This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. An Overview of the Flora of the Sky Islands, Southeastern Arizona: Diversity, Affinities, and Insularity Steven P. McLaughlin 1 Abstract.-The "sky-island" region of southeastern Arizona is roughly coincident with the Apachian District of the Madrean Floristic Province. The region extends to the Pinaleno and Santa Teresa Mountains in the north and to the Baboquivari Mountains in the west. The total flora of this region includes approximately 2100 species of which 166 are exotics. The largest mountain ranges within the sky-island region of southeastern Arizona have local floras possessing about 1/3 to Y2 of the regional flora. For their size and elevational range, the Rincon and Huachuca Mountains are comparately rich in species while the Pinaleno Mountains are comparatively depauperate. Based on their distributions within the western United States, the native species of southeastern Arizona can be classified as Madrean (57%), Cordilleran (17%), Sonoran (15%), Californian (6%), and Intermountain (5%). The Madrean element is a heterogenous group of species found mostly south of the international border and reaching their northern limits in southern Arizona; included are species with Chihuahuan, Sierra Madrean, and Neotropical affinities as well as Apachian (sky-island) endemics. Over half of the Madrean species from southeastern Arizona extend to Durango, and about 1/5 reach southern Mexico. In comparison to true insular floras, those of the sky-island region display high species diversity, comparatively low degree of local and regional endemism, and low percentage of exotic species. INTRODUCTION southwestern New Mexico, northeastern Sonoran, and northwestern Chihuahua. This region is characterized by its many small, isolated mountain ranges (fig. 1), covered with oak woodland and, on the higher ranges, pine-oak forest and coniferous forest. These ranges are separated from one another other by plains and valleys covered with desert and desert grassland. Included in the sky-island region are all the mountain ranges in southeastern Arizona from the Santa Teresa Mountains in the north to the Baboquivari Mountains in the west; the Animas Mountains of southwestern New Mexico are also part of this region. The isolated mountain ranges of northern Mexico display clear physiographic and floristic continuity with those of the southwestern United States. Mountains of northern Mexico that are part of the sky-island system include the Sierra de San Luis, Sierra el Tigre, Sierra de los Ajos, Sierra San Jose, Sierra Cananea, Sierra Flora refers to the plant species present in a region, irrespective of their importance in the landscape. In other words, flora refers only to the presence of species, not to their dominance or abundance. The study of flora is referred to as floristic plant geography. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the flora of the sky-island region, particularly that of southeastern Arizona, in terms of its diversity, affinities, and insularity. STUDY AREA ing The sky-island region refers to an area consistof portions of southeastern Arizona, 10ffice of Arid Lands Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 60 111" 34" ~----~--~--~~~--~.r---------------- __ lOS" ,.----+34" 110' ~ 33" AR.IZONA MEXJ:CO 32." 31" SONORA 30" . lCILOKE1'EllS o I o 60 i! 'i I 40 KILZS H1!lU«)S lUO ., 29"~--------------------'-------------------~"-------~~------~--r---~~~----L---~~29" 112" 111' 110" 109" lOS" Figure 1.-Map of the sky-island region, southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The boundaries for the mountain ranges correspond to the lower elevationailimits of the oak woodlands; shaded areas are coniferous forests (after Brown and Lowe, 1980). The approximate boundaries of the Apachian Floristic District are shown; the dashed line In Mexico indicates greater uncertainty in the exact placement of this boundary. 61 Azul, and Sierra de Pinitos (fig. 1). It is not clear, however, exactly where the southern boundary of the sky-island region should be placed on floristic grounds. I separate it at the point where woodland and forest vegetation form a continuous cover in the northern Sierra Madre Occidental (fig. 1). The sky-island region has a semi-arid climate with biseasonal precipitation. Percent summer rainfall increases from northwest to southeast across the region. Total annual precipitation generally decreases from west to east in southeastern Arizona (McLaughlin, 1992b, 1993). Table 1.-Plant-community diversity (0.1 ha plots) in the Santa Catalina Mountains (from Whittaker and Niering, 1975). Community-type Elev. (m) No. of Species Corkbark fir forest 2720 15 Douglas fir-white fir forest 2640 16 2650 10 Douglas fir forest Ponderosa pine-white pine forest 13 2740 8 2470 Ponderosa pine forest 12 Ponderosa pine-silverleaf oak forest 2180 Pine-oak woodland 18 2040 20 2040 Pygmy conifer-oak scrub Open oak woodland 1310 58 Desert grassland 46 1220 1021 41 Spinose-suffrutescent desert Upper Bajada desert 870 33 Lower Bajada desert DIVERSITY 760 6 southwestern mountain ranges have been interpreted as an example of high diversity at intermediate productivity. It is more likely that gradients of decreasing diversity with increasing aridity (downslope) and decreasing area (upslope) interact to produce high diversities at midslope. Plant ecologists often measure alpha diversity in 0..1 ha plots. Temperate North American sites typically average 20-30 species/0.1 ha (Whittaker, 1977; Gentry, 1988). Oak woodlands and grasslands in the sky-island region display comparatively high alpha diversity (40-60 species/0.1 ha plot) while forest communities have comparatively low alpha diversity (10-20 species/0.1 ha). Plant communities from neotropical sites typically have alpha diversities of 100-250 species/D.l ha plot (Gentry, 1988). Diversity refers to the number of species in a particular area. Diversity can be analyzed on several scales (Whittaker, 1977): (1) alpha diversity, the number of species in a plot or community, generally 10-100 species; (2) gamma diversity, the number of species in a landscape, usually 1001000 species; and (3) epsilon diversity, the number of species in a region, generally more than 1000 species. I apply Whittaker's (1977) concept of epsilon diversity to that of areas the size of floristic districts and larger, and gamma diversity to that of local floras. In the case of the sky-island region, epsilon diversity refers to the diversity of the entire region, while gamma diversity refers to the diversity of the individual mountain ranges (or other comparable areas) making up the sky-island region. In addition to these inventory diversities, beta diversity and delta diversity refer to change in species composition between plots or communities within a landscape, and between landscapes within a region, respectively (Whittaker, 1977). DiverSity (Gamma) of Local Floras Patterns of gamma diversity can be investigated by examining the numbers of species in local floras. Many biogeographers have noted that the number of species increases in a regular manner as a function of the amount of area sampled. A log-log plot of the number of species vs. area is generally a straight line. Bowers and McLaughlin (1982) compared species diversity in 20 local floras from throughout Arizona. They found that elevation range, rather than area, provided the best predictor of species diversity. Species diversity increases with increasing habitat diversity, which, in mountainous areas, is more closely related to elevation range than to areal extent" A number of local floras have been compiled (or are in progress) for different sites in southeastern Arizona (Table 2), including four of the larger Diversity (Alpha) of Plant Communities Whittaker and Niering (1975) examined species diversity over the elevational gradient of the Santa Catalina Mountains. They found that the highest diversities were not in the most mesic, highest-productivity forests, but in the open communities at mid elevations-in woodlands, grasslands, and the spinose-suffrutescent desert (Table 1). Lowest alpha diversity was found in ponderosa pine forest and in the lower bajada (creosote bush) desert. Wentworth (1982), working in the Mule Mountains, also recorded maximum species diversity in oak woodlands and grasslands. The patterns of species diversity on 62 ranges-the Pinaleno Mountains, Huachuca Mountains, Rincon Mountains, and Sierra el Tigre. Number of species in this discussion refers to the number of native species only-naturalized exotic species are excluded. Patterns in gamma diversity within the sky islands region are shown in fig. 2, which displays species number vs. elevation range for the 13 local floras listed in Table 2. There is a stronger relationship between species number and elevational range (r = 0.653, P = .016) than between log species and log area (r = 0.514, p. = .072), as previously observed by Bowers and McLaughlin (1982). Of the four large ranges, the Rincon Mountains (Bowers and McLaughlin, 1987) and Sierra el Tigre (White, 1948) have the largest floras. The compilation of the Huachuca Mountains flora is still in progress (Bowers and McLaughlin, this symposium). The Huachucas have a lower total elevation range than the Rincons and their flora is correspondingly smaller. The Pinaleno Mountains (McLaughlin, 1993) have the greatest elevation range, yet their flora is smaller than those of the three other large ranges. Shreve (1919) pointed out that in the Pinalenos there are few sharply cut and well-watered canyons. Bennett and Kunzmann (1992) found an association between topographic "roughness" and plant-species richness among 6 mountain ranges from the southwest. In comparison to other sky-island ranges, the Pinalenos also seem to be somewhat drier (Martin and Fletcher, 1943; McLaughlin, 1993). Sycamore Canyon Natural Area (Toolin et al., 1980) and the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (McLaughlin, 1992b) have relatively large floras for their narrow elevation ranges. Both are situated in the relatively wet southwestern section 1200 1100 1000 en I&J ST - • RM 900 (3 I&J 0.. BOO .... 0 700 en ac: I&J CD 600 ::I :) z 500 400 MM- 300 - cw 200 0 400 800 1600 2000 2400 Figure 2.-Relatlonshlp between number of native species and elevation range for 13 local floras from the sky-Island region. Abbreviations are: AC, Aravaipa Canyon; AM, Animas Mountains; BA, Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge; CH, Chiricahua National Monument; CW, Chiricahua Wilderness; FB, Fort Bowie National Historic Site; HM, Huachuca Mountains; MM, Mule Mountains; PM, Pinaleno Mountains; RM, Rincon Mountains; SR, Northern Santa Rita Mountains; SC~ Sycamore Canyon; and ST, Sierra el Tigre. of southeastern Arizona. The Sycamore Canyon flora illustrates the high gamma diversity of major canyon environments with their varied array of microhabitats. Chiricahua National Monument (Reeves, 1976) also contains several major canyons. While Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge does not span a great elevational range, it does have a large areal extent with many scattered aquatic and wetland habitats. The floras for Fort Bowie National Historic Site (Warren et al., 1992), the northern Santa Rita Mountains (McLaughlin and Bowers, 1990), and Table 2.-Local floras from the Apachian Floristic District. Flora 1200 ELEVATION RANGE (m) Number Elevations of s~ecies High Low Range 959 953 907 786 638 628 619 593 568 438 398 387 287 Rincon Mountains Sierra el Tigre Huachuca Mountains Pinaleno Mountains Animas Mountains Northern Santa Rita Mountains Chiricahua National Monument Sycamore Canyon Natural Area Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Fort Bowie National Historic Site Aravaipa Canyon Mule Mountains Chiricahua Wilderness 63 2643 2360 2887 3267 2597 1919 2230 1464 1401 1600 1678 2248 2988 915 700 1525 1150 1433 1006 1598 1037 926 1400 763 1464 1876 1728 1660 1362 2117 1164 913 632 427 475 200 915 784 1112 ). the Animas Mountains (Wagner, 1977) all lie approximately on the regression line of fig. 2. The Mule Mountains (Wentworth, 1982) and Aravaipa Canyon (Warren and Anderson, 1980) appear to be somewhat species poor; both floras are probably under-collected. The notable outlier in fig. 2 is the flora for the Chiricahua Wilderness (Leithliter, 1980), which covers the upper elevations of the Chiricahua Mountains. The high elevations of the sky islands are notably depauperate at the community level (Whittaker and Niering, 1975) and apparently at the landscape level, also. The gamma diversity of sky-island floras is compared with those from other floristic districts in the western United States in figs. 3-4. McLaughlin (1992a) used a data base of 101 floras from the western United States to identify 20 floristic districts (see FLORISTIC AFFINITIES, below). In fig. 3 the average number of native species is plotted as a function of average area for each district; in fig. 4 average species number is plotted against average elevation range. Five floras from the skyisland region (the' Apachian District) were included in this analysis. The plot of average species number vs. average area (fig. 3) for this sample shows a weak species-area relationship. The Apachian floras have the second highest diversity in fig. 3 despite representing a comparatively small average area. 700 en w U w en 0:: W ID ~ ;:) ""en 8 • peA "- • SNV 500 0 iii: "":IID ;::, z z 400 • VAN 0 • AZU 300 • CLB • CMD NCP II 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1500 2000 2500 3000 The plot of average species number vs. average elevation range (fig. 4) shows a much stronger relationship. The group of 5 Apachian floras stands out as being farthest above the regression line. This figure shows that Apachian local floras have the highest average diversity, when corrected for elevation range, of all floristic districts from the western United States. The 5 floras included in this analysis had an average of 602 species and an elevation range of 1056 m; the sample of 13 Apachian floras in Table 2 spans a similar average elevation range (1038 m) but has somewhat higher average diversity (627 species). The high gamma diversity in the sky-island region is a consequence of both the high alpha diversity of some of its plant communities (Table 1) and high beta diversity. Temperature and preCipitation change rapidly over short map distances on mountain ranges in the sky-island region, leading to rapid species turnover and community change. Stated in another way, the region has very high ecosystem-level diversity. SCP o 1000 Figure 4.-Relationship between average number of native species and average elevation range of local floras In 20 floristic districts from the western United States. Abbreviations are as In fig. 3. ·WGB ~ 500 MEAN ELEVATION RANGE (m) • SCord • CGB 300 200 • CCord • CMC ~ :I • CHI • MOG • eGa "WGB ~ w :I CAZ .NMD EGB <400 z z "APACHIAN CL 500 0 • NCord 600 . 600 CL "- 700 en ""U NCord APACHIAN 3500 MEAN AREA (sq. km) Total Diversity (Epsilon) of the Sky-island Region Figure 3.-Relatlonship between average number of native species and average area of local floras in 20 floristic districts from the western United States. Abbreviations are: AZU, Arizona Upland; CAZ, Central Arizonan; CCord, Central Cordilleran; CGB, Central Great Basin; CHI, Chihuahuan; ClB, Columbia Basin; CMC, Cismontane California; CMD, Colorado-Mojave Desert; EGB, Eastern Great Basin; MOG, Mogollon; NCord, Northern Cordilleran; NCP, Northern Colorado Plateau; NMD, Northern Mojave Desert; PCA, Peninsular California; SCord, Southern Cordilleran; SCP, Southern Colorado Plateau; SNV, Sierra Nevada; VAN, Vancouverlan; and WGB, Western Great Basin. The flora of the sky-island region within the United States is reasonably well known. I have compiled a preliminary checklist of this flora, based both on written works (local floras, regional treatments, monographs) and collections housed at the University of Arizona herbarium. The total 64 ranges. It is then possible to determine which floristic elements make up a significant proportion of any particular flora and how the spectrum of floristic elements varies with latitude, longitude, elevation, substrate, and other environmental factors. Such an analysis of floristic affinities using floristic elements simplifies the comparison of floras within and between regions. It may also be helpful in understanding the phytogeographic history of a region. Shreve (1915) was the first to discuss the affinities of the flora of southeastern Arizona in any detail. He noted that the plants of the desert have strong affinities with the floras of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts and almost no relationship to those of the Mojave and Great Basin deserts. The flora of the encinal (oak woodland) region of the Santa Catalinas appeared to Shreve to be related to that of the Sierra Madre of northwestern Mexico and the Great Plains. The forest flora appeared to have affinities both with the Rocky Mountains to the north and the mountains of Mexico to the south. Shreve also noted that there was a distinct endemic element in the forest flora, i.e. species restricted to the isolated ranges of southern Arizona and New Mexico. The phytogeography of the higher elevations of the sky islands has received much attention. Moir and Ludwig (1979) felt that the floristic affinities of the mixed-conifer and spruce-fir forests of Arizona and New Mexico were primarily with the northern Cordillera (Petran) region, i.e., the Rocky, Cascade, and Sierra Nevada mountains. Muldavin and DeVelice (1987) classified all plant species found in their montane habitat-type plots as Petran, Madrean, Southwest Endemics, or other; they found that spruce-fir and white fir forests are strongly Petran in floristic composition, Douglas fir and ponderosa pine forests contain a mix of Petran and Madrean species, and Apache pine and Chihuahua pine forests (i.e., the pineoak woodlands), are strongly Madrean. Robinson (1968) noted that Madrean species (taxa with southern affinities) form an important element in the high-elevation flora of the Chiricahua Mountains, particularly on south-facing slopes. In the lower-lying Rincon Mountains, species with Madrean affinities predominate at all elevations (Bowers and McLaughlin, 1987); even above 2300 m species with northern affinites account for less than half of the flora. Whittaker and Niering (1964) were the first to attenlpt to define a comprehensive· set of floristic categories for southeastern Arizona, Using regional manuals and herbarium records; they flora of the sky-island region in southeastern Arizona, an area of approximately 40000 km2, consists of approximately 1940 native and 166 exotic species (Table 3). The largest families are the Asteraceae (308 native spp.), Poaceae (204 native spp.), Fabaceae sensu lato (161 native spp.), Cyperaceae (71 native spp.), Euphorbiaceae (57 native spp.), and Scrophulariaceae (52 native spp.). Southeastern Arizona represents only about half of the sky-island region (fig. 1). The size of the entire flora of the region is not known. There are 225 species in the flora of the Bavispe region (White, 1948) that do not occur in the sky-island region of southeastern Arizona. The total number of sky-island species not found in Arizona is likely to be between 2 and 4 times this number, giving an estimate for the regional flora of ca. 2300-2800 species. FLORISTIC AFFINITIES Affinity refers to the geographical relationships of the flora. Species may be either endemic (restricted to the area under consideration) or occur both within and outside the area. In a local or regional flora endemics generally constitute a small proportion of the total number of species. The nonendemics can be classified, either subjectively or objectively, into floristic elements groups of species with more or less coincident Table 3.-Summary of the flora of the Apachian Floristic District In southeastern Arizona. Taxon Native S~~. Exotic S~~. Total S~~. Ferns and Fern Allies 67 67 0 Gymnosperms 17 0 17 Flowering Plants 1477 Dicotyledons 108 1585 Monocotyledons TOTAL Largest Families: Asteraceae Poaceae Fabaceae Cyperaceae Euphorbiaceae Scrophulariaceae Cactaceae Malvaceae Lamiaceae Boraginaceae Convolvulaceae Brassicaceae " 3n 1938 308 204 161 71 57 52 42 39 35 35 34 33 58 166 435 2104 20 56 10 1 2 8 0 328 260 171 72 59 60 5 0 1 10 42 40 40 35 35 43 65 Wentworth concluded that the Mules represented the northwesternmost extent of Chihuahuan desert vegetation and flora. Wentworth (1985), however, found relatively small proportions of Chihuahuan species on higher-elevation limestone sites in the Huachuca Mountains. McLaughlin (1992a) developed a hierarchical system of floristic elements and floristic areas using factor analysis, an ordination technique, with presence-absence data from 101 local floras from the western United States. This data base was divided into three subsets: narrow species, those occurring in 9 or fewer local floras; regional species, those occurring in 10-19 local floras; and widespread species, those occurring in 20 or more local floras. Five floristic areas were defined for the widespread species, nine for regional species, and 20 for narrow species. The floristic areas defined at these different scales were nested in a hierarchical manner, and corresponded to traditional phytogeographic categories-provinces, subprovinces, and districts, respectively, for widespread, regional, and narrow species. Floristic elements corresponding to each floristic area can be determined indirectly from the ordination of floras (McLaughlin, 1994). The 5 floristic provinces in the western United States are the Cordilleran Province, including the Rocky Mountains, Cascade Mountains, the higher ranges of the central Great Basin, and the northwestern part of California; the Intermountain Province, including most of the Great Basin, the Columbia Plateau, the Colorado Plateau, and the Wyoming Basin; the Sonoran Province, including both the Sonoran and Mojave desert areas; the Californian Province, including the cismontane portions of California exclusive of the northwestern coastal area, and the Madrean Province. The grouped species into "areal types" as a means of analyzing the floristic affinities of the plants of the Santa Catalina Mountains. These areal types group species by pattern of geographic distribution, i.e., they are essentially geographic elements. This subjective classification has been used in other studies (Bowers, 1980; Wentworth, 1982, 1985). Whittaker and Niering (1965) found, in agreement with Shreve (1915), that their Rocky Mountain, Temperate, Northern, and Holarctic areal types-those with northern affinities-were best represented at high altitudes. Their Madrean areal type was most abundant at mid-latitudes in the oak and pine-oak woodlands, and their Sonoran and Latin American areal types predominated at low elevations. Endemics appeared to be uniformly distributed at all elevations above 915 m (Table 4). Whittaker and Niering (1965) stated that the affinities of the desert grassland were with the short-grass plains east of the Rocky Mountains. They placed relatively few species in their Plains areal type, however, and although these were most abundant in the desert grassland, the overall affinities of the desert grasslands were similar to those of the open oak woodlands. The Chihuahuan areal type was not wellrepresented in the flora on the south side of the Santa Catalinas. Whittaker and Niering (1968) found more species with Chihuahuan affinites on limestone on the northern side of the range between 1830-2135 m. Wentworth (1981) compared the floras of granite and limestone substrates in the Mule Mountains and found an even stronger pattern. Granite slopes had a high percentage of Madrean species while limestone slopes had a high proportion of Chihuahuan species. Table 4.-Florlstlc affinities of vegetation zones within the Santa Catalina Mountains (Whittaker and Nlerlng, 1965). Data In the table are the total numbers of species found In all study plots of each vegetation type over the elevation al gradient. The spruc.flr forests are actuall' from the Plnaleno, not the Catalina Mountains. Abbreviations for areal types are: RM, Rocky Mountain; W, Western; H, Holarctlc; N, Northern: T, Temperate: MA, Madrean; SW, Southwestern; P, Plains; CH, Chlhuahuan; LA, Latin American; SO, Sonoran; and End, Endemic. Vegetation Elev. (m) RM W H N T MA SW P CH LA SO End Total Spruce-fir Mixed-conifer Pine forest 2950-3260 2740-2920 13 11 5 13 2440-2740 11 9 5 11 11 Pine-oak forest Pine-oak woodland 2130-2440 1830-2130 9 6 3 17 18 6 3 19 19 Pygmy conifer-oak 1520-1830 2 3 23 28 1 Open oak woodland 1400-1700 4 22 38 4 2 9 6 4 92 Desert Grassland 1220-1700 2 17 39 6 5 13 '15 5 105 4 33 2 4 12 5 4 21 3 82 Spinose Desert 2 4 3 4 915-1220 3 2 2 2 4 7 Upper Bajada Desert 850 20 Lower Bajada Desert 760 12 66 2 3 1 2 6 4 1 35 47 5 55 2 59 56 3 3 66 11 44 4 22 Table S.-Floristic affinities of the flora of the sky-islands region of southeastern Arizona. Numbers are percentages of the total flora of each area. Abbreviations for floristic elements are: MAD, Madrean; CORD, Cordilleran; SON, Sonoran; INT, Intermo untain; CAL, Californian; APA! A~achian; CHI, Chihuahuan; AUp, Arizona U~land; and MOG, Mogollon. Narrow Species: All Species: Flora MOG CHI AUP APA INT MAD CORD SON CAL Total Flora of Sky-island Region in SE 5.5 9.2 6.4 30.9 4.7 Arizona 57.2 17.4 15.1 5.6 Pinalenos, above 2745 m Chiricahua Wilderness Pinalerio Mountains (alQ Huachuca Mountains Animas Mountains 20.8 57.0 74.3 36.6 27.2 0.0 0.7 10.7 1.2 3.9 5.0 6.6 3.6 72.4 18.0 12.9 3.4 52.7 69.9 4.8 3.7 0.4 9.0 30.5 20.9 38.8 6.4 0.7 6.1 28.1 8.9 0.9 5.0 6.9 4.8 2.8 8.9 1.0 2.1 1.1 1.6 0.4 0.5 Rincon Mountains 61.5 10.6 19.4 5.6 2.9 31.6 4.3 71.9 4.0 4.6 16.8 15.9 4.1 3.2 31.8 2.3 4.6 19.8 6.6 9.7 Buenos Aires NWR Mule Mountains 61.0 85.8 3.0 23.0 9.3 9.4 0.5 3.6 1.8 27.7 37.6 5.3 13.4 2.6 14.7 10.8 5.6 3.5 4.7 No. Santa Rita Mtns Fort Bowie NHS 72.6 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.4 1.8 4.6 2.0 Historic Site, and the Animas Mountains. The percentage of Apachian species is particularly high in the Huachuca and the Mule mountains. The Madrean elements include widespread and regional species and narrowly distributed species in the Apachian, Chihuahuan, and Central Arizonan elements. "Narrowly distributed" refers to the distribution of species in the western United States. Many of the Madrean species that are narrowly distributed in the western US are much more widespread south of the international border. In order to better characterize these Madrean elements, I tabulated the number of species classified as Madrean that also occur in the floras of Durango (Gonzalez et al., 1991), Valle de Tehuacan (Davila et al., 1993), and Chiapas (Breedlove, 1986) (Table 6). A higher percentage of species with widespread and regional distributions extend to Durango than species with narrow distributions. In other words, species that are more widely distributed north of the international border are also more widely distributed south of the border. However, a similar percentage of widespread and regional Madrean and Chihuahuan species extend to the Tehuacan Valley, and a higher percentage of Apachian species extend to Chiapas. The high proportions of all elements (except for Central Arizonan) reaching Durango indicate that the majority of the taxa from south- Madrean Province in the United States includes a single subprovince with 3 floristic districts: the Apachian District in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico; the Chihuahuan District in southern New Mexico and west Texas; and a Central Arizona District occurring across the center of the state below the Mogollon Rim and above the lower deserts (McLaughlin, 1992a). In this classification, the sky-island region is coextensive with the Apachian District of the Madrean Floristic Province. The Arizona Upland District of the Sonoran Floristic Province lies to the west, the Central Arizona District to the northwest, the Mogollon District of the Cordilleran Province to the northeast, and the Chiltuahuan District to the east and southeast. Although this system consists of 34 floristic elements, only a few elements are important in any particular region. In southeastern Arizona, Madrean elements account for over half (57%) of the species in the flora (Table 5). Cordilleran and Sonoran elements are also important, accounting for 170/0 and 15% of the total flora. The affinities of selected local floras are also given in Table 5. The flora of the Pinalefto Mountains above 2745 m, i.e., within the mixed-conifer and spruce-fir forests, has a flora with mostly Cordilleran affinities. The flora of the Chiricahua Wilderness area, which lies mostly at high elevations, is primarily Madrean, however, with a large Cordilleran component. The Mogollon element is well represented in the high-elevation flora of the Pinalefto Mountains and in the Chiricahua Wilderness. The Sonoran elements constitute a high percentage of the floras of Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge and the Rincon Mountains. The Chihuahuan element is best represented in the floras of the Mule Mountains, Fort Bowie National Table 6.-Percentages of Madrean elements represented In the flora of south eastern Arizona also found in the floras of Durango (Gonzalez et al., 1991), Valle de Tehuacan (Davila et al., 1993), and Chia~as (Breedlove, 1986). Durango Tehuacan Chiapas Element 14 63 23 Widespread and Regional 23 49 Apachian 18 67 Chihuahuan 59 24 Central Arizonan 17 5 9 2 The endemics account for just 2% of the estimated regional flora. eastern Arizona that are classified as Madrean are distributed throughout the northern Sierra Madre Occidental. Approximately 17% of all the species classified as Madrean reach Chiapas; this group can best be characterized as a widespread Neotropical element. Almost 600 species, nearly a third of the flora of southeastern Arizona, is classified as Apachian. This means that their distribution in the western United States in concentrated in the Apachian Floristic District. Only a small proportion of these-54 species, or less than 100/0--appear to be endemic to the Apachian District (Table 7). The number of Apachian endemics is likely to shrink-not grow-with further study. Although additional rare taxa are likely to be discovered from within the area, others will prove to be more widespread, and some (Plummera ambigens?, Polygala piliophora?) may not prove to be good species. INSULARITY The names "sky-island region" and "Madrean Archipelago" imply that the biota of the region has characteristics similar to that found on true islands. Certain floristic attributes of the sky islands can be compared with those from two oceanic archipelagos, the Hawaii Islands (Wagner et al., 1990) and Galapagos Islands (Wiggins and Porter,. 1971) (Table 8). There are similarities in the interisland distributions of species. The larger ranges in the sky-island region each contain about 3545% of the total regional flora, similar to the percentages for the larger islands in Hawaii (3947%). The larger islands in the Galapagos have a higher percentage (46-71 %) of the flora of the entire archipelago. The inter-island similarity is approximately the same in the sky islands (62%) as in the Galapagos (65%), both of which are higher than in the Hawaiian Islands (54%). However, the regional flora of the Apachian Districts has fewer endemics (2-3%) than either the Hawaiian (89%) or Galapogos (30%) floras; the sky-island region also has a much lower percentage of exotic species (ca, 8 % ) than either the Hawaiian (47%) or Galapogos (15%) floras. Total floras are known from too few of the sky-island region mountains to compare their species-area relationships with those of true archipelagos. The larger ranges in the sky-island region are much smaller in area than the larger Hawaiian and Galapagos islands, but the floras of the mountains in the sky-island region are much larger (780-950 native species) than those of the larger islands of Table 7.-Sky-island endemics in the flora of southeastern Arizona. Family Species Aspleniaceae Woodsia cochisensis Windham Apocynaceae Amsonia grandif/ora Alexander, A. kearneyana Woodson Brickellia floribunda Gray, B. lemmon; Gray, Cirsium rothrockii (Gray) Petrak, Erigeron he/iographis Nesom, E. kuschei Eastw., E. lemmoni Gray, E. scopulinus Nesom & Roth, Hieracium carneum Greene, H. lemmon; Gray, Hymenoxys quinquesquamata Rydb., Plummera ambigens Blake, P. flori bunda Gray, Tagetes lemmoni Gray, Viguiera triloba (Gray) Olsen Arabis tricornuta Rollins, Draba petrophila Greene Asteraceae Brassicaceae Cactaceae Caryophyllaceae Coryphantha recurvata (Engelrrr.) Britt. & Rose, Cochiseia robbinsorum W. H. Earle, Echinocereus ledingii Peebles Silene thurberi S. Wats. Chenopodiaceae Atriplex griffithsii StandI. Crassulaceae Graptopetalum bartramii Rose Euphorbiaceae Tragia laciniata (Torr.) Muell.-Arg. Fabaceae Acacia millefolia S. Wats., Astragalus hypoxy/us S. Wats., A. thurberi Gray, Dalea tentaculoides Gentry, Lupinus lemmon; C. P. Smith, Phaseolus supinus Wiggins & Rollins Phacelia arizonica Gray Hydrophyllaceae Lamiaceae Polygalaceae Agastache brevif/ora (Gray) Epling, Hedeoma dentatum Torr., Salvia lemmoni Gray Polyga/a orthotricha Blake, P. pili ophora Blake Ranunculaceae Delphinium andesicola Ewan Rosaceae Potentilla albiflora L. O. Williams Rubiaceae Hedyotis greenei (Gray) W. H. Lewis Rutaceae Choisya arizonica Stand!., C. mo/lis StandI. Scrophulariaceae Limosella pubiflora Pennell, Penstemon disc%r Keck Agave palmeri Engelm., A parviflora Torr., Yucca schottii Engelm., Y. thornberi McKelvey Allium pfummerae S. Wats. Agavaceae Liliaceae Poaceae Table B.-Floristic comparison of Hawaiian, Galapagos, and "Sky" Islands, Hawaii Galapagos Sky Islands Islands Included Mean Island Size (km 2 ) Mean island Altitude (m) Mean Number of Native Species Percentage Endemic Species (of total native species in archipelago) Percentage Exotic Species (of total species in archipelago Mean Inter-Island Similarity (Otsuka's index) Boute/oua eludens Griffiths, Muhlenbergia dubioides C. D. Goodding, M. xerophila C. O. Goodding, Setaria arizonica Rominger 68 Hawai'i Isabela Huachucas Kaua'i San Cristobal Pinalenos Maui San Salvador Rincons O'ahu Santa Cruz 3886 1675 488 2521 421 1048 278 1736 884 88.8 29.9 2.9 47.31 4.8 8.2 .538 ,654 ,620 either the Hawaiian (370-450 native species) or Galapagos (220-390) archipelagos. Thus, in terms of endemism, percentage exotics, and overall diversity, the floras of the mountains of the sky-island region appear to differ substantially from those of true islands. 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