Shellfish Committee ICES CM 1995/K:S REPORT OF THE STUDY GROUP ON LIFE HISTORIES AND ASSESSMENT OFPANDALUS STOCKS IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC This report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary. The document is a report of a study group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer Palægade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K Denmark l. TERMS OF REFERENCE The Study Group on Life Histories and Assessment Methods of Panda/us Stocks in the North Atlantic, has by correspondence worked according to the ICES Council Resolution 1994 2:45 in order to report to the 1995 Annual Science Conference, to: a) assess the status of stocks of Panda/us borealis in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat; b) determine the predation mortality of Panda/us stocks; c) report to ACFM for its meeting in October/November 1995. 2. MEMBERS OF THE STUDY GROUP M. Aschan N. Bailey B. Bergstrom E.M. Nilssen D.G. Parson S. Munch-Petersen F. Redant A. Richards D. Roddick L. Savard B. Sjostrand K. Sunnanå S. Tveite (chairman) Norway UK Scotland Sweden Norway Canada Denmark Belgium USA Canada Canada Sweden Norway Norway 3. INTRODUCTION In 1994 the North Sea Panda/us stocks were treated during the meeting of the joint Working group on Nephrops and Panda/us stocks in Lisbon , 1-9 March (Anon 1994). The WG recommended that in preparation for the next meeting a useful exercise would be to go through the ageing of shrimps in order to have a uniform method applied for the whole period. A subgroup (S. Munch-Petersen, B. Sjostrand and S. Tveite) met for the purpose in January 1995 at Flødevigen Norway. During the annual science conference in 1994 it was decided that Panda/us stocks should be treated by the Study Group by correspondence. The Danish, Swedish and Norwegian input for stock assessment for IIIa/IVa E and landings and effort figures from UK. (England and Scotland) are the only information received. The study group was notable to bring forward any information on predation mortality. 4. PANDALUS STOCKS IN SUB-AREA IV AND DIVISION HIA A detailed overview of the various stocks is given in Anon. (1990). The working Group assessments units: l. Skagerrak and Norwegian Deeps combined 2. Fladen Ground 3. Fam Deeps grouped them into three Nominallandings for Division Hia and Sub-area IV are shown in Table 4.1 4.1 SKAGERRAK AND THE NORWEGIAN DEEPS 4.1.1 Natural mortality The level of natura! mortality for Panda/us have been discussed at several occasions. The value used in earlier assessments i.e. 0,75 for Div.IIIa, IVaE is not well founded. Work is initiated to elucidate predation mortality, however, no changes were made in the values ofnatural mortality used in this years assessments. l 4.1.2 Landings Landings from the Skagerrak (Division IIIa) and Sub-area IV are shown separately in Table 4.1 Table 4.1.1 gives the landings since 1970 and discards since 1985 from the Skagerrak and Norwegian Deeps combined. For Denmark the splitting between Fladen and Norwegian Deeps are arrived at using the log book recordings. The landings have remained above 10 000 tonnes, since 1985. The total landings in 1994 amounted to 11650 tonnes, a small decrease since 1993. Norwegian landings are restricted by weekly quotas according to market situation. 4.1.3 Discards The discards in the Norwegian and Swedish fisheries were estimated by the methods described in the 1993 report (Anon 1993) to 426 tonnes in 1994. 4.1.4 Effort Annua! figures for landings per unit of effort (LPUE) and effort are given in Table 4.1.2 Total effort values have been estimated from LPUE data based on log-book records. The proportion of landings included in logbook data varied from high (ca 95%) for Denmark and Sweden to low (ca 30%) for the Norwegian landings in 1994. Both fishing effort and catch decreased in the Danish and Norwegian fisheries, whereas the Swedish catch increased by 18% in spite of 12% effort reduction. 4.1.5 Assessment Age distributions Numbers at age have been estimated by splitting length frequency distributions into normal distributions, using different method for collating the quarterly length frequencies and different software analysing the data.) It was felt that the assessment could be improved by reanalysing the data in an uniform way. The Pandalus working group in 1989 (Anon 1989) recomended that individual samples should be analysed before pooling. At the meeting in Flødevigen different solutions were discussed. It was decided to pool the length frequencies obtained from Danish, Norwegian and Swedish samples to one quarterly length frequency, because in many cases adding "impossible" length frequencies resulted in analysable ones .. The Bhattacharya method as implemented in ELEFAN ( Pauly 1987 ) was believed to be the best program to determine number of components and MIX ( MacDonald and Pitcher 1979 ) to calculate proportions. However, MIX would not accept some of the small proportions and the mean lengths at age given in Figure. 4.1.1. show more consistent growth curves than when the MIX results are plotted the same way. The ELEFAN results have therefore been used for all years. The new analysis resulted in a decreasing trend for the proportion of 1-group and increasing trend for 2-4 group in relation to the distribution used in last years report. (Figure 4.1.2) Mean weight and maturity at age Weight at age have been obtained by applying quarterly length-weight relationships to the mean lengths at age. For the Danish and Swedish data it were former ly used summing of mean weight per length group for the length frequencies of each yearclass. This change in procedure led to some changes both positive and negative in SOP (Table 4.1.3). The mean weight at age in the stock were assumed to be equal to the mean weight in the catch. The 0- and 1-group are assumed to be immature, and the 3-group and older groups fully mature. The mature part of the 2group or potential spawners is taken as the sum ofintersexes and females in the first quarter of the year. This proportions has been: 1994 1988 1989 1991 1992 1993 1990 1987 1985 1986 0.30 0.73 0.68 0.70 0.64 0.73 0.20 0.68 0.62 0.09 Natural mortality M has been set at 0.75 for all ages. The proportion of the annual M occurring before spawning is taken to be 0.25 on all ages in all years and proportion ofF before spawning was set at 0.2. 2 VPA Comparison new vs. old dataset: Extended Survivor Analysis (XSA) was run for the new set of age distributions and weight at age, with exact same settings as in the 1994 report (Anon 1994). The tuning converged after 26 iterations, versus 90 for the old dataset. The majority of standard errors figures decreased and R-squares increased. In summary the fishing mortalities and spawning stock biomass levelled off. The F' s became high er during the first years and lower during the last. (Fig. 4.1.3 ). The SSB show ed the opposite development. Standard error of the weighted Log(VPA populations): age l 2 .25 old 85-93 .30 .23 new 85-93 .26 .24 .26 1985- 1994 3 .36 .30 .28 4 .50 .44 .41 5 .80 .60 .69 1985-1994: XSA was also used for the 1985-1994 dataset to estimate stock sizes and exploitation levels from data on catches, effort and catch per unit of effort data (three fleets) and the results from the yearly shrimp surveys. Table 4.1.4 gives the tuning input file with catch at age and efforts for the four "fleets" used. In most instances default values were used for the various input variables in the XSA (Table 4.1.5 ). Age groups O and l were assumed to have catchabilities changing with stock size. Catchabilities were assumed independent of age for shrimps of age 2 and older. The standard errors (logarithmic) surrounding the estimates ofpopulation abundance at l Jan. 1995 varied from .24 for the 1-group to .69 for the oldest shrimps (see table above). Fishing mortalities, expressed as unweighted mean over age-groups 1-3, (see Table 4.1.6) seem to have decreased from 1992. This decrease is mainly due to a major drop in the value for the 3-group, which for the last 4 years has appeared as very high. Stock size in terms of number at age are given in Tab le 4.1. 7. Both with and without sum of products corrections spawning stock increased from 1993 to 1994 due to the rich 1992 yearclass, whereas the total stock biomass decreased. Recruitment The abundance indices of young shrimps obtained by the Norwegian survey in October are given in Table 4.1.9. A description of the survey methods was given in Anon. (1991). The 1992 index is a record high mainly because the catches in western Skagerrak were 6 times higher than obtained before, but also because the yearclass ranked very high in other areas. The 1993 year-class was estimated by the survey in 1993 and as 1-group in 1994 as about average size. The 1994 yearclass was below average in the 1994 survey. Catch prediction Comparison new vs. old dataset: The new data for the 1985-1993 period gave 30% higher status quo prediction for landings in 1994 than the old dataset. The stock biomass predictions increased by 10-14% for 1994-1996. 1985-1994: Input data for the prediction are shown in Tab le 4 .1.1 O. The fishing pattem used is the 1992-1994 average scaled to the 1994 level (mean of ages 1-3). Mean weights are averages for the period 1985-94, and recruitment in 1995 and 1996 is the average for the period 1985-1993. . The average proportions of O - and 1-group catches that have been landed are 71 % and 85% respectively. These proportions were applied on the predicted catches in 1995 and 1996. The status quo landings for 1995 was predicted to 14 630 tonnes. whereas the agreed TAC is 16 000 tonnes. Predicted status quo catches in 1996 and 1997 are l O O16 and 11 611 respectively (Tab le 4.1.11 ). Management consideration The landing figures for 1995 so far do not indicate that TAC will be reached. The 1993 and 1994 yearclasses are both below average, it would therefore be necessary to increase the effort in order to maintain the catch level for the next years. At least for Norway the market situation has been the effort goveming factor and the capacity of fleet have not been utilised during the last years. 3 The high discard figures indicate that the selection properties of the trawl are not very good. The development of sorting grids and other means of facilitating the escape of small shrimps should be encouraged. Assessment quality The ageing of shrimps has been revised in this years assessment, resulting in slight improvements in performance of the XSA. The SOP factor could possibly be improved by utilising the Swedish and Danish measured weight per mm group, this year only length - weight relationships have been used. 4.2 FLADEN GROUND Table 4.2.1 shows the landings from the Fladen Ground since 1972. In spite of relatively good CPUE (Table 4.2.2) the landings were low during 1994, only 16% of the maximum catch in 1983. No data for assessment purpose were available. 4.3 FARN DEEPS In recent years Panda/us in the Fam Deeps have been fished by UK vessels only. Totallandings fell from 500 tonnes in 1988 to none in 1993. In 1994 there was a small fishery of 4 tonnes. 5. REFERENCES Anon (1989) Report on the Working group on the assessment of Pandalus Stocks ICES doc.C.M. 1989/Assess:9 Anon. (1990) Report on the Working group on the assessment of Pandalus Stocks ICES doc.C.M.1990/Assess:9 An on. (1991) Report on the Working gro up on the assessment of Pandalus Sto eks ICES doc.C.M.1991/ Assess:8 Anon. (1993) Report on the Working group on the assessment of Nephrops and Pandalus Stocks ICES doc.C.M.1993/ As sess: 11 An on. (1994) Report on the Working group on the assessment of N ephrops Pan dal us Sto eks ICES doc.C.M.1994/Assess: 12 MacDonald,P .D.M. 1979. Age groups from size-frequency data: a versatile and efficient method of analysing distribution mixtures. J .Fish.Res. Bo ard Can. 36:987 -l 00 l. Pauly, D. 1987. A review of the ELEFAN system for analysis of length-frequency data in fish and aquatic invertebrates. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 13: 7-34. 4 Table 4.1 Nominallandings (tonnes) of Panda/us borealis in ICES Division llla and subarea IV as officially reported to ICES. Year Division llla Den mark Norway 757 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 834 773 716 475 743 865 763 757 973 1679 2593 2920 1571 1717 4105 4686 4140 2278 2527 2277 3256 3296 2490 1987 Sweden t 2740 2906 2524 2130 2003 1740 2212 1895 1529 1752 2121 2210 1421 982 1392 1123 1415 1186 1.463 2541 2167 1841 2489 3498 3753 3877 3722 3509 4772 4811 5198 3047 3156 3006 3441 4250 4081 4389 988 933 1474 1357 1085 1075 1304 1471 1747 2057 2133 2526 Tolal Sub-area IV Denmark Norway 4479 5132 4420 4261 3664 3946 5618 4825 4127 5214 7298 8556 8218 6281 6159 10351 10854 10423 6400 6987 6754 8444 9603 8704 8902 3460 3572 2448 196 337 1392 1861 782 1592 962 1273 719 1069 5752 4638 4582 3896 9223 2647 3298 2079 750 1881 1985 1337 s-Weden 1107 1265 1216 U< U< (Enql.)• (Sec~.)· 14 692 1021 931 767 5J 261 136 124 604 1051 960 692 594 1140 1435 1545 1657 1274 1785 1681 3145 4614 3418 3146 2715 2891 3421 2425 i8 34 :15 31 92 112 120 128 157 252 220 122 137 161 147 167 194 186 265 sa 238 203 1 100 438 187 163 432 525 2006 1723 2044 309 406 341 354 65 277 415 458 526 489 353 304 64 u:; '19 :Il 1836 25 1347 358 774 109 590 365 54 116 516 35 Total 4681 5275 4543 2311 1586 2782 5240 3854 4504 2137 3060 2527 3060 9422 6334 8257 6550 13920 8098 7802 6031 3744 5104 6118 4028 • lndudes small amounts of other Pandalid shrimp t 1970 to 1974 indudes subarea IV. Total1988 and 1989 indudes 19 and 21 t. by the Netherlands 1994 figures are preliminary. Table 4.1.1 Panda/us borealis landings from divisions Ille lSkagerrak) and IVa. (eastern part, Norwegian Deeps) as estimated by the Wor ing Group Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Den mark 1102 1190 1017 755 5~ 817 1204 1120 1459 1062 1678 2593 3766 1567 1747 3827 4834 .4599 3068 3150 2479 3583 3725 2915 2118 Norw 1729 2486 2477 2333 1809 2339 3348 3004 2440 3040 4562 5183 5042 5361 4783 6646 6490 8343 7661 6411 6139 6106 7136 7504 6813 Sweden 2742 2906 2524 2130 2003 2003 2529 2019 1609 1787 2159 2241 1450 1136 1022 1571 1463 1321 1278 1.433 1540 1908 2154 2300 2719 Total landin s 5573 6582 6018 5218 4342 5159 7081 6143 5508 5889 8399 10017 10258 8064 7552 12044 12787 14263 12007 1099.4 10158 11597 13015 12719 11650 Estimated discards 584 477 808 830 1548 1723 765 713 1188 426 5 Table 4.1.2 Year National CPUE and effort as estimated by the Study Group , Pandalus borealis. Div. llla - lYa E Denmark CPUE k /d 452 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 719 556 499 432 421 585 653 634 571 677 Table 4 .l .3 effort 3869 5326 8700 9212 7104 7477 4236 5487 5875 5015 3120 Norway CPUE k /hr no ata no data 36 36 31 23 26 30 35 32 31 effort Khrs 179 230 251 273 232 206 204 237 218 Sweden CPUE k /hr 25 32 30 23 22 23 26 31 27 25 33 effort Khrs 40 49 49 57 57 63 58 61 00 91 82 combined effort index rei. to 1986 0,00 0,00 1,00 1,20 1,22 1,30 1,08 1,01 1,09 1,25 l, 16 Yirtual Population Analysis. Catch number at age. Panda lus in Div. Ill a lYa east and Run Iitie : Pandalus llla + IVb As.sessment 1995WG At 15/09/1995 18:39 Table 1 YEAR Catch numbers at age Numbers"1 o••-3 1987 1986 1985 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 42707 1227845 872517 440173 13896 591 15713 581274 1242004 288130 17674 o AGE o 1 2 3 4 +gp TOTAI.NUM TONSLAND SOPCOF% SOP 1994 6 36461 1027292 1260871 191514 47929 14935 975704 11110 55226 109572 46434 13460 1252658 1557376 1333574 816547 1045879 1173137 474785 1094654 108487 436766 1477651 579407 2564067 2568956 19039 o 2621350 13728 92 2144795 13234 100 30660 o 2264440 12323 102 2597729 12628 92 75088 712 2987490 15072 100 158695 38431 319 2672107 11852 295515 22332 1444 681884 338637 43328 816 2731613 12542 1108258 508662 613709 971146 429783 164479 4104 2238447 12857 105 13907 12076 106 98 96 101 104 104 99 101 o 91 91 so 99 w Table 4.1 .4 Virtual Pop u la ti on Analysis. Tuning input file. Panda lus in Div. Ille and east Denmark l l 5326 8700 9212 7105 7477 4236 5487 5875 5015 3120 Norway 1 1 179 230 251 273 232 206 204 237 218 Sweden 1 l .li 49.2 57.1 56.9 62.8 58.3 61 80.3 90.8 81.8 Norwegian Surveys 85 l Sl4 o 5 276485583 326611687 340689967 142836988 410334845 271383830 195430088 120202880 263225692 97470046 339351114 350102566 319062162 226028144 179661620 222763369 265247147 406666023 187050350 208263515 86 Sl4 1 5 463152872 670513635 390658044 1003745988 820255904 356160180 244702376 745684975 327720895 85 1 5 120833122 104423689 105315499 65074167 219731053 205786106 120557947 78094762 229436995 130529143 o 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 51544154 170271875 129128971 100029250 89223659 32294578 70727586 159459280 94364469 48314692 12899660 7475389 20421873 38281428 11416082 7820680 7338002 5239699 2978960 2963602 241454641 254139376 273579216 218255629 97610156 128896988 324618385 267322564 162447181 10600502 40192390 104699406 27925599 23637954 13373090 10666689 8439016 9964439 22526459 54439011 39916884 45571670 4m8561 24488472 43630807 103599303 82251471 64701676 94 5637568 2390018 6312894 17440385 6113221 5930299 4526706 3404187 2596569 3968773 o 483300 193607 955148 214880 65011 o o 126699 o o 496464196 627947843 618185205 439481640 673300868 483397786 827868200 529889898 700238771 ~ 685345 381040 2612321 525632 196496 o o 358922 o o 148307388 111934149 98629822 102974680 96207372 168917972 163627064 264207367 163039822 278900638 as 1 0.833 4 2221 1476 766 2332 9830 4594 2015 20517 5030 2425 l IV a o 154520 59849 435149 115067 49297 o o 110435 o 0.917 32650 10485 24061 3878 19714 17692 23950 17628 30574 16899 1687 398 912 5785 2873 7525 2584 534 1202 2747 4882 1979 4096 13028 7047 11015 4500 5518 9639 9222 11123 9492 11260 o o 164 450 277 o 423 Table4.1.6 Vi rtua l Pop u la ti on Analysis. Fishing mor ta li ty at age. Panda lus in Div. Ill a and IVa east 1995WG Run title : Pandalus IlJa + IVb Assessmenl At 16/09/1995 16:47 Terminal Fs derived using XSA (With F shrinkage) Table 8 Fishing mortality (F) at age 1985 1986 1987 YEAR AGE o l 2 3 4 +gp FBAR 1-3 .0028 .1346 .5385 .9946 .4829 .4829 .5559 .0012 .1704 .3717 .9398 .5456 .5456 .4940 .0015 .2498 .6404 .5668 .6681 .6681 .4857 1988 .0046 .1983 .6268 1.1905 .8193 .8193 .6718 1989 .0079 .3255 .7252 1.0312 .6703 .6703 .6940 1990 .0035 .2274 .8499 .7439 .5683 .5683 .6071 1991 .0015 .1378 .5966 1.4504 .6008 .6008 .7283 199~ .0070 .1126 .8346 2.3332 .5893 .5893 1.0934 1993 .0042 .1843 .7009 1.7277 .6400 .6400 .8710 1994 .0017 .1278 .5682 1.2379 .4999 .4999 .6446 FBAR 92-94 .0043 .1416 .7012 1.7662 .5764 7 Table 4.1.5 Virtual Population Analysis. XSA tuning output. Pandalus in Div. llla and lYa east. Lowestoft VPA Version 3.1 16/09/1995 16:45 Extended Survivors Analysis 1995WG Pandai!J$ llla + IVb Assessment CPUE data from file C:\vpa\vpaiiia\nyiiiaef.dat Catch data for 1O years. 1985 to 1994. Ages O to 5. Fleet Last year 1994 1994 1994 1994 First year 1985 1986 1985 1985 Denmark Norway Sweden Norw. Surveys First age 1 1 1 last age 4 4 4 4 o Alpha Beta .000 .000 .000 .833 1.000 1.000 1.000 .917 Time series weights : Tapered timeweighting applied Power • 3 over 20 years Catchability analysis : Catchability dependent on stock size for ages < 2 Regression type • C Minimum of 5 points U$ed for regression Survivor estimates shrunk to the population mean for ages < 2 Catchability independent of age for ages >- 2 Terminal population estimation: Survivor estimates shrunk towards the mean F of the final 5 years or the 4 oldest ages. S.E. of the mean to which the estimates are shrunk • Minimum standard error for population estimates derived from each Aeet • .300 Priorweighting not applied .500 Tuning converged after 29 iterations Regression weights .877 .820 .751 Fishing mortalities Age o 1 2 3 4 .954 .921 .976 AGE 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1.000 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 0,00 0,14 0,54 1,00 0,48 0,00 0,17 0,37 0,94 0,00 0,25 0,64 0,67 0,00 0,18 0,70 1,73 0,64 0,00 0,13 0,55 0,01 0,33 0,73 1,03 0,67 0,00 0,23 0,57 0,01 0,20 0,63 1,19 0,82 o 1.92E+07 1.75E+07 1.05E+07 1.73E+07 2.04E+07 1.96E+07 1.27E+07 2.26E+07 1.50E+07 1.36E+07 2 1.19E+07 9.06E+06 8.25E+06 4.97E+06 8.15E+06 9.54E+06 9.23E+06 5.97E+06 1.06E+07 7.05E+06 3 4 4.41E+06 4.90E+06 3.61E+06 3.03E+06 1.92E+06 2.78E+06 3.59E+06 3.80E+06 2.52E+06 4.17E+06 4.42E+05 1.21 E+06 1.60E+06 8.99E+05 7.66E+05 4.40E+05 5.62E+05 9.34E+05 7.79E+05 5.90E+05 1.82E+05 7.73E+04 2.24E+05 4.28E+05 1.29E+05 1.29E+05 9.88E+04 6.22E+04 4.28E+04 6.54E+04 2.93E+06 1.12E+06 8.09E+04 3.32E+06 7.55E+05 1.12E+05 .2833 .4107 .6933 Estimated population abundance at 1sl Jan 1995 O.OOE+OO 6.43E+06 Taper weighted geometric mean of the VPA populations: 1.64E+07 8 1.000 1985 XSA population numbers (Thousands) YEAR .997 .990 8.16E+06 Standard error of the weighted Log(VPA populations) : .2420 .2620 0,85 0,00 0,14 0,60 0,74 1,45 0,01 0,11 0,84 2,33 0,57 0,60 0,59 0,57 1,24 0,50 Table 4.1.5 Continued Log catchability residuals. Fleet : Denmark 1986 -0,11 -0,60 0,29 -0,23 1985 -0,15 0,03 0,62 -0,07 Age 1 2 3 4 1987 0,00 -0,34 -0,.46 -0,30 1990 0,25 0,42 0,29 0,03 1989 0,33 -0,04 0,29 -0,12 1988 0,03 -0,25 0,35 0,00 1991 -0,18 -0,02 0,82 -0,01 1992 -0,17 0,38 1,33 0,04 1993 -0,02 0,12 0,96 0,03 1994 -0,01 0,15 0,89 0,02 Mean log catchability and standard error of ages with catchability independent of year dass strength and ccnstant w.r.l. time 3 -3.6930 .7745 2 -3.6930 .3123 Age Mean Log q S.E(Log q) 4 -3.6930 .1305 Regression statistics : Ages with q dependent on year dass slrength t-va lue 1.019 Slope .75 Age lntercept 7.71 RSquare .69 No Pts RSquare .31 .18 .97 No Pts 10 Reg s.e .19 Mean log q -4.95 lO lO lO Reg s.e .45 .94 .13 MeanQ -3.69 -3.13 -3.75 Ages with q independent of year dass strength and constant w.r.t. time. Age 2 3 .4 t-va lue -.723 -1.163 -.904 Slope 1.40 1.93 1.06 lntercept -.83 -6.52 3.29 Fleet : Norway 1986 -0,03 -0,.48 0,42 -0,1 Age 1 2 3 4 1987 0,19 -0,08 -0,2 -0,04 1988 0,18 -0,01 0,59 0,24 1989 0,41 0,05 0,39 -0,02 1990 0,19 0,32 0,19 -0,06 1991 -0,38 -0,24 0,6 -0,24 1992 -0,24 0,34 1,29 0,01 1993 -0,03 0,1 0,95 0,02 1994 -0,22 -0,09 0,65 -0,21 Mean log catchability and standard error of ages with catchability independent of year dass strength and ccnstant w.r.t. time 3 .4168 .7300 2 .4168 .2544 Age Mean Log q S.E(Log q) 4 .4168 .1501 Regression statistics : Ages with q dependent on year dass strength t-value .505 Slope .79 Age lntercept 3.95 RSquare .48 No Pts 9 Reg s.e .28 Mean log q -.83 Ages with q independent of year dass strength and constant w.r.l. time. Age 2 3 4 Slope 1.78 1.24 .90 t-va lue -1.420 -.458 1.607 lntercept -12.44 -4.42 .78 RSquare .34 .36 .98 No Pts 9 9 9 Reg s.e .43 .56 .12 MeanQ .42 .97 .37 Fleet : Sweden 1985 -0,23 -0,08 0,51 -0,18 Age 1 2 3 4 1986 -0,06 -0,54 0,36 -0,16 1987 -0,05 -0,4 -0,52 -0,36 1988 0,06 -0,18 0,43 0,07 1989 0,48 0,14 0,48 0,07 1990 0,3 0,46 0,33 0,07 1991 -0,15 0,03 0,87 0,04 1992 -0,27 0,27 1,22 -0,06 1993 -0,08 0,02 0,87 -0,06 Mean log catchability and standard error of ages with catchability independent of year dass strength and ccnstant w.r.t. time Age Mean Log q S.E(log q) 2 .2773 .2949 3 .2773 .7559 4 .2773 .1487 t-va lue .651 lntercept 4.24 Regression slatistics : Ages with q dependent on year dass strength Age Slope .78 RSquare .55 No Pts lO Reg s.e .25 Mean log q -.98 9 1994 -0,05 0,11 0,85 -0,01 Table 4.1.5 Continued Ages with q independent of year dass slrength and constanl w.r.l. time. Age t-va lue -1.290 ·1.269 -.081 Slepe 1.81 1.95 1.01 2 3 4 lntercept -12.74 ·14.48 -.30 RSquare .26 .20 .96 No Pts 10 lO 10 Reg s.e .52 .88 .15 MeanQ .28 .84 .22 Fleet : Norwegian Surveys Age 1986 ·0,34 ·0,39 -0,85 0,14 0,58 1985 -0,30 -0,05 0,02 1,90 o 1 2 3 4 l, 11 1987 ·0,05 0,20 0,14 0,51 0,45 1988 -0,18 ·0,33 ·0,60 0,56 1989 0,14 0,14 0,15 -1,00 1991 0,09 0,03 -0,07 1,32 0,50 1990 ·0,08 -0,12 0,45 0,12 ·0,80 Mean log catchability and standard error of ages with catchability independent of year dass strength and c:cnslant w.r.l. time Age Mean log q S.E(log q) 3 2 ·9.3173 1.2787 ·9.3173 .4100 4 ·9.3173 .7514 Regression slalistics : Ages with 9 dependent on year dass strength Age Slepe .33 1 .56 o t-va lue 2.136 1.439 lntercept 15.24 12.59 RSquare .58 .59 No Pts RSquare .06 .06 .35 No Pts 10 10 Reg s.e .22 .23 Mean log q -12.43 ·9.94 Ages with q independent of year dass strength and conslanl w.r.t. time. Age 2 3 4 Slepe 3.17 1.80 1.15 t-va lue -1.449 -.529 ·.228 lntercept -3.05 4.48 8.51 Reg s.e 1.22 10 1.79 .76 7 lO MeanQ -9.32 -8.51 -8.90 Terminal year survivor and F summaries: Age O Catchability dependent on age and year dass slrength Year dass • 1994 Fleet Estimated Survivors 1. 1. lnt s.e Ext s.e .000 .000 .000 N Var Ratio .00 .00 .00 .00 o o o Sea led Weights .000 Estimated F .000 .000 .000 .000 Denmark Norway Sweden Norwegian Surveys 6926155. .000 .000 .300 P shrinkage mean 8157589. .26 .001 F shrinkage mean 2190113. .50 .005 l. .000 .000 .000 .000 1 .374 Weighted predidion : Survivors at end of year 6426498. In l s.e .18 Ext s.e .31 N 3 Var Ratio 1.688 F .002 Age 1 Catchability dependent on age and year dass strength Year dass • 1993 Fleet Sea led Weights l .151 1 .143 1 .151 2 .301 Den mark Norway Sweden Norwegian Surveys lnt s.e .300 .308 .300 .212 P shrinkage mean 3317297. .28 .114 F shrinkage mean 1765468. .50 .204 Weighted predidion : Survivors al end of year 2930165. lO N Estimated Survivors 2893238. 2342649. 2790752. 3444916. In l s.e .12 Ext s.e .08 Ext s.e Var Ratio .00 .00 .00 .27 .000 .000 .000 .058 N 7 Var Ratio .648 F .128 Estimated F .129 .157 .134 .110 1992 0,27' 0,29 0,26 2,15 0,47 1993 0,22 0,05 0,40 0,90 1994 0,07 0,10 ·0,05 1,48 0,76 Table 4.1.5 continued Age 2 Calchability conslanl w.r.t. time and dependent on age Year dass = 1992 Fleel Den mark Norway Sweden Norwegian Surveys F shrinkage mean lnt s.e Estimaled Survivors 1191082. 1048380. 1138533. 1249572. .223 .214 .217 .191 725524. .50 Ext s.e .081 .031 .094 .092 N Var Ratio .36 .14 2 2 2 3 .44 .48 Sea led Weights .208 .227 .220 .267 Eslimated F .540 .596 .559 .521 .778 Weighled predidion : Survivors at end of year 1115741. lnt s.e .10 Ext s.e .06 N Var Ratio 10 F .547 .568 Age 3 Calchability conslanl w.r.t. time and age (~xed al the value for age) 2 Year dass • 1991 Fleet Den mark Norway Sweden Norwegian Surveys F shrinkage mean Estimaled Survivors 89046. 85800. 81919. 107645. lnt s.e .222 .221 .217 .192 53940. .50 Ex l s.e .242 .207 .255 .161 N Var Ratio 1.09 .94 1.18 .84 3 3 3 4 Scaled Weights .182 .186 .190 .214 Eslimaled F 1.171 1.196 1.229 1.044 1.541 Weighted predidion : Survivors at end of year 80881. lnt Ext s.e .14 .11 s.e N 14 Var Ratio .767 F 1.238 Age 4 Calchability constant w.r.t. lime and age (~xed al the value for age) 2 Year dass == 1990 Fleel Den mark Norway Sweden Norwegian Surveys F shrinkage mean Estimaled Survivors 19689. 15957. 19001. 27419. 18512. lnt s.e .262 .258 .260 .369 Ex l s.e .095 .129 .086 .189 Var Ratio .36 .50 .33 .51 N 4 4 4 5 .50 Sea led Weights .263 .266 Estimated F .481 .265 .566 .494 .072 .367 .505 Weighled predidion : Survivors al end of year 18731. lnt s.e .14 Ext s.e .06 N 18 Var Ratio .406 F .500 11 Table 4.1.7 Yirtual Population Analysis. Stock number at age. Pandalus in Div. Ula and lYa east Run Iitie : PandaiUJ llla + Nb Asses.smenl At 16/09/1995 16:47 Terminal Fs derived using XSA (With F shrinkage) Table 1O Stock number at age (start of year) 1985 1986 1987 1988 Numbers•10••-4 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1960760 1265663 953803 923006 278177 358889 44002 56167 12899 9878 101 o 3249742 2613603 2262466 596932 379877 93358 6221 1498471 1061257 251952 77884 4277 171 2894012 1994 YEAR AGE o 1 2 3 4 +gp TOTAL 1923348 1187205 440607 44222 18207 1747849 906019 490191 121470 m7 3613590 3273729 o 472 1052772 824599 360914 159668 22418 199 2420571 1734442 496531 303419 89855 42790 993 2668030 2035143 815497 192365 76579 12906 228 3132718 o 3338854 1995 GMST 8592 1362784 o 704892 642650 416914 293017 59047 111574 6537 8088 o 1873 2550174 1E+06 Table 4.1.8 Virtul Population Analysis. VPA summary tables with and without SOP corrections. Pa nda lus in Div. Ill a and lva east. Run title : Pandalus llla + Nb Asses.smenl 1995WG At 16/09/1995 16:47 Table 16 Summary (without SOP corredion) Terminal Fs derived using XSA (With F shrinkage) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Arith. M.ean OUnits RECRUITS Age O 19233480 17478494 1o52mo 17344416 20351430 19607602 12656627 22624662 14984710 13627836 16843698 (Thousands) Table 17 Summary TOTALBIO TOTSPBIO 93.455 92997 71974 65975 77666 83694 75500 83278 80424 64657 16763 9208 1.4939 11676 11697 12475 14383 14495 12090 14525 78962 13225 (Tonnes) (Tonnes) LANDINGS YIELO/SSB FBAR 1- 3 12628 13234 15072 12857 12542 11852 12323 13728 13907 12076 .7533 1.4372 1.0089 1.1011 1.0723 .9500 .8568 .9471 1.1503 .8314 .5559 .4940 .4857 .6718 .6940 .6071 .7283 1.0934 .8710 .6446 13022 1.0108 .6846 (Tonnes) (with SOP corredion) Terminal Fs derived using XSA (With F shrinkage) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Arith. M.ean Unib 12 RECRUITS Age O 19233480 17478494 1o52mo 17344416 20351430 19607602 12656627 22624662 14984710 13627836 16843698 (Thousands) TOTAlBIO (Tonnes) TOTSPBIO 86058 92988 72239 69005 70657 74946 m18 76209 79906 68256 15436 9207 14994 12213 10641 11171 14710 13264 12012 15334 76748 12898 (Tonnes) LANDINGS (Tonnes) YIELO/SSB 12628 13234 15072 12857 12542 11852 12323 13728 13907 12076 .8181 1.4373 1.0052 1.0528 1.1786 1.0609 .8377 1.0350 1.1577 .7875 13022 1.0371 SOPCOFAC FBAR 1-3 .9208 .9999 1.0037 1.0459 .9098 .8955 1.0227 .9151 . .9936 1.0557 .5559 .4940 .4857 .6718 .6940 .6071 .7283 1.0934 .8710 .6446 .6846 1701167 811863 338543 77940 13884 Table 4.1. 9 lndices of Q- and 1-group shrimp from Norwegian trawl surveys in October and VPA values. Panda lus in Div. llla and IVa east VPA(new95) o- r Yecu-dass 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 3077 1813 1432 675 2002 9388 4052 1877 19967 4743 2371 7023 20902 6914 5988 2541 8714 10743 12116 10739 22294 9911 2- r 1- r 11872 9060 8246 4965 8155 9538 9230 5969 10613 7049 19233 17478 10528 17344 20351 19608 12657 22625 14985 13628 Table 4.1.10 Input value for pr ed i et i on. Panda lus in Div. Ille and IVa east Most Recent Data year (enter) 1995 Recruits 1994 ~o 1996 Recruits First Precl. Year 1995 ~o 1997 Recruits 1996 ~o Seccnd " 1997 Third " maturity MeanWt MeanWt Prep F befare spawnin9: M ogive catch 9 Prep M befare spawnin9: slodc 9 ~ 0,75 0,00 1,19 1,19 o 0,00 0,75 3,57 3,57 1 0,70 0,75 5,65 5,65 2 0,75 1,00 8,54 3 8,54 0,75 1,00 11,54 11,54 4 1,00 0,75 14,68 14,68 5 ~ o l 2 3 4 5 Stoc:ksize Jan 1 1994 (enter) F 1994 (enter) 13627 7048 4169 590 65 o Stocksize Jan l 1995 (From vpa) 0,0017 0,1278 0,5682 1,2379 0,4999 0,4999 6427 2930 1116 81 19 Fishin9 paltem Fishing pattem mean F scaled lo 92-94 (enter) 1994 4406 4902 3609 3034 1924 2782 3589 3799 2520 4169 17011 17011 17011 (enter) 0,2 0,25 refF 0,004 0,142 0,701 1,766 0,576 0,576 0,003 0,143 0,7CB 1,787 0,583 0,583 Table 4.1.11 Prediction res ults. Panda lus in Div. Ille and IVa east Stock size for prediction Jan 1 Stock Landed 1995 Biornass æ3 pro p Landed average Catch 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 recruit. 20243 o 32 0,71 17011 45 1848 o 22944 6427 0,85 2174 16555 8336 6178 1 6178 2930 9531 5527 6182 1116 1 6182 935 690 301 81 301 1 206 19 279 90 1 90 14630 tonnes 70486 14758 sum: 14970 Prediction with management option table 1996 ÆFF æ3 FACTOA 0,00 o 14611 14168 0,13 0,2 0,4 0,26 13741 0,6 0,39 13330 0,52 12935 0,8 0,64 12554 1 1,2 0,77 12186 0,90 1,4 11832 1,03 11491 1,6 1,8 1,16 11161 10844 1,29 2 CATCH LAND o 2506 4714 6676 8433 10016 11452 12763 13966 15075 16103 o 2440 4585 6484 8178 9700 11076 12328 13473 14526 15498 TSB 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 70921 1997 æ3 CATCH 24939 o 22345 3675 20145 6464 18266 8609 16650 10284 ._1525_1____11§.1L 14032 12678 12963 13550 12021 14273 11184 14880 10437 15398 13 Table 4.2.1 Landings in tonnes of Pandalus borealis from the Fladen Ground (Division IVa) as estimated by the Study Group Year Den mark Norw Sweden Total 2204 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 199.4· 157 282 1 308 1 552 425 890 565 1122 187 163 434 525 1937 1692 2027 268 377 347 112 81 44 76 1 685 2 391 320 716 1 833 3489 2229 2998 877 1575 1 033 635 7564 4591 4990 3717 8012 1163 3010 2053 506 1564 2059 1 242 352 283 5729 8 13 4553 3649 3416 7326 1077 2438 1 681 422 1 448 1 521 1 207 1 827 75 1 341 301 686 4 2 84 75 547 3 365 31 S3 'E 116 5\B 35 o • Provisiona Table 4.2.2 Panda/us borealis, Fladen Ground. Reported CPUE (shrimp frawlers), and estimated effort. Danmark UK (Scotland) Total elfcrt Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Total effort lnde!)( 1 295 0,96 1,18 0,97 1,21 0,96 1,24 0,83 0,99 1,28 1,50 1,44 1,83 1,93 lndex 1 hours 4757 20528 676 15593 4239 8469 1909 8415 3493 429 1685 4855 4694 3016 3558 5908 1298 2463 1313 281 1006 831 621 5229 330 0,31 1,3 0,0 1, 0,2 0,5 0,1 0,5 0,2 0,0 0,11 0,3 0,0 Combined index 2 0,21 1,54 1,55 1,00 1,11 1,84 0,41 0,77 0,.40 0,09 0,32 0,29 0,20 Table 4.3 Landings (t) of Pandalus from division lvb the Farn Deeps as estimated by the Study Group Year l977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 14 UK (England) UK (Scotlandl Den mark 91 235 203 1 Total NO data til 2 34 17 65 :D 2 137 212 91 168 14.4 3 1 4 6 5' 106 300 86 92 384 72 390 500 248 145 3 1 75 8 + 1 o 4 35 ---+-1994 -----1993 _._1992 --M--1991 -:*--1990 30 25 E 20 ~1989 E 15 -:-1988 -1987 -1986 -+-1985 . 1984 1: t 11 o 85 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 year Figure 4.1.1 Mean carapace length (mm) at age (quarters) in area Ille- IVa east for yeardasses 1984 to 1994 15 10 -o-lagp --o-2-gp --M--3-gp 5 o ~ -<>-4-gp -5 -10 -15 -20 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Figure 4.1.2 Percentage difference "new" minus "old" of age groups 1-4, for the two datasats. 0,9~----------------------------------------~ 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 -o-newF -o-old F 0,0~--~----------~---------+----~---------- 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Figure 4.1.3 Average Fishing mortality for 1-3 group 1985-1993 according to XSA using "old" and "new" dataset 15