200827 A00201045 A00201124 A00203575 A00210209 A00271503 A00277675 A00002482 A00210209 A00234628 A00274574 08/10/2015 A00200243 A00200426 A00200498 A00200521 A00201549 A00210970 A00242940 08/18/2015 A00200425 A00201685 A00200425 A00275443 08/26/2015 A00200175 A00200498 A00201685 A00210209 A00227772 08/27/2015 A00258705 Pearson Education McGraw-Hill NAEYC Resource Sales Dept. Houghton Mifflin Company W.W. Norton & Company Inc. Golling, Greg P. New Monic Books Rosetta Stone, LTD ULINE Wolters Kluwer Health Taylor & Francis Group, LLC May, James Patrick. ULINE MPS Penguin Random House LLC Dick Blick Taft College Cafeteria Office Depot Pens Etc. Harper Collins Publishers University Frames, Inc. ICM Distributing Company, In Taft College Cengage Learning Taft College WestAir Gases & Equipment In Chevron Valley Credit Union, Office Depot Cengage Learning ULINE MBS Textbook Exchange, Inc. El Dorado Trading Group P0036606 P0036597 P0036600 P0036615 P0036612 P0036610 P0036611 P0036592 P0036613 P0036595 P0036604 P0036616 P0036620 P0036622 P0036623 P0036683 P0036671 P0036678 P0036662 P0036670 P0036682 P0036677 P0036761 P0036764 P0036796 P0036797 P0036860 P0036859 P0036858 P0036861 P0036876 P0036880 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/05/2015 08/06/2015 06/01/2015 08/06/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/05/2015 08/06/2015 06/01/2015 08/06/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/26/2015 $4,239.48 $2,467.10 $693.00 $242.10 $222.34 $839.85 $186.48 $5,250.00 $772.09 $1,207.48 $6,098.54 $390.00 $390.95 $1,103.56 $1,033.57 $1,014.94 $108.07 $74.00 $86.72 $494.67 $66.15 $130.84 $2,160.00 $582.17 $3,000.00 $16.41 $166.58 $96.83 $2,126.31 $107.71 $166.37 $106.02 ------------------TOTAL USER $35,640.33 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 08/04/2015 A00237176 A00218045 A00200462 A00200498 SSD Systems Geiger, Joe L. S & S Printing Office Depot P0036513 P0036617 P0036618 P0036619 P0036625 07/23/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 07/23/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 08/03/2015 Y Y Y Y Y $78.75 $81.00 $454.31 $92.77 $188.92 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 7 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME R/S/C 08/05/2015 A00201051 A00256341 08/12/2015 A00200498 A00200728 A00201051 A00256341 08/26/2015 A00200282 Central Sanitary Supply Terminix Office Depot Lakeshore Central Sanitary Supply Terminix True Value Home Center LRISS 08/04/2015 A00200498 A00200862 A00202979 08/12/2015 A00200393 A00200536 08/18/2015 A00200044 A00200655 A00200282 A00200498 Office Depot Taft College Bookstore Health First Corporation Sparkletts Praxair Distribution, Inc. American General Media Henry Schein, Inc. True Value Home Center Office Depot A00201055 08/25/2015 A00261382 08/28/2015 A00200282 08/31/2015 A00200498 A00200539 A00237176 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A P0036515 P0036624 P0036699 P0036701 P0036697 P0036700 P0036846 07/23/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/24/2015 07/23/2015 08/03/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/06/2015 08/24/2015 $4,875.25 $2,000.00 $96.84 $361.07 $358.79 $372.00 $636.87 ------------------TOTAL USER $9,596.57 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P0036574 P0036572 P0036573 P0036716 P0036717 P0036791 P0036715 P0036724 P0036772 P0036773 American Dental Education As P0036774 Khoe Technologies P0036790 True Value Home Center P0036908 Office Depot P0036951 P0036953 P0036955 Proctor & Gamble P0036954 SSD Systems P0036947 07/29/2015 07/29/2015 07/29/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/18/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 07/29/2015 07/29/2015 07/29/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/18/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/18/2015 08/27/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 08/31/2015 TOTAL USER $68.35 $29.89 $544.25 $2,000.00 $5,500.00 $295.00 $20,000.00 $12.84 $25.57 $51.28 $945.00 $2,948.91 $8.56 $32.38 $7.39 $24.71 $58.06 $221.27 $32,773.46 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N LSILVEIRA 08/12/2015 A00200388 A00200236 A00271462 08/28/2015 A00200236 Zee Medical Service Co. Demco OCLC, Inc. Demco P0036718 P0036659 P0036720 P0036943 08/10/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/28/2015 08/10/2015 08/05/2015 08/10/2015 08/28/2015 $71.82 $2,230.57 $3,702.40 $764.26 ------------------TOTAL USER $6,769.05 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MBLANCO 08/03/2015 A00200862 A00273525 08/05/2015 A00200816 08/11/2015 A00200076 A00200376 08/18/2015 A00200014 A00277811 08/21/2015 A00200076 A00200393 A00202650 08/25/2015 A00271533 A00277954 Taft College Bookstore Soccer Central Rydin Decal Bandy, Ingrun K. Amerio, Barbara J. 3C4A California State University Bandy, Ingrun K. Sparkletts Greater Bakersfield Chamber Ace Marketing and Advertisin Discount Fence Supply, Inc. P0036229 P0036227 P0036654 P0036653 P0036731 P0036776 P0036771 P0036238 P0036823 P0036841 P0036840 P0036705 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 06/30/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/21/2015 08/10/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 08/10/2015 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 06/30/2015 08/20/2015 08/21/2015 08/21/2015 08/10/2015 Y Y Y Y Y $7.65 $59.13 $1,360.96 $334.50 $138.41 $125.00 $115.00 $170.00 $1,500.00 $499.00 $2,650.00 $2,481.91 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 8 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME R/S/C A00200627 A00200652 08/27/2015 A00278494 A00278507 08/28/2015 A00253023 A00272268 08/31/2015 A00200471 Gonzalez, Lourdes Hegeman, Debbie F. Holiday Inn Sacramento Capit California State University Ellucian Company L.P. Ramirez, Natalie Elise. SARS Software Products, Inc. MMATTHEWS 08/04/2015 A00200655 A00200498 Henry Schein, Inc. Office Depot PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL P0036848 P0036862 P0036864 P0036903 P0036904 P0036940 P0036959 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/28/2015 08/31/2015 08/24/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/28/2015 08/31/2015 07/07/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 07/29/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 08/10/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/28/2015 07/07/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 07/29/2015 08/04/2015 06/30/2015 08/10/2015 08/18/2015 08/18/2015 08/28/2015 $225.85 $760.93 $90.89 $240.43 $139.32 $537.39 $68.40 $400.00 $900.00 $4,087.16 $16,739.48 $6,400.00 $51,735.40 $29,211.00 $400,000.00 $57.42 $628.38 $616.14 $895.09 $6.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $513,739.28 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 08/24/2015 A00200562 A00200175 08/31/2015 A00203746 P0036249 P0036601 P0036602 P0036603 Medical Billing Technologies P0036583 P0036584 P0036585 Arrowhead P0036641 Medical Billing Technologies P0036643 Kern County Supt. of SchoolsP0036594 Launspach, DDS., Inc., Danie P0036632 Shaffer, Robin D. P0036640 Purdy, D.D.S., Daniel P0036582 Montoya, Janice P0036579 Kern County Supt. of SchoolsP0036642 Medical Billing Technologies P0036723 P0036725 Medical Billing Technologies P0036798 Chevron Valley Credit Union, P0036800 City of Bakersfield P0036936 MTOFTE 08/04/2015 08/05/2015 08/06/2015 08/17/2015 08/27/2015 Office Depot American Express ARTSTOR C.A. Reding Company, Inc. American Express P0036550 P0036544 P0036669 P0036777 P0036914 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 08/05/2015 06/30/2015 08/27/2015 07/27/2015 07/27/2015 08/05/2015 06/30/2015 08/27/2015 Y Y Y Y MWHITE 08/03/2015 A00200063 A00244581 A00200680 08/04/2015 A00200423 08/10/2015 A00200023 08/11/2015 A00200536 A00200563 08/18/2015 A00265309 Austin's Pest Control, Inc. Independent Fire and Safety, J & L Locksmithing Taft City School District Abate-A-Weed Praxair Distribution, Inc. Melo's Gas-Gear Daikin Applied P0036588 P0036589 P0036626 P0036607 P0036685 P0036721 P0036722 P0036379 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 07/15/2015 07/30/2015 07/30/2015 08/03/2015 07/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 07/15/2015 A00200562 A00200057 A00200562 08/05/2015 A00200712 A00200730 A00202340 08/11/2015 A00200543 A00200575 A00200712 08/12/2015 A00200562 A00200498 A00200043 A00213480 A00200119 A00200043 $96.35 $75.00 $218.50 $100.00 $7,073.86 $115.00 $5,100.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $22,220.27 $53.96 $5,273.94 $1,230.00 $473.00 $514.57 ------------------TOTAL USER $7,545.47 $4,500.00 $1,996.84 $210.09 $106.50 $78.63 $11.33 $15.54 $7,400.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Page 9 Taft College Purchase Order Activity Report 20132013201320132013 Purchase USER ID ACTIVITTY DATE 01-August-2015 through 31-August-2015 VENDOR NUMBER NAME PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER DATE REQ. DATE FY 15-16 PURCHASE ORDER AMOUNT CL C A R/S/C A00200715 08/25/2015 A00202335 08/26/2015 A00265309 08/27/2015 A00200423 A00200017 A00200023 A00200170 A00201057 A00228756 A00200423 A00200715 08/28/2015 A00200423 Kern Electric Distributors Fastenal Industrial & Constr Daikin Applied Taft City School District A.P.I. Plumbing Abate-A-Weed Champion Hardware Inc. Johnstone Supply Country Auto & Truck Taft Taft City School District Kern Electric Distributors Taft City School District P0036709 P0036849 P0036803 P0036925 P0036919 P0036921 P0036924 P0036917 P0036923 P0036927 P0036918 P0036792 08/10/2015 08/24/2015 08/19/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/18/2015 08/10/2015 08/24/2015 08/19/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/27/2015 08/18/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RWELBORN 08/18/2015 A00200498 08/25/2015 A00200498 Office Depot Office Depot P0036766 P0036869 08/13/2015 08/13/2015 08/25/2015 08/25/2015 $434.13 $62.28 ------------------TOTAL USER $496.41 Y Y Y Y Y TROWDEN 08/11/2015 A00200069 A00200393 Bakersfield Californian Sparkletts A00200527 A00201787 A00277823 08/21/2015 A00278258 Pitney Bowes Standard Insurance Company MailFinance Inc. TotalFunds by Hasler P0036708 P0036693 P0036694 P0036706 P0036686 P0036714 P0036830 08/10/2015 06/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/20/2015 08/10/2015 06/30/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/06/2015 08/10/2015 08/20/2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $379.26 $1,730.82 $3,700.00 $4,743.99 $177.03 $792.05 $300.00 $796.67 $48.25 $486.52 $79.34 $626.06 ------------------TOTAL USER $28,178.92 $26,875.00 $42.30 $900.00 $2,465.00 $24,000.00 $4,500.00 $20,000.00 ------------------TOTAL USER $78,782.30 Page 10 WEST KERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT REQUESTS FOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE & EXPENSES September 2, 2015 Page 1 of 5 EMPLOYEE CONFERENCE/TRIP LOCATION DATES EST. COST Tule Elk Reserve BIOL 2202 Field Trip Tupman 05/02/15 $50.00 * Waugh, Victoria Outreach for Prospective Transition to Independent Living Students Various Cities 08/01/15 – 06/30/16 $1,100.00 ■ Patterson, Paula Assisting TIL Graduates with Apartment and Job Searches Various Cities 07/01/15 – 07/31/15 $100.00 ■ Richards, Kristi Outreach, Recruitment of Students, Networking, & School Visits Various Cities 07/01/15 – 12/31/15 $1,017.00 ♦ Furman, Tori Workforce Development, Recruitment of Students, Networking, Outreach Various Cities 07/01/15 – 12/31/15 $1,220.40 ♦ Blake, Paul Program & Curriculum Development with Educational Institutions and Oil, Gas and Other Industries Various Cities 07/01/15 – 5/31/16 $3,029.00 ♦ Belden, Rachel Promote Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Program to Kindergarten through High School Students Various Cities 07/01/15 – 06/30/16 $1,150.00 ♦ Bandy, Kanoe Central Valley Conference Fall Planning Board Meetings Fresno & Visalia 08/01/15 – 06/30/16 $400.00 * Schryver, Lee Various TIL Student Activities, Vocational Student Training & Staff Training Various Cities 08/03/15 – 06/30/16 $400.00 ■ Wells, Susan Various TIL Student Activities, Vocational Student Training & Staff Training Various Cities 08/03/15 – 06/30/16 $400.00 ■ Lytle, Steve *General Funds •Restricted Funds ♦Grant Funds ■TIL ⌂ Auxiliary Funds Revised CONFERENCE/TRIP LOCATION DATES Page 2 of 5 EST. COST Lewis, Donna Integrating TIL Students in Activities as Weekend Support Various Cities 08/08/15 – 06/30/16 $500.00 ■ Owens, Patricia Integrating TIL Students in Activities as Weekend Support Various Cities 08/08/15 – 06/30/16 $500.00 ■ Carlson, Kamala General Education Summer Institute Panel Presenter at CSUB Bakersfield 08/17/15 -0- Eigenauer, John General Education Summer Institute Critical Thinking Panel at CSUB Bakersfield 08/18/15 -0- Jean, Brian General Education Summer Institute Quantitative Reasoning at CSUB Bakersfield 08/18/15 -0- Bérubé, Eric Accreditation Self Study Task Bakersfield 08/19/15 $5.18 * Presentations, Seminars, Networking, Training, Support TIL Students’ Independence, & Transportation Various Cities 08/19/15 – 06/30/16 $2,990.00 ■ Taft (Off Site) 08/20/15 -0- Promote Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Program to Kindergarten through High School Students Various Cities 08/24/15 – 06/30/16 $1,725.00 ♦ Environmental Science at Windwolves Reserve BIOL 1513 Field Trip Maricopa 09/10/15 $50.00 * EMPLOYEE Shackelford, Elaine Altenhofel, Jennifer Beasley, Michelle Eveland, Sharyn Jiles, Mike Mendoza, Tina Oja, Michelle Roth, Rebecca Rancano, Stacie Lytle, Steve *General Funds Division Meeting for 2015/16 School Year •Restricted Funds ♦Grant Funds ■TIL ⌂ Auxiliary Funds Revised CONFERENCE/TRIP LOCATION DATES Page 3 of 5 EST. COST Jose-Eguaras, Agnes Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Workshop San Bernardino 09/11/15 $153.50 ♦ Beasley, Michelle Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Workshop San Bernardino 09/11/15 $188.60 * Lara, Fernando California Community College Chancellor’s Office New Admissions & Records Director’s Training Sacramento 09/14/15 – 09/16/15 $695.35 * May, James Wallace Creek Carrizo Plain GEOL 1501 Field Trip Carrizo Plain 09/16/15 $25.00 * California State University Community College Counselor Conference Pasadena 09/17/15 $238.00 • Berry, Wendy Wonderful Orchards BIOL 2203 Field Trip Bakersfield 09/22/15 -0- Chaidez, Joe’ll AB86 Adult Education Statewide Summit Sacramento 09/23/15 $425.00 ♦ Region 6 Extended Opportunity & Program Services Coordinator/Counselor Meeting Summer Institute Program Ventura 09/25/15 $189.50 • Ramirez, Natalie 2015 California State University & University of California, High School & Community College Counselor Conference Fresno 09/28/15 $293.00 • Rancano, Stacie 2015 California State University & University of California, High School & Community College Counselor Conference Fresno 09/28/15 $280.00 ♦ Mendenhall, Janis California Association Post-Secondary Education of the Disabled Conference San Diego 10/01/15 – 10/06/15 $2,279.00 • Polizzotto, Joseph California Association Post-Secondary Education of the Disabled Conference San Diego 10/01/15 – 10/07/15 $1,861.00 • EMPLOYEE Brown, Jill Casagrande, Claudia Gonzalez, Lourdes *General Funds •Restricted Funds ♦Grant Funds ■TIL ⌂ Auxiliary Funds Revised CONFERENCE/TRIP LOCATION DATES Page 4 of 5 EST. COST Page Museum GEOL 1500 Field Trip Los Angeles 10/02/15 $150.00 * California Community College Chancellor Office Foster Youth Initiative Sacramento 10/06/15 – 10/08/15 $796.71 • California Community College Assessment Association 2015 Statewide Conference Oakland 10/08/15 – 10/09/15 $724.25 * Hispanic Association of Colleges Annual Conference Miami, FL 10/09/15 – 10/13/15 $2,639.88 ♦ Ridge Route Basin GEOL 1501 Field Trip Frazier Park 10/14/15 $25.00 * Growing Hope, Equity & Justice Conference San Diego 10/19/15 – 10/22/15 $1,446.70 • Los Padres National Forest BIOL 2203 Field Trip Los Padres Forest 10/20/15 -0- McMurray, Brock 2015 Association of Chief Business Officers Conference Redondo Beach 10/25/15 – 10/28/15 $1,001.00 * Anderson, Amber Lara, Fernando California Community Colleges Registrars & Admission Officers Regional Workshop Valencia 10/30/15 $60.00 * San Andreas Fault Zone GEOL 1500 Field Trip Carrizo Plain 10/30/15 $25.00 * California State University Campus Visit & Tour Fresno 11/6/15 or 11/13/15 $1,850.00 • Lytle, Steve Natural History Museum BIOL 1510 Field Trip Los Angeles 11/13/15 $415.00 * May, James Sespe Creek Los Padres Forest GEOL 1500 Field Trip Ventura 11/20/15 $25.00 * EMPLOYEE May, James Dumbrique, Joanne Chaidez, Joe’ll Jose-Eguaras, Agnes May, James Gonzalez, Lourdes Berry, Wendy May, James Duron, Candace Flachmann, Chris Gonzalez, Lourdes Rancano, Stacie Rangel-Escobedo, Juana 2 Adjunct Counselors To be named *General Funds •Restricted Funds ♦Grant Funds ■TIL ⌂ Auxiliary Funds Revised EMPLOYEE Rangel-Escobedo, Juana *General Funds CONFERENCE/TRIP LOCATION DATES Page 5 of 5 EST. COST 14th Annual Conference of National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students Atlanta, GA 02/02/16 – 02/05/16 $1,835.00 * •Restricted Funds ♦Grant Funds ■TIL ⌂ Auxiliary Funds Revised West Kern Community College District General Fund Unrestricted Budgeted Sources of Funds at Account Level 1 Revenue Accounts Fiscal Year 2015-2016 For the Month ending August 31, 2015 Account Level Account Level Description 8600 State Revenues 8800 Local Revenues 8900 Other Financing Sources Summary Tentative Adjusted Budget Budget 11,286,777 0 YTD Activity Encumbrances 815,381 0 Balance 10,471,396 12,462,234 0 194,295 0 12,267,939 0 0 0 0 0 23,749,011 0 1,009,676 0 22,739,335 West Kern Community College District General Fund Unrestricted Budgeted Sources of Funds at Account Level 1 Expenditure Accounts Fiscal Year 2015-2016 For the Month ending August 31, 2015 Account Level Account Level Description 1000 Academic Salaries 2000 Classified & Other Nonacademic Sala 3000 Employee Benefits 4000 Supplies and Materials 5000 Other Operating Expenses & Services 6000 Capital Outlay 7000 Other Outgo 7200 Transfers Summary Tentative Adjusted YTD Budget Budget Activity Encumbrances Balance 7,977,942 0 309,688 0 7,668,254 4,609,935 0 342,143 0 4,267,792 4,947,132 0 362,768 387,883 4,196,481 449,975 0 23,664 142,899 283,412 4,193,932 0 541,262 1,828,111 1,824,558 170,324 0 8,967 46,560 114,798 499,150 0 46,083 3,000 450,067 900,621 0 -13 0 900,634 23,749,011 0 1,634,562 2,408,453 19,705,995 Disbursement Register of Expenditures Greater than $10,000 August 1, 2015 - August 31, 2015 Check Number 78014443 78014491 78014513 78014590 78014590 78014613 78014615 78014640 78014658 78014696 78014740 78014741 78014741 78014751 78014756 78014758 78014770 78014774 Check Date 8/4/15 8/10/15 8/10/15 8/19/15 8/19/15 8/19/15 8/19/15 8/19/15 8/20/15 8/20/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 8/24/15 Vendor Name Westec McGraw-Hill Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. AARP Health Care Options AARP Health Care Options Insight Investments, LLC John Karwoski United Healthcare Insurance Company Gabriela Castellanos Nikki A Procell Daniel V Launspach, DDS., Inc. Lozano Smith, LLP Lozano Smith, LLP P. G. & E. Daniel Purdy, D.D.S. Seward L. Schreder Construction, Inc. Taft Plumbing Co., Inc. University of La Verne Description WESTEC Textbooks-Less CM-Multiple Invoices Pay Req #1 for Gym Interior Renovation 2015-16 AARP Retiree Supplement Health 2015-16 AARP Retiree Supplement Health 35 Lenovo T420 Laptops J. Karowski DSA Inspection Contract July -October 2015-16 Retiree Health Ins REFUND - Standard REFUND - Standard TREAT SRVCS 2/15/15-6/30/15 Deposit to Trust Account for Legal Services Trust Accout for legal services PG&E chgs for Dist (Aug - June) TREAT SRVCS 3/17/15-6/22/15 Contracted work on STEM building Gym Int. Renovation/proj. 430-0054 D3 Salaries & Benefits - Pathways $42,256.33 Net Amount 77,731.50 22,378.72 27,297.39 16,790.48 16,815.32 13,115.63 10,920.00 18,827.60 15,000.00 10,000.00 16,739.48 25,000.00 25,000.00 49,404.17 51,735.40 258,612.09 13,114.65 64,361.42 732,843.85 Appendix I West Kern Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting September 9, 2015 Agenda Item 15. A. Academic Employment 1. Extra Duty Assignment: Item Name a. Eveland, Sharyn b. Reynolds, David Assignment PTK Advisor Curriculum Development Project PHYS 2223 – General Physics * $64.90 x 34 wks. = $2,206.60 **Not to exceed 5 hours total 2. 2015-16 Athletic Assignments: Item Name a. Bandy, Kanoe b. Cutrona, Angelo c. Cutrona, Myisha d. Taylor, Tyrone e. Cutrona, Angelo f. Cutrona, Myisha g. Perez, Nora h. Taylor, Tyrone *$64.90 x 10 hrs. x 17 wks. Assignment Head Volleyball Coach Recruiting Stipend Head Men’s Soccer Coach Recruiting Stipend Head Women’s Soccer Coach Recruiting Stipend Head Women’s Basketball Coach Recruiting & Travel Stipend Head Men’s Soccer Coach Head Women’s Soccer Coach Volunteer Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach Head Women’s Basketball Coach 3. 2015-16 Adjunct Counselor Assignments: Item Name Assignment a. Duron, Candace Temporary DHS Counselor b. Rangel-Escobedo, Juana Temporary TRIO Counselor c. Sundgren, Lori Temporary Counselor d. Sundgren, Lori Temporary Counselor *Up to 5 hours/week **Up to 10 hours/week ***Up to 35 hours/week Class/Step Stipend -- Hourly Rate $2,206.60* $64.90** Effective Date 8/24/15 – 5/20/16 7/1/15 – 5/30/16 Class/Step --- Annual Salary $2,666.53 $2,666.53 Effective Date 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 -- $2,666.53 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 -- $3,666.53 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 ----- $11,033.00* $11,033.00* -$11,033.00* 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 8/20/15 – 12/31/15 8/1/15 – 12/31/15 Step 3 3 3 3 Hourly Rate $64.90* $64.90** $64.90*** $64.90*** Effective Date 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 6/29/15 – 6/30/15 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 Appendix I 4. Fall 2015-16 Adjunct Lecturers: Item Name Assignment a. Avila, Henry WELD 1010 b. Balestino, Ted WELD 1020 c. Batchelor, Gregg ADMJ 1501 Course ↓ Pilkington, Joseph ADMJ 1501 Course d. Burnham, Kyle MUSC 1510 Course e. Cutrona, Angelo HLED 1510, PHED 1511, 1523, 1623,1723,1823 & 2511 Courses f. Cutrona, Myisha HLED 1510, PHED 1510, 2510 Courses g. Emberson, Dyana PHED 1524, 1724 Courses h. Salomon, Stephanie MGMT 1510, 1540 Courses i. Villa, Walter POSC 1501 Course 5. Fall 2015-16 Adjunct Lecturer Substitutes: Item Name a. Avila, Henry ↓ Balestino, Ted ↓ Snowden, Rayvell ↓ Taylor, Dan b. Batchelor, Gregg ↓ Pilkington, Joseph c. Burnham, Kyle d. Cutrona, Angelo ↓ Cutrona, Myisha e. Richards, Kristi f. Salomon, Stephanie g. Starkey, Harry h. Villa, Walter Assignment WELD Courses WELD Courses WELD Courses WELD Courses ADMJ Courses ADMJ Courses MUSC Courses HLED Courses HLED Courses STSU Courses MGMT Courses WTER Courses POSC Courses Step 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hourly Rate $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 Effective Date 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 3 3 1 1 $64.90 $64.90 $55.23 $55.23 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 Step 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 Hourly Rate $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $64.90 $57.85 $55.23 $64.90 $55.23 Effective Date 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 8/24/15 – 12/18/15 Appendix II West Kern Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting September 9, 2015 Agenda Item 15. B. Classified Supervisory Administrator Employment Item 1. 2. Name Baeza, Diane Baeza, Diane *Daily rate of $260.00 x 13 days Item 1. Instruction: a. Name ↓ Heisley-Cook, Austin Higgins, Austin ↓ Martinez, Andres ↓ Owens, Rebecca ↓ Roesser, Kyle ↓ Weiss, Chelsea b. McDowell, Cordell ↓ Plascencia, Jessica ↓ Reding, Jordan c. d. Leal de Bravo, Yudy e. f. Tweedy, Allisa Uribe, Marcos Pezer, Mary Assignment Temporary Career and Technical Director Career and Technical Director Grade/Step 14/3 14/3 Salary $3,380.00/mo.* $76,832.00/year Effective Date 9/14/15 – 9/30/15 10/1/15 – 6/30/16 C. Classified Employment Position %Assignment Range/ Step TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern TPSID Goodwill Industries Intern Spanish Tutor Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/15/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/26/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/26/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary 7A $13.62/hr.* A/N 8/26/15 – 6/30/16 Temporary Substitute 11F 13A $19.19/hr. $15.80/hr. A/N A/N 8/24/15 – 5/20/16 7/29/15 – 6/30/16 Office Clerk Bilingual Welding Instructional Aide Temporary Temporary 10B 15A $15.40/hr. $16.59/hr. A/N A/N 9/1/15 – 6/30/16 8/28/15 – 6/30/16 Library & Learning Resources Technician Salary Term Effective Date Appendix II 2. Student Services: a. b. c. Delaney, John Garrett, Jessica Garrett, Jessica *Up to 20 hours/week for 36 weeks Security Officer DSP&S Technician DSP&S Technician Substitute Temporary Permanent 19A 15D 15D $18.78/hr. $19.21/hr. $1,581.75 A/N A/N 12 mo. 8/1/15 – 6/30/16 9/1/15 – 9/30/15 10/1/15 – 6/30/16 D. Resignations/Retirements Item a. Name Archibald, Heidi b. Garrett, Jessica c. Hegeman, Debbie Position Information Systems Secretary (Resignation) Accommodation Specialist (Resignation) Executive Assistant (Retirement) % Assignment -- Range/ Step -- Salary -- Term -- Effective Date 9/11/15 -- -- -- -- 8/31/15 -- -- -- -- 3/31/16 E. Request for Approval to Recruit for the Following Positions: Item a. b. c. d. e. f. Position Accommodation Specialist Children’s Center Custodian Director/Coordinator of TRIO-Student Support Services Executive Assistant Information Systems Secretary Industrial Technology Education Center Administrative Clerk Classification Classified Salary Schedule Placement Range 13 Annual Salary Range $7,529.50 - $9,608.50 Funding Source Categorical Term 11 mo. FTE 25% Classified Range 11 $14,854.20 - $18,958.20 Categorical 12 mo. 47.5% Faculty Class I, Step 1 to Class VII, Step 7 Grade 9 $56,205.00 - $92,701.00 Grant 12 mo. 100% $54,603.00 - $70,425.00 District 12 mo. 100% Range 15 $34,512.00 - $44,052.00 District 12 mo. 100% Range 13 $32,856.00 - $41,928 Grant 12 mo. 100% Classified Confidential Administrator Classified Classified