High accuracy simulations of d=4 SU(3) qcd-string

High accuracy simulations of d=4 SU(3) qcd-string
Presenter: Nayasinganahalli Desikachar Hari Dass
N.D. Hari Dass (IMSc, Chennai) and Pushan Majumdar ( Institute fuer Physik,
Abstract: We study the quark-antiquark potential of 3+1 dimensional SU(3)
lattice pure gauge theory as a function of their separation r, for a range of distances starting around 1/3 fermi upto distances in excess of 1 fermi. We measure
the Polyakov loop correlation functions extremely accurately on 24 3 x32 lattices
at β = 5.7 using the Lüscher-Weisz exponential error reduction algorithm for
this purpose. We look at the scaled double derivative of the potential and are
able to obtain data accurate enough to study the r-dependence of this quantity
which becomes the Lüscher term (coefficient of the large distance 1/r term in
the potential) asymptotically. The data allows us to distinguish between different string models. Inclusion of the analytic multihit technique leads to a further
substantial improvement in performance.