CM 1995 I K:50 ICES C.M. 1995 THE llSE OF STATOLITHS IN AGE DETERMINATION OF THE LONG FINI\"ED SQUID, LOLIGO VULGARIS (CEPHALOPODA: LOLIGINIDAE) V. Betteneourt, M. L. Coelho, J. P. Andrade UCTR..A,., Uruversidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas • 8000 Faro, Portugal ABSTRACT This paper presents some information on the ageing of L. l'Ulgaris, using the increment countings on statoliths. The inerements ,were identified using a serniautomatie image analysis system and a light microseope. The results of this study indicate that the dorsal mantle length is significantly correlated v:ith botl!, the statolith length and the increment numbers. However there are differences in respeets to total statolith length when eomparing male and female statolith growths. The gwwth rate of the statolith deereases v..;th the growth. This result is related v\'ith the o'nset ofthe sexl.lal maturation. • Key words: Loligo vulgaris, ageing, statoliths, growtl!, South Portugal Introductiorl Thc long-finncd squid, Loligo l'ulgaris, is the most important loliginid species, in terms of totallandings in southem Portugal. Studies on the biology of this species (Natsukari & Komine, 1992; Coelho cl al., 1994; Rocha, 1994) indicate that L. l'ulgaris is a species with a short life cycle, and both, the variability of the growth rates and the extended spa\vning season contribute to a complex structure of the populations. Published information on the age determination of L. vulgaris is restricted to Natsukari & Komine (I992) and Guerra & Rocha (I 994). These studies show that the analysis of the increments ofthe statoliths can be used in the ageing ofthis species. This paper provides complementaI)' information on the use of the statoliths in the age determination of L. 17Ilgaris. The general morphology of the statolith is provided and the • number of increments are related with statolith length, sex and maturity stages of the individuals. Materials and methods A total of 419 long-finned squid was collected from commercial catches in OIMo (southern Portugal) during March and May 1993 and from July to September 1993. The distance between the antero-dorsal protuberance and the apex ofthe tail fm (DML) \vas measured to the nearest 1 mm. The maturity stages were accessed according to Ngoile (1987) for both sexes. The statoliths were removed and measured the total statolith length with a binocular dissecting microseope. After that, the. statoliths were grinded and polished on both sides, using a commercial sand paper v/ith 30 mm and 1 mm grain, respectively. A semi-automatic image analysis system and a light microscope have been used to identify the growth increments in the right statolith, from the hatclüng ring to the end of the . rostrum. According to Guerra cl al. (I 993), the statoliths that presented more than 20% with white zones were rejected. A total of 161 statoliths has been used in the age readings. The hypothesis ofthe daily deposition ofthe increments was assumed in this study. The DML \vas related with the total statolith length (TSL) and with the increment number (IN), for males and females, separately.,Thestatolith length (TSL) was related with the increment numbers (IN), irrespectively of the sex or the stage of maturity. The growth index (GI) of each statolith (GI=TSLIIN x 100) was related with the DML in the immature and in the mature individuals, separately. • - - - - - The regressIon lines were fitted by the least squares method and compared by covariance analysis and the F test (SokaI & Rohlf, 1981). Hesults The statoliths of L. mlgaris show prominent dorsal and lateral lobules, and a long and finger-like rostrum. The wing is white and easily removed from the remaining statolith. The statolith length ranged from 0.93 mm (DML=32 mm) to 2.24 m (DML=345 mm) and [rom 1.16 mm (DML=IOI mm) to 2.16 mm (DML=386 mm), for females and males, respectively. • Figure 1 shows the relationship between the DML and the TSL. There is a significant correlation between these two variables, Vv;th higher values of r2 (0.80) for the females. The regression equations fitted are significantly different between males and females (F=14.78; p<O.OOOI). Figure 2 shows the relationship between the DML and the IN, for males and females. No difTerences were found (F=O.78; p>0.38). Figure 3 shows the relationship between the TSL and the IN. No difTerences were [ound between males and females (F=O.57; p>0.45). Figure 4 shows the relationship between the GI and the D.ML, for immature (figure 4a) and mature individuals (figure 4b). The regression coefficient indicates that the gro\v1h rate of the statoliths is higher in the immature animals, decreasing in mature squids. Discussion • The preparation of the statoliths is a highly time consuming task. Nevertheless, the analysis ofthe statoliths s~em to be the most appropriate approach in the ageing of L. 17ilgaris. _ The use_ of both, the image analysis system and the light microscope is strongly suggested for this type of analysis. This study indicates that the males live longer than the females and that the statolith grow fast er in the former and slower in the latter. Similar results are referred to by Lipinski & Durholtz (1994) for L. mlgaris reynaudii. Thus, the statolith length can be considered as an indicator ofthe age ofthe individuals. The gro\\1h index of the statolith decreases gradually with the gro\v1h of the individuals, particularly between the immature and the mature period. This result might be related with the onset ofthe sex-ual maturation and with higher energetic demand caused by the growth of the gonads. Similar results are described for other cephalopods by Guerra & Sanchez (1985), Morris & Aldrich (1985), Lipinski (1986), Arkhipkin'& Scherbich (1991) and Raya (1994). Due to the high unreadable number ofincrements which were observed in the statoliths of L. \'1dgaris, it was conc1uded that, the aecuraey of the age readings depends on the proper mounting, grinding and polishing of the statolith. So, great eare is necessary during these tasks. Furthermore, the increments have been considered as daily gro\\1h rings. Further investigation is neeessary to validate this assumption. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Commission of the European Communities within the frame of the EEC research programme in the fisheries seetor (AlRI-CT92-0573). V. Bettencourt had a scholarship (BM/2565/91-IG), granted by Junta Naeional de Investigal;äo • Cientifiea e Tecnol6gica. We would like also to thank to Dr. Angel Guerra for adviee and suggestions. 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Y.: 859pp. • • • _ ... 400 350 300 a) Females • = 41.98 X 1\2.54 r2 = 0.80 n = 142 Y :: 250 = -...:J 200 :; 150 Q 100 5~ _-t-_-t-_--+-_~__t_-_+_-_-___<_-_--______I -l--r 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 TSL (mm) • • •• b) Males Y = 39.39 X 1\2.85 n=129 r2=0.77 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 • 2.50 TSL (mm) • females + males ... indetenninate Figure 1 - DML - TSL relationship from a) females and b) males. • I I 2.50 T I I I I1 II I Y = 0.S93 I --::- --- ..:.l 2.00 t r2 = + 0.00429 X 0.66 n = 152 I • 1 1 1.50 . rI t- • ! ( ~ er. 1.00 • • T I 0.50 0.00 I 0 100 50 150 200 Increment number • • • females • males ..... indeterminate Figure 3 - TSL - fi\! relationship to total individuais. 250 300 400 350 .- 300 § 250 -- 200 ...J :;;150 Q 100 50 0 a) Females • Y = 0.143 xl\1.35 n = 69 r2 = 0.74 -- 50 0 • 100 150 200 • 250 300 Increment Number -= .- E -...J ~ Q 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ... b) Males Y = 0.197 X 1\1.35 n = 71 r2 . = 0.68 • ~ .. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Increment Number • females • males ... indeterminate Figure 1 - D:ML - IN relationship from a) females and b) males. • 2 a) 1.8 1.6 Y = 1.49-0.0037 X r2 = 0.22 n :=: I 12 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o -+-_._-+- -_--+ --I--_ _ o 50 100 150 200 +--~-_+__--_<---____< 250 300 350 400 DML(mm) 2 • b) 1.8 1.6 Y = I. 13 - 0.0009 X r2 == 0.26 n= 39 1.4 1.2 1 •• •• • •• • • • • • • ~.• .-• •. .. " • 0.8 .~ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0+-------+--------+---+----_+__---+-----1 o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 DML (mm) • females • males ... indeterminate Figure 4 - Growth index ofthe statolith: a)juveniles imatures and b) adults matures •