This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Geographic Variation in Plant Species Richness: Lessons from the Sonoran Desert, U.S.A. and Mexico, and Northern Territory, Australia Tony L. Burgess 1 , Julio L. Betancourt2 , and John R. Busby3 Abstract .. -Proposed plans for computerized networks of ecological data will involve costly digitizing of existing biological inventories, such as herbaria and museum collections. A potential use of such data is to evaluate and monitor regional biodiversity. We examined variation in the number of vascular plant species per 10 latitude x 10 longitude in digitized inventories for the Sonoran Desert, U.S.A. and Mexico, and Northern Territory, Australia. In both data bases, sampling intensity, rather than environmental or biological factors, explains most of the geographic variation in species richness. The peril to management is that an apparent stability or even an increase in perceived species richness can be created by manipulating the effort given to sampling. Attempts to monitor species richness at landscape to subregional scales will be affected by the quality of the appropriate data bases, and the ability to remedy or correct for sampling bias. toring and predicting how regional diversity might be affected by land use and management . A common concern about even the best of biological inventories is the degree to which geographic variation in species richness results from unevenness of effort across a region (Connor and Simberloff 1976; Miller and Wiegert 1989) or sampling intensity-i.e., the accumulation of new species as the time spent collecting increases (Soberon and Llorente 1993). Issues such as sample size and sampling effort are dealt with routinely at the plot scale (e.g., Magurran 1988). However, these biases are seldom considered in analyses of species richness at landscape to continental scales, except by paleobiologists sensitive to the fragmentary nature of the fossil record (Raup 1976; Koch 1987). Ecologists working at these larger scales often rely on multiple sources of information collected for various purposes and subject to different biases. Here, we evaluate the effect of sampling effort on plant species richness at the one degree scale in the Sonoran Desert, USA and Mexico, and Northern Territory, Australia. These are two of the better digitized inventories of plant distribution in the subtropics. We use this simple exercise to INTRODUCTION . Temporal and spatial variation in diversity are central themes in theoretical and applied ecology. For example, forecasts for future extinctions may be based on the mathematical relation between numbers of species and geographic area, with habitat loss used as a predictor for species loss. Unfortunately, precise estimates of geographic variation in species richness (the simplest measure of diversity), much less the relative abundances of species, are unavailable for most organisms, except for well-known guilds that contain a limited number of species (e.g., oaks in northern Mexico). Even in areas such as the southwestern United States, long considered a haven for naturalists, biological inventories are woefully inadequate for evaluating species-area relations; for relating geographic differences in species richness to historical or physical factors (e.g. climate, soils, or topographic heterogeneity); or for moni1Desert laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson. 20esert Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson. 3EnvironmentBI Resources Information Network (ERIN), Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service, Canberra. 84 illustrate how uneven sampling efforts contaminate available data bases and bias our perceptions of regional diversity. These sampling problems should be considered in plans to develop regional and national networks for ecological data. 8 0 4 65 ~ 222 106 66 68, 62 .r" 3 4 2 36~r--t--t--+---l~"~-H;:""""~---l-+---t---T-r---' ~ 340 6 L~I~\.. .. 19 19 22 ~09 9 51 I~ 175 3f 1'1\ 118 7 )~5 '4~~ 3~r;; 1~3 313 207 37 4 3 I \\1 8 4 0 14~ ~ 108 I METHODS We chose to examine species richness for vascular plants in two relatively well-known semi-arid regions, the Sonoran Desert, U.S. and Mexico, and Northern Territory, Australia. Both areas offered large digitized data bases, each consisting of 80,000-100,000 observations for 3,000-4,000 species distributed across 100-130 one degree cells. Observations consist of either a voucher specimen in a herbarium (Northern Territory), or both voucher specimens and field sightings by a select group of botanists (Sonoran Desert). We compiled the number of species (species richness) and the number of observations (sampling intensity) in each 1 latitude x 1 longitude cell. This is a convenient sampling scale to study the influence of climate, landscape attributes and historical processes on regional diversity (Rickelefs 1987). The Sonoran Desert analysis is based on an electronic data base of vascular plant distribution (95,000 observations) compiled from 30 years of field logs and supplemented by voucher specimens deposited in regional herbaria (Hastings et al. 1972; Turner et al. in press). We limited our analysis to the 100 grid cells that had more than 15 observations in and around the Sonoran Desert (fig. 1). The goal of the Sonoran Desert inventory was to extend the earlier biogeographic work of Shreve and Wiggins (1964) in studying the relationships between climate and plant distributions. J.R. Hastings, R.M. Turner, R. Warren and others who compiled this Atlas traveled along roads in Baja California and Sonora, Mexico, making lists of perennial plants at 5-mile intervals, with supplementary observations as needed. The distributional data were augmented by searching collections in regional herbaria (Desert Botanical Garden, San Diego Museum of Natural History, Arizona State University, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, University of Texas, and University of Arizona) and copying specimen label data for particular species of interest, so that their total ranges could be represented. Additional data for California and Arizona were taken from site lists gathered from a variety of sources, including the 0 SONORAN DESERT BOUNDARY KILONIlTI.RS 200 0 NUMBER OF SPECI ES ,.... 65 22°'-~120;-';D--'-----:1-:"=18:<-O-.......-11'=6o~~JII4=O--l.~1-:l::127""O-!----;-;II~oo;-'~-1a80 Figure 1.-Map of Sonoran Desert, with number of species per one degree cell. Bureau of Land Management, The Nature Conservancy, doctoral dissertations, and helpful field ecologists. Various biases have influenced the Sonoran Desert data. The focus was on perennial plants and there are few observations of annuals and short-lived perennials. A general lack of interest in grass identification led to significant underrepresentation of grasses. Observations were concentrated near roads, and many disjunct populations in rugged terrains probably were overlooked. This bias has made it especially difficult to accurately represent the upper elevational limits for most species. More importantly, the Atlas focused on desert elevations and ignores plant distributions in the so-called "sky islands" of southern Arizona and northern Mexico. The central Australian data consist of an electronic data base for 78,000 voucher specimens in the Northern Territory Herbarium, Darwin, which has been digitized into the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN), Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. ERIN was established in 1989 to provide geographically-related environmental information of an extent, quality and availability required for planning and decision making (Slater 1992; 85 Tindale-Biscoe 1992). We selected Northern Territory because it is subtropical region of comparable size (129 one degree cells) to the Sonoran Desert with an available digitized inventory of vascular plants. To assess geographic sampling bias, we constructed one degree gridded maps of the Sonoran Desert and Northern Territory showing variations in the number of species and number of observations (figs. 1-4). In addition, we composed scatter plots of number of species versus number of observations per one degree cell in each of the two regions (figs. 5-6). Because most of the statistical assumptions would have been violated, we did not attempt to fit curves to these data to predict the sample size needed to sample species richness in the "average" grid cell. Although we do not present them here, species accumulation curves for individual cells might have been used to predict the total number of species expected in a given cell (Soberon and Llorente 1993). 19 0 5 577 86 36° " 30 41 340 ~..., 38 36 123 309 470 -oIL 64 \... .. _ 6r 3 I 20 9 "" i54 t'.t" Jpo 223 4 ~ 37 ~ 278 265 953 289 155 9 70 26 ~)~ ~ts ~131 l~O l'? .'"" 24 17 4 28 0 1\ - r-.4~ 18~ '";i9' ~70 24771094 10~ ~ ISO 3 SONORAN DESERT BOUNDARY kILO"'[Tt:~' NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS RESULTS Figure 2 shows that sampling was clearly not consistent throughout the Sonoran Desert region. The Sonora coast and the Vizcaino region of Baja California are better represented than the Lower Colorado Valley of southeastern California and the northeastern edge of the Sonoran Desert in Central Arizona. The maps of the number of plant species (fig. 1) and observations in each grid cell (fig. 2) indicate that the pattern of species richness is strongly associated with the number of observations and with latitude. A plot of the number of species versus the number of observations showed that up to a certain threshold (ca. 1900 observations), the number of species observed in the Sonoran Desert is closely related to the number of observations (fig. 5). The large scatter in number of species in grid cells on the higher end of the curve suggests that, in the Sonoran Desert, 2000 observations may be an appropriate sample size to estimate species richness. At this sample size, there may be real rather than perceived differences in the number of species between grid cells. The maps of the Northern Territory (fig. 3 and 4) reflect relatively heavy sampling in the vicinities of Darwin and Alice Springs, with low numbers of observations thoughout the remainder of the Territory. This confirms spatial analysis of the Census of Australian Vascular Plants, which showed a strong tendency for plant species rich- t"" 141 Figure 2.-Map of Sonoran Desert, with number of observations per one degree cell. ness to reflect the population density of plant collectors (Bullen 1991). Figure 6 shows an even closer relationship between number of species and number of observations in Northern Territory than in the Sonoran Desert, even in grid cells with more than 2000 observations. There are at least two explanations: (1) sampling intensity affects inventories from voucher specimens in herbaria more than databases that include additional sources of information; (2) because of less topographic heterogeneity, there are a few abundant species and many rare ones in Northern Territory, requiring greater sampling than in the Sonoran Desert, where many species occur in common abundance. DISCUSSION ~Iost ecologists have an intuitive grasp of diversity patterns that is actually supported by gross comparison of comprehensive regional inventories. For instance, few of us would object to Rzedowski's (1993) rough sketch of floristic richness in Mexico, which contrasts the impoverished Yucatan' Platform with the rich band across the Sierra Madre del Sur (Oaxaca) and Sierra Madre 86 de Chiapas. But geographic variations in floristic richness may not always be this apparent, even at this gross scale. For example, one might assume that strong Mexican influence on both the Sonoran Desert and sky islands would contribute to greater species richness in Arizona than in New Mexico. In reality, there is very little difference between the two floras. Arizona has 3,370 species spread across 294,000 km2 (0.0115 species/km2) (Kearney and Peebles 1951); New Mexico has 3,728 species spread across 314,260 km2 (0.0119 species/km2) (Martin and Huizona, high floen the Sonoran oands is offset by low species richness on the Colorado Plateau. New Mexico includes three relatively rich floristic provinces with a number of endemics: the northern Chihuahuan Desert, the Southern Rockies, and the southern High Plains. ~~ ~71~tr3 -r .~ ~ 750 12 -", r[).." o~~ 657 1:- 178 20 I~ v--"'u 19 61\ -473 598 279 W~ P 280 353 679 39 X 18 910 394 'It: 927 68 366 305 320 963 51S 145 563 630 769 1051 ~ 317 311 129 57 815 57 357 159 987 86 246 45 41 313 458 215 278 565 61 13 73 S3 72"1' 228 338 I e!\. . II) 644 250 399 158 163 88 46 273 45 209 120 49 141 40 3B 149 53 69 54 39 259 120 1!5B 84 203 89 100 70 330 85 83 149 ~ 220 .- .0· i ~ 130 I--- 418 467 148 125 87 919 124 !40 109 154 85 99 623 246 432 317 15 141 535 191 573 mo "" "" "'T~I" 11201.o~~ - -f - - . - . 316 216 77 . Alic. Spring- 145 1363 1199 630 638 982 257 443 -j 425 328 521 653 I :1 276 17 19 68 I 381 26" ~ 347 '"' ~ -- 180 302 ~ 8° . ~ 219 <tJ~ r-- 551 93 172 16.01-- .- 214 ~~ 4066 152 335 r-- 1008 644 263 24" 144 ~r~ 463 f-- 21~3YPD 214 154 1047 .n.\ (J~ ISO /945 A 248 22" ~ ~ 437 l!. 2!1OO . ~~ 133~~'1 2(. 20 v 2976 37 ~P7> 24!> 378 r~46 rt ~3 ~ 14 .d' 14 183 3581 I ~15 244 254 174 \~[:?9< --I\..-j:l 1300 . 134 135 138" NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS 387 ~ 0 ~ 97 221 171 170 NORTHERN TERRITORY AUSTRALIA 20 e . 209 Figure 4.-Map of Northern Territory, Australia, with number of observations per one degree cell. -r-91 T7 58 66 141 245 219 159 118 As the scale of analysis is narrowed to a one degree cell, or approximately 1/30 of either Arizona or New Mexico, there is an overlap in size with natural landscapes (e.g., one of the sky islands), as well as typical land management units (e.g., a district within a particular National Forest or a BLM management area). At this scale, we can no longer rely on comprehensive floras, but must depend on inventories that, if available, are of variable quality. One degree is also a geographical scale where local and regional processes interact to determine species richness (Ricklefs; 1987). The analysis of patterns in these kinds of data bases promises many insights into the relative importance of historical and environmental factors in producing biodiversity, but the validity of conclusions will depend on how well the effects of - 22° 13 92 244 89 136 267 464 635 240 86 435 362 268 273 229 24 I--187 26' 182 237 124 128 385 92 61 97 208 157 136 15 222 247 16) 42 .1 I Ali ... SptIRQ' I! I 242 300 148 201 I. 130~ 1320 I 0 I I 1360 134 138" ~~~)! NUMBER OF SPECIES ~1flM. AU S 1 A A L I A NORTHERN TERRITORY AUSTRALIA I INDEX MAP '. )\ LJ Figure 3.-Map of Northern Territory, Australia, with number of plant species per one degree cell. 87 600 Sonoran Desert 500 Northern Territory Australia 0 J 8 .~ u Q) P-. ell 0 0 ... co o ooQ:: 300 aPo:P 0 0 ,.0 8 c~ o 200 ~ oB &a?;;f7 0 100 0 0 0 0 (/) 0 0 ... ClJ ,.0 c 400 § 0 0 Z 200 N = 100 one degree cells 1000 o 0 0 00 0 8 0 o c C) o 600 ...... 0 0 0 0 '0 Q) p., Q) S ::s Z ClJ 0 0 400 (/) ..... o 800 ell 2000 3000 4000 N = 129 one degree cells 0 5000 0 Number of Observations 1000 2000 3000 4000 SOOO Number of Observations Figure 5.-Scatter plot showing the number of species as an increasing functions of the number of observation~ In the Sonoran Desert data base (y = 66.397 + 0.109x, r2 = 0.70). Figure 6.-Scatter plot showing the number of species as an increasing functions of the number of observations in the Northern Territory data base (y 105.21 + 0.195x, ,2 0.85). sampling bias can be estimated. Obviously, any attempt to monitor species richness at the landscape scale will be affected by both the availability and quality of the appropriate data bases. There appear to be four important corollaries from our findings: 1" Our understanding of biotic diversity is obscured by inadequate sampling. This hinders the prediction of consequences deriving from proposed management actions. 2. Not only does inadequate sampling underestimate biodiversity, but an apparent stability or even an increase in perceived species richness also can be created by manipulating the effort given to sampling. 3. Monitoring and evaluating diversity in species-rich, complex landscapes such exist in the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico will require heroic efforts that will be hard to fund on a long-term basis. Add to this the political complexity of an international boundary and several federal and state agencies, and the task at hand seems even more daunting. Even so, assembling and maintaining such data sets will be critical to the success of biodiversity and global change research as well as to effective management. It is unconventional to offer methodological hindsight in a scientific paper, but in the context of this conference we believe that sharing our experience in the assembling a data base for the Sonoran Desert may help others avoid similar pitfalls. To effectively manage and maintain biodiversity, we need a much better understanding of how the existing pattern of diversity emerges from the behaviors of populations" With an understanding of dynamics in patterned landscapes, the possible consequences of proposed management actions will become clearer. Learning how to collect and analyze information most effectively is a critical skill for organizations charged with management responsibilities. Inventories for Baja California and Sonora were started before reliable maps were available. Our location data for these areas were necessarily limited to a precision of 0.1 degree of latitude and longitude. Locality data on herbarium specimens was often imprecise, hence much time was spent resolving uncertain location descriptions, and trying to estimate elevation for geographic locations. This level of resolution and uncertainty has constrained the utility of the Sonoran Desert database for future research. The production of detailed topographic maps for Mexico and the decreasing cost of global position systems promise much greater precision in location coordinates at a reduced cost per location, There is no longer any excuse for professional collectors in the region to have sloppy locality data" Our understanding of basic autecology would have been greatly expanded had we developed and used a consistent, digitizable system to describe the landscape context where observations = 4. As with many good investments, the payback from thorough inventories will be slow at first, and the full profit can only be realized with a sustained commitment to providing fundamental information, 88 = and they now face the formidable task of building data bases and information systems at a time of dwindling resources. Research scientists tend to focus on general phenomena, and hence they are often less concerned with tracking local details and history. Research institutes and laboratories may not be the best nexuses for ecosystem monitoring. Local naturalists tend to focus on details and natural history, and may not perceive trends or patterns at other scales. They may be unwilling or unable to undertake analysis and evaluation of complex data. Managers need resolution of local details and history in a context of general phenomena and large-scale trends. Hence the organizational framework for monitoring and evaluation must connect scientists, local naturalists and ecosystem managers in a way that empowers and inspires each group. It is important for the credibility of management that managers are not solely responsible for evaluating effects of their management. If an organization is to continue receiving a mandate for ecosystem management, managers and evaluators should be at least partly independent. Present trends for downsizing indicate that our land and resource management agencies will lack sufficient resources for monitoring and analyzing biotic diversity at the levels desired. The mandate for ecosystem management may impose an unsustainable burden on present institutional resources. Of governmental bodies in the United States, the newly created National Biological Survey seems to be an appropriate context to build the appropriate environmental data sets and information systems. However, an example of what could be accolnplished in a relatively short time frame is the five-year (1980-1994) effort to develop the Environmental Resource Information Network (ERIN) in Australia. were made. An early example is the British Ecological Survey habitat system designed for punch-cards (Elton 1966). Descriptive coding systems for the following information would greatly augment the utility of field observations: 1. Radiant loading, as estimated by slope and aspect. 2. Rainfall runoff or run-on, estimated by topographic position. 3, Vegetation structure. The strictly structural categories used by Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974) would be adequate. 4. Associated plant species. If listing immediate neighbors is too time-consuming, at least include a biogeographic context, perhaps using the biotic provinces system of Brown and Lowe (1980; see also Brown 1982). 5. Geomorphic context. The categories developed by Peterson (1981) for the Basin and Range physiographic province are appropriate for the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. 6. Lithological and pedological context. These need not be excessively detailed. Simple categories of limestone, granitic, etc. for rock types and alluvium, calcrete, aeolian sand, etc. for soil origin would serve. 7. Substrate surface characteristics, estimated by texture categories that extends from boulder to clay size classes. Most of the critical properties of soil for vegetation dynamics in arid and semiarid systems can be discerned from the top 40 cm of the profile. 8. For species of interest, estimates of the population status in terms of local abundance would be an important addition to a biodiversity database. This could take the form of size distributions within a site, which would be time-consuming to record, or simple densities estimated to the nearest power of two (McAuliffe 1990). The presence and abundance of seedlings should be estimated to evaluate whether or not populations are self-sustaining across the species' range. Finally, proposed plans to create clearinghouses for ecological data (Raven and Wilson 1992; Craft 1994; National Research Council 1993; Stone 1994) will be compromised by several disturbing trends. Funding for museum, herbaria and other "collecting" institutions is on the downswing, as is expertise in systematics and identification (Systematics Agenda 2000, 1994). Historically, federal agencies have not pooled resources to archive and digitize ecological data, LITERATURE CITED Brown, D. E. and Lowe, C.H. 1980. Biotic communities of the southwest. USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report RM -78. Brown, D.E. 1982. Biotic communities of the American Southwest-United States and Mexico. Desert Plants 4: 1-342. Connor, E.F. and Simberloff, D .S. 1978. 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