May 13, 2015
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the West Kern Community College
District was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by President Billy White. Trustees Emmanuel
Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long and Kal Vaughn were also present.
Superintendent/President Dr. Dena Maloney and Executive Secretary Shelley Klein
were also in attendance.
No comments were heard.
At 5:06 p.m. it was moved by Trustee Cole seconded by Trustee Vaughn and
unanimously carried, that the Board convene in Closed Session to discuss the District’s
position regarding the following matters:
Public Employee Appointment/Employment, Government Code Section 54957
Public Employee Performance Evaluations, Government Code Section 54957
1. CEO Evaluation
Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment, Government
Code Section 54957
Conference with Legal Counsel – Potential Litigation, Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of
Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 – One Case
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Property: APN #031-060-14
Agency Negotiator: Superintendent/President
Conference with Labor Negotiators, Government Code Section 54957
Agency Designated Representative: Superintendent/President
Employee Organizations: TC Faculty Association, CSEA Chapter #543 &
Management /Supervisory/Classified Confidential Employees
At 6:06 p.m., it was moved by Trustee Vaughn seconded by Trustee Campos and
unanimously carried, to reconvene in Public Session. President White reported that no
action was taken during Closed Session but noted that the annual CEO evaluation of
Dr. Dena Maloney had been conducted.
President White led the pledge of allegiance.
No comments were heard.
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President White presented Student Trustee Adam Hightower with a certificate of
appreciation for his service as the 2014/15 Student Trustee.
District Investment Advisors Mike Urner and Dave Ivarie distributed and reviewed the
quarterly report of the WKCCD General Obligation Bond Portfolio and Facilities
Reserve for the quarter ending March 31, 2015 (copies attached to the official minutes).
Mr. Urner reviewed the highlights of the GO Bond including income for the quarter of
$77,855.22 and an ending value of $12,082,230.52, representing a dollar value increase of
$115,136.32 from the previous quarter. The projected 12-month portfolio coupon
income is $283,527.00 with $4,586,122.41 total income since inception. Mr. Urner
reviewed the asset and credit sector allocation and the portfolio maturity distribution,
as well as confirming continuing compliance with state code and regulations.
Mr. Urner reviewed that the Facilities Reserve portfolio gained income of $75,651.25
and an ending value of $15,154,046.75. The projected 12-month portfolio coupon
income is $375,196.00 with $3,919,079.56 total income since inception. Mr. Urner
reviewed the asset and credit sector allocation and the portfolio maturity distribution,
as well as confirming continuing compliance with state code and regulations.
It was noted that the municipal bond investments have contributed to the growth of the
portfolio tremendously. Current discussion regarding the economy includes the
possibility that the Federal Government may allow banks to pledge municipal bonds as
collateral. If that occurs, it will increase the value of the municipal bonds holdings even
more. The stock market is “jittery” about the potential increase in interest rates;
however, in that case the fixed income investments actually benefit. Other potential
impacts on the portfolios include the fluctuation of the price of oil and the effects on
production, the water shortage as a result of the on-going drought in California, and the
continuing threat of military engagement especially in the Middle East.
SPECIAL PRESENTATION – 2015 Student Success Scorecard
Coordinator of Institutional Development, Research and Planning Dr. Eric Bérubé
presented the 2015 Taft College Student Success Scorecard (copy attached to official
minutes). Dr. Bérubé reviewed that the development of the performance measurement
system was originally triggered by AB 1417 which created the Accountability Reporting
for the Community Colleges, or ARCC. Subsequently, the Student Success Task Force
recommended the implementation of a new accountability framework to provide clear
and concise information on key student progress and success metrics in order to
improve performance which resulted in the development of the new scorecard.
Components include persistence rate; remedial rates for math, English and ESL; 30 units
rate; Career Technical Education rate; completion rate; and student demographic
information. Dr. Bérubé reviewed the data, the summary and recommendations.
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On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried,
the minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 8, 2015 and the Joint Meeting with the
Board of Trustees of Taft Union High School District held April 20, 2015 were approved.
Resolution 2014/15-14 Awarding Emeritus Status to Retiring Professor of Life Science
Craig Johnson
Dr. Maloney noted that the award of Emeritus Status to Professor of Life Science Craig
Johnson was approved at the meeting held in April. At this time, the resolution
accompanying the nomination is being presented for approval. On a motion by Trustee
Campos, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, Resolution 2014/15-14
was approved (copy attached to official minutes).
Resolution 2014/15-15 Awarding Emeritus Status to Retiring Professor of Humanities
and Fine Arts Sonja Swenson
Dr. Maloney announced that Professor Sonja Swenson has served the District for 26
years and has been a leader within the faculty group. She developed the Associate
Degree for Transfer in Studio Art and established the Taft College Art Gallery which
serves hundreds of students from local schools, TC students and the community at
large. Her nomination for Emeritus Status is supported by the Academic Senate and
the Administration. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Campos and
unanimously carried, Resolution 2014/15-15 was approved (copy attached to official
Resolution 2014/15-16 Awarding Emeritus Status to Retiring Professor of Political
Science Dr. Harold Pease
Dr. Maloney reported that Dr. Harold Pease is also retiring from the District after 32
years of service in the Social Science Division. Dr. Pease is a passionate instructor
widely known through his teaching, writing and presentations. He is dedicated to the
U.S. Constitution and writes a weekly syndicated column about current events and the
Constitution. Dr. Pease’s nomination is supported by the Academic Senate and the
Administration. On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Cole and
unanimously carried, Resolution 2014/15-16 was approved (copy attached to official
Resolution 2014/15-17 Establishing May 4 – May 8, 2015 as Faculty Appreciation
Dr. Maloney reported that the campus is celebrating the first week of May as Faculty
Appreciation Week. A committee composed of administrators, classified staff and
managers have planned a number of activities. The proposed resolution recognizes the
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on-going dedicated service provided the faculty group. On a motion by Trustee
Campos, seconded by Trustee Cole and unanimously carried, Resolution 2014/15-17
was approved (copy attached to official minutes).
First Presentation – Tentative Agreement with the Taft College Faculty Association to
Establish Club Advisor Stipends
Dr. Maloney reported that the Faculty Association and the District have been discussing
compensation for faculty club advisors throughout most of the year. Consensus has
been reached on an agreement that will provide up to eight club advisor stipends in the
amount of $1,600.00 per year. The agreement requires club advisors to include plans on
how the club will support student success. Advisors will be selected by a committee
established for that purpose. This agreement will add Section 7.3.7 to the current
collective bargaining agreement. Approval of the tentative agreement will be requested
at the June meeting consistent with Administrative Procedure 2610 which establishes
the District’s process regarding modifications to collective bargaining agreements.
Second Reading and Request for Approval – Board Policy #3435 – Prohibition
of Bullying
Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle reported that Board Policy #3435 is
designed to support a safe learning and working environment for every student and
employee. Within the policy, harassment or bullying behavior is defined as any
repeated, unwanted, systematic pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal
communication, or any physical act or threatening communication on District property
at any District sponsored function or as otherwise stated in Board Policy #5500. On a
motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously carried,
Board Policy #3435 was approved (copy attached to official minutes).
Second Reading and Request for Approval – Board Policy #5500 – Standards
of Conduct
Ms. Bogle noted that the development of Board Policy #3435 – Prohibition of Bullying
makes references to Board Policy #3430 – Prohibition of Harassment and Board Policy
#5500 – Standards of Conduct. Specifically, these references necessitate updates to
Board Policy #5500. The updates have been reviewed through the participatory
governance process. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Campos and
unanimously carried, Board Policy #5500 was approved (copy attached to official
First Reading – Board Policy #3505 – Emergency Response Plan
Ms. Bogle reported that proposed Board Policy #3505 was developed as part of the
work of the Campus Safety and Security Committee. It stipulates that the District will
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have emergency and evacuation procedures for notifying the campus community in the
event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat
to the health and safety of students or employees occurring on campus. The policy
further stipulates that the Superintendent/President shall establish procedures to
support the Emergency Response Plan. These procedures must comply with NIMS and
SEMS mandates for training, master mutual aid agreements and the principles of
Incident Command System. The policy will be presented for a second reading and
request for approval at the meeting scheduled for June 10th.
Award of Bid to Omega Construction of Bakersfield, California, for Construction of
the Site Utility Project
Principal Architect Jose Vargas of AP Architects reviewed that Site Utility Project
includes installation of underground chiller and electrical piping for the future Student
Center, as well as repaving the ally fire lane behind the Science Building. Four bids
were received and the recommendation is being made to award the bid to the lowest
bidder in the amount of $394,000.00 (base bid) to Omega Construction of Bakersfield,
California. Scheduled Maintenance and Measure A Funds will be used for this project.
On a motion by Trustee Long, seconded by Trustee Vaughn and unanimously carried,
the award of bid was approved (copy of bid materials attached to official minutes).
Award of Bid to Taft Plumbing Company, Inc., Taft, California, for Construction of
the Gym Interior Improvement Project
Mr. Vargas reported that the Gym Interior Improvement Project includes painting of
walls and doors, installation of new sound panels and other miscellaneous work. Two
bids were received and the recommendation is being made to award the bid to Taft
Plumbing Company, Inc., of Taft, California in the amount of $42,539.00 (base bid).
Scheduled Maintenance Funds through the State Chancellor’s Office will support this
project. On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Trustee Long and unanimously
carried, the award of bid was approved (copy of bid materials attached to official
Request for Approval – Course Updates:
Learning Support Division
STSU 1001 – Educational Planning
TUTR 0260 – Supervised Tutoring
Liberal Arts Division
ART 1620 – Drawing and Composition
ART 1631 – Figure Drawing
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CONSENT AGENDA (continued):
Social Science Division
ECEF 1511 – Creative Experiences for Children
ECEF 2051 – Adult Supervision: Mentoring in a Collaborative Learning Setting
Request for Approval – New Course:
Learning Support Division
LRSK 0911 – Basic Academic Preparation in Spanish
Request for Approval – Participation in Cal-PASS (California Partnership for
Achieving Student Success) Data Sharing Agreement, Effective 7/1/15
Request for Approval – Course Inactivations:
PSYC 1601 – Current Topics in Psychology: Psychology Field Service Introduction
PSYC 1602 – Current Topics in Psychology: Psychology Field Service Pilot Study
PSYC 1603 – Current Topics in Psychology: Psychology Field Service Fund Raising
PSYC 1604 - Current Topics in Psychology: Psychology Field Service Research
CJA 1549 – Vocational Work Experience
CJA 2103 – Concepts of Criminal Law
CJA 2104 – Legal Aspects of Evidence
CJA 2113 – Criminal Investigation
CJA 2130 – Corrections Core Course
Request for Approval - Agreement with Kern County Superintendent of Schools to
Serve as the Fiscal Agent and Contract for Authorized Services in Connection with
the 2015-2016 Kern County Children’s Dental Health Network, 7/1/15 – 6/30/16,
Request for Approval – Agreement with Janice Montoya to Serve as Dental Health
Services Consultant in Connection with the Kern County Children’s Dental Health
Network Grant for 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 , $60.85/Hr., Not to Exceed $29,211.00
Request for Ratification – Renewal Agreement with STEMconnector® as an Active
Member of STEM Higher Ed Council (HEC) to Gain Access to STEM-Related
Products and Services, April 2015 – April 2016, $20,000.00 (Grant Funds)
Request for Approval – Agreement with the Kern County Department of Human
Services to Provide General Education Diploma Classes and Testing to CalWORKS
Students who Complete the GED Program, 7/1/15 – 6/30/17, $2,164.50/Student,
Not to Exceed $34,632.00
Request for Approval – Renewal of Agreement with ETUDES to Provide the
ETUDES Learning Management System Including Hosting Services, System
Administration, Account Management and Support, 7/1/15 – 6/30/16, $35,000.00
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CONSENT AGENDA (continued):
Request for Approval – Agreement with GL Consulting Services, LLC, to Provide
an IBM Cognos Framework Manager Course for TC Employees, 6/15/15 –
6/19/15, $17,100.00 (Student Equity Funds)
Request for Approval – Agreement with Insight Systems Exchange 8x5 Next
Business Day Warranty Coverage for TC IBM Servers, 5/14/15 – 5/13/16,
Request for Approval – Agreement with the Accrediting Commission for
Community and Junior Colleges to Provide an Accreditation Workshop for the
WKCCD Board of Trustees, 5/13/15, $2,000.00, Plus Actual Travel Expenses
Request for Approval – Four-Day Workweek Policy – 5/26/15 – 8/13/15
Request for Approval – Agreement with Taft Union High School District for
Utilization of the Swimming Pool as the Site for the Lincoln Junior High School
Cardboard Regatta (Facilitated by Taft College STEM Program), 5/21/15, No Fee
Request for Approval – Consulting Agreement with Dr. Kim Flachmann to
Provide Three Days Inservice Training “Reading & Writing Across the
Curriculum,” 5/26/15 – 5/28/15, $3,000.00
Request for Approval – Purchase of @ONE “From Communication to
Community” Workshop Course for the May 2015 Inservice (Includes up to 30
Participants), 5/26/15 – 6/1/15, $1,500.00
Request for Ratification – Agreement with Rayvell Snowden to Provide
Professional Consulting Services in Connection with the TC Welding Program,
5/1/15 – 6/30/15, $60.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 50 Hrs., Plus Actual Travel
Reimbursement Not to Exceed $750.00
Request for Ratification – Agreement with Sandra Heflin to Provide Sign
Language Interpreting Services at the TC Celebration of Success Dinner, 5/8/15,
Request for Approval – Consulting Services Agreement with Ken Arnold to
Provide Assistance in Connection with STEM Outreach Programs, 6/1/15 –
6/30/15, $30.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 240 Hrs. (For Entire Summer Program)
Request for Approval - Consulting Services Agreement with Ken Arnold to
Provide Assistance in Connection with STEM Outreach Programs, 7/1/15 –
8/31/15, $30.00/Hr., Not to Exceed 240 Hrs. (For Entire Summer Program)
Ratification and Confirmation April 2015 Vendor Check & Purchase Order
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CONSENT AGENDA (continued):
Routine Personnel Items:
Request for Conference Attendance and Expenses as of May 6, 2015
On a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Campos and unanimously
carried, Consent Agenda Items A – V were approved as presented (materials related to
items A – V are attached to official minutes).
No comments were presented.
Financial Reports
The following financial reports were presented for information (copies attached to
official minutes):
Revenue Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2014/15
Expenditure Accounts (Account Level 1) FY 2014/15
Expenditure Detail of $10,000.00 or Greater, April 2015
Student Organization and Special Accounts, April 2015
Funds Deposited in County Treasury, April 2015
Trustee Reports
Trustees Campos and Cole reported that the Annual CCCT Conference in Monterey
provided vital information for board members and both were pleased to attend and
represent Taft College. Both attended the Employee Service Recognition Luncheon held
April 18th as well. Trustee Cole added that she was pleased to have attended the
Petroleum Partners Luncheon and the PTK Induction. She is looking forward to
attending the National Student Leadership Society Induction as well.
Associated Student Body
Student Trustee Adam Hightower reported that ASB activities are winding down with
the end of the 2014-15 academic year. He noted that he is looking forward to the
upcoming National Student Leadership Society Induction, the Scholarship Luncheon
and Commencement Ceremonies. He added that ASB elections and the new officers are
preparing for the 2015/16 year.
Academic Senate
Senate President Tony Thompson reported that Dr. Eric Bérubé recently attended the
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REPORTS (continued):
ACCJC Symposium along with Dr. Maloney in San Diego, California.
presentations included the new accreditation standards.
Topics of
Mr. Thompson reported that he had attended an Academic Senate Plenary session in
San Francisco along with in-coming President Geoffrey Dyer. The meeting provided a
great opportunity for Geoffrey as a new officer. He noted that it is has been very
helpful to have additional staff attend the state Academic Senate meetings this year and
he is hopeful the practice will continue in the future.
Mr. Thompson announced that his tenure as Academic Senate was ending and that he
had enjoyed his time as President but was pleased to be able to pass the gavel on to a
new and very competent successor, Professor Geoffrey Dyer.
Dr. Maloney commended Mr. Thompson for his service and added that she enjoyed
working with him as Academic Senate President. She noted her respect for him
personally and in his leadership in the role with the Senate.
Administrative Services
Director of Fiscal Services Jim Nicholas reported that the refunding (refinancing) of the
General Obligation Bonds was completed on April 16th. The District refunded $2.9
million in GO bonds, which were formerly financed at 4.7%, at a new rate of 3.0%. The
transaction will save the local taxpayers $2.6 million in the years 2015-2031. Similarly,
$27.6 million in District Certificates of Participation (COPs) were refunded on April 28th.
The COPs were originally financed at 5.4% and were refinanced at a new rate of 3.35%.
The transaction will save the District $6.1 million from 2015 to 2035. And, as of
11/1/20, the District has the option to repay the debt in full with no penalty.
Faculty Association
Association President Diane Jones thanked the District for hosting the recent Employee
Service Recognition Luncheon. She noted that faculty members are currently busy
preparing for final schedule and other end of year activities.
Student Services
Vice President of Student Services Darcy Bogle also thanked the Board for their support
of the District Employee Service Recognition Luncheon. She reported that a good
response had been received for the 2015 Hall of Fame Program. The committee will be
meeting the following week to consider the nominations and the induction ceremony
will be held in the fall. Additionally, a total of 250 students have indicated that they
will participate in the commencement ceremonies on May 22nd. A record number of 525
degrees and certificates are being awarded to students of the 2015 graduating class.
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REPORTS (continued):
Vice President of Instruction Mark Williams reported that enrollment for the summer
session is strong and additional sections are being added to the schedule. He
distributed thank you notes and cards from fourth and fifth grade students from
Maricopa and Midway schools who toured the CONN Expo this year. He added that
STEM Outreach Coordinator Rachel Belden is doing an outstanding job developing
STEM activities for K-12 students.
Dr. Maloney reported that she had attended the Energy Technology Program Dinner
the previous evening that celebrated the graduation of 13 students. She also mentioned
that she had the opportunity to observe an interesting Hazmat simulation as part of the
Industrial Education Safety 1116 – Hazmat Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
Upcoming end of year activities that Dr. Maloney will be attending include:
May 14 – Readings of Professor Geoffrey Dyers’ Creative Writing Classes at the Black
Gold Café
May 14 - EOPS Luncheon
May 15 - End of Year Dinner
May 17 - National Student Leadership Society Induction
May 19 - Bakersfield North Rotary Dinner and Tour of TIL Program Facilities
May 20 - Luncheon with representatives of AERA Energy LLC
May 22 - Scholarship Luncheon
May 22 - Commencement Ceremonies
May 23 - Dental Hygiene Graduation
Dr. Maloney thanked Ms. Bogle for her work in organizing the 2015 Celebration of
Success Dinner which was held May 8. Both she and Trustee Vaughn also thanked her
for her work in arranging the recent Al Baldock Memorial Golf Classic which was held
April 24th at Buena Vista Golf Course. Dr. Maloney commended Jose Vargas of AP
Architects for their on-going financial support of the annual event.
On a motion by Trustee Vaughn and seconded by Trustee Campos, Employment Items
A – E were approved by the following vote (Employment Items A – E (Appendix I & II)
are attached to official minutes):
Emmanuel Campos, Dawn Cole, Michael Long, Kal Vaughn and Billy White
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The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10, 2015, at 5:00 p.m.
At 7:36 p.m. on a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Cole and
unanimously carried, the Board reconvened into Closed Session to continue discussion
of the noticed items.
At 8:05 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Vaughn, seconded by Trustee Cole and
unanimously carried, the Board reconvened in Open Session. President White
announced that no actions were taken during the Closed Session.
At 8:08 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Campos, seconded by Trustee Long and
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted:
Kal Vaughn, Secretary