This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Persistence of Uncommon Cryopedic Plants in the Chiricahua Mountains Spruce Forest Island W.H. Moir1 Abstract.-There are small populations of boreal plants persisting in spruce forests. Twenty years after they were first noted by the author, plants such as Vaccinium myrtillus, Lonicera utahensis, L. involucrata, Sorbus scopulina, and Rubus parviflorus survived the warm decade of the 1980s. The spruce forests are not well structured into herb and shrub layers as they are elsewhere in Arizona and New Mexico. Instead these understory plants of cryic soil temperature regimes are found where there is little competition from other plants and where compensatory microsite factors exist. In 1993 most populations were at about their levels in 1974 or increasing. Climate change in these mountains does not seem to be a threat of population decline. INTRODUCTION '.'~---.----r-------."""-----,---, ~ Plants growing near the extreme of their physiological tolerances can be sensitive to small changes in climate (WoQdward 1987, Colhoun 1979). If a climatic change, when expressed locally, exceeds an ecophysiological threshold, plants with short response times can become locally extinct. Plants of insular environments are vulnerable if their genetic variability is small and favorable microenvironments for surviving adverse climates are not available. The northern hemispheric climate of the 1980s has been exceptionally warm, and a similar warm period during the 1980s, though less pronounced, occurred in the southern Rocky Mountains (Karl et al. 1990; fig. 1). This warm period was reflected in weather records of some of the mountains along the U.S./Mexico border. In March, 1993, I and and several plant pathologists visited the Chisos Mountains, Texas, to examine a forest monitoring plot established in 1978 where Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) was growing very near its environmental limit of moisture and temperature (Moir et al. 1993). In addition to unusually high temperatures, a severe drought had occurred here in the 198Os. We speculated that because of adverse climate the Douglas-fir population might reveal high mortality or other a I 1901-1987, 5-year averages . Ii i_ ; --Ef---j ...."".. . "'-" ~~-=r~ ... E I.l ..- - - - -... i'·. ...:. 5 .e.J ..'-"-"r" 01: ~ t:: [ m C .""'. •.,.. '.,i· i!o : t····-·-· .......... '" I --------t--------: I ' ~1i_t~~~1~-.-~-1+M---.--l~~~--I~_-~ Year Figure 1.-Running 5-year averages of departures from Northarn Hemisphere mea!,! annual temperatures (from Karl et al. 1990). symptoms of stress. We remeasured the monitoring plot and found that all the Douglas-fir seedlings and saplings were of extremely low vigor and had suffered near-lethal defoliation(s) from unknown cause(s). It was tempting to conclude that under climatic extremes of that decade the heat and drought stressed trees became vulnerable to insect predation or disease (Colhoun 1979, Franklin et al. 1987), events which in fact took place although the exact causes remain unresolved. Could similar happenings have taken place in other mountains of the U.s.-Mexico border? Could plants of Engelmann spruce forests in the Chiricahua Mountains, adapted to cold environments mostly above 2680 m (8800 ft) elevation, be 1Research Ec%gist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ft Col/ins, Colorado. 214 harbingers through mortality or loss of vigor of a warming climate? The forests belong to the Corkbark-fir-Engelmann spruce-White fir series whose average soil temperatures are at the warm end of the cryic soil temperature regime (around 3-6 °C mean annual soil temperature at 50 em depth; Moir 1993, Carleton et al. 1991). In 1974 I observed some uncommon or rare plant populations in the spruce (Picea engelmannil) forests as part of a habitat type study (Moir and Ludwig 1979), but most of the plants were not in the sample plots (Table 1). The understory plants in the plots were mostly those that were common in mixed conifer forests where frigid rather than cryic soil temperature regimes exist (Carleton et al. 1991, appendix B in Muldavin et al. 1990). Why were we not finding the usual cryopedic plants in the sample plots, which were chosen to represent typical characteristics of the spruce forests here (Moir and Ludwig 1979)? To try to answer this question, I explored the spruce forests to find just where these plants occurred. Apparently, one reason we did not sample them more frequently was that the plants were at low popUlation levels, in extreme cases less than 10 individuals and in many cases less than 3-4 subpopulations were located. Another reason was that the plants grew in special microsites, rather than the more typical and extensive sites where the spruce forests occurred. In September 1993 I returned to most of these locations to see if any of the populations had declined. I was especially interested to see if the events observed in the Chisos Mountains, namely climatically induced stress followed by low vigor or heightened mortality, had also taken placed among vulnerable plants in the Chiricahua Mountains. HYPOTHESIS Table 1.-Spruce forest plots, Chlricahua Mountains, Arizona, sampled for habitat type classification (Muldavln et al. 1990). Plot yea elev TREES and SIZE Plcea engelmannll dbh<!5cm dbh 5-22.!5cm dbh>22.5cm P8eudot8uga menzle.1I dbh<5cm dbh 6-22.5cm dbh>22.5cm Ables concolor dbh<5cm dbh 5-22.6cm dbh> 22.5cm Pinus stroblformls dbh<5Cm dbh 5-22.5cm dbh>22.5cm Populus tremuloldes dbh 6-22.6cm dbh>22.5Cm Clma Cabin 1974 2773 Bromu8 ell latus B. porterl Festuca sororla Chlmaphlla umbellata Erigeron exlmlus Goodyera oblongl1olla Llgustrlcum porterl Lonicera arlzonie& Pterldium aquilinum Pyrola ehlorantha SeneCio blgelovli Smllaclna spp. Vlcla americana Viola canadensis HERBACEOUS understory Round Raspberry Ridge Park 1982 1983 2880 2804 METHODS s.ems/ha 1709 187 107 10i~ ge1 294 134 27 27 53 80 63 0 107 2068 107 214 347 53 134 27 '134 63 187 347 o 27 80 27 27 1202 0 80 o 134 0 o o Plants censused in 1974 and 1993 were Goodyera oblongifolia, Sorbus dumosus, Vaccinium myrtillus, ChimllphiJa umbelJata, Lonicera utahensis, Pyrola chlorantha, Rubus parviflorus, Veratrum caJifornicum, Erigeron scopulin us, and Lonicera involucrata. The 1974 census was conducted in September by searching for the above plants along the Crest Trail and at other trailside locations where Picea engelmannii forests occurred. When found, notes were made of location, abundance, and vigor. A population consisted of individuals at a particular location. Abundance was measured by counting individuals or ramets. I made no attempt to discern between genetically distinct individuals and ramets. Vigor was a subjective assessment of shoot robustness, growth rates, and symptoms of disease, herbivory, or parasitism. In addition I examined aspects of weather records from two Chiricahua Mountain stations. The Portal 4SW station is in Cave Creek canyon, subject to cold night airflow, and the Chiricahua National Monument station is in Madrean oak woodland. Neither reflects an Englemann spruce climate, although they might reveal significant trends. I graphed yearly precipitation from 1967 o o o o o a 0 721 107 27 27 464 o 214 187 27 o o UNDERSTORY Acer glabrum Physocarpus monogynus Holodlacu8 dumosus Vacclnlum myrtlllus Fly Peak 1982 2880 Cryopedic plant populations of spruce forests in the Chiricahua Mountains declined during an adverse warming period in the 1980s. '" canopy coverage 10 0.01 36 0.01 0.1 0.1 2 0.01 0.01 4 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 3 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.1 5.2 0.01 3.8 0.1 0.01 0.3 215 to 1992 and maximum monthly temperatures during the growing season from April through September from 1967-1993 inclusive. Running 5year averages were computed to visually reveal possible trends of temperature Of- precipitation during this 26 year period. • RESULTS Here are the reports for the two surveys: • Goodyera oblongifolia -1974: Found at 2 locations along Crest Trail and in one plot, with a few (4-7) shoots at each site. No flowering shoots. 1993: no change. An additional clone (4 shoots) was found near Goobber Spring in 1994 (see postscript below). • Sorbus dumosus - 1974: one tree above Cima Cabin; in 1993 that individual not relocated, but 3 additional small trees were found along the Crest Trail near Raspberry Peak. • Vaccinium myrtillus - 1974: occasional small populations grew in extremely cobbly soils along the Crest Trail and on similar soil on north-facing slopes along the Greenhouse and Monte Vista Lookout trails; in 1993thesepopulations remained intact. The populations were segregated from Holodiscus dumosus and Physocarpus monogynus which also occurred on these cobbly soils. The Vaccinium shoots were sparse, had few leaves (about 4-6 per shoot), and were not filling in the site with 'high canopy cover as usually occurs in spruce-fir /vaccinium environments (fig. 2, Muldavin et al. 1990). • Chimaphila umbellata - 1974: one individual with about 20 ramets was found along the • • • • • Crest Trail. In 1993 this individual had increased to about 80 ramets and occupied a larger area; 9 additional populations varying from 3-30 ramets were found along the Crest Trail, which were probably missed in the 1974 census. No flowers or fruiting stalks in either census. Lonicera utahensis -1974: nine individuals were scattered and uncommon along the Crest Trail; 1993 - only three individuals were relocated, however a population of between 10-20 individuals was found near the junction with the Monte Vista LO trail. This population was clearly overlooked in 1974. No flowers or fruits were seen in either census. Pyrola chlorantha - 1974: one location with a few shoots; in 1993 I found four shoots (possibly ramets of 1 individual) at the same site. I am unsure if the exact location was the same as it was in 1973. Rubus parviflorus - 1974: rare along the Crest Trail but frequent along the Greenhouse Trail. 1993: one population of 8 shoots grew along the Crest Trail near the 1974 location; 3 extensive populations (30 shoots) were growing along the Greenhouse Trail. There were no flowers or fruits in either census. Veratrum californicum - common along Cave Creek in vicinity of Cima Cabin in both 1974 and 1993, some individuals flowering. Also at Goobber and Anita Springs. Shoots in both censuses were robust and preempted wet sites to the exclusion of other species. Erigeron scopulinus, a plant of particular interest because of its rarity (Nesom and Roth 1981) - 1974: 3 individuals on rhyolite rock near Raspberry Peak; 1993: no change, and no additional individuals upon further search. No flowering stalks at either date. Identificatuon was based upon distinctive vegetative characters of this compactly matted plant and where the plants were growing. Lonicera involucrata - 1974: 4 individuals grew streamside along the Greenhouse Trail above Wynn Falls; 1993: 7 individuals were tallied along the same reach. DISCUSSION There was no evident diminution in populations of any of the species during the 20 years. Some plants increased. Although the sampling methods precluded statistical comparisons between survey dates, the generally similar Figure 2.-Vacclnlum myrtlllus on cobbly soils In spruce forests, Chlrlcahua Mountains, Arizona, September 1984. 216 responses by all species are suggestive. If a period of climate warming had taken place, why would plants arguably of cold soils be increasing? A climatic lag (Davis 1989) is possible for long-lived perennials, but would not account for population increases. I suggest some possibilities, and perhaps there are others. It is possible that sample biases account for the apparent increases in plant populations; in the second census I was more efficient in finding additional populations and individuals. However, the hypothesis may be true for some species, untrue of others, and again the sampling was too subjective to distinguish. The assumption of climate warming may be untrue in the Chiricahua Mountains. Examination of weather data indicates that the Chiricahua Mountains were not subject to adverse climates during the 27-year interval from 1967 to 1993. The Chiricahua Mountains have sufficient geomass to modify a regional climate. Figures 3-4 show patterns of temperature and precipitation from the 'if c -~ ~ c: o ~ 30 Q. .~ ~ Q. ::J C C < ~ ~ :::::iE 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 two weather stations. There is no evidence of a 1980s warm interval during the growing season. There was a trend of increasing precipitation during the 1980s which ~ould have favored population growth of plants in the spruce forests (Stephenson 1990). The hypothesis may be false and makes no sense if the premise is untrue. In this "island" environment it is not necessarily true that plants maintain the same genetics as they do on "continents" (i.e., more contiguous forest locations throughout the Southwest). Some ecotypes may be adapted to warmer soils (i.e., a frigid soil temperature regime). Others, like Veratrum and Lonicera involucrata may simply need wet soils, and temperature fluctuations are immaterial. Another, Erigeron scopulinus, is a plant of rhyolite cracks and crevices, not necessarily a cryic soil temperature regime. In the aggregate, therefore, the various species corroborate nothing, since each responds to different microsite conditions. Vaccinium myrtillus inhabits extremely cobbly soils that may buffer it against adverse soil moisture or temperature extremes. Its greatest threat appears to be competitive displacement by Physocarpus and Holodiscus dumosus of similar soils. Seldom were vacciniums found on sites occupied by these taller shrubs. These shrubs are generally of warmer mixed conifer forests and clearly seem able to displace Vaccinium if stress from any cause further lowered its vigor. This may in fact be occurring, not because of any short climate trend, but possibly driven by a more general warming since the end of the Little Ice Age about 100 years ago. c ~ /X 0) c e ~ ~ 5+----4----~---~---+----4----+10 1965 Figure 4.-Mean annual precipitation at two weather stations In the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. The period, 19811988, was wetter than average, with yearly precipitation totals mostly above the trend line. 25 ~ ~ro 15 "ffi 'i E 25 ~ Portal 4SW, 539011 alav. .----.-----r----~--~r---~----~35 • Portal S-yr average ;t: ~ 65 15 :::::iE 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 '-~--~----~--~90 c.- c :::::iE * Portal 4SW. 5390 ft o CJ --I--..III!\-'~I---+-~-+-~I0---++--i-20·~ ~ "'" c: a ~ 35 .c Chiricahua Natl Monument, 5300 ft a • Chlrl Nat Monument ~ E ~ ~ 60-f---..!--.--....- -.........---i1-----l---+15 ~ 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Figure 3.-Growlng season temperature variations at two weather stations In the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona. The graphs reveal that there was no warm decade of the 1980s. Other measures of temperature from these stations lead to the same conclusion. 217 ter the fire their tenure is more precarious. Further search in remaining, unburned forests of this island summits will doubtless turn up plants that I missed. CONCLUSION I found little sign that climatic variability during the last 30 years adversely affected rare or uncommon plants of the spruce forests in the Chiricahua Mountains. Would these plants - Vaccinium especially - provide an adverse climate signal, using a more rigorous monitoring technique, if climate warming intensified? I am unsure that even if a population decline is measured, it can be interpreted without additional information. Many of the species discussed here can persist vegetatively, expanding or contracting in response to a complexity of microsite variables. Small, insular populations are vulnerable to a wide possibility of events leading to local extinction. Environmental or demoqraphic stochasticity might be hard to distinguish, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ft Collins, Coloradoand . correlative observations would need experimental treatments to test for causative factors of population changes. Nevertheless, these plants have persisted in the Chiricahuas from the time boreal forests were extensive in the Southwest (Betancourt et aI1990). Their future may not be so certain. LITERATURE CITED Betancourt,Julio L., Thomas R. Van Devender, and Paul S. Martin [editors]. 1990 Packrat middens, the last 40,000 years of biotic change. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, Ariz., vii,467p. Carleton,J.O., D. Shaw,J. Gass, H. G. Brown III, C. Spann, G. Robertson, W. Robbie, T. Robison, W. H. Moir, D. Potter, R. Fletcher, and R. M. Galeano-Popp.1991. General Ecosystem Survey, 4th printing. USDA Forest Service Southwestern Region, Albuquerque, New Mexico,188p. Colhoun, J. 1979. Predisposition by the environment. Pages 75-96 (chap. 4) in: Plant disease, an advanced treatise. Vol.lV, how pathogens induce disease, Academic Press, Inc.,New York. Davis, M. B. 1989. Lags in vegetation response to greenhouse warming. Climatic Change 15:75-82. Franklin, J .F., H.H. Shugart, and M.E. Harmon. 1987. Tree death as an ecological process. Bioscience 37: 550-556. Karl, T.R., C.N. Williams and F.T. Quinlan. 1990. United States Historical Climatology (HCN) serial temperature and precipitation data. NDP-019/R1, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environ. Sci. Div., OakRidge Natl. Lab, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Moir, W. H. 1993. Alpine tundra and coniferous forests. Pages 47-84 in: W. A. Dick-Peddie, New Mexico vegetation past present and future. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, xxxii, 244 p,map. Moir, W. H., D. N. Appel, D. B. Drummond, and H. V. Toko. 1993. A peek at forest health monitoring, Chisos Mountains, Texas, March 1993. USDI National Park Service, Big Bend National Park, Texas, 1993 Annual Report, 3 p. Moir, W. H., and J. A. Ludwig. 1979. A classification of spruce-fir and mixed conifer habitat types of Arizona and New Mexico. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-207:1-47. Muldavin, E., F.J. Ronco, Jr., and E.F.Aldon.1990.Consolidated stand tables and biodiversity data base for Southwestern Forest habitat types. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-190:51 p + computer diskettes. Nesom, G.L. and Vincent D. Roth .1981. Erigeron scopulinus (Compositae), an endemic from southwestern United States.J.Arizona-Nevada Acad.ofScience 16: 39-42. Stephenson, N. L. 1990. Climatic control of vegetation distribution: the role of the water balance. American Naturalist 135(5):649-670. Woodward, F.1. 1987. Climate and plant distribution. Cambridge,xi, 174p.Cambridge University Press. POSTSCRIPT AFTER THE 1994 FIRES The Rattlesnake burn took its toll of these plant populations. On September 17, 1994 I revisited their locations along the Crest Trail with side trips to Boogger and Anita Springs and along a short portion of the Monte Vista Lookout Trail. Erigeron scopulinus was gone, along with lichens, mosses, and other saxicolous plants of rhyolite cliffs and ledges that got roasted. The fire was so hot at sites where Chimaphila umbellata grew that I doubt any survived. The same holds for Rubus parviflorus. The Sorbus dumosus trees that I knew are gone. Two populations of Vaccinium myrtillus survived where scorching ground fires missed, and I saw Lonicera utahensis in similar places. The site where Pyrola chlorantha occurred had burned hot enough to doubtless kill the plant and/or its fungal symbionts. Goodyera oblongifolia was alive and well in the Goobber Springs area, but nowhere else in its former sites did I find it. The Rattlesnake burn is an example of how vegetation changes are not gradual but sudden. The spruce forests of the Chiricahua Mountains continue to harbor relictual boreal plants, but af- 218