. .. ' This paper not to be cited \\1thout reference to the authors International Council for the E~llloitation of the Sea Shellfish committee C.M. 1995/K:·H Ref. F The Azorean squid Loligo jorbesi (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in captivity: feeding and growth . Filipe M. Porteiro, Joao M. Gomralves, Frederico Cardigos, Paulo Martins & He1en R. Martins Oepartamento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Aerores. PT - 9900 Horb, Aerores Abstract Two sets of feeding gro\\th experiments w~re carried out (EXP94 and EXP95). Squid were fed mainly "1th Trachurus picluratus. Scomber japonicus and Pagellus bogaraveo. Ouring the first trial feeding and grO\\th was assessed for a11 the squid as a group. Oaily feeding rate (OFR) \\as low (0.39%) and almost a11 the squid showed negative daily gro\\th rates (average DGR = -0.5%). Squid maintained during E.XP95 were significantly sma11er than those kept in EXP94. The majority of them fed on a regular basis. The average DFR was 4.09% and the average DGR was 0.06%. However, when considering only squid that showed a considerable gro".th (DGR>0.5%) the average DGR increase to 0.99%. Maximum DGR (1.42) \vas achieved by a squid with initial body weight of 270.5g. Daily feeding rate for maintenance was very high (3.78% DFRM), when compared with other cephalopods in captivity. The average food conversion rate (FCR) was 10.6% and the conversion ofefficiency (CE) was 32.7%. Feeding bchaviour is described. High percentage of fish heads rejection was observed. ll1e number of the ingestcd otoliths, eye rens and fins \\ere recorded. Concerning head rejection a re1ationship betwcen fish (prey) and squid (predator) size seems to exist. • Introduction i. Tne Azorean population of Loligo forbesi contain the larger loliginid squid knO\\n even "hen compared "1th the conspecific pcpulations of the European shelf (see Boyle & Pierce, 1994). Male squid can reach a dorsal mantle length (D~IL) elose to one metre and more than S kg of body weight (!\Imins. 19~2; Martins & Porteiro, 1988; Porteiro & Martins. 1994). A preliminary study of ageing has bt;~n done by Martins (1982) "ho found and a ma'Ümum of 450 statolith rings for a male "ith 75 cm DML. This value roughly fits an average gro\\th rate of 5 g1day. Recent work using statoliths showed to similar results (Esracio, et. al., 1995). Culture cxperim~nts havc bcen us.:d for gro\\th cstimation of some squids. both ommastrephids (O'Dor et ai., 1980; Sakurai er ai., 1993) and loliginids (Hurie)' et ai., 1976: Hanlon et al.. 19S3; Turk et al.. 1986; Yang er ai. 1986). Some ofthese authors contemplated the entire life cycle of the target spccies \\ hile others aimed at a partic:.l1ar phase cf dcve1opment. Based cn culture of dle ycungcr stages. it is accepted that ~xponential ,growth is a characteristic cf the first stages of cephalopcd's life cycle followed by apower or logarithmic growth (Fors~the & Van H.:ukc!cm. 19R7). Prcvious studics on gro\\th of captive L. forbesi were carricd I)ut by Fors~thc et ai., 19S9 (see also Hanlon er al.• 1989 and Fors:1he, 1993). Ho\\ever, squid size attained during that experiment was very smalI, comp:lred with the \\ ild population. Cephalopods are active opportumstlc camivorous. Their diet change during ontogeny (Boucher-Rodoni et al., 1987) and adult loliginids prefer fish as food. Several studies on the diet of L. forbesi have been published (Martins, 1982; Ngoile, 1987; Collins et al., 1994; Pierce et al., 1994; Rocha et al., 1994) and all of them were based on stomach contents analysis. Feeding beha\iour of adult L. forbesi was reported by Porteiro et al. (1990). A high food conversion rate and efficiency is a characteristic of cephalopods. Their energetic demands are analyscd comprehensively by O'Dor & WeHs (1987). Recently, laboratory calibration ofthe energetic expenses (metabolic rates) ofadult L.forbesi has been done aiming at the in~erpretation of the squid eco-behaviour in the field (O'Dor et al. 1994). A tracking research programme was performed using acoustic telemetry techniques. Life style and energetic expenses for such activity were described. Presently, a c10sed sea-water system for squid culture was buHt up at the University of the Azores (see Gon~alves et al., 1995). It gave the opportunity to carry out this study on feeding and gro\\th of captive squid. Material and Methods Two sets of experiments were performed. Experiment I (E..XP94) 5tarted on 23.10.94 and finished on 27.12.94 and the second trial (EXP95) was executed between 09.02.95 and 18.04.95. All the squid were caught by jigging and transported ashore into black plastic bags with a flO\v-through water. Squid were numbered, weighed (nearest O.lg upto 1500g and to Ig for he:nier squid), measured (nearest I mm) and sexed. The elose sea water system used for the experiments is composed by 3 circular tanks (TI, T2 an T3) each 3.6 m diameter and 0.90 m high (see Gon~alves et al., 1995 for details oftransport, handling and design ofthe elose sea water system). Thirty-three adult squid were submitted to observation during EXP94 and 23 during EXP95. Howe\'er, accurate data of squid weight on EXP94 were obtained only after 21.11.94 where 19 squid were studied. Therefore, gro\\th was estimated only after that day (EXP94a). The squid. of EXP94a had an average initial body wcight of 1489.7g (587.4 g- 3880g BW) which was about three times more than squid maintained during EXP95 (529.0g, ranging from 95.0 to 2854g). During EXP95 squid were marked \\ith a heated rod for indi\idual identification. The number ofanimals inside each tank was variable (I to 7) and different combinations of sexes were maintained. In EXP94a an average of 5.7 squid was maintained simultaneously in captivity (2 to 13 squid) and the average survival was 9.6 days (4 to 26 days). During EXP95 we kept an average of 6.7 squid (I to 10) squid and the average survh'al was 21.4 days (3 to 47). Feeding data were recorded differently during the two assays. EXP94 - grollp squid stlldy. Fish were prO\ided every day. Freshly dead Trachunls picturatlls wcre the main food item used. However, few juveniles of Page/llls bogaraveo. Trachynotlls O\'atllS, Scomber japonicus and slices of LepidopllS caudatlls and T. pictllratus wcre also pro\ided. The amount of fish fumished to each tank were weighed (nearest to O.lg) and the food not eaten by the squid removed, weighed and deep-frozen. In general, feeding took place at 1800 hr. EXP95 - Individual squid Stlu(v. Predominantly frozen fish were used. Squid were fed 2 times a day, at 0900H and 1800H, \\ith Trachunls pictllratlls. PagelIlls bogaraveo cr Scomber japonicus. Fish wcrc weighcd and mcasured indh,;dually bcforc being introduced into the tanks. They were supplied one by one to allow the identification of the squid !hat ate them. Afterwards, the pans of fish rejected by each squid were removed from the tank, weighed, labelIed anddcep frozen. 2 • • - -- In both experiments the rejected portions were recorded as number of entire fish, heads and fms (pcctoral, pelvic and caudal). A sub-sample of the rejections was analysed. Heads were dissected and the number of otoliths and eyes recorded. After death squid were measured. weighed and deep frozen for posterior biological sampling. Daily gro\\th rate (DGR), daily feeding rate (DFR), daily feeding rate for maintenance (DFR.\I), food conversion rate (FCR) and conversion efficiency (CE) were calculated according to O'Dor et al., 1980. Temperature was recorded daily and several water nutrients (N-NH4, N-N02, N-N03, % DO) were perfonned on a regular basis. Average temperature during EXP94, EXP94a and E."'(P95 was 15.2 ± 1.7 (sd) °C, 13.2 ± 0.8 (sd) oe and 18.3 ± 0.8 (sd) oe, respectively (see Gonerah'es et al.,1995 for more infonnation). Results • Squid ate all the fish species fumished. even when supplied in slices. The average weight of the fish ";.as 33.3g (7.7 - 69.0g) during EXP94 and 52.8g (18.6 - 275.0g) in EXP95. Data conceming the features ofthe food supplied during both experiments is presented in Fig1. 3 - ---- - - - - Tabk I. R sults of [he ft:eding grO\vlh experiment EX P95 für captive squid L. jorbesi. Squid A was kept in tank A (TA), squid B in TB and squid C in TC. Shaded olumns illdicate squid \vilh pOSiliv!:: growlh. * refcr tü squid with a daily groWlh rate higher than 0.5% (DGR>0.5%). (Iuid .'cf. Survival A2 A~ A3 7 13 A5'" 6 39 A6'" 9 A7'" 9 A8": BI 9, 82 21 83 20 B4" 8 28 B5" 28 B6": Cl 28; 22 C2 C4 8 luilial hod)' wcight 95.0 135.0 F'inal hody ",cighl 86.6 140.7 Incrcmcnl -8A 5.7 -15.8 42.3 34.1 4(i.6 naily illl:l'cmcnt (g/dllY) -\.2 0.4 -2.6 1,1 3.8 5.Z Hail) gl'lll\'th I'ale wcight -1.3 0.3 Tllial .-ation (g) 7.1 75.2 -1.0 -1.2 1.3 ,·0.61 0.0 I I 12.1 507.4 223.1 270.8 197.0 1 540.2 504.5213.3849.8838.4676.5 1486.9135.2 Mean daily ralion (g) 1.0 5.8 2.0 13.0 24.8 30.1 Mcall daily fecding rale 1.1 4.2 1.7 7.1 6.7 7.5 8.3 15.3 17.2 17.8 35.3 34.5 Foot! cOllversioll rate 17 C7 7 28 129.4 162.1 354.4 385.2 354.811582.6 885.0 607.9 393.0 381.2 270.51853.5 810.6 555.2 932.5 805.4 I I 113.6 204.4 388.5 431.8 374.0 11593.2 729.2 551.5 473.5 558.9 405,0 1 874.3 728.4 505.8 858.8 820.4 -2.2 7.6 COJn'ersion efficicncy (nct) 0.6 1.0 I 19.21 10.6 -155.8 -56.4 I -7.8 -7.1 2.1 1 0.5 I I 21.91 25.7 I 6.0 1 1.6 I 9.71 I 26.3 1 No. of IUcals 1 6 1 32 7 9 Nu. of starving days 6 7 5 8 3 3 No. 01" tlllYS wilh two meals o o o JO 1 3 16.4 31.9 30.1 61 I 51 I 21 I 32.8 i 1 I 80,5 177.7 134.51 20,8 -82.2 -49.4 -73.7 I 2.9 6.3 4,8 0.9 -10.3 -2.9 -10.5 'I 0.7 J.4 1.41 0.1 -1.3 -0.5 -1.2 25.2 26.7 30.4 29.9 3.1 4.6 7.0 6.4 9.5 21.2 20.6 52.2 33 35 ~.O 1 ---------------- -----------------------,---: Mean I'lltioll C5 I 24.21 22.1 I 7.2 1 2.6 I 92.5 15.0 0.5 0.1 0.0854.3 16.9 5.4 0.0 30.5 2.2 1.0 0.0 3.8 1.8 19.91 I 42.2 1 4..3 281 J0 4 4 0 29 14 4 13 7 4 61 o o 2 I 24.2 48.7 33.8 23.1 ' 1 o 5 0.0 29.5 1 ---------------.--------------- 6 10 9 ]5 12 2 5 3 o 2 2 ]0 10 90.0 50.5 23.7 I 25.8 24.0 61 I 4 ---------- ~~~~~~~~~-~-- . Feeding behcnliollr In this study squid ate the majority of the guts of the fish even from those where only a small fuction of the emire fish Was consumed (e.g. P. bogaraveo from EXP95). Squid refused the majority ofthc heads ofthc fish (Table 2). Table 1. Percentage of the bod)' structures rejected by captive L. forbesi for the species eaten during EXP9~ and EXP95 (sub-sample). n - number offish sampled; fw - average fish weight in grams; EXP94 n Species %* % %* % head caudal pectoral pehic fw (g) • EXP95 n fw 38A % % % % head caudal pectoral pehic T. picturatus 295 35A 79 37 16 12 26 96 96 93 96 P. bogar~'eo 53 17.2 7.5 2 0 0 21 151.0 100 73 81 77 S. scombrus 4· 35A 75 50 75 75 8 69.5 100 75 44 33 S. pilchardus 0 5 78.1 100 100 0 100 ,.. - based on a sub-sample of 168 T. picturatus This behaviour was quite consistent except when small P. bogaraveo were furnished during EXP94 (see Fig 1). The average weight ofthe heads collected was around 20% ofthe average fish weight. Larger squid rejceted fewer heads than smaller squid.The position of the "neck bitc" is always thc same. Howevcr, the squid Can eat almost thc whole head (rcjeeting only thc jawsl showing a gradual behaviour to throwing away the head intact with the jugular area and paircd fins. Some of the complete heads had several clean vertebrae attached. Thc heads in this condition were nonnally from large 5sh. Also. often. the squid ate excIusively the viscera and the muscIe ofthe dorsal area ofa large fish (e.g. P. bogarm'eo during EXP95). Tablc 3. Percentage of eye lens and utoliths (sagittae) in the heads rejected by L. forbesi, during EXP94 and EXP95 (Species "ith less than 5 heads rejccted are not incIuded). • . . - . EXP9' . T. pictllratlls P.bogaraveo S. scombrns T. picturatus P.bogarm·eo S. scombrns S. pilchardus otoliths kns 01 ,0 01 10 lens otol. % 0/ ,0 0/ ,0 0/ 10 01 ,0 0/ ,0 % % % lens otol. lens otol. Icn:> otol. lens orol. lens % otol. - - - 0 0 9.5 0 0 14 - - - 11.5 4 9.5 0 0 - - - 88.5 96 SI 100 100 0 28 39 1 19 19 - 2 53 42 - 0' ,0 lens % otol. 0 - - 86 - - - The majoriry of th~ paircd tins wcre consumed. These fins when rcjccted wcrc normally attachd to the head. Howevcr. same lsoJatcd pectoral fins were refused. \\11en squid from thc EXP95 werc fed wirh P. bogarm'eo they often rejccted the spiny part of the dorsal fin. The 5 • caudal fin rejections were most commonly observed. Normally, only the caudal fin was refused but 30 variable part of flesh associated \\ith that fin mayaiso be discarded. Few of these parts had clean vertebrae.Tbe percentage of the heads that contains 0, 1 or 2 otoliths and eyes was calculated (Table 3). Discussion Squid maintained during the first experiment EXP94 fed proportionally less (small DFR) than squid kept during EXP95. Also, the frequency of meals was smaller for EXP94 squid. Tbat behaviour probably is related mainly to squid size since squid of EXP94 was roughly 3 times heavier than those of EXP95. Differences of squid feeding rates (and consequently metabolie rates) during their ontogeny are referred by O'Dor & WeHs (1987) as a natural feature ofthe majority of cephalopods; that is, ''No ecosystem could susciin large squid that fed at the rates of small ones". Moreover, male-male agonistic interactions were most common during EXP94 duc to squid size and courtship (see Porteiro et al. 1995) and the stress produced by such behaviour affect greatly feeding (Hanlon, 1990). However the temperature during EXP94 was remarkably lower that in EXP95, which can influenced the feeding activity. Temperature seemed to affect the feeding in EXP94 but no correlation between them could be detected in EXP95 (probably due to small temperature variation. 3°C). Other factors such as intraspecific interactions, prey size, stress caused by transport and handling, lesion provoked by collision on the tank wall, are also important in regard to feeding, gro\\th and survival. Tbe average daily feeding rate (4.09%) obtained during E.'XP95 is probably lower than of\\ild squid, \\ith the same size. Trus value at a mcan temperature of 18.3°C correspond to a daily gro\\th rate (DGR) of 0.1 %. However, if we only considering squid that showed positive gro\\th (see Table 1) the DFR increase to 5.8% and the DGR to 0.7%. For squid \\ith an average body weight of 438.3 g the latter rate allow an increment of 3.07g a day. Squid in such conditions, would attained lkg (average body weight of mature female squid, Porteiro & ~fartins, 1994) in 183 days (note that the majority of squid were female). FoHowing the same thinking, squid that showed the maximum DGR would achieve the same weight onlY in 91 days. Tbis rough approach seems to be quite reasonable since squid were caught at February~tarch and by luly the fishery decrease as a consequence of low abundance of mature squid (Porteiro, 1994). Tbe results obtained put in evidence some differences between L. Jorbesi and the ommastrephids Tadarodes pacifiC'.ls and lllex illecebrosus. whithin similar range of weight (Sakurai er al., 1993; O'Dor et a1., 1980, respectively). Lower values of DFR and DGR were achieved by thc specimens of T. pacificus (2.60% to 3.72% and 0.42% to 0.81 %, respectively) when compared \\ith the values attained by some individuals of L. Jorbesi. However, the food conversion rate (FCR) achieved by squid ofboth species is similar (14.53% to 24.2% for T. pacificus). Despite thc fact that indi\iduals of L. Jorbesi showed a DFR as high as lllex illecebrosus. the DGR (as the FCR) of that ommastrephid was significantly higher. Tbe conversition efficiency of L. forbesi (\\ith a positive DGR and a DFR >DFRM) was smaller than those calculated for the two ommatrephids (39% for T. pacificus and 40% for I. i/lecebrosus), but it also shO\\TI a high variation. Tbe daily feeding rate for mamtanence (DFR..\I) calculated for L. forbesi (3.78%, see Fig. 2) is very high when compared \\ith the DFR..\t of T. pactficus (1.67%) and that of I. illecebrosus (1.1%). However. the experiments donc by Sakurai er al. (1993) ~d O'Dor er aI., (1980) \\'crc carricd out at 15.6°C which c~ compromise these comparisons. However, these results should be regarded \\ith some reserve since some squid starvcd (and conscquently lost wcight) during few days prior to dying (e,g. squid..\8 in Fig. 3) 6 • • • ... • • The speed-respiration of L. forbesi has been assessed in laboratory using a eombination of video records, telemetcred mantle pressure and repirometer by O'Dor et al. (1994). This information was used for inferences about the eosts of different behaviours telemetered in the field as well as to suggcst a life style for this squid iri nature. In this study an average feod equivalcnt of 1.9% BW d-I of metabolie rate maintenanee (DFR.\l) ,....as ealculated from 4 squid. Also a food equivalent of0.21%, 1.45% arid 0.47% was eomputed for resting, climbing and ho....ering, respectively. Unfortunately, the costs of fin swimming was not assessed. All the previous estimations presented low values eompared ,..ith the results obtained in eaptivity. S\'~immiI1g is required to a\'oid sinking (squid have negative bouyanee) and although jetting was observed, fin propulsion aecounted for more ca. 99% of the squid motion in the tanks. Tbe high DFRM ealculated is related \\ith highmetabolic rate. Tbe energetic demands ofthe squid should be associated \\ith high stress levels or "ith the costs of permanent use of fins. Tbe latter explanation seems unlikely since low costs of fin swimming should be expeeted. Tbe first assumption is sustained by a weak squid survival (average survival ,vas 21.4 days duririg EXP95). Several times fatty faeces were observed floating on the surface reflecting the high lipid contents of the food fumished and the inability of those animals of lipid absorption and metabolization (see O'Dor & Wells, 1987). T. pictllratlls, wcre chosen for diet beeause that species are important items of L. forbesi in the Azores waters as recorded by Martins, (1982) and Pieree et al., (1994). Also, ,..ild squid can eat S. japonicus and P. bogaraveo. When fishing for demcrsal fish "ith a bottom long-line, in eoastal water. those species carne to the surface bitten arid eaten by squid (observation by Fl\IP). Some aspects of feeding beha,iour of captive adult L forbesi has been previously deseribed by Porteiro et al: (1990). The rejection of hald structures such as head. vertebrae and caudal fin, has b~en observed in several species (e.g., Hanlon et al.. 1983, for loliginids; by O'Dor et al., 1980: for IIIcx ilIecebrosus). Howevcr the bulk of the studies of fceding eeology of squid are based on the analyses of hard structures found in stomaeh eontcnts as otoliths, eye lenses, bones. and mrcly teeth (see for exarnple Martins, 1982, Collins et al., 1994, Pierce et a1., 1994, and Rocha er al., 1994 for L. forbesi). I\lartins (1982) conc1udcd that Loligo forbesi do not rcjeet the head smee otoliths and eyc lenses of fish were found frequently in the stornach eontcnts. Although. the ingestion of an emire fish oecur, it depends of the re!ationship between squid size and prey size. Also, the variation ofthe feeding behaviour probably depends on the prey spccies and the squid appetite. Subevaluation of some food itcms at the eost of others can oeeur if no intormation of fccding bcha\lour cxists. It is not yct knO\\n if prefercnces of prey size exist in L. forbesi. but. :lS other Ioiiginids. they probably fced on a \\ide sizc range of tish. Squid in the "ild might havc a similar beha\iour, smee feeding behaviour is stereotyped. If thcy seize the same sort of prey. thc probability of finding statoliths of T. pictllratus would be 61 % and 2%, respectively. fcr squid ,..ithin the same range size ofthose maintained in EXP94 and EXP95. TIIe use of otoliths and other hard structurcs used to stud~10 infcr about the feeding ecology of aquatie animals has been critically reviwcd by Jobling & Breiby (1986). The ideal methodology when feeding ecology is concemed \\ill be the combination of scrological methods. stomach contents analysis (as done by Kear, 1992) and studics feeding behaviour. on AcknowJedgments 111ankS are due to ~orberto S.:rpa and Lesl.:y Gallaghcr • our best squid fishennen. l1lis work was funded by the European Commission \\ithin the fuur.e of EC research progratr.me in the Agriculture and Fishcries sector (AIR, Contrnct ~o. AIR l-CTn-573). 7 • Thanks are due to the Regional Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Azores Goverrunent who gave us perrnission to use their installations at the Whale Station, Porto Pirn Beach (Horta) and supported its running costs. References Boucher-Rodoni, R. E. Boucaud-Camou &. K. Mangold. Feeding and digestion. pp. 85-108, in: Cephalopod Life Cyc/es. Cvmparative Reviews. P.R. Boyle (Ed.). London, Academic Press. Vol. H. 441 p. Boyle P. R. & G. J. Pierce (Eds.), 1994. Fishery biology of northeast Atlantic squid. 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TI' 89% Fig,l - Hclalil'c cOlllposilion of Ihe food ilellls furnishcd during lhe Iwo sels of experimenlS: A in nllmbers for EXP94: 8 in 1I1111lbers for EXP95; C in Weighl for EXP); D in IVcighl fOI EXPl.J5, Pb· f'ageill/~' bogorcIVeo; Tp - li'(.u:hun/:i' picluralus; 5s - Scolllberjaponicus; Sp - Sordino pilchordus • • ,----------- -------------- - - - - ---------------- • • A5 ,. a Q I 10 5 1 J ! o , , J, J... B4 20 • ,= =, 15 0:: 10 0 I I 1 Q 5 ., , 0 B5 • B6 20 15 ~ .0::., "J ~ 1 , I 1O 1 I 5 1.. !I () \ ., ... ~ ~I 'n :l , ... <:<:l ~ ~ 1 II II .l!lllll ... ... ... ~ :0:: I ~I M t- ... ... ... ~ ~I ~ --t:I N '" N 0- S -. "l <:<:l N . ~ C. ... C. « I ~ ... C. « -:: Date Fig. 2 - Daily feeding rate (DFR) for some squid that gre'.v with:m average daily ~ro\Vth rate !Iigh:::r th:lIl 0.5% (DGR > 05%), S.::e text ,md Tablc Ifor more :nfomlation. • . ' 1.5 1.0 ~ '-' 0:: Cl Cl 0.5 • 0.0 6.0 -0 .::>.00 -1.0 -1.5 1- • 8.0 • y = 0.32x - 1.23 R2 =0.85 • DFR(%) Fig. 3 - Linear regression between daily feeding rate (DFR) and daily growth rate (DGR) of squid group EXP94a and individual squid from EXP95. •